Orchard School handbook 2018

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Handbook for parents Click to jump to page

Head’s welcome Essential information Important rules Communication House system Uniform Timetable Curriculum Making payments Homework Parents’ evenings School reports Catering Enrichment Student Leadership Parental opportunities School policies Calendar Contact us details Staff list


Handbook for parents


Headteacher’s welcome


warm welcome to Orchard School Bristol. Orchard School opened in Horfield in 2008 in a fantastic modern building, to serve our local community. We are a mixed 11-16 academy, with 800 students, and our school community reflects the richly diverse local area. We pride ourselves on our harmonious atmosphere and the care we show for each child. We are one community of adults and young people working together to make sure that each child is supported in fulfilling their potential - academically, socially and emotionally. We are ambitious for everyone – we expect the best from everyone. What will you find here? • A calm, purposeful environment • Staff who know your child individually and really care about them • Strong communication with parents • A broad curriculum, with opportunities to excel in academic subjects, in sports, creative subjects or technology • Highly skilled teachers, many of whom are GCSE examiners • Enthusiastic students who are ambitious about their futures, and who are determined to achieve academic success Our students feel that they belong to Orchard School – they appreciate that their tutor and their teachers know them well and will support them to meet the ambitious targets we set in their learning. They also understand that they have a voice and that they are actively involved in shaping the future of Orchard School. As a member of Trust in Learning Academies, our aim is simple: to become the outstanding provision our community deserves. We are building success on the core ORCHARD values of being: • Open-minded • Respectful • Creative and Curious • Healthy • Ambitious • Responsible • Determined We are proud of the academic results that our students have achieved, but we believe that the success we have as a school is much deeper than this and is due to our hardworking, committed staff and the supportive learning environment we provide to ensure our students have the best opportunities. Thank you for your interest in the school. If you would like to find out more, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Mrs Julia Hinchliffe Headteacher Email info@orchardschoolbristol.co.uk


Handbook for parents


Essential information School day Students expected to be in school by 8.20 Bell, go to first lesson 8.25 Lesson 1 8.30 - 9.30 Lesson 2 9.30 - 10.30 Break 10.30 - 10.50 Lesson 3 10.50 - 11.50 Lesson 4 11.50 - 12.50 Lunch 12.50 - 1.30 Tutor 1.30 - 1.55 Lesson 5 1.55 - 2.55 Lesson 6 Weds only 2.55 - 3.50 The school day starts at 8.30 am and finishes at 2.55 pm except on Wednesdays when there is an Enrichment lesson from 2.55 - 3.50 pm. Students are allowed in the school building from 7.50 am and the school site is supervised until 4.00 pm. Students are welcome to stay at Homework Club until 4pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Find out more

For up to date events and important dates, click above to view school calendar

Under no circumstances may students leave the school premises without permission from a member of staff. Learning begins at the bell! Being punctual to lessons is important; it makes for a good start to learning for the whole class. Students should be seated in class ready to learn on the second bell.

Click orange box for main index of contents

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Handbook for parents


Essential information Click orange box for main index of contents

Term dates Term 3 2nd January – 9th February Term 4 19th February – 23rd March (23rd March INSET day) Term 5 9th April – 25th May Term 6 4th June – 20th July (22nd June and 20th July INSET day) The school is closed for students on INSET days.

Vital equipment The equipment students must bring with them everyday includes: • School bag, a sturdy bag suitable for carrying books and equipment. A rucksack with two straps is recommended. • Pencil case containing two black/bluue writing pens, red pen, pencil, rubber, ruler. • Scientific calculator Casio FX- 83GT PLUS Optional equipment: • Protractor and Compasses Your child’s locker can be used to store coats, PE kit and other items they do not require for their lessons. Lockers are free with a refundable deposit of £2.50 for the key which can be paid for via ParentPay. See the ‘making payments’ section.

