MARIA VALTORTA DUST ON THE SOUL (Jesus says to Maria Valtorta:)
"In the eyes of the world you are as white as Alpine snow. But in my eyes you are still gray, because of the dust covering you. How is the dust formed? Out of particles so tiny that they are invisible to the naked eye. But a great many, placed together, make a gray film, tarnishing and dirtying things. It is not necessary to be crushed by boulders, to die of suffocation or to appear ugly. A heap of dust can also kill by asphyxia, and always makes one ugly. "The boulders are mortal sins. The dust is venial sins. An imperfection is also dust finer, but still dust. And it must be removed, for if it accumulates - no matter how imperceptible and insignificant each molecule is - it eventually asphyxiates the spirit and makes it dirty. The world does not see it. I do. There are things which are apparently white, but which are not. Not by their own will, but because other wills have stained and corrupted them. As long as there is life, there is danger. It is life itself which is the danger. "Look at the snow. How white it is! It has been formed high up, in my sky. Look at the lily. How pearly it is! I created its silk. But if you look at snow and the lily under a microscope, you see how many germs of impurity have introduced themselves into the whitest snowflake, during its fall through space before landing on earth. And you see how many microscopic bits of dust tarnish the angelical silk of the just-opened lily. For both the snow and the lily, as inanimate things, there is no blame if this occurs. "But for the rational soul there is. It can keep watch and make provisions. How? By using love. Love is the microscope of the soul. The more one loves Me and sees things through Me, the more it sees the little stains on its conscience. These do not drive Me away, because I know how you are made. They do not drive Me away, however, if the soul undergoes them as inevitable, but does not provoke them and, on the contrary, immediately seeks to cleanse itself. Always remember this. "I remain. Indeed, you should seek to receive Me more often, sacramentally as well. There is nothing but my Blood to wash away the grayness of your soul, and make it worthy of the King, of Me‌"
"The life of parents is a sacrifice, as is that of priests and teachers convinced of their mission. All three groups are 'molders' of what does not die: the spirit, or the
psyche, if you prefer. And since the spirit stands in relation to the flesh in a proportion of 1000 to 1, consider the degree of perfection from which parents, teachers, and priests ought to draw to be truly as they should. I say 'perfection'. 'Formation' is not enough. They must form the others, but in order to form them not as the deformed, they must model them after a perfect model. And how can they claim to, if they are imperfect themselves? And how can they become perfect themselves, if they do not model themselves after the Perfect One, who is God? And what can make man capable of modeling himself after God? Love. Always love. You are crude, formless iron. Love is the furnace which purifies, melts and liquefies you, so as to flow through supernatural veins into the form of God. Then you will be the 'molders' of others: when you have molded yourselves after the perfection of God…" SOULS IN PURGATORY (Jesus says:)
"I want to explain to you what Purgatory is, and what it consists of… "The souls immersed in those flames suffer only from love… "Never do your loved ones love you so much as after earthly death, for their love is now infused with the Light of God, and in this Light they understand how you love them, and how they should have loved you. "They can no longer say words to you that ask for forgiveness and provide love. But they say them to Me for you, and I take to you these words of your dead, who are now able to see and love you as they should. I take them to you together with their request for love and their blessing. A blessing already valid from Purgatory on, for it is already infused with the inflamed Charity which burns and purifies them. Perfectly valid, later, from the moment when, freed, they come to meet you on the threshold of Life or rejoin you therein, if you have already preceded them into the Kingdom of Love…" DEATH - WITH MARY AND JESUS (Jesus says to a suffering and tormented Maria Valtorta:)
"The closer the hour of reunion with God comes, the more faith must be increased. For in the hour of death, Satan has never tired of disturbing you with his deceits. Crafty, fierce, and flattering as he is, he has sought to bend you with smiles, songs, roars, hisses, caresses, and scratches. And he augments his operations to tear you away from Heaven. This is precisely the time to embrace the Cross, so that the waves of the final Satanic storm will not submerge you. Afterwards, eternal Peace comes. "Cheer up, Maria. May the Cross be your strength now, and at the hour of death.
