VOL. 67 NO. 1192
http://www.observer.goarch.org E-mail: observer@goarch.org
Archbishop Offers Memorials at Ground Zero for Sept. 11 Victims
HOLY EPARCHIAL SYNOD Issues Sept. 11 Encyclical THE HOLY AND EPARCHIAL SYNOD OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA To the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Day and Afternoon Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhoods, the Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, s the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, we address you in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord as we approach the anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. It is through the power of the Life-giving Cross and the glorious Resurrection that we offer words of comfort and strength on this day of memorial, recognizing the deep pain that surfaces as we mark the passage of one year. The arrival of this date evokes a myriad of painful thoughts, emotions, and images. Across our nation and throughout the world, people from all religions, races, and creeds remember the lives of those lost in the senseless and cowardly acts of terrorism that took place on American soil one year ago. As the Body of Christ and the Holy Archdiocese of America, we offer our prayers for the souls of all those innocently killed and for their families who continue to mourn their loss. We ask that on Sunday, September 8, a one-year memorial service be conducted in all our parishes throughout our country at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Let us offer prayers for the eternal memory and blessed repose of the souls of the victims of the barbaric attack of September 11 and of those who heroically fell in the line of duty attempting to help these victims. As an Archdiocese and as a nation, we have closely experienced the devastation caused by the terrorist acts of September 11. The anguish left in their wake has been particularly felt among our own Greek Orthodox community in America. We have lost parishioners, family members, and one of our historic parishes, the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was next to the Twin Towers. We take solace knowing that we have grieved not as individuals hopelessly scattered across America, but as a family united in the Body of Christ. We have lived and breathed the words of the Apostle Paul, who wrote that the members [of the body] should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it (1 Corinthians 12:25-26). In recalling the tragedy of September 11, we recognize our human impulse to feel anger towards the perpetrators who senselessly took the lives of thousands of innocent people. Yet, we are also mindful
GOA photo
Archbishop Demetrios stands in silence next to the mourning family members of Greek-Orthodox victims in front of the “Circle of Honor”
ommemoration of the event that has haunted the world for the past year, the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, attracted tens of thousands at Ground Zero, including Archbishop Demetrios . byJim Golding
His Eminence joined hundreds of surviving family members of the 2,801 WTC victims, and many public figures, other religious leaders and dignitaries in the official commemoration under tight security. They proceeded down a long steel ramp to the circle of honor in the middle of the mammoth pit where the Twin Towers once stood. The thousands of people who attended began assembling in the very early
hours of Wednesday morning around the perimeter of the 16-acre site in the Financial District of Manhattan. They included more than 2,000 police and firefighters representing cities and towns from all regions of the U.S. and abroad who came to honor their fallen brothers killed in the towers collapse.
MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD IN PARISHES NATIONWIDE (See related coverage on pgs. 2, 32)
Among them were 325 British police from England, Wales and Scotland, sheriff s deputies from Ventura County, Calif.; police from Westhampton Beach, N.Y., the Chicago and Los Angeles police and fire departments, police from a place called El Monte and firefighters from somewhere called Sloatsburg, and a search
Archbishop s Encyclicals u 6, 11 Archdiocese News u 2-3, 6-7, 9, 32 Challenge u 29 Classifieds u 28 Contemporary Issues u 8 Diocese News u 30, 31 Ecumenical Patriarchate u 4-5 Family Care u 12 Financial Statements u 23 Greek Section u 15- 19
HC/HC Report u 13 Holy Scripture Readings u 7 In Memoriam u 26 Interfaith Marriage u 20 IOCC News u 21 Letters u 10 Opinions u 10 Parish Profile u 25 People u 25 Voice of Philoptochos u 27
dog from an organization called the Texas Task Force, to name a few. The ceremonies began with a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. But soon afterward a strong gust of wind arose, the advance of Tropical Storm Gustav, which brought a sense of deja vu to spectators, as large dust clouds that penetrated eyes and mouths as if to remind them of that horrific day when the world witnessed the billowing clouds of dust and smoke that arose with the violent fall of the towers. For nearly 2½ hours the names of the WTC victims were read by several public figures, beginning with former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Secretary of State Colin Powell, U.S. Sens. Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton, actor Robert De Niro, among others. The recitation of names was interrupted at several places for readings of the Gettysburg Address by New York Gov. George Pataki, part of the Declaration of Independence by New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, and statements from victims family members. Midway through the morning event, Archbishop Demetrios read the memorial prayer service. As he completed chanting May their memory be eternal (Eonia e mnimi) at 10:29 a.m. (the time when the second tower col-
u page 2
u page 9
Parishes Nationwide Hold Sept. 8 and Sept. 11 Services NEW YORK Archbishop Demetrios has called for prayers for the eternal memory and blessed repose of the souls of the victims of the barbaric attack of September 11 at one-year memorial services to be offered in all parishes of the Archdiocese on Sunday, Sept. 8. In a special encyclical the Archbishop and the Hierarchs of the Synod state: As an Archdiocese and as a nation, we have closely experienced the devastation caused by the terrorist acts of September 11. The anguish left in their wake has been particularly felt among our own Greek Orthodox community in America. We have lost parishioners, family members and one of our historic parishes, the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was next to the Twin Towers. We take solace knowing that we have grieved not as individuals hopelessly scattered across America, but as a family united in the Body of Christ. We have lived and breathed the words of the Apostle Paul, who wrote, that the members (of the body) should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it (1 Corinthians 12:25-26).
Nationwide memorials Archbishop Demetrios celebrated the Divine Liturgy and memorial service at the Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral. In attendance were victims family members, diplomats and government officials from Greece and Cyprus. In addition to the Sept. 8 services,
courtesy Jean Lachat/Sun-Times
METROPOLITAN IAKOVOS of Krinis (second from right) along with other religious leaders participated in an ecumenical service in Chicago to observe the anniversary of Sept. 11.
An information brochure for the anniversary has been prepared and is available on the web site. The brochure will be distributed to all parishes and to the media.
St. Nicholas Church on Hallmark TV St. Nicholas Church was featured on New Morning , a half-hour show airing nationally on the Hallmark Channel Monday through Friday at D. Panagos Family members at Holy Trinity Cathedral service. 7 a.m. ET/PT. The 9/11 Edition commemorated last clergy were asked to keep churches open throughout the day on Sept. 11 and to year s tragic attack on the U.S. The show hold memorial services at appropriate originated from St. Paul s Chapel, one block from the World Trade Center, a landtimes for the faithful. Parishes throughout the Archdiocese mark Episcopal Church built in 1766, participated in local observances that which served as a refuge for the many resmarked the anniversary of this national cuers who flocked to the scene. Our show tells in part the story of tragedy. The Archdiocese has launched a spe- two churches that stood within a block of cial 9/11 web site now available at the World Trade Center, said Timberly www.goarch.org/en/special/Septem- Whitfield, host of New Morning. St. ber11. The web site includes an introduc- Paul s survived. St. Nicholas, a Greek Ortory article highlighting the Church s re- thodox church just down the street, did sponse to the 9/11 tragedy, updated in- not. Now, one year later plans are being formation on the rebuilding of St. Nicho- made to rebuild St. Nicholas on the same las, and a selection of photos and minis- site where it stood before. On the show, we look at what that commitment to retry resources. Also included on the site is a recorded build means for us both as individuals pastoral message in both Greek and En- and as a nation as a whole in the wake of all that happened in the last 12 months. glish by Archbishop Demetrios.
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Published Monthly except combined February/ March and July/Aug. by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Editorial and Business Office: 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021. TEL.: (212) 570-3555, 774-0235. FAX (212) 774-0239.
DIRECTOR & MANAGING EDITOR: Stavros H. Papagermanos EDITOR: Jim Golding (Chryssoulis) COLOR CORRECTION: Abel Montoya ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Soula Podaras CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Nicholas Manginas
D. Panagos
Foreign Minister George Papandreou of Greece venerates the Cross held by Archbishop Iakovos at the special service at the St. Nicholas church site.
Memorials at Ground Zero u page 1 lapsed), bells from nearby St. Peter s Roman Catholic Church and Trinity Episcopal Church pealed and the wind gusted. The Archbishop also held memorial services for the Sept. 11 victims at Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral on the previous Sunday and immediately following the Ground Zero event, which was at-
Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY 10001 and at additional mailing offices. The Orthodox Observer is produced entirely inhouse. Past issues can be found on the Internet, at http:// www.observer.goarch.org E-mail: observer@goarch.org Articles do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America which are expressed in official statements so labeled. Subscription rates are $12 per year. Canada $25.00. Overseas Air Mail, $55.00 per year. $1.50 per copy. Subscriptions for the membership of the Greek Orthodox Church in America are paid through their contribution to the Archdiocese. Of this contribution, $5.00 is forwarded to the Orthodox Observer. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ORTHODOX OBSERVER, 8 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021
tended by Foreign Minister of Greece George Papandreou, in New York for the opening session of the United Nations. On Sept. 14, Archbishop Demetrios was joined by Archbishop Iakovos at Ground Zero for an evening memorial service at the site of St. Nicholas Church. Attending the service were parishioners of the destroyed church, Archdiocese Chancellor Bishop of Troas Savas, Archdiocese Presbyters Council President Fr. James Moulketis and Archdiocesan District Presbyters Council President Fr. Emmanuel Gratsias, Fr. John Romas, pastor of St. Nicholas; and several Greek and Cypriot government officials: Foreign Minister Papandreou, Deputy Foreign Minister Tassos Yiannitsis, Greece s new ambassador to the United States, George Savaides, Cyprus Ambassador to the U.S. Erato Kozakou-Markoulis. Both archbishops, Mr. Papandreou and Ms. Markoulis addressed the gathering of about 100 persons.
New Presbyters Council Officers Elected
APC OFFICERS (l. to r.) Frs. James C. Moulketis, Paul Kaplanis, past APC President Fr. Nicholas Bacalis and Fr. Timothy Bakakos with Archbishop Demetrios and Metropolitan Panteleimon of Serention and Tyroloi.
The Archdiocese Presbyters Council elected new officers at their meeting held during the 36th Clergy Laity Congress. Executive Committee members are: President, Fr. James C. Moulketis; Vice President, Fr. Timothy Bakakos; Treasurer, Fr. Thomas Chininis; Secretary, Fr. Paul Kaplanis. New Diocese representatives to the Council are: Boston - Frs. Thomas Chininis and Michael Kouremetis; Archdiocesan
District - Fr. Emmanuel Gratsias and the Very Rev. Eugene Pappas; New Jersey - Frs. Nicholas Bacalis and James C. Moulketis; Atlanta - Frs. Paul Kaplanis and Christopher Metropulos; Chicago - Frs. Timothy Bakakos and John Kalomas; Pittsburgh Frs. Steve Denas and Jerry Hall; Detroit Frs. Nicholas Pathenos and George Savas; Denver - Fr. Louis Christopulos and William Christ; San Francisco - Frs. Stephen Kyriacou and Steven Tsichlis.
Archon Leaders Meet with U.S. Officials to Plan Trip to Patriarchate
RECENTLY VISITING Under Secretary of State Marc Grossman at the State Department to discuss their upcoming pilgrimage are national council members of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarch (from left) Alex Pritsos, James C. Fountas, John Halecky Jr., and National Commander Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis.
WASHINGTON A delegation of leaders of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, headed by National Commander Dr. Anthony Limberakis met at the White House complex and State Department in early August to receive guidance from government officials on their upcoming pilgrimage to the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Accompanying them were National Secretary John Halecky, National Treasurer James Fountas and Pilgrimage Chairman Alex Pritsos. The Archon delegation sought advice from Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman on a possible trip to Ankara during the pilgrimage to discuss religious freedom and human rights relating to the Ecumenical Patriarchate with the highest government officials of Turkey. Secretary Grossman, a long-time friend of the Archons, is among the most astute foreign policy experts regarding Turkey having served as United States ambassador to Turkey from 1994 to 1997 and is most sensitive of the concerns of
the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Also present at this meeting was David M. Abramson of the Division of International Religious Freedom of the Department of State. In addition, the Archon delegation met at the White House complex with Ambassador Daniel Fried, special assistant to the President and senior director for European and Eurasian Affairs of the National Security Council for similar discussions. After the meetings, plans to schedule a trip to Ankara to meet with the leaders of Turkey were confirmed. The State Department will arrange these meetings and State Department officials will accompany the Archon delegation traveling to Ankara. All Archons in America are invited to participate in this short pilgrimage to the Ecumenical Patriarchate scheduled to depart New York on Friday, Oct. 18 and return on Wednesday, Oct. 23. For details contact the National Office at 212-5703550 or visit the Archons web site at www.archons.patriarchate.org.
Orthodox Observer
DEACON NEKTARIOS reverences the Archbishop as he is led around the altar table during his ordination ceremony at Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Archbishop Ordains Deacon Nektarios to the Priesthood Archbishop Demetrios ordained his former deacon, Nektarios Morrow, to the priesthood Aug. 18 at Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral. Several clergy took part in the service, including Fr. Theodore Tsitsilianos of St. Nicholas Church, Waco, Texas; and Fr. Robert Stephanopoulos, dean of the cathedral. Also attending were Bishops Dimitrios of Xanthos and Savas of Troas; Fr. Angelo Gavalas and the Very Rev. Dr. Joachim Cotsonis, director of the Archbishop Iakovos Library at Holy Cross-Hellenic College; and Deacons Panteleimon Papadopoulos and John Vlahos. His family members in attendance included his presbytera, DaLin Photini, children Vincent and Alexander, and his father, Larry Morrow. Fr. Nektarios was appointed director of communications for the Archdiocese in May. In this position he coordinates the work and planning of the communication offices of the Archdiocese. He previously served as deacon to Archbishop Demetrios for nearly two years following his graduation from Holy Cross School of Theology, where he was the class valedictorian.
Fr. Nektarios also has a graduate degree in Church history from Baylor University in Waco, Texas; and an undergraduate degree in biblical studies from Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas.
Memorial Service to Mark 80th Anniversary of Smyrna Catastrophe BROOKLYN, NY A memorial service in observance of the 80th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe of 1922 will take place at Three Hierarchs Church, 1724 Avenue P in Brooklyn on Oct. 6. The service will follow the Divine Liturgy. Organizing Committee Chairman Basilios Theodosakis said an exhibit and fellowship reception will follow the service. An estimated 3.5 million Greeks, Armenians Syrians and other Orthodox Christians died in that episode.
CLERGY U P D A T E Ordination to the Diaconate: Nicholas Georgiou by Metropolitan Iakovos at St. Athanasios, Aurora, Ill., June 16 Ordination to the Priesthood: Deacon Nektarios Morrow, by Archbishop Demetrios, Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral, NYC, Aug. 18. Assignments: Rev. Presbyter Michael Condos to St. Andrew Church, Miami, June 15 Rev. Protopresbyter Gregory Wingenbach to Annunciation Church, Missoula, Montana, July 1 Rev. Deacon Michael Prevas to Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Glenview, Ill. (assistant), July 1 Rev. Presbyter Soterios Rousakis to St. Paul Church, Savannah, Ga., July 1 Rev. Economos Constantine Makrinos to Sts Constantine & Helen, Merrillville, Ind., (assistant) July 15 Rev. Presbyter Paul Paris to St. Barbara Church, Sta Barbara, Calif. Aug. 1 Rev. Economos Christopher Con-
stantinides to St. George Church, Bethesda, Md., Aug. 1 Rev. Presbyter Nikiforos Fakinos to St. Demetrios Church, Merrick, N.Y., Aug. 1 Rev. Presbyter Alex Prodes to All Saints Church, Peoria, Ill., Aug. 1 Rev. Presbyter John Ketchum to Kimisis Tis Theotokou Church, Racine, Wis., Aug. 1 Retirements: Rev. Presbyter Stephen P. Theophilo, May 31. V. Rev. Archimandrite Jeremiah Monios, June 1. Rev. Protopresbyter James J. Laliberte, June 30. Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Mihalopulos, July 1 Offikia: Metropolitan Isaiah bestowed the office of Economos upon: Fr. Jordan Brown, Jan. 20 Metropolitan Isaiah bestowed the office of Protopresbyter upon: Fr. Angelo A. Pappas, June 23.
Our beloved brothers and sons and daughters in the Lord, When in the year 1990 we declared from the Mother Church the First of September of each year as a day of prayer for the environment, it was not envisioned how soon natural conditions would deteriorate on account of harmful human interference and how horrific the losses and damages on human lives resulting from them would be. The recent floods in Europe, India and Russia, as well as those proceeding during the current year and the previous ones in various other parts of the earth, bear witness to the disturbance of the climatic conditions caused by the overheating of the atmosphere of our planet. These disasters have persuaded even the most incredulous persons that the problem is real, that the cost of repairing its damages is comparable to the cost of preventing them, and that there is no margin left anymore for continuing to remain quiet. The Orthodox Church, being a pioneer in her love and interest for humanity and its living conditions, on the one hand, recommends to us to live virtuous lives, looking for eternal life in the world beyond, heaven, but on the other hand, she does not forget that according to the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, our virtue will not be assessed on the basis of individualistic criteria, but on the basis of applied solidarity, as this is so characteristically described in the parable of the future Judgment. According to this parable, the criterion for accepting one among those saved who inherit the Eternal Kingdom, is the supply of food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, aid to the sick, sympathy to the prisoners and generally the offering to our fellow human beings the possibility to live in our planet under normal conditions and to come to know God so that they too may enter into His Kingdom. This means that the protection of our fellow human beings from destructive floods, fires, storms, tempests and other such disasters is our bounding duty; and consequently, that failure to take appropriate measures for avoiding such phenomena is chargeable to us as an unpaid debt and constitutes a crime of negligence, which incurs a plethora of other crimes, such as the death of innocent people, the destruction of cultural monuments and property as well as regressive progress. We pray to God to remove natural destructions, which we cannot avert by our own care and foresight, but at the same time, it is our bounding duty to engage in the labor of study and the expense of taking necessary measures for avoiding those disasters that are derived from bad human action. It is true that a great part of these measures and expenditures cannot be taken from isolated individuals because they go beyond their capabilities. Sometimes, they even go beyond the capabilities of individual states and require inter-state collaboration and even cooperation of the entirety of the human community. Thus, we heartily salute the international consultations on this matter that are taking place or will take place and wish them to conclude their deliberations with unanimous decisions on the measures that should be taken and on their implementation. Nevertheless, the greatest part of the contributions to the creation of this crisis is due to the excessive waste of energy by isolated individuals. Thus, the restriction of this wasteful consumption will blunt the acuteness of the problem, while the constant increase in the use of renewable sources of energy will intermittently contribute to its alleviation. However insignificant the contribution of every individual to the averting of new catastrophic natural phenomena may appear, we are all obliged to do as individuals whatever we can, because only then we shall be able to pray to God boldly to supply what is lacking in our own efforts and possibilities. Hence, we paternally urge everyone to come to the realization of their personal responsibility and do whatever they can to avert the increase of the temperature on the earth and the aggravation of environmental conditions. We pray fervently to God that He should look favorably on the common effort of all and prevent other threatening disasters on our natural environment, within which He ordered us to live and to fight the good fight in order that we enter the Heavenly Kingdom. Amen. September 1st, 2002 A.D. ð BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople fervent supplicant to God for all
PATRIARCHATE Archbishop Demetrios Attends European Conference on on Sept. 11 Consequences (OEU/Brussels) - At the invitation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and in conjunction with the Liaison Office of the Orthodox Church to the European Union, representatives of European Orthodoxy met with the Political Bureau of the Group of the European People s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, Aug. 29-30, in Bucharest, Romania, to examine the religious and societal consequences of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, the winning of peace and overcoming terrorism.
who advocate suicide and violence in the name of the religion as a means of personal salvation. They affirmed the need to build social peace through improved education of young people in the areas of mutual knowledge and acceptance of one another s religious beliefs, and to ensure that the legal framework of civil society enshrines religious freedom, tolerance, respect and pluralism. They called for universities in the European Union and in candidate states
Political and religious leaders from Europe met in Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 29-30, for a 2-day conference on the consequences of Sept. 11.