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Handbook for parents


Essential information Attendance counts We expect students to attend every day. We track attendance very carefully and follow up on every absence. If students are feeling under the weather they can still attend school. Every day your child is away from school you must phone the absence line 0117 377 2021. If your child is absent from school and we have not received a call from you we will call you to find out why your child is absent. Did you know that students with 96% attendance or higher are twice as likely to meet their goals and have the best chance of academic success? Students with 90% attendance miss on average half a day a week of lessons. That’s half a year over their five years at Orchard School Bristol! We like to celebrate and reward those students with high attendance with special awards assemblies and prizes. Students who are persistently absent are at severe risk of under achievement, with parents being at risk of facing court action. It is important to maximise your child’s potential and attend school. Every day counts!

Find out more

Click image to visit our attendance page to find out more.

If for any reason your child is absent, please call the absence line on 0117 377 2021.

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Handbook for parents


Important rules To keep school a safe and happy learning environment please ensure your child is aware of therules that they need to follow. Click orange box for main index of contents

Ready to Learn We believe that all of our students have a right to learn without disruption and that all students should be Ready to Learn. Our four key classroom rules are: 1. Follow instructions promptly 2. Remain on task 3. Listen when others are speaking 4. Always speak appropriately In each lesson students will be awarded a score between 1 and 4 for their attitude to learning. 1. Exceptional We have a reward shop where students can convert their 1’s into currency to use in the reward shop. We also run reward trips based on 1’s gained as well as attendance, behaviour and punctuality. 2. On task This is the level of behaviour we expect in class. 3. Warning If a student chooses not to follow one of the rules they will be given a warning by the teacher. They will only receive one warning. 4. Leave the room If the student chooses not to listen to the warning and repeats that inappropriate behaviour they will be given a 4. The students will be sent from the classroom and spend a full school day in the Ready to Learn (RTL) room. The RTL room will run for an hour after the end of the school day. Break time will also be altered for those students.

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Parents/carers are texted wshen their child has been referred to the RTL room If a student refuses to go to the RTL room or if they repeat the behaviour while in the RTL room they will receive a one-day Fixed Term Exclusion. The student, together with parents/carers, will then need to attend a reintegration meeting before starting back at school.

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Handbook for parents


Important rules While in school

Searches without child’s consent

• Walk on the left, calmly. • Follow the signs. Some of the stairs in school are one way only. • If you are excused from lesson you should be carrying a corridor pass. • Only respectful language should be used at all times • Ensure you are punctual for lessons • Only eat in the designated areas, no eating in corridors.

In line with the guidance laid out by the government at www.gov.uk/schooldiscipline-exclusions/ searches, the school has statutory powers and doesn’t need your child’s consent to search them and confiscate items if we think your child has prohibited items.


Prohibited items

Moving about school

Full uniform to be worn. Blazers must be worn at all times unless a teacher gives you permission to remove it in class. No outdoor coats to be worn in school. See page on Uniform for full details.

Banned items

Mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players, fidget spinners and cubes are banned in school. These items will be confiscated if seen in school and returned at the end of the day if a first time offence. Students are responsible for all items. The school cannot be held liable for theft or accidental damage of personal items or items of sentimental value.

Weapons, eg knives, alcohol, illegal drugs, stolen goods, tobacco products, eg cigarettes, pornographic images, fireworks, anything that has been, or is likely to be, used to cause injury or commit an offence or anything banned in the school rules.

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Home/school communication Click orange box for main index of contents

Our main form of communication with you will be via e-mail. We will use texts for urgent communications such as school closure due to severe weather. Please ensure that we always have your current e-mail and mobile number. If you need help setting up an e-mail account contact Helen Howard on 0117 377 2000 for assistance.

