Good wheat and darnel.- (Dr Canals) These days I reread the parable of the weeds in the field, and I was particularly impressed with some words of the Lord: “when the grass grew and bore fruit, the weeds appeared also”. A man wild rice , when the grass grew and gave fruit, the weeds appeared also. A good man had already planted good wheat in his field when the enemy arrived there secretly and pull weeds in the middle of planting. In our meditation in the presence of the Lord, we shall dwell on these few words quoted above: we will pause to contemplate the weeds sprouting among the good wheat and we will consider how our soul, evil blunts also about good and between good. These few words let us noticed and invite us to be vigilant, to watch, so that does not happen we got into evil, the good that is in us, the good we have done or what we are doing, or we ruin the evil that befalls. Jesus' words express a reality of which we have intimate and personal experience. In our souls and in our lives as the field of parable about evil blunts between good and good. And we use ourselves tenaciously, and live in a spirit of vigilance, so that, in our own being, not destroy, weaken or corrupt the good. Let us now, in the light of the ascetic doctrine in our personal experience -Experience of Christians who want to live to see how cristianament- repeated in our lives this painful reality that refers to the parable. Here, first, a first sample taken from the Gospel: Two men went up to the temple to pray: that wheat is good, that's good, and a huge fine: the prayer, worship the creature to the Creator pays , son of conversation with His Father. But behold, the prayer of one of those two men, evil springs from pride, complacency brought itself up to disregard other: on the right and in the middle of good, evil blunts. Among the good wheat sprouts weeds. Pharisaeus stans, haec apud they prayed:; The Pharisee, standing, prayed this way on the inside: "We thank you, O God, because I am not like other men." In the order of virtue, it is not uncommon, unfortunately, be with you in good (big and beautiful) Outbreaks of chastity sometimes evil of pride and contempt of others. I also wonder - our personal experience can give us proof of that- see rising the same evil contempt for others in the field of an honest life and sacrificed. There is no doubt that fasting is not a good, or even great, now unfortunately a bit sloppy. God's Word reminds us: Good est prayer and fast, it combines well with fasting prayer. And yet, the Lord advises us to be alert, so that in the middle of it the sacrifice not to appear evil vanity that empty that well, vain not receive another reward ridiculous mercy (and that if it receives ) of human admiration foolishly search. For those that either do not have that sprout this evil, the Lord admonishes us: “when you fast, wash your face and head perfuma't”; which is like saying: watches on the
rightness of your intention for the good you do not empty and destroy the evil that befalls to the outbreak of vanity. There are different kinds of weeds that this gang on the gifts of nature and grace- almost inadvertidament- and on the good achievements that such gifts we have tried, and we affirm pleased when we deduce that such gifts are ours, they belong to us and we refuse to admit that we have received from God. To avert the danger of this weed, the Apostle of the People amonestadora us a question: What you have, you did not receive? We all know that the supernatural field, there is nothing greater than charity. And despite this, also on this virtue, which is the queen of virtues, the snares of evil may germinate. Charity, in fact, so you can remain truly just be genuine charity must be ordered. Its hierarchy imposes, above all, love God above all; then neatly love people - the neighbor according to their proximity to God, on the one hand and ourselves on the other. Breaking such a hierarchy and order means no longer straight and Christian love: it means that on the good of charity has sprung the evil of selfishness. To love others means wanting them well, that is, want their property, which is the good supernatural. On this point it is not uncommon to see sprouting weeds on the charity of Christians want to believe in love when they say that people love (and be loved by those intended) some goods that are not truly such, as opposed to his real well. How often happens, smuggling, for love is not love but selfishness pure, refined and sometimes selfish! So we do not love God and others by themselves, but only for us. Still the evil of selfishness, which springs on the good of charity, the empty and destroyed. The activity carried out for the good of souls, the apostolate, is a great good, certainly can not be doubted. But if such activity for good and holy it makes us ignore or neglect the prayer life of piety and forget our duties of state, sooner or later turn into weeds, weeds that appear in precisely half good wheat of Christ. When we talked about the "danger of the good things," proferĂem the anguishing cry of a soul who had realized too late the weeds sprouted between his good wheat, and invaded the field of his soul by that weeds , exclaimed: "ÂĄBy the dedication I have been lost!" To prevent ourselves from this danger that phrase tends to Christ's sister Maria de Betania: ... Martha, Martha, you mobs many things but one is needed. But in another case, when the love for souls, the zeal for their good, discreet or indiscreet becomes bitter, saw the outbreak of a bad among the good, the germination of the weeds among the good wheat . For this reason, we can recall the words of the Lord restrained the impatience of those two disciples who called her "sons of thunder" and they wanted to bring down fire from heaven to punish the inhabitants of a city
