Orthodox Observer - Jan 2012 - Issue 1272

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JANUARY 2012 • Vol. 77 • No. 1272

www.observer.goarch.org • e-mail: observer@goarch.org

Theme of 41st Biennial Clergy–Laity Congress

Encyclical St. Photios National Shrine Day

“Chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit”

To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America

ALBANY, NY – Archbishop Demetrios of America delivered the invocation at the 2012 Opening Legislative Session of the New York State Senate and the ceremony for the State of the State Address by New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Jan. 5. (Related photo page 3) Early in the afternoon, in the Senate Chamber, His Eminence was introduced to the Members of the Senate by the Lt. Gov. Robert J. Duffy, offered the invocation and attended the first legislative session of the new year. Archbishop Demetrios, in the prayer said in part: “We ask You to grant our Senators an extraordinary measure of virtue so that with foresight, sensitivity, and

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we begin this new year and our preparations for the upcoming 41st ClergyLaity Congress of our Holy Archdiocese, I offer an initial reflection on our theme for this blessed gathering:“Chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit.” This theme is based on the words of our Lord to His disciples in John 15:16, as He taught them the meaning of the relationships they shared and assured them of the great work that God would accomplish through their faithful service. Jesus said, You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit (John 15:16). In this first of a series of articles on our Congress theme, we contemplate the meaning of this biblical passage and the insight it offers for our lives and service as Orthodox Christians and for the vital offering of love and ministry of our Church in America. These words of our Lord begin with the affirmation of how God shows us His love. We are chosen by Him because in love He has created us, forgiven us, and redeemed us. We are chosen for a special and eternal relationship with Him in which our fellowship is restored, our life transformed and renewed, and we are given the power to live in holiness. We have been chosen and appointed by God to offer a witness of Him through our worship and service, through our lives and before all people so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in us, and us in Him as St. Paul said (I Thessalonians 1:11-12). In addition, as God has chosen and appointed us, He gives us all that we need to do this great work. He equips us with the grace, the power, the ability, the wisdom, and the resources to develop effective means for reaching others with the Gospel of healing truth and peace. Our appointment by God also includes His divine command to go and bear fruit. In another instance Christ directed His disciples and us to Go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). So we have a mission to go to all, especially to go to the lost and preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 10:6-7); we have a mission to go and gather the people to God’s Home so that His house may be filled (Luke 14:23). As His people, whom He has chosen and appointed, we have both

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Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we celebrate this feast day of Saint Photios the Confessor and Patriarch of Constantinople, we are also at the beginning of a special time in our worship and in our daily prayers and reflection. We have begun the Triodion period, the three weeks before Great Lent, and a time when the services, readings, and hymns direct our attention toward our need to prepare for Holy Week, the week of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord. We are also called to reflect upon the challenges and struggles of living as Christians and to experience the power and blessings that come through the life of faith. This theme of struggle and faith is also an attribute of our other observance on this day, our recognition and offering of support to our beloved Saint Photios National Shrine in Saint Augustine, Florida. Since its establishment more than four decades ago, the Shrine has offered a witness of the struggle and faith experienced by so

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Archbishop Delivers Invocation at N.Y. State Senate by Stavros H. Papagermanos

Newly ordained Bishop



Archbishop Demetrios prepares to place the crown upon Bishop Sevastianos of Zela at his Dec. 17 ordination. Also taking part are (from left) Archdeacon Panteleimon Papadopoulos, Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh, Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta, Deacon (now Fr.) Evagoras Constantinidis, Metropolitan Methodios of Boston and Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey. Also in attendance was Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago, Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, Fr. Mark Arey and other clergy. A luncheon sponsored by the Cyprus Federation of America took place after the service at the Central Park BoatHouse.




To contact the National Ministries Archives 212.570.3517 ncalles@goarch.org Communications 212.774.0244 communications@goarch.org Greek Education 212.774.0233 greekeducation@goarch.org Information Technologies 212.774.0240 theo@goarch.org Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations 212.570.3593 ecumenical@goarch.org Marriage & Family 845.424.8175 familycare@goarch.org Parish Development 847.825.1432 jminetos@goarch.org Philanthropy 212.774.0283 bishopandonios@goarch.org Public Affairs 212.774.0400 fralex@goarch.org Registry 212.570.3558 frmichael@goarch.org Religious Education 617.850.1218 religioused@goarch.org Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism 646.519.6160 stewardship@goarch.org Youth and Young Adult Ministries 646.519.6180 youthoffice@goarch.org


Deadline for submitting information, articles and photos for consideration in the Feb–March 2012 issue: Tue., Feb. 14. Photos should be sent as a large format .jpg attachment (300 dpi min.). E-mail to: jim@goarch.org Regular mail: Editor, Orthodox Observer, 8 E. 79th St., New York, NY 10075.

Children from Saint Basil Academy spent a day in Manhattan on Dec. 19 where they visited the “Transition to Christianity Art of Late Antiquity” exhibit currently on display at the Onassis Cultural Center on Fifth Avenue. They were accompanied by Fr. Constantine Sitaras, academy executive director and other staff. Hosts for the visit were members of the Direct Archdiocesan District Philoptochos and Holy Trinity Cathedral board members. The exhibit is open to the public through May 14, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Admission is free.

St. Photios Shrine Essay Contest Winners Announced ST AUGUSTINE, Fla.– St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine recently held its annual essay contest for high school students who were invited to share the immigrant experience of a relative or friend. They were asked to compare it with the experience of the Greek colonists who settled in the New Smyrna Colony in 1768. In announcing the winners, Essay Committee Chairwoman Katherine Bacalis, said, “We are pleased to recognize the efforts of three students who wrote the stories of their family members, giving in all cases, thanks to God for His guidance and love. Their faith is an inspiration for all of us. It was an honor to read their essays. Once again, on behalf of the committee, I congratulate all the students and their families, who show a deep understanding of their personal family members’ immigration to

ISSN 0731–2547

In 2012, published monthly except February–March and July–August by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Editorial and Business Office: 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075 TEL.: (212) 570–3555 FAX (212) 774–0239

America with a soulful dedication to their Orthodox faith.” Mrs. Bacalis, with committee members Renee Gahagan and Kathleen Mendez, select each year’s topic, along with program consultant, Dr. Constantine Santas, retired professor of Flagler College; and Shrine Director Polly Hillier. Contest judges were attorney Jennifer E. Constantinou, William Maouris and Presbytera Goldie Doukas. Essay winners were: Madelaine Assi of St. John the Divine, Jacksonville, Fla., first place; Marissa Kometas of St. Demetrios, Daytona Beach, Fla., second and Kristo Pantelides of St. Haralambos, Canton, Ohio, third. Archon and Mrs. Constantine M. Rizopoulos sponsored the 2011 Essay Contest in memory of their grandson, Michael Anthony Rizopoulos (July 1, 1983–Nov.6, 2010).

An Invitation to HCHC Alumni As part of the 75 th anniversary commemoration of Holy Cross School of Theology, the Orthodox Observer invites alumni of the School to submit a brief article (250500 words) of a memorable experience (anecdotal, poignant or other personal remembrance) of your years at the seminary. It may focus on a particular classroom experience,

religious or social experience or other topic of your choice. Articles will appear in each issue through the culmination of the anniversary in May 2013. Include your name, year of graduation and current position. Submit by e-mail to the Observer (jim@goarch.org, or observer@ goarch.org).

Change of Address To submit a change of address: Contact Soula Podaras at 212.774.0235 – e-mail: spodaras@goarch.org – fax: 212.774.0239. Or regular mail to: Orthodox Observer, 8 E. 79th St., New York, NY 10075. Be sure to include old address, new address and name of parish. EDITOR IN CHIEF Jim Golding (Chryssoulis) GREEK SECTION EDITOR Eleftherios Pissalidis

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Onassis Center visit



Periodicals’ postage paid at New York, NY 10001 and at additional mailing offices. The Orthodox Observer is produced entirely in–house. Past issues can be found on the Internet, at: www.observer.goarch.org • E–mail: observer@goarch.org Articles and advertising do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America which are expressed in official statements so labeled.

Subscription rates are $12 per year. Canada $25. Overseas Air Mail, $55 per year. $1.50 per copy. Subscriptions for the membership of the Greek Orthodox Church in America are paid through their contribution to the Archdiocese. Of this contribution, $5 is forwarded to the Orthodox Observer. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: ORTHODOX OBSERVER, 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10075

Ionian Village Summer Camps Registration NEW YORK – Ionian Village, the summer camping ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, is now accepting registrations for its Summer 2012 programs. Operating from a beautiful seafront campsite on western Peloponessos in Greece, Ionian Village brings its campers and staff into close contact with their faith and heritage as they travel throughout the country to sites of cultural and religious importance. Now in its 42nd year, Ionian Village has reached more than 16,000 campers, staff and clergy through its programs. Participants return home each summer with strengthened faith and an expanded appreciation for the Church and our Greek heritage. Summer 2012 marks the first summer under new Director Fr. Evagoras Constantinides, who himself is among the ever-growing alumni of the Ionian Village programs. “I am excited and humbled to be at the helm of this important ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese,” says Fr. Evagoras. “I know first hand how powerful the Ionian Village program is within the lives of our Orthodox young people and look forward to continuing the life-changing work that takes place every summer.” Ionian Village offers two camping sessions: • Summer Travel Camp (June 29 to July 18) • Byzantine Venture (July 25 to August 13). Registration is open to Greek Orthodox youth who have completed grades 7 through 12. This summer will also see the expansion of the Spiritual Odyssey program, shorter pilgrimage-style trips for young adults ages 19 to 28. Three unique programs are being offered: • Cyprus and Constantinople (May 30 to June 9) • The Greek Mainland (June 10 to June 20) and • The Greek Islands (July 15 to July 25). For more information about any of the Ionian Village programs, or to participate in this summer’s programs, visit www.ionianvillage.org or contact the Office of Ionian Village at (212) 570-3536.

To Contact Us For questions about submitting information/news to the Orthodox Observer: Jim Golding, 212.570.3557, jim@goarch.org. Advertising & Greek section, Lefteris Pissalidis, 212.570.3555, lefteris@goarch.org.


Archbishop Addresses State Senate



Theme of 41st Biennial Clergy–Laity Congress

“Chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit”

u u from page 1 creativity they may perform their duties in these times of tremendous challenges and opportunities. Grant them hearts of compassion for the needy; enlighten their minds with the virtues of tolerance, respect and passion for justice. Throughout their deliberations in this 2012 Session, grant unto them and to those who work with them health, peace and safety in all their ways.” In the short session that followed, Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos offered warm welcoming remarks to the Archbishop and said: “I would like to start off by welcoming His Eminence here, not only is he the spiritual leader of my Church in this Great Country, he is also a spiritual leader for all faiths. So we welcome you Your Eminence to our Chamber.” Minority Leader Sen. John L. Sampson started his remarks by saying: “I want to give a special welcome to His Eminence

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Archbishop Demetrios delivers the invocation in the New York State Senate Chamber.

Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Church. Thank you very much for that prayer, and I am glad that with the help of Gov. Cuomo we were able to ensure that St. Nicholas Church will be rebuilt in Ground Zero.” Following the conclusion of the Senate session Sen. Skelos accompanied the

Archbishop to the nearby Empire State Plaza Convention Center for the 2012 State of the State Address by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. The ceremony was attended by all members of the Senate and the Assembly, legislative leaders, State officials, Mayors

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School of Byzantine Music Publishes Guide by Archdeacon Panteleimon

The Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music (ASBM) has recently published Byzantine Music: Theory and Practice Guide to assist novice-level Byzantine music students and to enrich liturgical music programs in local parishes. Prior to the guide’s publication, the only sufficient Byzantine music textbooks were available in Greek. After the first year of the school’s operation, officials re-evaluated the teaching methods and the resources offered to ASBM students. They concluded that a theory book in English was needed and formed a committee to produce a student-friendly beginner’s level textbook. An audio CD also was created to help students learn the eight modes, along with the various musical exercises in the book. Special attention was given to the guide’s layout and graphic design to make it visually appealing. The book’s scope, which initially focused on serving ASBM students, has expanded beyond the school. St. Nicholas Church in Flushing, N.Y., incorporated the guide into its parochial

Encyclical u u from page 1 many who journeyed to this country. This heritage of perseverance is marked by the location of the Shrine, at a place were early Greek immigrants met and worshipped. In 1768, they came to this country with hopes of freedom and opportunity. Instead, they initially endured slavery and tremendous hardship. Our Shrine is a tribute to these forbearers who showed amazing courage and faith and sacrificed so much. The Saint Photios Shrine is also a place that preserves our history as Greek Americans and offers a witness of the role and significance of our Orthodox faith and Church. Through exhibits, publications, and special events the Shrine informs and reminds us of the challenges and opportunities we have had in the United States


Byzantine Music School members present the first copy of their guide to Archbishop Demetrios.

school curriculum for grades 4-8 (more than 300 students) and Holy Cross School of Theology uses it to train future priests. Many local schools in each Metropolis also train future church musicians with the book. The Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music ministry has more than 40 students enrolled, both men and women, ranging in age from 7 to over 50 years old. Its Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir, comprised of 25 young Greek-American trained Byzantine chanters, has produced albums and recently performed at Carnegie Hall in New York. Since the creation of ASBM in October and of the contributions so many Greek Americans have made to the cultural, political, and religious life of this country. In addition, with its beautiful chapel and the resources offered on our Orthodox faith, the Shrine is a witness to thousands of visitors per year of how our faith continues to offer to every person the Gospel of love and salvation. In support of this vital ministry of our Church in America, may we offer our prayers for the directors, board of trustees, staff, and benefactors of the Saint Photios National Shrine. May you also consider how you can connect with our heritage and this witness of faith through generous contributions and through participation in the programs and events of the Shrine. Through this support of the Shrine as a place of remembrance and prayer, we will always have a testimony of the lives and sacrifices of those who came before us and a witness of the hope and life that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.

2010, and the publication of the Byzantine Music: Theory and Practice Guide, Orthodox liturgical chant has inspired many to sing a forgotten song that has nurtured the minds and souls of Orthodox faithful for over a millennium. With this book, along with efforts of the Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir, a new horizon of the beautifully refined and ageless expression of Byzantine music is in view and is already reaching the ears and hearts of many. For more information and to order the Byzantine Music: Theory and Practice Guide, visit www.asbm.goarch.org or call (212) 570-3590.

a mission and a message to share with the world. In His love for us and for all humanity, He commands us to “Go!” When we hear God’s voice and calling, when we respond to His will, the result will be great and abundant fruit, both in our lives and the lives of others. We must recognize the magnitude of being chosen and appointed by God to go into the world and share the Gospel. We experience the fruit of fellowship and communion with Him when we become His people and call others out of darkness into His marvelous light. We see the fruit that comes through faith when we affirm our appointment as witnesses of grace and truth, and Christ is glorified in us and in the lives of others as they come to Him. We see the fruit of the Gospel and the presence of Christ, when we go and share the love of God through worship, teaching and preaching, and special missions and ministries that bring healing, peace, and hope to people throughout this country and around the world. God has chosen and appointed us to go, and when we do, we will bear the fruit of joy and love in our lives and the lives of so many others. As we begin our preparations for our 41st Clergy–Laity Congress, let us reflect on it’s theme “Chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit”. Let us reflect on its implications for every aspect of the life of our Church in America. Let us evaluate our work and efforts, seeking God’s guidance, and reflecting on how our witness and ministry shows that we are chosen and appointed by God, that we have a calling and a purpose in what we do, and that we are consistently responding to His command to go and bear fruit. We will know that we are fulfilling our mission when the fruit we bear brings healing and joy to the people and glory to God. With paternal love in Christ,

† Archbishop DEMETRIOS of America


Ordinations to the Diaconate Soterios (Sami) Baroody – Bishop Andonios of Phasiane – St. Barbara Church, Orange, Conn., 12/04/11 Andreas MacLean – Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco – St. Spyridon Church, San Diego 12/12/11 Nikolas Karloutsos – Bishop Andonios of Phasiane – Assumption Church, Danbury, Conn., 12/27/11 Ordinations to the Priesthood Deacon Jason Dickey – Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago – Sts. Constantine & Helen Church, Merrillville, Ind., 11/20/11 Deacon Soterios Baroody – Archbishop Demetrios of America – St. Eleftherios Church, New York, NY, 12/18/11 Assignments Fr. Constantine – Panagos NativityPhotos:Cambas Dimitrios

Assumption of the Virgin Mary Church, Cohasset, Mass., 06/17/11 Fr. Christopher Moody – St. Spyridon Cathedral, Worcester, Mass., 11/01/11 Fr. Bill Gikas – St. Nicholas Church, Wyckoff, NJ, 01/01/12 Fr. John Manuel – St. Nicholas Church, Virginia Beach, Va., 01/01/12 Fr. James Pavlow – St. George Church, Trenton, NJ, 01/01/12 Retired Priests V. Rev. Archimandrite Constantine S. Bebis, 10/02/11

New Communities METROPOLIS OF ATLANTA St. Athanasios Hellenic Orthodox Mission, Gulf Shores, Ala.



Greek Orthodox Archdiocese National Calendar of Events for 2012 Editor’s note: Below is the annual Archdiocese–wide calendar of significant events taking place in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America at the metropolis level and for the Archdiocesan institutions and organizations. It is not all–inclusive as some organizations and metropolises may not have finalized their schedules for the entire year. Events listed are those received by the Observer in time for the January press date. Dates and locations should be reconfirmed with the particular organization for those planning to attend as the event approaches. Activities and events of local interest, such as pastoral visits, anniversaries, feast day events, etc., are not included.


13–15 St. Nicholas Camp Reunion and Winter Retreat, Panagia Pantovasilissa Church–Lexington, Ky. 13–16 Metropolis of Atlanta–Hellenic Dance Festival, Atlanta. 13–16 Metropolis of Denver Basketball Tournament, Dallas. 14 Metropolis of Detroit GOYA Winter Retreat, St. Nicholas Church, Ann Arbor, Mich. 14–16 Metropolis of Detroit Upstate New York GOYA Winter Camp, Highland Forest Park, N.Y. 15–16 Metropolis of San Francisco Council Meeting, St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center, Dunlap, Calif. 16–17 Metropolis of San Francisco Clergy–Laity Assembly, St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center. 17–18 Metropolis of San Francisco Clergy Retreat, St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center. 20–22 Metropolis of San Francisco Presvyteres Retreat, St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center. 21-30 Chicago Metropolis Hellenic Letters Celebration. 29 Metropolis of San Francisco Celebration of the Three Hierarchs Greek Letters Day, Holy Cross Church, Belmont, Calif. 30–Feb. 1: Metropolis of New Jersey Clergy Retreat, Maryland Eastern Shore.


3-4 Chicago Metropolis men’s retreat - St. Iakovos Retreat. 4 Chicago Metropolis Religious Education Seminar, Holy Apostles Church, Chicago. 4 Metropolis of New Jersey Philoptochos Agape Luncheon, Edison, N.J. 4–6 St. Photios National Shrine celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Shrine’s dedication, honoring its patron saint, Photios, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople; 12th St Augustine House of Worship Tour beginning at St Photios Shrine. 7–9 Metropolis of Denver Clergy Retreat, Denver. 9–12 Leadership 100 Conference, Manalapan, Fla. 10-12 Chicago Metropolis Western Region Family Basketball Tournament, St. George Church, St. Paul, Minn. 11 Metropolis of Denver Council meeting, Denver. 11 & 18 Chicago Metropolis G.O.A.L. (Greek Orthodox Athletic League) Biddy Division Round Robin Tournament. 14 Deadline for combined February–March Orthodox Observer (lenten issue). 15–18 CrossRoad Alumni Retreat (HCHC campus). 16–19 Metropolis of San Francisco Folk Dance and Choral Festival, Anaheim, Calif. 17–19 Metropolis of Detroit Dayton GOYA Basketball Tournament, Annunciation Church, Dayton, Ohio. 18 Metropolis of San Francisco Philoptochos Board Meeting, Anaheim, Calif. 18 Metropolis of San Francisco Church Music Federation Board Meeting, Anaheim, Calif. 19 G.O.A.L. Championship Games, St. Demetrios Church, Elmhurst, Ill. 21–23 Metropolis of Atlanta–Clergy Retreat at Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem, S.C. 25 Metropolis of Detroit GOYA Central District Lenten Retreat, Holy Trinity Church, Fort Wayne, Ind. 25 Faith & Learning Symposium (HCHC campus).


2–4 Metropolis of Atlanta – Lenten Retreat at the Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem, S.C. 9–11 Metropolis of Atlanta – Lenten Retreat at the Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem 10 Northeast Florida Philoptochos Retreat, St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine; Khury Frederica Matthewes–Green speaker. Open to all Philoptochos members. 10 Metropolis of Detroit Annual GOYA Michigan District Lenten Retreat, St. John Church, Sterling Heights, Mich. 10 Direct Archdiocesan District Assembly, Zoodochos Peghe Church, Bronx. 10 Chicago Metropolis OCF Retreat. 11 Direct Archdiocesan District “Bears from the Heart” delivery to Ronald McDonald Houses in New York City 15–18 Metropolis of Atlanta – Metropolis Council Meetings, Atlanta 15–18 CrossRoad Alumni Retreat, HCHC Campus

17 Metropolis of Detroit Annual GOYA Upstate NY District Lenten Retreat, Holy Spirit Church, Rochester, NY. 16 National Philoptochos Board Meeting, Atlanta. 17 National Philoptochos Luncheon, Druid Hills Golf Club, Atlanta. 18 Chicago Metropolis Family Synaxis Lenten Retreat, St. Spyridon Church, Palos Heights, Ill. 18 Greek Independence Day Parade, Philadelphia, Metropolis of New Jersey. 23–25 – Metropolis of Denver St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, Austin, Texas. 24 Direct Archdiocesan District GOYA NYC Scavenger Hunt. 25 Detroit Greek Independence Day Parade, Downtown Detroit. 25 New York Greek Independence Day Parade, Manhattan. 29 Capella Romana performance, Hellenic College Holy Cross, Brookline, Mass. 30 Deadline for April (Easter) issue of the Orthodox Observer. 30– April 1 – Metropolis of Denver Regional GOYA Retreats. 30– April 1 Metropolis of Detroit Fall Creek Falls GOYA Lenten Retreat, Holy Trinity Church, Nashville.


