My design philosophy
is to seek change,
through reinterpretation of the norm.
With a strong passion for architecture throughout his academic years, James has exposed himself to the creative realm of spatial manipulation that shaped his eye for appreciation of both historical and contemporary designs. To complement this attention to detail for architecture, he has accumulated 4 years of experience in utilising commercial standard software packages that facilitates his design aspirations. Having graduated from Master of Architecture program at UNSW with the opportunity to participate in various architectural projects, James has formulated a research based method of conceptualisation that is relevant across all design disciplines. By conducting multiple studies and thorough analysis of past precedents, this allow for the isolation of key characteristics that best fulfills the intentions of the client project. By acknowledging the growing consciousness in achieving sustainability in construction, James believes that ‘less is more’ and spatial experiences does not rely on decorative qualities, rather the psychological emotions that are generated through clear and distinct spaces. The strong interest across multiple disciplines of design also contribute to his innovative curiosity incorporate other art forms into architectural design. Driven by the ‘what if’ mindset and the constant desire for new opportunities and experiences, James intends to further his understanding in construction whilst working alongside with other creative architects, in a fun and adventurous environment.
This portfolio contains a selection of my past works that have been developed for both personal and commercial purposes, organized in a manner to best demonstrate my existing level of design.
James JH Chang | Architect + Designer
Disciplines: Architectural Conceptualization, 3D Modeling, Desktop Publishing, Photojournalism, Illustration, Advertising Design, Brand Development, Web Design, Basic Html.
Email: jjc@unswalumni.com Mobile: 0430 546 437 Address: Sydney, Australia Born: 12/06/1986, Taipei, Taiwan Australian Citizen since 1996
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Academic Qualifications 2009-11 • University of New South Wales, Sydney. Master of Architecture. 2006-09 • University of New South Wales, Sydney. Bachelor of Architectural Studies.
Work Experience
Languages English, Chinese(Mandarin, Cantonese) Software Proficiency Adobe Photoshop
2012 – David Scobie Architects (2011 – 2012) Position: Graduate Architect Responsibilities: •
Project architect for small scale residential alterations and additions.
Prepared DA and CC for residential developments with design contributions.
Active liaison between clients, contractors and consultants.
Produced detail documentation for construction.
Contract administrating works during construction with regular site visits.
2009 – Steensen Varming Building Service Engineering Consultancy (2009 – 2010) Position: Architectural Visualisation Responsibilities:
Adobe Illustrator
Interpret draft plans and sections and provide digital model solutions.
Carried out design of presentation graphics and layouts.
Adobe Indesign
Constructed visualisations of building service systems to assist with client’s
understanding of the project.
Google Sketchup, Autodesk AutoCAD
2008 – Imagink Graphics (2005 – 2008) Position: Assistant Designer
Autodesk Revit, Autodesk 3DS Max
MS Office Suite
Commissioned design of business cards.
Assisted in the design of Sussex Centre promotional posters.
Operate on both Win/Mac platforms
Cover design for client portfolios.
