The Bread of Llife.- (Dr Canals) anglès

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THE BREAD OF LIFE You know very well that Eucharist means thanksgiving. And this is just the first impulse of the soul stops to consider, to ponder this mystery of faith that is the Sacrament of Love. The words that sprout of the heart, in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, are words of gratitude: Thank you, Lord, for having wanted to stay in the tabernacle. Thank you, Lord, for having thought of me and in all men, even those who should deliver you and you were betrayed- when the persecution and neglect, on the eve of the Passion . Thank you, Lord, because you wanted to be a doctor for my infirmities, strength for my weaknesses and white bread for my hungry soul, bread that gives life. You and I know from experience how it can make a person a good friendship helps to behave better, the closer to God, keeps away from evil. And if a good friendship binds us, not a good person, but a saint, the good effects of this sort of life are multiplying: is the mutual exchange of feelings with a high holy leave our fund itself something of his holiness: if you try saints, will be a saint. So think now, that may be friendship and trust with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, and which leave mark on our souls! Have Jesus as Friend, Jesus is your friend. He will perfecte- perfect God and man, who was born, who worked and who cried, who has remained in the Eucharist, who suffered and who died for us! ... And what a friendship, what intimacy! Nourishes us with his body, it quenches thirst with their blood: Caro mea. My flesh is true food, my blood is drink indeed; Jesus Christ offers to us the mystery of the Eucharist fully, completely, in body, blood, soul and divinity. The soul, at the time of donation drop-being that can repeat the words of the parable: all mine is yours. The path of the Communion - and frequent Communion is truly the easiest way to get a brief transformation into Christ, the “truly Christ lives in me”, of St. Paul. Your soul has need of Jesus, because without him we-you-can do nothing- without Me you can do nothing. He want to come every day to your soul and you said you called the parable of the great banquet , appealed to many, and I will repeat it and repeat it in the solemn moment to institute the Eucharist, I wished with all your soul eat this Passover with you. Your soul and I have need of the Bread of the Eucharist, because they need to feed, like the body, to persevere faithfully and good spirit in the daily work, in its effort to sanctify themselves and to advance each day, in the knowledge of God and in the generous practice of virtues. Let me tell you in confidence that your soul can not feed themselves and satisfy themselves of anything but God. ¡Such is the greatness of it, we would not have eyes for anything else in the world !. Think that our Christian faith-the faith that gives birth to intelligence and serenity to the corresponding teaches that the soul was created in the image and resemblance of God, which has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and we feed it with his body and blood redeemers. Do not be seduced by false ideas and false humility: state of grace ... and right intention, having heard the advice of the wise priest take a trip, even every day, to the Blessed Eucharist. I like to repeat now, with regard to the Eucharist, the words of Martha to Mary, when Jesus-after the death of Llàtzer- approaching the house friend of Bethany: Masters adest , Master is here and is calling you! Listen to their vocation and aprouch this mystery: Come to this mystery of faith with great faith, aprouch it with the faith of the Canaanite mother and hemorroïsa, or at least the desire humble the apostles, increas us our faith! Come with the firm hope of the leper and repeat his words to Jesus, humble and trusting “Lord, if you want you can make me clean! And if at this moment saddened memories of your wretchedness, you can return to Jesus with the words of the centurion “Lord, I am not worthy-but immediately adds that he knew that add simple man and

savor the confident hope that hides in the continuation of his speech: ... “but say a word and my soul will be healthy�. Come with the charity of Mary Magdalene in the house of Simon the leper. Separate like him from all that is around you and stay alone with Jesus and cober him with your care and offers him the fire of your soul and the fervor of your will. Have no human respect, nor false humility. He is with you and loves you. Make your good moments of giving thanks that your thanksgiving, a hymn has to intone as the apostles in the Upper Room after the institution of the Eucharist, while going out in the outdoors. And out of the church with the heart and soul of joy hillside full of optimism. And renovated many times, your desire to receive him The spiritual communion is a strong and inspiring food for Eucharistic souls. The VirginMater et sanctae pulcrae dilectionis you agnitionis SPEI. The Virgin is mother of the beautiful love and faith and holy hope: Ask her to progress in these virtues to approach you with the best interior dispositions each time better when you arrive to the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.

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