1 minute read
Advocacy – The act or process of taking actions to affect change in a cause you are invested in. (pgs. 9–11)
Art – Expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. (pg.18–19)
Attachment proteins – Proteins that are involved in binding other proteins to cell structures. (pgs. 5–6)
Awareness – Concern about and well-informed interest in a situation or fact. (pg. 18–19)
Contagious – Transmissible by direct or indirect contact with an infected person. (pgs. 7–8)
Controversy – A prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of conflicting opinion or point of view. (pgs. 12–13)
Discrimination – The unjust treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. (pgs. 14–17)
Enveloped virus – A virus (such as HIV) that contains a viral envelope. (pgs. 5–6)
Epidemic – A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. (pgs. 15–16)
HIV criminalization – Laws that criminalize people based on their HIV status. (pgs. 14–17)
Human rights – Rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, or any other status. (pgs. 14–17)
Opinion – A view or judgment that may or may not be based on fact. (pgs. 9–11)
Pandemic – An epidemic that is spread over multiple countries or continents. (pgs. 7–8)
Taboo – A social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a person, place, or thing. (pgs. 12–13)
Viral envelope – The outer coating of a virus, often made of fatty acids, that encases and protects the virus. May be covered in attachment proteins. (pgs. 5–6)