Design is an opportunity to continue telling the story, not just to sum everything up. - Tate Linden
Architectural ‘all about conceptualization, 3d modeling, infographics & publication layouts’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brundah House Lowden Residence Maggio Redevelopment Jenner House War Memorial Master Plan
Victoria Park Mental Health Services Sydney 2030 Martin Place Metro Station Thai House Digital Model Construction Timber Construction Components Steensen Varming Ventilation Systems
Promotional ‘all about photo montaging, advertising posters & branding development’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Headway Hair Salon Takeshi & Team Hair Salon Wall Banner Design
‘all about graphic arts, photography & t-shirt design’ Personal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Redbubble T-Shirts Visual Abstraction Selected Photography
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Maecenas at quam eget elit rhoncus tincidunt. Nunc facilisis mi venenatis purus suscipit placerat. Mauris rutrum tempor fringilla. Sed pellentesque elit id turpis congue rhoncus. Ut mauris vitae magna fermentum et condimentum magna volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam lobortis mollis nisl hendrerit commodo. Phasellu Suspendisse facilisis arcu at ligula aliquam congue. Integer vel mi turpis. Aenean feugiat laoreet dolor, vel molestie metus imperdiet nec. Donec non felis pulvinar diam ultrices posu orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi euismod luctus orci sit amet accumsan. Proin nec libero sit amet est vulputate dapibus molestie nec ligula. Sed id urna purus, sit dapibus tincidunt sed sed purus. Fusce laoreet, turpis ut accumsan adipiscing, nibh sapien tempus ipsum, sed dignissim lectus ante nec nibh. Integer sagittis accumsan mauris quis Vivamus aliquet adipiscing nisl ac porttitor. Nulla tempus tincidunt sem vel tincidunt. Ut vel enim nisi. Morbi vel augue enim. Praesent sem velit, volutpat nec iaculis pulvinar, aliquet felis in lectus euismod nec posuere leo tempus. Mauris rhoncus, turpis vitae tempus ullamcorper, ante erat scelerisque metus, in auctor est ligula. Mi interdum nulla elementum ma enim lobortis non. Nam tincidunt, turpis sit amet scelerisque porttitor, urna nulla mattis augue, eu pulvinar ligula lectus eget enim. Nam tincidunt imperdiet odio, at bibendum elit tri orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla rhoncus mauris vitae magna fermentum et condimentum magna volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. facilisis eros, sit amet interdum nibh mauris non eros. Suspendisse facilisis arcu at ligula aliquam congue. Integer vel mi turpis. Aenean feugiat laoreet dolor, vel molestie metus im facilisis lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi euismod luctus orci sit amet accumsan. Proin nec libero sit amet est v rutrum. In id mi ac est porttitor lacinia. Etiam in enim nec dui dapibus tincidunt sed sed purus. Fusce laoreet, turpis ut accumsan adipiscing, nibh sapien tempus ipsum, sed dignis Nam faucibus tempus massa, non fermentum odio luctus ultrices. Vivamus aliquet adipiscing nisl ac porttitor. Nulla tempus tincidunt sem vel tincidunt. Ut vel enim nisi. Morbi vel ullamcorper, ante erat scelerisque metus, in auctor est ligula id dui. Maecenas commodo mi interdum nulla elementum malesuada. Donec quis nulla at lorem pulvinar mollis. Aenean porttitor, urna nulla mattis augue, eu pulvinar ligula lectus eget enim. Nam tincidunt imperdiet odio, at bibendum elit tristique ut. Cras commodo euismod elementum. Praesent in scelerisque. Vivamus pharetra consectetur blandit. Quisque mattis placerat cursus. Cras accumsan laoreet consectetur. Maecenas rutrum arcu sit amet nisi porttitor nec ornare lore ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus consequat viverra turpis vitae tempus. Nunc tellus arcu, porta id laoreet vitae, eleifend non quam tempor non fermentum in, vehicula vitae ipsum. Quisque turpis risus, faucibus ac tristique in, consequat facilisis dolor. Maecenas mauris odio, eleifend eu venenatis rhoncus, rutrum nec arcu. Donec imperdiet fringilla mollis. Cras commodo euismod elementum. Praesent in varius purus. Nunc imperdiet, lorem quis egestas posuere, ipsum massa tristique nulla, c accumsan laoreet consectetur. Maecenas rutrum arcu sit amet nisi porttitor nec ornare lorem porttitor. Fusce sed nunc nec augue convallis condimentum. Proin volutpat, felis qui consequat viverra turpis vitae tempus. Nunc tellus arcu, porta id laoreet vitae, eleifend non quam. Donec vel metus vitae sapien convallis faucibus. Donec ac enim velit. Quisque pl tristique in, consequat facilisis dolor. Maecenas mauris odio, eleifend eu venenatis rhoncus, rutrum sed elit. Aenean commodo neque id ipsum pharetra euismod. Pellentesque ut felis
orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur scelerisque euismod lorem a ullamcorper. Maecenas eget erat magna. Duis posuere cursus mi. Phasellus vitae molestie ipsum consequat. Mauris et tempor justo. Etiam risus mi, eleifend id placerat ac, feugiat viverra erat. Donec commodo enim ac diam malesuada egestas. In id diam tortor. Quisque luctus, e ante eros. Morbi pellentesque molestie aliquet. Phasellus mattis tincidunt tortor, in varius erat consequat ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada elementum. Aliquam id risus sem, in molestie ante. Pellentesque et lorem enim, a pellentesque ligula. In iaculis lorem nunc, sit amet bibendum ante. Nam scelerisque, nunc sit amet justo pulvinar ut laoreet nibh hendrerit. Morbi id mauris vitae massa tincidunt molestie. Proin at nisl dui. Curabitur aliquam gravida lectus, ullamcorper ullamcorper ligula elementum v viverra. Maecenas bibendum ullamcorper dui, non congue sapien mollis convallis. Ut ullamcorper, purus eget sodales pellentesque, felis neque aliquet turpis, id dignissim ligula enim luctus nunc a justo interdum fringilla. Maecenas mauris odio, eleifend eu venenatis rhoncus, rutrum sed elit. Aenean commodo neque id ipsum pharetra euismod. Pellentesque ut felis orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur scelerisque euismod lorem a ullamcorper. Maecenas eget erat magna. Duis posuere cursus mi. Phasellus vitae molestie ipsum consequat. Mauris et tempor justo. Etiam risus mi, eleifend id placerat ac, feugiat viverra erat. Donec commodo enim ac diam malesuada egestas. In id diam tortor. Quisque luctus, e ante eros. Morbi pellentesque molestie aliquet. Phasellus mattis tincidunt tortor, in varius erat consequat ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada metus. Curabitur faucibus sapien ut nulla sodales bibendum. Fusce in enim odio. Nulla et felis vel dui vulputate elementum vel sit amet diam. Praesent diam tellus, sodales at rho tincidunt. Nunc facilisis mi venenatis purus suscipit placerat. Mauris rutrum tempor fringilla. Sed pellentesque elit id turpis congue rhoncus. Ut vitae nibh turpis, eu porta libero. D condimentum magna volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam lobortis mollis nisl hendrerit commodo. Phasellus viverra adipiscing porttitor. Morb aliquam congue. Integer vel mi turpis. Aenean feugiat laoreet dolor, vel molestie metus imperdiet nec. Donec non felis pulvinar diam ultrices posuere. Suspendisse cursus consequ cubilia Curae; Morbi euismod luctus orci sit amet accumsan. Proin nec libero sit amet est vulputate dapibus molestie nec ligula. Sed id urna purus, sit amet tincidunt felis. Proin rh purus. Fusce laoreet, turpis ut accumsan adipiscing, nibh sapien tempus ipsum, sed dignissim lectus ante nec nibh. Integer sagittis accumsan mauris quis venenatis. Suspendisse sit nisl ac porttitor. Nulla tempus tincidunt sem vel tincidunt. Ut vel enim nisi. Morbi vel augue enim. Nullam sem mi, elementum in tempus a, consectetur vel urna. Vivamus feugiat felis i nulla elementum malesuada. Donec quis nulla at lorem pulvinar mollis. Aenean faucibus magna pellentesque nulla cursus ac viverra orci congue. Integer pellentesque pellentesque at bibendum elit tristique ut. Cras commodo euismod elementum. Praesent in varius purus. Nunc imperdiet, lorem quis egestas posuere, ipsum massa tristique nulla, condimentum r consectetur. Maecenas rutrum arcu sit amet nisi porttitor nec ornare lorem porttitor. Fusce sed nunc nec augue convallis condimentum. Proin volutpat, felis quis scelerisque dictum, vitae tempus. Nunc tellus arcu, porta id laoreet vitae, eleifend non quam. Donec vel metus vitae sapien convallis faucibus. Donec ac enim velit. Quisque placerat massa id neque iacu
llis, arcu lectus viverra leo, non lobortis turpis dolor ut diam. Pellentesque quis neque eu nisl consectetur fringilla nec a diam. Etiam adipiscing pharetra ante, vel condimentum lorem an congue consectetur urna non pellentesque. Sed vel enim vel risus blandit consequat a ut nulla. Proin elementum nibh vitae augue dignissim ut suscipit ligula sollicitudin. In diam bibendum sit amet viverra ac, pulvinar ut nulla. Donec enim felis, placerat quis mattis ac, luctus vitae lacus. Nullam purus orci, varius sit amet porttitor a, ultricies ac odio. Suspendisse ue a, venenatis a odio. Proin sed mauris felis, et posuere lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse potenti. Sed blandit, odio non cursus gravida, lectus eros ullamcorper diam, sed am. Praesent diam tellus, sodales at rhoncus quis, rhoncus eget arcu. Donec mauris nisi, gravida a aliquam vitae, porta eu purus. Suspendisse nec libero at quam euismod vehicula.
