Orlando Medical News October 2020

Page 10

Sex and Aging:


This gives permission and opens the door for a great

overall health and well-being. For some older patients,


the physician’s office might be the only opportunity to

3. Props - Not what you think! Use posters on the

If you’ve made it past the title, then you’re ahead of the game. Research tells us that medical providers (and everyone else) have great difficulty raising questions about sexuality with our older patients. Instead, we focus on medical problems or ask physiological questions. Always staying in the safe zone: side effects of medications, pain, exercise or diet, bowel movements, and maybe even emotions. But never SEX. Sexuality is central to being human. We are living longer and sexual functioning among older adults is more important than ever for leading a healthy and fulfilling life. According to Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health, in the 1970s only 10 percent of men and women reported being sexually active into their 70’s. Today, 60 percent of men and 34 percent of women are reporting being sexually active into their 80s. That change is something to celebrate. Sex has so many benefits, including improving the immune system, lessening pain, improving sleep, managing stress, boosting self-esteem, improving connections and quality of life, and so much more. So, let’s encourage their oxytocin to start flowing. What gets in the way of SEX talk? Time constraints, discomfort, not enough privacy, insufficient training in sexual function in old age, and even socio-cultural factors. Most of us are uncomfortable with conducting a sexual history with our older patients. But it’s not just us, it’s them too. Older adults usually have greater difficulty talking about sex in general. They are reluctant because they buy into myths about sex and aging. They think they shouldn’t be interested, or it’s undignified, worry they will be judged, or have a lifetime of being reserved about this topic. For many, sexed was a one-time event and they never think of talking about the changes that are happening to their bodies sexually because they are assumed to be normal and unavoidable. But we can fix that.

wall, rack cards, a flyer, or something that promotes

discuss their current sexual experiences. 2. Sexual Cycle: If a patient reports sexual issues,

talking about sex. This is a non-threatening way to

a physician can help them identify which area of the

let patients know you are comfortable with this topic

sexual cycle they are experiencing distress; desire,

and encourages the conversation.

arousal, orgasm, or resolution. When we are young

4. Annual Wellness Visit - Make sexuality a part of the annual health questionnaire. 5. Open-Ended Questions - Or just “go for it” with questions that get them talking such as, “In what ways has your sexual relationship changed with your partner as you have aged?” or “Tell me about how you are expressing your sexuality now?” or “Is there anything getting in the way of a fulfilling sex life?”

What older patients would benefit from knowing:

desire happens before we become aroused, but as we age and hormones change, often desire happens after arousal. Helping patients understand this shift can help them stay engaged. 3. Disruptions due to Body Changes: It is not uncommon for men to have erectile issues or women to have vaginal dryness, these changes occur due to natural hormonal changes. But bodies also change because parts are removed, prolapsing, thinning, or changing in other ways. It is important to include in sexual information when you educate patients about dealing with these changes.

1. Sex is Good for You: Older patients need to know that they are entitled to a healthy and happy sex life at any age, and that sex and intimacy play a vital role in


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Ways to Start the Conversation: 1. Your Comfort - Check if your discomfort is getting in the way. If so, then get the information you need and practice, it will feel normal before long. The


more comfortable you are in discussing sex the more comfortable patients will be. 2. Patient Comfort - Acknowledge the discomfort patients may experience at the start of the

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conversation, “this may be difficult to talk about…”






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