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Baruch Hashem, our kehillah, led by Rav Shalom and Dr. Tamar Rosner is expanding!

To increase capacity, limud haTorah opportunities, and other amazing educational and chessed programming, we are embarking on a major shul expansion project.

If you have been inspired by Rav Rosner’s wonderful divrei Torah or his online shiurim, please consider partnering with us.

www.giving.nofeihashemesh.com the bracha of הכ (gematria of 25).
25 Gifts to the Kohen. The reference to הכ is to the 25 gifts offered to the kohanim.
הנוהכ תונתמ ה”כ. Wait a second – aren’t there only הנוהכ תונתמ ד”כ? The kli Yakar suggests that with Birchat Kohanim we arrive at 25 gifts to the Kohen. How is this bracha a gift to the Kohanim? They are blessing Am Yisrael- what are they receiving from this bracha? Essentially, Birchat Kohanim is a blessing for sustenance. If the people have a productive year, the kohanim will receive a larger portion of gifts from teru mot, uma’asrot. In addition, the term רומא םהל (say to them), requires the chazan to first state each word for the Kohanim to repeat. The Kli Yakar does not think it is just a practicality so that the Kohanim are all in sync. It is a manner in which we empower the Kohanim, by first blessing them so that they have from where to draw upon to share the blessing with us.
The next time we receive the blessings from the Kohanim, we should consider the blessings granted to Avraham and our blessing to the Kohaim, so that they can bless us wholeheartedly. May the blessings offered by the Kohanim be fulfilled and may we experience םולש ךל םשיו – peace and tranquility in the land of Israel.
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