t vitae nibh turpis, eu porta libero. Donec dignissim semper massa a pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla rhoncus us viverra adipiscing porttitor. Morbi id massa purus, ut viverra velit. Aenean ultricies, magna a ultricies rutrum, massa nunc facilisis eros, sit amet interdum nibh mauris non eros. uere. Suspendisse cursus consequat porttitor. Morbi aliquet rutrum augue, iaculis dignissim ante vestibulum vitae. Donec id facilisis lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus amet tincidunt felis. Proin rhoncus lobortis eleifend. Praesent eget orci eros, a eleifend enim. Nullam venenatis sodales rutrum. In id mi ac est porttitor lacinia. Etiam in enim nec dui s venenatis. Suspendisse sit amet lorem sapien. Fusce euismod dui ut magna ultrices a consectetur erat accumsan. Nam faucibus tempus massa, non fermentum odio luctus ultrices. t eget nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam sem mi, elementum in tempus a, consectetur vel urna. Vivamus feugiat alesuada. Donec quis nulla at lorem pulvinar mollis. Aenean faucibus magna pellentesque nulla cursus ac viverra orci congue. Integer pellentesque pellentesque tortor, ac faucibus istique ut. Sed pellentesque elit id turpis congue rhoncus. Ut vitae nibh turpis, eu porta libero. Donec dignissim semper massa a pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus Aliquam lobortis mollis nisl hendrerit commodo. Phasellus viverra adipiscing porttitor. Morbi id massa purus, ut viverra velit. Aenean ultricies, magna a ultricies rutrum, massa nunc mperdiet nec. Donec non felis pulvinar diam ultrices posuere. Suspendisse cursus consequat porttitor. Morbi aliquet rutrum augue, iaculis dignissim ante vestibulum vitae. Donec id vulputate dapibus molestie nec ligula. Sed id urna purus, sit amet tincidunt felis. Proin rhoncus lobortis eleifend. Praesent eget orci eros, a eleifend enim. Nullam venenatis sodales ssim lectus ante nec nibh. Integer sagittis accumsan mauris quis venenatis. Suspendisse sit amet lorem sapien. Fusce euismod dui ut magna ultrices a consectetur erat accumsan. l augue enim. Nullam sem mi, elementum in tempus a, consectetur vel urna. Vivamus feugiat felis in lectus euismod nec posuere leo tempus. Mauris rhoncus, turpis vitae tempus faucibus magna pellentesque nulla cursus ac viverra orci congue. Integer pellentesque pellentesque tortor, ac faucibus enim lobortis non. Nam tincidunt, turpis sit amet scelerisque n varius purus. Nunc imperdiet, lorem quis egestas posuere, ipsum massa tristique nulla, condimentum rhoncus orci augue eu mauris. Etiam cursus mi molestie odio sollicitudin em porttitor. Fusce sed nunc nec augue convallis condimentum. Proin volutpat, felis quis scelerisque dictum, enim sem blandit sem, ac euismod urna dolor vitae mauris. Vestibulum m. Donec vel metus vitae sapien convallis faucibus. Donec ac enim velit. Quisque placerat massa id neque iaculis pellentesque et sed ligula. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sapien neque, m sed elit. Aenean commodo neque id ipsum pharetra euismod. Pellentesque ut felis id mauris iaculis varius elementum ac velit. Donec lectus est, gravida sit amet mattis at, lobortis Projects consectetur blandit. Quisque mattis placerat cursus. Cras condimentum rhoncus orci augue eu mauris. Etiam cursus mi molestie odio sollicitudin scelerisque. Architectural Architectural Projects is scelerisque dictum, enim sem blandit sem, ac euismod urna dolor vitae mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus lacerat massa id neque iaculis pellentesque et sed ligula. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sapien neque, tempor non fermentum in, vehicula vitae ipsum. Quisque turpis risus, faucibus ac s id mauris iaculis varius elementum ac velit. Donec lectus est, gravida sit amet mattis at, lobortis nec arcu. Donec imperdiet fringilla mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
m. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque dolor neque, auctor quis facilisis quis, vehicula a risus. Nulla facilisi. Sed faucibus imperdiet magna in laoreet. Curabitur fringilla gravida elit sed mollis rutrum, felis neque malesuada ante, et egestas orci erat id tellus. Pellentesque dictum interdum euismod. Pellentesque nec erat justo. Nam at pretium sapien. Morbi et fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce vel arcu mauris. Sed vel quam congue risus pretium facilisis consectetur, magna neque porta eros, vitae varius est libero eget dui. Vestiler ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum erat quis vel. Nullam non sollicitudin nisl. Fusce non turpis vel magna tristique sagittis eget id risus. Aenean laoreet malesuada nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec quis quam ut dolor pulvinar m ac felis. Cras pellentesque sem eget ante malesuada luctus. Donec vitae dolor et quam ultricies accumsan. Curabitur nulla purus, blandit non eleifend non, tristique ac est. Mauris s id mauris iaculis varius elementum ac velit. Donec lectus est, gravida sit amet mattis at, lobortis nec arcu. Donec imperdiet fringilla mollis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus m. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque dolor neque, auctor quis facilisis quis, vehicula a risus. Nulla facilisi. Sed faucibus imperdiet magna in laoreet. Curabitur fringilla gravida elit sed mollis rutrum, felis neque malesuada ante, et egestas orci erat id tellus. Pellentesque dictum interdum euismod. Pellentesque nec erat justo. Nam at pretium sapien. Morbi et fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique Sed blandit, odio non cursus gravida, lectus eros ullamcorper diam, sed luctus felis magna non nisi. Sed ut facilisis oncus quis, rhoncus eget arcu. Donec mauris nisi, gravida a aliquam vitae, porta eu purus. Suspendisse nec libero at quam euismod vehicula. Maecenas at quam eget elit rhoncus Donec dignissim semper massa a pharetra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla rhoncus mauris vitae magna fermentum et bi id massa purus, ut viverra velit. Aenean ultricies, magna a ultricies rutrum, massa nunc facilisis eros, sit amet interdum nibh mauris non eros. Suspendisse facilisis arcu at ligula uat porttitor. Morbi aliquet rutrum augue, iaculis dignissim ante vestibulum vitae. Donec id facilisis lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere honcus lobortis eleifend. Praesent eget orci eros, a eleifend enim. Nullam venenatis sodales rutrum. In id mi ac est porttitor lacinia. Etiam in enim nec dui dapibus tincidunt sed sed t amet lorem sapien. Fusce euismod dui ut magna ultrices a consectetur erat accumsan. Nam faucibus tempus massa, non fermentum odio luctus ultrices. Vivamus aliquet adipiscing in lectus euismod nec posuere leo tempus. Mauris rhoncus, turpis vitae tempus ullamcorper, ante erat scelerisque metus, in auctor est ligula id dui. Maecenas commodo mi interdum e tortor, ac faucibus enim lobortis non. Nam tincidunt, turpis sit amet scelerisque porttitor, urna nulla mattis augue, eu pulvinar ligula lectus eget enim. Nam tincidunt imperdiet odio, rhoncus orci augue eu mauris. Etiam cursus mi molestie odio sollicitudin scelerisque. Vivamus pharetra consectetur blandit. Quisque mattis placerat cursus. Cras accumsan laoreet , enim sem blandit sem, ac euismod urna dolor vitae mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus consequat viverra turpis ulis pellentesque et sed ligula. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum sapien neque, tempor non fermentum in, vehicula vitae ipsum. Quisque turpis risus, faucibus ac tristique in, consequatsaes
Brundah House 37 Norton Street, Ballina ------------------------------------------------------Situated in a town to the South of Byron Bay, ‘Brundah’ is a state heritage listed residential dwelling in light weight timber construction. Previously operated as a bed and breakfast accommodation for travelling tourists, new owners commissioned David Scobie Architects to undertake alterations and addition works to provide new amenities and reconfiguration of internal layout for the growing family. Restoration works also form part of the proposal to retain the original features of this federation house. Whilst the rear extension draws design principals from the original house such as form and proportion. Careful attentions to architectural details and material finishes have been implemented to be sympathetic and clearly distinguish the new and the old. In addition to a new kitchen, custom joinery designs have also been incorporated to better meet the needs of the family’s living standards. Tools: AutoCAD 2D, Photoshop
Note: Project is currently under construction, the displayed progress photographs in no way represent the final architectural design.
