The Wall of Hope Interactive Project Proposal

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> Table of Contents



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table of contents



























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competitive analysis > Table of Contents

PROJECT CONCEPT Design a website to act as a virtual wall on which victims of natural disasters, and other catastrophic events, can post photos, descriptions, and messages; Search for missing or lost loved ones; and provide private contact information, all through text, smart phone, or Internet access. Commissioned by The Coates Memorial Foundation, this site is inspired by the real-world occurrences of individuals posting physical letters and photographs on walls of public buildings or structures with the hope of reuniting with lost loved ones. This website will be accessible world-wide upon completion. This site will also offer a variety of search filters to allow users to narrow down results. All messages and photographs will be available for public view, but personal contact information will be private and available only through a secure registration process.

WEBSITE BENEFITS This website will allow individuals to connect with missing or lost loved ones during the period of confusion and chaos that follow a natural disaster or catastrophic event. The greatest benefit of this website will be the ability to use texting via a cellular or smart phone to post to “the wall�. Texting does not require Internet access and uses a different part of the cellular service network that often remains open when cell phone lines are overloaded by call volumes. Additionally, the ability of users to view photographs of those missing will aid military, police, and hospital staff to identify victims who are unresponsive, deceased, or unidentifiable and reunite them with their families or loved ones in a timely manner.

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competitive analysis > Table of Contents

COMPARISON TABLE Website Restoring Family Links

Navigation Primary; buttonbased w/ drop-down menu. Secondary; select, drop-down menu boxes.

American Red Cross

Primary & Secondary navigation; Link-based.

Color Scheme

Look & Feel




Burnt Sienna, light gray-browns w/ red & white accents.

Layout is blog style without well-defined hierarchy. Very flat design.

Two different search options; Long text-based articles, news and instructions.

A few small photos; Standard Social Media Links.

Website is difficult to navigate and use. Color scheme is very unappealing.

Clean, uncluttered and text-based.

Simple text instructions, search options, and register-assafe options. Language translation.

Single photograph on home page.

Site is completely search based with no additional content.


Red, white, & Blue; Very patriotic.

Tertiary; Search-based.

Google Person Finder

Two-point entry system; No other information available.

White background with green and blue block color.

Super-basic, application style design.

This site does offer an option to upload photographs.

No photo upload option.

This site is well designed and easy to use. Instructions are clear. Site is oriented around name registry and search. Because this site is event based, and still apparently in beta phase, there is little information on it. Site functions only for a limited time after each event.

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competitive analysis > Table of Contents

COMPARISON BREAKDOWN There are not currently many options for this type of website application at this time. As such, the three companies chosen for comparison were chosen for their similarity to the proposed project in terms of search ability and purpose. Restoring Family Links This website’s name does not bring it into top search rankings and it is actually quite difficult to find via a Google search. Additionally it’s extremely distasteful color scheme and heavily text-laden content create an unpleasant user experience. Primary navigation is not worded intuitively which makes it difficult for the user to find what they are looking for. This site uses a tracing technique for searching out missing people. The tracing technique allows users to contact the organization which then takes over the responsibility of searching multiple outlets, such as the red-cross lists, morgues and hospitals in the search area, local search parties, etc., to expedite the search process. This system is inefficient for all but the most extreme cases. This site does allow for the upload of photos, as well as text information. With little visual interest, too much text content, and confusing navigation, this website, while offering the most similar features, is not very strong competition for The Wall of Hope project.

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competitive analysis > Table of Contents

COMPARISON BREAKDOWN American Red Cross – Safe and Well Program This website’s clean layout with crisp white background and patriotic color scheme make it very appealing and simple to use. The primary purpose of this site is to A) List the user as “Safe and Well” or B) To search those registered as “Safe and Well”. Because this site is primarily search-based, the content and instruction is minimal but effective. All search registrants must give their full contact information for security purposes. The “Safe and Well” form offers a wide variety of features including personal information, current contact information, and choice of personalized or generic Safe and Well messages. However, there is no option for photo upload and users searching the database must be able to provide the missing person’s full name, address and/ or phone number, limiting the number of users who can search the database. Additional limitations include the inability of the user to register as ‘searching for someone’. Because this site has brand recognition and disaster relief outpost locations, as well as being at the top of the Google search rankings, it is likely the current “go-to” website for users searching for lost or missing family members. However, while it may be the strongest competitor for The Wall of Hope, it does have limitations with its current security options and lack of photo upload/search option.

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competitive analysis > Table of Contents

COMPARISON BREAKDOWN Google Person Finder This web application appears to still be in beta or a testing phase of development. It is a very simple search-based design allowing users to either search for someone or submit information about someone (or themselves). This application’s simple, straight-forward design and color scheme make it fast and easy to use, although lack of instructional information could create user uncertainty. Somewhat ironically Google Person Finder only comes up at the top of the Google Search rankings with the use of very specific keywords, whereas The Red Cross website appears highest ranked under a variety of phrases and keywords. This application does allow the user to share personal information, messages, and upload photographs to aid in the search process. In terms of comparison, it offers the most similar concept and features to The Wall of Hope. However, the fact that the application is currently event-based only, and operates only for a set period of time after each event, makes it much more limited in scope than The Wall of Hope project.

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competitive analysis > Table of Contents

ANALYSIS The Wall of Hope project has a unique opportunity to fill an important gap in the marketplace. Through this analysis it is clear that to meet the end objective it will be important to give users a fast, easy, and reassuring experience. This can be achieved by including features such as clean, uncluttered design, intuitive navigation, a calming color scheme, and by providing multiple upload and search options. Instructions for using the site should remain simple and clear, requiring minimal text content. Font choice, hierarchy, and readability of the design layout will also be of extreme importance in the effort to communicate information clearly and quickly. Additionally, universal icons may aid in the usability of the site. In order to offer what the competition does not, search parameters and/or filters should be flexible, stackable, and take into consideration location, event, name, phone number, photographs, age, message and description. It may be beneficial to consider a special log-in option for police, military officials, and hospital staff, in the interest of allowing quicker access to private contact information during the search. Disclosures and privacy notices will be necessary due to the public nature of the content posted to this website. Security issues regarding contact information will have to be addressed in order to provide the best possible solution. Notice should also be given that it will be the user’s responsibility to update information posted to the wall.

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strategy brief > Table of Contents

SITUATION During the Japan Tsunami in 2012, wealthy entrepreneur, Warren Coates became separated from his wife & children, and his brother whom they were visiting at the time. It took two weeks before he was notified that his wife and children had lived through the event. Unfortunately, his brother did not survive. The memory of the stress, anxiety, heartache, fear, grief and support he experienced during those two weeks is what drives him. Inspired by the photos and messages placed on walls and public structures, after the Tsunami, Warren decided on his course of action. It is Warren’s goal to help decrease the amount of time it takes to reunite families and loved ones after such disasters and to build an Online community where people can seek and give support. It is also his goal to aid police, military, and hospital personnel in the identification of those who are deceased or unresponsive in hope of reuniting them with their families sooner.

