MAGINATION No sensible person ever take a crazy counselor in the most sensitive issues of his own life. All consider it unwise and not sensible to those who took so. This truth so clear and obvious in life and in business, it is not so, at least in practice, the inner life and the problem of our sanctification. Imagination is a mad-the places of the house, named Santa Teresa, with his usual good humor-, and yet, How many times we choose, more or less consciously, to the Minister of delicate problems our soul! This distracts us crazy with his racket. And it dissipated with the hubbub; We understand that their fears in various peat us with their apprehensions, which whispers in the ear unfounded suspicions that tyrannize us with their ambitions and their bites us with envy; This makes us go crazy reality with fantasy dreams, full of euphoria or pessimism, and we gently instill the poison of sensuality and pride: this crazy -we know from experience- is the great enemy of our inner life is eternal ally in the world, the devil, the flesh. It is she who peat your life and prayer makes you afraid to mortification; which introduces your soul temptation of the flesh and of pride; which distorts your knowledge of God and deprives you of the supernatural; which has fallen asleep with the sound of frivolous or immerses you in the warmth of lethargy; which extinguishes the fire of charity or ignites distrust and discord. It is as crazy as a runaway horse; as restless as a butterfly; if the master and guides, you will never be a supernatural soul inside. If not controlled, it can never enjoy the serene calm that is so necessary to serve God. If you put brake, never have that realism demands a life of holiness. Calm, realism, serenity, objectivity: virtues that are born just where the tyranny of the imagination; virtues grow and fortify the ascetic effort to dominate and control the fantasy We said that the tyranny of the imagination is great. So great that alters ideas, which distorts the life situations that deformed people. Games fantasy, ghosts of the imagination Those peculiar crossings are usually imagine that torment us and overwhelm us with their weight. I do not exaggerate when I say that ninety percent of our suffering and this suffering, with little knowledge of the Cross of Christ, we call crosses, are imaginary, or at least are enlarged or deformed by the cruel mastery of our imagination . This is the reason that we weigh and we think our overwhelm human invented. If both us suffered and so strongly overwhelms us was really the thought that the Lord sends us, the Cross of Jesus, after that we were recognized as such and, with faith and love, had accepted as we should weigh and press. Because the Cross of Jesus, the Holy Cross, it is a source of sadness or depression, but of peace and joy. However, if we think about our shoulders a human and imaginary, or produced by our internal rebellion against the true Cross, then we are sad and worried. The Gospel offers eloquent proof of this tyranny. We are in the lake and Genezaret is a dark and stormy night; the apostles have to paddle hard, fighting against a strong headwind. His boat, rocked by the waves, contains twelve men struggling to resist the impetuous wind. Jesus often withdrew to the top of a neighboring hill. Fourth vigil noctis venit ad eos, ambulans super mother. But in the fourth watch of the night Jesus comes walking towards the apostles on the water. And twelve seers ... super eum arnbulantem mother, turbata sunt, DICENTA: est quia ghost: to see Jesus walking on the water, are troubled and exclaim: 'Tis a ghost!
Note: the lovable figure of the Master, who comes to be with them, to help them, to calm the storm imposing silence on the airwaves with his imperious word, those imaginations assumes the appearance of a ghost that instills fear and peat. How often repeated in our lives this Gospel episode! ÂĄHow many times our soul, a victim of the imagination, full of fear and is disturbed! But this weight and this concern may disappear from your life and stop overwhelm you: Neither is enough to open the eyes of faith and you decide to cut the wings to your imagination. Let me tell you that they believe that human crush with its weight does not exist in the great supernatural in your life, no longer exists in your imagination. Doors on your shoulders so atrocious as ridiculous weight: weight in your imagination is a mountain and is actually a grain of sand. Ghosts are created by the mind, fantasy ghosts lined lively colors, attributing lis fearful and enormous hands and legs agile and fast. Ghosts are now chasing you and fill your pain and turmoil of soul. A small gesture of your life of faith would be enough to make them vanish. ÂżDo you realize that soon enough to remove them? Sometimes in our lives we admit other ghosts ... They come from afar: they are the future dangers fears. Things are fears or dangers that do not exist now and do not know if you realize, but what we see today in our mind and imagination, making them more tragic. A simple reasoning the supernatural would disappear: they will not present danger lines and fears have yet to be verified, it is obvious that you do not need the grace of God to overcome and accept them. If your fears are checked, then you will not lack God's grace, and with it and have your correspondence victory and peace. It is natural that now do not have the grace of God to overcome some obstacles and accept some believe only exist in your imagination. Own spiritual life must be based on an objective and sober realism. These ghosts are no less dangerous in the field of charity. How often, in virtue, stay victim of imagination! How many suspicions are unfounded and just lie in your mind! How many things you think and say and do to others that this has never thought or said or done! These ghosts troubled and disturbed coexistence with others, family life. Axes small contrasts that occur necessarily in all human society, even in the saints, because we are not angels, are enlarged and deformed by the imagination and create lasting moods that make us suffer a lot. For minutiae, trifles and play our fantasy open chasms that divide people, destroying friendships and affections, to corrupt the unit. Imagination also is the great ally of sensuality and love novels propi.ÂĄQuines makes you live !: fantastic dreams in which you are the hero, the character prevails: ghosts caress your ambition your desire to command and to be admired, your vanity. Look how many obstacles to your holiness, your life of piety: prayer before God, abandoned in the hands of our Lord, strong and supernatural joy; these interior walls of your life are so threatened, undermined by the mad house. Be supernatural, be objective. The voice of Jesus puts an end to fear and the adventure of the Twelve Lake Genezaret: Habete fiduciam, Ego sum: Nolite Times ... Please trust me: Do not be afraid!