Get in touch Orchard School Bristol, Filton Road, Bristol, BS7 0XZ Tel: 0117 377 2000 Absence line: 0117 377 2021 E-mail: info@osb.school Website www.osb.school Facebook www.facebook.com/OrchSchoolBristol Facebook group OSB Parents

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Query Who to contact Absence Telephone the absence line: 0117 377 2021 Absence request form Call reception 0117 377 2021 Bullying E-mail or telephone your relevant pastoral manager. See previous page for contact details. Child Protection/Safeguarding E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: Designated child protection officer: Dorian Coxon Complaints – formal Email: Clerk@osb.school Contact Details / Data change E-mail: Info@OSB.school FAO: Admin team E-safety – Information / guidance E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: Social media assistant: Rebecca Day E-safety – Specific cases E-mail or telephone your relevant pastoral manger see previous page for contact details Exams E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: Exams office; Jon Gould Governors E-mail: Clerk@osb.school Homework issues E-mail or telephone your subject teacher. See pages 30 and 31 for contact details Learning in a subject E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: (insert the subject) Teacher of (insert child’s name) Medical conditions E-mail your relevant pastoral manger. See previous page for contact details Parent Pay E-mail Info@osb.school FAO: Admin team Parent Voice E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: Parental Engagement: Helen Howard Special Educational Needs E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: SENCo: Miss Allan Uniform queries E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: Admin Uniform orders www.swischoolwear.co.uk/ Work Experience E-mail: Info@osb.school FAO: Work exp co-ordinator: Miss Galpin

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House system Click orange box for main index of contents

At Orchard School we have a vibrant house system. When each child joins us, he or she is allocated to one of four houses - Dirac, Ricart, Dunmore and Pethick - named after four prominent people with Bristol connections. Children also join a tutor group; we have what is known as vertical tutor groups, which means there is a mixture of students of all ages. It is vital in helping younger children get used to their new environment and our older students often take on an informal mentoring role for the younger ones. Your child’s tutor will be one of the most important people while at Orchard School. They should be your first point of call if you have any concerns. Their contact details can be found by clicking on the relevant house on our website: www.osb.school/houses Our house system is important in giving children - and families support in matters not connected to academic life. Our friendly Heads of House and Pastoral Managers are always available to discuss any matters of concern.

Dirac House Head of House: Mr Edmonds p.edmonds@osb.school Pastoral Manager: Miss Pointing t.pointing@osb.school Tel: 0117 377 2414

Pethick House Head of House: Mr Pitt d.pitt@osb.school Pastoral Manager: Mrs Hooper i.hooper@osb.school Tel: 0117 377 2049

Dunmore House Head of House: Mrs Hinks a.hinks@osb.school Pastoral Manager: Miss Piper d.piper@osb.school Tel: 0117 377 2029

Ricart House Head of House: Mr Hurran p.hurran@osb.school Pastoral Manager: Mrs Cavanagh a.cavanagh@osb.school Tel: 0117 377 2031

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Your child’s tutor should be your first point of call (type in grey boxes)

My child’s tutor__ _________________________ Tutor group___________________________________________ Tutor’s e-mail__________________________________________


Handbook for parents

School uniform Orchard School has a smart, sensible uniform which all students must wear every day: • Black blazer with school logo on pocket to be worn at all times, only to be removed in class at teacher’s discretion • Plain long black trousers – straight legged suitable for the work place, no tracksuit bottoms, leggings, ski pants, jeans or jeantype trousers, drain-pipes, cords or similar. No zips on show. • Plain black pleated skirt – non clinging and of knee length • White shirt with buttons to the collar • Sensible black leather shoes which can be polished: all shoes should have a back on them (no trainers, canvas shoes, daps or boots) • House ties – formally tied at the collar PE kit • Blue shorts • Black tracksuit bottoms • White t-shirt with school logo • Blue socks • Training shoes All students must wear a gum shield for all hockey and rugby lessons.


Price list

Blazer £29.79 - £33.99 depending on size. Jumper (optional) £18.70 - £23.41 depending on size. There are a limited number of old stock jumpers in school which are available for £12.00. Items available in school until summer 2018: House tie – £3.50 PE top – £6.00

Buying Uniform Blazers and jumpers are available to order online at www.swidtp. co.uk (please click ‘register’ to set up your account). Items available at school can be purchased through ParentPay at www.parentpay.com. See next page for how to make payments. Trousers and skirts can be bought online but as with shirts and shoes they can be bought anywhere. The large supermarkets usually sell them at reasonable prices, but please make sure they nmeet our uniform requirements.