OBJECTIVE The Wall of Hope’s goal is to reduce current average wait times, between the time a catastrophic events occurs and the time missing loved-ones are returned to their families, by 30% within the first six months and by 50% within the first year.

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strategy brief > Table of Contents

TARGET MARKET Internal Victims

External Victims

Front-line Releif Staff

Military, Police, & Hospital

0 yrs. to 99 yrs.

0 yrs. to 99 yrs.

18 yrs. to 50 yrs.

24 yrs. to 65 yrs.

Varied income levels

Varied income levels

$16,000 - $60,000/yr. Income

$28,000 - $80,000/yr. Income

Familiar with Internet use

Familiar with Internet use

Very familiar with Internet use

Very familiar with Internet use

Unlikely access to a phone

Likely access to a phone

Likely access to a phone

Access to a phone

Unlikely access to the Internet

Likely access to the Internet

Likely access to the Internet

Access to the Internet

Scared, sad, hopeful, in-need

Worried, concerned, hopeful

Busy, urgent, stressed-out

Sad, focused, determined

MARKET NEEDS There is an opportunity to fill a gap in the current market with this project. There are limited options for victims to get in-touch with their loved ones during the period immediately following a catastrophic event. Additionally, there is a need among Police, Military, Hospital and Aid Relief workers for a system to help them respond more quickly and efficiently in this regard.

CLIENT NEEDS It is the Client’s goal to help decrease the amount of time it takes to reunite families and loved ones after such disasters and to build an Online community where people can seek and give support. It is also his goal to aid police, military, and hospital personnel in the identification of those who are deceased or unresponsive in hope of reuniting them with their families sooner. The Wall of Hope ||


strategy brief > Table of Contents

STRATEGY In order to complete this project, a number of web design industry professionals will be hired, including experts in UX/UI design & testing, programming, a mobile-application designer, and a cellular/texting integration expert. Together they will work to create a site based on two separate premises; Seeking and Reporting. These processes will be largely form-based, so creating easy to use forms that are comprehensive enough to be effective, but also cleanly designed to feel stress-free will be important. A comprehensive and customizable search engine will aid users in finding those they seek by narrowing targets by event, location, sex, age, ethnicity, phone number, address, and photograph. Also, it will be necessary to hire an expert in Online security who can aid in setting up permissions systems for access of contact information through the site, by professionals and civilians alike. Information on those under 18 yrs. of age will only be available with registration, possibly only to those with police, military, or hospital credentials. Additionally, a lawyer with design industry experience will be brought in to consult on all legal disclaimers and user-contracts necessary for the website. It will not be necessary for the individual reporting to only report themselves, which will allow aid workers to process information on the behalf of others. All information reported will be editable/updatable with time-stamping. It will be the user’s responsibility to update information. All individuals marked as found will remain listed as found but will have their information removed from the wall immediately to decrease server volumes.

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strategy brief > Table of Contents

TACTICS This website will use simple, flat design on a clean, white background with a cool, calming color palette to sooth the stressed-out user and guide them through the process quickly and easily. The search bar will be a prominent part of the design, as it will be a focus of the site. A second focus will be the search forms which will use drop down menus, check boxes, and other methods to simplify the process for users. Navigation will be both flat-button style and link-based dependent on location and will make use of large, easy to read at-a-glance fonts to aid readability. Finally, a public “wall� will be available to view slowly updating/scrolling messages posted by users, updating/scrolling photographs, news updates, and links to other resources. Any motion on the site will be smooth and slow. It is ultimately the goal for the user to feel reassured and hopeful through the use of this website.

The Wall of Hope ||


RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

IDENTIFICATION OF RISKS [Time] [Stakeholder] [Cost] [Procurement] [Human Resources] [Communications] [Quality] [Scope]

1. Severe weather delays.



2. Client abandons the project. 3. Cost exceeds funding.

High (3)

Risk 1 (6)

Risk 8 (9)

4. Lack of UX/UI test subjects. 5. Unqualified designers/developers.

Medium (2)

Risk 3, Risk 9 (6)

6. Poor team communication. 7. Overcomplicated design. 8. Failure to obtain/create Military, Police, and Hospital permissions.



Low (1)

Risk 7 (1) Low (1)

Risk 4, Risk 6 (2) Medium (2)

Risk 2, Risk 5, Risk 10 (3) High (3)

9. Privacy & Security of user content. 10. Software Failure.


ANALYSIS OF RISK Analysis of risk factors will allow the project management team to anticipate and plan for all contingencies. Each risk will be assessed in order of priority, high to low, and will include the expected approach to manage and control each risk. The Project Manager will then monitor and reassess the risks at the beginning of each week.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: HIGH RISK (RATED 6 - 9) Failure to obtain/create Military, Police, and Hospital permissions [Risk 8: rating 9] While it is the aim of this site to provide a forum for people who are victims of catastrophic events, and their families, to remove some of the burden placed on Military, Police and Hospital staff to reunite loved ones, the latter still play a vital role in the process, particularly where minors and the injured are concerned. For this reason it will be of high importance to work out a system that will give security clearance to qualified officials in order to permit secure access to all user information including private contact information. To minimize risk, an expert in security protocols will be brought in immediately (to take advantage of the full three month timeline) to consult with programmers and designers to develop a unified and secure process that can be used across the board for all officials. This individual will be given access to any necessary communications equipment (i.e. cell phone, computer, land-line, etc.) in order to expedite this communication-heavy process.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: HIGH RISK (RATED 6 - 9) Severe weather [Risk 1: rating 6] As this project is headquartered in western Washington State during the Fall/Winter season, it will be subject to weather conditions that may include flooding, snow, and high winds. There is a possibility of power outages which could impact the January 1st deadline. Additionally, large quantities of snow in some areas may affect the ability of team members to reach the office. To minimize risk, team members who are unable to reach the office due to snow will be asked to telecommute and a Skype interface will be set up in the HQ conference room in order to allow telecommuting team members to participating in meetings. For anyone affected by power outages, they will be asked to locate a free Wi-Fi hot-spot, if necessary, in an area not affected by outages, from which to work (i.e. Starbucks, coffee shops). In the case of a large-scale black-out, the team will reassemble at HQ as soon as it has power, and everyone can be contacted, to reassess time-lines and determine how best to make up lost time. Regular back-ups to the Cloud servers should prevent any loss of data in the interim.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: HIGH RISK (RATED 6 - 9) Cost exceeds funding [Risk 3: rating 6] Due to a lack in the marketplace for this type of site it is difficult to determine the costs associated with such a project. As a non-profit organization, cost is a primary concern. A detailed budget breakdown will help team leaders to minimize risk of exceeding funding. Additionally, each team member and consultant will be asked to donate ten hours per week or work at 75% of their standard rate, whichever is agreeable to them. A weekly expense report will also be generated by the Project Manager in order to track ongoing expenditures.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: HIGH RISK (RATED 6 - 9) Privacy & Security of user content [Risk 9: rating 6] It is expected that users will be under a great deal of stress and emotional upset while operating this website. As such, it will be important to both, provide the user complete security of their private contact information, as well as reassure them that such measures have been taken. In order to minimize the risk of security breach multiple security systems will be put in place, including data encryption systems to protect user contact information, login and password requirements, and system/IP/mac address tracking of anyone accessing the secure area. An Internet security expert will be brought in to consult with programmers to insure the users’ data is protected. All of the site’s posting pages, including a text response system, will notify/ reassure the user that safety measures are in place to protect their private information and legal disclaimers posted regarding public content (including a definitions).