"Let the cross of death - man's last cross - have two arms. Let one be my Cross, and the other, the name of Mary. Then death occurs in the peace of those liberated, as well, from the nearness of Satan. For he, the Accursed One, does not endure the Cross, nor the Name of my Mother. "Let this be made known to many. For you all have to die, and you all need this teaching to emerge victoriously from the final snare of the one who hates you immensely." GUARDIAN ANGELS (Jesus says:)
"The guardian angel of every creature worships therein the indwelling God, if the creature is in the Lord's grace. "You are living temples in which God dwells. Sin drives away the Divine Guest, but otherwise every human spirit is the tabernacle, enclosed in the temple of your body. It is consecrated by the Sacraments, in which the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are present, through the indissoluble union of the Three Persons. "When the creature is no longer in a state of grace, the angel, weeping, venerates the work of his Creator. He can no longer venerate anything else. But since the creature is the work of his God, he venerates the creature just as you venerate a place once inhabited by Me, and then profaned by my enemies, but always worthy of veneration. Not because it contains Me, but because it contained Me. To understand, remember the Holy Cenacle. "This is why every angel remains with supreme respect alongside the one he is protecting. Happy is the angel alongside a creature who can say, 'I worship You, my Lord, enclosed in this creature of yours,' and does not need to fly to Heaven to encounter God's gaze! "Let the clothing of your angel tell you the nature of his mission to you. To infuse hope into you. Among the three virtues, it is the one which should be infused into you most, for your cross reduces it to crumbles, and destroys it by the hour. And it must thus descend from Heaven to nourish you by the hour. Faith is secure, as strong as the wings of your guardian. Love is as alive as the mantle adorning his shoulders. But the robe is ample and shining, and says to you, 'Hope!' " SOUL TO SOUL (Azariah describes the hidden work of souls, communicating with other souls.)
"Souls seek God. It often seems to you that they do not. You do not know the spiritual sufferings of a soul enclosed in a body and subject to thoughts which are hostile to God. Those who possess these disheartened souls do not, themselves, notice the tears of their blinded, chained soul going about - in distress - in search of the Light... (Sometimes a soul receives) mysterious words to bear off with itself in secret. Words which seem to have been spoken and received in vain, and which
sometimes reappear on one’s deathbed and win the final battle, delivering a spirit to God. "Many words are not needed. Sometimes none. To see one another - a glance. Your eyes gaze in a way that is no longer earthly. You look, but it is not you - Christ looks through you. You see, but you do not see the man in front of you. You see his soul with your soul... While your lips are silent, your soul loves. And by loving, it caresses and comforts the embittered, sick, irate soul speaking to you. You also sometimes speak and say commonplace words to commonplace listeners, from whom you want to keep your secret hidden. But... now and then a spiritual gem falls from your lips, like a spark escaping from the Fire possessing you. And the one speaking with you receives it and meditates upon it, and his soul awakens, reflects, and sometimes decides…" THE TIMES OF THE APOCALYPSE (On 27th August 1943, Jesus spells out the critical periods of the Apocalyptic times. His message begins as follows:)
"Even in the Apocalypse, the periods seem to be confused, but that is not the case. It would be better to say they are reflected in the future times, under increasingly grandiose aspects. "We are now in the period I call ‘of the forerunners of the Antichrist’. Then the period of the Antichrist, who is the forerunner of Satan, will come. He will be helped by the manifestations of Satan: the two beasts named in the Apocalypse. It will be a time worse than the current one. Evil is constantly increasing. Once the Antichrist is defeated, the period of peace will come to give men - struck by amazement at the seven plagues and the fall of Babylon - time to gather under my sign. (Then) the anti-Christian epoch will rise to the maximum power in its third manifestation that is, when the last coming of Satan takes place..." (On 9th April 1944, Jesus says:)
"Maria, I told you in late May 1943: ‘Regarding the future, what do you want to know, poor soul? Thank My mercy that, for now, it hides from you, to a great extent, the truth about the future’. Poor, poor soul!... "... It is the hour of the power of darkness. And people have wanted it of their own free wills. The Kingdom of Evil is already set up. Whatever I did would be nullified by people’s free wills. Whatever Good would be destroyed by Evil. "Powerless, I witness this rush of mankind into spiritual death. There is no gift of Mine, no kindness of Mine, no rebuke of Mine, no punishment of Mine, to use to stop mankind, redeemed by Me, to voluntarily ruining itself in Satan. Like an enraged bull, mankind runs over everything - reason, morals, faith - and goes and crashes against what is killing it. People’s desecrating hands are being raised for a new crime which does not deserve forgiveness. And the Father does not want to forgive. He lets you perish as you wanted.