21 Metropolis of Atlanta – Annual Pascha Picnic – Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem, S.C. 21 Metropolis of Detroit St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, Michigan District Finals, Holy Cross Church, Farmington Hills, Mich. 21 Chicago Metropolis St. John Chrysostom Oratorical and Arts Festival, St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church, Aurora, Ill. 27 Deadline for the May Orthodox Observer. 28 Metropolis of Detroit SJCOF, Upstate NY District Finals, Annunciation Church, Rochester, N.Y. 27-29: Direct Archdiocesan District PARATHOSI 2012: A celebration of Hellenic song and dance.


7 Metropolis of San Francisco St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, St. Nicholas Ranch, Dunlap. 7–10 Chicago Metropolis Clergy Retreat. 10–11 Archdiocesan Council Spring Meeting, Philadelphia. 11–13 Metropolis of Atlanta Oratorical Festival in Boca Raton, Fla. 12 Metropolis of Detroit St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Finals, Sts. Constantine and Helen Church, Westland, Mich. 12 HCHC 75th Anniversary Boston Pops Concert. 16 HCHC Alumni meetings. 19 HCHC Commencement. 19 Metropolis of New Jersey St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, Sts. Constantine and Helen Church in Newport News, Va. 25 Deadline for June Orthodox Observer. 25–27 Direct Archdiocesan District Youth Olympics, Suffolk County Community College, Brentwood, Long Island. 26–27 Metropolis of New Jersey GOYA Outdoor Olympics, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, N.J. 25–27 31st Metropolis of Chicago Jr. Olympics, Palos Hills, Ill.. 30–June 9 Ionian Village Spiritual Odyssey Program – Cypruand Constantinople.

gress, Phoenix. 1–7 Metropolis of Atlanta St. Stephens Summer Camp Session I. 2-29 Direct Archdiocesan District Camp St. Paul weekly camps, Connecticut. 7–13 Metropolis of Detroit St. Nicholas Summer Camp. NaCoMe Conference Center, Pleasantville, Tenn. 8–14 Metropolis of New Jersey Camp Good Shepherd – JOY session, Branchville, N.J. 8–14 Atlanta Metropolis St. Stephens Summer Camp Session II. 10 Crossroad (Session II), Hellenic College Holy Cross. 15–21 Metropolis of Atlanta St. Stephens Summer Camp Session III. 15–21 Metropolis of New Jersey Camp Good Shepherd GOYA session 1, Branchville. 15–25 Ionian Village Spiritual Odyssey – the Greek Islands 17–23 Metropolis of New Jersey Camp Good Shepherd GOYA session 2, Branchville. 19–22 Southeastern Choir Federation meetings, Charlotte, N.C. 22–28 Atlanta Metropolis St. Stephens Summer Camp Session IV 23 Pappas Patristic Summer Institute begins, Hellenic College Holy Cross. 23 HCHC Golf Tournament. 25–Aug. 13 Ionian Village Byzantine Venture. 26–29 Mid–Eastern Choir Federation (Detroit and Pittsburgh Metropolises), Rocky River, Ohio.


TBA Metropolis of Denver Outdoor Encounter, Colorado. 1–7 Session 6 Metropolis of Boston Family Summer Camp, Contoocook (ages 8–18). 3–5 Metropolis of Denver Choir Federation meetings, Austin, Texas. 11–17 Metropolis of Detroit St. Timothy Summer Camp, Oswegatchie Educational Center, Croghan, N.Y. 29 Deadline for the September Orthodox Observer.


7–9 Atlanta Archons Retreat at St Photios National Shrine, St. Augustine. 14 HCHC Feast Day Exaltation of the Precious and Life Giving Cross, Brookline, Mass. 26 Deadline for the October Orthodox Observer.


TBA Metropolis of Denver Regional GOYA Fall Retreats Metropolis of Detroit Clergy–Laity Assembly, date, place to be determined. 12–14 Metropolis of Atlanta Marriage and Family Fall Retreat, Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem, S.C. 12–14 Metropolis of Chicago Choir Federation meetings, Chicago. 19-21 Chicago Metropolis Youth Choir Conference, St. Sophia Church, Elgin, Ill. 19 Deadline for the November Orthodox Observer. 20–21 Direct Archdiocesan District Choir Federation meetings, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Hempstead, N.Y. TBA–Order of St. Andrew–Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate meetings and banquet, New York.


10–20 Ionian Village Spiritual Odyssey, Greek Mainland 10–16 – Metropolis of Denver Camp Emmanuel first session, Albuquerque, N.M. 16 Saint Basil Academy Graduation Ceremonies, Garrison, N.Y. 17–23 Metropolis of Denver Camp Emmanuel second session, Albuquerque. 17–23 Metropolis of Chicago Fanari Camp, Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake, Wis. 20 Deadline for the combined July–August Orthodox Observer 23 CrossRoad (Session l), Hellenic College Holy Cross 23 St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine Greek Landing Day Celebration, St. Augustine. 24–30 Metropolis of Atlanta – St. Stephens Senior Camp, Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem, S.C. 24–Aug. 4 Metropolis of Detroit Summer Camp – Rose City, Mich. 28–July 1 San Francisco Metropolis Choir Federation meetings, Phoenix. 29–July 18 Ionian Village Summer Travel Camp. 30 National Philoptochos Board Meeting, Phoenix.


1–4 Archdiocese Clergy–Laity Congress, Phoenix. 1– 4 National Philoptochos Biennial Convention, Phoenix. 1–5 National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians annual meeting, in conjunction with the Clergy–Laity Con-


1–3 Byzantine Studies Association of North America (BSANA) annual meetings (The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture on HCHC Campus). 2–4 Metropolis of Boston Choir Federation meetings. (Location to be announced). 6 Annual seminar for Greek teachers and Greek school principals sponsored by Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education, St. Demetrios Parochial School, Astoria, N.Y. 9 Deadline for seventh annual St Photios Essay Contest of St. Photios National Shrine. 9 HCHC 75th Anniversary Celebration at Metropolis of Atlanta. 8–11 Eastern Choir Federation (New Jersey Metropolis) meetings, Toms River, N.J. 16–19 Metropolis of Atlanta Advent Retreat, Diakonia Retreat Center, Salem, S.C. 24 Northeast Florida GOYA Jolly Holly Trolley Tour with Supper and Caroling at St Photios National Shrine, St. Augustine.


12 Saint Basil Academy Christmas Pageant, Garrison, N.Y. 26-29 Metropolis of Atlanta Winter Youth Rally, Atlanta 27–29 Metropolis of Detroit Holiday Hoops GOYA Basketball Tournament, St. John the Baptist Church, Sterling Heights, Mich.




Save the Date July 1 - 5, 2012


Spelling bee participants with Archbishop Demetrios, Bishop Andonios of Phasiane and Maria Makedon (far left) director of the Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education.

Archdiocese Hosts Parochial School Spelling Bee Finals Eight students competed in the New York City Greek American parochial day schools spelling bee finals that took place Jan. 10 at Archdiocese headquarters. Garima Vohra, a Jamaica Day School eighth grader won with the word “lieutenant.” Perry Chresomales, another eighthgrade student, from “W. Spyropoulos” Greek-American School in Flushing was the runner-up. Other finals participants were: Kasey Karaisarides, St. Demetrios School, Astoria; Orlando Fonseca, St. Spyridon Parochial School, New York; Constantinos Banagos of D.G.K. Parochial School of Holy Cross, Brooklyn; Savva Dobronravov of the Greek-American Institute, Bronx; Theodora Athanitis of the “A. Fantis” Parochial School, Brooklyn; and Divna Scepanovic of the Cathedral School, New York. Archbishop Demetrios presented each student with a Certificate of Award and a

copy of the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. For the third consecutive year, the Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund (HTSF) sponsored the event. Nick Katsoris, its president and author the Loukoumi book series for young children, offered a scholarship of $100 to each child and $500 to the winner. Spelling Bee competitions are sponsored by The E.W. Scripps Company, in conjunction with more than 260 newspapers around the world, to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabulary, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage. In New York, public and nonpublic school competitions are sponsored by Daily News. The Office of Education of the Direct Archdiocesan District coordinates the competitions among the city’s parochial day schools.

Chosen and appointed by God to Go and bear fruit you did not choose me but i chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.

(John 15:16)

Ὁ Θεός μᾶς διᾶλεξε κᾶι μᾶς ὥριςε νᾶ πόρευΘόυμε κᾶι νᾶ φερόυμε κᾶρπόυς όὐχ ὑμεῖς με ἐξελέξασθε ἀλλ’ ἐγώ ἐξελεξάμην ὑμᾶς καί ἔθηκα ὑμᾶς ἵνα ὑμεῖς ὑπάγητε καί καρπόν φέρητε. (Ἰωάν. 15:16)

Leadership 100 Partners Celebrate Growth Leadership 100 Partners, inaugurated by the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund in 2006 to attract young professionals to the philanthropic membership organization, one of the largest in the Orthodox and Hellenic world, recently attained 100 members, including five Leadership 100 Junior Partners. An event held to celebrate the accom-

plishment was hosted by Michael N. Bapis of New York, chairman of the group, and Drake G. Behrakis of Boston. They announced plans to further recruit new members in 2012 and to gather many members at the 21st annual Leadership 100 Conference, Feb. 9-12, at The Ritz-Carlton, Palm Beach in Manalapan, Fla.

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Aristotelis & Amy Pramagioulis, Henrico, VA; Efthymios P. Kalcos, Anderson, SC; John Lazare, Newark, DE; Vincent Plesha, Margate City, NJ; Antonia Megas, Nederland, TX; Mary Pappas, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI; Milton Stolis, Victoria, TX; John P. Trimmins, Peabody, MS; Ted & Janet Deming, Beaverton, OR; Joyce Logothetis, Woodcliff Lake, NJ; Estelle Marcopoulos, Redondo Beach, CA; Nessim Rafael, Dallas, TX; George A. Vrachnos, Palm Harbor, FL; John Cotromanes, Glenview, IL; Andrew & Rosalie Boulieris, Bellevue, WA; Peter Camenares, Staten Island, NY; Jeanne Speroulias, St. Louis, MO;


Mary Gaggos, St. Clair Shores, MI; Paul S. Feder, Centennial, CO; Acrivi Vlahakis, Somerville, MA; Catherine Callas Halkias, Ashburn, VA;

Special Patrons Anastasios & Maria Elenis, Floral Park, NY; Evangelos M. Gerontinos, Mountainview, CA; Chris S. Calender, Watertown, NY; Charles P. Dickson, Lake Charles, LA; Helen D. Tsintolas, Rockville, MD; Diane P. Colapietro, Agawam, MA; Louis G. Malevitis, Oakbrook, IL; Zelma Margelos, Solomons, MD; Clifford & Theodora Argue, Mercer Island, WA; Gust S. Vrenos, Cathedral City, CA;

Phoenix Desert riDge

PHOENIX, AZ More information to come in future issues of the Orthodox Observer!




Seattle Church Helps Feed the Hungry SEATTLE – The St. John the Alsmgiver Society, an outreach program of Assumption Church, has announced the receipt of a substantial cash donation from the Universal Life Church Monastery Storehouse that will help fund the costs of its 2012 program to feed homeless men of the St. Martin de Porres shelter in downtown Seattle. On the first two Thursdays of every month, the Society members cook for about 300 men, 55 years old and older, who reside at the shelter. Once dinner is served, the volunteers go home, but the food continues to be served throughout the night to those who come to the door requesting a handout. The St. John the Alsmgiver program is financially supported solely from donations and has been in existence for more then

25 years. Due to construction of the new church hall, typical food donations cannot be accepted, but as Panos Takis, senior director of the St. John the Almsgiver Society, stated, “This cash donation will enable us to continue our efforts to feed the homeless through many months of 2012, and its timing could not have been better.” As St. John the Alsmgiver said, “Is it not a grace which God gives us, to be able to help the poor, since every assistance given to the least of God’s children is considered by Him as a gift to Himself ?” The Universal Life Church Monastery Storehouse is headquartered on Capitol Hill, not far from the church, and has historically provided food for the homeless, assisted the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and aided many other worthy causes.

Archbishop Delivers Invocation u u from page 3 from around the State including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and thousands of people. The Archbishop said as part of his invocation: “Grant us to live in harmony with one another, and with all of Your glorious Creation, in mutual respect and love. “Grant to our governor, Andrew Cuomo, the spirit of courage, justice, prudence, and discernment. “Keep him in safety and health for many years, always leading the people to

victories over injustice, poverty, and everything that is harmful to the dignity and sanctity of human life. “We thank You, Almighty God, for this occasion to gather as a free people and to contemplate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for our State. Through the blessing of our diversity, give us the gift of unity. Make us worthy of the sacred mission to which You called us, as citizens of a Nation that is a beacon of democracy for all people, so that in all we consider and speak and do, we may honor You, the Author of Freedom, Truth and Justice.”


attention all yiayias, Papous, Theas, Theos, Nounas, Nounos, Sunday School Teachers, moms & dads!

Withagape.com is happy to announce that The Nameday Book is now available for purchase through GoTelecom! The Nameday Book written by Despina Manatos

& Illustrated by her Nouna Goldie DeLorenzo encourages all in the Orthodox faith to celebrate their given name every year and includes a comprehensive month by month list of the most prominent Saints and Feast Days in the Orthodox faith.

Photos: Dimitrios Panagos Metropolitan Methodios with members of the Sons of Pericles at their presentation.

Sons of Pericles Donate $9,000 to Boston Philoxenia House The Sons of Pericles, the Order of AHEPA’s junior auxiliary, recently adopted as their national project the support of Greek families in need and identified the Philoxenia House in Brookline as the ideal beneficiary of their fundraising efforts. This facility provides a home to Orthodox families who come to Boston for medical treatment. The Sons of Pericles offered a $9,000 donation to enable the Philoxenia House to thrive and continue to serve families who come not only from other parts of the United States, but from Greece and other parts of the world. Sons of Pericles chapters worked through 2010–11 to raise funds by selling raffle tickets and collecting donations at local events, at district and regional conferences and conventions, and at the Supreme Convention in Miami. The largest contributions came from individual Sons of Pericles chapters.

Sons of Pericles Supreme President Manolis Sfinarolakis and Supreme Gov. Jason Vergados presented their organization’s offering to Metropolitan Methodios at the Boston AHEPA Athens Chapter 24 annual Christmas Party on Dec. 10. The Philoxenia House was established in 1986 as a fully functioning home with room for families to feel comfortable while they are receiving medical attention. Families who have used this house have expressed their appreciation for having a home away from home during hard times. This year, the Sons of Pericles will raise funds jointly with the Maids of Athena for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) in memory of Maria Karolidis. For more information, or to donate to their national project, contact committee chairman Jason Vergados at j.vergados@ sonsofpericles.com.

This is a great gift for Easter, birthdays, christenings, Christmas, and of course, Namedays! To order your own copy or copies of The Nameday Book ($11.95 each + $5 S&H)

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Ways of the Lord

The_latest_book_by_His_Eminence_Archbishop_Demetrios_of_America_ includes_his_Keynote_Addresses_from_his_first_Clergy-Laity_Congress_in_ Philadelphia_in_July_2000_through_his_address_in_Washington,_DC__ in_July_2008._Also_included_are_addresses_given_in_Athens,_Greece,_ Cyprus,_Fordham_University_and_Brookline,_MA_plus_others. The_texts_presented_in_this_book_constitute_an_humble_effort_to_ contribute_to_such_a_task,_which_is_the_sacred_but_also_demanding_work_ of_sharing_the_Gospel_with_the_people_of_today;__hence,_the_subtitle__ of_the_book_‘Perspectives_on_Sharing_the_Gospel_of_Christ.’” To_purchase_your_copy_of_“Ways_of_the_Lord”_($24.95_per_+_$6_S&H)*_ please_call_212-774-0244,_or_email_gotel@goarch.org,_or_comple_the_ order_form_below_and_mail_it_to_GOTelecom,_8_East_79th_Street,_New_York,_NY_10075.

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Blessed event Metropolitan Evangelos conducts an agiasmos service at St. Barbara’s Church in Toms River, N.J., on Dec. 4, to bless the recently completed parish athletic center and classroom building in conjunction with the Feast Day Liturgy of St. Barbara. He was assisted by Fr. Paul Pappas, the parish priest. The new structure contains 12,000 square feet of space. In 2010, the Metropolitan consecrated the church on Oct. 24. The parish was founded in 1972 and currently has more than 700 members.


The Voice of Philoptochos St. Sophia Cathedral Philoptochos Reaches Out to Community

Support Your Metropolis Campaign to ‘Open the Doors’ National Philoptochos President Aphrodite Skeadas extends gratitude to each Metropolis Philoptochos for its support of the campaign to ‘Open the Doors” and secure a new home for Philoptochos. Successful events were held in the Metropolis of Chicago and the Metropolis of Detroit. Join Philoptochos to support the upcoming Metropolis events.

Metropolis of New Jersey The Metropolis of New Jersey Philoptochos is hosting its Agape Luncheon Saturday, Feb. 4, at the Pines Manor in Edison, N.J. The luncheon will honor Philoptochos’ 50-year members. All proceeds benefit the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy.

Metropolis of Atlanta The Metropolis of Atlanta Philoptochos invites everyone to its “Open the Doors” Luncheon, Saturday, March 17, at the Druid Hills Golf Club in Atlanta. Fellowship begins at 10:30 a.m. and the luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Guest speaker is Alicia Philipp, philanthropist and president of the community Foundation of Greater Atlanta, Inc. Ms. Philipp oversees a $635 million philanthropic foundation.

Metropolis of Denver

(Northern Area) The Metropolis of Denver Philoptochos, with its chapters in the northern area of the Metropolis, will hold its “Open the Doors” Luncheon on March 3 at Assumption Cathedral, Denver and will honor 50-year Philoptochos members from the chapters. More details to follow.

LOS ANGELES – St. Sophia Philoptohos has set a goal to reach out to the neighborhood around the cathedral. The chapter partnered with the Los Angeles Mission, a Christian–based organization that serves thousands of meals throughout the year. The chapter joined in a Cheerios/ Coffee drive collecting over 100 boxes of cereal and dozens of cans of coffee for the Mission. The Philoptohos assisted the Salvin School for the Disabled in Los Angeles with funds for food boxes at Thanksgiving and Christmas. This school serves severely physically

and mentally challenged children. This year the chapter assisted 74 low-income families through the generosity of two anonymous “donor angels,” and held a successful toy drive for the children and their siblings. The Philoptohos also adopted five families for Christmas whose children are struggling with illness and loss of income. The chapter provided gift cards for food, clothing, school supplies and medicine. The entire Cathedral community responded to an “Angel Tree” placed in the narthex of the Cathedral, with wish-list items on tags for these children and their parents.

Recognizing Our Leaders Beatrice Marks, Fifth National Philoptochos President by Christine Karavites

National Philoptochos celebrates ‘80 Years of Philanthropy’ and inaugurates a series of vignettes recognizing our Past National Philoptochos Presidents. We proudly honor the fifth National Philoptochos president, Beatrice Marks, and thank her for her service and offer the following reflections on her tenure as national president from 1982 through 1986. Mrs. Marks is remembered for revolutionizing the role of the national president, traveling across the United States and Canada (both then part of the Archdiocese of North and South America), bringing the message and mission of Philoptochos to churches and chapters throughout the Archdiocese. Mrs. Marks visited each diocese and Canada and worked closely with the National Office where she introduced modern accounting practices and procedures.

A Year of Hope to ‘Open the Doors’ Each day, National Philoptochos, its chapters and the organization’s 27,500 members assist those in need, respond to emergencies, national disasters and personal family crises; help raise literacy and eliminate illness, and support children and families. In each parish, Philoptochos members provide hope for a brighter future offering generously to their communities and to the National Philoptochos ministries. The combined efforts of this blessed organization of the Archdiocese place National Philoptochos as a national and international leader, distributing more than $1.3 million annually to keep hope alive for a brighter future. National Philoptochos now turns to each chapter, each parish, each member, each friend of Philoptochos to support its drive to “Open the Doors” and secure a new home for Philoptochos so we may expand our outreach and service. Help deliver the message and invite each of your friends and family members to view the National Philoptochos “Open the Doors” video on You Tube at www. philoptochos.org. Your support is critical! Spread the word about Philoptochos’ mission and its good works. Together we make a difference.


Specific programs initiated during her tenure were the adoption of Christian Stewardship as the means for members to offer their support, financially and spiritually to the Society. During the period National Philoptochos expanded support for the institutions of the Archdiocese and established funds for the higher educational needs of students at Saint Basil Academy. Mrs. Marks chaired a national convention and provided guidance at the 1974 and 1994 conventions. She actively supports the Children’s Medical Fund luncheons, including the 2001 Metropolis of Chicago event. Special moments include meeting Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios in 1990 and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in 1997 on their Chicago visits, working with Archbishop Iakovos on visits to New York and whenever he visited Chicago. Over the years, she met presidents, senators, congressmen, mayors and ambassadors. Mrs. Marks has had numerous honors bestowed on her and she continues to serve as honorary national president, honorary Chicago Metropolis Philoptochos Board member and lifetime honorary member of the St. Andrew chapter in Chicago. When asked what it means to be national president, Mrs. Marks stated, “It is an honor and a privilege!” She offers the following advice to future presidents and leaders, ”Continue to bring faith, commitment, dedication and professionalism to Philoptochos’ operation and function.” The National Philoptochos and its 27,500 members nationwide extend sincere gratitude to Beatrice Marks for her service. We pray for her good health and well being.