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: MEDIUM RISK (RATED 3-5) Client abandons the project [Risk 2: rating 3] While it is unlikely that the Client will abandon the project, due to his personal commitment to the matter, there is always the possibility that unforeseen circumstances may arise that put the Client in a position to reject/recall funding. Depending on the level of completion of the project, this could devastate any remaining opportunity for success. To minimize risk that the Project team’s actions might cause the Client to remove funding, every effort will be made to remain in good standing with the Client through strong, positive communication, keep the project on track and under budget, and opportunities to interact in safe, professional environments.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: MEDIUM RISK (RATED 3-5) Unqualified designers/developers [Risk 5: rating 3] The level of experience, knowledge, and professionalism required to complete this project on budget in a timely manner will be very high. It will be vital to recruit altruistic individuals, both as team members and consultants, who are able to work together well and have a willingness to donate their time to this important cause. To maximize employee satisfaction, and minimize risk of failure, hiring will consist of a two-part process. The Project manager will conduct the first round of interviews, in which an applicant must demonstrate that they meet all requirements of the position, and all team-members, as they are hired, will be added to a panel for a secondary round of interviews. Each team member can feel assured that their voice will be heard in order to find a group that works together at a highly effective level. Additionally, the Project Manager will have an open-door policy, engage in active listening, and work quickly to settle disputes and to weed out anyone who is not pulling their weight.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: MEDIUM RISK (RATED 3-5) Software Failure [Risk 10: rating 3] Integrating technologies such as text messaging into the website, as well as including a comprehensive search engine, multiple forms, security processes, and animated elements, is a complex process that could result in the failure of the software to function properly. This risk can be minimized through extensive UI/UX testing during each phase of the development process and debugging before the final product is delivered.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: LOW RISK (RATED 1-2) Lack of UX/UI testing subjects [Risk 4: rating 2] It will be important to test this product among a wide range of individuals in order to get a full understanding of the functionality and design of the site. It is unlikely that test subjects will be operating under the same conditions they would be in a catastrophic event, however, which will have to be taken into account during the feedback gathering phase. Ideally, it will be possible to find test subjects who have experienced a catastrophic event, natural or man-made, in the not-too-distant past. There are a few paths of recruitment that may minimize the risk of not finding enough test subjects for this site; Foundations, such as the Red Cross, will be tapped for any useful information that may lead to appropriate test subjects. Also, Online and/or TV news media may be willing to put out a ‘casting-call’ for volunteers. The Client will also be consulted to put forth his own suggestions.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: LOW RISK (RATED 1-2) Poor team communication [Risk 6: rating 2] Team communication is vital to any project and no less so here. By using the previously mentioned hiring process to find team members who are compatible it is unlikely that the team will experience any communication issues or challenges. However, in order to increase communication and minimize risk, all team members will be expected to participate in a daily meeting each morning and a team focus meeting at the beginning of each new phase of the process. Company e-mail will be used and a designated filing systems will be in place to aid organization. Any team member lacking a cellular/smart device will be provide with one. And, to insure mutual respect, communication guidelines will be set in place to designate appropriate times/methods of communication between team members.

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RISK MATRIX > Table of Contents

BREAKDOWN: LOW RISK (RATED 1-2) Overcomplicated design [Risk 7: rating 1] The design and overall feel of this site need to first, aid the functionality, and second, reassure and comfort the user. Because this site will be used during high-stress, chaotic times, it will be that much more important that the interface is exceedingly well designed and easy to use. While it is the least likely risk that the project team faces, the risk can be minimized further by providing designers with copies of the Competitive Analysis and requiring further research into the most successful integrations of the technologies/systems this site will be using. Wire-frames and prototypes will be designed and approved prior to the final phase. A color scheme will also be determined based on color psychology research and Gestalt principles. Encouraging good communication between the designers and developers will also aid the final, designed product.

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process design timeline > Table of Contents

Phase 1: Planning 09/24/13 to 10/08/13

Phase 2: Research 10/21/13 to 10/25/13

Phase 3: Design

10/28/13 to 11/18/13

Phase 4: UX/UI

11/19/13 to 11/21/13

Phase 5: Develop.

11/25/13 to 12/1913

Phase 6: Testing 12/20/13 to 12/31/13

Phase 7: Delivery 01/04/14

The Wall of Hope ||


work breakdown structure [wbs] > Table of Contents

PHASE 1: PLANNING 1.1 Meet with Client 1.1.2 Discuss objectives 1.1.3 Determine scope of project 1.1.4 Determine budget

1 hours 0.5 hours 0.25 hours 0.25 hours

1.2 Create plan of action 1.2.1 Complete competitive analysis 1.2.2 Complete strategy brief

2 hours 4 hours 6 hours

1.3 Client approval meeting 1.3.1 Present competitive analysis & strategy brief 1.3.2 Make necessary changes 1.3.3 Obtain Client signature on both documents

1 hour 1 hours 1 hours 0.25 hours

1.4 Create proposal 1.4.1 Create scope of work statement 1.4.2 Create risk analysis statement 1.4.3 Create WBS statement 1.4.4 Create Gantt chart 1.4.5 Prepare contract & legal documents

4 hour 2 hours 4 hours 12 hours 8 hours 2 hours

1.5 Client approval meeting 1.5.1 Present proposal & contract(s) 1.5.2 Make necessary changes 1.5.3 Obtain Client signature proposal & contract(s)

1 hour 1 hours 0.5 hours 0.25 hours

The Wall of Hope ||


work breakdown structure [wbs] > Table of Contents

PHASE 1: PLANNING 1.6 Create project team 1.6.1 Assess project team requirements 1.6.3 Hire team members 1.6.4 Hold initial team meeting 1.6.5 Create team contract

8 hour 1 hours 48 hours 1 hours 0.5 hours

1.7 Obtain specialized contractors 1.7.1 Retain Lawyer 1.7.2 Hire Online security expert 1.7.3 Contact cellular integration expert

3 hour 1 hours 4 hours 8 hours

PHASE 2: RESEARCH 2.1 Conduct research 2.1.1 Library/hard-copy research 2.1.2 Online/database Research

4 hours 8 hours 8 hours

2.2 Conduct voluntary survivor interviews 2.3 File requests for information 2.3.1 Request security report from contracted expert 2.3.2 Request cellular integration report from expert

16 hours 5 hours 0.5 hours 0.5 hours

2.4 Meet with project team & contractors 2.4.1 Review findings & conclusions 2.4.2 Compile research for reference 2.4.3 Define technical specifications