Archbishop Demetrios was among those attending this important conference. The participants recognized the tragedy for the victims, their families and for the people of the United States when, on Sept. 11, some 3,000 innocent people were murdered. At the approach of the first anniversary of this tragedy, the participants recalled with prayer the loss and suffering among people of all faiths and of none. The participants welcomed the Brussels Declaration of Dec. 20, 2001 as an interreligious response to the events of Sept. 11, promoted by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and by the President of the European Commission. The participants in the Sixth Dialogue reached the following conclusions on the religious and societal consequences of the events of Sept. 11. They declared their conviction that every human being, Jew, Christian, Muslim or other, is a person who is a unique irreplaceable being, totally irreducible, free by nature and open to transcendence, and that each human being within society depends on others, with shared rights and duties. They thus have a responsibility to ensure the rights of one another, especially religious rights, according to the Will of God; this is an obligation binding Muslims as well as Jews and Christians. They called for a thorough examination, by a specially created group of political and religious experts, of the textbooks and curricula taught in schools and teachers training colleges and faculties of theology, with particular attention to extreme interpretations by those
to develop studies in the interpretation of theology and in hermeneutics in order to provide objective studies on the influence of differing religious traditions on societies. They welcomed warmly the initiative by the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the dialogue meeting between Muslims and Christians in Bahrain, Oct. 28-30 and the support given to it by the Government of Bahrain and by the religious authorities. They also welcomed the unexpected manifestations of solidarity, citizens initiatives, and new awareness of the importance of civil society in the aftermath of Sept. 11, and the signs of a renewed search for values and norms and the new demand for religious curricula in schools as well as the search for a deeper meaning to live. They renewed their strong commitment to reconciliation, justice, rule of law, co-operation and solidarity as the bases for peace and stability throughout the European continent and call for similar efforts to be made in eradicating the sources of poverty, alienation and persecution and in promoting social, economic and political progress in those Muslim states which are autocratic, in the interests of their own internal social stability and for constructive relations between them and the European Union with its candidate states. In discussing how to overcome terrorism, they called for sustained international co-operation in eliminating terrorist support networks, for bringing the perpetrators of the events of Sept.11 and other acts of terrorism to justice, and for addressing the root causes of terrorism.
New Ecclesiastical Year Inaugurated at Ecumenical Patriarchate Prior to the start of conference, the alumni of Halki celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of their organization, Alumni Theologians of Halki , on Aug. 31, with the participation of Patriarch Bartholomew, himself a 1961 graduate of the school. Also taking place on Sept. 1 was the observance of the Day of the Environment, established by the Ecumenical Patriarchate 12 years ago, in 1990, and the celebration of the Feast of Panaghia Pamakaristos, with a historical icon placed on display the Patriarchal Church of St. George, for veneration.
The Hierarchs who participated in this year’s Synaxis join His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for a photo at the patriarchal court. Among them are Archbishop Demetrios of America (first row, 3rd from right) Metropolitans Iakovos of Krinis and Methodios of Aneon (second row, 2nd and 4th from right), Bishop Alexios of Atlanta (top row 3rd from left) and Bishop Nicholas of Detroit (top row, 2nd from right). D. Panagos
CONSTANTINOPLE Archbishop Demetrios was among 60 Orthodox hierarchs from around the world under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate who gathered at the Phanar on Sept. 1 for the celebration of the Indiction the beginning of a new ecclesiastical year. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew led the hierarchs in a celebration of the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Church of St. George. Following the service, His All Holiness signed the Codex for the Indiction, which was also signed by all the active hierarchs of the Church. Afterward, the biennial Synaxis, (or conference), of all the hierarchs took place. Archbishop Demetrios addressed the Synaxis of Hierarchs on the main theme: The true purpose of the Church and of Christian Life and their practical consequences for the life of the contemporary Christian. Other topics included virtue and sainthood, and Orthodoxy: isolationism, or mission to the heterodox.
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Demetrios during a warm and brotherly moment. (left)
Beginning of the Ecclesiastical New Year September 1, 2002 To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Day and Afternoon Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhood, the Young Adults and Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
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It is with heartfelt joy in the Lord that I communicate with you at the beginning of a new ecclesiastical year. Much like our natural world, our Church follows a cycle of growth and renewal, setting aside one day out of each liturgical year where we as Orthodox Christians mark new beginnings and define new challenges. Our Orthodox faith is not static, but dynamic, with the power to transform our lives, our relationships with one another, and the society in which we live. Considering the importance of beginnings, it is not by accident that we also designate, under the direction of our Ecumenical Patriarch, September 1 as a Day for the Protection of the Natural Environment. We recognize this immediate connection in the very first words of the book of Genesis, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). Reading the creation account further, we encounter a God who creates all things good and who bestows with endless love the gift of the natural environment to us human beings. Such an offering inspired the Psalmist to ponder: When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him? (Psalm 8: 3-4). As members of a technologically advanced society and as Orthodox faithful, we bear a special obligation towards protecting the natural environment and raising ecological awareness. On a global level our Orthodox Church offers Her prophetic and redemptive voice towards this end. The many ecological initiatives of our Ecumenical Patriarchate, speak to this contribution, the most recent being a seaborne symposium on the Adriatic Sea this past June where scientists, religious leaders, policy-makers, and journalists from around the world met in order to address growing environmental concerns affecting this body of water. The commitment of our Orthodox Church to protecting our environment must also be a part of the local ministry of our parishes. On this day, September 1, we are called as members of the Body of Christ to address the needs of our own communities concerning the environment. We are challenged to behold with sensitivity the state of the natural world around us, and to respond decisively when we witness the degradation of natural resources and the problems of increasing air and water pollution in our cities. In the face of these and other challenges, we remember on this day that the natural environment is a freely given gift from God, and we reaffirm our responsibility to act as stewards of His creation, offering back to God the same precious gifts which He has so lovingly given to us. In so doing, we pray that we may be imparted the Divine wisdom to behold how the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. (Psalm 19: 1). May we mark the beginning of this ecclesiastical New Year with a renewed dedication to our natural environment, and may the infinite mercies of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with all of you. With paternal love in Christ,
ÿ Archbishop DEMETRIOS of America
New Director at Patr. Athenagoras Orthodox Institute BERKELEY, Calif. The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute board has named Anton C. Vrame, Ph.D., as Institute director, after a one-year search following the retirement of Paul Manolis. Vrame assumed his responsibilities on Aug. 1. Anton Vrame comes to the position after working at Hellenic College and Holy Cross School of Theology for the last seven years as managing editor of Holy Cross Orthodox Press and adjunct assistant professor in religious education. He has also been a lecturer in Christian education at St. Vladimir s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, N.Y. Vrame earned a Ph.D. in theology and education from Boston College, which places him among only a handful of Orthodox specialists in Christian education in the world. He also holds degrees from DePaul University, the University of Chicago, and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. He is the author of The Educating Icon: Teaching Wisdom and Holiness in the Orthodox Way, the Editor of InterMarriage: Orthodox Perspectives, through Holy Cross Orthodox Press. He
is currently completing editing of The Orthodox Parish in America: Faithfulness to the Past and Responsibility for the Future, which should be published by Holy Cross Orthodox Press by the end of this year. He is a well-known speaker to parish, diocesan, and ecumenical groups on topics in religious education, iconography, and Orthodox Christianity. He is the treasurer of the Orthodox Theological Society in America, serves on the board of Directors of the Religious Education Association, the Review Board of the journal Religious Education, and is a member of the American Academy of Religion and the Association of Professors and Researchers in Religious Education. The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute is an affiliate member of the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, California with a special relationship to the University of California. The Institute exists to study and disseminate Orthodox thought and culture. It offers courses at the Graduate Theological Union through the Alexander G. Spanos Chair in Orthodox Studies. Mr. Manolis will continue to offer courses in ecumenical studies and Greek.
Highlights of Department of Religious Education Report to C-L Congress LOS ANGELES A number of interesting new programs highlighted the extensive report of the Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, director of the Archdiocese Department of Religious Education (DRE), at the Clergy Laity Congress. These included the establishment of the Teen-age Curriculum Committee that has begun the process of focusing on a comprehensive curriculum for spiritual, emotional and intellectual formation of teens in grades 9-12. In the area of media and instructional materials, Fr. Marangos noted the success of Praxis magazine, which currently circulates to more than 9,000 Sunday School teachers, clergy, Archdiocesan Council and Leadership 100 members and Archons. The DRE also publishes an Annual Resource Companion containing essays and catechetical articles written by Orthodox hierarchs, clergy, theologians and seminarians, a teacher-training manual for novice clergy, and a new resource catalog offering more than 600 items. Some of the department s educational resources will also be made available in Spanish.
CD-ROMS The department has also produced an interactive CD-ROM on the Ecumenical Patriarchate to help Orthodox Christians understand its historical, theological and ecclesiological aspects. It provides a virtual tour of the patriarchal chapel and includes brief biographies of present members of the Order of St. Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Two interactive instructional CDROMs also are under development. Over the past three years, the DRE director has traveled throughout the United States holding teacher workshops and adult leadership training seminars based on a five-year curriculum that includes an annual educational theme. Workbooks developed by the DRE are provided to participants.
Internet program The DRE makes extensive use of the Internet, notably through its Internet School of Orthodox Studies for adults in-
terested in learning more about the faith. Established in 1998, ISOS classes meet each semester on Tuesday evenings at Hellenic College/Holy Cross and are broadcast in real-time through the Archdiocese Web Server. The Religious Education Department also is constructing an interactive website for teachers, clergy and parents and will include the ISOS Distance Learning Program, Teen-age Curriculum, St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival information, the resource catalog and teacher certification program information. Computer technology is an important component of the Religious Education program and, with a recent implementation grant from the Lilly Foundation, the DRE has completed a Center of Instructional Design and Information Technology Services at HC/HC. This will allow faculty members to experiment with and develop technological approaches to their teaching.
Also at the Congress, the department held four educational workshops keeping with the overall theme of the Congress and provided delegates an opportunity to discuss creative methods on meeting their parishioners educational needs, how to use the new teen-age curriculum material, how to establish a distance learning project and protocols for an effective religious education program. Fr. Marangos also reported on the recently completed Religious Education Climate Survey, a comprehensive study of the overall educational climate of parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Administered every two years, the RECS gathers data on the catechetical programs and numbers of children and adults that attend them in each diocese. The assessment survey also evaluates administrative progress in key educational areas including teacher and parish volunteer training, distance learning, library and multimedia services, oratorical festival, leadership development and magazine subscriptions.
New DRE Catechetical Resource Catalog Available BROOKLINE, Mass. St. Theophan the Recluse once said that, of all holy works, the education of children is the most holy. As such, those of us who have been given the opportunity to participate in such holy work should endeavor to understand the teachings of our Orthodox Faith, not only in theory, but also in practice. The purpose of Orthodox Catechesis is to help build up the Church, the Body of Christ, by nurturing every Christian in the life of personal communion with the Holy Trinity (theosis). Through this lifelong ministry, each and every Orthodox Christian is encouraged to bear joyful witness to God s loving and redeeming work in the world. Orthodox Catechesis encompasses every aspect of Orthodox life. From the home to the parish, from youth work to every aspect of adult church community activity, the holy work of religious education undergirds the continuing spiritual development of Orthodox Christians of every age. Consequently, nothing is more crucial today than learning to express our love for Christ and His Church with dignity and intellectual maturity. The instructional material summarized in the 2002 2004 Orthodox Catechetical Resource Guide provides families, educators and students of all ages
with the means of increasing their knowledge and appreciation of the spiritual values and heritage of the Orthodox Church. It is the fervent prayer of the DRE that this catalog will help guide each and every one of us in the holy work of Orthodox Catechesis! According to the Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, director of the Religious Education Department (DRE) for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, the new 49-page Catechetical Resource Catalog containing over 600 items is entitled: Learning, Loving and Living our Orthodox Faith. The new catalog is a reflection of the Archdiocese mandate that the Department of Religious Education be responsible for all levels of religious education in the Archdiocese from early childhood through Adult Education. In addition to Church School Curriculum materials and age-appropriate supplements, the catalog includes books for Adult Education, Vacation Church School Programs, Resources for Catechists and Parents, Children s Books, Prayer Books, Bibles, Scriptural Resources, Religious Pamphlets, Multimedia CDs, CD-ROMs, Videos, and Audio Cassettes, Orthodox Icons and Gifts, St. John Chrysostom Ora-
u page 26
SCOBA HIERARCHS (l to r) Archbishop Antony, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA; Metropolitan Philip, Antiochian Orthodox Church; Archbishop Demetrios, chairman; Metropolitan Herman, Orthodox Church in America; Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos, American CarpathoRussian Orthodox Diocese; Metropolitan Joseph, Bulgarian Orthodox Church; and Archbishop Nicholae, Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese.
SCOBA Hierarchs Hold Productive Session SYOSSET, N.Y. Members of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) convened Aug. 1 at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America where they honored Metropolitan Theodosius and held a productive session that included several activities. Archbishop Demetrios,, SCOBA chairman, presided. Metropolitan Theodosius, until his retirement in July, served for 25 years as primate of the OCA. Words of praise and gratitude were expressed by all, as well as prayers for health and joy in the years ahead. Two new hierarchs were welcomed to their first meeting: Metropolitan Herman, the newly elected OCA primate; and Archbishop Nicolae, the newly enthroned leader of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America and Canada. A third new hierarch, Bishop Ilia of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese, was abroad and unable to attend. Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) was requested to convey the prayers of all to Metropolitan Constantine, UOC Primate, for a speedy recovery from his recent illness, and congratulations on the 30th anniversary of his ordination to the holy priesthood. Also recuperating from a recent injury and thus absent from this session was Metropolitan Christopher of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Philip offered a brief report about the discussions held last May at the Patriarchate of Antioch in Damascus, on the autonomy of the Antiochian Archdiocese. Reports were heard and decisions were reached concerning: endorsement of the Zoe for Life movement; the convening of a Third Conference of All Canonical Orthodox Bishops of SCOBA members, May 7-9, 2003 at Antiochian Village; approval of a National Retreat for Orthodox women theologians; and approval of a gathering for the directors of communications of the SCOBA jurisdictions. Considerable progress was also made on a proposal made by the Study and Planning Commission to establish a SCOBA advocacy office in Washington. Serving as special consultant on this issue was Fr. Irinej Dobrijevic of the Serbian Orthodox Office in Washington. Representatives of SCOBA commissions who report at this session included: International Orthodox Christian Charities, Dean Triantafilou; Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Fr. Martin Ritsi; So-
cial and Moral Issues Commission, Fr. Gregory Havrilak; and the Ecumenical Commission, Fr. Thomas FitzGerald. In other actions, the SCOBA hierarchs expressed profound thanks to Fr. Thomas Hopko for his years of service as dean of St. Vladimir s Seminary, and to Charles Ajalat for his two terms as chairman of IOCC. They also discussed their recent meeting at the White House with President Bush, reflected on the various policy statements on clergy sexual misconduct adopted by the jurisdictions; and endorsed the Capital Campaign of the OCMC. The next meeting of SCOBA is scheduled for Dec. 17 at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church consistory, in South Bound Brook, N.J. Hierarchs present at this session were: Archbishop Demetrios, Metropolitan Philip, Metropolitan Herman, Metropolitan Joseph, Archbishop Nicolae, Archbishop Antony and Metropolitan Nicholas. Also present were: Metropolitan Theodosius, OCA; Archbishop Peter, OCA; Bishop Nikon, OCA; and Bishop Dimitrios, SCOBA general secretary.