President’s Message Dear National Board Members, Chapter Presidents and Members of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Each year on the first day of the New Year we celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Basil the Great, our Church Father who studied, wrote manuscripts, established a soup kitchen, distributed food to the poor, offered medical assistance and served through love, those in his community. In honor of this feast, the Philoptochos leads us in focusing our efforts toward the Academy of Saint Basil. The Academy is our warm and inviting residence in Garrison, N.Y., where the children are educated in and practice their Greek Orthodox faith each and every day. At the Academy they are embraced spiritually and emotionally and during the day attend excellent schools that offer the best in academic and extracurricular programs. Through the tireless dedication of its director, Father Constantine Sitaras, the great commitment of the Board of Directors, the quality care offered by excellent staff, and the faithful volunteer support, the children at the Academy are raised in a nurturing environment. The mission of the Academy is to offer shelter, protection, love and education for our young people so they are able to grow up as healthy, wholesome, well–rounded Orthodox Christians. For many years, since the purchase of the Academy in 1944, the women of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society demonstrate their commitment in many ways but especially by organizing the Vasilopita Events in their Church communities. Like Saint Basil the Great, offering support to his community, the faithful women of the Society offer their strength and devotion to minister with love to the precious children of the Academy. Every year, in celebration of this Feast Day, you are asked to support the Vasilopita Fund so that the Society may continue its support for this most wonderful Academy. The beneficiaries of your love and compassion are the children of the Academy. This mission is sacred. Visit the website www.saintbasilacademy.org for a Saint Basil Academy Fact Sheet and Vasilopita Best Practices. Please continue to make best efforts to garner the greatest support for the benefit of our children at the Academy. Your sisters in Christ, Aphrodite Skeadas and Vasilopita Chairwomen Georgia Vlitas and Aspasia Melis




Commentaries and Reflections

Feast of Saint Basil Feast of the Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters Day and the New Year ENCYCLICAL

To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America.

Abide in Me, and I in you. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. John 15:4-5 To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Distinguished Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Day, Afternoon, and Church Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Feast of the Three Hierarchs, Saint Basil the Great, Saint Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom, on January 30th, is celebrated in conjunction with the Greek Letters Day as the Church recognizes in them the superb combination of Hellenic language and culture with Orthodox Faith and life. The Three Hierarchs lived in the 4th century Byzantium, a time when the Church, after the edict of Mediolanum in 312, was free to express her faith in multiple ways. It was within this context that the Three Hierarchs produced their great works in the fields of theology, philosophy, rhetoric and education, superbly using and even enhancing the Greek language. When we examine the work of Saint Basil the Great, we immediately can see that he was a person of extraordinary education in all scientific fields, a giant in theology and a master of the Greek language. He recognized the tremendous importance of a solid classical education as a factor in the cultivation of one’s intellect and exposure to cultural and educational values. His famous Address to Young Men On How They Might Profit From Greek Writings, remains an irreplaceable guide of how to deal with and how to maximize the spiritual profit from the study of classical Greek literature. Saint Gregory the Theologian also has been a superb example of a master of an amazing Greek education. In his extensive theological and poetic works, we encounter an unprecedented usage of the Greek Language. He was so proficient in the various forms of Greek language that he even was able to create new words in order to express more accurately Orthodox theology, thus earning him the title, “Theologian.” Likewise, it is no coincidence that the Church honored Saint John Chrysostom with the title “Golden-Mouth” on account of his brilliant rhetoric and the extraordinary way in which he employed the Greek language. Saint John Chrysostom, with the thousands of pages of exegesis on the Holy Scriptures, is

u Fr. Muksuris’ articlet Editor, Re: Preparation of the Holy Gifts A very interesting article and one that also could in some way affect the parishioners as well as the priest, even though we don’t prepare the Holy Communion, or do the steps that lead to this holy duty. I’m sure as parishioners, we also tend to

still as contemporary today as he was in the 4th century. His biblical exegesis, as well as his many sermons, are indicative of the tremendous effort of Chrysostom to promote real and substantive education among his people. Looking at the example of these Three Pillars of Orthodoxy we begin to understand the great value of Hellenic education and furthermore its importance in our lives. These Ecumenical Fathers and Teachers not only beautified the Church with their passionate pastoral care and sanctity, but also enhanced Greek language, theology, philosophy, rhetoric and poetry, as they focused on the message of the Gospel, the teachings of the Church and the centrality of Christ the Lord. We are called to embrace this model of superb education and great faith as

an expression of our deep love, commitment, and understanding of God’s divine word. The combination of the Feast of the Three Hierarchs with the Greek Letters Day constitutes a challenge for us contemporary Greek Orthodox people: A challenge to honor our Orthodox Faith and our Hellenic language and culture in the most advanced and strong ways. And God, the source of wisdom and love, the God of the Three Hierarchs will certainly be with us in successfully responding to the challenge. With paternal love in Christ,

† Archbishop DEMETRIOS of America

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we begin this new year, with the blessings of our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, we give thanks to Him for His abiding presence with us. It is in Christ’s presence that we find the grace to transform our lives and restore our communion with God. In His presence we know the truth of the Gospel and the endurance of hope, and we experience the forgiveness and mercy that sets us free from the bondage of sin and death. In Christ, we find enduring joy in the assurance of His eternal promises and peace in the comfort of His love. As His people and His servants, we are granted wisdom and strength to offer a witness of hope and ministries of compassion and healing. All of these blessings of the presence of Christ in our lives are the fruit that we bear when our hearts, minds and souls are connected to the True Vine, Christ. In addition, our connection to Him, to His presence and words, to His guidance and power, and to His love is essential for our ministry. To touch and transform lives and to bear fruit that leads others to a real new life, every effort, action, and word must reveal the presence of Christ. Our daily awareness of His presence and our commitment to bear fruit that brings honor and glory to God in this new year is so vital in our contemporary world. Around us are many conflicting messages that are disconnected from Christ, and thus disconnected from truth and from the Source of life and love. We have to be consistently the voice and witness of Christ, calling those around us to come to Him and experience a beautiful and fulfilling grace that will bring assurance and peace to their souls and meaning to their lives. This is why we must always remain united to Him. On this New Year’s Day as we consider the priority and necessity of living in Christ, we also commemorate the Feast

u u to page 9 take going to church as routine, without really thinking why we do so each and every Sunday, as well as other holy days. In fact, as parishioners, we should really start our preparation on Saturday night, before we go to bed. I wonder how many eat or even drink their morning coffee before thinking about taking Holy Communion that day? Even though it should be a habit to receive, it shouldn’t be taken without being our intentions the night before. We need to prepare for that

blessed event, even if it is done on a regular basis. As I was told, Holy Communion should be the first food or drink of the day. I don’t mean not to brush your teeth or gargle, but let the communion be the first thing we actually swallow that morning. So that means we need to concentrate on our actions the night before, as well as before leaving for church. Holy Communion should be a blessing and not just routine we get used to doing. I assume the priest is also very

serious about his preparation of the Holy Gifts, and never takes his duty lightly. We are so blessed in our Greek Orthodox Churches to have Holy Communion available at each and every service, as many other churches only do it on certain occasions, and that seems sad to me. What if that is our last Sunday on earth, and Communion was not available? Taking part in Holy Communion should be part

u u to page 9



Hellenic College Prepares Future Teachers for Real-World Classroom Experience by Nayla Daly

“I invite students to get into the messiness of learning,” said Alice McIntyre, professor and chairwoman of the Elementary Education Program at Hellenic College. “In my classroom, I educate my students to facilitate a teaching environment where children can be enthusiastic about learning. I look for the ‘Aha!’ moment on my students faces.” This is the philosophy that guides Dr. McIntyre and the Elementary Education program at the college. She has been engaged in activist research and education for many years, and capitalizes on various opportunities to provide a classroom community where students can engage, critique, and question educational and psychological dialogue. She brings 35 years of experience to the program and an unrivaled passion for various communities

through her teaching and research. Her life-long journey in education has led her to Hellenic College. “My instructors have taught me how to create a learning environment that is open to all students of any race or ethnicity and to create a safe and loving environment that welcomes children into the classroom,” said Alexandra Ritsi, a graduating student of the program. Dr. McIntyre believes that curriculum and classroom practice must be critical, participatory, academically challenging, and culturally sensitive. The program offers an integrated course of study leading to a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in elementary education. It enables students to obtain licensure as elementary school teachers (grades 1-6) in the Commonwealth of

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u u from page 8 of living, and doing what God intends for us to do, as His offspring. I for one, hope no one takes it for granted, but receives it humbly whenever they are blessed to receive. Fran Glaros–Sharp Clearwater, Fla.

uFr. Bakas’ articlet Editor, Kudos to Fr. John S. Bakas for his article “Jesus and the Geese at Christmas!” What a wonderful learning tool not just for his class but for our fellow Orthodox Christians as well. May we continue to follow Jesus out of the storm. Harriet Sporaa, Jackson, Wis.

uTrue meaning of Christmast Editor, In our age of unprecedented material and technological transformations, women’s rights and the economic and educational opportunities for women, we should dwell on the true meaning of Christmas. The Mother of God was not listed in

“Who’s Who” but was a humble, peasant girl. William Andrews, Chicago, Ill.

uGAI Anniversaryt Editor, The announcement that the Greek American Institute would be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2012 awakened nostalgic memories for me. As a new graduate from Hunter College I was fortunate to join the staff in September 1945. It was my first job as a teacher. I was delighted to ride the subway every morning from Sunnyside, Queens, where my family resided, to the school in the Bronx. The staff was friendly and enthusiastic. The supervisors, Mr. Hadjidemetriou and Mrs. Johnson were also caring and helpful. In 1945, I was Helen Christ and (Rev. Dr.) Milton Efthimiou was a student in my class. I was elated with my assignment. Teaching the 5th, 6th and 7th grades was a dream come true. I left when I received an assignment from the NYC Board of Education to teach at P.S. 103. Six decades-plus later, I still receive cards and letters from my students. Thanks for the memories dear students and G.A.I. Helen C. Arvanitis, Somers, NY.

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Feast of Saint Basil and the New Year u u from page 8 of Saint Basil the Great and give thanks to God for the blessed ministry of Saint Basil Academy. This center of philanthropic ministry continues to provide a loving and Christian environment where children are nurtured in the ways of the Lord and guided into adulthood as young men and women of God. This sacred work, strengthened by the grace and power of Christ, is possible because the directors, staff, and donors abide in Christ. They know that this is a ministry of love. It is a spiritual service that will produce beautiful fruit in young lives. It is an offering of faith that brings honor and glory to God. Thus, they know that they need the presence and power of Christ to guide children and youth to Him and give them the spiritual resources to remain connected to the True Vine for the rest of their lives. In support of Saint Basil Academy,

our National Ladies Philoptochos Society and the local chapters in our parishes lead us on this feast day and during the month of January in collecting a special offering. This is a way which in conjunction with our prayers will connect us to this very critical and highly specialized work of creating a bright future for young people. May I wish you and your families a blessed new year filled with the presence and joy of Christ. In this new year of 2012, may we find renewed strength and abundant grace in our service to Him. Each day let us seek to abide in Him through prayer, worship, and service, and as we live in His presence, may our lives be filled with great blessings and our offering to others lead them to His saving and unfailing love. With paternal love in Christ, † DEMETRIOS Archbishop of America


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Hellenic College Prepares Future Teachers Memories of Holy Cross u u from page 9

Massachusetts. This program also consists of a strong liberal arts component. Students become familiar with current developments in curriculum and instruction, understand the role of schools and teachers in society, and are prepared to meet the needs of students from diverse racial, socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. Such training is critical for anyone who hopes to be an effective teacher in an increasingly diverse and pluralistic public education system. In addition to preparing teachers for teaching in public schools, the program also prepares teachers who wish to serve community schools within the Archdiocese. “The elementary education program is a rigorous and selective program with high criteria. It has become a reputable program within the Boston school system.” says Hellenic College Dean Demetrios S. Katos. Sarah Quatrale, a 5th grade teacher at Curley Middle School in Boston has enjoyed having Hellenic College students in her classroom. “Students from Hellenic College are the most well prepared students I’ve ever had. My recent student, Alexandra Ritsi, had lesson plans ready and she connected well with students.” When Dr. McIntyre was asked what makes the program rigorous, she said, “The elementary education program is highly interwoven between onsite classes and real world experience in the classroom in four different courses, they are required to engage in practice teaching in a local public school.” This approach to the curriculum enables students to better

understand the theories and research they are exploring in the classroom. Ms. Ritsi, who just completed student teaching at the Curley K-8 School, said she was able to apply what she learned to her classroom. “I created a unit on mountains and mountain ranges and was able to put those lessons into practice with my fifth grade class when we were learning about geography in social studies. Also, I had a pre-practicum with an amazing teacher at the Agassiz Elementary School and I was able to weave some of her teaching methods into my classroom at the Curley School.” Donna Elias, a graduate of the program who has been teaching and pursuing higher education, said, “The courses paired with the pre-practicum and student teaching responsibilities prepared me for my career in teaching. My professors in the Elementary Education program at Hellenic were wonderful. I appreciated that they were able to show multiple methods on how to achieve the same goal. The program, accredited by the state Department of Education, is grounded in the professional standards for teachers in Massachusetts, the state’s curriculum frameworks, and the expectations of the Hellenic College faculty. The program prepares caring professionals who view teaching as a calling. “Hellenic College is an academic community in which students prepare for their professional occupation while nurturing their spiritual growth, too,” said Dr. Katos. Ms. Daly does public relations work at Hellenic College Holy Cross.

by Andreas K. Poulakidas, Ph.D.

Between 1952–1955 I attended Holy Cross with sincere intentions of becoming a priest as was my father. This was ultimately not realized, but I did complete the collegiate part of my education at the seminary. A string of memories crosses my consciousness: I was fully aware that many of my classmates were pre–eminently promising and uniquely strong personalities; at the seminary I became aware that I was afflicted by thalassimia (Colley’s Anemia). It was there that Bishop Ezekiel, dean of the Seminary, pronounced his “edict” that Poulakidas was to eat liver twice a day–which I did to no avail. It was here that I looked forward to the day of “Exodus” (afternoon break away from the Seminary), so that I could walk alone around Jamaica Pond. At Holy Cross, on occasion, I would walk up and down its steep hill pondering the theological dogmas of Christianity. I was impressed with the erudition of its new dean, the Rev. Dr. Patrinakos.There I met John Metropoulos who became a monk tonsured

Panteleimon. I was thrilled by the class in classical Greek philosophy taught by Archimandrite Gerasimos, later elevated as Bishop of Abydos. I wrote a 50–page term paper on the Book of Job in Professor Zaharopoulos’ class and I fell asleep in Professor Liacopoulos’ history class (no fault of the good professor – it was an afternoon class after lunch). As a penance I was asked over the Christmas holidays to copy once from the original Greek text the first chapter from the Gospel of St. John. I copied it thrice. My classmates and professors prayed for me as I battled in January 1955 to save my life from pneumonia; and from here I bid farewell to hose hallowed grounds. I was preparing to depart in September 1955 for the University of Athens to begin my theological studies. Fr. Gerasimos told me, “You will miss this place.”And I do miss that complex for all that it stands. It will always be a part of my life. Andreas K. Poulakidas, M.Th., M.A., Ph.D., is an associate professor emeritus of Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.

CrossRoad Program Applications

Available for HighSchool Juniors, Seniors BROOKLINE, Mass. – Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology invites Orthodox Christian high school students from the United States and Canada in their junior or senior year to take part in the CrossRoad summer institute, the summer vocation exploration program that integrates faith, learning, and service. Now in its ninth year, CrossRoad has proven to be successful in preparing teens for leadership in the Church and in their communities. One of the vibrant programs of HCHC’s Office of Vocation & Ministry (OVM), CrossRoad offers access to faculty instruction and graduate students who serve as staff. The program is conducted on campus. The Office of Vocation & Ministry (OVM) at Hellenic College is now accepting applications from high school juniors and seniors for its CrossRoad summer institute. This year’s sessions are June 23–July 3 and July 10–20, 2012. Application priority deadline is March 1. Applications may be downloaded from the CrossRoad website at crossroad.hchc.edu, received by mail or by calling the office at 617-850-1310. Visit the website to see a short video of the CrossRoad experience. In addition to participating in theology classes, CrossRoad students attend vespers each evening at neighboring Boston-area parishes and engage in community service. Described by many as a “life-changing experience,” CrossRoad provides a strong foundation for future Church leaders. Two recent alumni of the program reflected on their experience during the 10-day period. “Two-and-a-half years ago, I attended Crossroad, yet it feels like yesterday,” said Katya Soot of Albany, Oregon. “Time and distance have no power over the love and knowledge that Crossroad fostered for all of us in just 10 days. To this day, what

I learned and the people I met at Crossroad continue to influence my life, and I know this is something that will last forever.” Michael Takes of Clayton, Mo., commented, “CrossRoad was an amazing experience that helped me learn about my faith and prepared me for living an Orthodox life in college.” About CrossRoad CrossRoad draws its name in part from the metaphorical crossroad at which high school seniors and graduates find themselves as they prepare to embark on their life journey towards further studies and careers. CrossRoad’s 350 alumni hail from 39 states, Canada, and the Bahamas. To accommodate the overwhelming interest, CrossRoad runs two sessions annually. For summer 2012 each accepted applicant will receive a full scholarship and is only responsible for travel costs to/ from Boston. CrossRoad is funded by the OVM through the generosity of the Lilly Endowment Inc., the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, Old Neighborhood Foods, the Virginia H. Farah Foundation, and benefactors from the greater Orthodox community.



OCF to Develop Alumni Network At a recent fall meeting of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship, board members began the process of re-evaluating OCF’s organizational framework and considering new administrative structures. Among its actions, the board approved the development of an OCF Alumni Network. This effort, spearheaded by Michael Andrzejewski, a 2011 OCF graduate from the University of Connecticut, will investigate ways for OCF alumni to support campus ministry. The network will begin its work in early 2012. OCF Executive Director Jennifer Nahas and North Carolina Triangle Director John Stonestreet recently completed a

comprehensive review of OCF’s activities in that region and decided to suspend the specialized NC Triangle program. However, local chapters will continue to function in the area. Fr. Mark Leondis, OCF board chairman, commented that, “OCF’s stability as an organization is a direct result of the efforts of its students, clergy, and lay leaders, and we look forward to growing our board in order to continue serving the needs of Orthodox college students.” Board nominations are currently open and recommendations for membership should be directed to the North American Office.

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Uganda by Penny McClintock

The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) organizes many different mission trips centered upon healthcare, teaching, or evangelism. As a 21-year-old nursing student, I joined a healthcare team based in Uganda. We spent two weeks setting up health care clinics and administering basic medications through the Orthodox Church in Uganda. This experience was incredibly humbling, and one that I will carry with me in both my spiritual and professional life as a nurse. Our first day of setting up a healthcare clinic in a small town in rural Uganda was a mild frenzy. Our small team of eight Americans, consisting of two doctors, three nurses, and two students, was faced with the great challenge of providing basic medical care and medications to over a hundred Ugandans crowding around a church door and open window, which we turned into a makeshift doctor’s office and pharmacy. Amid the chaotic crowds waiting to receive their medicine, the piles of triage cards, and the constant chatter of mixed English and Lugandan (the major language spoken in the district of Sembabule), we managed to successfully treat and provide medication to children with intestinal worms, families stricken with malaria, babies with fevers, scalps balding due to ringworm, and women and men suffering from various STDs. Most patients received their prescriptions with enormous smiles, saying “Webale” (meaning “thank you”), and would depart us with a shake of the hand in gratitude. It felt wonderful to provide these people with the medicine they needed, eat with them, discuss our lives together, and connect over sharing a common faith although living an entire ocean apart. However, not every patient’s story was one of success that day. Of the hundreds of faces I met, the face of a teenage girl, simple and serene, held slightly crooked while she walked from the church on a crutch, stands out in my mind from that first clinic. We were able to diagnose the large infected wound in her shoulder as osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone and bone marrow. Without treatment, her infection was becoming progressively worse. Even though our team offered her grandfather enough money to provide her transportation to a hospital, he refused to take her, and we had to leave the town that day knowing we could do nothing to help her. And yet, as our van made its way down the red dirt road away from the church, she smiled at us with the most grateful eyes, and waved us on our way. Over the course of the next week, our team vastly improved our efficiency in triage and prescription filling in the pharmacy.

We would transform a stone church filled with wooden pews into a waiting area, examination area, shot area, wound care area, a working pharmacy, and a medication dispensary. Our team worked together, along with the help of some wonderful translators and Ugandan Orthodox priests, to take what we learned from the chaos of the first clinic and turn it into a smooth and systematic operation. However, riding down the bumpy road to our last clinic, none of us were prepared to be faced with our biggest challenge yet. The church we had to work with was not a large, empty room filled with convenient wooden benches, but a dark, tiny hut made of mud and straw. We had only a couple benches to use for the examination area and pharmacy, and there was already a line of people eagerly awaiting our arrival. Because it was too dark inside the church for the doctors to see, we had to set up outside… and there were dark rain clouds forming in the distance. Although we were using boxes to make work tables, filling prescriptions in the back of a van, and grabbing the medicine and running inside the church every time we felt raindrops, we managed to see every single person who came to us that day. Just as the girl with osteomyelitis welcomed what little help we had for her, and did not pout at her misfortune but responded to us only with gratitude for what we could give her, I felt that our meager resources that day only made us more determined to run a successful clinic. Despite the simple setup, we provided the same quality of care and medicine, and felt even deeper the spirit of the people we had come to help, experiencing life the way they do each day. This spirit - one of hospitality, gratitude, love, and delight in simplicity - is the most striking mark of the people in Uganda, and the most evident way that our team was able to experience the work of the Holy Spirit in Africa. The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) is the official missions agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America dedicated to fulfilling Christ’s last command to make disciples of all nations.




