TO CONNECT WITH THEIR HERITAGE NCSY is proud to play an important and trusted role in the lives of thousands of Jewish teens each year. Immersive learning and social programs connect teens with their Jewish identity and foster self-confidence. Education, retreats, and summer travel experiences nurture a lifelong relationship and connection to Jewish heritage and the State of Israel. Learning Torah with exceptional educators, as well as leadership and volunteer opportunities, empowers NCSY teens to become peer role models and committed leaders of the Jewish community. NCSY strives to meet teens where they are—emotionally, spiritually, and geographically—through a full spectrum of programming for public and day school teens across 500 North American cities and three continents.
27,000+ 2,425 249 42
teens reached annually (17,125 during COVID-19) across 500 North American cities and three continents
teens participated in 23 NCSY summer programs with over 1,443 teens in Israel
public high schools across North America at which NCSY operates Jewish Student Union (JSU) clubs