1 hour 1 hours 0.25 hours 0.75 hours

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work breakdown structure [wbs] > Table of Contents

PHASE 3: DESIGN 3.1 Concept 3.1.1 Create storyboard 3.1.2 Obtain Client approval

2 hours 8 hours 1 hours

3.2 Creative Brief 3.2.1 Create site-map 3.2.2 Navigation flowchart 3.2.3 Create style sheet 3.2.4 Create wire-frames 3.2.5 Obtain Client approval

7 hours 8 hours 4 hours 4 hours 10 hours 1 hours

3.3 Organize assets 3.3.1 Gather images, create graphics 3.3.2 Consult with Lawyer re: disclaimers & legal notices 3.3.3 Create/acquire body copy 3.3.4 Obtain Client approval

5 hours 8 hours 4 hours 16 hours 1 hours

3.4 Prototype design 3.4.1 Create site/page mock-ups/templates 3.4.2 Create comprehensive design presentation for Client 3.4.3 Project Manager approval

2 hours 8 hours 6 hours 0.5 hours

3.5 Client approval meeting 3.5.1 Present design prototype to Client 3.5.2 Discuss and make necessary changes 3.5.3 Obtain Client signature on design concept

1 hours 0.5 hours 1 hours 0.25 hours The Wall of Hope ||


work breakdown structure [wbs] > Table of Contents

PHASE 4: UX/UI TESTING 4.1 UX/UI test session 4.1.1 Develop testing templates 4.1.2 Assemble test groups 4.1.3 Test session(s)

3 hours 8 hours 8 hours 2 hours

4.2 Meet with production team 4.2.1 Review & discuss test results 4.2.2 Make necessary design alterations 4.2.3 Project Manager approval

1 hours 1 hours 4 hours 0.5 hours

4.3 Client approval meeting 4.3.1 Review test results 4.3.2 Review design alterations 4.3.3 Obtain client signature on design changes

1 hours 0.5 hours 0.5 hours 0.25 hours

PHASE 5: DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Develop website 5.1.1 Develop interface 5.1.2 Develop database framework 5.1.3 Consult with cellular integration expert 5.1.4 Code/integrate Text-message capability 5.1.5 Consult with security expert 5.1.6 Apply security protocols 5.1.7 Project Manager approval

17 hours 15 hours 28 hours 8 hours 52 hours 4 hours 24 hours 1 hours

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work breakdown structure [wbs] > Table of Contents

PHASE 5: DEVELOPMENT 5.2 Client approval meeting 5.2.1 Prepare demonstration for Client 5.2.2 Make changes, if necessary 5.2.3 Obtain client signature of approval

2 hours 4 hours 10 hours 1 hours

PHASE 6: BETA TESTING 6.1 Put Beta site Online for testing 6.1.1 Test navigation/links 6.1.2 Test forms, form response, & data entry 6.1.3 Test cross-browser compatibility 6.1.4 Test cross-platform compatibility 6.1.5 Test password protection/security access 6.1.6 Make necessary changes/repairs

5 hours 1 hours 2 hours 1 hours 2 hours 1 hours 16 hours

6.2 User testing: website 6.2.1 Develop testing questionnaire 6.2.2 Assemble test groups 6.2.3 Test session(s)

2 hours 1 hours 4 hours 2 hours

6.3 User testing: Text-messaging 6.3.1 Develop testing questionnaire 6.3.2 Assemble test groups 6.3.3 Assemble test devices/technology 6.3.4 Test session(s)

2 hours 1 hours 4 hours 1 hours 2 hours

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Work breakdown structure [wbs] > Table of Contents

PHASE 6: BETA TESTING 6.4 Review of test results 6.4.1 Compile all test results 6.4.2 Create report and recommendations 6.4.3 Project Manager approval

1 hours 4 hours 4 hours 1 hours

6.5 Client approval meeting 6.5.1 Present test report and recommendations 6.5.2 Obtain Client approval on changes 6.5.3 Make approved changes 6.5.4 Present changes to Client 6.5.5 Obtain Client signature of approval

1 hours 1 hours 0.25 hours 2 hours 1 hours 0.5 hours

PHASE 7: DELIVERY 7.1 Take final site live 7.1.1 Test live site, text messaging & changes 7.1.2 Project Manager approval

1hours 1 hours 0.5 hours

7.2 Client delivery meeting 7.2.1 Demonstrate website for Client 7.2.2 Obtain Client signature on project delivery

1 hours 1.5 hours 1 hours

7.3 Project wrap-up 7.3.1 Meet with project team 7.3.2 Review successes and failures 7.3.3 Project complete!

1 hours 1 hours 1 hours 1 hours The Wall of Hope ||


project team description > Table of Contents

PROJECT TEAM Tressa Randolph, Project Manager Tressa has 12 years of experience in the design management field. She will be responsible for guiding the project from start to finish. Tressa will be the liaison between the project team and the Client, providing problem solving and dispute resolution to keep the process running smoothly. In addition to planning the project out, she will also participate in the design process, help create graphic & text content, and finalize all decision in an effort to make sure high quality is maintained throughout.

Elizabeth Peters, Administrative Assistant Elizabeth has eighteen years of administrative assistance work for a variety of companies, including 8 years working with tech companies and four with design companies. She will be a source of support for the Project Manager and her team, maintaining an organized office space, directing phone calls, keeping records, and other duties associated with running an office. She is a no-nonsense woman with a positive take-charge attitude, who is not easily rattled by setbacks and cannot be bullied by anyone.

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project team description > Table of Contents

PROJECT TEAM Robert Jordan, Creative Director Robert has spent ten years as a Creative Director for two different web design companies and many more working as a graphic designer, we designer, and art director. He will oversee and guide the design as it progresses, and aid team members in determining the needs of the website. Robert’s jolly demeanor and great senseof-humor benefit his interaction with Client consultant, and team members alike. He also has a reputation for being able to juggle many projects at once, while staying organized and focused.

Jim Butcher, Web Designer Jim has sixteen years as a website designer with the last four years spent focusing on smart phone/tablet design. He is familiar with Adobe Creative Suite, basic HTML & CSS skills, and has experience with running UX/UI test sessions. He will meet with other team members throughout the process, create overall design concept, from storyboards through to prototypes, and will also be responsible for developing and running UX/UI test sessions. Jim is an out-of-the box thinker who understands designing for multiple platforms and burgeoning technologies.

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project team description > Table of Contents

PROJECT TEAM Kim Harrison, Front End Developer Kim is well versed in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, & JQuery. She has 8 years experience including knowledge of databases and security protocols, and is familiar with the testing/debugging process. She will work closely with both the Designer and Back End Developer to integrate all required elements into the site, perform testing/ debugging on the site, and eventually take the site live. Kim was recommended by the designer, Jim Butcher, for her ability to find creative solutions to challenging and unique problems.

