(Dr Canals)
¡How different is our way -the way it should runs your disciples, Lord of us imagined by the inexperience of our young years and the golden dreams of our restless imagination! We used to see then a quiet road, made of unaltered inner calm and peaceful outdoor triumphs ... and -¿per not? - Some vocal and colorful battles and wounds bandaged first with bay ... and then the desired admiration of many. We believe, Lord, so naive and not supernatural, that the only decision to follow you and walk with you generously, renouncing many human consolations, noble acts and have changed our nature and we should vacate -¡com angels - the weight of tribulation disturbances and temptations. But your judgments, O Lord !, are not our or our paths are the same as yours. Our history, interwoven fabric admirable where seemingly capriciously with the events that are the vehicle of your will, the divine attributes of your kindness, your wisdom, your omnipotence, your divine science and your mercy, taught us to understand and taste the life of the Christian militia, militiamilitia is the life of man on earth, and all your followers must prove pax in bello -Pau war in your service. Give thanks to the Lord because you fortiter smooth, soft and vigorously, has taught us the value supernatural and providential aim of the temptations and tribulations. Then, through them, the Lord our God has given our soul the experience of mature man, toughness and realism of the veteran soldier in the battle and strengthened the spirit of prayer more contemplative monk. Temptations ... the will! your life of service to God and the Church the know necessarily because your vocation, your calling, your decision generous follow Jesus, it immunizes your soul from the effects of original sin, nor extinguish forever fire where your lusts s'arrupeix temptation: unusquisque vero tentatur concuspicentia to sweat every which certainly is tempted by his cravings. But I believe that the Holy consolaràs -¡homes and women of God - have maintained the same battles that you and I must hold to show our love to the Lord. Hear the cry of St. Paul: Quis me liberabit in corpore mortis hujus ?, Who will deliver me from this body of death? Think about the temptations of San Jeronimo in the course of his life austere and penitent in the desert; reads the life of Santa Catarina of Siena and see the trials and difficulties of that great soul; and do not forget the martyrdom of San Alfonso de Ligorio, octogenarian, or strong temptations against hope in the life of St. Francis de Sales during the period of their studies, or faith so severely tested in the temple of that apostle who was abbot Chautard ... or temptations of every kind so many other Reflect on them, spirit supernatural means of temptation, as long as you do not go searching recklessly, Lord our God tests and purifies your soul tanquam aurum in Fornace like gold in the crucible. The temptations fortify and print a stamp of authenticity to your virtues, because What no authenticity attributed to a virtue that has not been strengthened with the victory over the temptations that are contrary. Virtus in infirmitate perficitur. Virtue is built on weakness. The temptation is awakened and strengthened your faith; grows and becomes supernatural your hope; and your lovelove of God that is what makes you resist valiantly not permissible in the manifest of an effective and affective. How much experience will draw on the other hand, your struggle against temptations !, you experience will help lead many souls to console tempted and troubled. Learn the science of understanding and know when you try to make it bear fruit in souls. The need to resort to God, which is felt so strongly at that time, it will make your prayer life deeply rooted in your soul.
How are creixeràs in humility and in the knowledge of yourself when you see your tendencies and your inclinations! Increase your merits and ... -¿per not? - You will find comfort at the prospect of a wonderful hope in heaven who Seminar in Lacrima in exultatione metet you who sow with tears will reap with joy. All these considerations will increase your confidence and your supernatural vision. However, I would add one thing: the greatest danger for souls tempted and troubled is discouragement, the fact that they can think or admit that the temptation is above its strength, there is nothing to do, the Lord the abandoned, who now have already consented. You live, vigilant and firm against this temptation which generally occurs after one has fought valiantly and is the most fearsome and strong temptations. ¡Listen! ¡You can always win! Omnia possum !, everything I can! If you put the mass struggles and the victory is yours. Facientibus quot Deus non est in being denied gratiam, who does what depends on him, God will not deny his grace. God did well to understand Paul when temptation. Sufficit tibi gratia mea! ¡In My grace is enough for you! ¡Grace! Never forget God's grace. Our Lord knows how far can they resist and equally well known as the potter, the temperature required for their vessels election -vas electionis- acquire each degree of strength and beauty that has certain. Never lose confidence, do not demoralized, do not peat. I remember that feeling is not allowed, the inclination sensitive and spontaneous movements do not depend on your will. Simply resist liberally: only will be allowed inside the soul and admit sin. Meanwhile, whatever happens, the Lord is with you, in your soul, but does not feel his presence, but not the taste of your company. Are you now-more than ever-and you fight says: Ego sum, Nolite Times, I'm not afraid. Open your eyes even more of your soul the Lord allows temptation and it providentially serves to purify you, to make you holy, to detach yourself better things of the earth, for portar- now where he wants and where he wants to make you happy in life than to give you comfort and maturity, understanding and efficiency in your apostolic work with souls, and especially for ... make you humble, very humble. Listen Now with the new vision that these considerations may have you raised these words of Scripture: Fili, accedens ad servitutis Dei praepara animam tuam ad Temptation (Eccles 2, 1) My son, if you give the service God, prepare your soul for temptation. And you -ànima tempted atribolada- and admires the goodness of God that makes you enjoy with the hope of heaven, these words of the Holy Spirit: Beatus vir, who suffert temptation, quoniam cum probatus fuer accipiet a crown vitae: blessed is the man who suffers temptation, because having been tested will receive the crown of life after temptations ¡weave your crown! But do not forget, you need weapons to defeat in this spiritual battle. and your arms should be this: pray continually; sincerity and frankness with your spiritual director; Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance; a generous spirit of Christian mortification that will take you to flee and sometimes avoid leisure; humility of heart, and a tender and filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin: Consolatrix afflictorum you Refugium peccatorum, comfort the afflicted and refuge of sinners. She always comes back to you and say confidently: Mater mea, fiducia mea; ¡Mother, my confidence!