Experiencing Elul
lul, the month of introspection and preparation for the coming year, is the month during which we need to take stock and reevaluate where we are in our lives. Chazal have found allusions to this month in various acronyms of pesukim in Tanach that guide and direct us to focus on this monumental task. The most famous acronym for the month of Elul is “Ani ledodi vedodi li” (Shir Hashirim 6;3), I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me. Every person must identify their ‘ani’, their unique, distinct quality and direct it toward the service of Hashem. Equally crucial is the task of making the relationship with Hashem one of ‘love’, one of closeness. Tefilla is a daily gift that helps us achieve this goal of closeness. One who
works on this aspect of their relationship will find that Hashem’s presence becomes much more tangible throughout the day.
A time for spiritual refuge from the turmoil and distractions of life Another acronym we find for Elul is in the passuk “Ish l’rei’eihu umatanot l’evyonim” (Esther 22;9). This reminds us to concentrate on doing acts of charity and kindness, to focus on mitzvot that connect us to others. Elul is a time to give more tzedakah and look for opportunities to develop ourselves as givers. Additionally, this passuk highlights the importance of ‘ish l’rei’eihu’, relating to others with a feeling of friendship and responsibility for their well-being. The task of teshuvah is linked to this month in the passuk “umal Hashem Elokecha et levavcha, v’et levav zarecha” (Devarim 30;6). The circumcision of one’s heart entails removing negativity within us so that we can live a life full of goodness and righteousness. There is, however, another acronym which zeroes in on the core theme of this month. The Torah teaches us, “VehaElokim ena lyado, vsamti lecha makom lanus