Lowden Residence 16 Kelburn Road, Roseville ------------------------------------------------------To cater for a growing family, the proposed design of the family bathroom forms part of the new second floor extension for the household. Featuring a raked ceiling with a rectangular plan, the design intended to maximize the useable space available in order to offer sufficient service area for both freestanding bath and shower facilities. Based on the client’s brief, a conscious decision to separate the dry and wet areas has been made to allow for easier cleaning and maintenance around children. At the same time, spatial planning were dependent on the spring height restriction, which only permitted specific fittings to be accessible based on its functions. The combination of light vertical planes and dark horizontal planes determines the colour scheme for this room, along with a mindful selection of bathroom fittings; we were able to provide a practical yet elegant design solution that fulfils the client’s expectations. Tools: AutoCAD 2D
Maggio Redevelopment 463 Miller Street, Cammeray ------------------------------------------------------This redevelopment project based in Cammeray aims to replace the outdated brick building previously operated as a local butcher into a mixed use residential and commercial property, bringing an improved standard of living and business opportunities to the thriving local community. With the ground floor of the building planned to be leased for retail purposes, the owner has commissioned us to create this rendered plan and elevation presentation as part of a marketing campaign to attract the attention of its prospective clients. By introducing colour, texture and elements of surrounding context, this better assist the clients with a visualization of the building once completed, as well as demonstrating its relationship and interaction with the adjoining properties.
Tools: AutoCAD 2D, Photoshop
Jenner House 2 Macleay Street, Potts Point ------------------------------------------------------Constructed in 1871 as a marine villa that represented the wealth of its residents in the area, Jenner house is now one of the few remaining heritage properties currently standing in the urbanized Potts Point. With an extensive history the building has undergone multiple changes in its use, including residential, private hospital and naval purposes. As a result, several alterations and addition works has also been carried out during its lifespan. During its most recent changes, the new owner carried out several unauthorized works without DA consent. As the appointed heritage consultant for the project, David Scobie Architects has compiled a set of drawings documenting the known works for council review, along with various design advices, with the aim of obtain a building certificate on behalf of the client.
Tools: AutoCAD 2D
War Memorial Master Plan Lions Park, West Wyalong ------------------------------------------------------As part of the Local Community Strategic Plan by Bland Shire Council to revitalize the town character, a master plan for a war memorial has been prepared to commemorate Australian war history and notable war hero, Reginald Roy Rattey. With utilization of the existing main access onto the parkland via Newwell Highway, the master plan provides a link for pedestrian circulation between the old and new park and public parking amenities. By retaining the vehicle driveway into the existing caravan park to the West, the proposed memorial is segregated into two zones: the North garden that comprises of a circular walkway with monuments on either side to commemorate the eleven theatres of war, similar to that of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, and the South garden, whereby a monument is to be erected in remembrance of Sergeant Rattey.
Tools: AutoCAD 2D, Sketchup
Victoria Park Mental Health Services Victoria Park Precinct, Sydney ------------------------------------------------------A project initiated to demonstrate consciousness towards the mental health sector as neglected by the government, the process of design has undergone a study on the history of psychiatric facilities, to identify the various social implications of such facilities on society through time. The resulting analysis helped in uncovering a list of guidelines which forms the foundation for the new design. This hypothetical projects attempts to highlight the ideal conditions which will promote mental recovery, which is to provide a highly public element to blend in with the community while retaining a level of privacy necessary for healing. The building therefore reflects these factors, vertical elevation increases privacy while empowering the participants of the facility.
