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The Fourth Political Theory is an attempt to overcome modernity, starting with overcoming many of the words and concepts that emerged with modernity at the hand of liberalism, communism, and nationalism. Many of the words we use during social and political discussions and analysis are not ideologically neutral, words such as “individual,” “class,” “race,” and “nation.”According to Dugin, if completely out of ideological doctrines, those words lose their meaning or at least a significant part of it. We can not display our attitudes to those words unambiguously, since the content of those words is modeled by context and semantics, and these three elements interact closely with each other. When we live in a state or a society with a clearly hegemonic ideology, it can be clearly seen how certain words are an indispensable part of certain ideological discourses. The meaning of words has an intimate link with ideology, transmitted through education in different societies around the world and is often clearly supported by an ideological and also active State apparatus. The State gives content to words and language in general, directing a significant part of the discourses, and setting the limits and moral nuances of the most significant set of concepts in politics and social sciences, as given in different parts of the world. To provide a



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