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Brand van Egmond 2007

H e a d o f f i c e Brand van Egmond B.V. N i k k e l s t r a a t 41 1 4 11 A H N a a r d e n the Netherlands T +31 (0)35 692 12 59 F +31 (0)35 691 17 25

Annet van Egmond ’Creating is ultimate fun. The mind is capable of creating anything, the hands follow. The mind and eye dream, the hand draws.

William Brand ’Dreaming. The mind imagines. My hands materialise.

2006/2007 William Brand and Annet

They work with creative

van Egmond are working

leading architects and

since 17 years as

interior designers on

independent artists. They

special projects for hotels,

are responsible for the

clubs and restaurants.

design and are co-founders

Their latest project was for

of Brand van Egmond.

the Dutch Embassy in New

They create their lighting

Delhi. The mysterious Night

sculptures in freedom with

Watch is shown there as an

fun and passion, never

art installation.

thinking of the market

This project formed the base

demand. With their studio/

for the new “claire-obscure”

laboratory background

Night Watch collection

they make “haute couture”

that brings tradition into

pieces for an international

today’s trendy space.

public as well as for residential projects.

Contents 2006/2007

Time to show off!

The Rembrandt year will be celebrated with the launch of our new Night Watch chandelier, a “bare to the bone” design that crosses the centuries. In our section: projects we will take you by the hand to join us in our Flower Power zones. New is our oval shaped Flower Power and a range of wall lamps. Woodstock cubic sitting objects are now, in addition to nickel, also available in powder coated black and white and other trendy colours. Also new in our catalogue is the technical information which you can find in the back.


Projects Night Watch Projects Flower Power Candles and Spirits Icy Lady Chrystal Waters Delphinium Hollywood Broom Rhapsody in Blue Studio Woodstock Beautiful Stranger Sculpture on Socle Technical information Colofon

06 08 18 20 28 36 42 54 64 82 94 102 104 108 110 112 136

Quotes 2006/2007 Dutch Autonomy dreams Creation is an act of open eyes and an open mind. Real Dutch Autonomy means to us starting and being independent as artists and running a company with passion. History and future to become a brand.. Building a brand is travelling through time; it took seventeen years to turn artistic effort into a design brand. The first 5 years we were so busy in our studio welding our objects that we didn’t have any time to look outside our studio.And even right now there is still so much to learn, so much to experience.To become a brand was not so easy without Commercial or managing directors. Our first international fairs were done in 1996. Right now we are present in 45 countries. A lot of travel, a lot to see and so much more to explore. Importance of communication; we became global thinkers.. A lot of people didn’t know our name but knew are products. We want to change that. We are happy to show our collections annually at 6 fairs: Salone del Mobile Milan, Courtrai, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Amsterdam and Cologne. Also events, exhibitions in London and New York and interviews in magazines and newspapers. BvE team Nowadays we are working closely with a fantastic team, the world’s top agents in design and do believe in our own concept. BvE’s unique pieces… Selling products globally is one thing, but to be able to sell unique pieces for unique locations is a compliment we receive. We are in the lucky position that we have been invited for those occasions. We became a brand which fulfils the sweet spot between architecture, lighting and design, at events, but most of all in homes, restaurants, hotels, all over the world. Cross branding Challenging, daring, but most of all: inviting to join hands… Vision Every year we are having fun in designing our new products and collections and as producers we work hard to improve the quality of our materials and products. Showing off is part of the fun, part of the silly mixture of being modest about what’s to come and proud of what is there. Showing off in places like Design Post Cologne, and who knows what other splendid venues are willing to receive us in the years to come? To have fun and to be positive are our values to success. 4

William Brand & Annet van Egmond

Design Post Cologne, Cologne, Germany, Showroom Brand van Egmond



Hanze association,

Belle et fou theatre,



Groningen, The Netherlands, De Zwarte Hond architects, featuring Flower Power

Berlin, Germany, Meuser architects, featuring

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, WINK designers featuring Flower Power

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, WINK designers featuring Flower Power

special bar Flower Power object

With their avant-gardis-

In 2006, the place where

tic lighting sculptures

Marlene Dietrich reached

Brand van Egmond

her fame, the famous

continuously work with

Berlin Spielbank Theater

creative leading archi-

will undergo with Meuser

tects and interior design-

architects a Flower Pow-

ers on special projects

er transformation. In June

for museums, hotels,

Rembrandt was remem-

restaurants, clubs and

bered because of his

town-halls. In 2004 the

400th birthday. The Dutch

Hollywood shed its light

television NOS honoured

over the 76th Academy

our Dutch Master painter

Awards presentation

with our Night Watch col-

in the USA. At the end

lection. The presentation

of 2005 Night Watch

on television lasted a full

was featuring as an

week, including famous

art installation at the

speakers and guests like

Dutch embassy in New

Rudi Fuchs.