1 T ............. Acts 9:10-18; Lk. 6:37-45 2 W ........ 1 Tim. 1:12-17; Lk. 6:46-7:1 3 Th ......... Acts 17:16-34; Lk. 7:17-30 4 F ............... Gal. 4:8-12; Lk. 7:31-35 5 S ......... 1 Cor. 4:17-5:5; Lk. 5:27-32 6 SUN ...... 2 Cor. 4:6-15; Lk. 7:11-16 7 M ......... Gal. 4:28-5:10; Lk. 7:36-50 8 T .............. Gal. 5:11-21; Luke 8:1-3 9 W ........ 2 Cor. 4:9-16; Mt. 9:36-10:8 10 Th ............... Eph. 1:1-9; Lk. 9:7-11 11 F ........... Acts 8:26-39; Lk. 9:12-18 12 S ........ 2 Cor. 10:23-28; Lk. 6:1-10 13 SUN ........ Titus 3:8-15; Lk. 8:5-15 14 M ......... Eph. 1:22-2:3; Lk. 9:18-22 15 T .......... Eph. 2:19-3:7; Lk. 9:23-27 16 W ......... Eph. 3:8-21; Mt. 27:33-54 17 Th ....... Rom. 9:18-33; Lk. 9:49-56 18 F . Col. 4:5-11,14-18; Lk. 10:16-21 19 S ............. Acts 2:14-21; Lk. 7:1-10 20 SUN .... 2 Tim. 2:1-10; Lk. 8:27-39 21 M ......... 2 Cor. 9:6-11; Lk. 4:22-24 22 T ........... Eph. 5:20-25; Lk. 4:22-24 23 W ........ Gal. 1:11-19; Mt. 13:54-58 24 Th ...... Eph. 5:33-6:9; Lk. 11:14-23 25 F ......... Eph. 6:18-24; Lk. 11:23-26 26 S ..... 2 Tim. 2:1-10; Jn. 15:17-16:2 27 SUN .... 2 Cor. 9:6-11; Lk. 8:41-56 28 MHeb. 9:1-7; Lk. 10:38-42,11:27-28 29 T ........... Phil. 1:8-14; Lk. 11:34-41 30 W ........ Phil. 1:12-20; Lk. 11:42-46 31 Th .. Rom. 16:1-16; Lk. 11:47-12:1
Parents Must Protect Their Children from Internet Pornography Imagine walking into a bookstore where the shelves are filled with books on history, literature, travel, technology, entertainment, and scores of other subjects. Then imagine that one wall displayed the largest collection of pornographic books anywhere. There are hundreds of titles, their covers splashed with every sort of sexual activity. by Fr. Johannes Jacobse
The pornography is not visible when you first enter the store but after roaming the aisles you inevitably bump into it. Would it bother you? Would you want to keep your children away from it? Would you ever allow your child to enter the store alone? The Internet is that bookstore. The Internet is a powerful means of communication but it also is a danger. Take a look at the Archdiocese website for example, to see a rich resource that the Internet offers. At the same time, pornography is so pervasive on the Internet that almost everyone who surfs the net will stumble on it sooner or later including your child. Internet pornography is a vexing problem. The courts lump pornography under the legal rubric of free speech which makes regulating the Internet very difficult. For example, recently the Supreme Court ruled that virtual child pornography cannot be outlawed because no harm was perpetrated on an actual child ( virtual means that the images of children engaged in sexual acts are not taken from real pictures of real children but are created electronically). Unfortunately, the question is never asked if pornography has any corrosive effect on society overall, whether pornography compels potential molesters to act on their compulsions and thus present a greater threat to children, or even if pornography ought to be granted the broad freedoms that
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it enjoys. (If cigarette companies cannot ply their products on television or on billboards near schools, why are pornographers given free reign on the Internet?) One approach that might pass muster with the judiciary is to provide all pornographic sites with a single domain identifier such as adu (for adult) instead of com or org. This would not eliminate pornography from the internet but it would make filtering out pornographic web sites much easier. Encountering pornography on the Internet is often innocent. Say for example that your child wants to make a report on the White House. If he mistakenly enters www.whitehouse.com into his computer instead of www.whitehouse.gov he will end up at a pornographic web site. This simple error will expose your child to raw images and raw language he ought not to see. Sometimes the encounter is not innocent. Priests who hear the confessions of teens report that viewing pornography on the Internet is increasing and that our teen-age boys are especially vulnerable. The boys know it is wrong and intend to stop, but ease of surfing to a pornographic site is a temptation that more of our young men find difficult to resist. Pornographic images are not neutral. They are created to sexually arouse the viewer, particularly men (men buy 95 percent of the pornography produced; online pornography alone generates more than $1-2 billion annually; there are more than 100,000 pornographic sites in the United States, 400,000 around the world). A teen-age boy is particularly susceptible to the power of pornography because of the emergent sexual desire of adolescence and the relative innocence towards sexual matters. Viewing pornography can have serious spiritual consequences and easily develop into a habit. Parents must protect their children from pornography. This begins by not assimilating the dominant cultural attitude that pornography, including the softer images portrayed on television, are acceptable in the home. Do you watch HBO? Cancel it. Do your children watch MTV? Cancel that too. The home is the small church the Fathers of the Church teach us. If parents turn a blind eye towards pornography by allowing these images into their home, they risk undermining the character of their children. Parental responsibility continues by vigilant supervision of the Internet. The computer should be in a public place in the home such as the family room or even the kitchen where there is plenty of traffic by the rest of the family. Children should not be allowed online when parents are not home. Internet use should be regulated with aimless surfing prohibited. Computers in a child s room should have no Internet access at all. Parents should oversee all Internet activity particularly with the younger children. (For more information about children and the Internet go to the National Academy of Sciences at www.4.nas.edu.) These recommendations will strike some parents as unduly restrictive. But would a responsible parent let their child roam in a bookstore with thousands of pornographic images on display? Allowing our children to roam the internet lets him enter that store alone. Rev. Johannes Jacobse is pastor of Annunciation Church in Fort Myers, Fla., and manages the website: www.orthodoxytoday.org.
Metropolitan Herman Enthroned as Head of OCA WASHINGTON Twentyfive bishops, over 40 priests and deacons, and hundreds of Orthodox Christian faithful from across North America filled St. Nicholas Cathedral on Sunday, Sept. 8, to witness the Enthronement of Metropolitan Herman as primate of the Orthodox Church in America. The Rite of Enthronement took place immediately after the singing of the Trisagion during the Divine Liturgy, according to the Very Rev. John Matusiak, OCA communications director. Members of the OCA Holy Synod of Bishops led Metropolitan Herman to the High Place, or bishop s throne, directly behind the altar table. Bishop Seraphim of Ottawa and Canada, secretary of the Holy Synod of Bishops, read the Act of Election, after which prayers for the newly enthroned Metropolitan were offered. Besides the members of the OCA Holy Synod, over a dozen hierarchs representing OCA sister Orthodox Churches METROPOLITAN HERMAN around the world concelebrated at the En- forward to working together with the sister Orthodox Churches, reminding them thronement Liturgy. Among others present for the occa- that their presence at the enthronement sion were representatives of several mon- was a sign of their significant support of asteries, religious and civil dignitaries, in- Orthodox Christianity in North America in cluding U.S. Sen. Paul Sarbanes and rep- general and the OCA in particular. Among the concelebrating hierarchs resentatives from several embassies, faculty and students from St. Tikhon Semi- representing the sister Orthodox Churchnary, South Canaan, Pa., and St. Vladimir es were Bishop Savas of Troas, chancelSeminary, Crestwood, N.Y., and members lor of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Patriarchate of Constanof Metropolitan Herman s family. An open reception for Metropolitan tinople; Bishop Georgios, Patriarchate of Herman was held on the cathedral Alexandria; Bishop Demetri of Jableh, grounds after the Liturgy, during which Antiochian Orthodox Christian ArchdioMetropolitan Herman personally thanked cese of North America, Patriarchate of the faithful for their presence and prayers Antioch; Archbishop Damaskinos of Jaffa, as he begins his ministry as the OCA s pre- Patriarchate of Jerusalem; Metropolitan Filaret of Minsk and Bishop Mercurius of siding Archbishop. Later in the afternoon, a formal recep- Zaraisk, Patriarchate of Moscow; Archtion for over 250 dignitaries and guests bishop Nicolae, Romanian Orthodox was held at the Marriott Wardman Hotel. Church in America and Canada, PatriarchDuring the banquet, representatives from ate of Romania; Metropolitan Sawa of sister Orthodox Churches offered Metro- Warsaw and All Poland and Archbishop politan Herman greetings on behalf of Abel of Lublin, Orthodox Church of Potheir respective flocks. Metropolitan land; Bishop Simeon, Orthodox Church Theodosius, who retired as OCA primate of the Czech Lands and Slovakia; Metroprior to Metropolitan Herman s election politan Daniel of Tokyo, Autonomous in July, offered a moving tribute to his suc- Orthodox Church of Japan; and Archcessor, reflecting on their years of friend- bishop Avgustin of Lviv and Galicia, Autonomous Ukrainian Orthodox ship and common ministry. Metropolitan Herman said he looks Church - Moscow Patriarchate.
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ARCHBISHOPS Demetrios of America and Iakovos, formerly of N. and S. America, along with other archdiocesan clergy at the St. Nicholas-Ground Zero site on Sept. 14, following the service.
HOLY EPARCHIAL SYNOD Issues Sept. 11 Encyclical u page 1
of the fact that in the aftermath of September 11, we continue to experience all that is worthy and good in the human race. Who can forget the tremendous outpouring of love and support in the wake of the tragic events of last year? Who can count the innumerable acts of charity and philanthropy exhibited by people across our nation and throughout the world following the chaos and destruction in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania? Who can explain the manner in which, on that tragic date one year ago, seemingly perfect strangers walking in streets across America suddenly realized their true identity as spiritual brothers and sisters, children of God? Who can ignore the amazing and generous offerings and the unwavering determination of people to raise from the ruins where the old Church stood, a new Church with a universal mission? The passing of one year has demonstrated to us all how perfectly beautiful the human race is when embraced by the power of love, and how courageous humanity becomes when stirred by the conviction of faith. During the past twelve months, we have witnessed the transformation of ugly hatred into beautiful compassion, the metamorphosis of anger into hope, the movement from loss to gain, and the obliteration of fear in the promise of love. We stand humbled in the awesome presence of Almighty God, who time and again demonstrates His great love toward humankind. This is our God who revealed to us once and for all the immensity of His love through the sacrificial offering of His Only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, who endured the agony of the Cross so that we might be granted freedom from fear, liberation from anguish, and access to a life without end. Remembering the victory of the Cross, we are challenged this September 11 to rest in the confidence of the words of the Lord: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). May the memory of the innocent victims of September 11, 2001, be eternal; may the protection, the support, and the blessings of God be present in the lives of the families of the victims; and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. With paternal love in Christ,
DEMETRIOS Archbishop of America
IAKOVOS Metropolitan of Krinis Presiding Hierarch of Chicago
ANTHONY Metropolitan of Dardanelles Presiding Hierarch of San Francisco
MAXIMOS Metropolitan of Ainou Presiding Hierarch of Boston
METHODIOS Metropolitan of Aneon Presiding Hierarch of Pittsburgh
ISAIAH Metropolitan of Proikonisos Presiding Hierarch of Denver
ALEXIOS Bishop of Atlanta
NICHOLAS Bishop of Detroit
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Comforting Those Who Mourn
One long year has passed since that fateful day that profoundly changed America and the world, when terrorists flew two hijacked airliners into the Twin Towers of New York s World Trade Center, a third into the Pentagon, while a fourth jetliner crashed in rural Pennsylvania during a struggle with passengers. The attacks resulted in the killing of more than 3,000 persons. This worst atrocity in recent history has also affected the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in the destruction of St. Nicholas Church following the collapse of the WTC s South Tower, along with the loss of 21 Greek Orthodox Christians. It has been a year of pain and agony, but the Church has shown its compassion and concern in numerous ways. Thousands of individual parishioners and entire communities have generously donated to the Church s Sept. 11 Fund that Archbishop Demetrios established to aid victims families. No sooner had the tragedy occurred than the Archdiocese established counseling centers at St. Barbara s Church in Manhattan, a few blocks from Ground Zero; and at churches in New Jersey and Washington to help the survivors cope with the trauma they had undergone.
A familiar scene over the past year has been that of His Eminence officiating at numerous memorial services at Ground Zero (at least a-dozen times) and at area churches where some of the victims were members. He has strived to reach out to the families in their time of sorrow. As for the parishioners of the devastated St. Nicholas who have been without a church, they are keeping their dreams alive with plans eventually to build a new house of worship. Individuals, groups and organizations from around the world have generously contributed to the St. Nicholas fund to rebuild the church, which will one day become a reality. While we can feel encouragement in the outpouring of support generated in the wake of Sept. 11, the anniversary of the tragedy will always be an occasion of mourning for the catastrophic loss of life. Yet, those who have lost loved ones in the attacks can take comfort in Jesus Sermon on the Mount, in which He said, Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Through prayers and continuous concern, the Church, the Body of Christ, demonstrates her commitment in following Christ s teaching.
u Pray for victims t
u A Model for Orthodox t
Editor, September 11th vividly reminded us of the horrific attacks our country suffered last year. That fateful day coincides with the anniversary of the massacre and expulsion of thousands of Greek and Armenian Christians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks 80 years ago. Today, there are those who say we must put such events behind us, forget the past, and move forward. I, as well as the descendants of those victims have moved forward, but we will not forget them and continue to pray for their souls and have memorial services. Traditionally, our Church commemorates the important events in its history in addition to the lives of our church fathers and saints, whose numerous sacrifices preserved Orthodoxy, so that our spirit may be rekindled and our faith reinforced. Likewise on national holidays, the honors that our country bestows upon our founding fathers along with all the heroes who have preserved our republic, serve to rededicate us to the principles of our nation so that future threats can be thwarted. Our history and traditions, both religious and national, identify us; they compose our very core. Recalling them strengthens our spiritual values, which in today s society are constantly being challenged. Thus, so we remember and pray for the souls of the victims of September 11th, may we also pray for those who were slaughtered because of their faith in Christ. Eve Lallas Kingsville, Md.
Editor, Most recently, the Very Rev. Constantine M. Monios, dean of the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Baltimore was called home by our Lord. Fr. Monios was the senior-ranking Greek Orthodox clergyman in Maryland. Fr. Monios embodied a touch of the past and was at home in today s modern world. Father, was a kind and loving priest who possessed all of the elements required of a successful priest and successful he was. As Fr. Manuel Burdusi of St. Nicholas parish in Baltimore stated, Really, all of America is mourning for our priest here in Baltimore. Father Monios was recognized all over the land for his work on the National Presbyters Council and numerous other national endeavors. Fr. Monios was successful because he understood the need for communication, constant give and take communication between himself and the community. As many knew, Father Monios, was a thoughtful and persuasive speaker who was excellent at convincing his parishioners of the responsibility they owed to God and their church. In closing, Father Monios will be missed now and in the future. The intensity with which he pursued issues related to God, his church and his community made him an outstanding individual and priest. Yes, he will be missed dearly and will live in our hearts forever. His memory and actions should serve as a model of what is expected of Orthodox Christians. John A. Micklos Baltimore
u Oratorical festival t Editor, This is my second year of participation in the Oratorical Festival, and my first year at nationals. It has been such a wonderful experience for me that I plan to do it again and again, and I hope to get others in my parish to participate also. I was the only participant in my parish this year, but if I have anything to do with it, there will be more participants next year. During these two years at the Oratorical Festival, I would have to say that I ve improved significantly in the areas of speaking, writing and editing. When I look back and read some things that I wrote prior to my Oratorical experience, I feel quite embarrassed. My lifelong dream has been to become a published author. I have actually been working on a long story, and when I look back at chapter 1, written in July 2001, I see so much difference from chapter 8, which I wrote just this month. It is so amazing, I can hardly believe it-my word choices, my sentence structure, everything is more sophisticated. Now, when I read out loud at Bible Study in the mornings, there is quite a change in the way I read, in my feeling, in my clarity, and in my smoothness. I have so many new friends from all over the country, and my social life has changed drastically. I am more outgoing, friendly, and open with people. I think this is due to being around other people my age who share my beliefs and experiences. Everything the Oratorical Festival has done for me is so amazing and spectacular, and I hope to encourage other young people of the church to participate also. It is a wonderful experience that everyone can benefit from. Lia Eliades Petaluma, Calif.
u My First Priest t Editor, The Very Rev. Fr. Basil Gregory faithfully served the exceptional parish of Sts. Constantine and Helen in Chicago several decades ago. He served the spiritual needs of my father s family most effectively. When I was 12 years old the very vibrant, patient, kind and understanding Fr. Basil baptized my younger brother and sisters in the basement of the church that was still being constructed. I refused to be baptized because I was seeking God s truth and God original Church in my own way. The Orthodox Church was unusual and very foreign to me, but Fr. Basil had the most loving, compassionate manner. He wisely encouraged me in my search for truth. How could this wonderful priest belong to such an odd church? I struggled for a few more years, searching through the Protestant churches and finally accepting the Roman Catholic Church as the only historic, Apostolic Church in the West. I was baptized though I still could not accept belief in the Papacy, purgatory and indulgences. I tried to convert my Orthodox father to Catholicism by studying the Orthodox Faith to show him its errors; but as I did, I only became more and more engrossed with the wonder, beauty and truth of Orthodoxy I became confused so I attended Catholic Mass very early Sunday morn-
ings and then went to the Church of Sts. Constantine and Helen for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy... I approached my beloved Fr. Gregory and asked if I could take lessons on the Orthodox Faith. As the senior priest his schedule did not allow the time it would take so he referred me to another Spiritual giant of my life-the very wonderful Rev. John Kutulas Fr. Basil had a tremendous influence on my life through his wisdom and guidance, which eventually led me to the Seminary When both our Fr. Gregory and Fr. John were transferred, Fr. Basil leaving to serve in Pittsburgh. I felt like I lost a father. I sat in the pews, watching everyone say goodbye to him all of us in tears When Fr. Basil was in Pittsburgh he wrote a letter for my acceptance to the Seminary. As years passed I would see him from time to time. The first Summer Tour of the seminary in 1964 simply had to have Fr. Gregory on our schedule This great man has touched the lives of thousands of souls. His person, along with Fr. Byron, influenced my mother to convert to the Orthodox Faith in which she proved herself very devout and faithful. Fr. Basil saved marriages, saved lives, healed suffering souls and served faithfully in every aspect of his priestly life. His was a life of excellence, kindness, loving charity and unselfish service. As we reflect on his meaningful life, now over a year since he has passed from among us, I imagine that he must be beaming with joy as he prays for all his spiritual children in the presence of Almighty God! May God bless his very special, precious soul! Fr. Athanasios (Al) Demos Chancellor, Diocese of Boston
u Disability awareness t Editor, I am a 17-year-old with physical challenges. I have been attempting to increase awareness about others with disabilities within the Greek Orthodox community. Upon reading the June 2002 issue of the Observer, I saw that the Chicago Diocese held a wheelchair basketball game during the GOYA Olympics. I am glad to see there are individuals elsewhere in the country helping to bring awareness of and to gain inclusion for others with disabilities. I hope that other dioceses support the idea of welcoming disabled persons to the mainstream and into the life of our Greek Orthodox family. Elena Anadolis Beechhurst, N.Y.
u Kind words t Editor, I write to commend the Observer for the beautiful layout of recent editions, especially the 36th Biennial ClergyLaity Congress edition. It was a jewel. These changes show a high degree of journalistic excellence and make the Orthodox Observer more interesting for its readers. Lila Prounis New York
Archiepiscopal Encyclical The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14, 2002 Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross Cross, the beauty of the Church (Exaposteilarion of the Day)
To the Most Reverend Hierarchs, the Reverend Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, the Presidents and Members of the Parish Councils of the Greek Orthodox Communities, the Day and Afternoon Schools, the Philoptochos Sisterhood, the Young Adults and Youth, the Hellenic Organizations, and the entire Greek Orthodox Family in America Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On the day of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross we celebrate the power and victory of our Lord over sin and death. We rejoice in our reconciliation to God through the Cross, for now we have been made fellow citizens with the saints, we have become members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:16-19). Through the blood of Christ the covenant of promise has been restored, hope has been renewed; and as we were dead in our sins, now by the grace of God through faith we have been granted life (Ephesians 2:1, 8). Since we are united by the power of the Sacred Cross in the household of God let us affirm our shared task as clergy and laity in nurturing within our communities of faith the divine calling and vocation of the Holy Priesthood, a priesthood serving the crucified Lord. We do this on DRE/Icon by the hand of Athanasios Clark a day when traditionally we have acknowledged our esteemed and beloved Holy Cross School of Theology. This relationship with our School is not merely one of recognizing its necessity for the preparation of the future clergy, teachers, and theologians of our Holy Archdiocese. Much more essential is the understanding that this process of preparation begins within each and every parish where the entire community is given the divine vocation to nurture our Orthodox faith in the lives of our children and youth and to confirm the call of God upon those young men He has chosen for priestly service. For those who are and will be priests a life-time of service to the Church of Christ may be shaped by the years of prayer and study at Holy Cross; however, an enduring and worthy ministry will be built upon the foundation of faith and love that is manifested and engendered by you, the Body of Christ. This truly is a unique time in the history of our School and Archdiocese to strengthen our resolve in this sacred task. When the number of available clergy in various denominations is declining, our potential to provide for our parishes and ministries is tremendous. Such a potential is manifested in the fact that as we celebrate this sacred feast in the Chapel of the Holy Cross, we will welcome for the second consecutive year one of the largest in-coming classes in the history of the School. In addition, due to the generous gifts of parishes, families, and Leadership 100, scholarship resources are at their highest level. Also, the leadership of our beloved school -the president, the board of trustees, the faculty, and the staff -continue to strive for excellence and achievement. All of this is crucial for the continued growth of our sacred mission; but what is more critical are the lives that are being formed in the crucible of our parishes. The challenge before us is to nurture our youth in love and wisdom, to instill within them a deep reverence for the Church and her worship, and to teach them by our example the true meaning and extent of service. In so doing, by the power of the Cross, we will send out laborers into the Lord s harvest (Matthew 9:38), we will fulfill the divine commission to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), and we will be granted untold blessings through the lives and ministries of priests -our sacred offerings to God. May our Lord who endured the Cross and is now reigning in glory and honor bless each of you with His holy and life-giving presence today and tomorrow and to the limitless future. With paternal love in Christ,
ÿ Archbishop DEMETRIOS of America
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Family Care Fall Semester Internet Classes Scheduled A R C H D I O C E S E
The Department of Religious Education announces the Fall 2002 ISOS(Internet School of Orthodox Studies) schedule of Religious Education Classes for adults, families and parish educators over the Internet. Theme of the ISOS Fall Semester is: Enhancing Professional Practice: The Qualities and Skills of the Effective Religious Educator. The series of 60-minute educational classes are intended to provide parish religious educators the opportunity to examine the skills and qualities of effective pedagogical practice. The classes are based on The CANA Curriculum Design Model that is the basis for the current work of the Archdiocesan Teenage Curriculum Project. The 10 classes, offered free, will take place on Tuesday evenings from Oct. 8 to Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. EST) on the Holy Cross School of Theology cmpus and will be taught by the Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, director of the Department of Religious Education for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and adjunct assistant professor of Religious Education for Holy Cross. Apart from those who can physically attend, the classes can also be heard and viewed by anyone with a computer and Internet access. The classes are being made available by the Archdiocese Department of Internet Ministries and will be broadcast in real-time through the Archdiocese web server. This year s presentations will be provided in Streaming Video so that Web participants will be able to see the actual class presentations as they are being delivered. The ISOS web site address is: http:// www.isos.goarch.org. The presentations will also be archived to permit individuals to listen to the classes when their schedule permits.
