The Promise | September 2017

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changing the future for Kenyan children by Drew Friedrich, Orphan’s Promise Director of Marketing



riving through the Mathare slums in Nairobi, Kenya, I’m reminded of the streets of Cap Haitien, Haiti. Dust, dirt, shanties, street-side pop-up markets, and young children playing mere feet from the speeding traffic, most of them shoeless. This is my first time in Africa, and it’s far different than I imagined it would be. The depth of the poverty and the primitive sheet-metal homes I see along the road are juxtaposed with tall buildings and a seemingly wellbuilt infrastructure of highways filled with tourists and traffic. I came expecting The Lion King, and instead we’re navigating our way through the concrete jungle. We’re in Nairobi visiting one of our partners, Missions of Hope International. The organization, run by true Orphan’s Promise heroes, Wallace and Mary Kamau, is in 21 different slums throughout Kenya and is impacting over 14,800 children through its community outreach programs.

DO NOT DESPISE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS What began as a single preschool with just 50 children in one slum area has now grown into a complete community transformation project. Children attending Missions of Hope International receive a first-class education—and so much more. For many children living in the slums, education is a luxury they cannot afford. Unfortunately, education is not the only thing beyond the reach of families living in poverty. Many of the children attending MOHI cannot rely on receiving a nutritious meal at home, so the school supplies two warm meals a day, ensuring that children can focus on learning. In addition to education and nutrition, children receive medical care at the school’s clinic and dental office. They receive biblical training, genuine love, and care. The stability that they lack at home, they find at Missions of Hope.

A HAND UP, NOT A HAND-OUT Orphan’s Promise exists to see at-risk children and families find stability and hope through the transforming power of God’s love. When we partner with an organization, we have to be sure that they are capable of actually making a difference in the circumstances of the children they serve. When we saw MOHI’s model, we knew instantly that they were exactly the kind of partner we pray for. They just get it. They understand that the care provided to children and their families must be a hand up, not a hand-out. They seek to empower families to help themselves. Providing scholarships for children to attend schools may seem like a small thing, but for many parents in the Kenyan slums, when children cannot attend school, parents cannot work. They have to stay home and take care of the children, which only further reduces the chance that they’ll be able to make ends meet. MOHI alleviates the need for parents to cover school fees through child sponsorship programs, allowing parents to work outside the home and provide for their families. In addition to caring for the children, Missions of Hope provides skills training for parents in areas like cosmetology and hairdressing, as well as computer skills and carpentry, to name a few.


When parents can begin to provide for their families, they experience a sense of pride that must be seen to be understood. Whenever possible, parents begin contributing small amounts ($.50–$2.00) toward their children’s school fees. We’ve found that when parents have “skin in the game,” they take a more active role in their children’s education—and the children experience much higher success rates.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE. TODAY! You’ve seen their faces. You know their struggles. And today, you can make a difference for children in the slums of Kenya. Your monthly gift of $40 ensures that one child will receive hope, love, education, and nutrition. The problem of poverty cannot ever be overcome by individuals, but together we can win—and we’d be honored to have you join us in the fight.

Drew Friedrich, director of marketing for Orphan’s Promise, enjoying time with the children from MOHI.

the freedom project Children who come from difficult backgrounds often feel as though they have no voice. They are the forgotten ones, cast aside by parents, relatives and society as a whole. In impoverished countries, social standing determines value, and for the vast majority of the children we serve, that standing leaves them at the bottom looking up and wondering if anyone really sees or hears them. These kids need to know that they matter. That they are heard not only by the God of the universe, but by us, as well. Their hopes and dreams matter to us, and we want to be sure they have the same opportunities that children everywhere receive. Out of this desire, The Freedom Project was launched. We collaborated with the children of Kenya to write, record and produce incredible music that captured the children’s cry to be heard—and their longing for the freedom to dream big dreams. After a year of pre-production, recording and post-production, the album has arrived and it is now available to you! Every copy of the album purchased will help fund the educational opportunities for children from two communities in Kenya. The songs on The Freedom Project are catchy, moving, and— most of all—created to change the world for the children on each track.



edo www.orphansp

’ Our time in Kenya was life-changing for me. The people are so quick to smile and greet you with a loud “Jambo!” which means “Hello” in Swahili. It was amazing to see how God is really on the move in the nation of Kenya. As we witnessed first-hand through our time with the children at Missions of Hope, as well as the other projects we visited, He is raising up young leaders who will impact the future of the Kenyan people in ways we can’t yet imagine. Please be praying for our work with the Kenyan people, and if the Lord moves you to do something for the children there, purchasing The Freedom Project is a small way to make a BIG impact. Blessings, Terry Meeuwsen




Orphan’s Promise, a children’s ministry of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., serves orphans and other vulnerable children around the world, taking them from at-risk to thriving through the transforming power of God’s love. CBN is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your contributions to our ministry are tax-deductible.

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