that had welcomed immediately good news preached to them. On that occasion, the Son of man led his two disciples with too much zeal in these words: "I do not know what spirit you belong" Well, sometimes, indeed, happens to men who first did not fulfill our duty, and then enardits a spirit of reparation and a right fervor that exceeds the limit, we would like to do more of whatever it is our duty. The same teaching appears to deduce from the parable of the weeds in which farmers missed his first duty to fall asleep, and then wanted to be even too much, pulling weeds before time. But then the owner of the field said a word prudent and moderate: ‌ wait for the harvest. And as evil can often appear on the right (if men do not really watch), love the truth and it may, unfortunately, be transformed into fanaticism and caste spirit when, not rightly be illuminated and be ready shortly charitably towards others, we do not know in practice to distinguish between sin and the sinner from the error and they are wrong. And it can also happen, once initiated this dangerous slope that men are enshrined in the well, act and behave as though the well when it is not done by themselves, were not already good. Something good, even excellent, it certainly spirituality. But if man forgets that it is not only spirit, but also matters; If you feel like an angel, not long in becoming -a cause of pride that shows off its true state- in rebel angel. Then the consequences are tragic: Vidi Lucifer sicut coelo flaming red hot, I saw Lucifer falling from the sky like lightning. The precipitous fall of the men who had placed supèrbiament such a height that it was not, nor ever could be his is so dizzying that recalls the first rebellious and fallen angel. How many examples of this kind in the history of mankind! However, just us men never learn the lesson. No need to remember when holy is necessary and for their own sanctification and for the attainment of the common good, respect and flattery that subjects owe to their superiors: but such respect, holy because it becomes servility, because we are not facing a fine. Has sprouted an evil, an evil that prevents precisely the subjects that can be used in securely to their superiors. Servility denatures the relationship of subordination, because deprives the subject of loyalty and sincerity. Is below the dignity of the human person, prevents any pay higher straight and true service. The same can happen with obedience, when misunderstood: it can suppress the spirit of initiative and sense of personal responsibility, decaying and degenerating into laziness and comfort. Once again we are faced with the evils that are born of good and in the middle of it. It is the repetition of the parable of the tares among the good wheat, in the privacy of our souls and the concrete reality of our life.
And it happens the other way when love for the Church turns to pride, impatience on human interviews before the shadows the face of the Bride of Christ, pharisaical scandal that fails to understand the mystery of the Church. The good children of the Church (those for which it is Sancta Mater Ecclesia), never intended to replace the wisdom of God for their personal points of view, so while worshiping God's design, penetrate the mystery of Church in regard to man is possible. We could continue with more examples but how we said is enough to make us understand that the teaching of the parable relates closely to our soul is born evil good and often between good, like springs weeds among the good wheat. And finally, collect the same parabola two tips to avoid bad drown good in our souls and in our lives. The first is that the Lord's invitation monitoring to avoid that the parable was the origin of all evil ... dum homines sleep while men slept, sleep, inattention, negligence, favoring the action of the man and the rising evil enemy, more so, how the enemy does not sleep: on the contrary, the more the man performs well, the enemy tries; the higher up the man, the more the enemy spy. Who stat- warn the sacred cave Escriptures- cadat ne: Who is standing up, be careful not to fall. Cadunt Lebanon cedars, the Bible admonishes us; also the cedars of Lebanon fall. The second tip that refers to Christ offers us patience, patience with ourselves and with others. In patientia vestra possidebitis Animas vestras in your patience possess your souls, says he elsewhere in the Gospel: the price last of our holiness and patience, the patience in which the word of God bears fruit: fructum afferunt in patientia. Patience is always humble, prudent and humble will never replace God's plans for our plans.