A schedule and class syllabus is posted on the ISOS Internet web site. Based on the needs assessment data collected from the Religious Education Climate Survey (RECS) that canvassed churches throughout the Archdiocese in March 2000, Fr. Marangos designed a curriculum paradigm that he refers to as The CANA Curriculum Design Model. The CANA Curriculum Design Model refers to a pedagogical process of religious education that is based on the account of Jesus first miracle (John 2). The CANA (Catechetical, Affective, and Noetic Assets) Curriculum Design Model includes six interrelated components: (a) Catechist, (b) Client (Child/Adult), (c) Content, (d) Context, (e) Community, and (f) Corroboration. Related to the six stone water pots of Cana, the six C s of The CANA Curriculum Design Model provide interrelated catechetical, affective, and noetic resources for the teaching/ learning process. While it is not necessary to utilize them in a linear fashion, the components function best when employed in a cohesive way. Each of the six components includes resources and instructional assets that correspond to its respective focus. Certificates of educational recognition will be provided to students who participate in the classes and teachers who are engaged in the Teacher Certification Program of the Department of Religious Education. The first class will convene Oct. 8 in the Booras Lecture Room on the lower level of the Archbishop Iakovos Library. Participants attending the class should bring a notebook and Bible. For further information, contact the Department of Religious Education at (617) 850-1218.
Non-Government Organizations and Ecumenism Worldwide unity among religious organizations through greater cooperation and improved understanding is present at the United Nations in the form of The Committee of Religious Non-Government Organizations (NGO s). by Lila Prounis
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council, an NGO with consultative status, has been a member of the Committee of Religious NGO s since 1979. The Religious NGO s proved to be a guiding force in initiating the International Year of Religious Freedom. They also initiated the International Year of the Family and the International Year of Religious Tolerance. It took about four years of persistent effort before these International Years were passed by the UN General Assembly. Since the UN has increased the number of NGO s to 1,500, it has become prudent for the religious NGO s to support world concerns as a group and not individually. They have worked together in opposing wording in UN documents that promote pro-abortion elements. They also make sure that pro-family wording is included in all documents passed by the General Assembly. They insist that religious tolerance be included in all documents as well. As a group they have condemned attacks on religious sites and had
special legislation passed by the General Assembly. As an outgrowth of the Committee of Religious NGO s, the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief was formed. This committee insisted that the Human Rights Commission send reporters to investigate countries that practice religious intolerance. The religious NGO s also help organize special ecumenical services at the United Nations on peace, environment, world disasters, etc. Greek Orthodox clergy are invited to participate in these events. The Foreign Mission involvement of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center is also considered an ecumenical outreach program at the United Nations. The building of schools and health clinics in Africa and Asia as well as training in farming, and cottage industries, leads to greater cooperation, improved understanding and the reduction of poverty throughout the world. Also serving as representatives of the Archdiocese in various facets of NGO efforts at the United Nations are Sophia Altin and Stacey Malacos. Antonios Kireopoulos an alternate, is currently chairman of the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief. Lila Prounis, the UN representative of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council was secretary of the Religious NGO s Committee for four years.
How Do You Explain Death to a Child? In response to the needs of Greek Orthodox families this column will be a regular feature of the Orthodox Observer. It will address life issues and concerns related to faith development. by Fr. Constantine Sitaras
How do you explain death to a child? When a grandparent dies, for example, what are the words you say to an 8, 9 or 10-year-old? Experiencing this life situation is difficult for the parent of any child of any age. The following, hopefully, will help. A few months ago St. Basil Academy suffered two very dramatic and very sad deaths. The yiayia of two of our siblings and the older brother of another little nine year old had been battling cancer. During yiayia s illness that went on for a few years, the children had the opportunity to ask questions and to share their fears. Understanding what they could at their ages, they asked if Yiayia was in pain and if she would die. The truth was always answered in a caring, nurturing, sad way: the difficulty of expressing the imminent reality of death but always with the reality of the resurrection and eternal life. The children visited with the grandmother. Make certain to tell her how much you love her and how important she is to you, staff members told them. A week before the death, the older of the two siblings became fearful, crying and being inconsolable. We, being the staff, were there for her, consoling and allowing her to grieve. The other children were amazing in their caring and understanding. No one said, You should feel this way or that but rather allowed her to grieve in her own way. When death struck, the children were taken to the funeral. In as much detail as possible, I explained to them what normally takes place. How yiayia s body would be in a casket. The opportunity to pay respects at the viewing the day before; the Trisagion prayers that the children knew from our own chapel services, the people being social and at times even laughing; the actual funeral service; the burial; the makaria or memorial lunch. They listened and asked questions. When I arrived at the funeral home the night before the funeral, both children came to me. I knew they were handling it as well as could be expected. Yiayia is wearing a beautiful blue dress. She picked it out before she died, the older child said to me. It was very difficult. My own personal feelings are to shield death from children but I know how important it is for them to learn from the experience. Your own fears and questions can get in the way so try to learn as much as you can. Try to answer your own questions and to explore your own fears. Children read their parents not by the words they speak but by their behavior, actions, and lifestyle. During the meal at the church hall, the 8-year-old child was drawing on the chalkboard. I asked him to explain his drawing. It was a bouquet of roses. I was surprised because this child is more of an athlete, yet his drawing was excellent. Immediately I asked if they were the flowers by his grandmother s casket? Yes, was the answer. He had focused on them and remembered them well enough to sketch them from a memory he will have for the rest of his life.
One of the mourners came to me later and said that she had gone to the children to console them and she was surprised at their response. That s not yiayia. She has left her body and gone to heaven with Jesus and Panaghia. That s only like the empty house of her body. Children hear and understand what they are capable of at each particular age. Our responsibility and duty is to teach by example and words and always with the love of Christ. In truth, I was proud of our youngsters and of our St. Basil community. The children were as prepared as imaginable. Faith in God and in His Son, love for the saints, belief in the heavenly Kingdom are taught by example and lifestyle. During this same time, another one of the children had been placed with us because her older 21-year-old brother was battling cancer at a hospital in New York. The mother, a single parent from Greece, had come to be with her son. Through young adult volunteers, the little one was placed at St. Basil. Periodically she, too, went to be with the brother and mother. I had visited the young man a few times. His faith in our Lord was overwhelming. His love and thoughts for his younger sibling were expressed warmly even though he was in the grasp of his own personal ravaging of pain. This 10-year-old was not expressive of her feelings. She knew that her brother was seriously ill. She understood that he might die. When he did, I took her to the funeral home and tried to prepare her by sharing with her the details of what she would see. Very much like the other two children, she listened. I explained that if she wanted to go up to the casket, she could and I would be with her. If she didn t that was also okay. We went and her mother was relieved and felt the support from her young daughter even though initially she was hesitant to have her daughter come. It was the right thing to do and the best thing for all involved. After a while, the little one said she was hungry. She and her mother went up to the casket and had their moment together. The mother was taking her son to Greece the next day for the internment. A staff member and I took the child out and we went to eat. The little one had questions, Where is my brother now? Does he know that I came to see him? Does he still care for me? She felt safe enough to be able to ask. About a week later she remained in chapel after our daily evening service. During the year, we have a brief chapel service that the children attend and participate. I sat next to her and quietly asked what she was thinking. Again she asked, Where is my brother now? It was interesting that she would ask in church. I gently explained, he is with us especially here in church because we are all part of one family with Jesus and God is our Father. I had the sense that somehow she understood. Yes, she could speak to her brother and make him laugh. She has a wonderful sense of humor. As we were walking out, she stopped in front of the icons on the walls and asked me to tell her about them. I tried to explain how they let us into God s heavenly kingdom where He and all the saints are. As she was looking at the icon of the Resurrection, she looked up at me and said, That is where my brother is right now.
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Greek Orthodox Have a New Status in America Fall Events at Hellenic College-Holy Cross WASHINGTON Some wonderful things for our church have happened here recently. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew elevated the perception in Washington of Greek Orthodox Christians in the U.S. by Andrew E. Manatos
In addition, we, primarily Archbishop Demetrios, contributed to the favorable perception of our Ecumenical Patriarch and our faith. These recent actions of His All Holiness, on the one hand, and we Orthodox in America, on the other, are an extraordinary example of the whole equaling more than the sum of its parts. As you will see from the information that follows, our church, and by extension all Greek Orthodox, have a new position in America. It is important that we are all aware of it and that we help the rest of American society understand it as well. First, however, let me put our community in perspective by pointing out that we represent only one-half-of-1 percent of the American population. That fact was glaringly apparent in the mid-1970 s when former New York governor and then vice president, Nelson Rockefeller, said publicly, The Greek Americans should thank whichever god they pray to That statement could not be made today, particularly when viewed through our relationship with our Ecumenical Patriarch. His All Holiness is the head of 300 million Orthodox Christians in the world and the head of the second largest church in the largest religion in the world. Moreover, since September 11 our Ecumenical Patriarch s position, as head of the largest Christian church headquartered in the Muslim world, makes the Greek Orthodox community far more important to America. Those are some of the reasons why, in the months following the attack on America, our Ecumenical Patriarch was one of the relatively few people in the world with whom the leader of the world s only superpower, President George W. Bush, wanted to consult. His All Holiness, accompanied by Archbishop Demetrios, Alex Spanos and a few others, met with the President at The White House and with Secretary of State Colin Powell at the State Department. The President s invitation to The White House followed the Ecumenical Patriarch calling together Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders, under the auspices of the European Union, to promote peace. That gathering issued a declaration that was the first expression, of which I am aware, in which Muslim leaders condemned the September 11 attack as anti-
religious. His All Holiness then traveled to Iran to promote peace and inter-religious understanding and attended a similar gathering in Italy with the Pope. This enhanced image of the Ecumenical Patriarch, reflected in The White House invitation, builds on a perception that was already changing before the election of President Bush. President Bill Clinton recognized the growing importance of His All Holiness by becoming the first sitting U.S. President to visit the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In addition, the U.S. Congress awarded Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with the Congressional Gold Medal the highest American civilian award. Recipients include other distinguished individuals such as George Washington, Winston Churchill, and Mother Teresa. However, they and no other previous Congressional Gold Medal recipient had as many Members of Congress ask to co-sponsor the legislation, as did His All Holiness. From the other side of the coin, the image in Washington of our Ecumenical Patriarch and our faith benefits directly from the stature of Archbishop Demetrios and indirectly from the image of our national community. Presidents seek His Eminence s involvement on a regular basis. President Clinton had Archbishop Demetrios, out of all the participants in a two-and-a-half hour White House meeting, seated next to him. Following his election, President George W. Bush invited Archbishop Demetrios to be one of only four clergymen to participate in his official inaugural church service. In the year-and-a-half since the inauguration, our President and our Archbishop have been together, on average, an unprecedented once every five weeks. President Bush expressed well the feelings of virtually everyone in Washington who has worked with His Eminence when he said the following to Archbishop Demetrios. As an aside at a public meeting he said, I love your guidance and your advice. I cannot spend enough time with you. I love your gentle soul. As you can see, our Greek Orthodox leaders, and as a result we Orthodox Christians, are perceived in a very bright light in Washington. The above information can help others understand our church community s growing importance to our country.
Andrew E. Manatos is a member of the Archdiocesan Council, a member of Leadership 100, and an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. He also serves as president of the National Coordinated Effort of Hellenes and president of the public affairs firm of Manatos & Manatos.
BROOKLINE, Mass. Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology plans the following events for fall: October 3-5: The Orthodox Churches in a Pluralistic World: An Ecumenical Conversation An international conference co-sponsored by HC-HC and the World Council of Churches. Location: HC/ HC campus. For more information call Ms. Stournaras at 617-850-1213. October 18-19: The Olympic
Games: Yesterday and Today An international conference sponsored by Hellenic College. For more information call Dr. Ari Michopoulos at 617-850-1271. November 1-3: Holy Tradition/ Modern Science A conference organized by the Orthodox Christian Association for Medicine, Psychology and Religion (OCAMPR) and hosted by Hellenic College-Holy Cross. For more information call Michael Kallas at 617-850-1289.
OCAMPR Conference Slated at HC/HC in November BROOKLINE, Mass. Holy Tradition/Modern Science is the theme for the upcoming Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion National Conference on Nov. 1-2 at Hellenic College/ Holy Cross School of Theology. The conference begins Friday evening with several presentations. Dr. Paul Kymissis of New York Medical College will discuss how modern developments in medicine, psychopharmacology, brain research and psychotherapy conflict with and/or contribute to healing and formation of Orthodox Christian life. Fr. Nicholas Bargoot will speak on how priests are taught to use canon law in light of counseling theory and apply it pastorally with confession to guide souls toward healing. Multidisciplinary panels will discuss caring for persons suffering from depression and spiritual illness through patristic life and teaching, liturgical life, and modern advances in understanding and treatment of mood disorders, while avoiding spiritualizing, medicalizing or secularizing the human. Saturday s plenary speaker is Jamie Moran, Ph.D, professor at University of Surrey, Roehampton, England, one of the first programs in Great Britain to combine depth psychology and counseling therapy.
He will address the challenge of integrating the ascetical nature of Orthodox Spirituality of the Desert Fathers into modern life. Respondents from the fields of theology, medicine and psychotherapy will lead a discussion regarding bringing these fruits to bear in living out Orthodoxy in marriage and family life. John Perkins, a noted Jungian psychotherapist and author in Princeton, N.J. rounds out the conference speaking after dinner on the topic, The Straight Path of Orthodoxy: Between the Scylla of Literalization and the Charybdis of Psychologizing our Faith. OCAMPR, founded in 1985, is a professional organization devoted to promoting interdisciplinary dialogue facilitating Christian fellowship among Orthodox Christian helping professions in service to individuals and families. For more information, contact the web site at OCAMPR.org. Registration is $80 for non-members and $60 for members before Oct. 1 and $100 and $80 thereafter. Anyone interested in joining or being included in the mailing list for future conferences may sign up through the OCAMPR Web site OCAMPR.org. or contact, Stephen Muse, Ph.D, national chairman, c/o Pastoral Institute Inc., 2002 15th Ave. Columbus, GA 31901.
Hellenic College Holds Intensive Summer Greek Program BROOKLINE, Mass. Hellenic College s Kallinikeion Summer Language Institute recently conducted an intensive Modern Greek program that drew 14 students in an intensive course for high-speed acquisition of speaking and writing skills through the intermediate level. The course was designed for students with little or no previous instruction in modern Greek, taught by Dr. Stamatia Dova and language lab instructor Pauline Christo. Coursework consisted of daily ses-
sions of six hours in the classroom, a halfhour Greek only lunch period and three to four hours of evening study. The program received strong support from HC/HC President Nicholas Triantafilou, Hellenic College Dean Dr. Aristotle Michopoulos and library Director Fr. Joachim Cotsonis. The textbook used, Greek Today, (to be published in 2003) was provided through computer download by Dartmouth College Professor Emeritus Peter Bien.
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Dear Father, I don t know why I m writing you. I suppose I just felt a need to write someone It s been eight years since my divorce, but I m still not certain I made the right choice. We were married for eleven years, when we decided to end it. We had been growing apart for several years, and the only common commitment we had was to the children One day we started talking about our unhappy marriage. We both agreed we weren t happy...When I look back, I think that conversation got us both thinking about divorce... It wasn t long before the idea to end it grew into a serious consideration... I started consulting friends and family to get their opinions. Most supported my thinking . Before I knew it, attorneys were involved, and we were caught in a process that seemed impossible to reverse . It s now been nearly eight years since my divorce and way down deep I still have some regrets and doubts . E-mail Respondent by Fr. Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT
I ve received several e-mails like this one from both men and women over the past few years. Each respondent speaks with mixed feelings about their divorce. Some messages are more emotional than others. Almost all describe a similar scenario unfolding. We weren t happy when we decided to end it . Friends and relatives supported my decision . The idea grew into a serious consideration until it gained a momentum that seemed as if it couldn t be reversed . It s been X number of years and I still have regrets. When two people find themselves in an unhappy marriage, it s not long before they begin hearing messages such as the following few. You deserve more Life s too short . If you re not happy, then
I N T E R FA I T H Straight Talk About Divorce maybe you should end it . You have your whole life ahead of you . You ll be okay . The kids will get over it.
