The best we have

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The best we have: “We are beloved sons of an Omnipotent God� words of the previous Pope. "The word 'father' is the secret in the prayer". The Pope, a Sunday at angelus: "Dear brothers and sisters, the gospel of this Sunday begins with the scene of Jesus praying alone, isolated; when He finish the disciples say him: "Lord, teach us to pray". And He answers: "When you pay you would say "Father". This word is the secret in the prayer of Jesus" It is the key that He gives us for being able to get, also we, in the relation of trusting dialog with the Father, that accompanied and supported His life. To the name of father, Jesus associates two requests: "Would be sanctified Your name, would come to us Your reign". The prayer of Jesus, and then the Christian prayer, is before all, to do a place to God, leaving show His sanctity in we, and doing His reign to advance, from the possibility of practicing His rule of love in our life. Other three requests complete this prayer of Jesus teaching us the Paternoster. They are three questions expressing our fundamental necessities: the bread, the pardon, and His help in temptations. 19:24 13/10/2016One cannot live without bread, One cannot live without the pardon of God, and is not possible to live without the help of God in temptations. The bread that Jesus wants we ask is that necessary, not the superfluous; it is the bread of the pilgrims, of the just, a bread that not accumulate, nor is wasted, received from God: only the awareness of being pardoned sinners by the infinite divine compassion He can do we can become able of fulfill concrete gestures of paternal reconciliation. If a person does not feel as a pardoned sinner, never he can do a gesture of pardon or the reconciliation. It begins from the heart where we feel pardonned sinners. The last request "do not leave us to fall in the temptation", express the conscience of our condition, always displayed to the traps of evil and corruption. We all know that is a temptation! The Teaching of Jesus about the prayer follows with two parabolas, with which one takes as a model the attitude of a friend to other friend and this one of a father to his son. Both want to teach us to have a full trust in God, which is Father. He knows better than we our necessities but wants that we show Him with boldness and with insistence, because this is the way of participating at His work if salvation. The prayer is the first and principal instrument of work in ours hands! Insist with God do not serves to convince Him but to robust our faith and our patience, id est our capacity of fighting joined to God for the things really important and necessaries. At the prayer we are two: God and me for fighting joined for the important things. Between them there is one, the most important that Jesus is telling today in gospel, but we almost never put forward, and is "the Holy Spirit "!. And Jesus says it: "Even if you would be bad, you know to give good things to your sons, the more your Father of heaven will give the Holy Spirit to whom are asking it". The Holy Spirit! We have to ask the Holy Spirit would come to us. But to what be of use the Holy Spirit? It is useful for good living, for living with knowledge, with love, making the Will of God. What a beautiful prayer would be in this week each of us would ask to Father "Father, give me the Holy Spirit".

The Virgin show us with her inheritance, all animated by the spirit of God. She help us to pray to the Father, joined to Jesus, for living not as a worldly way, but according to gospel, guided by the Holy Spirit Before to cure a wick, Jesus prays before beginning His apostolic life, He does forty days of prayer. It is not strange that the piece of this Sunday shows us praying. And this attacks the attention of His disciples. What are they seeing in the face of Jesus because also they want to pray? Certainly there were masters of praying, like now. But this example of prayer of Jesus moves the disciples, and it would have us to wake up the desire of learning to pray. Maybe we know some prayer learned when Childs, that we pray occasionally... BUT THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. Much more is need. And this is what Jesus teaches us. La player is not a formula, The prayer is the experience more beautiful of God that we can have. This is why His prayer begins as a prayer to the Father. "FATHER" is the word with which Jesus teach us how to call God. The mot beautiful new that Christ had given us is that God is our Father and he likes we have to do Him like a most loved father. Saint Paul will say: "We have not received a spirit of fear but a spirit of adoptive sons that does we exclaim: AbbĂ , Father! (Rom 8,15). We have not a faraway God, He is a near one. None of us is an orphan. No one would feel defenseless, all we are sons of the most kind Father existing. And if we have the same Father then we have to recognize all and love like brothers. If we call Him "Father", let us love as a good father and do not lacking of affection for Him. God, then is a father, who knows quite well all we need and He delights in helping us, and feels a big satisfaction each time He comes to the aid for us. He helps us not because we are good, but because He has a heart full of compassion and generous feelings. Maybe we not have dared to call Him, Father, if Jesus did not taught to call Him so. We should not forget: the prayer is the safest way for getting from God the graces we need for our salvation. The experience of God as Father is what Christ can teach us. The prayer to God as a father, He shares with us. He is the master, because it, we need today also we to say Him: "Teach us to pray". But to walk one learn, waking, to swim one learn swimming, and to pray one learns praying each day, at each moment, to each occasion. If we cannot feel loved at every hour and at all moment for our father God? Then we submerge in the love of God do not exclude the compromise with the brothers, but, a t the contrary, commit us to beg for them. Very according with this text the Pope Francisco discovers us the riches of the intercession: "Interceder no apart us from the true contemplation, because the contemplation leaving outside the others is a deceit. It is a constant greeting for the others....When a gospel preacher goes out from the prayer, his heart has become more generous, it has been freed from conscience isolated and he is wishing for doing the good and share the life with he others. We can say the heart of God conmove by the intercession, but really He always win us, and what we do possible with our intercession is His power, His love and His loyalty were sowing with a greater clear in the town. We complain of our world, criticize every institution and complain how go things, but if the time we devote to complain without sense, we devote to pray, likely the world would go better and also every one of us,be4cause we would fiel more loved bt God Father, which across Your Son has taught us to look for, to call with insistence, listen our prayer and give us the joy of knowing to be loved and listen. For feelingsafe in Your hands. Amen.

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