Marriage & Family

Money Matters and Marriage by Fr. Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT

Flawed and failed financial strategies either create problems for couples or exacerbate other existing issues and difficulties. Results from numerous research studies reinforce these points, and suggest that chronic, couple disagreements related to finances are a good predictor of separation and divorce. Since a couple’s financial practices profoundly affect their efforts to cultivate oneness, the information that follows is intended either to validate your current financial practices or help you prayerfully consider making some corrections to the way you and your partner are currently handling your money matters. Money Matters and Marriage I have worked with many conflicted spouses and couples whose attitudes about money undermined their efforts to cultivate marital satisfaction and oneness. These individuals possessed little or no regard for their spouses’ needs and perspectives, not to mention God’s will. One spouse hoarded substantial amounts of money from his wife and children. His justification for his behavior was: “I made it. It’s mine.” He provided his wife with a small allowance, which barely covered the household’s needs, while leading her to believe the family was one step away from being destitute. In another instance, a wife regularly belittled her unemployed husband, reminding him that he was an inadequate protector and provider. These criticisms were very destructive and sabotaged this couple’s efforts to cultivate connection and unity. It is no surprise that in both cases, these couples prematurely ended therapy and divorced. Obviously, these and other similar financial strategies do not work in marriages. However, some strategies do work. Compare the suggestions that follow with your present guiding principles with regard to money matters. No Secrets Secrets related to money matters are not compatible with marriage from a Christian perspective. This area of a couple’s life should remain transparent. If one spouse has hidden assets or debts, no matter what the reason, these assets and debts eventually come to light and compromise trust, and by extension, a couple’s efforts to develop oneness. A statement by one spouse with whom I met after a particularly ugly divorce illustrates how toxic secrets can be related to finances. “I should have told her about the child support I was paying before we married, but I didn’t. When she found out, she couldn’t get past this, and things were never quite the same. In retrospect, this was the beginning of the end of our marriage.” Talk and Share Making the time to regularly and prayerfully stay in touch with one another is essential in a couple’s efforts to avoid issues and problems related to money matters. The following observations illustrate how a lack of meaningful communication can compromise marital oneness. During couple’s therapy, and

out of frustration, one spouse stated: “She does the banking, and that’s okay, but God forbid if something happens to her. I wouldn’t have a clue where to look for half of our assets. That makes me so angry….” He then turned toward her and stated, “Each time I bring this up you dismiss me. That’s not fair!” Career Needs Verses Marital Needs Striking a balance between career needs and marital needs can be difficult. Often a marriage suffers when spouses put their career needs before their marriage. The following observations from a spouse whose husband had separated from her illustrate how difficult it is to keep this balance in our marriages. “I couldn’t ignore my business’ needs and demands and I expected him to understand. We fought and fought over the long hours I was keeping until life was no longer any fun….If he’ll give our marriage a second chance, I plan to make some changes. One thing I will do is pray more and yell less. Another thing I will do is find more time for us.” Enjoy, but within Reason Many couples these days fail to live within their means and purchase whatever they want, when they want, without thinking twice about how their bills will be paid. Sadly, researchers, clergy and couple’s therapists are reporting that this pattern is pervasive. No doubt, it is important that we enjoy the fruits of our labors, but within reason. When couples fail to live by this principle, serious money issues usually emerge that trigger arguments and compromise marital satisfaction. The high bankruptcy rates illustrate this point. Many couples who file for bankruptcy end up also filing for divorce. Marriage is a Partnership Marriage is not a dictatorship; it is a partnership. The following verse in Scripture reinforces this observation: “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Gen 2:18). The phrase, “a helper fit for him,” does not suggest that God created woman to be man’s servant. “A helper fit for him” indicates that God created woman to be man’s partner who is at once suitable for him, and would complete him. So, how does this apply to a couple’s finances? Whether you have a marriage where one spouse is the provider and the other stays home, or a marriage where both spouses have careers, spouses should seek to cultivate a partnership in all dimensions of their lives – including their finances. In most cases, when one spouse assumes a subordinate position and the other a dominant position this unequal position often compromises the partnership. Men and Women Have Different Approaches Gender differences with regard to money matters can potentially create problems for couples. That is because in general men and women’s attitudes regarding money can be different. For example, research suggests that men tend to be greater risk takers than women. Keeping this potential gender difference in mind when you reach couple gridlock related to your money matters

can be helpful. In cases when gridlock occurs, it is important for each spouse to avoid becoming entrenched in their position. A better option is to ask God for patience, forgiveness and increased understanding. Christ’s Perspective Jesus addressed money matters regularly. In fact, he had more to say about this topic than almost any other subject. Within his statements and teachings, he

sought to help us understand that a balanced perspective regarding our treasures (money and other assets) can have a profound impact on our well-being and our relationship with God and our neighbor. For example, he taught, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be”(MT 6:21). Living a Christ-centered life can help us acquire sound and balanced financial practices. Such a choice is not simply an investment in your financial well-being, but also an investment in your marriage and family.

Obituaries Fr. Theophilos P. Theophilos Fr. Theophilos P. Theophilos, 89, a retired priest and a board member of the Retired Clergy Association, died Dec. 16 in Palm Desert, Calif., a little more than a month before his 90th birthday. During his priesthood, he had served parishes in New York, Ohio, Canada and California. Born in Montreal on Jan. 19, 1922, he attended public schools there and went on to Holy Cross Seminary when it was located in Pomfret, Conn., graduating in 1943.He also attended Kent State University in Ohio. He married Zoe Giota of New York in September 1944 and was ordained a deacon by Archbishop Athenagoras in Montreal in November of

Fr. Anastasios Diacovasilis Fr. Anastasios Diacovasilis, a retired priest who served as an assistant at St. Nicholas Church in Flushing, N.Y., since 1984, died Jan. 17. He was 75. Though he officially retired July 1, 1999, he continued his participation in the St. Nicholas community. He was born Feb. 29, 1936 in Nisyros, Greece, in the Dodecanese islands, and attended elementary school on Nisyros and high school on Cos. He also attended the Ieratiki School of Rhodes for two years. He married Maria Hartofilis of Nisyros in October 1960. They emigrated to the United States in April 1963. He was ordained a deacon by Bishop Philotheos of Meloa in Astoria on March 7, 1975 and as a

that year, and as a priest in May 1946 in New York, also by Archbishop Athenagoras. He served the parishes of St. Spyridon in New York from September 1943 to September 1949; St. Haralambos in Canton, Ohio, September 1949 to June 1957, H9oly Trinity in Montreal, June 1957-November 1966; St. Sophia Cathedral in Los Angeles (November 1966-July 1971) and Annunciation Cathedral in San Francisco from August 1971 until his retirement on Feb. 1, 1987. He was bestowed the offikia of oikonomos by Bishop Ezekiel in February 1954, and protopresbyter by Archbishop Iakovos in November 1966. In addition to his presbytera, survivors include four children: Panagiota, Panagioti, Ioanna and Constantine. priest at St. Elpis Church in Hopewell, Va., on March 16, 1975 by Bishop Aimilianos of Harioupolis. Fr. Anastasios served the Hopewell church from 1975-77, then was assigned as the second priest at St. Sophia Cathedral in Washington, where he served until Jan. 14, 1984. He then was assigned to St. Nicholas in Flushing. Over the years, he was bestowed the offikia of confessor, sakellarios and oikonomos by Archbishop Iakovos. In addition to his presbytera, he is survived by three children, Eugenia, Eleni and Paschalis. Services took place at St. Nicholas Church on Jan. 20 with Archbishop Demetrios officiating, assisted by Fr. Paul Palesty, proistamenos, Fr. Theofanis Papantonis, assistant, and other clergy.

Name omitted from last issue

In the obituary of Fr. George Papadeas published in the December issue, the name of his daughter Angela Papadeas Sabato was not included with the other survivors.

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Ἑορτή Ἁγίου Βασιλείου καί Νέον Ἔτος


Μείνατε ἐν ἐµοί, κἀγώ ἐν ὑµῖν. Ὁ µένων ἐν ἐµοί κἀγώ ἐν αὐτῷ οὗτος φέρει καρπόν πολύν. Ἰωάν. 15:4-5

Πρός τούς Σεβασµιωτάτους καί Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τούς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καί ∆ιακόνους, τούς Μοναχούς καί Μοναχές, τούς Προέδρους καί Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τά Ἡµερήσια καί Ἀπογευµατινά Σχολεῖα, τίς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τήν Νεολαία, τίς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καί ὁλόκληρο τό Χριστεπώνυµον πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς. Προσφιλεῖς Ἀδελφοί καί Ἀδελφές ἐν Χριστῷ, Καθώς ξεκινοῦµε αὐτό τό νέο ἔτος, µέ τίς εὐλογίες τοῦ Οἰκουµενικοῦ Πατριάρχου κ.κ. Βαρθολοµαίου στήν ὑπηρεσία τοῦ Κυρίου µας Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ καί τῆς ἁγίας Αὐτοῦ Ἐκκλησίας, εὐχαριστοῦµε τόν Θεό γιά τήν συνεχῆ παρουσία Του ἀνάµεσά µας. Ἡ παρουσία τοῦ Χριστοῦ κοντά µας µᾶς δίδει τήν χάρη νά µεταµορφώσουµε τίς ζωές µας καί νά ἀποκαταστήσουµε τήν κοινωνία µας µέ τόν Θεό. Μέ Ἐκεῖνον κοντά µας γνωρίζουµε τήν ἀλήθεια τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου καί τήν ὑποµονή τῆς ἐλπίδος, καί βιώνουµε τή συγχώρηση καί τό ἔλεος τό ὁποῖο µᾶς ἀπελευθερώνει ἀπό τά δεσµά τῆς ἁµαρτίας καί τοῦ θανάτου. Στό Χριστό ἀνακαλύπτουµε τήν συνεχῆ χαρά πλήρως πεπεισµένοι περί τῶν αἰωνίων ὑποσχέσεων καί τῆς εἰρήνης Του µέσα στήν θαλπωρή τῆς ἀγάπης Του. Ἐπειδή εἴµαστε οἱ ἄνθρωποι καί ὑπηρέτες Του, µᾶς προσφέρεται σοφία καί δύναµη γιά νά προσφέρουµε µαρτυρία ἐλπίδος καί διακονία θεραπευτική. Ὅλες αὐτές οἱ εὐλογίες πού προέρχονται ἀπό τήν παρουσία τοῦ Χριστοῦ στή ζωή µας εἶναι ὁ καρπός πού παράγουµε ὅταν ἡ καρδιά, ἡ διάνοια καί ἡ ψυχή µας συνδέονται µέ τήν Ἀληθινή Ἄµπελο, τόν Χριστό. Ἐπιπλέον, ἡ σύνδεσή µας µαζί Του, µέ τήν παρουσία καί τούς λόγους Του, µέ τήν καθοδήγηση καί τή δύναµή Του, καί µέ τήν ἀγάπη Του εἶναι ἀπαραίτητη γιά τή διακονία µας. Γιά νά ἀγγίξεις καί νά µεταµορφώσεις ζωές ἀλλά καί γιά νά παραγάγεις καρπό ὁ ὁποῖος θά ὁδηγήσει ἄλλους σέ µία ἀληθινή νέα ζωή, κάθε προσπάθεια, ἐνέργεια καί λόγος πρέπει νά ἀποκαλύπτει τήν παρουσία τοῦ Χριστοῦ. Ἡ καθηµερινή συνειδητοποίηση τῆς παρουσίας τοῦ Θεοῦ, καί ἡ δέσµευσή µας νά παράγουµε καρπό σ’ αὐτό τό νέο ἔτος ὁ ὁποῖος τιµᾶ καί δοξάζει τόν Θεό ἔχουν ζωτική σηµασία σήµερα. Γύρω µας κυκλοφοροῦν πολλές καί διάφορες ἰδέες καί µηνύµατα πού δέν ἔχουν σχέση µέ τόν Χριστό, καί ἑποµένως δέν συνδέονται µέ τήν ἀλήθεια καί τήν Πηγή τῆς ζωῆς καί τῆς ἀγάπης. Ἐµεῖς πρέπει µέ συνέπεια νά εἴµεθα ἡ φωνή καί ἡ µαρτυρία τοῦ Χριστοῦ, καλώντας ὅλους τούς γύρω µας νά προσέλθουν σ’ Ἐκεῖνον καί νά βιώσουν τήν ὑπέροχη καί τέλεια χάρη ἡ ὁποία θά φέρει βεβαιότητα καί εἰρήνη στήν ψυχή των καί θά δώσει νόηµα στή ζωή των. Αὐτός εἶναι καί ὁ λόγος γιά τόν ὁποῖο πρέπει νά εἴµεθα πάντοτε ἑνωµένοι µ’ Ἐκεῖνον. Ἐφέτος τήν Πρωτοχρονιά, καθώς ἀναλογιζόµεθα τήν προτεραιότητα καί τήν ἀνάγκη τῆς συµβιώσεως µέ τόν Χριστό, τιµοῦµε ἐπίσης τήν Ἑορτή τοῦ Μεγάλου Βασιλείου καί εὐχαριστοῦµε τόν Θεό γιά τήν εὐλογηµένη διακονία τῆς Ἀκαδηµίας τοῦ Ἁγίου Βασιλείου. Αὐτό τό κέντρο φιλανθρωπικῆς διακονίας συνεχίζει νά προσφέρει ἕνα περιβάλλον Χριστιανικῆς ἀγάπης ὅπου τά παιδιά καλλιεργοῦνται κατά Θεόν καί προετοιµάζονται γιά τήν ἐνήλικη ζωή ὡς ἀνθρώπων τοῦ Θεοῦ. Αὐτό τό ἱερό ἔργο, τό ὁποῖο ἐνδυναµώνει ἡ χάρη καί ἡ δύναµη τοῦ Χριστοῦ, καθίσταται δυνατό διότι οἱ διευθύνοντες, τό προσωπικό καί οἱ δωρητές συνδέονται µέ τόν Χριστό. Γνωρίζουν ὅτι πρόκειται περί διακονίας ἀγάπης, περί πνευµατικῆς ὑπηρεσίας ἡ ὁποία θά ἀποφέρει ὡραῖο καρπό σέ νεανικές ζωές. Εἶναι προσφορά πίστεως ἡ ὁποία τιµᾶ καί δοξάζει τόν Θεό. Ἑποµένως, γνωρίζουν ὅτι ἔχουν τήν ἀνάγκη τῆς παρουσίας καί δυνάµεως τοῦ Χριστοῦ γιά νά καθοδηγήσουν τά παιδιά καί τή νεολαία σ’ Ἐκεῖνον καί γιά νά τούς δώσουν τά πνευµατικά ἐφόδια γιά νά παραµείνουν ἑνωµένοι µέ τήν Ἀληθινή Ἄµπελο γιά τό ὑπόλοιπο τῆς ζωῆς των. Γιά τήν ἐνίσχυση τῆς Ἀκαδηµίας τοῦ Ἁγίου Βασιλείου, ἡ Ἐθνική Φιλόπτω-

Σελίδα 15


Κατάδυση του Τιμίου Σταυρού στον Κεράτιο Κόλπο από τον Οικουμενικό Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίο, Παρασκευή 6 Ιανουαρίου. (Κάτω) Η Πατριαρχική πομπή προς τον Κεράτιο. ôïõ ΝΙΚΟΥ ΜΑΓΓΙΝΑ

Με τη συµµετοχή πλήθους πιστών από την Πόλη και το εξωτερικό γιορτάστηκαν την Παρασκευή 6 Ιανουαρίου τα Θεοφάνεια στο Φανάρι, στην έδρα του Οικουµενικού Πατριαρχείου. Της πανηγυρικής Θ. Λειτουργίας προεξήρχε ο Οικουµενικός Πατριάρχης Βαρθολοµαίος, συλλειτουργούντων των Μητροπολιτών: Γέροντος Νικαίας Κωνσταντίνου, Φιλαδελφείας Μελίτωνος, Σεβαστείας ∆ηµητρίου και Προύσης Ελπιδοφόρου. Η Ακολουθία του Μ. Αγιασµού έγινε κατά την Πατριαρχική Τάξη µετά το τέλος της Μ. ∆οξολογίας του Όρθρου. Μεά την πρωϊνή Πατριαρχική Θεία Λειτουργία σχηµατίστηκε ιερή ποµπή από τους ιερόπαιδες που κρατούσαν τα εξαπτέρυγα και τον σταυρό, τους ιεροψάλτες, τους εκατοντάδες πιστούς, τους Ιεράρχες του Θρόνου και τον Οικουµενικό Πατριάρχη Βαρθολοµαίο, οι οποίοι ξεκίνησαν από τον Πάνσεπτο Πατριαρχικό Ναό και πεζή κατευθύνθηκαν στις όχθες του Κερατίου Κόλπου όπου είχε τοποθετηθεί ειδική εξέδρα. Η αστυνοµία διέκοψε την κυκλοφορία στην παραλιακή οδό για να διευκολύνει τους προσκυνητές από την Πόλη, την Ελλάδα και άλλες χώρες που παρακολούθησαν την ετήσια εορταστική τελετή του Καθαγιασµού των Υδάτων στον Κεράτιο κόλπο. Ανάµεσα στο πλήθος και πολλοί Τούρκοι οι οποίοι θέλη-

σαν να παρακολουθήσουν το πατροπαράδοτο έθιµο των Χριστιανών Ορθοδόξων. Περίπου είκοσι νέοι, από την Πόλη και την Ελλάδα, µεταξύ των οποίων και µια κοπέλα, ανέµεναν υποµονετικά µέσα στο κρύο για να βουτήξουν στα παγωµένα νερά και να πιάσουν τον σταυρό. Την ίδια ώρα οι γλάροι έκαναν τις δικές τους βουτιές ταράζοντας την ηρεµία του Κερατίου. ∆εσπόζουσα θέση στην εικόνα της τελετής της ρίψης του Σταυρού είχε η Πατριαρχική Μεγάλη του Γένους Σχολή, η οποία εδώ και αιώνες συνεχίζει αδιάκοπα την προσφορά και το έργο της στην εκπαίδευση και την καλλιέργεια των παιδιών της Ρωµιοσύνης, αποτελώντας αντικείµενο θαυµασµού των επισκεπτών της. Το σταυρό έβγαλε από τα κρύα νερά του κερατίου ο Απόστολος Οικονόµου από τη ∆ράµα, στον οποίο ο Πατριάρχης Βαρθολοµαίος προσέφερε χρυσό σταυρό, ενώ στους υπόλοιπους που βούτηξαν προσέφερε αναµνηστικά δώρα. Την ελληνική κυβέρνηση εκπροσώπησε ο Αναπλ. Υπουργός Εθνικής Άµυνας Γιάννης Ραγκούσης. Επίσης παρέστησαν ο Γενικός Πρόξενος της Ελλάδος στην Πόλη Νικόλαος Ματθιουδάκης, η Πρόξενος της Ελλάδας στην Αδριανούπολη Αικατερίνη Βαρβαρίγου και η βουλευτής της Νέας ∆ηµοκρατίας Έλενα Ράπτη. Αξίζει να σηµειωθεί ότι πολλά τουρκικά ΜΜΕ έδειξαν ενδιαφέρον και κάλυψαν την τελετή της Κατάδυσης του Τιµίου Σταυρού στην βαπορόσκαλα του Φαναρίου.