We live in a Divorce Culture Do these messages sound familiar? I m not surprised if they do. After all, we live in a culture that considers divorce a legitimate option when spouses are unhappy with their marriage. However, what we don t hear as often is some of the information that s now emerging from respected researchers who ve been studying divorce in our country. Here s a sampling of I mean. Researchers suggest that two thirds of the divorces that take place are between spouses who are only moderately conflicted. They also suggest that many of these marriages could likely have been saved. Research also indicates that 80 percent of moderately conflicted couples that choose to remain together report higher levels of marital satisfaction within five years. Research also suggests that many people who choose divorce, are likely to experience ambivalent feelings about their decision years later. That s because many discover that divorce is not the panacea it s made out to be. In fact, in most instances, divorce creates more problems than it resolves.
Help from the Archdiocese Because of the pervasiveness of divorce, the Archdiocese has started several initiatives. These include a Web site that answers questions for individuals, two
books - one for couples and one for priests and lay leaders - that deal with marital problems. They also include articles such as this one, as well as the development of a Department of Marriage and Family Ministries.
Don t Give Up As a result of the negative, long-lasting effects on both divorcing spouses and their children, many researchers, psychotherapists and government officials are beginning to rethink the merits of divorce especially in the case of moderately conflicted couples who report low levels of marital satisfaction. So long as there isn t any emotional or physical abuse occurring, many experts are now beginning to argue that a substantial number of moderately conflicted marriages can be saved. The fact is, many couples that decide to find ways of reclaiming the happiness they have lost, successfully do so. That s because, researchers now know what factors promote healthy marriages, and this information has been translated into programs that help two committed people reclaim their marriages. If you re currently in an unhappy relationship, for many of the reasons I ve indicated above, and for many that I couldn t include in this short article, let me encourage you not to give up. If you re interested in reclaiming the love, intimacy and happiness that you ve lost, please know that it s possible. With unswerving commitment and prayer, along with the help of some effective marriage building strategies and techniques, you can turn an unhappy marriage around. I m not saying it will be easy, but it is possible, if you re
committed enough. I know, because I ve seen it happen numerous times in my work with couples.
If You re Divorced and Experiencing Mixed Feelings Conversely, if you related to the respondent s remarks at the beginning of this article, here are a few suggestions. It may be that enough time has not passed. Many of us know that we can obtain a civil divorce in about a year, but we re rarely informed that it takes people about five years to reach emotional closure. If you re still struggling to find some closure, you might consider the following suggestions: 1. If you haven t already done so, consider obtaining a Church divorce. This process will assist you in finding some spiritual closure. That s because this process can prayerfully repair the separation that has occurred between you and your faith background. For example, you may have never processed through the circumstances surrounding your divorce with God. One individual comes to mind that I once assisted. In paraphrased form she stated, It took me five years to ask for God s forgiveness, and to experience His comforting tender mercy. Getting a Church divorce lifted some lingering regrets and burdens off my shoulders. Whatever the special, unique circumstances, a Church divorce can facilitate spiritual closure and this process can have a positive impact on your efforts to find some emotional closure. 2. If you ve obtained a Church divorce without experiencing the spiritual closure I ve described above, you might consider confession. Confession can help you achieve spiritual and emotional closure. 3. You might also consider obtaining some counsel either from your priest, a professional counselor or both. In either u opposite page
iocc newsiocc news
NBA Pro, IOCC Combine to Help Children at Basketball Camp SACRAMENTO, Calif. Combining his love for children with his passion for basketball, Sacramento Kings center Vlade Divac who teamed up with International Orthodox Christian Charities to lend a helping hand to 10 children at his annual summer basketball camp July 22-26. Ten of the more than 300 young people who attended the weeklong camp were able to participate thanks to scholarships from the Group 7 Children s Foundation that Divac helped found. The eight boys and two girls, ranging in age from 14 to 17, are residents of Trinity Children & Family Services in Sacramento, an Orthodox Christian residential treatment program for troubled youth. Divac s love of children and concern for those who have been victimized extends beyond the basketball court and the two weeklong sessions he s hosted for the third consecutive year. He and his wife, Ana, have two sons, as well as an adopted daughter from Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Divac teamed up with IOCC to offer the scholarships that were distributed by the organization s San Francisco Metropolitan Committee, a group that provides vol-
unteer and fund-raising support to IOCC. Through his Group 7 Children s Foundation, Divac also has worked to improve the lives of children in his home country of Yugoslavia. The foundation and IOCC have collaborated on several projects to help children in that war-torn country. During their stay at the basketball camp, the Trinity youngsters learned the fundamentals of basketball and competed individually and as teams. Divac was on hand daily for clinics and motivational talks during the camp. Now in its third year, the basketball camp is a fund-raiser for the Divac s Group 7 Children s Foundation. Last year s camp raised more than $70,000 for the foundation. Seven former members of the Yugoslavian national basketball team to help children living in post-war Yugoslavia founded group 7. To learn more about IOCC s programs in the former Yugoslavia, including a dental hygiene project supported by Group 7, visit www.iocc.org. To learn more about Group 7, visit www.groupseven.org.
IOCC Helps ‘Reconnect’ Communities in Bosnia BANJA LUKA, Bosnia-Herzegovina Ten years after war tore apart BosniaHerzegovina s multi-ethnic communities, 478 households in six Bosnian villages have been reconnected to electrical and water systems, paving the way for even more refugee families to return. The power in Bosanski Petrovac municipality (the Bosnian equivalent of a U.S. county) was switched on by U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia Clifford Bond, during a July 24 ceremony in the northwest Bosnian village of Suvaja. The electrical and water networks were repaired by International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), with funding provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), as part of IOCC s ongoing commitment to assisting refugee returns in Bosnia. This endeavor not only supplies water and electricity for residents, but also eases their successful re-integration in their pre-war homes after years of displacement and refuge, said Mark Ohanian, IOCC s head of office in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Among those attending the July 24 ceremony were Ambassador Bond, Ohanian, Robert P. Jacobs, USAID s acting mission director in Bosnia; Bishop Hrizostom of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and Vid Jelicic, mayor of the municipality. USAID funding has enabled IOCC to repair electrical and water networks destroyed during the 1992-1995 war, and to provide vital utility services to 478 families in six villages. The project, valued at $1.6 million, repaired 21 transformer sta-
tions, 47 miles of electrical lines and 49 miles of water supply lines. The project also has built the capacity to reconnect future returnee families to the networks almost immediately upon their return, Ohanian said. I am happy to see that today s Bosanski Petrovac is alive and not the same ghost municipality I saw several years ago, Ohanian said during the ceremony. Today, I see people living in their houses, plowing their fields, starting up businesses, selling and buying products in the market, and sending their children to school. IOCC s work in Bosanski Petrovac began in early 1998, when it achieved the first return of minorities (Bosnian refugees returning to areas in which they are a minority) by repairing damaged houses, transporting refugee belongings and providing packages of essential food and nonfood items. Since then, IOCC, the official humanitarian aid agency of Orthodox Christians, has helped 1,213 refugee families return to their pre-war homes in Bosanski Petrovac - nearly 40 percent of the municipality s displaced population that fled during the war. A new, $1.6 million contract with USAID will allow IOCC to continue repairing key electrical systems in Bosanski Petrovac and Bosanska Krupa. That project will connect more than 200 homes to electrical supply lines by June 2003. IOCC has been active in the former Yugoslavia since 1992. For more information about IOCC s programs in the former Yugoslavia, visit www.iocc.org.
you ve divorced and have lingering regrets, God can help you find some emotional and spiritual closure. In either instance, remember what the author of Proverbs states. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths (Prov. 3:5-6). In addition to the work Fr. Charles is doing in the area of intermarriage, he also conducts marriage-building workshops. For more information about his work, you can contact him at Joanidesch@aol.com.
case, speaking to a caring individual who has good listening skills can help you process through some of the lingering regrets and doubts.
Trust in God Whether you are currently in a conflicted marriage or have left a conflicted marriage, please know that God can help you. If you are in a loveless relationship, God can help you reclaim the love and intimacy that compelled you to marry. If
AHEPA Family Convention in New York Marks 80th Year NEW YORK More than 1,000 people Save Cyprus Council and serves as a long from around the world attended the 80th time president of the Marmarinon Benevoanniversary celebration of the American lent Society. Hellenic Educational Progressive AssociaDr. Dimitriou holds a doctorate in Intion (AHEPA), the largest and oldest assoternational Studies, and two master s deciation of Americans of Greek heritage and grees, all from the University of Southern Philhellenes, at its annual Supreme ConCalifornia. His current efforts in education vention in July. are centered on reestablishing the study of September 11 was very much on the Greece and Western Civilization throughminds of everyone, as the Ahepans made out the curriculum of our public schools. generous contributions for the various Supreme Lodge relief funds to Archbishop Demetrios, New and Board of Directors York Gov. George Pataki and Mayor A. Jack Georgalas, Seaford, Va., was Michael Bloomberg. elected supreme vice-president. And the fact that AHEPA switched the Other Supreme Lodge members are: location of its convention from Athens, Lazarus Kalipolidis, Laval, Quebec, CanaGreece, to New York was also a gesture of dian president; Nick Alexander, Columsupport in the wake of the tragic event. bus, Ohio, re-elected as supreme secreOn the eve of the convention, AHEPA tary; George Demopoulos, Massapequa, officials presented a $25,000 donation to N.Y., supreme treasurer; Nicholas A. Gov. Pataki for the New York State World D. Panagos Karacostas, Flushing, N.Y., re-elected suTrade Center Relief Fund. AHEPA presents Gov. Pataki with a $25,000 donation. (L-R): Supreme Counselor Nicholas Karacostas, We proudly offer our assistance to Supreme Governor James Gounaris, Supreme President Andrew T. Banis, Governor George Pataki, preme counselor; and Dr. Monthe N. Kofos, Marlboro, Mass., re-elected Suthe families and dependents of the victims Chairman of the Board A. Steve Betzelos, and Executive Director Demosthenes Kolaras. of September 11 with this contribution to the New York State World Trade Center informative update on present events in was not only the culmination Relief Fund, said Supreme President An- Greece since he assumed his post ten of a successful Supreme Convention, but that it was also months ago. drew T. Banis. The ambassador described coopera- the climax of 80 years of demThe supreme president also commended the governor for his leadership tion with Greece on the issue of global onstrated excellence to the and dedication to the citizens of New York terrorism as excellent and called communities in which we following the tragic events and thanked Greece s recent breakthroughs against the serve and to Hellenism. Daughters of Penelope him for his steadfast support of Greek- domestic terrorism group 17 November Grand President Joanne Boas a triumph. American issues. Archbishop Demetrios offered elo- oras, Sons of Pericles Su In response, Gov. Pataki expressed his appreciation on behalf of the families quent remarks and received two donations preme President Nick Livafrom AHEPA. The first was the second in- ditis, and Maids of Athena affected by the tragedy of September 11. The families are just so moved by the stallment of a pledge to the Archbishop Grand President Katherine charity and the understanding that has Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund Papademetriou all offered moving rebeen exhibited by you and D. Panagos marks as their SEN. PAUL SARBANES addresses the Ahepans at their banquet. by the other organizations terms in office At right is US Ambassador to Greece Thomas Miller. and we are grateful, said came to a Gov. Pataki. close. preme Athletic Director. He added that the In presentations made The eight supreme governors are: American Hellenic commuthat evening, Thea Halo, auNickolas Ballas, Charlotte, N.C.; Domino nity has been terrific in rethor of the memoir Not Giallourakis, Dunedin, Fla.; Tom Owens, action to September 11 afEven My Name received Petersburg, Va.; Stan Lefes, Sharon, Pa.; ter suffering the loss of 23 the 2002 AHEPA Homer Lyle Hochberger, Oxnard, Calif.; Kostas G. Greek-Americans and the Award, and her mother; Hazifotis, San Jose, Calif.; George Kalyvas, destruction of St. Nicholas Sano Themia Halo, received Yonkers, N.Y.; and Tom Pappas, Fair Lawn, Greek Orthodox Church. the AHEPA Medal of Free- N.J. Ballas, Giallourakis, Owens, and Lefes He pledged that the church dom. were all re-elected. would be rebuilt. AHEPA National HousIn addition, three new members were We can bring back the ing Corporation President elected to the AHEPA Board of Directors: church but we can t bring Nick Stratas announced Past Supreme President Lee Rallis, Denback the people, however more than $100,000 in do- ver; and Past Supreme Counselors Gus J. your support means a great nations emanating from its James, Virginia Beach, Va.; and Manuel P. deal, said Gov. Pataki. D. Panagos The governor, an hon- HIS EMINENCE with Ahepa’s Chairman of the Board Steve Betzelos and the management company. Scarmoutsos, Memphis, Tenn. Rallis was AHEPA Past Supreme Presi- elected chairman of the board, Ike Gulas, orary chairman for the 80th newly elected Supreme President Dr. James Dimitriou (r) dent Gus Cherevas was pre- Birmingham, Ala., was elected vice-chairannual AHEPA Supreme sented with the AHEPA Distinguished Ser- man, and James was elected secretary. Convention, described the annual meet- in the amount of $10,000. A second donation, for $25,000, was vice Award. ing as a positive thing for New York. AHEPA Family Elections given to help rebuild St. Nicholas Church. New officers A Grand Banquet The remaining organizations that The contribution was the balance of the The organization s convention also comprise the AHEPA family also held elecA highlight of the convention was the $110,000 raised and distributed for Sepincluded the election of new officers. tions. Evellyn Tsiadis, Woodbridge, N.J., July 19 banquet where a presentation of tember 11 - National Tragedy Relief. Delegates elected Dr. James F. Dimiwas elected Daughters of Penelope grand $50,000 was made on behalf of the AHEPA In his remarks, the Archbishop said family and the entire Hellenic community that the numbers, with respect to dona- triou, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif., as su- president. Joining Grand President Tsiadis on to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg for the tions to various charities and September preme president for 2002-3. The newly elected supreme president the Grand Lodge are: Angela V. Kavounas, September 11th Anniversary Fund, an en- 11 relief, and AHEPA National Housing served two terms as supreme vice-presi- Kirkland, Wash., grand vice president; tity to assist the victims families. projects were impressive. Mayor Bloomberg thanked the AHEPA They [the contributions to charity] dent. He also held the offices and ap- Chris Papadopoulos, Unionville, Ontario, family on behalf of the City of New York are indicative of the continuous work and pointed positions of supreme secretary, Canada, Canadian president; Demi and added that the AHEPA family did three offering to both American and Greek- supreme treasurer, AHEPA Educational Kapolis, Braintree, Mass., grand secretary; important things by coming to New York American societies, said the Archbishop. Foundation chairman, and AHEPA Cyprus Mary Filou, Islip, N.Y., grand treasurer, for its annual meeting. His Eminence also had words of and Hellenic Affairs Committee chairman. Anna-Helene Panagakos, Brooklyn, N.Y., You are reaffirming the deep histori- praise on the importance to the commu- Dr. Dimitriou is a 32-year member, serv- grand governor Zone I, Karen Stamatiades, Stone Mountain, Ga., grand governor cal connection between this city and nity of the Sons of Pericles and Maids of ing in South Bay Chapter No. 426. Supreme President Dimitriou has Zone II, Georgia A. Psichogios, Westmont, people of Greek origin; you are helping Athena. to revitalize New York s economy; and you The remaining list of dignitaries ad- served the Greek American community in Ill., grand governor Zone III, Diane are demonstrating unwavering commit- dressing the AHEPA banquet included U.S. a variety of roles, including involvement Peterson, Elk Grove, Calif., grand goverment to democracy and freedom, said the Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes (D-MD), U.S. Am- on the parish council of St. Katherine s nor Zone IV and Eugenia M. Christy, mayor. bassador to the UN John D. Negroponte, Greek Orthodox Church, Redondo Beach, Worchester, Mass., grand advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to Greece Thomas newly appointed Greek ambassador to the Calif.; the Pan Macedonian Society, and Maids of Athena. Sandy Papadopoulos, was elected Miller was the keynote speaker and ap- United States George Savvaidis, and am- the local Hellenic Cultural Society. He is a plauded AHEPA for moving its convention bassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the founder of the Greek Heritage Society; has supreme president of the Sons of Pericles served as president of AHI, Los Angeles; and Katherine Papadimitriou was reto New York City. In his first formal ad- United States Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis. dress at an AHEPA Supreme Convention, In response, Supreme President An- as executive director of the Axios Founda- elected grand president of the Maids of the ambassador provided a thorough and drew T. Banis stated the Grand Banquet tion; was a founding board member of the Athena. Both are from Atlanta.
GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The following statements of financial position and statements of activities were derived from the financial statements and related footnotes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 which were audited by Grant Thornton LLP. For a complete set of the financial statements please see our website at http:// www.goarch.org/en/archdiocese/departments/finance/ Also, beginning in November of 2002, the Finance Department will post monthly financial reports on the Archdiocesan web site at this same address.
Your Ministry
Editor s note: This new monthly feature will highlight ministry resources that are provided by the Departments of the Archdiocese and will include applications of the resources to ministry in the parish.
WHEN YOU INTERMARRY: A Resource for Inter-Christian, Intercultural Couples, Parents and Families In the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, we get a little taste of some of the challenges couples encounter as a result of choosing to intermarry. Although this film was made to be entertaining, the reality is that about 75% of our faithful intermarry, and a substantial number face similar challenges. by Fr. Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT Dept. of Marriage and Family
While Toula and Ian s story has a happy ending, this is not always the case. Results from the Intermarriage Research Project (IRP) indicate that challenges related to a couple s religious and cultural differences can potentially linger and have a toxic affect on individual, couple and family well-being. Furthermore, these unresolved challenges can negatively impact all family members religious and spiritual development. With Leadership 100 s continued financial support, our Archdiocese has been seeking to develop a ministry to this growing population. One example of this effort is a recent publication entitled, When You Intermarry: A Resource for Inter-Christian, Intercultural Couples, Parents and Families. This resource contains the following helpful information: General information about intermarriage. Descriptions and observations from 376 intermarried spouses who participated in the Interfaith Marriage Research Project. Useful information that will identify many of the unique challenges that intermarried partners face as spouses,
couples, and parents. Useful information that intermarried couples and families may encounter in their efforts to worship in the Greek Orthodox Church. Useful balancing strategies that have proven to facilitate marital satisfaction and family well-being in the individual, marital, and family lives of 376 successfully intermarried persons. Pastoral directives to clarify the Greek Orthodox Church s rules as they apply to intermarried couples. Premarital preparation materials written for couples intending to intermarry. This work has been endorsed by a number of scholars, clergy and laypersons. His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America states in the foreward: this excellent tool for guidance and ministry is offered as a resource for the edification and growth of the people and families of our parishes and as a crucial aid in equipping the pastoral ministry of our clergy. When You Intermarry is a unique ministry resource that will assist clergy during the premarital process. In addition, the book provides direct insights and guidance for couples and families, addressing their unique situations, concerns, and challenges. Copies can be obtained by calling the bookstore at Hellenic College Holy Cross at 800-245-0599. The cost is $14.95 plus shipping. For more information on the Department of Marriage and Family visit the Archdiocesan Web site at www.goarch.org. In addition, visit the Interfaith Marriage Website at interfaith.goarch.org.