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Handbook for parents


Timetable for students

Each student has an individually named timetable. Orchard has a 2 week timetable which means students have different lessons on week 1 and week 2. Click orange box for main index of contents

Sample timetable

Enrichment activities


Class name Teacher

9T1/Sc MPA F17

Room location, F = First floor, G = Ground floor, L = Lower floor In the Tutor time column (Tut) you can see the name of the tutor group, the tutor’s initials and the room locations. Inspire today... empower for life


Handbook for parents

Timetable for students


Subject codes Ar = Art Bs = Business Studies Cd = Child Development Da = Dance Dr = Drama Dt = Design Technology Eg = Engineering En = English Fd = Food Fr = French Ga = Games Gg = Geography Hi = History Hs = Health and Social Care Hu = Humanities La = MFL Li = Literacy Ll = Learning to Lead

Ln =Latin Ma = Maths Mm = Film Studies Mo = Mechanics Mu = Music Nk = Textiles Pa = Perf Arts Pd = Product Design Pe = PE Ps = PSHE Re = RE Sc = Science Tut = Tutor Time NB Enrichment codes are not included here as these change termly.

Find out more

Click image to visit our curriculum page to get information about our subjects areas

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Handbook for parents


School curriculum Click orange box for main index of contents

Students experience a stimulating and broad curriculum timetabled over two weeks with five, one hour lessons per day and a sixth lesson on Wednesdays. All students in Years 7 – 11 study a Key Curriculum comprising of: • English (Language and Literature) • Mathematics • Science • Physical Education (including Dance) • Religious Education (RE) Enrichment On Wednesdays all students participate in Period 6: Years 7, 8 & 9 select from an enrichment programme. Year 10 experience a PSHE, Citizenship and Information, advice and guidance programme and Year 11 extend their study of Science. Co-curriculum All students experience relevant and appropriate Personal, Social & Health Education, Sex and relationship Education, Citizenship and Careers Education, Information and Guidance. In addition to timetabled lessons students have opportunities to participate in a popular programme of enrichment and extended learning experiences. Year 10 students plan and participate in Work Experience.

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Handbook for parents

School curriculum


Years 7 & 8 (Key Stage 3) In addition to the Key Curriculum, students in Years 7 & 8 also study: • History and Geography • Modern Foreign Languages - French or Spanish • Art • Design & Technology (including Food Technology) • Latin • Music Years 9,10 & 11 (Key Stage 4) Year 9 is a transition year. Students start aspects of their Key Stage 4 curriculum, including English (Language and Literature), Maths, Science and RE GCSEs whilst still experiencing a range of subjects. In addition to the Key Curriculum, students in Year 9 also study: • Either History or Geography – beginning their GCSE course in one of these subjects • Modern Foreign Languages (French or Spanish) • A choice of an Art, Design, Engineering, Food or Performing Arts course. During Year 9 students make final subject choices so that in Years 10 & 11 they study the Key Curriculum and a range of GCSE or equivalent courses selected from the following subjects: • Triple Science • Geography, History, • French, Spanish, • Art, Child Development, Drama, Health and Social Care, Performing Arts, Sport Studies • Business Studies, Engineering, Product Design We enable students to study certificated, entry level courses in English and Maths relevant to their learning needs. EAL students can also sit additional GCSEs in their home language.