Ἑορτή τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν καί Ἡµέρα Ἑλληνικῶν Γραµµάτων Πρός τούς Σεβασµιωτάτους καί Θεοφιλεστάτους Ἀρχιερεῖς, τούς Εὐλαβεστάτους Ἱερεῖς καί ∆ιακόνους, τούς Μοναχούς καί Μοναχές, τούς Προέδρους καί Μέλη τῶν Κοινοτικῶν Συµβουλίων, τά Ἡµερήσια καί Ἀπογευµατινά Σχολεῖα, τίς Φιλοπτώχους Ἀδελφότητες, τήν Νεολαία, τίς Ἑλληνορθόδοξες Ὀργανώσεις καί ὁλόκληρο τό Χριστεπώνυµον πλήρωµα τῆς Ἱερᾶς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Ἀµερικῆς. Προσφιλεῖς Ἀδελφοί καί Ἀδελφές ἐν Χριστῷ, Ἡ Ἑορτή τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν, Βασιλείου τοῦ Μεγάλου, Γρηγορίου τοῦ Θεολόγου καί Ἰωάννου τοῦ Χρυσοστόµου, στίς 30 Ἰανουαρίου, συνεορτάζεται µέ τήν Ἡµέρα τῶν Ἑλληνικῶν Γραµµάτων καθώς ἡ Ἐκκλησία τιµᾶ µέ τόν τρόπο αὐτό τόν ὑπέροχο συνδυασµό τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσας καί πολιτισµοῦ µέ τήν Ὀρθόδοξο Πίστη καί ζωή. Οἱ Τρεῖς Ἱεράρχες ἔζησαν στό Βυζάντιο τόν 4ο αἰώνα, ἐποχή κατά τήν ὁποία ἡ Ἐκκλησία, µετά τό διάταγµα τῶν Μεδιολάνων τό 312 µ.Χ., εἶχε τήν ἐλευθερία νά ἐκφράζῃ τήν πίστη της ποικιλοτρόπως. Μέσα σ’ αὐτό τό κλίµα οἱ Τρεῖς Ἱεράρχες παρήγαγαν τό µεγάλο ἔργο τους στούς τοµεῖς τῆς θεολογίας, φιλοσοφίας, ρητορικῆς καί παιδείας, χρησιµοποιώντας µέ ὑπέροχο τρόπο τήν Ἑλληνική Γλώσσα, καί µάλιστα ἐµπλουτίζοντάς την. Ὅταν ἐξετάζουµε τό ἔργο τοῦ Βασιλείου τοῦ Μεγάλου, διακρίνουµε ἀµέσως ὅτι ἦταν ἄνθρωπος ἐξαιρετικῆς µορφώσεως σέ ὅλους τούς ἐπιστηµονικούς τοµεῖς, γίγας τῆς θεολογίας καί ἄριστος γνώστης τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσας. Ἀνεγνώρισε τήν τεράστια σηµασία τῆς γνήσιας κλασσικῆς παιδείας ὡς παράγοντος γιά τήν καλλιέργεια τῆς διανοήσεως καί τῆς ἐµπειρίας ἀναφορικά µέ τίς πολιτισµικές καί ἐκπαιδευτικές ἀξίες. Τό γνωστό ἔργο του Πρός τούς νέους, ὅπως ἄν ἐξ ἑλληνικῶν ὠφελοίντο λόγων παραµένει ἀπαράµιλλος ὁδηγός γιά τήν ἀντιµετώπιση καί τή µεγιστοποίηση τῆς πνευµατικῆς ὠφελείας ἡ ὁποία πηγάζει ἀπό τή µελέτη τῆς κλασσικῆς Ἑλληνικῆς φιλολογίας. Ὁ Ἅγιος Γρηγόριος ὁ Θεολόγος ἀπετέλεσε ἐπίσης ὑπέροχο παράδειγµα ἀνθρώπου κατέχοντος ἄρτια Ἑλληνική παιδεία. Στά ἐκτενῆ θεολογικά καί ποιητικά ἔργα του, συναντοῦµε µία ἄνευ προηγουµένου χρήση τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσας. Ἡ ἐµβρίθεια τῆς γνώσεώς του περί τῶν διαφόρων µορφῶν της ἦταν τόσο µεγάλη ὥστε ἦταν σέ θέση νά πλάθῃ νέες λέξεις γιά νά ἐκφράζῃ µέ µεγαλύτερη ἀκρίβεια τήν Ὀρθόδοξη θεολογία, ἱκανότητα πού τοῦ χάρισε τόν τίτλο «Θεολόγος». Ὁµοίως, δέν ἀποτελεῖ τυχαῖο γεγονός τό ὅτι ἡ Ἐκκλησία τίµησε τόν Ἅγιο Ἰωάννη µέ τόν τίτλο «Χρυσόστοµος», χάριν τῆς ἀξιοθαύµαστης ρητορικῆς του δεινότητος καί τοῦ ἐξαιρετικοῦ τρόπου µέ τόν ὁποῖον ἔκανε χρήση τῆς Ἑλλη-νικῆς Γλώσσας. Ὁ Ἅγιος Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστοµος µέ τίς χιλιάδες ἑρµηνευτικές σελίδες του ἐπί τῶν Ἁγίων Γραφῶν, εἶναι τόσο σύγχρονος στίς ἡµέρες µας ὅσο ἦταν καί στόν 4ο αἰώνα. Τό ἑρµηνευτικό του αὐτό ἔργο καθώς καί τά πάµπολλα κηρύγµατά του, εἶναι ἐνδεικτικά τῆς τεραστίας προσπαθείας τοῦ Χρυσοστόµου νά προαγάγῃ τήν ἀληθινή καί οὐσιαστική παιδεία στό ποίµνιό του. Ἀναλογιζόµενοι τό παράδειγµα αὐτῶν τῶν Τριῶν Στύλων τῆς Ὀρθοδο-ξίας, ἀρχίζουµε νά συνειδητοποιοῦµε τήν µεγάλη ἀξία τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς παιδείας καί, ἐπιπλέον, τή σηµασία της γιά τή ζωή µας. Αὐτοί οἱ Οἰκουµενικοί Πατέρες καί ∆ιδάσκαλοι δέν ἐκόσµησαν τήν Ἐκκλησία µόνο µέ τήν ἔνταση τῆς ποιµα-ντικῆς φροντίδος καί ἁγιότητός των, ἀλλά ἐπλούτισαν τήν Ἑλληνική Γλώσσα, τή θεολογία, τή ρητορική καί τήν ποίηση, ἑστιάζοντας τήν προσοχή τους στό µήνυµα τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου, στίς διδασκαλίες τῆς Ἐκκλησίας καί στήν κεντρικότητα τοῦ προσώπου τοῦ Χριστοῦ. Καλούµεθα νά ἐγκολπωθοῦµε αὐτό τό θαυµάσιο πρότυπο παιδείας καί ὑπέροχης πίστεως ὡς ἔκφραση τῆς βαθειᾶς ἀγάπης, δεσµεύσεως καί κατανοήσεως τῆς οὐσίας τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου. Ὁ συνδυασµός τῆς ἑορτῆς τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν µέ τήν Ἡµέρα τῶν Ἑλληνικῶν Γραµµάτων ἀποτελεῖ πρόκληση γιά µᾶς τούς συγχρόνους Ἑλληνορθοδόξους: πρόκληση νά τιµοῦµε τήν Ὀρθόδοξο Πίστη καί τήν Ἑλληνική Γλώσσα καί πολιτισµό µας µέ τούς πλέον προηγµένους καί δυνατούς τρόπους. Καί ὁ Θεός, ἡ πηγή τῆς σοφίας καί τῆς ἀγάπης, ὁ Θεός τῶν Τριῶν Ἱεραρχῶν θά εἶναι ὁπωσδήποτε µαζί µας στήν ἐπιτυχηµένη ἀπάντησή µας στήν πρόκληση αὐτή. Μέ πατρική ἐν Χριστῷ ἀγάπη,

† ὁ Ἀρχιεπίσκοπος Ἀμερικῆς Δημήτριος

Θεοφάνεια στο Τάρπον Σπρινγκς


Την Παρασκευή 6 Ιανουαρίου, ο Σεβασμιώτατος Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αμερικής Δημήτριος προεξήρχε της τελετής του Αγιασμού των Υδάτων και της Κατάδυσης του Τιμίου Σταυρού στο Τάρπον Σπρινγκς. Μετά το πέρας της Θείας Λειτουργίας που παραδοσιακά τελείται στον Καθεδρικό Ναό του Αγίου Νικολάου, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος, μαζί με τους Μητροπολίτες Ατλάντας, Αλέξιο και Δαρδανελλίων, Νικήτα, τον Επίσκοπο Ζήλων Σεβαστιανό, πλήθος ιερέων, πιστών και τους 61 νέους καταδύτες, κατευθύνθηκαν προς στο Spring Bayou όπου έγινε η Κατάδυση του Τιμίου Σταυρού.

Ο Οικουμενικός Πατριάρχης Βαρθολομαίος στη 4η Παγκόσμια Διάσκεψη Πολιτικής στη Βιέννη Ἡ Α.Θ.Παναγιότης, ὁ Οἰκουμενικός Πατριάρχης κ. κ. Βαρθολομαῖος, ἀνταποκρινόμενος εἰς ἀπευθυνθεῖσαν Αὐτῷ πρόσκλησιν ὅπως συμμετάσχῃ εἰς τήν ἐν Βιέννῃ συγκληθεῖσαν, μεταξύ 9ης καί 11ης Δεκεμβρίου, «4ην Παγκόσμιον Διάσκεψιν Πολιτικῆς», καί ὁμιλήσῃ κατά τάς ἐργασίας αὐτῆς, μετέβη εἰς τήν Αὐστριακήν πρωτεύουσαν τήν Πέμπτην, 8ην ἰδίου, συνοδευόμενος ὑπό τῶν Πανοσιολ. Τριτεύοντος τῶν Πατριαρχικῶν Διακόνων κ. Θεοδώρου καί Μ. Ἀρχιμανδρίτου κ. Ἀθηναγόρου. Τό ἑσπέρας ἡ Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Αὐστρίας παρέθεσεν ἐπίσημον δεῖπνον πρός τιμήν τοῦ Παναγιωτάτου. Περί τήν μεσημβρίαν τῆς ἑπομένης, Παρασκευῆς, 9ης ἰδίου, ὁ Πατριάρχης ἐδέξατο ἐν τῷ καταλύματι Αὐτοῦ τήν ἐπίσκεψιν τοῦ Σεβ. Καρδιναλίου κ. Christoph Schönborn, Ἀρχιεπισκόπου Βιέννης. Μετά ταῦτα, ἡ Α.Θ.Παναγιότης, μετέβη εἰς τό Προεδρικόν Μέγαρον «Hofburg» καί παρεκάθησεν εἰς τό παρατεθέν, ὑπό τοῦ Ἐξοχ. Δρος Heinz Fischer, Προέδρου τῆς Ὁμοσπονδιακῆς Δημοκρατίας τῆς Αὐστρίας, ἐπίσημον γεῦμα πρός τιμήν τῶν προσελθόντων διά νά συμμετάσχουν εἰς τήν ὡς ἄνω Διάσκεψιν Ἀρχηγῶν Κρατῶν καί τῶν ἐπί κεφαλῆς τῶν Ξένων Ἀντιπροσωπειῶν. Εἰς τήν πρόποσιν αὐτοῦ ὁ κ. Πρόεδρος ἀνεφέρθη ἰδιαιτέρως εἰς τήν 20ήν ἐπέτειον τῆς Πατριαρχίας τῆς Α.Θ.Παναγιότητος καί συνεχάρη καί ηὐχήθῃ Αὐτῇ διά λίαν φιλοφρόνων λόγων. Τό ἀπόγευμα τῆς αὐτῆς ἡμέρας ἐγένετο, ἐν ἐπιβλητικῇ Αἰθούσῃ τῶν Ἀνακτόρων «Hofburg», ἡ ἔναρξις τῶν ἐργασιῶν τῆς «4ης Παγκοσμίου Διασκέψεως Πολιτικῆς», καθ’ ἥν ὡμίλησαν, κατά σειράν, ὁ Ἐλλογιμ. κ. Thierry de Montbrial, Πρόεδρος καί Ἱδρυτής τοῦ ὀργανώσαντος τήν Διάσκεψιν Ἱδρύματος, ὁ Ἐξοχ. Πρόεδρος τῆς Δημοκρατίας τῆς Αὐστρίας καί, τέλος, τό τιμώμενον πρόσωπον τῆς ἐν λόγῳ Διασκέψεως Ἐξοχ. κ. Αbdullah Gül, Πρόεδρος τῆς Τουρκικῆς Δημοκρατίας, τόν ὁποῖον καί συνεχάρη ἡ Α.Θ.Παναγιότης. Σημειωτέον ὅτι, ἡ ἑπομένη, 5η, Διάσκεψις θά πραγματοποιηθῇ, κατά τό προσεχές ἔτος, εἰς τήν Πόλιν. Τό πρόγραμμα τῆς ἡμέρας κατεκλείσθη διά παραθέσεως δείπνου ὑπό τοῦ Ἐξοχ. Πρέσβεως κ. Εὐσταθίου Λώζου, πρός τιμήν τοῦ Πατριάρχου, τῇ συμμετοχῇ τῶν μελῶν τῆς Πατριαρχικῆς Συνοδείας καί Δι-

πλωματῶν. Τήν πρωΐαν τῆς ἑπομένης, Σαββάτου, 10ης Δεκεμβρίου, ἡ Α.Θ.Παναγιότης, μετά τῆς Συνοδείας Αὐτῆς, ἐπεσκέψατο τήν Πρεσβείαν τῆς Τουρκίας ἐν Βιέννῃ, ἔνθα ἡ Ἐξοχ. Πρέσβυς κ. Ayşe Sezgin παρέθεσεν, ἐντός ἐγκαρδίου ἀτμοσφαίρας, πρόγευμα πρός τιμήν τοῦ ὑψηλοῦ ἐπισκέπτου αὐτῆς. Εἶτα, ὁ Πατριάρχης καί οἱ σύν Αὐτῷ μετέβησαν εἰς τό Κεντρικόν Κοιμητήριον τῆς πόλεως, ἔνθα Οὗτος ἐτέλεσε Τρισάγιον πρό τοῦ τάφου τοῦ πρότριτα ἐν Κυρίῳ κοιμηθέντος ἀειμνήστου Μητροπολίτου Αὐστρίας Μιχαήλ, τῇ συμμετοχῇ τῶν οἰκείων αὐτοῦ. Τό ἀπόγευμα ἡ Α.Θ.Παναγιότης μετέβη εἰς τά Ἀνάκτορα «Hofburg», ἔνθα, ὁμοῦ μετά τῶν Ἐξοχ. κ. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Προέδρου τῆς Δημοκρατίας τῆς Ἐσθονίας, κας. Ying Fu, Ἀναπληρωτοῦ Ὑπουργοῦ Ἐξωτερικῶν τῆς Λαϊκῆς Δημοκρατίας τῆς Κίνας, καί Ἐλλογιμ. κ. Kemal Derviş, Ἀντιπροέδρου τοῦ Ὀργανισμοῦ διά τήν «Παγκόσμιον Οἰκονομικήν Ἀνάπτυξιν», συνεζήτησεν ἐπί τοῦ θέματος «Ἡ Εὐρώπη ὡς ἐργαστήριον διά τήν παγκόσμιον κυβερνητικήν», συντονιστοῦ ὄντος τοῦ Ἐλλογιμ. κ. Charles Kupchan, Καθηγητοῦ τῶν Διεθνῶν Ὑποθέσεων ἐν τῷ εὐφήμως γνωστῷ Ἀμερικανικῷ Πανεπιστημίῳ Georgetown. Ὁ Οἰκουμενικός Πατριάρχης ἀνεφέρθη ἐπιγραμματικῶς εἰς τήν συσσωρευμένην ἐμπειρίαν 17 αἰώνων ζωῆς καί μαρτυρίας τῆς Μητρός Ἐκκλησίας, ἥτις ἀσφαλῶς πολλά δύναται νά προσφέρῃ καί εἰς τήν σύγχρονον ἀνθρωπότητα, ἀναπτύξας τάς ἀναληφθείσας ὑπ’ αὐτῆς πρωτοβουλίας διά τόν ἄνθρωπον καί τήν κτίσιν. Τό ἑσπέρας τῆς ἰδίας, ὁ Ἐξοχ. Δρ. Michael Häupl, Δήμαρχος καί Κυβερνήτης τῆς Βιέννης, ὁμοῦ μετά τοῦ Ἐλλογιμ. κ. Thierry de Montbrial, Προέδρου καί Ἱδρυτοῦ τοῦ Ἱδρύματος τῆς «Παγκοσμίου Διασκέψεως Πολιτικῆς», παρέθεσαν, ἐπίσημον δεῖπνον πρός τιμήν τῶν 500 περίπου συμμετασχόντων τῆς Διασκέψεως. Ὁ Πρόεδρος τῆς Διασκέψεως, κατά τόν χαιρετισμόν αὐτοῦ, ἐποίησεν ἰδιαιτέραν μνείαν τῆς παρουσίας τοῦ Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριάρχου, Ὅστις, σημειωτέον, ἦτο ὁ μόνος θρησκευτικός ἡγέτης ὁ ὁποῖος προσεκλήθη διά νά παραστῇ καί ὁμιλήσῃ εἰς τήν Διάσκεψιν ταύτην.




«Εἰς μαρτύριον τοῖς ἒθνεσι» ôïõ Στυλιανού Δ. Χαραλαμπίδη *

Το έτος 2011 υπήρξε, αναµφισβήτητα, έτος – σταθµός στη ζωή και τη διακονία του από Χαλκηδόνος Οικουµενικού Πατριάρχη κ. Βαρθολοµαίου, καθώς συµπληρώθηκαν 50 χρόνια από την αποφοίτησή του εκ της κατά Χάλκην Ιεράς Θεολογικής Σχολής και από την είσοδό του στον ιερό κλήρο. Ταυτόχρονα, είναι γνωστό ότι τους τελευταίους µήνες του 2011 συ µπληρώθηκε µία ολόκληρη 20ετία από την εκλογή (22 Οκτωβρίου) και την ανάρρησή (2 Νοεµβρίου) του στον πάνσεπτο Οικουµενικό Θρόνο. Τα 20 αυτά χρόνια είναι γεµάτα από όµορφες και δύσκολες στιγµές, σηµεία µιας σταυρικής και ανηφορικής πορείας του Πατριάρχη του Γένους, ο οποίος εν µέσω πολλών αντιξοοτήτων διακονεί την ενότητα και τη συνοδικότητα της Εκκλησίας, την παγκοσµιότητα του χριστιανικού µηνύµατος και το διάλογο των θρησκειών και των πολιτισµών. Το Ιωβηλαίο αυτό, όπως και κάθε Ιωβηλαίο, αποτελεί µία ευκαιρία αποτίµησης αλλά και µία αφορµή περισυλλογής και οραµατισµού για το µέλλον. Ταυτόχρονα, όµως, η επέτειος αυτή κρίθηκε επιβεβληµένο να τιµηθεί από τον εκκλησιαστικό χώρο, από εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύµατα, από πολιτιστικούς και άλλους φορείς. Ο ίδιος ο Πατριάρχης επαναλαµβάνει συνεχώς ότι τις τιµές που κατά καιρούς του απονέµονται, τις εκλαµβάνει ως τιµή και σεβασµό προς τον αιωνόβιο θεσµό του Οικουµενικού Πατριαρχείου. Αυτό είναι σωστό, αλλά θα πρέπει πάντοτε να έχουµε κατά νου ότι οι θεσµοί σαρκώνονται πάντα µέσα στην ιστορία από συγκεκριµένα πρόσωπα που τους διακονούν µε αίσθηση ευθύνης και χρέους. Στη χορεία τέτοιων εκκλησιαστικών ανδρών θα κατατάσσαµε και τον Πατριάρχη Βαρθολοµαίο. Μέσα σ’ αυτό το εόρτιο κλίµα πρέπει να ενταχθεί και η έκδοση ενός νέου τόµου προς τιµήν του Οικουµενικού Πατριάρχη µε τον εύγλωττο και δηλωτικό της φύσης της πατριαρχικής διακονίας τίτλο: “Εις µαρτύριον τοις έθνεσι (Τόµος χαριστήριος εικοσαετηρικός εις τον Οικουµενικόν Πατριάρχην κ.κ. Βαρθολοµαίον)”, Θεσσαλονίκη 2011. Ο καλαίσθητος τόµος εκδόθηκε µε πρωτοβουλία της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστηµίου Θεσσαλονίκης και τη στήριξη του ίδιου του Πανεπιστηµίου και άλλων φορέων. Με τον τρόπο αυτό επιβεβαιώθηκε για µία ακόµη φορά η αδιάρρηκτη σχέση της Μητρός Εκκλησίας Κωνσταντινουπόλεως µε τη Θεολογική Σχολή της συµπρωτεύουσας, η οποία πάντοτε ερχόταν αρωγός προς το Οικουµενικό Πατριαρχείο, ιδίως στις δύσκολες στιγµές, όπως ήταν εκείνη της αναστολής λειτουργίας της κατά Χάλκην Ιεράς Θεολογικής Σχολής, όταν αρκετοί από τους τότε σπουδαστές ή τους µαθητές του γυµνασιακού τµήµατος βρήκαν φιλόξενο καταφύγιο στην αγκαλιά της Θεολογικής Σχολής Θεσσαλονίκης και σήµερα διακονούν τον Οικουµενικό Θρόνο είτε ως Αρχιερείς είτε ως πρεσβύτεροι είτε και ως λαϊκοί. Εξάλλου, η Θεολογική Σχολή του Α.Π.Θ. είχε και έχει την ξεχωριστή τιµή να περιλαµβάνει στο διδακτικό προσωπικό της διαπρεπείς Ιεράρχες του Οικουµενικού Πατριαρχείου, όπως οι Σεβασµιώτατοι Μητροπολίτες Τυρολόης & Σερεντίου κ. Παντελεήµων (διατελέσας και πρύτανης του ιδρύµατος) και Περγάµου κ. Ιωάννης (διατελέσας και Πρόεδρος της Ακαδηµίας Αθηνών) παλαιότερα και

οι Σεβασµιώτατοι Μητροπολίτες Αρκαλοχωρίου, Καστελλίου και Βιάννου κ. Ανδρέας (εκ της Εκκλησίας της Κρήτης) και Προύσης κ. Ελπιδοφόρος (ο και ηγούµενος της Ι. Μ. Αγίας Τριάδος Χάλκης) σήµερα. Την τιµητική επιτροπή του τόµου αποτέλεσαν οι πρυτανικές αρχές του Α.Π.Θ. (ο πρύτανης καθηγητής κ. Ιω. Μυλόπουλος και οι αντιπρυτάνεις καθηγητής κ. Ιω. Παντής και καθηγήτριες κυρίες ∆. Λιάλιου και Σ. Κουΐδου – Ανδρέου), την επιστηµονική επιτροπή ο Κοσµήτορας της Σχολής καθηγητής κ. Μ. Τρίτος, οι πρόεδροι των Τµηµάτων Θεολογίας καθηγητής κ. Χρ. Σταµούλης και Ποιµαντικής & Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας καθηγητής κ. Αθ. Καραθανάσης, καθώς και ο Σεβασµιώτατος Μητροπολίτης Προύσης κ. Ελπιδοφόρος, καθηγητής της Σχολής. Η επιτροπή επιµέλειας του τόµου συγκροτήθηκε από µέλη ∆.Ε.Π. των δύο Τµηµάτων της Σχολής. Των µελετών που απαρτίζουν τον τιµητικό τόµο προτάσσονται χαιρετισµοί τόσο των πρυτανικών αρχών του Α.Π.Θ. όσο και του Κοσµήτορα της Θεολογικής Σχολής. Ο τόµος καταλαµβάνει 1.000 σελίδες, ενώ ο αριθµός των δηµοσιευόµενων εργασιών αγγίζει τις 51 και καλύπτουν όλο το φάσµα της θεολογικής επιστήµης: από τις βιβλικές σπουδές, την εκκλησιαστική ιστορία και τη δογµατική έως την πατερική θεολογία, τη λειτουργική και το κανονικό δίκαιο και από την αγιολογία, τη χριστιανική ηθική και την οικουµενική κίνηση έως την οµιλητική, την κοινωνιολογία, τη θρησκειολογία και τη φιλοσοφία. Οι µελέτες είναι στην πλειοψηφία τους γραµµένες στα ελληνικά, ενώ δεν λείπουν και οι ξενόγλωσσες (αγγλικά, γαλλικά, γερµανικά, ιταλικά). Ο τόµος επιδόθηκε στον τιµώµενο Προκαθήµενο της Ορθοδοξίας από τον Πρύτανη του Α.Π.Θ. και τον Κοσµήτορα της Θεολογικής Σχολής κατά τη διάρκεια ειδικής τελετής που έλαβε χώρα στην Κωνσταντινούπολη στις 18 ∆εκεµβρίου 2011. Ζούµε σε ένα κόσµο που δοκιµάζεται καθηµερινά από ποικίλες διαιρέσεις, βλέπουµε γύρω µας µία πολύπλευρη κοινωνική κρίση σε πλήρη εξέλιξη. Η εµπιστοσύνη των πολιτών προς την πολιτική και τις διαδικασίες αντιπροσώπευσης δοκιµάζεται, η δυσπιστία προς τους θεσµούς εντείνεται, η δηµόσια σφαίρα αµαυρώνεται και η ελπίδα των ανθρώπων καθηµερινά συρρικνώνεται υπό το βάρος της διογκούµενης οικονοµικής κρίσης. Ο θεολογικός λόγος, τον οποίο µε συνέπεια και τόλµη αρθρώνει “πολυµερῶς και πολυτρόπως” (Εβρ. 1, 1) ο Πατριάρχης Βαρθολοµαίος, είναι ένας επίκαιρος λόγος “περί τῆς ἐν ἡµῖν ἐλπίδος” (Α΄ Πετρ. 3, 15), όχι µιας ελπίδας µισθαποδοσίας, αλλά µιας εµπράγµατης ελπίδας ότι ο Θεός είναι αυτός που έχει τον τελευταίο λόγο µέσα στον κόσµο και την ιστορία. Έχουµε ανάγκη από τη δροσιά αυτού του λόγου και γι’ αυτό θα θέλαµε και από αυτή τη θέση να ευχηθούµε εκ µέσης καρδίας υγεία και δύναµη στον Πρώτο της ανατολικής ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, ώστε να συνεχίσει επί πολλά ακόµα έτη να ορθοτοµεί το λόγο της αληθείας, να διακονεί κενωτικά το µυστήριο της Εκκλησίας και να εκφράζει αυθεντικά την καθολικότητα της χριστιανικής πρότασης. * Ο Στυλιανός ∆. Χαραλαµπίδης είναι Θεολόγος (MTh) – Νοµικός, Υπ. ∆ρ. Θεολογικής Σχολής Α.Π.Θ.