Orthodox Christian Radio Program Visible at Congress The National Orthodox Christian Radio Program, Come Receive the Light was visibly present at this year s ClergyLaity Congress in Los Angeles. Rev. Christopher T. Metropulos, executive director and co-host; Spiro Bobotas, assistant director in charge of parish subscriptions, Emmy Louvaris, cohost of the program and Chuck Powell, media relations and air time sponsor coordinator answered questions and promoted the radio ministry. CRTL s presence and success was due in part to the generosity of several members of the National Board of the OCN (Orthodox Christian Network). The following were responsible for funding the presentation: Christos and Mary Papoutsy, The Behrakis Foundation, George and Janet Chimples and John and Louise Zervas. Other members of the Board will be listed as donations are received. The staff at the booth welcomed and informed clergy and parish delegates about the radio program. Delegates received a sample program CD, which included the first-ever radio drama of the life of St. Dorothea, professionally produced by Gap Digital Productions of Chicago, a leading production company in Christian Broadcast.
In addition, a brochure outlining the ministry with instruction as to how each parish can benefit was also given to each delegate. Delegates also reviewed a television message in their hotel rooms produced to explain the benefits of the program to each local parish throughout the country. The radio ministry has been growing throughout the nation. When the national campaign began five parishes were enlisted as subscribers. Today the number is approaching 50 parishes. The goal for this year is to have 80 parishes as subscribers. In addition, radio interviews were conducted live at the booth for future programs with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, who visited the booth at the official opening of the Exhibit Hall, Rev. Martin Ritsi and Helen Nicosizin of OCMC, Dan Christopoulos of IOCC and Andrew Athens, World President of SAE. In addition faithful can expect the following cities to also begin broadcasting soon: Charlotte, N.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, Westchester County, N.Y. and southern Connecticut, Louisville, Ky. and Peoria, Ill.
National Church Music Sunday Observed Eight Greek Orthodox Choir Directors Receive Archbishop Demetrios Years of Service Award Eight dedicated church musicians of the Archdiocese will be honored on National Church Music Sunday, Oct. 6. This day is designated as an annual Archdiocese-wide observance on the first Sunday in October, following the Feast of St. Romanos the Melodist, the patron saint of church musicians. On National Church Music Sunday, the Archdiocese and its parishes honor the contributions that choir directors, choir members, organists, psaltai, and Church School/Greek School music educators make. In addition, it is a day when the work of the eight diocesan choir/ church music federations and the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians is recognized. National Church Music Sunday is also the day when church musicians who have served for more than 25 years as choir directors receive personal recognition from Archbishop Demetrios. These individuals will be honored in their home parishes with a Years of Service medal depicting St. Romanos the Melodist, the patron saint of church musicians. They will also receive a letter and a certificate of recognition from His Eminence for their outstanding musical and spiritual contributions to the Greek Orthodox Community of America. The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians administers the award for the Archdiocese. Since the inception of the award in 1988, 255 choir directors have received the Years of Service medal. Their years of service range from 25 years to 65 years. Most of the recipients are still directing. The names, parishes, and years as choir directors who are receiving the 2002 Years of Service awards include: Mike Patterakis, St. Basil, Stockton, Calif., 43 years; Niovi Billis, St. George, Southbridge, Mass., 35 years; Mary Carafotes, Dormition of the Theotokos, Somerville, Mass., 27 years; Presbytera Elaine Stephanides, St. Paul, Irvine, Calif., 25 years; Irene Demestihas-Lavallee, Holy Apostles, Haverhill, Mass., 25 years; Stephanie Duda, Archangel Michael, Campbell, Ohio, 25 years; Emmanuel Creekus, St. George, Massillon, Ohio, 25 years; and William George Leogas, St. Spyridon, Monessen, Pa., 25 years. Many local parishes hold special recognition events on National Church Music Sunday for their choirs, psaltai, and choir federations. The National Forum recently mailed
uuu How you can hear the program and assist the ministry Each week Come Receive The Light brings to its listening audience, contemporary topics of interest in its radio ministry talk program. In the Fort Lauderdale, Miami and West Palm Beach, Fla. metropolitan areas the program is aired every Saturday Morning from 9 to 9:30 a.m. (EST), on WLVJ 640 AM. In New England the program is aired on Sunday evenings from 8:00 8:30 p.m. (EST), on WEZE 590 AM in the Metropolitan Boston area. In Oklahoma City, the program is aired every Saturday morning from 1010:30 a.m. (CST), on KTLR 590 AM
a custom-designed poster commemorating National Church Music Sunday 2002 to each parish priest and choir director in the Archdiocese. Renowned artist Rip Kastaris of St. Louis, created the full-color poster for the Forum, as he has for the past four years. Each Proistamenos and choir director also received a complementary copy of the National Forum s 25th Anniversary Commemorative Album, edited by George S. Raptis of Detroit. These resources were presented as the National Forum s gift to the parishes. Dr. Vicki Pappas, National Chairman of the Church Musicians Forum, commented on National Church Music Sunday. She urged all parishes to take time during the month of October to recognize the stewardship of their local church musicians who, Sunday after Sunday, year after year, serve their parishes and enhance the worship of the faithful through the hymnography of the Orthodox Church. She also encouraged parishes to use National Church Music Sunday to recognize the work of their diocesan Choir/ Church Music Federations and to be generous in their financial contributions to the National Forum s Church Music Ministry Fund in support of much-needed national liturgical music programs and resources. All these activities enrich the liturgical music ministry of our Archdiocese. In Atlanta the program is aired on WNIV, 970AM every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. The program can also be heard on the World Wide Web by one of the following methods: Visit the Come Receive The Light web site @ http://www.receive.org. Visit the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese site @ http://www.goarch.org/en/multimedia/ Visit the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese site @ http://antiochian.org/ and clicking on the Come Receive The Light Logo. You can assist the ministry by calling the OCN headquarters in Fort Lauderdale and working with an ever expanding national team of individuals to bring the program live to your area or to seek national sponsors for this new and innovative program. Call (954) 522-5567 for further information.
u Cited for valor
U.S. Under Secretary of Defense Edward Aldrich recently presented Harry Chelpon, a civilian employee of the Department of Defense its Medal of Valor for his actions in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack against the Pentagon. With-
HARRY CHELPON (L) with Under Secretary Edward Aldrich
out thought to his personal safety, he reentered the burning section of the Pentagon he had fled to retrieve first aid supplies to assist two U.S. Marine officers aiding a Navy officer who had suffered a severe cut to the head. Mr. Chelpon, a trained first-aid instructor, also helped three other injured persons and helped evacuate some of the injured from the burning building. He reentered the building twice to retrieve first-aid supplies. Mr. Chelpon is the son of retired priest Fr. Theodore H. Chelpon. He and his family are members of St. Katherine s Church in Falls Church, Va. From 1981-94, he served as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. He is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm and has won several awards and commendations.
Church Built by a Priest-Monk from Patmos
nlike the typical experience of most of this country s Greek Orthodox communities, which immigrants established after years of struggle, the church of Zoodochos Peghe (Life-Giving Fountain) resulted through the efforts of a monk pursuing his vision. While studying at the renowned seminary of St. John the Divine on Patmos in the early 1900s, Fr. Parthenios Kolonis fondest dream was to serve the Lord as a missionary. After completing his studies, Kolonis became a deacon to Patriarch Sofronios of Alexandria, but soon left for America to serve as a much-needed missionary.
Ohio. It is the oldest organized settlement in the state. Since the late 1980s, with the decline of the steel industry, it has become a smaller community (population about 7,500) and is no longer the industrial center it once was. Along with Wheeling, the community lies at the southern end of a crescentshaped, formerly industrial corridor taking in the upper Ohio Valley, bending around to Pittsburgh, and the Monongahela River valley in southwestern Pennsylvania. Steel, glassmaking, chemicals and coal mining had been the primary industries until the 1970s and 80s. Over the past 100 years, thousands of Greek immigrants established several churches throughout this region.
Greek Orthodox Church Location: Martins Ferry, Ohio Diocese: Pittsburgh Size: about 150 members Founded: 1921 Clergy: Fr. Menelaos Papageorgiou (Univ. of Athens Theological School 66) Noteworthy: Church originally
Drexel University President Constantine Papadakis recently presented the university s President s Medal to George D. Behrakis, of Tewksbury, Mass., a member of the Archdiocesan Council Executive Committee, at a formal dinner hosted in his honor on the occasion of the formal dedication of the George D. Behrakis Grand Hall. Among those attending were LeBow College of Business Dean George Tsetsekos and Senior Vice President for Student Life and Administrative Services Anthony Caneris.
Fr. Kolonis first assignment was to A difficult beginning establish a church in Milwaukee, Wis. Though Fr. Kolonis managed to comFrom there, he went to Wheeling, plete the building project, because of the W.Va., where he founded St. John the political situation in Greece that affected Divine Church. the Church here, it was nearly impossible In 1921, he ventured across the to get canonical recognition for his monOhio River to the small city of Martins astery, and equally difficult to attract men Ferry, where a small number of Greeks to take monastic vows. lived, to establish Zoodochos Peghe. But in 1929, Archbishop Alexander of He intended for the church to the young Archdiocese of North and South serve first as a monastery and, second, America granted recognition to the church as a parish church. Spending $7,000 of as the Monastery of his own money, Fr. Kolonis Zoodochos Peghe and purchased two lots at named Fr. Kolonis as 314-316 North Fifth abbot. Street. The priest-monk He borrowed died in 1933 and the money from a local dream of developing MARTINS FERRY bank to build the small the monastery ended, two-story church, but the church did serve which was completed the needs of the surin 1923 on the same site rounding Greek Orthodox where the present population. church now stands. After Fr. Kolonis death, paMeanwhile, most rishioners held a general assembly church services for the and authorized acting President small Greek community took place in Manousos Zourides to contact the Monasthe Hungarian hall while weddings and tery of Zoodochos Peghe in Patmos, the heir funerals were held at the local Roma- to the priest s estate, to acquire title to the nian Orthodox church. church. The Greek community agreed to assume the church s debt and sent the Rails and steel beckon Years earlier, around the turn of Patmos monastery $1,000 as full payment. Meanwhile, the community s next the century, Greek immigrants had settled in Martins Ferry and surround- priest, Fr. Christos Papalambrou, was asing towns to work on the railroads and signed to the parish. During these Depression years, interin the steel industry. The came mainly nal strife and economic instability plagued from Crete and Chios, and from other Aegean islands including Lipso and the parish until 1935 when Zoodochos Samos, and the Ionian islands of Peghe received its charter of incorporation from the state of Ohio. Cephalonia and Zakynthos. By the latter part of the decade, the Martins Ferry had its beginnings in community began to outgrow the small 1785, and is named for the Ohio River ferry operated by Ebenezer Martin that church and parishioners initiated a buildconnected what was then Virginia with ing fund drive, which for a long time had remained stagnant.
u NYU honoree
New York University s College of Arts and Sciences recently presented the Distinguished Alumni Award to George Safiol of Weston, Mass., a trustee of Hellenic College-Holy Cross and noted business leader and philanthropist. The award was presented to Mr. Safiol at Radio City Music Hall in recognition of his involvement with NYU.
u Eagle Scout Nicholas Theodore Papafil, son of Fr. and Mrs. Theodore Papafil of Norfolk, Va., was inducted as an Eagle Scout and presented with the Alpha Omega Religious Award in ceremonies held recently. Nicholas also is an altar boy at Annunciation Cathedral, vice president of GOYA and a member of the senior Greek Folk Dance troop.
A succession of priests Fr. Papalambrou served the community until 1942. Several priests fol-
Name: Zoodochos Peghe
was intended to be a monastery
E*Trade Chairman and CEO Christos Cotsakos recently was bestowed with an honorary Doctor of Business Administration degree by Drexel University President Constantine Papadakis at the school s 115 th commencement. In 2001, Mr. Cotsakos was a recipient of an honorary degree from Hellenic College-Holy Cross.
During the 1940s, the first generation of American born Greek Orthodox in Martins Ferry were taught Greek by Mrs. Angeliki Rose, who tirelessly also made the rounds to Yorkville and Bellaire to hold classes. Meanwhile, by 1950, the building fund had finally reached $50,000 and construction on a new church could finally begin. A parish committee traveled to Huntington, W.Va., to view the newly built St. George Church, which served as the model for the new (present) Zoodochos Peghe.
u Medal recipient
u Degree recipient
ZOODOCHOS PEGHE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH lowed over the next 25 years: Frs. Spyridon Coutros, who invigorated the building fund drive; George Papaloucas, who also served as Greek school teacher; Meletios Kestekides, the first to serve in the newly built church; George Gallas, the first American-born priest; Constantine Raptis, who worked closely with the youth; Frank Kirlangitis, who was ordained in the parish; Constantine Mager, an interim priest; and Emmanuel Z. Vasilakis, who initiated a remodeling project. Fr. Papageorgiou arrived in 1967, succeeding Fr. Vasilakis, and has continuously served the parish since then. Originally from Paphos, Cyprus, Fr. Papageorgiou, the son of a priest, had to quit high school to take care of a younger sister after his father died. He was ordained as a deacon in 1949 at the age of 22 by the local bishop, Cleopas. He had learned the basic duties and functions of a priest, and Byzantine chant, from his father. He went on to serve as diocese chancellor and as deacon to Archbishop Makarios. Prior to his ordination, Fr. Papageorgiou married the daughter of a priest, Erasmia Papaconstantinou, his presbytera of more than 50 years, who was introduced to him by Bishop Cleopas. Beginning in the 1950s, he served for 10 years at St. Nicholas Church in Kalithea, a neighborhood in Athens, and completed his theological studies at the University of Athens in 1966. That year, he was invited to come to the United States by Archbishop Iakovos. After a few months in Wichi-
u page 26
In Memoriam William Chirgotis, Great Benefactor William Chirgotis, 92, the New Jersey architect known as the great benefactor of St. Basil Academy, Sts. Constantine and Helen Church in Honolulu and other ministries of the Church, died July 26. Funeral services took place July 31 at St. Nicholas Church in Newark, N.J., with Fr. Nicholas Rafael II officiating. Burial took place in Fairview Cemetery. Mr. Chirgotis was born in Pireaus, Greece, in 1910 and immigrated to the United States in 1919 with his parents and settled in Newark, N.J. He attended Newark College of Engineering and the Pratt Institute School of Architecture in Brooklyn, N.Y., from which he graduated. He founded and published the National Home Planning Magazine, one of the largest home plan book services in the United States. Over the years, Mr. Chirgotis has provided generous support to St. Basil Academy, contributing about $2 million for various improvements. He built the present chapel at the academy, designed the AHEPA boys dormitory and completed the swimming pool and parking lot. In 1969, after a pastoral visit by Archbishop Iakovos to Honolulu, Mr. Chirgotis purchased a one-family home to serve as the church building. In 1988, he contributed $700,000 to purchase an existing Protestant church to serve the parish, and more than $300,000 to renovate the building for its consecration in 1990. In addition to his membership at Sts. Constantine and Helen Church, Mr. Chirgotis also was a member of St. Sophia Cathedral in Miami, and St. Nicholas Church in Newark, where he had served as parish council president. His long list of accomplishments include serving as chairman of the AHEPA
Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Committee, during which time he presented President Reagan with a check for $100,000 in 1983 for the Ellis Island project; designing the AHEPA Harry S. Truman plaza and statue erected in Athens, Greece, in 1963; donating a full-size statue of President Truman for the Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, Mo.; serving as chairman of the Harry S. Truman Foundation and contributing about $150,000 to the organization. In addition to serving on the St. Basil s board, Mr. Chirgotis was an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, member of the Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Endowment Fund, trustee of Hellenic College-Holy Cross School of Theology and a member of the Archdiocesan Council. Active for years in AHEPA, he served on its board as secretary, treasurer, supreme vice president, and as supreme president in 1974-75. He established a $500 scholarship for a qualified high school student for the George Chirgotis Chapter in Rockland County, N.Y., a similar trust fund in the AHEPA Fifth District and an AHEPA Athletic Award. His awards include the Boston Alpha Omega Council s Man of the Year in 1990, Silver Cross of Phoenix and Medal of Merit from the Greek government, honorary citizen of Athens, HANAC Man of the Year in 1988 and the AHEPA Educational Foundation Academy of Achievement Award for Engineering. Mr. Chirgotis was married to the former Jean Kapsimalis of Summit, N.J., who survives him, along with three daughters, Wilma Tranquilli, Annette Zotti, and Christine Theuerkauf; a sister, Carm Masters; nine grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.
Ellas Repanti, former St. Basil Principal Ellas Repanti, 55, principal of the Greek American Day School of St. Basil Academy for almost 20 years, died July 24 after a short fight with cancer. She was born in Mytilene, Greece and immigrated to the United States in 1966. She enrolled at the Teacher s College of St. Basil Academy and graduated in 1969. She was initially assigned as a teacher in St. Demetrios Greek-American School in Jamaica, NY. She held a B.A. degree from Adelphi University and a Master s degree from Columbia University s Teachers College.
She was also licensed from NY State. She served faithfully and with devotion the Archdiocese as principal of the Greek American Day School of St. Basil Academy from 1975 to 1996, with a short sabbatical in the early 80s to complete her studies. The last few years she lived in Florida where she continued to offer her services to a local parish. Funeral services were held at St. Demetrios Church, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Survivors include a brother in Florida and two nephews in Florida and New York.
Other Deaths Elpis Halkedis Kyriazes, first president of the Diocese of New Jersey Philoptochos died recently. She held a doctoral degree in education and was an administrator in the Philadelphia School District. She was past president of the local Philoptochos chapter at St. Demetrios Church in Upper Darby, Pa. She is survived by two sons, Arthur, an attorney, and John, a playwright. Both are Harvard graduates.
8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10021 Fax:(212) 774-0239 e-mail: observer@goarch.org
Steve M. Pahldes, 75, of West Chester, Pa., died July 4 at a local hospital. A restaurateur for 35 years, Mr. Pahldes was a member of St. George Church in Media, Pa., where he served as parish council president and building committee fund-raising chairman. He also was a former AHEPA chapter president and district governor. He had retired from business in 1984. Survivors include two daughters, four grandchildren and two sisters.
PARISH PROFILE u page 23 ta, Kans., he transferred to Martins Ferry. His parish takes in an area hundreds of square miles in southeastern Ohio, with some members living as far as Cambridge and Zanesville, a distance of 50 miles and 75 miles, respectively, west on Interstate 70; and in Coshocton and Somerset, both nearly 90 miles from Martins Ferry. Greek families also live in neighboring towns and villages, including Bellaire and Yorkville, once known as a Greek town. The parish still owns a hall in Yorkville, where Greek school classes were held years ago. At one time, there were seven Greek-owned coffee houses in the community.