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Handbook for parents


Making payments Click orange box for main index of contents


ParentPay is a secure online payment system that has been introduced at Orchard School, giving parents a more convenient way to pay for school meals, trips and activities. The benefits of using ParentPay include: • You can make payments 24/7, from any location; • You will have a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password. Parents can create a single account login for all children; • Payment histories can be tracked and no card details are stored in any part of the system. For more information about ParentPay, including FAQs, visit our website: www.osb.school/parent-pay

School Dinners

Students pay for school dinners using an electronic system that allows them to access their balance using their finger print. Money can be put onto their account using ParentPay www.parentpay.com or by using cash via the machines in school. For your child to use this system you will need to sign that you give consent for the school to use a fingerprint image. School dinners cost £2.40.


Trips are paid for using ParentPay. www.parentpay.com


Lockers are available for your child to store their coats and books. A deposit of £2.50 is required for the key which should be paid via ParentPay www.parentpay.com

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Handbook for parents


Homework Why it’s important

Homework is a key part of a student’s learning, helping them practise new skills and revise what they have learnt. Please support your child with their homework by providing them with a quiet place to work. Encourage them to develop their time management skills by not leaving it to the last minute. Students will be assigned homework in all subjects using the Show My Homework application which parents are able to access to see what homework their child has. www.showmyhomework.co.uk/login Each child receives an information sheet about getting started, with a pin number for parents to view what homework is being set. If you need a new pin, e-mail info@osb.school. Further information on how to access ShowMyHomework can be found on the school website. www.osb.school/show-my-homework If you access ShowMyHomework from a computer rather than your phone, you can see more information about submissions and marking.

Helping your child with their work

It’s fine to offer advice, even if you are unsure yourself, but don’t be tempted to do it for them. The internet is a great resource to help both you and your child. The BBC bite size website has lots of helpful hints and tips. www.bbc.co.uk/education. For more suggestions on useful websites go to the school website www.osb.school/support-with-schoolwork

Homework Club

We run a homework club for our students every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 2.55 - 3.55pm in the school library.

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Handbook for parents


Parents’ evenings Click orange box for main index of contents

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Each year group will have a minimum of one parents’ evening a year. This is a key evening both to hear about your child’s progress and to develop further the partnership between school and home to ensure the very best outcomes for your child. Parents’ evening dates and times Appointments with teachers are available from 4pm-7.00pm. Year 7 15th March Year 9 12th April Year 9 options evening 19th April Year 10 14th June Year 11 1st March Making appointments Parents can book appointments at orchard.parentseveningsystem.co.uk Booking open 2 weeks prior to the parents’ evening. Early booking is highly recommended to enable you to get the appointment times that work for you. You will simply need to give your child’s name and date of birth. Enter your e-mail address to get confirmation of your appointments. Appointments with teachers are 5 minutes long. Teachers have appointments back to back to ensure that they can keep to time. They will only be able to see you if you have an appointment and arrive on time. Helen Howard will be in reception to help with making any changes you may require but on the evening, spaces will be limited. If you are having problems with booking, please phone the school on 0117 377 2000 and ask for Jill Noyes or Helen Howard who will talk you through how to book. Each parents’ evening you will receive a pack containing: your child’s report, a room list showing where all the teachers are located, a contact sheet to check and update your contact details and a feedback form which can be used to request further information or ask any questions that you did not have time to ask.


Handbook for parents


School reports Pastoral Meetings If you have a concern or wish to share some information about home that may be impacting your child’s education, you can also make an appointment with your child’s Pastoral Manager at Parents’ Evening. To make an appointment please e-mail your relevant pastoral manager. See contact details page.

At parents’ evening you will receive a paper report to help you understand how your child is progressing in each subject. Also included will be information about behaviour and attendance. Your child’s teachers will be able to go through the report with you and a member of the senior leadership team will be on hand if you have any further questions.

