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The Gustave & Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education
The Gustave and Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education was established in the fall of 2019, in loving memory of Gustave and Carol Jacobs z”l, by their loving children Aviva and Joseph Hoch, and Judy and Mark Frankel. Gustave and Carol were active lay leaders of the Orthodox Union and numerous other Jewish organizations for many decades. Working with the OU, they became pioneers of kashrut in North America, ensuring that for generations to come Jews in America, and subsequently around the world, would have easy access to quality kosher food. The goal of the Gustave and Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education is to help English-speaking olim and tourists understand the complexities of kashrut in Israel. Directed by
Rabbi Ezra Friedman, a graduate of Yeshivat Ohr Etzion, a close disciple of Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, and Rav of the Musar Avicha Shul in Maale Adumim, the Gustave and Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education educates tens of thousands of people weekly about kashrut observance through:
• weekly shiurim
• engaging videos
• weekly column in the Torah Tidbits leaflet
• kashrut guides
• kashrut hotline
• workshops
In addition to the Gustave and Carol Jacobs Center for Kashrut Education, the OU has a very active Kosher Israel Division. Our 180 kosher-certified companies in Israel include Osem, Strauss-Elite, Tenuva, and many more. We have numerous mashgichim providing guidance and service for importers, hotels, and restaurants. Current initiatives include a new OU Shechitah as well as expansion into the Israeli market. All this is done in close coordination with global OU Kashrut. We are here to provide our communities with kashrut education, in addition to the highest standards of kosher food. We take great pride in our work with educational institutions and communities. Interested in learning more? We are happy to arrange shiurim and hands-on workshops for yeshivot, seminaries, kollelim, schools, and shuls. We can be contacted here in Israel at 02-5609122 or efriedman@ouisrael.org.
We are happy to arrange shiurim and hands-on workshops for yeshivot, seminaries, kollelim, schools, and shuls.
We can be contacted here in Israel at 02-560-9122 or efriedman@ouisrael.org.