7 minute read
Introduction to Multifunction Cardiography
Coronary artery heart disease (CAD) is a leading, major cause of death and disability in developed countries, responsible for around one-third of all deaths among individuals over the age of 35 (1-3). About half of all middle-aged men and one-third of middleaged women in the United States will develop some manifestation of CAD in their lifetime (4) with several unrecognized drivers and causes of the persistence of this morbidity despite our general knowledge of major risk factors based on population data such as the Framingham Heart Study. The lack of adaptable, inexpensive, noninvasive, and accurate modalities to detect CAD in its early stages as well as the lack of potent monitoring of the effects of diet and other lifestyle interventions has been a major factor in this information gap.
The current state of diagnostic testing is dismally poor, with accuracy from both normal ECG testing, rated at less than 15-30 percent, and other “gold standard” modalities such as stress testing, nuclear scintigraphy, stress echocardiography, and other various types of noninvasive cardiac stress imaging stress tests rated at 38-40 percent, either missing patients with critical issues entirely, or misattributing diagnosis leading to unacceptably high false positive rates, leading to a significant number of patients undergoing unnecessary coronary angiography at a rate of nearly 60 percent.(4)Patients who are given a false positive diagnosis are exposed to potential risks involved with invasive procedures and radiation exposure without expected commensurate clinical benefit because of this inadequacy (5). Women, more than men, die from cardiovascular disease simply due to the lack of a better tool. Compounding this, there is an emerging consensus of the role of non-obstructive coronary disease and microvascular disease being the cause of clinical manifestation of ischemic heart disease, further burying the relevance of conventional testing for obstructive CAD.
A review in Circulation, 1995, by Erlin Falk demonstrated that the progression to plaque rupture and myocardial infarction (MI) over time occurs most frequently in patients with obstruction of 50 percent or less (6), far lesser than what most current conventional tools would be generally able to detect as a “problem.” To put it lightly, between the normal ECG testing rates having 30 percent accuracy at best, and the other “gold standards” maybe reaching 40 percent, that means all the greatest tools of our arsenal are worse than a flip of a coin.
It is within this medical and industrial context, that we address this deficiency in our field by introducing a viable alternative in the form of the Multifunction Cardiogram (MCG) (7), a noninvasive, bedside, radiation and drug free diagnostic tool that requires no stress or strenuous physical activity from the patient to quantitatively assess lesions across all stages of the disease from microvascular level, early non-obstructive to later stages of significantly obstructive spectrum, capable of monitoring the effectiveness of any form of therapeutic intervention affordably, quickly in 10 minutes at bedside, and without the usual confines of human error.
After 20 years and the work of two generations of mathematicians, computer engineers, and physicians, MCG Technology stands as the first embodiment of a mathematical and empirical application of systems theory to a dynamic biological environment, expressing the physiological state of the heart with a primary focus on the level of its ischemic burden, regardless the cause, whether it is large coronary artery obstruction or microvascular metabolic disease. The digital, deep machine learning platform is capable of describing the functional, dynamic state of the heart without relying on merely anatomical information.
The development team’s greatest priority has been ischemic burden measurement, but additional markers needed to be used to describe the heart within a functional/physiological context, and to do that, the mathematical expressions of the communication between two standard ECG leads over multiple cycles were used, converting the digitized signals into a frequency domain via multiple nonlinear mathematical functions, thus the term “multifunction” cardiography.
This, combined with systems analysis principles, advanced and proven digital signal processing methods, Lagrangian Mechanics Mathematics, empirical clinical data-mining, evidence driven deep machine learning, and specialty artificial intelligence algorithms have created, to our knowledge, the first example of a commercially available information technology solution in the discipline of “Clinical Computational Electrophysiology” (7).
MCG Technology fills the knowledge gap left empty by other diagnostic tools, able to deliver high levels of unprecedented diagnostic accuracy, ranging from 89 percent to as high as 100 percent accuracy for patients affected by heart diseases at all stages, from its earliest to its latest (8-21).
Compare this, to the 10-year, $100 million Ischemia trial (22), in which around 15 percent of patients alone included in both the interventional and conservative treatment arms of this landmark study, using the best of the best tools in diagnostic cardiology’s currently available arsenal, still suffered Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE). If even the gold standard and most expensive available diagnostic tools from the best institutions can still have such an unacceptably high rate of MACE, then perhaps it is time for a new 100 percent empirical evidence based diagnostic platform to step in, one that doesn’t require assumptions driven by “expert opinions.” This is probably the most important difference between MCG Technology and the rest of the mainstream diagnostic tools.
This technology presents a significant opportunity to early detect and timely monitor patients at risk of suffering MACE, especially those prone for sudden cardiac death, enabling clinicians to identify, treat, and reverse the deadly disease trends of these at-risk patients, and more than likely save their lives.
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