Example reports KS3 Current Progress: The table right* shows the progress being made by a child in each subject. * This is an example, not the report for an actual child

Note: Ready to Learn and Attendance will appear on both KS3 & KS4 reports Inspire today... empower for life


Handbook for parents


Catering at OSB Click orange box for main index of contents

Catering is delivered by a facilities company, BAM, who plan all the menus, source all the ingredients and prepare food on site. BAM always provides both vegetarian and Halal options as well as dairy free and gluten free. Those students with allergies or special dietary requirements should speak to the catering staff to check which items are suitable. BAM’s kitchen is a nut and seed free environment and they will always endeavour to only source food that has been produced in environments where nuts and seeds are not present, but cannot guarantee this. Food is available at breakfast, break and lunchtime. For full menus check our website Breakfast Club Breakfast is available from 7.50 am in the food hall. Toast is on offer free of charge to all students. A full breakfast menu is also available. Free School Meals Even if your son or daughter is going to bring packed lunches, just filling in an application form and recording eligibility may benefit your child in other ways such as school trip discounts. It also will increase the funding the school receives. To qualify for free school meals and the other related benefits you must receive one of the following: • Income Support • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit • Universal Credit

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Handbook for parents


Catering at OSB Sample menu If you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals, there are a number of ways you can apply. Apply on line at bristol.gov.uk/ fsm or collect and return an application form from Reception at Orchard School. If you need help completing the form, our reception staff will happily help.

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Handbook for parents


Enrichment opportuntities Click orange box for main index of contents

Children’s University The Children’s University (CU) Trust is a charitable trust that provides 7 to 14 year olds with exciting and innovative learning activities and experiences outside normal school hours. They celebrate achievement and reward participation through their certificates. At Orchard School we enrol every Year 7 child on the CU program. Each Year 7 student is allocated a Year 9 or 10 student mentor to support them throughout the year to give them the best possible chance to succeed. Students can be credited for activities outside the normal classroom, such as Scouts, sports clubs, going on days out to numerous locations such as the SS Great Britain and the MShed. In Year 8 we hope students will continue with CU. In Year 9 and 10 students can become CU volunteers, where they support Year 7 students and school events to earn volunteer hours. Drama The Shakespeare Schools Festival is a national event in which each school taking part performs a Shakespeare play in half an hour. The performance takes place at a professional theatre. Anyone who has previously been involved in the project will tell you it is an amazing way to build confidence. It allows you to work as a team and have a go at being an actor! Students from Years 8 -11 will be invited to audition in July/September by Miss Wood. Sports Teams We compete in all Bristol leagues for football, rugby, netball, basketball, handball, hockey, swimming, fencing, laser shooting, biathlons, rounders and athletics. We also run a variety of lunch and after school clubs. Our clubs are open to everyone and experience isn’t required. See any PE teacher for information as well as Twitter @OrchardSchoolPE and notice boards. Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Open to anyone aged 14 to 24 the DofE award encourages

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Handbook for parents


teamwork and social interaction and helps young people to stand out from the crowd when applying for university and jobs. At Orchard School we offer the opportunity to all students in Year 9 or above to take part. Having just passed its 60 year anniversary, the award scheme still offers young people a great way of learning new skills and having new experiences. Students complete four sections - volunteering, physical, skills and an expedition. We offer the Bronze here at Orchard School Bristol.


Drumming Group The drumming group meets every Wednesday, 2.55 – 3.55 and works towards a number of performances at school events throughout the year. This year the drumming group will be opening a performance of Zimbe which will be performed by our school choir, other local choirs and the Bristol Choral Society. This group is for students in KS3. Choir The choir meets every Wednesday 2.55 – 3.55 and works towards a number of performances at school events throughout the year. This year our choir will join with other local choirs and the Bristol Choral Society to perform Zimbe to members of the community. This group is for students in KS3. Music lessons with Bristol Plays Music Personal tuition can be organised for your child via Bristol Plays Music. These lessons can be organised during the school day. If you are interested in personal tuition for your child, contact Bristol Plays Music on 0117 204 7140 who will be able to provide you with costs and available times or alternatively please contact Mr Butcher at info@ osb.school. Support with fees may be available. Debate Society The Debating Society meets every Wednesday 2.55 – 3.55. For more information contact Miss Nelson at info@osb.school.

