(von Dorniken) “Here you have YOUR MOTHER” (Jesus from the Cross) When the Sovereign Pontiff instituted the Marian Year, wanted the occasion of the centenary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Virgin Mary was honored with greater brightness. The purpose of the events, I directed questions made me some thoughts on this subject, which I persuaded that it is unnecessary to specify the nature of our devotion to Mary, which must be exercise in freedom and joy. The cult of the saints Many people, would be surprised, indeed maybe even many Catholics, telling them that in Catholic worship of saints is not mandatory but optional. The Council of Trent, which is authority in this matter, stubbornness began to assert the legitimacy of the cult that surrenders to the saints. Denying it says, would be an impiety; it is false that invoke the saints is a form of idolatry. But in terms of the practice of this cult, the Council is as reserved as is categorical doctrine. Invites formally, appeals to them, but without coercion or threat. It expressed "good and useful to invoke the saints and humbly uses his prayers “”, the Council knows the value of words, has weighed before using them; we thus presents the worship of saints as a necessary work, compulsory; a work is good and also helpful. Being helpful declared the invocation of saints, we can deduce that a Catholic who never resorted to the intercession
not act with some presumption, even with temerity, disdaining the help that is given. However, it can not be forced to resort to them. For the rest, always assuming that we do not underestimate the legitimacy of devotion that staff or practice, no one should worry for consciousness. The Church recognizes our freedom so. No one is authorized to impose his personal point of view. I think if you always start by clearing the land to make it just as we do not save a few idle and unpleasant discussions. And if we assume that the worship of saints is less work for doctor will explain why it is recommended and certainly cost less, we resort to it. The cult of the saints is like a stage, such a step, not an end. The object of our religion is the Holy Trinity, which is right in our worship and they come all the goods we need. I have access to the Holy Trinity for the indispensable Mediator, Jesus Christ, Son of God and man. About the text of St. Paul: "One God and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all." It ultimately to God, through Jesus Christ, who must get our blessing and our prayers. A tribute to God Then the tribute to honor a saint offered a tribute to God who has sanctified and admitted to Glory, glory to God in his saints. Let you consult the Preface of the Mass of the Blessed Virgin, which was composed in the eleventh century by Pope Urban II. Like all prefaces, it is an elegant dogmatic precision. Preface declare that this is fair, equitable and healthy at the time of the Blessed Virgin Mary always, praise God, bless it and proclaim itThe holiness of the saints is the work of God; there is no more than one God. And there is only one mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus. When we invoke the saints, the intercession of Jesus Christ does not replace: Joins mediation. But this being of infinite value, the saints will not be added, nothing; it can extend but not replace it because they are members of the glorious Christ. We ask, as the saints to pray with us and for us, Jesus Christ the only Mediator.
In the first rank, the Virgin Mary Now, just as we say in one of the Canons of Mass� you first of all the saints not outside but in the first rank and a rank apart the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first and apart, because not only is the work of God, it is God's masterpiece. It is the Virgin Mary. I reread this Preface of the Virgin Mary and you will praise God, what good?, by Maria spread in the world the everlasting light, Jesus Christ our Lord, in freedom and joy. The Marian cult is centered in Christ- and narrowly united to which we give to Jesus Christ, It does not admit that we insulate Maria from his Son, and that we attribute her place really independent of God; Maria is part of the economy of the Incarnation. Until the nineteenth century, few artists represented statues of the Virgin Mary without Jesus. When Maria has understood well that part of the economy of the Incarnation, all the objections collapse like a castle of cards. It would be a blasphemous act as if the Blessed Virgin were a supplement of Trinity; there are people who pray to the Virgin Mary, as is praying to God, and she thereby become a superhuman creature.
Mary is of our race buen consejo Mary is the new Eve. With her, all back to start. Everything
begins again. And this time the new beginning will end in Salvation. Blessed among women. Yes, she belongs to our race and by this Jesus is a truly man. We read the prayers of the Mass of the Immaculate Conception; you will see that in her favor, privilege, Maria received it in anticipation of the merits of her Son. This means that Mary also had to be rescued, like us. But with a different way. She not as us, after birth, but before being conceived, at the moment, because no contact was possible between the Son of God and sin. Only his condition due Virgin Mary privileges; and their privileges are exclusively the work of God. Mary is the masterpiece of God; is the first in the whole Church. The first rescued, the first rescued the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption: when we venerate Mary, we are praising God. Secondly, it is true that Mary was chosen to be Mother of God and has been prepared with a view to this task by pure grace, without any merit on their part; However, God had wanted then humbly accept the merit of that greatness. And from this point of view, Mary is our totally, totally one of us, but by far, because she first could have declined the proposal that the angel did in Nazareth. So when Eve, pure like her of all sin, violated the order of God, otherwise Maria obeys spontaneously the divine Will: “I am the slave of the Lord, make me according to your word”; and, then it becomes, according to the flesh, in Mother of the Word of God. For nine months, she was alone; all the Church was not in Heaven, Heaven was there. Is it not, therefore, only by this fact worthy of our special veneration?
Peculiar intervention of Mary And thirdly, although his speech, like other saints, is inseparable from Jesus, is it not clear that will have a particular effectiveness? ¡Mother of Christ! What other title may need to be heard? But it is also the mother of all the
members of Christ; Jesus wanted in the person of John all the members of his church were their children: “here is your mother" How does, then, hesitation of his goodness? We can not doubt or goodness or their power. But this does not justify in any way shocking some superstitious attitudes that are as silly as errors. Athens yourself dogma; Dogma has never taught that Mary gives us what Jesus refused. The dogma that Jesus never taught exercises justice, mercy while corresponds to Mary. This childishness that are underestimating devotion, they lose value because spoil it. Firstly Maria does not grant any grace; all grace comes from God through Jesus Christ. Maria can get it for us with the prayer: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners." While we are in this life, Jesus is for us mercy, we do not want to be judged, but saved; sinner awaits the call, He who forgives; between Him and we do not need any intermediary, He is our Mediator, our Intercessor, our Advocate. However, we can freely ask Mary, his mother, “Mother of Compassion”, who begged her Son for us sinners. So our prayer does not stop never in Mary. From Mary to Jesus, by Jesus to God. Mary is a miracle of God's love While we have nothing against inviting to deal and have devotion to the Blessed Virgin. And we have strengthened this devotion keeping it in a Christian line. We love the Blessed Virgin, because it is a miracle of God's love and that is a marvel of holiness, the most beautiful model of our race. We love it with tenderness and pity, as our sister of Nazareth, completely full of grace. We love it with respect: Our Lady of Sorrows, who became our mother at the foot of the Cross. Never shall love him too much, because we never would love as Jesus loves. Secondly, we imitate with stubbornness the virtues of Mary. She offers us the perfect model for a Christian consecrated life to God and spent in the service of men. There is no human
being who has loved Jesus more than Mary. When we follow his example, we will be on the right track. Finally, we honor the Blessed Virgin with the honors the Church invites us to surrender Him, and then truly will be a replica of honor that God had give her taking she as Mother. When we call Mary, Mother, repeat the name Jesus gave him; draw closer and intimacy that unites us with our Savior. When glorify Mary, surrender to the Light eternal glory by means of which she poured out to the world: Jesus Christ our Lord.