Tools: AutoCAD 2D, Photoshop, Sketchup
Site Selection
Based on the initial research, the ideal living conditions for psychiatric healing is one that promotes openness and natural elements to eliminate any sense of confinement. By combining this with the intent of integrating the facility into the existing community, a process of elimination took place in determining the suitable site.
Circular Quay
Wynyard Martin Pl
St James Town Hall Museum
McDonaldtown Erskineville
Site Analysis
Tall, Prominent Buildings
Contributory Building
Landmark Buildings
& WE
Mixed Uses
Heritage Item
Retail Strip
Local Recreation
Street Vista and Panoramic View
Specialised Centres
Special Uses
Conservation Area
Centres Arterial Roads Large Ex-Industrial Redevelopm
Passive Space Existing Carpark Children’s Playground Active Space Mix Uses Residential Special Uses
Traditional Single Mass
Segregation into Individual Entities
Form Generation
Private Domestic Zone
Private Social Zone
Public Zone
Programme Organization
Reestablishing Connection
Participants vs Public Circulation
Radial Access into Different Zones
Clinical Offices Computer Labs Gallery Space
Multipurpose Space
Ground Floor Plan
Mezzanine Floor Plan
Shared Kitchen
Wood Workshop
Sky Garden Dining Space Art Studio
Common Library
Music Studio
Staff Living Quarter
Participants Living Quarter
1st Floor Plan
2nd Floor Plan
Sydney 2030 Martin Place Metro Station Martin Place Precinct, Sydney ------------------------------------------------------With the intent of redeveloping Martin Place to accommodate for the future metro network, this project has granted me the opportunity to assess existing issues associated with the chosen site. Serving as the fiancial core of the CBD, Martin Place as a significant link between Geroge Street and Macquarie Street lacks a unique character that differentiates itself from the remaining city as well as major problems with circulations at peak hours during the day.
integration with existing CityRail and MLC Plaza entry points
Through this redevelopment, I have introduced a gentle and steady downward slope into the metro, as though created by the crash landing of a meteorite, opening up a new level of subterrean space for human inhabitation that closely interacts with the surface. major pedestrian movement at peak hours causing congestion
Tools: AutoCAD 2D, Photoshop, Sketchup
privately owned buildings and heritage listings limit development potential
heavy traffic roads intersecting Martin Place impedes pedestrian movement
lack of distinction between moving and stationary spaces
Existing Transport Network
Vistas from Site
Monofunctional Distribution of Activities
Points of Congestion
Pedestrian Traffic
Points of Access into Site
Thai House Digital Model Construction ------------------------------------------------------As Revit slowly becomes the industry standard tool for both architectural design and documentation, the BIM framework of this software offers more efficient workflow as compared to traditional modeling software. This will not only increase in productivity but also accuracy of the building design. This project was an exercise to demonstrate proficiency in operating Revit Architecture at a professional level, from the initial stage of producing contoured landscaping and building construction, to specifying surface materials and the creation of final renders/documentation. A thorough exploration of Revit’s tool has been carried out to reach the final design solution.
Tools: Photoshop, Revit Architecture
Timber Construction Components ------------------------------------------------------With a proposal to design a 10 storey residential building that is primarily constructed in timber, this project take little notice on the architectural experience of the building and instead focuses on the study of timber’s potential as a structural element. Effective visual communication is created to demonstrate the method of joint construction at various points of the structure as well as a breakdown of materials for construction. A quantitative structural analysis on its strength, stiffness and durability is also carried out in Multiframe to assess the feasibility of the structure.
Tools: Photoshop, Sketchup
2 1
1. Column to Roof Beam Joint 2. Wall to Wall Joint 3. End Beam Section 4. Column to Floor Joint
The most basic natural ventilation system is the provision of openable windows. The tables below provides details of specific window types. Windows can cause localised discomfort due to draughts and cold radiation in winter, or solar gain in summer. However, occupants of natually ventilated buildings with openable windows are generally willing to accept a wider range of internal temperatures than occupants of air-conditioned buildings with sealed windows, largely because they have more control over their environment.
