1 minute read
Laws of Yom Kippur
13 Laws Of Yom Kippur 14 Yizkor 15 Viduy 24 The Golden Mean Rabbi Baruch Taub 26 A Second Chance Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb 30 Fortuitous Forgiveness Rebbetzin Shira Smiles 32 Are Geula and Teshuva Identical? Rabbi Moshe Taragin 36 My Light and My Salvation Menachem Persoff
A Brief Overview of the Yom Kippur Laws
Prohibitions of Yom Kippur
1. All activities forbidden on Shabbat are forbidden on Yom Kippur. 2. The five abstentions of Yom Kippur are: • Eating and drinking • Washing • Applying ointments to the body • Wearing shoes • Having marital relations continued on next page...