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Notice Of Public Meeting
Ruisseau Park Ravine Rehabilitation Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
This notice is to advise that the City of Ottawa will hold a virtual public meeting on March 31, 2021 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. to present the results from the project’s existing conditions assessment.
Your City Councillors have organized the following consultation session where you can share comments and provide input about what the City’s priorities should be and where to potential savings might be found.
• Ward 1 – Orléans East-Cumberland (Councillor Matthew Luloff)
• Ward 2 – Orléans West-Innes (Councillor Laura Dudas)
• Ward 11 – Beacon Hill-Cyrville (Councillor Tim Tierney)

Residents are invited to ask questions and provide feedback on this study. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period. The presentation will be posted on the City’s website following the meeting with an opportunity to submit written comments.
• Ward 19 – Orléans South-Navan (Councillor Catherine Kitts)

A second and final public meeting will be held in fall 2021 to present the results from the assessment of alternatives and the preferred solution. To attend the meeting on March 31, members of the public must register by email or by phone using the contact information below.
Location : Place d’Orléans
Date: Saturday, Feb. 11
Time: 9:30 am to 11 am – drop-in meeting
For more information, please visit the project web page at Ottawa.ca/bluewillowpark, or contact.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request. If you cannot attend the session you can submit your ideas to your respective ward councillor
Ward 1 Orléans East-Cumberland – Matt.Luloff@ottawa.ca
Ward 2 Orléans West-Innes – Laura.Dudas@ottawa.ca
Laurent Jolliet, P. Eng.
Ward 11 Beacon Hill-Cyrville – Tim.Tierney@ottawa.ca
Project Specialist, Stormwater City of Ottawa
Ward 19 Orléans South-Navan – Catherine.Kitts@ottawa.ca
613.580.2424 ext. 17149
Follow and communicate with the City on Facebook and Twitter @ottawacity, using the hashtag #OttBudget.