Bottom-hung inward opening fanlight
Upper fanlight and outward opening casement
Centre pivot
Tilt and turn
Top-hung outward opening casement
Steensen Varming Ventilation Systems ------------------------------------------------------The purpose of this projects aims at providing a diagrammatic explanation for the different types of ventilation systems that is available in HVAC design. By compiling into a catalogue it provides a efficient and effective solution for communicating with clients in choosing the most suitable method for their projects. A basic understanding on how natural ventilation works allows a more energy efficient design to reduce the need for mechanical systems.
primarily ventilated by wind entering one or more opening within a single external wall. On days when there is little or no wind, limited ventilation is still possibl if windows have top and bottom openings. This will enable convection currents in the space to expel warm air through the top opening and draw fresh air in at the bottom (known as stack ventilation). Large vertical openings are also effective, such as a horizontal sliding sash window.
Fresh air
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketchup
Stale, warm air
Horizontal sliding sash
C R O S00S V E N T I L A T I O N Cross ventilation is a very effective way to achieve a high rate of ventilation and can be used in relatively deep-plan offices. Wind drives air through open windows on the windward side of the building and open windows on the opposite side allow stale air to escape. This is good as a high rate of ventilation is therefore possible and requires minimal cost. However for effective cross ventilation a relatively clear path for ait to flow across the space, also inappropriate window design may result in disruptive draughts.
Side-hung casement
Fresh air
Stale, warm air
Vertical double sash
S T A C01 K V E N T I L AT I O N Stack ventilation describes the process of buoyant, warm air rising upwards in a building and existing through one or more high-level openings. The air displaced from the building causes cooler fresh air to be drawn into the building through low-level openings, such as windows, and doors. The main benefit of stack ventilation is that the temperature difference between the inside and outside of a building is the driving force and can therefore provide ventilation on hot still days when there is little or no winds.
Fresh air
Stale, warm air
Headway Hair Salon Tuen Mun, New Territories, HK ------------------------------------------------------As the first commissioned project to develop a new store image for the coming winter season, the design process provided valuable insight in compromising and liaising with clients in reaching a common solution. Located in the suburban context of Tuen Mum District, the hair salon targets fashion conscious youths in the local area. As a result, the client intended for grunge and decorative qualities to be incorporated into the design of promotional posters and name cards. The deliberate color palette of different materials contribute to the existing warm and intimate qualities of the store.
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop
Reflecting on its minimalist salon interiors with a soft pastel palette, the new card designs for Takeshi & Team salon aims to deliver a fresh yet professional identify to its customers, while maintaining an appeal for the different age groups.
Hay S
ge S
Takeshi & Team Hair Salon Citymark Building, Sydney ------------------------------------------------------Takeshi & Team is a Japanese based salon situated in the CBD of Sydney amongst other competing hair salons. The focus of design hence relied on formulating a personal identity while emphasizing the store image.
Ta k e s h i D i r e c t o r
w w w. t a k e s h i . c o m . a u Shop F1A,
t | 9212 3699 683-689 George St,NSW 2000 f | 9212 3677
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop
ge S t
Hay S
Ta k e s h i D i r e c t o r
w w w. t a k e s h i . c o m . a u Shop F1A,
ge S
Hay S
t | 9212 3699 683-689 George St,NSW 2000 f | 9212 3677
Ta k e s h i D i r e c t o r
w w w. t a k e s h i . c o m . a u Shop F1A,
Ta k e s h i D i r e c t o r
Geor ge S
Hay S
t | 9212 3699 683-689 George St,NSW 2000 f | 9212 3677
w w w. t a k e s h i . c o m . a u Shop F1A,
t | 9212 3699 683-689 George St,NSW 2000 f | 9212 3677
redbubble tshirts
A further exploration of creative possibilities took place in visual abstraction
These artwo
orks demonstrate a combination of technical competency and visual aesthetics, which are both integral components to any discipline of design.
James JH Chang | Architect + Designer jjc@unswalumni.com Email Mobile 0430 546 437 Address Sydney, Australia Software Proficiency Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Google Sketchup Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk Revit Architecture Autodesk 3DS Max Nikon Capture NX 2 MS Office Suite Operate on both Win/Mac platforms