"The only thing I can do, and am doing, is to hold back My Father’s wrath - and I am doing it out of compassion for the saints who, rare like flowers in the desert, still pray, pray and do not make protestations of custom and hypocrisy. Weary of the crimes of a brood for which My blood was shed uselessly, the Father wants, really wants, to wield His Justice on you. And justice - since you are guilty - would mean tremendous punishment which My Mercy does not want to be meted out, in addition to those which you already mete out to yourselves. (On the same day as Jesus’ message, the Holy Spirit says:)
"I am the comforter. I comfort those crushed by dismay and tortured by the present. I am the One Who heals and sweetens the bitterness of the Words that speak the truth, which nowadays is really bitter... "Even if everything seems lost, trust. Even if the abyss of Evil spews out its demons to torment the Earth, and to fertilize it to bear the Antichrist, and even if the abyss of the Heavens seems to shut itself by decree of the Father, from Whom We proceed - We, the Word and the Spirit. Even so, We are still working and loving, to save you people and defend you. I-Charity and the Word-Charity, I-Sanctification and the Word-Redemption; We do not cease pouring forth - the One: the merits of His Blood, the Other: the charisms of His Power - for the good of you people. "Trust. Love has always conquered." DARKNESS AND HOPE (Azariah says:)
"After the darkness, the light. Always. In the creation of the world. In the birth of the day after the night. In the succession of epochs and eras. Corruption generates elements of life from death… "Like the grain cast in the furrows, and covered with manure in the gloomy winter months. That grain seems degraded, buried under layers of dirt and the stench of dung. It seems lost to the sun, and the sun to it. But precisely because it is there below, mortified, pressed down, and overwhelmed by the dust and the wheat, it can take root. It is no longer a tenuous grain which the passer-by can crush with his foot, the wind carry elsewhere, or the bird swallow. It may become a stable, cheerful, useful, prosperous plant, multiplied in value and power, beneficial, and victorious under the intense sun of the loveliest months. "Light seems to grow dark, and death comes. Corruption spreads, and overflows with its burdensome waves. Fear not. It’s what’s needed to rouse the drowsy, and make them desirous of voices from on high. Struggle is useful to keep the athlete strong. The nausea of corruption prompts the desire for what is pure. Darkness spurs people to seek the light… "The era of the spirit will return after this time of materiality. The era of the Light will return after the current concealment. The era of Life will succeed the almost mortal
agony. The era of God will arise to be a force in the final struggle. The era of God will reign over that of Satan. "On your feet, O Christians, in the fullness of your charity for God, for your neighbor, for yourselves. God has sent you His Son and your Brother, through the Mother, so that He would be your Master and Redeemer, and you would be Children of God. And since you are children, God has infused the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, and through you He cries out, ‘Abba! Father! "Man, even the most perfect man, would never be able to pray with that loving violence which obtains miracles, all miracles. And so it is, then, that the Spirit of God prays in you, through you, to obtain what is useful and necessary for you, and what – as holy – is suitable for sanctifying you… "What, then, are you afraid of?… Courage then, and do not be afraid of the things that pass…" (Mary says:)
« Have faith. Be at peace. There is no misery which My Son cannot turn into riches, there is no solitude which He cannot replenish, and there is no fault which He cannot cancel. The past no longer exists, once love has cancelled it. Not even a dreadful past. Are you going to be afraid, when Disma, the robber, was not? Love, and be afraid of nothing. »