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Student leadership Click orange box for main index of contents

School Ambassadors Your child may be selected to represent the school as a School Ambassador. These students are provided with training to enable them to show off the school to prospective students and parents. They might get involved in running open evenings, open mornings, comparing events, creating videos on school life and delivering school tours. Student Voice Student Voice is collected throughout the year with different groups of students. Your child might be involved in staff interviews, consultation on teaching and learning, discussions about new polices in school, governor reviews, school dinner food tasting and school surveys to ascertain their views. Student Voice groups are selected from students from all year groups and we always try to ensure a representative sample of students is questioned. School Council The School Council offers an invaluable opportunity for students to feedback and give input on issues affecting them. The students meet each term and representatives then meet with members of the senior leadership team and school governors. This opportunity not only provides the students with a formal opportunity to have their voice heard but also develops leadership and management skills. To become a member of the school council you need to be elected by your tutor group as their representative. Tutor representatives will ask the views of their tutor group and take those to the school council meetings.

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Sports Leaders At Orchard School we run a Sports Leadership Academy with the aim of developing the leadership potential of our young people. Our goal is to empower young people to be able to organise, officiate and lead events both in school and across Bristol with confidence and maturity. Over the last two years the number of Sports Leaders has flourished in Orchard School and the students now help organise sports lessons, run daily clubs and plan and lead termly sporting events. We have also organised and run a number of external events and have received excellent feedback for the help and support our young leaders are able to provide. So if your child has a keen interest in sport, as a performer, coach or observer, then the Sports Leadership Academy could be for them. For more information contact Mr Pitt at info@osb.school.. Student Buddies Your child may be selected to buddy a new student. They will be provided training to enable them to help a student who is new to Orchard. They will support throughout the new student’s induction period, helping them to understand school life and to make new friends. Students are selected from all year groups so interested students should contact Mr Keeling.  

Prayer room A prayer room is available to students in the CLC at lunchtime. Please ask at reception for details. Inspire today... empower for life


Handbook for parents


Parental opportunities Click orange box for main index of contents

Parent Voice

Our Parent Voice group meet 4 times a year and helps steer the school in key areas. We meet at lunch time 12 – 1pm and 6pm – 7pm so hopefully parents can attend one of those times. Our meeting dates this year are; 21st March – discussing school communication 20th June – discussion items to be agreed. Our Facebook group ‘OSB Parents’ is dedicated to keeping you updated with important school news and information. Please request to join the group, and also like our public Facebook page ‘Orchard School Bristol’. We’re on Twitter too! Follow us at @OrchardSB Helen Howard & Rebecca Day support Parent Voice within Orchard and can be contacted on 0117 377 2000.

Parent Governors

If you would like to become more involved in the running of the school please contact Clerk@osb.school to find out more about becoming a parent governor.

Businesses supporting school

If you or your business would be interested in supporting the school by volunteering or offering work experience placements please contact h.howard@osb.school.

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School policies Orchard School Governors keep under review all legally required policies. They also respond to change and developments by considering new policies as necessary. To view the adopted policies you can download the documents below. If you require a printed copy please apply to the school reception. Telephone 0117 3772000.

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Acceptable Internet Use Accessibility Accessibility Plan 2016-2019 Administration of Medicines Admissions Anti-bullying Assessment Attendance Behaviour Charging and Remissions Children in Care Collective Worship Complaints Curriculum Disciplinary Drugs EAL Educational Trips

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

quality and Diversity E Action Plan E-Safety Exam Contingency Exams Controlled Assessment Homework Inclusion Literacy Lockdown (policy) Most Skilled Numeracy Safeguarding and child protection Special Educational Needs or Disability Sex and Relationships Statement of British Values Teaching & Learning Uniform

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2017-18 calendar Orchard School Calendar 2017 - 18 Absence Line: 0117 3772021

Click orange box for main index of contents

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

SEPTEMBER 2017 1 2 1 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

DECEMBER 2017 2 1 2 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


MARCH 2018 1 2 1 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25

JUNE 2018 1 2 1 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24

Inset Days

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2 25 26 27 28 29 30

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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NOVEMBER 2017 2 1 2 1 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26

