When You Come Storytelling To The Land am Canaan currently taking a course on innoOf
Rashi actually says that it is a “Besora and son’s howfor I made mocke hi lahemthis isson goodofnews them”.aHe of the Egyptians….”. Weinreb brings the famous MidrashRabbi that we learn in h book, “The Person in the Parasha” in school. The Amoraim who lived in the poin landout before Israel conquered it, hadthat hidden something fascinating the Belz in the walls of the throughout teaches onhouses the verse. He says th vation. One of the things we learnedgoldRebbe the 40 years that the Jews were wandering n this double portion we learn the laws Moshe’s own sons, Gershom and Eliez is the importance of storytelling. We in the desert. thein Children Israelhe we of Tzara’at – leprosy. There are three were leftWhen behind Egypt of when were told our “pitch” should include the finally settle in the land their homes were types of impurity- leprosy of the skin, on God’s mission. They “missed out “why” – the personal story behind our creto get Tzara’at and they would therefore clothes and of the house. These are what show” to say. They didn’t experien ative project. My project is a popup bookhavethe to destroy the walls of their homes, are referred to as Negaim which can be all the amazing miracles of the Exod for kids. Why? I grew up in a house withand then they would find the gold. In that translated as lesions. Egypt and good the splitting the Re lotsThe of books, lotsrelated of art and a fatherofwhowayfrom Tzara’at brought fortune toofthe wording to Tzara’at Sea. The Belzer Rebbe asks why? He sa was an engineer. Therefore always lovedJewish people. the house is the most unusualI and raises that God wanted to model Yehuda HaleviMoshe in the Kuzari and for numerous questions. verses read “Ki those kinds of booksThe that combine beau- Rabbi the Ramban after him have a different what parents must do for their childr tavou el Eretz Canaan asher Ani Noten tiful artwork and humor with amazing Tzara’at not aof natural pheLachem L’Achuza, Venatati…when – tell them the is story the Exodus. T paper engineering. I love them evenyou moreexplanation. nomenon at all – it is a miracle. When the come to the land of Canaan, which I am word “you” is singular in the verse – now when I am able to read them with my nation is close to God and does His will, then giving you as an inheritance, I will place refer to Moshe. God instructed him to t grandchildren and see their eyes light up they have “a good skin day” – their skin is the mark of the leprous curse in houses in the Exodus story to his sons who had n with excitement. beautiful. But if someone sins and distances the land you inherit.” (14:34) experienced it. Only one generation Doesn’t verseinseem a bit strange? Aren’t the this stories all TED talks whathimself from God then God will send him Jews experienced the actual redempti The people traveling theanda sign on his body, clothes or house. This make themhave so been popular, andthrough watched Egypt, but every generation is able is a from blessing because then the person can desert, anticipating coming to the Promised shared so many times? experience it virtually if their parents t introspect and remedy his ways. Land and what does God tell them about them the story. Rambam in the 16th chapter of the the land? place a cursed mark in The Just this That weekHeinwill the class I’m giving laws of Tzara’at – Halacha 10 even says of leprosy on their homes there? It doesn’t English on Zoom on memory improvement For the Pesach events we don’t need seem like the best marketing advertiseat Herzog College, I also taught aboutthat Tzara’at is “ot ufele- a sign and wona story like in the techniq der”invent that God gave to Israel to memory warn people ment for the land. using the story method for memory deliverance from Egypt is fromI taught. speakingThe lashon hara – undesirable Commentators ask about this as well improvement. Taking a list that one wants wellIf known epic filled with speech. he speaks lashon hara thenexciteme the since the word used in the verse “v’natati – to remember, and linking the objects in walls of his house areheritage. smitten with Tzara’at. emotion and Each year as w I will give” is usually used when referring one’s mindthings into athat creative (meaning silly)If he doesn’t repent and improve the way to positive God will give to the gather around the Seder table, we ha story, makes it easier to remember the his house is destroyed. If he still nation. But a curse? How is that positive? list.he speaks an obligation and opportunity to sha
TORAH(10:2) TIDBITS in / TAZRIA A58 verse this- METZORA week’s5781 portion also
the story that has been passed down fro