Deborhah Harkness, Back End Developer Deb has six years of Front End Development and twelve years of Back End Development in the web design industry. Well versed in PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA, CMSs, Database construction, and web app development, she has excellent time management and organizational skills. She has worked on the creation of large scale websites and applications and as such she will be bringing many new ideas to the table for how to accomplish the project’s goals. She has a deep respect for the design process, though she does not consider herself to have much skill in that area.

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project team description > Table of Contents

PROJECT TEAM Carl Hiaasen, Security Consultant The security of user information on this website is of the highest importance. Carl is has genuine concern for the safety of others and a deep respect for human life. He will give the best advice he can to assure that victims of catastrophic events can use this website without fear of violation of their privacy or human rights. Carl hails from southern Florida and is familiar with the devastation and chaos that follow a natural disaster. With 15 years of experience he will be an important resource for this project.

David Baldacci, Cellular Integration Expert Thirty-eight years working to develop cellular and smart technology, both hardware and software has given Dave an innate understanding of cellular and text messaging process and limitations. He will work with the Back End Developer to create the process by which text messaging can be integrated into the website, will troubleshoot problems, and identify/outline limitations. Dave’s ability to communicate complex information in a manner that is understandable will be vital to working with our Back End Developer to create a text messaging system for the website.

The Wall of Hope ||


project team description > Table of Contents

PROJECT TEAM Noah Gordon, Media & Online Attorney Noah’s work with social media outlets provides him with special insight into Online privacy and user rights. He feels it is important to be clear and concise, particularly given that Online users are given to scanning instead of reading content. He will consult with the Project Manager and Creative Director to answer questions, review, and revise all legal documentations and notices required to secure user rights for this website.

The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 1: PLANNING 1.1 Meet with Client 1.1.2 Discuss objectives 1.1.3 Determine scope of project 1.1.4 Determine budget 1.2 Create plan of action 1.2.1 Complete competitive analysis 1.2.2 Complete strategy brief 1.3 Client approval meeting 1.3.1 Present competitive analysis & strategy brief 1.3.2 Make necessary changes 1.3.3 Obtain Client signature on both documents 1.4 Create proposal 1.4.1 Create scope of work statement 1.4.2 Create risk analysis statement 1.4.3 Create WBS statement 1.4.4 Create Gantt chart 1.4.5 Prepare contract & legal documents 1.5 Client approval meeting 1.5.1 Present proposal & contract(s) 1.5.2 Make necessary changes 1.5.3 Obtain Client signature on proposal & contract(s)

19 hrs

09/24/13 to



1 hrs

09/24/13 to



0.5 hrs 0.25 hrs 0.25 hrs

10/01/13 to 09/24/13 to 09/24/13 to

10/01/13 09/24/13 09/24/13

$15 $8 $7

2 hrs

09/25/13 to



4 hrs 6 hrs

09/25/13 to 09/25/13 to

09/25/13 09/26/13

$120 $180

1 hrs

09/27/13 to



1 hrs 1 hrs 0.25 hrs

09/27/13 to 09/27/13 to 09/27/13 to

09/27/13 09/27/13 09/27/13

$30 $30 $8

4 hrs

09/30/13 to



2 hrs 4 hrs 12 hrs 8 hrs 2 hrs

09/30/13 09/30/13 09/30/13 10/02/13 10/03/13

to to to to to

09/30/13 09/30/13 10/02/13 10/03/13 10/03/13

$60 $120 $360 $240 $60

1 hrs

10/04/13 to



1 hrs 0.5 hrs 0.25 hrs

10/04/13 to 10/04/13 to 10/04/13 to

10/04/13 10/04/13 10/04/13

$30 $15 $7

T. Randolph T. Randolph T. Randolph

T. Randolph T. Randolph

T. Randolph T. Randolph T. Randolph

T. Randolph T. Randolph T. Randolph T. Randolph T. Randolph

T. Randolph T. Randolph T. Randolph

The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 1: PLANNING 1.6 Create project team

19 hrs

09/24/13 to



8 hrs

10/07/13 to



1 hrs 48 hrs 1 hrs 0.5 hrs

10/07/13 10/07/13 10/16/13 10/16/13

to to to to

10/07/13 10/15/13 10/16/13 10/16/13

$30 $1,440 $220 $100

3 hrs

10/16/13 to



1 hrs 4 hrs 8 hrs

10/16/13 to 10/17/13 to 10/17/13 to

10/16/13 10/17/13 10/18/13

$30 $120 $240


5 hrs

10/21/13 to



2.1 Conduct research

4 hrs

10/21/13 to



8 hrs 8 hrs

10/21/13 to 10/22/13 to

10/23/13 10/24/13

$520 $520

R. Jordan, R. Jordan,

J. Butcher J. Butcher

2.2 Conduct voluntary survivor interviews

16 hrs

10/22/13 to



R. Jordan,

J. Butcher

2.3 File requests for information

5 hrs

10/21/13 to



0.5 hrs 0.5 hrs

10/21/13 to 10/21/13 to

10/25/13 10/25/13

$25 $25

1 hrs

10/25/13 to



1 hrs 0.25 hrs 0.5 hrs 0.5 hrs

10/25/13 10/25/13 10/25/13 10/25/13

10/25/13 10/25/13 10/25/13 10/25/13

$190 $81 $115 $115

1.6.1 Assess project team requirements 1.6.3 Hire team members 1.6.4 Hold initial team meeting 1.6.5 Create team contract 1.7 Obtain specialized contractors 1.7.1 Retain Lawyer 1.7.2 Hire Online-security expert 1.7.3 Contact cellular integration expert

2.1.1 Library/hard-copy research 2.1.2 Online/database Research

2.3.1 Request security report from contracted expert 2.3.2 Request cellular integration report from expert 2.4 Meet with project team & contractors 2.4.1 Review findings & conclusions 2.4.2 Compile research for reference 2.4.3 Define technical specifications 2.4.4 Define design specifications

to to to to

T. Randolph T. Randolph Entire Team Entire Team

T. Randolph, N. Gordon T. Randolph, C. Hiaasen T. Randolph, D. Baldacci

R. Jordan, C. Hiaasen R. Jordan, D. Baldacci

Entire Team Entire Team Entire Team Entire Team The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 3: DESIGN 3.1 Concept 3.1.1 Create storyboard 3.1.2 Obtain Client approval 3.2 Creative Brief 3.2.1 Create site-map 3.2.2 Navigation flowchart 3.2.3 Create style sheet 3.2.4 Create wire-frames 3.2.5 Obtain Client approval 3.3 Organize assets 3.3.1 Gather images, create graphics 3.3.2 Consult with Lawyer re: disclaimers & legal notices 3.3.3 Create/acquire body copy 3.3.4 Obtain Client approval 3.4 Prototype design 3.4.1 Create site/page mock-ups/templates 3.4.2 Create comprehensive presentation for Client 3.4.3 Project Manager approval 3.5 Client approval meeting 3.5.1 Present design prototype to Client 3.5.2 Discuss and make necessary changes 3.5.3 Obtain Client signature on design concept