Changing demographics A quarter-century ago, Fr. Papageorgiou s parish numbered more than 300 families. But the region s economy took a downturn in the 1980s and many families left, which had a great impact on the parish. Sunday School for example, had about 70 children; now there are 15. Years ago, the church s GOYA basketball teams won three consecutive championships. The priest would hold regular Greek school classes, one day a week each in Martins Ferry and the neighboring towns. Now he gives private lessons to only a few students. In the 1970s, the community purchased a parish home and a second parking lot across the street. Parishioners now are mostly second and third generation Americans of Greek descent. About 60 percent of the marriages are interchurch and services are 50 percent English and Greek. There are a few doctors and lawyers and others in business, and many retirees. There are no immigrants any more, said Fr. Papageorgiou. We fight to exist with the people who are here. Many of the younger adults have moved away in search of jobs, including his son and daughter.
As many as four psaltai chanted at the Divine Liturgy. Now there are none. A small but active choir sings at each service. There are also two Philoptochos chapters in two different cities Martins Ferry and the St. James chapter in Cambridge, and a small AHEPA chapter. A number of activities are held jointly with the sister parish of St. John the Divine in Wheeling. Fr. Papageorgiou spends much time in his most active weekday ministry hospital visitation, making the rounds to seven or eight hospitals each day. He also holds Bible studies.
Present situation The parish is too small to have a Greek festival, but has other income sources in addition to dues. The parish rents its hall to a driving school two nights a week and also rents its two large parking lots on Fifth Street to a dairy located next door and a nearby hospital. The Philoptochos has bake sales before Easter and around Thanksgiving that also bring in revenue, along with a community picnic and dinners. The church has a part-time secretary, but Fr. Papageorgiou gets much of his assistance from Presbytera Erasmia, who manages the kitchen, (at the church during various baking projects), as well as helping with other areas of his ministry. The priest said the current parishioners strongly support the church financially and keep the building in good condition. Though he is of retirement age, Fr. Papageorgiou said he doesn t even consider retirement because they need me. If I mention it, there is a revolution! Even when he takes a month-long vacation, his devoted parishioners won t accept a substitute priest. I love them, he said of his flock. I call my community a family community. compiled by Jim Golding
DRE CATALOG u page 7
torical Festival materials, and more. The catalog is easy to use with a clear Table of Contents and an alphabetical Index of all the titles. The multimedia offerings have been expanded by the addition of several iconographic CDs and magnificent interactive CD-ROMs such as the newly released interactive, educational CD-ROM, The Ecumenical Patriarchate, to help Orthodox Christians better understand the historical, theological, and ecclesiological aspects of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The CDROM, which was sponsored by the Order of Saint Andrew and unveiled at the recent Clergy-Laity Congress, includes video clips of Patriarch Bartholomew, a comprehensive menu of past Ecumenical Patri-
FAMILY CARE u page 12 Children have an amazing capacity to understand within their own realm of capability. Is there anything more meaningful in life than to help a child and give that child the opportunity for a healthy, wholesome, Orthodox life. How do you explain death to a child? 1. Create a caring nurturing environment. 2. Be honest, if you don t know say so. 3. Be open to answer questions. 4. Embrace your child. 5. Remember, Jesus loves us. Fr. Sitaras is executive director of St. Basil Academy, a home for Orthodox Children in need for more than 55 years.
archs which, when activated, will hyperlink to their respective biographies, activities and their theological achievements. In addition to a virtual reality tour of the Patriarchal chapel, a list of the past and present Archons of the Order of Saint Andrew with short biographies is included. Other CD-ROM products developed by the DRE includes: The Royal Road: An instructional journey through the Triodion and, Put on Christ: An interactive examination of Holy Baptism. The new Catechetical Resource Guide may be viewed on-line at www.religioused.goarch.org or you may obtain a complimentary copy by contacting the Department of Religious Education at 800-566-1088.
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THE ORTHODOX OBSERVER observer@goarch.org Tel (212) 570-3555 Fax (212) 774-0239
The Voice of Message from Outgoing President Condakes My Beloved Sisters in Christ, peace fill our hearts, which have been Four years ago, I was both honored wounded by recent tragedies, through the and humbled to be appointed as your knowledge that at all times and in every National President. It was an honor I situation God is with us. promised to preciously guard and work Because this will be my last convenvery hard to deserve. tion as National Philoptochos President, With great humility then, and heeding St. Paul s exhortaI pledged to you my fervent tion to be thankful , I would commitment to work with you like to take this opportunity to to move our society forward express the deep debt of gratiwith the Church as our steadtude which I owe to so many. I fast beacon. I promised to thank God for the opportunity serve with every ounce of into have served as president of tegrity, dedication, and purity this most worthy ministry, and demanded by this great honor for His many gifts throughout bestowed upon me. With the the course of my presidency; humility of a servant of our how often have I felt His invisbeloved Church and a newly ible hand strengthening and appointed officer of this imupholding me. I am grateful to EVE CONDAKES pressive Board, I pleaded with His Eminence, the former Archyou, with my hand extended, bishop Spyridon, for appointfor your support and assistance in the ment me. I am grateful to His Eminence work we had before us. Archbishop Demetrios for re-appointing You my beloved sisters around the me and to the members of the Eparchal country, in your chapters and in your dio- Synod for their support and guidance. cese responded with love, dedication, A very special warm thank you to His devotion and faith. You honored every Eminence Metropolitan Anthony for gracommitment of our Holy Archdiocese. ciously consenting to host the Clergy LaAnd I with heartfelt gratitude can an- ity Congress and Philoptochos Convention swer with a certainty and with passion that: in the Diocese of San Francisco, especially We the women of Philoptochos have during these trying times. stayed the course! I thank the members of the National We have kept our commitments! Board as well as the presidents and boards We have maintained our focus and of the diocesan Philoptochos chapters, for remembered our mission! their diligent labors in making our Ladies We have fulfilled our every moral and Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Sofinancial obligation! ciety the powerful force for good that it is, We have preserved the sacred trust in our Archdiocese and in our nation. that has been bestowed upon us! In closing let us confirm the words of And in everything, we have exercised His All Holiness, our beloved Patriarch utmost fiscal responsibility and account- Bartholomew Our faith is love our ability. message is strong and our truth is uniSt. Paul s call to Let the peace of versal! Christ rule in (our) hearts also seems Thank you and may God bless us all. particularly appropriate at this time in light With profound love in Christ, of recent events. When our Lord appeared Your loving sister in Christ, to the disciples after the Resurrection. His first words were Peace to you . May His Eve Condakes
Chapter Fund-raiser Held for Foster Children LAS VEGAS Everyday is a Make A Difference Day for the Philoptochos of St. John s Greek Orthodox Church. The annual event for the Trinity Foster Children was attended by 43 children and their foster parents. by Pearl Osborn
Everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner, karaoke and a demonstration of Tai Kwon Do by six of the children. All 43 happy and excited children went home with candy, teddy bears and Wal Mart gift certificates for a shopping spree. As part of their social services members stock the Sartini Senior Center Food Ban ..donate and CAT bus tokens since most of the senior citizens living at Sartini Plaza are on Welfare. Members also donate books to the Jump Start Library, support the Kids N Cancer, the Clark County Schools Community Partnership Program by donating Payless shoe vouchers and socks to needy
Benefit Children’s Clinic DANBURY, Conn. Assumption Church Philoptochos raised $1,200 to benefit the Hanahoe Children s Clinic, a local facility that benefits low-income families. Chapter representatives presented a check for the amount to the physician in charge of the clinic. The fund-raiser was held in conjunction with the AHEPA chapter.
children. Through their Good Samaritan Program members visit patients in nursing homes who are all alone and have no one to visit them. In the past members have donated blankets, towels, Smiths food gift certificates and CAT bus tokens to the Howard Cannon Senior Center and also help feed the homeless. Proceeds from fund raisers benefit various organizations. Pearl Osborn is a chapter board member and publicity chairman
Parish Jubilee in San Diego SAN DIEGO Commemorating their Diamond Jubilee celebration, St. Spyridon Church and the Philoptochos Society Anthousa held a fashion show recently with the theme 75 years of fashion. The event, held in May, was the first in a series of activities to celebrate this momentous occasion of our church. Traditional Greek costumes and fashion apparel from the past 75 years were modeled by members of the community. Beautiful costumes from Mauriki,Corfu, from a Macedonian town of Naoussa, and a great-grandmother s wedding dress from Afidnai, Attiki, around the year 1850. About 450 persons attended this event. Katy Vagelatos served as chairman. Co-chair was Christine Trompas. Chapter president is Julie Karagianides.
GIFT TO HOSPITAL – Stella Capiris (right), presents a check for $25,000 for the Memorial SloanKettering Pediatric Cancer Fund to Archbishop Demetrios and Department of Pediatrics Administrator Nina Pickett in August.
Philoptochos Donates More Than $500,000 at Convention LOS ANGELES The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society convened for the 36th Biennial Convention June 30 July 4, with 345 delegates registered. National President Eve Condakes stated that Philoptochos revenues over the past four years had grown to a record number. The convention disbursed $470,000 to Philoptochos ministries, including $220,000 to 10 hospitals throughout the United States. The other donations were as follows: St. Photios Shrine - $30,000; St. Basil Academy - $25,000; Hellenic College Holy Cross Scholarship Fund- $51,000; Archdiocesan Missions - $60,000; IOCC $30,000; Support a Mission Priest $15,000; UNICEF - $25,000; Kyklos Circle of Glory - $10,000; September 11th Relief Fund - $29,600. The convention opened with National President Eve Condakes report in which she told the delegates that, due to their unceasing efforts, generosity and strength, over the past four years more than $5 million has been collected and more than $3½ million has been dispersed to worthy causes. Susan Regos, the 2001 Children s Medical Fund chairman, announced that last year s successful luncheon yielded a $211,528 profit, of which $190,000 has been donated to various hospitals to be used for sick children, primarily Orthodox. Philoptochos Chapter Awards winners were announced in eight different categories. The accounting firm of Grant Thornton found that the National Philoptochos financial statements were in excellent order and commended Philoptochos for its diligence in maintaining its books. Delegates passed budgets for 2003-2004.
An informative presentation on Women, Our Church & Contemporary America was offered by Catherine Lingas, president of the San Francisco Diocese Commission for Orthodox Missions and Evangelism. She urged the delegates to further the faith through their chapters and members. Four workshops were held on topics suggested by chapters in response to a survey. These workshops gave the delegates the opportunity to discuss the following areas of concern: how to increase membership and attract younger women, smoother transitions between outgoing and incoming officers, event planning ideas and ways to improve meetings. Delegates recommended that more workshops be offered at the next convention. Representatives from Project Mexico/ St. Innocent Orphanage discussed their experiences and presented a video on the Orthodox Christian Fellowship Campus Ministries. Fr. Nicholas Triantafilou, president of Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology thanked Philoptochos for being a major benefactor of HC/HC since its inception and presented a video of recent school progress. Dr. George Panagiotides, a cardiothorasic surgeon, offered a special program on detecting heart disease. Delegates also heard a presentation on Camp Agape Kids n Cancer Program, a vital ministry of the San Francisco Diocese. Each diocese representatives received a kit, including a video, on starting a Kids n Cancer Program. A convention highlight was the presentation of $220,000 to 10 hospitals in the United States.
National Board Honors Chapter Projects Philoptochos chapters have outdone themselves this year in their parish and community service. Each Convention year, the National Board honors chapters through its National Awards program. In the most innovative and timely project, Operation: Koulouraki, submitted by ladies of Athena Society of St. George, in Fresno, Calif., sent the recipe and 15,000 koulourakia to the chefs of the USS Carl Vinson, the ship in the Indian Ocean from where our troops rotate to Afghanistan.
Especially heartwarming were the quilts for Aids babies sewn by two chapters for outreach projects. Other projects ranged from a support group for the loss of loved ones to a group helping by transporting pediatric oncology patients. Fundraisers included the debutante ball in Los Angeles and the manufacture of throw rugs to be sold at weekly boutiques, an art show and even a wine-tasting reception. Special projects included the publishing of a book called the Spirit of Ascension, which was used as a fundraiser.
Dr. Kimon A. Legakis
Athens University Law SchoolUMaster of Law, Harvard Law School Doctor of Law, Greece UCertificate of International Law, Hague Academy of Int l Law
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Youth Ministry
What s Up
by Bus Constantine Lazarakis
When the class bell rings, these rumors travel like wildfire through the hallways. Promises are made and hearts are broken. Boys and girls tell stories about their relationships; how far they ve gone and with who. These are tough years with many pressures. There is pressure to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and if you are in a relationship, there is a whole new set of pressures. Our bodies are taking on a new shape and starting to have new feelings. Messages sent by the media mixed with our Orthodox Christian beliefs can leave anyone
feeling confused about sexuality. So, what does the Church say about premarital sex? How far is to far? How can I tell my boyfriend or girlfriend no? These are valid questions that can be answered by one bigger question; how can a person live in today s world and remain sexually pure? Here are some thought on how to approach sexuality as an Orthodox Christian: Keep Christ at the center! If we use Christ as the model, we are more likely to make wise decisions. Daily spiritual discipline can strengthen us and clarify our limits. Read scripture. Pray every day. Learn the lives of the saints. Put things in your environment that will remind you of your Christian identity. Carry and Icon in your wallet. Write a quotation from Challenge is the Youth & Young Adult Ministries supplement to the Orthodox Observer. Articles reflect the opinion of the writers. Write to: Youth & Young Adult Ministries, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 83 St. Basil Rd., Garrison, New York 10524 or email: youthoffice@goarch.org
Email: youthoffice@goarch.org
with Sexuality?
High school and junior high schools are full of thoughts and rumors about dating and sexuality. Who s dating whom? Who broke up with whom? Who s doing what with whom?
scripture in places where you alone can see it, but where you will see it often. Say little prayers as you go about your day. Check your intentions! A Christian attitude toward sexuality begins with what is in our hearts and our minds. So, how far is too far? If you are holding hands and you are thinking, Maybe I will get lucky tonight, then you have gone too far already. We need to look carefully at our intentions. When we begin to look at others as a way to satisfy our own desires, we are already in spiritual trouble. Think consequences! Premarital sex and many of the acts that lead to it can result in pregnancy and disease. Abstinence is the only safe option. There are emotional and spiritual consequences to consider as well. Most high school relationships end in breakup. How much more painful will a break up be if the couple has shared physical intimacy. Orthodox Christianity prescribes sexual intimacy for people who are married in nurturing relationships of Christian love. That is something to seek and wait for. Have a plan and make it known! Talk to your priest, your parents, or a trusted adult who is well rooted in the Christian life, and know where your limits are. Also, talk with friends who have similar standards and goals. Support one another in conversation and in prayer. If you go on a date, or are with someone who wants to be intimate with you, speak up. You can say no. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. You have every right to protect it. Challenge the norm! Magazines, movies, television, and the rest of the media will tell you that it is healthy and normal to be sexually active before marriage. They are full of sexual and provocative images. What is the motivation behind these messages? Remember, the media rarely has your best interest in mind. Be an individual and do what s best for your spiritual well being! Repentance is the way to salvation! Remember, growing up is a long road and we all make mistakes. It is never too late to enter the Christian struggle. Confess in your personal prayers and with your priest. The Christian life is one in which we fall down and get back up. The only time that hope is completely lost is when we refuse to get back up.
Session: Sex in youth culture images and messages Purpose: To get teens to realize the messages about sex, sexual activity, and sexual self-images found in magazine articles and advertisements for the most part do not impart a healthy attitude toward the self and sex. To gain a better understanding of the Orthodox Christian view of sex, sexuality, and how it relates to the individual. by Nick Ketosis
Materials: Magazines such as Your Prom, Cosmo Girl, YM, Glamour, Allure, Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Maxim, etc., paper, pencils. Set-Up: A few days before the retreat, flip through the magazines and pay careful attention to the ads. Undoubtedly, you will find many ads that sell their product simply through sexual representation. Also, pay close attention to the number of ads with sexual content that are intended to sell alcohol. Cut out the applicable ads, make copies of them, and staple them together. You should try to get about 8-10 ads. Project: When the kids are ready, split them into groups of four or five. Give each group a packet of ads, some paper and some pencils. Give them 15-20 minutes to look at the ads and to answer the following questions: What is the first thing you notice in this ad? What are your first thoughts? What is the main object or focal point of this ad? What is this ad trying to sell? Is this ad trying to convey a message? If so, what is the message? What does this ad say to you? What does this ad say about sexuality? About our society? About you? Is there a moral message to this ad? Is there an immoral message in the ad? If so, what are they? After 15 or 20 minutes is up, bring all the groups together and ask them how they responded to the questions asked about each ad. Let them share their views for another 15-20 minutes. This may also be a good project for the adults to do, however, we would suggest that adults participate in this activity in another room to make the kids feel more comfortable to speak openly and candidly. Read aloud: Then the Lord said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him a helper fit for him So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife. And they become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed. (Gen. 2:18-25) What does this passage tell us about the creation of man and woman and about their relationship to each other? What does it tell us about marriage and sex? Why or why not? Can a sexual relationship between a husband and wife be considered holy? Can a sexual relationship between a non-married couple be considered holy? Why or why not? Read aloud: Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her: for the two, he says, shall be-
come one flesh. But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Who is in you, Who you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God s. (1 Cor. 6:13-20) How are our bodies members of Christ? How does someone who commits sexual immorality sin against his own body? What does it mean that we are not [our] own? What is the significance of the passage for you were bought at a price with regard to sexuality? How do these passages relate to the magazine project? What image of sexuality are the ads displaying? What image of sexuality does the Church want us to imitate? What do the articles tell us about our society s values? Does the Church have a different set of values? What are the main differences between the attitudes of sexuality in the articles with the attitudes of sexuality that the Orthodox Church holds? Wrap-up: As St. Paul says, we are not our own, for we were bought at a price. This is particularly important when we think about sexual relationships. Sex is good and holy when practiced within the holy state of marriage and when both the husband and wife understand that their sexual relationship is part of a deeper relationship between themselves (as husband and wife) and between themselves as a united flesh and God. It is very important that we distinguish our Orthodox Christian understanding of sexuality and the understanding of sexuality that appears in the media (as we explored in the magazine project). Since each of our bodies is the temple of the Holy Spirit, it must be treated as we would treat an icon, the Holy Altar, and even Holy Communion. The cheapening of our bodies, as is often expressed through sexuality in advertisements, music, TV shows, etc., is completely opposite of the Orthodox Christian understanding of the sanctity of our bodies. Furthermore, realizing the sanctity of our own bodies (as individuals) should help us to understand the sanctity of everyone else s body, so that we do not make others objects of our own lust. Prayer: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. O Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, Who became man and graced us with the beauty of Your life and with the example of faith, purity, and love; help me, I pray, to love You with all my mind, heart, and soul, and to live according to Your teachings. Strengthen me when temptations strike, that I may remain pure in thought and steadfast in virtue, doing such things as are pleasing to You. Grant me faith, courage, and love, that I may serve You in holiness all the days of my life, through the prayers of the Theotokos and of all the Saints. Amen.