Delhi. For us an exciting project to use the famous Dutch claireobscure background and lift it with modern techniques into today’s space.



Hanze association,

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, WINK designers featuring Flower Power

Groningen, The Netherlands, De Zwarte Hond architects, featuring Flower Power

NOS Dutch Television Rembrandt 400 years, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Ed Elting designer featuring Night Watch

Projects 7

Night Watch 2006 His shadow is watching over you…. Claire – obscure; mystique and mystery, Rembrandt’s spirit lingers on in the Nightwatch, a ‘dressed-down’ chandelier which reaches back to the basic design of the early copper chandelier. Simple and bare, yet glowing and warm, it lifts tradition into today’s space. The monumental two-dimensional shapes, breathing the 17th century, are hand-crafted together with nuts and bolts and powder coated in a range of trendy colours. Past, present and future dissolve into one glowing celebration of the Autonomy of Dutch Design throughout the ages.


NWH95 special, page 112


NWW17W, page 112

NWH140BL, page 112 NWW40ST, page 112 10

Het Arsenaal, Naarden, The Netherlands, Jan des Bouvrie architect, featuring Night Watch


NWH95 special, page 112

Past, present and future dissolve into one glowing celebration 12

NWH95ST, page 112


The monumental two-dimensional shapes, breathing the 17th century


Private house Brand van Egmond, The Netherlands, featuring Night Watch

NWT55 special, page 112


Claire – obscure; mystique and mystery


Private house Brand van Egmond, The Netherlands, featuring Night Watch

NWW17BL, page 112


Architectural interior projects

by William Brand Didato, Amsterdam, Interior design

Twill importer Armani, Amsterdam, Interior design

The fascination on

You always work with

architecture and space

something bigger than

remains our ďŹ rst love,

yourself. Architecture is

says William Brand.

like baking a cake and

Being part of a space is

making the icing too. Our

quite different to holding

lighting range for exam-

an object in your hands.

ple is one line of icings.

One is admiration, the

They all excel, none is

other one is physical

neutral and they are

experience. Architecture

omnipresent in any

remains for me an

room. Some designers

escape in which I truly

create objects that are

ďŹ nd myself, space is

part of a space,

always magic. Working

we do not.

in and with a particu-

Nothing we make is

lar space allows you to

ever neutral.

pace yourself, there are elements you best leave alone and other elements

Headquarters Brand van Egmond, Naarden

you might use to excel.

Architectural and Interior design

Twill importer Armani, Amsterdam, Interior design


Didato, Amsterdam Interior design 19

Marlies Dekkers Store Rotterdam Showtime BvE’s Flower Power

Breaking with the tradition of hand-crafting wires of steel, the cutting of steel plates into flowery shapes led to the creation of Flower Power.

Flower Power FPC120BL, page 112 20

Marlies Dekker store, Rotterdam The Netherlands, featuring Flower Power


left and right curled available

The flowing, seventies’ Headquarters Brand van Egmond, Naarden, The Netherlands, featuring Flower Power and Woodstock

shapes are an exciting and sexy spectacle for the eye


FPW30BL, page 114

FPC120 special, page 112 and WS50 special, page 134


Iron is a raw material that sits at the heart of the Marlies Dekker store, Rotterdam The Netherlands, featuring Flower Power

FPHL100W, page 112

Brand Van Egmond collection. Curved, curled and tangled around light sources and crystal it forms the foundation for most designs, be it solid or light. Breaking with the tradition of hand-crafting wires of steel, the cutting of steel plates into flowery shapes, led to the creation of Flower Power. The flowing, seventies’ shapes are set-off against large black, white or transparent icicles, creating an exciting and sexy spectacle for the eye.

Let there be love … 24

FPHL120BL, page 112


Brand new oval shape


FPHO135BL, page 114

FPC120W, page 112

Marlies Dekker store, Rotterdam The Netherlands, featuring Flower Power


Candles & Spirits is the result of a unique cooperation: the combination of Swarovski’s glamour with a hint of exuberance and Brand van Egmond’s contemporary design formed the starting point for this jubilant chandelier.