16 hrs

10/28/13 to



2 hrs

10/28/13 to



8 hrs 1 hrs

10/28/13 to 10/29/13 to

10/28/13 10/29/13

$380 $65

7 hrs

10/29/13 to



8 hrs 4 hrs 4 hrs 10 hrs 1 hrs

10/29/13 10/30/13 11/01/13 11/04/13 11/06/13

to to to to to

10/30/13 10/30/13 11/01/13 11/05/13 11/06/13

$240 $120 $120 $300 $65

5 hrs

11/07/13 to



8 hrs 4 hrs 16 hrs 1 hrs

11/07/13 11/08/13 11/11/13 11/13/13

to to to to

11/07/13 11/08/13 11/12/13 11/13/13

$450 $140 $400 $65

2 hrs

11/14/13 to



8 hrs 6 hrs 0.5 hrs

11/14/13 to 11/15/13 to 11/15/13 to

11/14/13 11/15/13 11/15/13

$240 $210 $23

1 hrs

11/18/13 to



0.5 hrs 1 hrs 0.25 hrs

11/18/13 to 11/18/13 to 11/18/13 to

11/18/13 11/18/13 11/18/13

$23 $95 $7

R. Jordan, J. Butcher T. Randolph, R. Jordan

J. Butcher J. Butcher J. Butcher J. Butcher T. Randolph, R. Jordan

R. Jordan, J. Butcher R. Jordan, N. Gordon T. Randolph, R. Jordan T. Randolph, R. Jordan

J. Butcher R. Jordan T. Randolph, R. Jordan

T. Randolph, R. Jordan T. Randolph, R. Jordan, J. Butcher T. Randolph

The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 3: DESIGN 4.1 UX/UI test session 4.1.1 Develop testing templates 4.1.2 Assemble test groups 4.1.3 Test session(s) 4.2 Meet with production team 4.2.1 Review & discuss test results 4.2.2 Make necessary design alterations 4.2.3 Project Manager approval 4.3 Client approval meeting 4.3.1 Review test results 4.3.2 Review design alterations 4.3.3 Obtain client signature on design changes

PHASE 4: UI/UX TESTING 4.1 UX/UI test session 4.1.1 Develop testing templates 4.1.2 Assemble test groups 4.1.3 Test session(s) 4.2 Meet with production team 4.2.1 Review & discuss test results 4.2.2 Make necessary design alterations 4.2.3 Project Manager approval

16 hrs

10/28/13 to


3 hrs

11/19/13 to



8 hrs 8 hrs 2 hrs

11/19/13 to 11/19/13 to 11/21/13 to

11/20/13 11/20/13 11/21/13

$240 $240 $60

1 hrs

11/22/13 to



1 hrs 4 hrs 0.5 hrs

11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to

11/22/13 11/22/13 11/22/13

$95 $120 $15

1 hrs

11/22/13 to



0.5 hrs 0.5 hrs 0.25 hrs

11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to

11/22/13 11/22/13 11/22/13

$32 $33 $7

4 hrs

11/19/13 to



3 hrs

11/19/13 to



8 hrs 8 hrs 2 hrs

11/19/13 to 11/19/13 to 11/21/13 to

11/20/13 11/20/13 11/21/13

$240 $240 $60

1 hrs

11/22/13 to



1 hrs 4 hrs 0.5 hrs

11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to

11/22/13 11/22/13 11/22/13

$95 $120 $15


J. Butcher J. Butcher J. Butcher

T. Randolph, R. Jordan, J. Butcher J. Butcher T. Randolph

R. Jordan, J. Butcher R. Jordan, J. Butcher T. Randolph

J. Butcher J. Butcher J. Butcher

T. Randolph, R. Jordan, J. Butcher J. Butcher T. Randolph

The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 4: UI/UX TESTING 4.3 Client approval meeting 4.3.1 Review test results 4.3.2 Review design alterations 4.3.3 Obtain client signature on design changes

PHASE 5: DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Develop website 5.1.1 Develop interface 5.1.2 Develop database framework 5.1.3 Consult with cellular integration expert 5.1.4 Code/integrate Text-message capability 5.1.5 Consult with security expert 5.1.6 Apply security protocols 5.1.7 Project Manager approval 5.2 Client approval meeting 5.2.1 Prepare demonstration for Client 5.2.2 Make changes, if necessary 5.2.3 Obtain client signature of approval

1 hrs

11/22/13 to



0.5 hrs 0.5 hrs 0.25 hrs

11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to 11/22/13 to

11/22/13 11/22/13 11/22/13

$32 $33 $7

19 hrs

11/25/13 to



17 hrs

11/25/13 to



15 hrs 28 hrs 8 hrs 52 hrs 4 hrs 24 hrs 1 hrs

11/25/13 12/02/13 12/04/13 12/05/13 12/09/13 12/10/13 12/17/13

to to to to to to to

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/04/13 12/17/13 12/09/13 12/17/13 12/17/13

$5,820 $1,820 $1,640 $3,380 $1,060 $1,560 $155

2 hrs

12/18/13 to



4 hrs 10 hrs 1 hrs

12/18/13 to 12/18/13 to 12/19/13 to

12/18/13 12/19/13 12/19/13

$140 $350 $65

R. Jordan, J. Butcher R. Jordan, J. Butcher T. Randolph

D. Harkness D. Harkness D. Harkness, D. Baldacci D. Harkness D. Harkness, C. Hiaasen D. Harkness T. Randolph, D. Harkness, K. Harrison R. Jordan R. Jordan T. Randolph, R. Jordan

The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 6: BETA TESTING 6.1 Put Beta site Online for testing 6.1.1 Test navigation/links 6.1.2 Test forms, form response, & data entry 6.1.3 Test cross-browser compatibility 6.1.4 Test cross-platform compatibility 6.1.5 Test password protection/security access 6.1.6 Make necessary changes/repairs 6.2 User testing: website 6.2.1 Develop testing questionnaire 6.2.2 Assemble test groups 6.2.3 Test session(s) 6.3 User testing: Text-messaging 6.3.1 Develop testing questionnaire 6.3.2 Assemble test groups 6.3.3 Assemble test devices/technology 6.3.4 Test session(s) 6.4 Review of test results 6.4.1 Compile all test results 6.4.2 Create report and recommendations 6.4.3 Project Manager approval

5 hrs

12/20/13 to



1 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 16 hrs

12/20/13 12/20/13 12/20/13 12/20/13 12/20/13 12/23/13

to to to to to to

12/20/13 12/20/13 12/20/13 12/20/13 12/20/13 12/26/13

$125 $250 $125 $250 $125 $1,520

2 hrs

12/26/13 to



1 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs

12/26/13 to 12/26/13 to 12/27/13 to

12/26/13 12/27/13 12/27/13

$125 $300 $200

2 hrs

12/26/13 to



1 hrs 4 hrs 1 hrs 2 hrs

12/26/13 12/26/13 12/27/13 12/27/13

to to to to

12/26/13 12/26/13 12/27/13 12/27/13

$125 $340 $125 $120

1 hrs

12/30/13 to



4 hrs 4 hrs 1 hrs

12/30/13 to 12/30/13 to 12/30/13 to

12/30/13 12/30/13 12/30/13

$520 $140 $30

K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness

K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness

K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness K. Harrison, D. Harkness

