Is Back Pain Normal as You Get Older?
Throughout their lifetime, about 85% of both men and women have some kind of neck or back pain. And unfortunately, as you get older, your chances of experiencing back pain, particularly in the lower part of your back increases. This is due to certain changes in your body as you start aging.
Your spine is made up of 33 bones, or vertebrae. Your vertebrae are separated from one another by a supple cushion called an intervertebral disc that is located between each of these bones. Your intervertebral discs start to dry out, wear down, and shrink as you age. When this occurs, your back may begin to feel stiffer and more painful.
The following other aging-related changes in your back that might result in chronic pain:
● Arthritis
● Loss of bone mass, or osteoporosis
● Loss of flexibility or strength in the muscles
Maintaining a healthy back at any age
It is critical to exercise and develop your back and abdominal muscles to help keep pain at a minimum. Regular exercise can lower your risk of developing age-related back pain and stop the already existing pain from getting worse.
You may maintain a healthy spine by doing the following in addition to regular exercise and strength training:
● Keeping a healthy weight
● Quit smoking
● Avoiding activities that could strain or hurt your back
● Using proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and posture
● Adopting healthy sleeping practices
How to Deal with Lower Back Pain?
If you are experiencing back pain, you should make an appointment with your trusted lower back pain doctor in Orlando. The doctor will assess your condition and recommend treatments such as physical or medical therapies.
If you still can't get rid of your pain after attempting every sort of solution, you may have severe chronic pain!
The Best Solutions for Chronic Pain
Epidural Injections
Interventional pain management is a form of therapy that makes daily activities simpler while also significantly improving patients' quality of life. One of the most
popular forms of interventional pain management for chronic pain is epidural injection.
Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy
For patients who have not seen relief from other types of therapy, platelet-rich plasma therapy may be the best option for pain management. Blood from the patient’s body is used in PRP therapy to speed up the healing.
This is accomplished by discovering a donor site on your own body where blood can be extracted. The platelets for implantation are then concentrated from the same blood using a centrifuge. The platelets are then placed in the wounded area, utilizing the body's natural healing processes to encourage cell turnover and quick repair.
Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cells are in charge of the body's everyday tissue remodelling and turnover. They can be found in a variety of tissues and organs in adults, with bone marrow and fat tissue being the two most common places to discover them. Stem cells release proteins that aid in reducing inflammation as they react to their environment.
If you have chronic back pain, contact Innovative Pain Solutions to get expert advice from the best lower back pain doctors in Orlando. Begin living a new and pain-free life!