Πατριαρχική επίσκεψη στην Ιμβρο ôïõ ΝΙΚΟΥ ΜΑΓΓΙΝΑ

Προσκυνηµατική επίσκεψη πραγµατοποίησε τη ∆ευτέρα 16 Ιανουαρίου ο Οικουµενικός Πατριάρχης Βαρθολοµαίος στη γενέτειρά του, στο πολύπαθο νησί της Ίµβρου. Το ταξίδι αυτό έγινε στην καρδιά του χειµώνα σε συνδυασµό µε τα ονοµαστήρια του Μητροπολίτου Ίµβρου και Τενέδου Κυρίλλου. Από το πλοίο που ξεκίνησε από την χερσόνησο της Καλλίπολης µε προορισµό την Ίµβρο ο Πατριάρχης αντίκρυσε µία ευχάριστη έκπληξη: το νησί του ήταν κατάλευκο από τη σφοδρή χιονόπτωσητηε προηγούµενης νύχτας. Ο Πατριάρχης Βαρθολοµαίος, που από την παιδική του ηλικία αγαπά πολύ το χιόνι, κάτι που φαίνεται και στις εκθέσεις που έγραφε ως µαθητής, έζησε ένα ευχάριστο ξάφνιασµα, καθώς ποτέ άλλοτε δεν είχε αντικρύσει από το πλοίο το νησί του, που τόσο λατρεύει, να ξεπροβάλει ανάγλυφα λευκό στη µέση της θάλασσας, δίνοντας την αίσθηση ενός παγόβουνου στο βόρειο Αιγαίο. Φθάνοντας στην Ίµβρο µετά από ταξίδι µιάµισης περίπου ώρας τον ανέµεναν στην προκυµαία ο Ποιµενάρχης του νησιού, κληρικοί, µεγάλος αριθµός από τους εναποµείναντες µόνιµους κατοίκους,

από τα ξενιτεµένα παιδιά της και από φίλους της Ίµβρου από την Ελλάδα και άλλες χώρες. Μετά την εγκάρδια υποδοχή κατευθύνθηκε, κρατώντας στα χέρια άνθη της πονεµένης γενεθλίου γης του, στον Μητροπολιτικό Ναό της Κοιµήσεως της Θεοτόκου, όπου άναψε κερί και προσκύνησε. Στην συνέχεια, επισκέφθηκε εθιµοτυπικά τον Έπαρχο του νησιού. Το απόγευµα προσευχήθηκε κατά τον Εσπερινό που τελέσθηκε στο εξωκκλήσι του Αγίου Αντωνίου, στο ύψωµα «Σταυρός» της περιοχής Ευλαµπίου. Αξίζει να σηµειωθεί ότι το ερειπωµένο µέχρι πριν από λίγα χρόνια εξωκκλήσι ανακαίνισε εκ βάθρων ο αδελφός του Πατριάρχου κ. Αντώνιος Αρχοντώνης, ενώ τα θυρανοίξιά του τέλεσε ο Μητροπολίτης Ίµβρου τον Ιανουάριο του 2008. Το εξωκκλήσι βρίσκεται σε δύσβατο σηµείο, ενώ το τοπίο ήταν σκεπασµένο απο χιόνι. Ο Πατριάρχης άδραξε την ευκαιρία να περπατήσει στο χιόνι, φρεσκάροντας στη µνήµη του τα παιδικά του χρόνια. Τον Πατριάρχη στην τριήµερή του προσκυνηµατική επίσκεψη συνόδευσαν ο Επίσκοπος Σινώπης Αθηναγόρας, ο Υπογραµµατέας της Αγίας και Ιεράς Συνόδου διάκονος Ιωακείµ και ο αδελφός του Αντώνιος.

Α ΡΧ Ι Ε Π Ι Σ ΚΟΠ Ι Κ Η Ε Γ Κ Υ Κ Λ ΙΟΣ Σελίδα 13 χος Ἀδελφότης Κυριῶν καί τά τοπικά παραρτήµατά της ἡγοῦνται προσπαθείας συλλογῆς εἰδικῆς οἰκονοµικῆς βοηθείας τήν ἡµέρα αὐτή ἀλλά καί καθ’ ὅλη τήν διάρκεια τοῦ µηνός Ἰανουαρίου. Αὐτή ἡ προσπάθεια σέ συνδυασµό µέ τἰς προσευχές µας θά µᾶς ἑνώσει µέ αυτή τήν ἄκρως ζωτική καί ἰδιαιτέρως ἐξειδικευµένη διακονία τῆς δηµιουργίας λαµπροῦ µέλλοντος γιά νέους ἀνθρώπους. Εὔχοµαι σέ σᾶς καί στίς οἰκογένειές

σας ἕνα εὐλογηµένο νέο ἔτος πλῆρες τῆς παρουσίας καί τῆς χαρᾶς τοῦ Χριστοῦ. Εἴθε µέσα στό 2012 νά ἔχουµε ἀνανεωµένες δυνάµεις καί ἄφθονη χάρη στήν ὑπηρεσία Ἐκείνου. Ἄς προσπαθοῦµε νά µένουµε ἑνωµένοι µέ τόν Χριστό κάθε ἡµέρα τῆς ζωῆς µας διά τῆς προσευχῆς, τῆς λατρείας καί τῆς προσφορᾶς ὑπηρεσιῶν, καί εἴθε οἱ ζωές µας νά εἶναι πλήρεις µεγάλων εὐλογιῶν καί ἡ προσφορά µας πρός τούς συνανθρώπους µας νά τούς ὁδηγεῖ στήν λυτρωτική καί πανίσχυρη ἀγάπη Του.

Για ερωτήματα σχετικά με τον Κανονισμό για θέματα επιλήψιμης σεξουαλικής συμπεριφοράς κληρικών της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Αμερικής ή για σχετικές καταγγελίες καλέστε χωρίς χρέωση τον ειδικό αριθμό (877) 554-3382 Όλες οι καταγγελίες θα ληφθούν σοβαρά υπ’ όψιν και θα διερευνηθούν πλήρως και με απόλυτη αμεροληψία. Μπορείτε να μιλήσετε Αγγλικά ή Ελληνικά σε εθελοντή ή εθελόντρια.







Νάπολη: Συνέδριο για την εικοσαετία του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Βαρθολομαίου Με επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε την Δευτέρα 16 Ιανουαρίου, το Συνέδριο, το οποίο διοργάνωσε η Θεολογική Σχολή της Αγίας Έδρας της Νοτίου Ιταλίας, στη Νάπολη, με αφορμή το μεγάλο και ιστορικό, για όλο το χριστιανικό κόσμο, γεγονός της συμπληρώσεως είκοσι ετών από την ημέρα της εκλογής και της ενθρονίσεως του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Βαρθολομαίου, στον πρώτο Θρόνο της Ορθοδοξίας. Το Συνέδριο είχε τίτλο: Ἐγνώκαμεν καὶ πεπιστεύκαμεν τὴν ἀγάπην, και θέμα: Ο διάλογος μεταξύ Καθολικών και Ορθοδόξων και η συμβολή του Παναγιωτάτου Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου στα 20 χρόνια της Πατριαρχίας του. Το Συνέδριο πραγματοποιήθηκε στο κεντρικό αμφιθέατρο του Πανεπιστημίου και ξεκίνησε με προσευχή, την οποία ανέγνωσε ο Θεοφιλέστατος Επίσκοπος Καζέρτα κ. Pierto Farina, ενώ οι φοιτητές της Θεολογικής Σχολής έψαλαν ύμνους προς την Παναγία και την Αγία Τριάδα. Ο Θεοφιλέστατος στη σύντομη προσφώνησή του αναφέρθηκε με θερμούς λόγους στην προσωπικότητα του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Βαρθολομαίου υπογραμμίζοντας την προσπάθειά του και την αμέριστη συμβολή του στο θέμα του θεολογικού διαλόγου μεταξύ των δύο αδελφών Εκκλησιών δεν παρέλειψε δε να αναγνώσει και μήνυμα εκ μέρους του Καρδιναλίου της Νάπολης Σεβασμιωτάτου κ. Cresenzio Sepe, ο οποίος για ανειλημμένες υποχρεώσεις, απουσίαζε στη Ρώμη. Στη συνέχεια ο Κοσμήτορας της Θεολογικής Σχολής Prof. Gaetano Di Palma καλωσόρισε τους συνέδρους και ιδιαιτέρως τους εξ Ελλάδος ομιλητές, υπογράμμισε τη σημαντικότητα του διαλόγου και εξήγησε τους λόγους που ώθησαν το συμβούλιο των καθηγητών της Θεολογικής Σχολής, ώστε να διοργανώσουν την παρούσα ημερίδα προς τιμή του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου κ. κ. Βαρθολομαίου. Τόνισε με έμφαση, μάλιστα, ότι «η εκδήλωση πραγματοποιείται την περίοδο αυτή, κατά την οποία η Καθολική Εκκλησία καλεί τους πιστούς σε προσευχή για την ενότητα και την Οικουμενική Κίνηση και μέσα σε αυτό το πλαίσιο θεωρήσαμε αναγκαίο ως θεολογική Σχολή

να εξάρουμε την μεγάλη προσωπικότητα και εκκλησιαστική φυσιογνωμία του προκαθημένου της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, ο οποίος προάγει και βοηθά το έργο του διαλόγου και την σύσφιξη των σχέσεων των δύο Εκκλησιών, τόσο με τα λόγια του, όσο και με τις γενικότερες πρωτοβουλίες και τα έργα του». Ακολούθησε το μήνυμα του Προκαθημένου της Ορθοδοξίας, του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου κ. κ. Βαρθολομαίου, το οποίο κατ’ εντολή του ανέγνωσε ο Πανοσιολογιώτατος Αρχιμανδρίτης του Οικουμενικού Θρόνου κ. Μακάριος Γρινιεζάκης. Ο Παναγιώτατος, στο μήνυμά του εξέφραζε τις θερμές του ευχαριστίες προς τους οργανωτές, τους ομιλητές καθώς και όλους τους παρευρισκομένους για την τιμητική αυτή εκδήλωση, δεν παρέλειψε δε να υπογραμμίσει την προσφορά της Θεολογικής Σχολής της Νάπολης στο μεγάλο ζήτημα του διαλόγου. Ευχήθηκε τέλος, να ακούσουν σύντομα όλοι οι άνθρωποι τη φωνή του Χριστού και να γίνουν ένα, όπως ακριβώς ήταν και οι μαθητές του Χριστού, κατά τη μαρτυρία του Ευαγγελιστού Ιωάννου (Ιωάν. 17, 21). Μετά το μήνυμα του Πατριάρχου ακολούθησαν οι εισηγήσεις των ομιλητών τους οποίους παρουσίασε στους συμμετέχοντες συνέδρους ο Καθηγητής κ. Giuseppe Falanga. Την πρώτη εισήγηση παρουσίασε ο πανοσιολογιώτατος Αρχιμανδρίτης κ. Μακάριος Γρινιεζάκης, Διδάκτωρ Ιατρικής, καθηγητής της Ανώτατης Εκκλησιαστικής Ακαδημίας Ηρακλείου Κρήτης, Διευθυντής του Γραφείου Τύπου και Ιεροκήρυκας της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Κρήτης, με θέμα: «Βαρθολομαίος Αρχοντώνης: Ένας Μεγάλος Πατριάρχης». Ο πανοσιολ. σκιαγράφησε την πολυτάλαντη και εξαιρετικώς πνευματική φυσιογνωμία και μορφή του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου, κάνοντας μια αναδρομή στους σημαντικότερους σταθμούς της ζωής του και αναφερόμενος στα πνευματικά, εκκλησιαστικά, ακαδημαϊκά καί διοικητικά χαρίσματα τα οποία κοσμούν την προσωπικότητά του. Τόνισε μάλιστα ότι «Όλα αυτά τα σπάνια πνευματικά χαρακτηριστικά, που σπανίως μπορεί

να συναντήσει κανείς συγκεντρωμένα σε ένα πρόσωπο, δεν ήταν εύκολο να αγνοηθούν από την Αγία και Ιερά Ενδημούσα Σύνοδο, όταν το 1991 εξεδήμησε προς Κύριον ο Μακαριστός Πατριάρχης κυρός Δημήτριος. Θεοκινήτω και θεοπνεύστω ψήφω, στις 22 Οκτωβρίου 1991 η Αγία και Ιερά Ενδημούσα Σύνοδος του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου, εκλέγει δια παμψηφίας τον Χαλκηδόνος Βαρθολομαίο εις Αρχιεπίσκοπο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Νέας Ρώμης και Οικουμενικό Πατριάρχη. Εκλέγει τον εκλεκτό και Άξιο των περιστάσεων «ον εισήγαγεν εις την δόξαν της Πατριαρχικής Διακονίας και εις την αίγλην της Ιστορίας». Αναθέτει στον Χαλκηδόνος Βαρθολομαίο το πηδάλιο για την διακυβέρνηση του πρεσβυγενούς Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου, της Εκκλησίας Ανδρέου του Πρωτοκλήτου, την οποία εκλέϊσαν Μεγάλες Πατριαρχικές Μορφές». Στο τέλος της εισηγήσεώς του ο π. Μακάριος εν είδη συμπεράσματος υπογράμμισε για τον Πατριάρχη

Βαρθολομαίου ότι «Η ιστορία θα τον ονομάσει Μεγάλο Πατριάρχη όπως έτσι έχει περάσει στις συνειδήσεις όλων μας. Βαρθολομαίος ο Πάνυς. Βαρθολομαίος ο ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ ΠΑΤΡΙΑΡΧΗΣ». Το λόγο έλαβε κατόπιν ο Ελλογιμ. Επικ. Καθηγητής της Ανωτάτης Εκκλησιαστικής Ακαδημίας Θεσσαλονίκης και Αντιπρόεδρος του Ιδρύματος Εθνικού και Θρησκευτικού Προβληματισμού στη Θεσσαλονίκη κ. Γρηγόριος Λιάντας, ο οποίος ανέπτυξε το θέμα: «Από το Διάλογο της Αγάπης στο Διάλογο της Αλήθειας. Η θεολογική πορεία μεταξύ Ανατολικής και Δυτικής Εκκλησίας από το 1980 έως σήμερα». Στη συνέχεια ομίλησε ο Don Andrea Palmieri, Γραμματέας της Επιτροπής του Θεολογικού Διαλόγου μεταξύ της Ρωμαιοκαθολικής και της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, του Συμβουλίου του Βατικανού για την προώθηση της ενότητας των χριστιανών. Ο ομιλητής αναφέρθηκε στις προσπάθειες των δύο Εκκλησιών για την ενότητα και παρουσίασε συγκεκριμένες πράξεις και ενέργειες των Προκαθημένων των δύο Εκκλησιών, οι οποίες προάγουν το έργο του διαλόγου. Αξιοσημείωτοι επίσης, ήταν οι λόγοι του όσον αφορά το πρόσωπο του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Βαρθολομαίου. Είπε χαρακτηριστικά ότι με τον Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίου «άνθισε» ο θεολογικός διάλογος. Το λόγο έλαβε κατόπιν ο Ελλογιμ. Αν. Καθηγητής της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου της Θεσσαλονίκης κ. Βασίλειος Κουκουσάς ο οποίος «Τα προβλήματα του διαλόγου από την πλευρά της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας». Τελευταίος ομιλητής ήταν ο καθηγητής Edoardo Scognamiglio, ο οποίος ανέπτυξε το θέμα «Τα προβλήματα του διμερούς θεολογικού διαλόγου από την πλευρά της Δυτικής Εκκλησίας». Στους λόγους του ο Καθηγητής τόνισε με έμφαση τις προσπάθειες του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου και συγκεκριμένα του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Βαρθολομαίου όσον αφορά το οικολογικό πρόβλημα, οι οποίες ξεπερνούν τα είκοσι χρόνια σε αντίθεση με την Καθολική Εκκλησία η οποία ευαισθητοποιήθηκε για το θέμα αυτό μόλις προ πέντε ετών.



IOCC Opening Doors to Education for Children of the Famine As the young refugee children of Somalia’s famine begin to regain their strength under the watchful care of international relief organizations, many are heading back to class in one of the several elementary schools existing in the refugee camp of Bokolomanyo and other nearby camps in Dolo Ado, Ethiopia. For their older brothers and sisters, the nearest high school is more than 60 miles away leaving displaced refugee families desperate to find an accessible and safe place for their adolescent sons and daughters to complete their education. Responding to their needs and a desire to help, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) in cooperation with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development and Inter Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC) is constructing the first high school in Bokolomanyo for teen refugees. The hundreds of teenaged boys and girls now living in Bokolmanyo camp have endured years of Somalia’s internal conflict, drought and displacement that denied them stable communities in which to attend school on a regular basis. As a result, more than 500 of these young Somali refugees aged 15 to 20 have not had the opportunity to complete their education. Access to a school and regular class attendance will be the first step in re-

storing some normalcy to the turbulent lives of these children. The first phase of construction will include four classrooms, an administrative office, storage rooms and living quarters for the school staff. Classrooms will be equipped with desks, blackboards, and teaching materials, and a new water and sanitation facility will provide the children and faculty with clean, running water. IOCC Ethiopia Country Representative, Sigurd Hanson, says that although the first building phase will take several months to complete, the need for schooling is urgent and teens will soon begin attending class in tents provided by UNICEF. “This chance to learn will not only keep the children occupied with a productive activity, but contribute to an educational foundation that will enhance their development and their future prospects in the world,” says Hanson.. Growing into a teenager without an education is the harsh reality for thousands of adolescent Somali refugees who fled the famine in their country to find food and safety in the refugee camps of Dolo Ado, Ethiopia. In order to accommodate all 500 of the teen boys and girls currently living in the Bokolomanyo, additional financial support is still direly needed to complete construction of eight more classrooms, a library and a laboratory.

ORTHODOX OBSERVER SEEKS PART-TIME ADVERTISING SALES CONSULTANT The Orthodox Observer, the nation’s largest Greek Orthodox national monthly publication with a circulation of 165,000, is seeking a motivated advertising sales consultant to start immediately. The position is part-time and home-based with visits to national headquarters as necessary. Responsibilities include developing and cultivating new advertisers and agencies, working with current clients, maintaining effective and revenue-generating relationships, assisting in implementation of sales packages and ensuring high levels of service to clients. The candidate must also meet quarterly and annual revenue goals and assist in developing local and national marketing initiatives. Requirements: Bachelors degree, advertising sales experience, strong written and oral interpersonal skills. Print media experience is also required. Excellent negotiation and customer service skills a must in order to close new business and grow existing accounts. Strong knowledge of national and international Greek American market. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel. If you are motivated to think outside the box, are success orientated and self motivated, want to work hard in order to ensure personal and organizational success and have a love for the Greek Orthodox Church, we want to hear from you! Salary – Commission based No personal visits or calls please. Please email your cover letter and resume to: gotel@goarch.org

Recruiting Volunteers for 2012 Teams BALTIMORE - Since the devastating hurricanes in 2005, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) has provided more than 600 volunteers and thousands of man-hours to help surviving families along the Gulf Coast rebuild their lives by constructing new homes or doing critical renovations to existing ones. Working in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, IOCC expanded its efforts last year by sending Orthodox Action Teams to build homes in Houston. For 2012, IOCC will extend its humanitarian reach with more home construction and restoration projects set for Houston and for Minneapolis, which suffered a destructive tornado last summer. IOCC is currently recruiting volunteers for one week of active service in Houston or Minneapolis. Volunteers need not be skilled – just energetic. Activities vary depending on location and construction schedules, but can include siding, roofing, framing, landscaping, painting and support. The following Orthodox Action Team opportunities are available: June 3-9 Minneapolis

June 10-16 Houston July 15-21 Minneapolis July 29 – Aug. 4 Minneapolis Aug. 5-11 Houston IOCC invites US and Canadian residents to participate in this life-changing experience. The volunteer contribution is $450 per person, which includes local transportation, room & board, materials, supplies, tools and site supervision. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older, but volunteers over the age of 16 may participate if they are accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or an adult with a power-of-attorney to act on their behalf for the duration of the deployment. Individuals (or groups) are responsible to travel to the build city on their own, but ground transportation will be provided from the local airport(s) to the housing site. Teams arrive on Sunday afternoons and depart on Saturday afternoon. To volunteer, fill out and submit the online form at www.iocc.org/actionteam. For specific questions, contact the US Programs Department of IOCC at 1-877-803-IOCC or by e-mail to dchristopulos@iocc.org.

