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O Canada celebration in need of volunteers
ORLÉANS – Organizers of this year’s O Canada celebration on Petrie Island have put the call out for volunteers to help with everything from setting the event up to activities the day of and even the clean-up the day after. July 1 falls on a Saturday this year, which means a lot people will opt to go to their cottage for the long weekend rather than deal with the traditional Canada Day crowds. It also makes it harder to recruit volunteers. But without sufficient volunteers. the job of running the event will fall on the hands of a few. The O Canada event represents the perfect opportunity for students to rack up some community service hours while truly serving their community and having fun at the same time. Becoming a volunteer also means you have more convenient access to the island and the event itself. The time commitment is up to each volunteer and can range from just a few hours to the entire day. You can register to volunteer online at www.ocanadaorleans.ca/volunteer.