R. Jordan, K. Harrison, D. Harkness R. Jordan T. Randolph

The Wall of Hope ||


task allocation > Table of Contents

PHASE 6: BETA TESTING 6.5 Client approval meeting 6.5.1 Present test report and recommendations 6.5.2 Obtain Client approval on changes 6.5.3 Make approved changes 6.5.4 Present changes to Client 6.5.5 Obtain Client signature of approval

1 hrs

12/31/13 to



1 hrs 0.25 hrs 2 hrs 1 hrs 0.5 hrs

12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13

to to to to to

12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13

$65 $7 $70 $65 $15

1 hrs

01/01/14 to



1 hrs 0.5 hrs 0.5 hrs 0.5 hrs

01/01/14 01/01/14 01/01/14 01/01/14

to to to to

01/01/14 01/01/14 01/01/14 01/01/14

$35 $17 $18 $15

1 hrs

01/01/14 to



1.5 hrs 1 hrs

01/01/14 to 01/01/14 to

01/01/14 01/01/14

$45 $30

1 hrs

01/01/14 to



1 hrs 1 hrs 1 hrs

01/01/14 to 01/01/14 to 01/01/14 to

01/01/14 01/01/14 01/01/14

$190 $190

T. Randolph, R. Jordan T. Randolph R. Jordan T. Randolph, R. Jordan T. Randolph

PHASE 7: DELIVERY 7.1 Take final site live 7.1.1 Test live site 7.1.2 Test most recent changes 7.1.3 Test text-messaging 7.1.4 Project Manager approval 7.2 Client delivery meeting 7.2.1 Demonstrate website for Client 7.2.2 Obtain Client signature on project delivery 7.3 Project wrap-up 7.3.1 Meet with project team 7.3.2 Review successes and failures 7.3.3 Project complete!

R. Jordan R. Jordan R. Jordan T. Randolph

T. Randolph T. Randolph

Entire Team Entire Team

The Wall of Hope ||


budget > Table of Contents









Project Manager

Tressa Randolph




Administrative Assistant

Elizabeth Peters




Creative Director

Robert Jordan




Web Designer

Jim Butcher




Front End Developer

Kim Harrison




Back End Developer

Deborah Harkness







Total Team Expense


Security Consultant

Carl Hiaasen




Cellular Integration Expert

David Baldacci




Media & Online Attorney

Noah Gordon







Total Consultant Expense PRODUCTION EXPENSES





Image Purchase budget

Stock photo sites




CS6 Creative Cloud access for 6 ppl





Presentation Materials

Blick Art Store(s)




Test Equiptment Rentals,




UX/UI Testing Space Rental

Seattle Hotel




Travel Expenses for Client Meetings

Gas & Parking




Total Team Expense












Phone & Internet







Total Consultant Expense



Risk (Contingency)


Total (Scheduled)


The Wall of Hope ||


creative brief > Table of Contents

MESSAGE/TONE Simple, flat design on a white background with a cool, calming color palette to set the user at ease. Intuitive navigation structure for fast access to information. Prominent Search function with simple filter options to aid search process. Crisp, sans-serif Typefaces, for readability, will also aid in creating a calm tone. The Wall will provide slow rotating images and messages in the public forum to encourage use of the site. Member login & Official login access points will establish/reinforce security of private information. Simple forms with input fields, dropdown menus, and check boxes will aid in accuracy of information.

USER EXPERIENCE: VICTIMS Victims of a catastrophic event will be able to text a message directly to the site. They will be able to quickly choose whether they want to post a public message/photo to The Wall, post a private message/contact info, or search the database. The simplicity of the process and clearly defined navigation will set them at ease and reassure them that there is hope to be reconnected with loved-ones.

USER EXPERIENCE: LOVED ONES Loved-ones trying to connect to a victim of a catastrophic event will be able to browse through the public wall, sign-in/login-in to receive secure search access to privacy protected content, or search the public information database with comprehensive search filters. Additionally, clean design and easy navigation will guide even frazzled or confused loved-ones through the process confidently. The Wall of Hope ||


creative brief > Table of Contents

USER EXPERIENCE: OFFICIALS AND RELIEF WORKERS Officials and Relief workers will have the option of browsing The Wall or quickly skipping past this step through a secure login to access the full database of privacy protected information which they can search, through a variety of filters, in order to speed the process. The opportunity to quickly access this information will allow Officials and Relief workers to help/process a greater number of victims more quickly thus relieving stress and building confidence. Additionally, the opportunity to access & scroll through photos may aid in the identification of those who are unable to identify themselves to authorities.

DESIGN ELEMENTS: LOGO The logo is a simple design created to as a nod to the original inspiration to the design (a wall) and uses a heart to symbolize both loved-ones’ message(s). The color dark purple was chosen to invoke feelings of awareness, future possibilities, dreams, balance and hope. Logo pictured below.


The Wall of Hope ||


creative brief > Table of Contents

DESIGN ELEMENTS: TONE & COLOR The tone of the site will be calm, reassuring and hopeful and will be reinforced through the use of color. The primary color scheme will be monochromatic purple which has a psychological impact which promotes harmony, compassion, and hope for the future. A turquoise blue will be the accent color to promote feelings of peace, healing, balance, and stability. Link color will be a standard blue with a ‘visited’ color of grass green which acts both as a symbol of new growth and creates a color triad in the cool-color spectrum. Text color will be traditional and chosen with readability in mind. Colors listed below.



[Headline] HEX# 503160

HEX# 8550A0


Century Gothic / Bold / 24pt

[subheadline] HEX# 19BBE5

HEX# 3D55A5

HEX# 68BF67

Century Gothic / Bold / Small Caps / 18pt

[Body copy]

Quicksand / Regular / 12pt HEX# 000000



The Wall of Hope ||


creative brief > Table of Contents

GRID The site is based on a 4 x 3 grid to make maximum use of space and create a harmonious arrangement that translates well to screens of multiple sizes.

PRIMARY NAVIGATION The use of the bright blue for the primary navigation color contrasts well against the purples and light grays on the rest of the site, guiding the user to the important links.

SIGN-UP/LOGIN The login and sign up are in a traditional position in the top right of the page. This will be an intuitive start-off point for new and current members as well as police, hospital, and military officials secure login.

SEARCH Search results appear in a style similar to Google in order to make use of established hierarchy and market familiarity.

“THE WALL” All of the cards or ‘bricks’ on the wall can be clicked to pull up additional public info, prompt for login/sign-up to access secure info, and enlarge photos. They also provide click-able shortcut links for quicker response times.

The Wall of Hope ||


creative brief > Table of Contents

ASSUMPTIONS Client will purchase domain name Client will purchase and maintain hosting services & e-mail addresses. Client will purchase appropriate server space, including the building it is housed in. Client will pay all licensing fees. Client will be responsible for site maintenance. Client will be responsible for hiring additional maintenance team. Client will provide permissions for cellular use & maintain necessary telephone accounts.