IOCC to Mark 20th Anniversary BALTIMORE - International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), the global humanitarian relief organization of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, will celebrate two decades of philanthropic service at a Washington spring gala gathering of “Who’s Who” from IOCC’s past, present and future. IOCC 20th Anniversary Gala will take place the evening of May 8 to celebrate its milestone with the theme, “Respond. Rebuild. Uplift.” Paul Sarbanes, former U.S. senator of Maryland, and Andrew Natsios, former administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, will serve as honorary chairmen. Under the leadership of IOCC Board trustee and event Chairman John Sitilides, IOCC is assembling key personalities to represent the organization’s beginnings, current efforts and forward plans as well as to participate in a special presentation of the inaugural Compassion at Work award. The festivities will begin with an afternoon congressional reception hosted by Orthodox Christian members of Congress at the U.S. Capitol, followed by a VIP cocktail reception and banquet dinner at the Capital Hilton hotel. The inaugural “Compassion

at Work” award will also be introduced at the 20th Anniversary Gala dinner. The humanitarian award recognizes extraordinary support for IOCC’s mission. “The gala will also afford Orthodox Christians throughout the United States multiple sponsorship opportunities in support of IOCC’s ongoing mission,” said Mr. Sitilides, “to provide emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthen the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond.” Since 1992, IOCC has worked throughout the world to deliver more than $370 million in emergency aid and development assistance to families in more than 40 countries. IOCC enjoys an exceptional record of stewardship, with 92 percent of all resources directly reaching those in need, through programs such as health kits and education for war refugees, agricultural development for sustainable food supplies, vocational training and diseases awareness programs, and medical, hospital and pharmaceutical deliveries for the ailing. More information: Contact Rada K. Tierney, IOCC Media Relations, 443-8233489, rtierney@iocc.org

Serbian Earthquake Victims Receive IOCC Assistance BALTIMORE — The past year has been a struggle for the villagers living in and around Vitanovac, Serbia, the epicenter of a jarring 5.4 earthquake last November that left two people dead and tens of thousands of people homeless. With winter coming and the need for assistance still critical, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) through ongoing support from the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, is delivering much needed relief to families still laboring to rebuild their homes and replace belongings destroyed in the earthquake. IOCC latest efforts include a shipment of bed linens, baby kits and quilts to vulnerable rural families living around Vitanovac, a village just a few

miles away from the city of Kraljevo. The distributions are being done in cooperation with the Red Cross of Serbia. Through a generous gift from the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, IOCC also provided wood burning stoves and firewood for 150 families last spring as well as hygiene kits and personal care products for the elderly. Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Metropolitanate Australia and New Zealand believes that directing aid to these rural families affected by the earthquake is especially critical due to the fact that the villages in the area are highly populated by refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, as well as people who have been displaced from Kosovo.



Epiphany 2012

The Icon of the Epiphany, depicting the reason for the annual celebration.

Northwest event

Prayer for divers

Fr. Gary Kyriacou, pastor of St. Demetrios Church in Ventura, Calif., reads a prayer over the youth of the parish who dived for the cross in Ventura Harbor on Jan. 8. (Below) High school student Effie Sklavenitis successfully retrieved the cross.

Fr. Michael Tervo, pastor of St. Sophia Church in Bellingham, Wash., conducts the water blessing service at Bellingham Bay on Jan. 8. One parishioners, Forest Grow, entered the 40-degree water to retrieve the cross thrown by Fr. Tervo.

Bahamas celebration

Fr. Theodore Roupas, pastor of Annunciation Church in Nassau, Bahamas, leads the congregation from the church to the bay where he performed the water blessing and cross throwing ceremony. Alistair Chisnall retrieved the cross after Maria Couchell released the dove.

A balmy Epiphany

Fr. Andrew Scordalakis of St. Spyridon Church in San Diego stands with Adrian Dinescu, who successfully retrieved the cross at the parish’s 32nd annual Cross Dive at the Sheraton hotel marina. More than 250 faithful attended the event in 75-degree weather.

Long Island service

(Left) Fr. Nikiforos Fakinos, pastor of St. Demetrios Church in Merrick, N.Y., stands with the two youths who dived into the frigid waters of East Bay at the Wantagh Marina on Jan. 6, Yianni Hilas (left), who retrieved the cross, and Basilios Moutafis.

Tarpon Springs

(Below left) Archbishop Demetrios, Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta, Fr. Michael Eaccarino, pastor of St. Nicholas Cathedral, and other clergy and parish officials join the 61 youths who dived for the cross. (Dimitris Panagos photo).

Blessing Niagara Observer photo

(Bottom right) The Rev. Dr. Christos B. Christakis, pastor of Annunciation Church in Buffalo, N.Y., prepares to thrown the cross into the Niagara River, a short distance upstream from Niagara Falls at the Epiphany water blessing service. Diving into the river is prohibited, so the action was symbolic. He is assisted by Fr. Perikles Kallis.

Corpus Christi diver

St. Nicholas Church parishioner Konstantinos Talarantas, 11, successfully retrieved the cross from Corpus Christi Bay on Jan. 8 at the Blessing of the Waters service and received the blessing from Fr. Stelios N. Sitaras, pastor. (Appropriately, Corpus Christi is Latin for Body of Christ.)




2012–2013 Gioles Scholarship Applications Available

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Applications and instructions for the three scholarships administered by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are now available for awards to be made for the 2012–2013 academic year. Two of these scholarships are for undergraduate studies: the George & Naouma (Gioule) Gioles Scholarship and the Katina John Malta Scholarship; the third one is the Paleologos Graduate Scholarship, which is awarded for graduate work of a non-theological nature. Each of these scholarships was established through generous gifts from dedicated Greek Orthodox Christians who wanted

to provide financial assistance towards the education of young people from our Orthodox community. Deadline for applying for all three is April 20. Further details, including complete instructions and applications, are available on-line on the website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America at www.goarch. org. Applications may also be requested by e-mail at scholarships@goarch.org, or by written request to the Scholarship Committee, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 8-10 East 79th Street, New York, NY, 10075.

Agris Scholarships to Mark 20th Year BOSTON – The Peter Agris Memorial Journalism Scholarships Program has kicked off its 20th year and applications are being taken from graduate and undergraduate journalism and communications students from across the United States. More than $375,000 has been provided to young Greek Americans seeking to present their Hellenic heritage and their Orthodox faith through careers in journalism and communications. “My father would be so incredibly proud to see what these bright young American Hellenes have accomplished so early in their careers,” said Nancy Agris Savage, who administers the scholarship fund on behalf of Alpha Omega Council of Boston and her family. “We are hoping to highlight many of our former recipients at this year’s dinner.” The six $5,000 non-renewable scholarships will be presented June 2 at the Alpha Omega Council’s 30th Annual Lifetime Achievement Awards Dinner, when a noted individual will be recognized for contributions to Hellenic and Orthodox ideals. After serving as press assistant to Alabama Rep. Bobby Bright, 2007 award recipient Calliope (Callie) Corley landed a position as news content specialist at the fourth-ranked NBC affiliate WSFA 12 News in Montgomery, Ala. “I owe a lot of thanks to the Peter Agris Memorial Scholarship and the Alpha Omega Council for their encouragement and support of aspiring Greek-American journalists. I am very proud to be a past recipient,” she said. Crediting the Peter Agris Scholarship for critical support during his undergradu-

ate work, a 2009 recipient and Worcesterarea native Jack Nicas recently headed to Chicago to write for The Wall Street Journal after stints at the Boston Globe and the St. Petersburg Times. Comprised of leading businesspersons of Hellenic ancestry, The Alpha Omega Council annually honors its late founder, Peter Agris. He also founded and published the Hellenic Chronicle, for 50 years the premier Greek American national Englishlanguage weekly newspaper in America. Agris, who died in 1989, was also an Archon, a trustee of Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology and Anatolia College and an Ahepan. Scholarship prerequisites include: Greek American heritage; current full-time enrollment as a journalism or communications major at the graduate or undergraduate level in an accredited college or university in the United States; active participation in school, community, church organizations; a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need. Interested candidates may visit the scholarship’s Facebook page, download an application at www.alphaomegacouncil. com or write to: The Peter Agris Memorial Scholarships Committee, c/o Nancy Agris Savage, 9 Nonesuch Drive, Natick, MA 01760. Questions may be directed to nancyasavage@gmail.com. Applications, transcripts, required essay and any published work that might enhance the application must be returned by e-mail to: nancyasavage@gmail.com, or by mail to the above address, no later than March 1.

2012 Hellenic Times Scholarships The Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund is offering over $100,000 in scholarships to Greek American students for the 2012-13 school year. Applications are now available and must be completed and postmarked

by Feb. 28. For applications please visit: www.htsf.org. Awards will be distributed at the 21st annual Hellenic Times Gala May 12 at the New York Marriott Marquis.


by Anton C. Vrame, Ph.D.

Religious Education What Is a Church Father?

On Jan. 30, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Three Hierarchs: St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, and St. Gregory the Theologian. The origin of the Feast is the 11th century, when rival groups in Constantinople argued fiercely about which of the three was the greatest of the Fathers. The controversy ended by proclaiming them all equally great and beginning a united feast in their honor (As one person recently said to me, its sort of like “Presidents Day” that honors all the U.S. presidents). To learn more about the Feast Day, go to www. goarch.org/special/threehierarchs/ The relics of two of the Three Hierarchs (St. John Chrysostom and St. Gregory the Theologian) were returned to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople from the Vatican in 2004. The relics are now enshrined at the Patriarchal Church of St. George. Go to www.patriarchate.org/multimedia/video/ relics to see more and the ceremony of their return at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The Church, in the month of January, also celebrates other great Fathers, including: St. Gregory of Nyssa on the 10th; St. Athanasios the Great on the 18th, St. Maximos the Confessor on the 21st, St. Ephraim the Syrian on the 28th. But this raises the important question, “What is a Father of the Church?” Orthodox and others use the term the “Fathers,” referring to a select group of thinkers in the life of the Christian Church, but what does it really mean? “The Fathers” includes a vast number of writers in the Church. There are also “Mothers” (there is a collection in Greek just of women’s writings, the Meterikon) of the Church. Many of the Fathers (and we will stay with them mainly) are bishops, but the Fathers come from the clergy, monks, nuns, desert hermits, laymen, and others. Many of the Fathers were among the most educated and learned people in their day, attending the finest schools of their era. We know about their lives and what they wrote (there is an entire group of scholars who specialize in the Fathers). The Fathers of the Church wrote in Greek, Latin, Syriac, Armenian, and other languages. They lived throughout the Christian world – from Armenia to Britain to North Africa. Many are saints; many are not. The Fathers of the Church wrote treatises that defined, defended, and explained the Christian faith, usually in response to a question or controversy that had emerged in their time; they wrote commentaries and delivered homilies on the Bible; they taught Christians preparing for baptism and their teachings were written down; they wrote rules and guides for their monastic communities; they wrote poems, prayers, and hymns

(if you read the text of a liturgical service, you can say you were “reading the Fathers” because the prayers and hymns of any given service were written by various Fathers); they wrote reflections on the Christian life; their wise sayings were written down and collected (for example, the Desert Fathers); they commented on canons (the Rudder contains the canons but also commentary on the canons, trying to make sense of ancient texts for a particular time); their correspondence was saved and shared (there are volumes of their letters); they addressed specific issues facing the Christian community at a given point in time (from theological and doctrinal controversies to social matters). Individual Fathers are not infallible. A Father can make an error or their understanding of an issue has been superceded by others. In addition, the Fathers do not necessarily agree on everything. When we study their ideas, we strive to find the consensus of the fathers to guide the faith, the correct interpretation of Scripture, and to discern the authentic Christian Faith and Way of Life. This means that one statement from a Father of the Church, most of the time, should not be enough for you. With the volumes and volumes you will find of their writings, we can find them talking about all kinds of things and supporting all kinds of ideas. “Cherry–picking” one statement that supports your idea should not suffice. Although we might think of the Fathers as distinctively belonging to the Orthodox Church, the Fathers, especially those from the first millennium, are the treasure of the entire Christian Church. Throughout history Christians have turned to the Fathers as a source of inspiration, teaching, and guidance. For example, John Calvin quotes St. John Chrysostom. In the 19th century, scholars in Anglican England began reading the Fathers and encouraged a return to these sources. Today, many Evangelical Christians are studying the Fathers of the Church. What makes someone a ‘Father of the Church’ ? Antiquity We call “the patristic age” the writings after the Apostles and Gospels but traditionally ending with St. John of Damascus in the 8th century. There are later writers too. For example, St. Gregory Palamas who lived in the 14th century is a Father of the Church, but is not from the “patristic age.” Authority Does the Church rely on this author or

some of his writing for substantive teachings? For example St. Gregory the Theologian is considered “more authoritative” because of his teachings about the Holy Trinity than is Theodoret of Cyrrhus (from around the same period), although Theodore’s history of monasticism is important. “orthodoxy” Does this writer represent the main teachings of the Church; clearly related to authority. But does this writer uphold or is consistent with the doctrines of the Church that had been defined by his time? For example Nestorius and Pelagius are from the patristic age, but Nestorius’s teachings about the Virgin Mary were declared not to reflect the Faith of the Church and Pelagius’s ideas about one’s ability to achieve moral perfection were considered suspect. (Please note that I intentionally used a small “o”. In the patristic age, the distinction of “Orthodox” to name, in particular, the Eastern Church was not in use. It was just “the Church.”) You will want to include the writings of the Fathers in your teachings as well as your personal study. There are many books containing their writings, from individual texts to whole collections. There are many collections of excerpts of their writings, which can help find their great ideas and sayings more easily. It would take a lifetime to truly know the Fathers of the Church, if for no other reason than that there are so many texts. Just to give you an idea. The main source of the Greek Fathers, Patrologia Greca, contains 161 volumes. Patrologia Latina, containing the writings of those who wrote in Latin, contains 217 volumes and 4 volumes just of


indices. One series of original texts and modern language translations, called Sources Chrétiennes (Christian Sources) contains 552 volumes and is still growing. In English there is the Ante-Nicene Fathers, nine volumes of writings prior to 325 (the Council of Nicea); 14 volumes of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (to the Seventh Ecumenical Council); the series called Ancient Christian Writers has 65 volumes and it too is still growing. The Philokalia, by comparison, still has only 4 volumes in English. There is a series of texts in Modern Greek translation as well. Just to be aware…. Fom the Roman Catholic Church, you will hear of the “doctors” of the Church. A doctor of the Roman Catholic Church is a teacher with even greater authority than other writers. A doctor is named after being canonized as a saint, usually by the Pope, and often centuries later. We see this title beginning to be conferred in the Middle Ages. As of 2011, there were only 33 Doctors of the Roman Catholic Church. There is some overlap with Eastern Fathers. For example, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian, and Basil the Great were named Doctors in 1568; John of Damascus was named a Doctor in 1883. Dr. Vrame is director of the Archdiocese Department of Religious Education.

Due to space limitations the Parish Profile will not appear in this issue and will resume in the Feb-March edition.

IS youR PARISh... Ready to expand parish participation? Seeking funds for a building project? Wishing to promote Planned Giving?

Assistance is Available! The office of Parish Development offers guidance to parishes through:

Strategic Planning Workshops: For greater involvement in your parish Capital Campaign Planning Studies: Assessing your project’s fundraising potential Capital Campaign Management: Planning and coaching from beginning to end

Stewardship Assistance: Inspiring greater giving in your parish Parish Planned Giving Programs: Guidance in cultivating planned gifts Grant Proposal Research & Writing: Help throughout the grant proposal process

Want More Information?

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Atlanta HDF

Annunication Cathedral of Atlanta’s “Yi, Anemos kai Fotia” (Earth, Wind and Fire) group.

Girls of the “Enosis” group from Sts. Constantine and Helen in Newport News, Va., perform one of the dances.

ATLANTA – Hundreds of young people from parishes in the Metropolis of Atlanta spent Martin Luther King holiday weekend in fellowship and competition at the Atlanta Hellenic Dance Festival. There was a record turnout for the HDF, Chairman Gerry Clonaris said, with some parishes coming from as far away as Anaheim, Calif., in the San Francisco Metropolis and Newport News, Va., in the New Jersey Metropolis. The event featured 700 registrants in 59 dance groups from 20 parishes in the advance junior, senior, advanced senior and adult categories. Two chorale groups, representing Wilmington, N.C., and the Tampa Bay area in Florida, performed several religious and folk songs following the Sunday Divine Liturgy at Annunciation Cathedral on Jan. 15. Parishes represented Annunciation Cathedral, Atlanta;

Holy Trinity, Orlando, Fla.; St. George, New Port Richey, Fla.; St. George, Greenville, S.C.; St. Nicholas, Tarpon Springs, Fla.; Holy Trinity, Charleston, S.C.; Holy Trinity, Columbia, S.C.; Sts. Constantine and Helen, Newport News, Va.; Holy Trinity–Holy Cross, Birmingham, Ala.; Annunciation, Winston–Salem, N.C.; St. Nicholas, Spartanburg, S.C.; Holy Trinity, Charlotte, N.C.; St. George, Knoxville, Tenn.; Holy Trinity, Raleigh, N.C.; St. Nicholas, Wilmington, N.C.; St. Demetrios, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Annunciation, Mobile, Ala.; Holy Trinity, Clearwater, Fla.; Holy Transfiguration, Marietta, Ga.; St. John the Baptist, Anaheim, Calif., the host community for the upcoming San Francisco Metropolis Folk Dance Festival held over Presidents’ Day weekend in February. The Raleigh and Birmingham parishes made their first appearances at the festival, while Newport News and Knoxville returned after a long absence.

(Above) Musicians Mitsos Dallas, John Themelis and Dimitri Papadimitriou provided lively accompaniment to several dance groups. (Right) Basile (Katsikis) the comedian, whose daughter Zaharoula was a participant, entertains the audience at the banquet. Here, he portrays an NFL referee who’s not quite sure if a field goal kicked by the Giants made it through the uprights (just kidding).




Atlanta Hosts 2012 Hellenic Dance Festival

Metropolitan Alexios addresses the audience at the banquet.

The groups, sporting colorful names and equally colorful and authentic-looking costumes, performed a wide variety of dances – some familiar ones such as the Kalamatiano and Samiko, to several very obscure ones from very obscure Greek villages and the Pontian region of Asia Minor. Several incorporated folk songs and accompaniment by musicians playing the “clarino,” “violi,” bouzouki and large drum

called the toublek. Metropolitan Alexios welcomed the participants at a Friday evening reception before the competition and conducted an agiasmo service. After driving to Ocala, Fla., for the 40-day memorial service of Fr. George Papadeas, the metropolitan returned to Atlanta in time for the Sunday evening banquet – a 1,400-mile round-trip. The Sunday evening banquet featured an awards ceremony. In the Adult Category, the “Hellas” dance group of Clearwater earned the highest honor, the Platinum Award, and also the Distinguished Award for Division II. The “Kamaria” group of Fort Lauderdale won the Platinum Award in the advanced Senior category. The “Romiosini” group from Wilmington won the Platinum Award in the Senior category and had the overall highest score of the event. The “Eliniki Psihi” group from Newport News won the Platinum Award in the Junior Category. (See Metropolis webside for complete awards results). Next year’s festival will take place in Winston-Salem, N.C. and will include the scholarship program that enables one representative from each parish to travel to Greece as part of the Hellenic Dance Festival’s tour and performance at various locations, led by Metropolitan Alexios. The program is held every four years. (More information: youth@atlmetropolis.org).

This combined dance group from Anaheim and Charlotte in the adult category performs a well-coordinated couples’ dance.

Making its debut at the HDF is “Hephaistos” of Holy Trinity-Holy Cross in Birmingham.

The “Hellas Dancers” of Clearwater won top honors in the adult category. Two choral groups performed for the entire congregation at Annunciation Cathedral following the Divine Liturgy, representing Wilmington (above) and Tampa Bay (above right).


“Kamaria” of St. Demetrios in Fort Lauderdale won the Platinum Award, highest honor in their category.

Metropolitan Alexios, Fr. Constantine Simeonidis of Holy Trinity, Orlando, the HDF spiritual advisor and Basile applaud Gerry Clonaris and Presbytera Marilise Mars, the metropolis youth advisor, after their successful completion of the American and Greek national anthems.

For more pictures

Try as we might, we just couldn’t quite squeeze in the more than 1,000 photos taken during the event. But do not despair, the website youth@atlmetropolis.org should have many of them posted in the very near future. Attendance at the spiritual workshops was a requirement for participation in the festival. (Above) Fr. Chris Metropulos of St. Demetrios Church in Fort Lauderdale conducts the workshop on contemporary social and moral issues for the older youth participants. (Right) Fr. Matthew Carter of St. Nicholas Church in Wilmington, N.C., conducts a workshop on the Orthodox faith for younger children.

The “Hellenic Dancers” of Annunciation Church in Mobile, proved to be very mobil.

“Metamorphosi” of Holy Transfiguration Church in Marietta perform a dance associated with the Christmas season.



YO U T H N E W S Mass. Goyans Visit Archdiocese Nearly 50 parishioners, including more than 30 Goyans, from St. Catherine Church in Braintree, Mass., visited the headquarters of the Archdiocese on Dec. 27 during their Christmas break trip to New York. The young people, led by their parish priest Fr. Philippe Mousis and accompanied by several parents, received a warm welcome from Archbishop Demetrios. He spoke to them in the Chapel of St. Paul about the Archdiocese and the Church and answered several questions from the Goyans. The group also visited Ground Zero, Astoria and St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Fifth Avenue. Orthodox Observer photo

This IS Rocket Science!