Candles and Spirits 2003

In order to revive the traditional chandelier and the lasting values it represents, William and Annet decided to create todays crown jewel. The magic and poetry of a floating candle were the inspiration. The execution was found in making crystal the centrepiece, in terms of design, but moreover for the shine and glamour it represents. Nickel or gold provide the trendy or exuberant touch, turning Candles and Spirits into a fashionable statement of “great minds that think alike…” 28

Jades store, Dusseldorf, Germany, Peter Kern architects, featuring Candles & Spirits


Haute Couture, CASHO70NH, page 114

glamour with a hint of exuberance, contemporary design


Jeroen and Lucas working on models

CASH120NH, page 114


Swarovski Crystals

Headquarters Brand van Egmond, Naarden, The Netherlands, featuring Candles & Spirits


CASHO70NH, page 114

CASH120NH, page 114


Swarovski Crystals

Poetry of a floating candle

Neuhaus store, Brussels, Belgium, Desgrippes & Gobe architects, featuring Candles & Spirits


CASW30NH, page 114 35

The extremely refined

elegance of the first

co-creation with Swarovski had to be matched by a bold and almost avant-garde statement. A move from the early synergy to an object where ‘les extrèmes se touchent’: the Icy Lady.

Icy 2005 lady 36

The result is a true

‘feast to the eye’ at first sight.

Distinctly female with curvy, flowery shapes, flamboyant and fun. At a second glance, cool and aloof with perfectly cut Swarovski icicles, almost

frozen in time.

Keep your distance, she is made to admire from afar. Yet when illuminated, her cool looks in pitch black, snow white or crystal clear will glow and surely draw you in. 37

With Swarovski Crystals 38

ILC120W, page 116


ILC80N, page 116

Studio Brand van Egmond, Naarden , The Netherlands, featuring Icy Lady


Swarovski Crystals

ILC80 special, page 116 41

Crystal Waters 1999 Having followed the shapes of nature, its strength and formidable essence, it was time to let go. The fine wiry shapes were allowed to find their own way, like water when it leaves the river bed.

The new insight created a new lightness with an almost liquid touch. In a wide range of shapes and dimensions the Crystal Waters collection flows.

CWS135NH, page 116 42

Headquarters Brand van Egmond, Naarden, The Netherlands, featuring Crystal Waters


The new insight created a new lightness with an almost liquid touch

CWS155NH, page 116 and SOSWS198, page 134 44

Jamie Oliver lobby restaurant, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, featuring Crystal Waters and SOS


CWH60NH, page 116


The fine wiry shapes were

CWH60NH, page 116

allowed to find their own way,


CWSHADE80NH, page 118

CWSHADE60NH, page 118


Headquarters Brand van Egmond, Naarden, The Netherlands, featuring Crystal Waters

like water when it leaves the river bed.


CWH80NH, page 116

CWS130NH, page 118 CWH100NH, page 116 50


Transparency and shadowy silhouettes The edge of chaos form rhyme reason... the sense of order E. Gombrich

150CW1N, page 118


CWS130NH, page 118


It is a small step from the purity of nature to the pleasures of life, and it was made at the time of the introduction of Delphinium. An almost heady and loose design added an element of hedonism to the pure Chandelier line. The structure of frivolous iron garlands carrying the large glass dangles, belies an almost secret longing for times bygone. A new stream of dancing designs came to the fore, the transformation Let’s swing!

Delphinium 1998 DOC70N, page 120 54

Private house Brand van Egmond, The Netherlands, featuring Delphinium


DP60N, page 120 56

DT40N, page 122 57

DW35N, page 120

DC100N, page 120 58


DW20N, page 120


House of Gerry Weber, Hamburg, Germany, Gerry Weber architects, featuring Delphinium DC140N, page 120


The structure of frivolous iron garlands carrying the large glass dangles, belies an almost secret longing for times bygone

DCC70N, page 120 62

DF215N, page 122 63

Hollywood 1996 Travelling through Africa, William and Annet were gripped by the slender and pure beauty of branches and trees scattered across the land. In the wide open spaces, the natural fanciful lines of the branches turned the dead wood into holy wood. Back in Europe the image was translated into wrought iron in a sleek and nickel finish. Playfully adapting nature into an almost dramatic tangled web of emotions; holy wood turned into glamorous Hollywood. What seems alive is not, and what wasn’t, is‌.



HW20W, page 126

Travelling through Africa, William and Annet were gripped by the slender and pure beauty of branches HCCH120W, page 124 66

Private house Brand van Egmond, The Netherlands, featuring Hollywood


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