DESIGN CONSTRAINTS, LIMITATIONS, & GUIDELINES Due to the large number of submissions expected, message lengths will be limited to 280 characters. User-uploaded photos will also require a size limit of 54 MB to reduce server space, load times, and conserve bandwidth. All images will be protected preventing the ability to right-click and save the image. Image search will make use of automatically reduced-size images as thumbnails for quick searching. The interface design will need to be responsive in order to display correctly on a wide variety of screen sizes. All forms and login/sign-in fields will need to function properly and provide necessary information indicators required for privacy/security purposes.

The Wall of Hope ||


technical requirements > Table of Contents

TARGET TECHNOLOGY Platform: Macintosh or PC running Windows XP equivalent or higher. Alt. Platforms: Nokia 9000i Cellular phone or iPhone (first generation), or newer Minimum Specs: Intel Celeron Processor, 1GB DDR2 RAM, 50MB Hard drive Video Card: GeForce 8800GTS or higher Display Size: 1024 x 768 resolution or higher Internet Connection: Basic DSL or better Internet Browser: Internet Explorer v.6 or higher, Firefox, Safari, Opera, or Chrome

BACK-END REQUIREMENTS Secure Database: Object-oriented DBMS for contact information, text messaging, member info, and information on minors. Public Database: Object-oriented DBMS for public messages & photos. Database of Approved Officials: Network DBMS for a listing of security codes assigned to approved officials/organizations for private access. Search Engine: Custom PHP search engine script with multiple filter options . Security Measures: Firewalls/network-based intrusion detection system. Access controls such as secure logins/passwords. Authentication measures for member sign-ups. Encryption system for secure data stored in databases. Server backups as a fail-safe.

The Wall of Hope ||


test plan > Table of Contents

TEST PLAN Client: The Coates Memorial Foundation Project: The Wall of Hope Website Team: Tressa Randolph, Project Manager; Robert Jordan, Creative Director Directors: Jim Butcher, Kim Harrison, Deborah Harkness Author: Tressa Randolph Time-line: UX/UI Testing: 11/19/13 – 11/22/13; Beta Testing: 12/20/13 – 12/31/13

SCOPE Usability Testing A digital prototype will be developed for usability testing purposes. There will be one focus group, comprised of twelve to twenty people of a broad range of ages and technical skills, including at least two children younger than eighteen years. By testing a broad spectrum of users the team will be able to determine how to simplify the design for most effective use. Software Testing Software Beta testing will begin with Accessibility testing and Code Validation to make sure all systems are functioning properly. Load and Stress testing will be performed to gage expected volumes of traffic during and immediately after catastrophic events. Finally, Security Testing will be performed to make certain all member, minor, and official info is protected against intrusion. The Wall of Hope ||


test plan > Table of Contents

SCOPE System System testing, including a test of the text messaging system, will be performed by the front and back end developers at the end of the Beta Testing phase and will include a comprehensive report and notes on any necessary changes. Acceptance The Client will be apprised of the results at the end of both the UX/UI testing phase and the Beta Testing phase. The Client will provide a list of any changes and provide approval.

SCHEDULE Beginning






Development Office



Development Office



Load and Stress Testing Development Office



Security Testing Development Office



Development Office





Test Phase


UX/UI (Usability) Testing

Local Hotel

Client Acceptance on UX/UI test phase Client Office Software (Beta) Testing Accessibility testing & Code Validation

System Testing

Client Acceptance on Beta test phase Client Office

The Wall of Hope ||


test plan > Table of Contents

STANDARDS Standards will be developed by the individual(s) performing the tests and will act as a baseline for reporting problems or issues at the design/development phases. Problems/bugs will be categorized as follows: System: For system failures of the software program such as inability to sign-up or login, system crash during use, or screen freezing. Functional: For navigation errors & broken links within the software. Creative: For errors arising within the design or content itself, such as typos, pixelated images, or readability issues. Usability: For indicating areas of confusion or non-intuitive navigation or use of the site, such as uncertainty about what is a link/button.

IDENTIFICATION OF RISKS [ Lowest priority] [Low priority] [Medium priority] [High priority] [Highest priority]

1. Known issue, already in repair process. 2. Will need to be changed eventually. 3. Does not interfere with testing but will need to be fixed before Client sign-off. 4. Might effect testing and must be fixed before Client review. 5. Interrupts testing and must be fixed immediately. The Wall of Hope ||


test plan > Table of Contents

TEST CASE Overview The cards or ‘bricks’ on The Wall are click-able in and of themselves and also contain specific click-able buttons. Screen Inputs/Outputs System testing, including a test of the text messaging system, will be performed by the front and back end developers at the end of the Beta Testing phase and will include a comprehensive report and notes on any necessary changes.



Click ‘Report Found’ button:

Window pops up with a form requesting further information.

Click ‘Contact Poster’ button:

Window pops up allowing user directly message the poster.

Click avatar icon:

Window pops if there is more information available.

Click on the message box (other than on the buttons):

Pops up with additional public information of the missing person with links available to redirect to sign-up/login.

Click on photo:

Window pops up with a larger version of the photograph.

Close window button (on all pop up windows):

Closes the open window and returns use to The Wall.

The Wall of Hope ||


Site-map > Table of Contents




Members Log In

The Wall



Sign Up

Message About Us


Confirmation Contact

Sitemap Key Home Level



Unsecure Levels Secure Levels


$ Secure Levels

The Wall of Hope ||


Mock-up "the wall" > Table of Contents

Login / Sign-Up



Contact Poster


Ji Sung, please call home and let us know you are okay. Love Mom

Report Found

Contact Poster

Have you seen me? Call 1-800-555-5555



hair butterfly hair, er. P Please let found. She foun Saturday Satu Thank Th you. ontact Poster onta

Have you seen me? Call 1-800-555-5555 10.27.2013

Cho Katsumi, missing in Japan earth quake. Need you home. Please call.

Report Found


Contact Poster

Andrew Pearson n wa subway train in Pei any news of his c cur contact us! Andrew drew rew your safe return. n. Report Found


10.28.2 .28.2

We are looking for Amy Wu and her two children who were at the market in the city during the earthquake (Japan). Please let us know if you are safe, we miss you! J. Guen

Kang Lee, age 36, black hair, Winni nni Pooh tattoo on her leg. Please let et u e ha know if she has been found. She not been seen since visiting her sist in Kyoto. Andrew Lee

Report Found

Contact Poster

Report Found

Contact Poste oste


Lisa Chiyoko, please let your family know you are okay. We love you and miss you. We pray for your safe return. Dad

Report Found

Contact Poster


t Fou Found



her was w at Charity Hospital in orida during Hurricane Antiorid es anyone have any informaoes ut where they were evacuatw


Have you seen me? Call 1-800-555-5555

Have e yo


The Wall of Hope ||


> Table of Contents


The Wall of Hope ||


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Create a flipbook
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