Beam them up Scotty! – Koraes School’s Rocket Club members (above, from left) Georgia Hiotis, John Kladis, Andreas Livieratos, Dimitri Foukas, and Antonia Stamatoukos, all eighth graders, at their “assembly plant” where they and their fellow students built the missiles. (At right) One of the rockets from the “launch pad” takes flight.

They know their places Fourteen junior high school students of Koraes School who scored the highest on their geography quizzes participated in the annual geography bee competition sponsored by the National Geographic Society on Dec. 1. (from left) Junior high social studies teacher Lisa Pedersen, Chase Maniatis (7th grade, 2nd place winner), Georgia Hiotis (8th grade, 1st place winner), Demetrios Kladis (6th grade, 3rd place winner), and Mary Zaharis (principal). (Perhaps with their formidable geographic skills, they can help locate their fellow students’ errant rocket. See story at right).

PALOS HILLS, Ill. – While they may have a way to go to catch up to the U.S., Russian or Chinese space programs, a group of students at Koraes School of Sts. Constantine and Helen Church recently embarked on a five-week mission to explore the basics of rocketry that culminated in the launch of their very own model rockets into sub-sub-sub-orbital flights (about 270 feet to be somewhat accurate). According to Ronda Samouris, technology coordinator at the school, 15 science-minded students formed a club in the fall to learn about rocket design and the physics involved in launching their missiles. Students purchased kits from a technology company for $15 each and assembled them with the help of science teacher Michele Ebert and parents Paul Panos (an electrical engineer), Christ Makris (a mechanical engineer), and Jeff Reiter (owner of an information technology consulting firm). They also learned the importance of accurate measurement and following precise directions. “Students focused on cooperative team-building skills as they relied on each other to assemble their rockets,” Ms. Samouris noted. “All 15 rockets launched successfully on Nov. 17, then deployed parachutes to float gracefully to the ground where all but one rocket was retrieved by the students.” Several students expressed their great enthusiasm for the program. “It was a great experience, I was very anxious when I lit the fuse and was hopeful that my rocket would take off,” said eighth grader Antonia Stamatoukos. “Mrs. Ebert is a great teacher and was the best person to lead us on our first Koraes launch.” Another eighth grader, John Kladis, commented “I had fun building my rocket but once my rocket took off it was amazing. I couldn’t believe I actually built something that flew that high.” Arris Panos, a seventh grader said, “When I was building the rocket it was much more difficult and complex than I thought at first. I was so excited when I finally got to hook it up. “When I pushed the ignition button and my rocket took off, it was really cool

watching it fly so high up into the sky.” George Plakias, also in seventh grade, stated, “I was so nervous because I didn’t know if my rocket would work, and although my rocket got caught in the tree tops, it was thrilling to see my rocket go so high and float so far away.” Other students in the club are Elias Ekonomou, Evan Sellas, Constantine Vitogiannis, Maria Pappas, Melina Reiter, Victoria Atkinson and Andreas Livieratos. The after-school Rocket Club will hold another five-week session in the spring.



IS ‘TEBOWING’ GOOD OR BAD? by Eva Kokkinos

If you haven’t heard of “tebowing” by now, it would be surprising. Denver Broncos young quarterback, Tim Tebow, is making a name for himself…and not just for football. Tebow has been in the news because of his openness about his faith off and on the field. A new term has been coined because of his practice of bowing and praying different times during a game. It’s called “tebowing.” According to the website www.tebowing.com, tebowing “is to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.” All of this has made Tebow an easy target for jokes and critics. Saturday Night Live recently had a skit lampooning Tebow’s faith, even having “Jesus” come and tell him to ease up on the constant praying. Also, you can find websites with people posing in the now-famous “tebowing” pose, as well as t-shirts and all kinds of parodies regarding his pose. His public practice of prayer has been lauded and criticized. Many applaud Tebow’s desire to pray for the whole world to see despite the mocking and teasing. Still, there are others who think that “tebowing” is just prideful and more about the photo opportunity than about true piety. No one can judge whether or not the actions of Tebow are sincere and truly pious. They do, however, leave Orthodox Christians with a question about witnessing faith in public. Jesus says, in the Gospel of Matthew, that one should pray privately and not in front of men. He also says in the Gospel of Matthew that those who deny Him in front of men, He will also deny before His father in heaven. So what does an Orthodox Christian do? How does one find a balance between witness and humility? Fellow Orthodox Christian Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers seems to have found that balance. Polamalu has witnessed his faith off and on the field. If you watch a Steelers game, you will see him make the sign of the cross between plays or after a big play. He has given many interviews discussing faith, piety, worship,

Finding the balance between witness and humility and the challenges of being a Christian in the NFL. He and his wife, Theodora, are also very active in various philanthropic efforts and organizations. Jesus Christ offers us the most perfect example of living according to God’s will in public with piety and humility. As we read in the Scriptures, there were many who believed and followed Jesus because they witnessed His life and public ministry. He prayed in private, but also went to the temple and preached in public. Jesus did not stop His public life and ministry, even though He was mocked, challenged, and criticized. He did not stop being the Son of God just because people were watching. Ultimately, we can look to Polamalu and Tebow for a positive message. No matter where you are and no matter what you are doing, it is important to witness and live your Christian faith. You will definitely encounter those who will make fun of you or even criticize you for your beliefs. But if you pray and witness with a humble heart, your humility and commitment will inspire others to know more about God and to follow Him. Here are other practical ways to live your faith every day, even when others are doing something different: 1) Love… even if those around you

are consumed by hate. It is really difficult to find a news story or gossip magazine about people loving others. Usually, headlines and magazines sell stories of celebrity breakups, violence, war, gossip, and crime. Make sure that you love God and love your neighbor. Is it easy? Not always. As Christians, we know that God is love. So when we give love, we are really giving God. 2) Forgive… even if those around you encourage you to get revenge. Unfortunately, the idea of revenge has not died. In fact, turn on virtually any TV show and you will see scenarios where someone is betrayed and revenge is carried out. It is a natural impulse to get back at someone who wrongs you. We are called to forgive, and to do so “seventy times seven.” Instead of getting back at someone, make a choice… to try to reconcile with that person OR just move on and focus on the healthy relationships in your life. 3) Give… even if those around you think it’s better to receive. We are living in difficult times. The economy is still very fragile. We all know a family member or friend who has lost their job. Even though we are surrounded by messages of materialism and consumerism, it is important for us to give to those who are less fortunate. Giving is not always a “money” issue. Give your time to volunteering, give your talent to improve life for others, give of your treasure to help others secure a meal, clothing, or shelter. The blessings you will receive from giving will far outweigh anything that you can order online or purchase at your favorite mall. 4) Serve… even if those around you expect to be served. The most incredible leaders in history have been those who take seriously the call to serve. Jesus Himself washed the feet of His disciples, emphasizing that He came to serve… not to be served. Leadership and respect are earned through servant leadership. When taking a leadership role at school, at work, or at home, be willing to do what you ask others to do. Your example of hard work and sacrifice will make an impression on those around you. People will respect you and want to work with you instead of resent you and work against you.


“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” – Galatians 3:27

On Jan. 6, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of Epiphany. This day commemorates the Baptism of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus comes to the Jordan River and is baptized by St. John the Forerunner. Also know as Theophany, this feast is

important for all Orthodox Christians because the Holy Trinity is present. As Jesus was being baptized, God the Father proclaims to the masses: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” Also, the Holy Spirit is present at Jesus’ Baptism as a dove. The Baptism of our Lord is also significant to us because it is this day that Jesus is presented to all as the Son of God and His ministry is made known to the world! Here are some questions to discuss and reflect on about this important feast day: 1) The Holy Trinity was revealed the day of Epiphany, Jesus’ Baptism. In what

ways is God revealed to us in our daily lives? 2) “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” What does this Scriptural quotation from Galatians mean to you? What does it mean to have “put on Christ?” 3) In what ways can you share the Feast of Epiphany with others? In other words, how can you reveal God to those who love us AND those who hate us? 4) What challenges do we face that make it difficult for us to share God with others? 5) What challenges do we face that make it difficult for us to LIVE a life in Christ?

New Year’s Resolution List With every New Year, many people renew their commitment to making life changes. Here are five Faith Resolutions for your 2012. 1) Make PRAYER a more consistent part of your every day life. 2) Try to read the SCRIPTURE readings before each Sunday Divine Liturgy. 3) Study a SAINT a month to gain wisdom, inspiration, and guidance to keep on the right track. 4) Make an effort to expand WORSHIP beyond just Divine Liturgy. Attend a Paraklesis service, attend Orthros or Vespers, or commit to attend more Lenten services. 5) VOLUNTEER your time at your Church, at school, or with local charity/ philanthropic organizations.

OCF Real Break

Do Something “REAL” this Spring Break! The Real Break program provides alternatives to the “traditional” Spring Break for college students. It exists to provide students with the most authentic experience possible, and is modeled as a full Christian lifestyle, which includes fellowship, prayer within community, witness and service. Each spring, over 100 students attend various trips, both domestic and international, to give of themselves to those less fortunate and to do something “real” for themselves and for God. OCF Real Break has been running since 2000 with more than 1,000 students participating in these life-changing opportunities. Past and current trips include: Mexico, Guatemala, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Raphael House, St. Basil Academy, Greece, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Romania, Buenos Aires, Alaska, and more. Trips are filling up fast! REGISTER FOR OCF – REAL BREAK TODAY AT https://events.ocf.net/.

For youth workers and parents • Looking for sessions and retreats about New Year’s Resolutions or other hot topics for your youth ministry programs? Visit www.youth.goarch.org for resources FREE to download on a variety of relevant subjects! Each session/ retreat provides all of the necessary instructions and details to run a fun and educational youth gathering or retreat! • Don’t forget to sign up for the YOUTH WORKER PULSE! This is the weekly listserv of the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Subscribers will receive valuable tips, tools, and resources for creating a successful and transformative youth ministry experience. Sign up today at www.youth.goarch.org. • Are you on FACEBOOK? If you are a member of Facebook, you can visit us on our GOYA and Young Adult Ministries fan pages! Search for GOYA – Greek Orthodox Youth of America or Greek Orthodox National Young Adult Ministries and BECOME A FAN TODAY!



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Families Working Out Their Salvation Resources on Marriage

by Fr. Nicholas Hadzellis

The “modern family” consumes television’s family programming. The father’s role is only for comic relief, as no one really takes him seriously. The mother appears in a constant state of nagging and the children are the real stars of the program. They are hip and grounded in this modern society. Some shows even go so far as to have the children play the role of the responsible, level-headed ones in touch with reality, teaching the lesson to their parents. However, the Church teaches us a different story about family, marriage and raising children for all times. It teaches us that salvation can be found through family. Salvation is not a singular act in our life, but part of our relationship with God. In Philippians 2:13, St. Paul writes “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Through His grace we work on drawing ourselves closer to Him that we may be blameless, children of God, holding on to the Word of life (Christ himself). But how often do we speak in terms of salvation, for ourselves let alone for our spouse and our children? The common Orthodox response is or should be “I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be saved.” We understand that through baptism, we receive forgiveness of sin and ultimately a new life in Jesus Christ. That is our one time act of being saved. We also know, as Christ has promised, that He prepares a place for us in paradise. It is the “being saved” part that links the former with the latter, the process of working out our salvation, daily and through our marriage and family. Marriage and Family as Salvation To understand “being saved” in the context of marriage and family, we must change the way we see these relationships. Many times, marriage is simply explained as two people living together as two independent individuals with children. They draw a distinction between each other, what is “yours” and what is “mine.” St. John Chrysostom says that there is no relationship between human beings as close as that of husband and wife, if they are united, as they ought to be. God made man from the dust of the earth, and woman from man, that we might know that we are made of each other, for each other. There should be no distinction between “yours” and “mine” because it is “ours” together. Together the parents make the family, and it is together that they make their decisions about the family. The parents have to be on the same team, of one mind consciously working out their salvation together. Within the Orthodox Church, marriage is a mystery, a sacrament and blessing from God, rather than a joint venture or legal contract. When the bride and groom are of this mind, working out their salvation through their marital bond, we see marriages become stronger. With stronger marriages, our families are healthier and more sustainable, physically and spiritually. We see families working out their salvation together by seeking first the Kingdom of God.

In the Orthodox rite of Marriage, we come before God truly and faithfully to seek His blessings. We wear the ring on our right hand, because it is by the right hand of God we are brought together. We pray that, like Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon, Moses and the Red Sea, and the Prodigal Son, God is present with us, that God blesses us, and it is through the ring that we bear witness to His blessings. Then we receive our stefana, our crowns for the royalty of our new kingdom, the kingdom of our family home. We also receive the crowns as a type of martyrdom to our self-centered selves. We change our personal pronouns from I, me, mine to we, us, ours. We are joined together as one, so it is no longer I, but We. Ultimately we belong to the other for the benefit of the other and of the family. St. John Chrysostom writes, “The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together. That is why men will take up arms and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of this love. Because when harmony prevails, the children are raised well, the household is kept in order, and neighbors, friends and relatives praise the result. Great benefits, both for family and state, are thus produced.” This is the mystery of marriage, and the fruit of marriage is the family. Parents–the Primary Example of Marriage We are given examples as to how to live a Christian life by the Gospel and the lives of the saints. We are called to follow Christ and we commit ourselves to Him daily. This will lay the foundation for our children. Our own example will be the framework in which our children will work out their salvation. As parents we are the primary example of marriage, relationships and Christian living. When we embrace the Orthodox teaching of marriage our children will learn the love of their parents, but also the love a husband has for his wife, the love a wife has for her husband, and the love they share for God. We will lay the foundation that they will build upon. There are many Orthodox practices (ascesis) that we can teach our children, such as prosforo making, confession and

being good stewards of the church. One of the most important disciplines we can instill is to pray with our children as a family. They can be active participants by reading the prayers or singing hymns with us. We should also allow our children to hear our own personal prayers, so they may learn that prayer is something we do as Orthodox Christians, children and adults alike. When we fast, we need to teach our children to fast in an age appropriate way. As they get older their fasting rule can get stricter. We can teach them the seasons of fasting and feasting, but we should also share with them our struggles and the benefits of keeping the fast. We can also invite our children to help us with our works of charity. If age permits, they should help physically by serving with us in a soup kitchen or they can help financially by contributing to a charity we support (e.g. IOCC, OCF, OCMC, etc). Above all, it is important that we teach them about charity by being charitable. Conclusion Our children will learn by seeing, hearing and doing. If we start while they are young, they will grow up knowing this is what we do, how we pray, how we fast, and how we give. They will learn this is how we work out our salvation. So in contrast to what we often see on television, we create an Orthodox Christian family, working out our salvation together by seeking the Kingdom of God. We seek the Kingdom of God by loving the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all our mind; and, we love our neighbor - our family and others - as ourselves. Fr. Hadzellis is an associate priest at the Annunciation Cathedral in Houston, and is the OCF regional chaplain in the South. He graduated from Holy Cross School of Theology in 2007 where he received a Master’s of Divinity and a 2002 graduate of Oklahoma City University School of Law where he received a Juris Doctor.

When You Intermarry By Fr. Charles Joanides. Intermarried couples from different Christian and cultural backgrounds encounter unique challenges that single-faith culture couples do not. This book describes these challenges from the perspective of hundreds of couples who participated in the Interfaith Research Project of the GOA. Ideal for engaged couples, newlyweds, and all other intermarried couples. Published by Light and Life. Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective By Fr. John Meyendorff. This excellent study is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the Orthodox perspective on marriage. Issues discussed include: second marriages, “mixed” marriages, divorce, abortion, family planning and responsible parenthood, married clergy, and celibacy. Essential reading for all pastors, it is also useful for parents, newlyweds and those preparing or the sacrament of marriage. Published by St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press.

QUOTES FOR FAMILIES “Marriage is more than human. It is a ‘microbasileia,’ a miniature kingdom which is the little house of the Lord.” St. Clement the Alexandrian “For just as with a general when his soldiery also is well organized the enemy has no quarter to attack; so, I say, is it also here: when husband and wife and children are all interested in the same things, great is the harmony of the house. Since where this is not the case, the whole is oftentimes overthrown and broken up by one ... and that single one will often mar and utterly destroy the whole.” St. John Chrysostom



The Direct Archdiocesan District at a Glance General Information

Number of parishes: 65 (excludes chapels) Chapels: St. Basil at St. Basil Academy, Taxiarchae at St. Michael’s Home in Yonkers, the Three Hierarchs Chapel at the University of Connecticut in Storrs (physically located on the Metropolis of Boston side of the state), and the Chapel of St. Paul at the Archdiocese of America headquarters. Geographic entities: Approx, eastern half of New York state, western half of Connecticut, Washington, D.C., and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas) Other organizations: The Direct Archdiocesan District also serves as the locale for the Archdiocese national institutions and organizations of Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral, Saint Basil Academy (indicated by SBA on the map), St. Michael’s Home in Yonkers and the National Philoptochos headquarters.

Archbishop Demetrios of America

Approximately area: 30,850 sq. miles (including the Bahamas consisting of 29 major islands covering 5,380 sq. miles). Largest parish: St. Nicholas in Flushing. The Hellenic Greek Orthodox Community in Astoria consists of two churches: St. Demetrios Cathedral and St. Catherine-St. George Church. Monastic Communities: Calverton, N.Y., Roscoe, N.Y. Chancellor: Bishop Andonios of Phasiane (bishopandonios@goarch.org); also serves as Chancellor of the Archdiocese of America.

Major Ministries

(source: Chancellor’s Office)

The ministries of the Direct Archdiocesan District often coincide or overlap with the National Ministries of the Archdiocese. Many of the local parishes and Philoptochos chapters have active ministries to serve Saint Basil Academy, St. Michael’s Home, the Marriage and Family Care Center and other activities. With the presence of nine parochial day schools and dozens of Greek afternoon schools of the Archdiocesan School System, Greek education is a high priority, supervised by the Direct Archdiocesan District Office of Education. Music ministries include the Metropolitan Youth Choir and the Archdiocesan School of Byzantine Music. YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES: District–wide youth events include; GOYA Day at Holiday Hill (September), Youth Ministry Leadership Conference (October), Bears from the Heart (February), GOYA Scavenger Hunt (March), PARATHOSI 2012 (Dance Conference, April), OLYMPICS (May), Camp Saint Paul (July). In addition, there are five sports leagues for young people: The Metropolitan Greek Orthodox Basketball League, The JOY Basketball League, The Archdiocesan Soccer League, InterGOYA Volleyball League and the Eastern Orthodox Basketball League.

Contact information

(coincides with Archdiocesan headquarters)

Editor’s note: The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, consists of more than 500 parishes in the United States and the Bahamas, apportioned within eight metropolises and the Direct Archdiocesan District. The Direct Archdiocesan District is unique in that it is administered by Archbishop Demetrios of America, and includes parts of two states, an independent nation, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas; and the District of Columbia.

Address: 8–10 East 79th St., New York, NY 10075 Tel. (212) 570–3500 e-mail: archdiocese@goarch.org website: www.goarch.org

List of Parishes Source: Archdiocese yearbook (Note: Numbers indicate the cities and towns with Greek Orthodox parishes).

New York*

1. Schenectady (St. George), 2. Troy (St. Basil), 3. Albany (St. Sophia), 4. Windham (Assumption), 5. Kingston (St. George), 6. Poughkeepsie (Kimisis tis Theotokou), 7. Newburgh (St. Nicholas), 8. Middletown (Holy Cross), 9. West Nyack (St. Constantine and Helen) 10. Rye (Church of Our Savior), 11. New Rochelle (Holy Trinity) 12. Yonkers (Prophet Elias), 13. Port Washington (Archangel Michael), 14. Hempstead (St. Paul Cathedral), 15. Island Park (Kimisis tis Theotokou), 16. Merrick (St. Demetrios), 17. Wantagh (St. Markella), 18 Hicksville (Holy Trinity) 19. Brookville (Holy Resurrection), 20. Greenlawn (St.

Paraskevi), 21. West Babylon (St. Nicholas), 22. Blue Point (St. John) 23. Port Jefferson (Assumption), 24. Mattituck (Transfiguration of Christ), 25. Southampton (Kimisis tis Theotokou)

* NEW YORK CITY parishes are not included in the numbering system. The city has 24 churches within its five boroughs:

Bronx • St. Petros the Apostle, Zoodochos Peghe. Manhattan • Holy Trinity Cathedral, Annunciation, Sts. Anargyroi, St. Barbara, St. Eleftherios, St. George–St. Demetrios, St. George, St. Gerasimos, St. John the Baptist, St. Nicholas (Ground Zero), and St. Spyridon. Brooklyn • Holy Cross, Kimisis tis Theotokou, Sts. Constantine and Helen, and Three Hierarchs. Staten Island • Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas. Queens • Astoria (St. Demetrios Cathedral and St. Catherine–St. George), Corona (Transfigura-

tion of Christ), Flushing (St. Nicholas), Jackson Heights (Sts. Constantine and Helen), Jamaica (St. Demetrios), and Whitestone (Holy Cross).


26. Stamford (two parishes–Annunciation and Archangels churches), 27. Norwalk (St. George), 28. Bridgeport (Holy Trinity), 29. Danbury (Assumption), 30 Waterbury (Holy Trinity), 31. Bristol (St. Demetrios), 32. New Britain (St. George), 33. Hartford (St. George Cathedral), 34. Orange (St. Barbara), 35. New Haven (St. Basil the Great).

District of Columbia

36. Washington (two parishes–St. Sophia Cathedral and Sts. Constantine and Helen Church)

The Bahamas

37. Nassau (Annunciation)

Map insets Note: Maps not to scale. Washington, D.C. (above, right) is located about 220 miles south-southwest of New York. The Bahamas (at left) lie about 1,500 miles south of New York. Nassau is 200 miles southeast of Miami.

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