Teen Video Series: Sexual Purity
The Archdiocese Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries is pleased to announce the release of the second installment of the Orthodox Teen Video Series. This video, Sexual Purity: Purity of Mind, Body, and Soul addresses the topic of teen sexuality from an Orthodox perspective. In an increasingly promiscuous society this video, along with the accompanying resource manual, serves as an invaluable tool that will help our Orthodox young people deal with this difficult subject. To order your copy, contact the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at 212-570-3561
Spanos Gives Zoullas Memorial Historical Project Launched in Michigan Community Lecture at Southampton Church SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. More than 300 persons turned out to hear philanthropist and business leader Alex G. Spanos, who recently published his autobiography, Sharing the Wealth, deliver the third annual Sophocles N. and Louisa S. Zoullas Memorial Hellenic Lecture at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons on July 27.
Mr. Spanos, of Stockton, Calif., began his career as a $35-a-week baker in his father s business in the late 1940s. He launched his own business in 1951 with an $800 loan, selling sandwiches to migrant farm workers. With his wife, Faye, by his side, he transformed the enterprise into a highly successful catering business, before moving on to real estate investment and acquisition and then into development of commercial property, becoming one of the most successful developers in the United States. A.G. Spanos Construction Company has built more that 60,000 apartment units and other buildings across the United States. But of even greater importance to the entrepreneur has been his family values and Greek Orthodox faith. An Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, former president of the Archdiocesan Council and member of Leadership 100, he was instrumental in establishing the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif.
Over the years, he has been a generous supporter of his home parish in Stockton, St. Basil Church, as well as of Annunciation Church in Modesto, Calif. Far more than a philanthropist, Spanos became close to several U.S Presidents, a ready advocate for issues of critical importance to the Greek American community and his beloved Orthodox Church. He enjoys special relationships with former President George H.W. Bush and the current President George W. Bush. An avid sportsman, he is a top-ranked amateur golfer, having played in tournaments around the world with his friend of more than 20 years, the beloved American performer Bob Hope. Since 1984, he has been the owner of the NFL San Diego Chargers pro football team, which in 1995 went to the Super Bowl for the first time in franchise history. As he states in Sharing the Wealth, I believe I have a sacred duty to share my good fortune with my church, my community, my fellow Greek Americans and my family Giving just does my heart good. Fr. Alex Karloutsos, executive director of Leadership 100 and pastor of Kimisis Tis Theotokou, said of his long-time friend, Alex s story is the story of every Greek American who seeks to reach beyond the stars. And now the stars are in his hands. God bless Alex Spanos and his family. The event is part of the Sophocles N. and Louisa S. Zoullas Memorial Lectures of the Hamptons established by Nicholas S. Zoullas in memory of his parents, a prominent Greek business family who emigrated in 1947 from Greece after suffering through the German occupation and the Greek Civil War, according to Fr. Karloutsos. The Zoullas family quickly devoted themselves to the welfare of the Greek community and the Greek Orthodox Church in their adopted land and was instrumental in the founding of St. Michael s Home for the Aged in Yonkers, N.Y. The Ecumenical Patriarch, and the American, Swiss, British, French and Israeli governments also honored them for their philanthropic works.
Families Organized Fund-raiser for Heart Ass’n IGNACIO, Calif. A community fund-raiser at Nativity of Christ Church recently netted more than $17,500 for the American Heart Association through the efforts of two families, members of the Ignacio parish, who organized a 10K bikea-thon/5K walk-a-thon event. Held June 22, 80 participants from the Bay Area Greek Orthodox community answered the call of the families of Vasilis and Effie Fourakis of Corte Madera and Pete and Dina Stathis of Novato to raise money. Both families have little girls with serious heart defects. Isabella Stathis was born last August with pulmonary atresia, a condition in which blood does not flow properly from the heart to the lungs. Isabella underwent open-heart surgery when she was one week old, and a conduit was placed in her heart so she could receive oxygenated blood to her lungs. She celebrated her first birthday in August. Elektra Fourakis was born in 1997, also with pulmonary atresia and a hole in her heart. Open-heart surgery at 3 months old,
surgery on her pulmonary arteries at 9 months old and six cardiac catheterizations have helped to relieve the cyanosis or blueness that Elektra had due to poor blood flow. Today four-year-old Elektra is a student at Marindale School in San Rafael. She enjoys swimming, bike riding and Greek dancing with the Minoan Dancers, a prize-winning Greek dance troupe sponsored by the Nativity of Christ Church. Future surgeries are necessary to repair the hole in her heart. At least eight out of every 1,000 babies born each year are born with a heart defect. Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect and the number one cause of death from birth defects during the first year of life. Two years ago, 10-year-old Achilleas Foukaris and his parents organized a similar event in honor of Elektra, which raised over $6,000 for the American Heart Association to be used for heart research, education and community service programs. Eighty percent of the American Heart Association s funds go directly to research.
BERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich. The Berrien County Historical Association (BCHA), in partnership with Annunciation and St. Paraskevi Church in New Buffalo, Michigan, Columbia College in Chicago, Andrews University in Berrien Springs, and other organizations, is researching the settlement patterns and history of the Greeks who resided or vacationed in Berrien County. The BCHA has received $12,000 through the Michigan Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National Endowment of the Humanities for this project, The Greeks of Berrien County, Michigan. During the first year the BCHA will conduct research, collect photos and artifacts, present three programs to discuss the results, and print a small publication regarding the Greeks of Berrien County. Elaine Thomopoulos, Ph.D., editor of the Greek Women University Club s book, Greek-American Pioneer Women of Illinois, and Leo Goodsell, executive of the Berrien County Historical Association, are co-project directors of the project. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with this project, or has resided in Berrien County (southwestern Michigan) or vacationed there and would like to be interviewed should call the BCHA at (269) 471-1202. On June 27, Annunciation and St. Paraskevi Church of New Buffalo hosted a training session for volunteers who were interested in conducting oral histories or assisting with the research. Erin McCarthy, Ph.D., of Columbia College in Chicago, trained 16 enthusiastic volunteers.
Andrew Anthony Records Song Commemorating 9/11 BALTIMORE As a tribute to the victims and heroes of the Sept. 11 tragedy, Andrew Anthony, youth director at Annunciation Cathedral and a recording artist with numerous Orthodox Christian and secular music titles to his credit, has recently completed an original work We Will Always Remember. Mr. Anthony has been singing professionally for many years. He is well known in Australia, but is still relatively unknown in the United States. He has traveled extensively throughout the U.S. performing and sharing a message of hope, having a profound love for people. He records under the Sky-Fi Music label, headed by John Daskalakis Jr. The Children s Chorus of Maryland added their voices to the project as background to Mr. Anthony. An anonymous great benefactor of the Greek Orthodox Church has donated a Compact Disc of the song for each of the families who have suffered most from this tragic event. As an artist I was compelled to finish this recording project and as a father I am compelled to encourage the spirit of vigilance and patriotism that immediately followed 9/11 in the hope that it reinforces your resolve to global justice and the human principals that Americans have died to protect, Mr. Anthony said. When I wrote the song I never dreamed that it would go this far and I am truly blessed to be a part of it. Mr. Anthony is an Australian Greek Orthodox Christian, married and the father of two children.
Another volunteer session, which welcomes non-Greeks as well as Greeks, was scheduled for September. The Greeks began arriving in Berrien County in the 1910s and 1920s. The BCHA will do research from that time period to the present. The research includes: the early immigrants who settled in the county, their children and grandchildren, the more recent immigrants and their children who came after World War II, the Greeks who bought second homes, and those who came to the resorts in the summer as a respite from crowded Chicago. Researchers will conduct oral histories and examine city directories, census data, immigration and naturalization records, probate records, city, township, and county records, and archival material from museums, libraries, the Greek Orthodox Church and Greek organizations. Photographs and artifacts will be collected and deposited at the Berrien County Museum, for possible use in an exhibit. The success of this project is due to the involvement of volunteers, who will conduct oral histories and assist with the research under the direction of Leo Goodsell and Dr. Thomopoulos. Important is the participation of Annunciation and St. Paraskevi, under the leadership of Fr. Basil Stamas and parish council President Ted Kerhoulas. The BCHA has as volunteer consultants and advisors the following distinguished scholars: Dr. Artemis Leontis, adjunct professor and coordinator of modern Greek, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor; Rev. James Bogdan, priest, Ph. D. candidate, and instructor and chair of the Division of Social Sciences at Grand Rapids Community College; Gordon Olson, city historian, Grand Rapids Public Library; Steve Frangos, author/editor of books and articles about the GreekAmerican experience; Paul Chardoul, historical consultant and past project director of The Greeks in Grand Rapids Project, Pearl Kastran Ahnen, author of Legends and Legacies (the Greeks in Ann Arbor, Michigan), Dr. Charles Moskos, professor of sociology at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., and author of Greek Americans: Struggle and Success and Dr. George Kouvertaris, professor of sociology at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Ill., and author/editor of books and articles about the Greek-American experience.
Vacation Bible CampTakes Place in Boca Raton BOCA RATON, Fla. Forty children recently enjoyed a week long Vacation Bible Camp at St. Mark. Fr. Gregory Waynick, assisted by twenty adult and teenage volunteers, let the children in a variety of activities centered on the theme, Brave Believers. Children ages 3 to 11 learned of the faith and courage of Old Testament saints such as Samuel, Rahab, Miriam, Elijah, and the three young men who faced death in the fiery furnace. Music, art, games, videos, and even food were among the tools used to make these stories come alive for the children and to encourage their own growing faith in God. The fun and learning concluded on Friday with a pizza party and song performance for the parents.
Philadelphia Senior Citizens Facility Honors Archbishop Iakovos
Orthodox Observer CHURCH FEAST DAY Bishop Savas of Troas blesses the loaves at the celebration of the Feast Day Liturgy of Kimisis Tis Theotokou Church in Southampton, N.Y., Aug. 15. Assisting him is Fr. Alexander Karloutsos, the community’s pastor. The bishop also presided at the previous evening’s Vespers service, which was attended by nearly a dozen clergy. The Aug. 15 service was standing-room-only and the hundreds in attendance enjoyed a splendid fellowship hour afterward.
Annunciation in Milwaukee to Build New Cultural Center WAUWATOSA, Wis.- Members of Annunciation Church and local dignitaries joined July 21 to break ground for the church s new cultural center, located just west of the church in Wauwatosa, a Milwaukee suburb. After the Divine Liturgy, Fr. James Dokos, protopresbyter, led a procession to the cultural center s site to begin ceremonies. Master of ceremonies Evan Zeppos welcomed guests and introduced various dignitaries, including Fr. Michael Constantinides, major beneficiary James Pihos, parish council President Matt Taras, Building Committee Chairman John Galanis, parish member Elaine Pagedas and 12year-old member Alex Wieseler.
The new facility will include an educational wing that will provide space for Sunday school classes, Greek school courses and other religious studies. A banquet hall and gym, along with a chapel and meditation room, will allow for receptions, luncheons, cultural offerings and religious services. Various senior programs, community activities and an Orthodox day care center will also be offered, and the building will include a library, student classrooms and a large meeting room. The center s design will complement the 1956 Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Church. Architect Steven P. Papadatos of New York and his award-winning firm, designed the state of the art facility.
Virginia Church Establishes Mission Program NEWPORT NEWS, Va. Sts. Constantine and Helen Church recently formed a missions committee to involve their congregation in spreading the Gospel through witness and service locally, nationally, and internationally. With the intent to ease human suffering a number of projects have been planned for the year, the first project of which was during Great Lent. More than 200 boxes of over-thecounter medications and other health items were donated by parishioners to be distributed to the poor of Honduras. The committee plans to make this an annual event. This project was undertaken in conjunction with Med-Link, an organization whose primary purpose is to collect used medical equipment and sends it to poor Central and South American countries. The committee will participate in other Med-Link projects such as canes, crutches, and etc. from the community, also going outside parish to collect from hospitals and doctors offices discarded heavy medical equipment. On June 9, Fr. George Chioros blessed the items, which were then presented to Med-Link representatives. The following Saturday, a physician took the medications to Honduras to clinics serving the poor. During Vacation Bible School, chil-
dren of Sts. Constantine and Helen also participated in Med-Link s Bag it for a Kid project in which they brought soap, toothbrushes, pencils, school supplies, small toys and games, with the missions committee providing $100 worth of additional items. On the last day of VBS the children filled 40 two-gallon plastic bags with all the items collected. On Aug. 18, the committee presented a $5,000 check to the Peninsula Chapter of Habitat for Humanity to help finance the building of a home in Newport News. The project is part of the Building on Faith, Habitat for Humanity International s annual week to emphasize partnerships and faith. Churches around the world join together during the second week of September to pray for those inadequately housed and to build homes with families in need of shelter. The committee has chosen the Ichthys symbol as its official logo. To cover minor operating expenses, the committee sells small wooden handmade plaques with attached cards explaining the history and background of this Christian symbol of a fish. To help in the pursuit of finding new ways to achieve these goals, speakers from various ministries are invited to educate and inform the members at monthly meetings.
PHILADELPHIA The Hellenic community has honored Archbishop Iakovos at an official groundbreaking ceremony for a new 39 unit senior citizen residential complex named in his honor. Archbishop Iakovos Gardens is an addition to the current Patriarch Athenagoras Manor, a 95-unit complex for seniors behind St. George Cathedral at 8th and Spruce streets. Archbishop Iakovos cut the ribbon at the Sept. 29 ceremony. The Archbishop, retired head of the Archdiocese of North and South America, has a long and storied affiliation with the historic cathedral. Although the building was initially built as an Episcopal church in 1822, its Greek revival architectural style made it the perfect site for the establishment of a Greek Orthodox church. The liturgy was held on the feast day of the church s patron saint, St. George, in 1922. Twenty years later, a young archimandrite, the Very Rev. Iakovos Coucouzis, participated in services at the cathedral attended by exiled King George of Greece. Throughout the years, Archbishop Iakovos continued to contribute to the Cathedral s history.
-In 1971, he designated St. George as the official Cathedral of Philadelphia. -In 1976, he presided at the Bicentennial Clergy-Laity Congress headquartered at the Cathedral. -In 1977, he-directed the opening of the Patriarch Athenagoras Manor. -In 1984, he celebrated the 25th anniversary of his enthronement as archbishop at the cathedral. -In 1987, he-participated in the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, conducted at the Cathedral. -In 1992, he returned for a reunion with Sunday School members he had met during his very first visit to the cathedral, 50 years earlier. At 91, Archbishop Iakovos remains a much-loved and notable figure for all Greek-Americans, and especially those in the Philadelphia area. His participation in the groundbreaking ceremony of Archbishop Iakovos Gardens is meant to not only honor a man beloved by those he served, but to commemorate more than 60 years of selfless service to his church, his adopted country and his culture.
Rhode Island Church Summer Camp Marks Holds Film Festival 50th Anniversary DETROIT The Diocese of Detroit Summer Camp is celebrating its Golden Anniversary, after completing its 50th season at the Rose City, Mich. facility this past summer. The Diocesan Camp Committee has planned a 50th anniversary dinner dance for Nov. 2 at St. Nicholas Church in Troy, Mich. Honorary chairmen include Bishop Nicholas, and Frs. Nicholas Harbatis and Stratton Dorozenski. For more information, visit the camp website (www.detroit.goarch.org/ddsc) or contact Jim Bakalis at (248) 269-9130.
75th Anniversary for San Diego Parish SAN DIEGO St. Spyridon Church recently launched its 75th anniversary celebration with several observances taking place through October. On Sept. 15, a cultural event, Celebrating Orthodoxy features folk art of the cultural diversity of Orthodox Christianity in song and dance. Fr. John Kariotakis led a procession of Orthodox priests who took part in a common prayer. A torch relay and a dessert reception also are scheduled. A Taste of Greece event was held Sept. 28 featuring traditional Greek dishes prepared by several Greek chefs. A Hellenic Fairways Golf Tournament with Metropolitan Anthony participating will be held Oct. 11. Archbishop Demetrios will participate in weekend events Oct. 12-13, including an open dialogue with young people of the parish, a pan Orthodox event with Metropolitan Anthony, a banquet and ball with both hierarchs and Mayor Dick Murphy, past parish priests and other dignitaries, and a Hierarchal Liturgy followed by a reunion and barbecue. The community, founded in 1927, has grown to 670 families.
NEWPORT, R.I. St. Spyridon Church held its second annual film festival on July 13 which drew several hundred adults and children from Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut. The amateur videos were prepared on VHS format and were between five and 20 minutes long. There were two categories: Children under age 18, and all others that comprised the senior division. Films were screened by a panel of judges consisting of Janet Buckner, Deacon Markos Nikolas, both of Annunciation Church in Cranston; and Joanne Cadenazzi of St. Spyridon, Newport. Prizes for 2002 were awarded to three places in each of the two categories. The event included a free luncheon and a free two-hour sail in Narragansett Bay. Junior Division winners were as follows: First place: Easter Feast, by Angela and Anastasia Triandafillou, St. Sophia Church, New London, Conn. Second place: My Trip to Greece, by Thanasi and Yanni Pantazelos, St. Vasilios, Peabody, Mass. Third: The Parable of the Rich Man, by John Canale, James Canale, James Mellekas and Nicholas Mellekas, St. Spyridon, Newport, R.I. Honorable mention: Our Trip to a Monastery, by Nikoletta, Andreas, Dimitri and Sophia Evangelatos, St. Spyridon, Newport, R.I. Senior Division First place: What Wondrous Love: The Story of St. Innocent s Academy, by Andrew Kalford, Holy Resurrection Church, Allston, Mass. Second: Holy Week by Panagiotis Trikoulis, Annunciation Church, Cranston, R.I. Third: Easter Red Egg Dyeing at St. Spyridon s Church, by Evie Spiratos, St. Spyridon, Newport, R.I. Honorable Mention: Baptism by Anthony Spiratos, St. Spyridon, Newport, R.I.
One Year Memorial 1. His Eminence at the Ground Zero memorial 2. Families of victims attend a memorial service 3. Archbishop stands near the crossshaped steel girders that remained after the collapse of the towers. 4. Parishioners of St. Nicholas Church receive the blessings of His Eminence at a memorial service Sept. 14. 5. Circle of Honor at Ground Zero during memorial service on Sept. 11. 6. Officials of the Greek and Cypriot governments attend the Sept. 14 memorial at the site where St. Nicholas Church stood. 7. Foreign Minister George Papandreou consoles a family member of one of the victims of Sept. 11. 8. Archbishop with dignitaries at Ground Zero, including Capt. John Cassimatis of the Port Authority Police, who personally rescued several persons from one of the Twin Towers as it was burning.
Dimitrios Panagos photos, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 GOA photos, 1, 5, 8 7