Greeniant an inneon success story

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INNEON Success Stories

Greeniant: analyses smart meter data Based on this analysis Greeniant provides actionable advice on your energy consumption and use of electrical appliances. Only smart meter data is used, so there’s no need for plugs or other submetering equipment. Saving energy has never been so easy and cheap. What we do: Greeniant makes it possible to gain insight in the consumption of electrical energy by devices. This offers extraordinary benefits for consumers and businesses. Think of benefits as reduction of energy, a reduced carbon footprint and cost savings. A unique technology: Greeniant has developed its core competence based on a branch of science called Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. NILM focuses on the analysis of consumer information streams, such as the usage of electronic devices without intrusively interfering. User centered: We see ourselves as an ingredient to come to a greener way of life without losing comfort; a ‚greeniant‘. Our technology helps ease users‘ burdens by solving their issues and avoiding unnecessary surprises. We welcome user‘s experiences to improve our solutions.

Entrepreneur Full Name: Email:


Geert Jan Dirven

Rijswijk, The Netherlands

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INNEON Success Stories

Greeniant’s foundation: the birth of “Greenalytics” Greeniant was founded in 2012 and has developed its core competence based on a branch of science called Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) as initiated by Dr. G. Hart in MIT (1982). NILM focuses on the analysis of consumer data streams, such as electricity and gas data. Think of the actual power (watt) and the reactive power (VAr) in units of thousands observations per second (kHz; one kilo Hertz = one thousand cycles per second). With these observations companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are able to distinguish several appliances in an information stream. However the required Kiloherz data can only be obtained by installing sub metering hardware in a household. This is expensive and intrusive and hardware needs maintenance and can break down. A nuisance! Greeniant uses NILM-techniques that can produce the same results by only using the data your smart meter already has. This means that no submetering is needed, which makes Greeniant unique. The result is a clean, cheap and simple solution to transform energy data into meaningful and easy to access information for consumers. You could call it: Greenalytics! The reason for Geert Jan Dirven to start Greeniant was his drive to utilise technology to Stop Waste Energy. The company’s mission is to make sense of data so the application of our analysis is relevant to end-users and attractive to use. This way the direct benefit will be the ‚problem‘ of the end-user. Always we look for a spin off in driving out energy waste. Our most illustrating product for that now is the „White Goods Checker“. This application (in app stores today) counts the number of turns you‘ve used for instance your dishwasher since last cleaning. The user can set a signal for a filter-cleaning (appr. every 15-20 weeks depending on the use and location). This may sound trivial but consider this. 85% of families (3 people and more) use a dishwasher. Most people re-run a turn as it turns out the washer didn‘t clean or if the result smells funny or bad. If we can prevent a re-run three times per year at 10% of the houses for the EU we would roughly save 63.600 megawatt per year; that‘s about 10 big wind-turbines running for a full year. White Goods Checker APP

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INNEON Success Stories

Greeniant’s INNEON experience: the value of a relevant investor network Our coach actively contacted us to inform us about the INNEON programme, which was simply fantastic. It is hard for young companies like ours to know about the existence of such initiatives. We highly value the function of investment matchmaking; it is an incredibly intensive job to find a fitting investor. We have been in contact with around 80 investors in the last 1,5 years. We have made agreements with our INNEON coach to stay in contact about the investor relations that INNEON establishes the coming years. You never know what needs the future might bring and we love to keep the Greeniant name out there!

Greeniant’s Catchy Quotes: Tips & tricks for finding an investor Geert Jan Dirven has a very visual way of explaining his experiences with finding an investor: “Getting investors involved in your company is like playing a video game. Finding an investor is the first level: jumping canals you never thought you could cross; fighting dragons you thought you could never slay. But once you have found an investor and you agree on milestones with them, the realization hits: you have entered the next level of the game. The canals are wider, the dragons are larger. It is the ultimate way of challenging yourself and stretching your image of what you think you can achieve”. He has another tip for companies that are looking for an investor: “Keep your story simple. Only simple stories are anchored in your listener’s brain. And a simple story is a good indicator for an investor that your story, and your business model, are actually sound and sensible”.

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