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JANUARY 2018 1 2 1 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21

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FEBRUARY 2018 1 2 1 5 12 19 6 13 20 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25

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Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

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Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Parents Evenings

Parents evenings Year 7, 15th March Year 9, 12th April Year 9, 19th April Options Evening

empower for life

Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

MAY 2018 2 1 2 7 14 21 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27

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School Holidays

Year 10, 14th June Year 11, 1st March


Handbook for parents


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Orchard School Bristol Filton Road Horfield Bristol BS7 0XZ W T E

www.osb.school 0117 377 2000 info@osb.school

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Inspire today... empower for life

Handbook for parents


Teaching staff Miss Miss Mr Mr Mr Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Ms Mr Mr Miss Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs Miss Mrs Mrs Mrs Ms Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Miss Mrs Mrs Miss Mr Mrs Mr Mrs Ms Mr Miss Miss Mrs Ms Mr Miss Miss Miss Mr Mrs Miss Miss Miss

Vic Sarah David Giles Mark Abbie Emma Jane Rachael Dorian Laura Ray Phil Laura Lesley Kate Fiona Rob Nathan Ross Peter Mathew Aimee Sarah Claire Gemma Alice Shut Pete Beverley Phil Cathryn Jennifer Cassie Estella Kirsty Fergus Jenny Matthew Lea Kirsty Dan Emily Kate Tonya Maddy Arun Emily Charlotte Laura Bruno Cassie Nicola Sophie Florence


Inspire today... empower for life

SENCo Science Maths Subject Leader: Music, Art & Design Engineering/DT English Second in Humanities Second in Maths Deputy Head: Inclusion/Languages Assistant SENCo/Maths Maths Head of Dirac House/Languages Subject Leader: Maths Assistant Headteacher Assistant Headteacher/Science Subject Leader: Science Studies English Science Maths Deputy Head: Curriculum/Geography Head of Engagement & Wellbeing/Science Music/Lead Cover Supervisor Maths BTECs and Vocational Learning/Business Studies (W-F) Subject Leader: Humanities (covering Maternity) Head of Dunmore House/Languages Art/DT Head of Ricart House/Geography/Humanities Maths Intervention Teacher (Tues - Fri) Liaison and Transition Manager/PE Coordinator of English Language Support (W-F) Subject Leader: English Studies Science (Mon - Thurs) Second in English English History/Humanities Subject Leader: Humanities (on Maternity Leave) Second in Science Subject Leader: Sports Studies Second in Music, Art & Design Head of Pethick House/PE English Associate Assistant Headteacher/Science Geography/Humanities (Weds - Fri) Science English Food/DT/Health & Social Care PE History/Humanities Subject Leader: Languages Maths (Weds - Fri) Art/DT English/Coordinator for Most Skilled Students English/KS3 Drama

v.allan@osb.school s.barker@osb.school d.busby@osb.school g.butcher@osb.school m.commane@osb.school a.cooper@osb.school ej.courtney@osb.school r.cox@osb.school d.coxon@osb.school l.donnelly@osb.school r.douglas@osb.school p.edmonds@osb.school l.evans@osb.school lesley.evans@osb.school k.fiddian@osb.school f.fields@osb.school r.flitter@osb.school n.freeman@osb.school r.garvey@osb.school p.gould@osb.school m.grafton@osb.school a.green@osb.school s.hardy@osb.school c.harrisson@osb.school g.hickey@osb.school a.hinks@osb.school s.howell@osb.school p.hurran@osb.school p.keeling@osb.school c.leigh@osb.school j.marsh@osb.school c.morrison@osb.school e.nelson@osb.school k.newcombe@osb.school f.odonovan@osb.school j.onslow@osb.school m.parkes@osb.school l.pembertonh@osb.school k.pettett@osb.school d.pitt@osb.school e.redman@osb.school k.richards@osb.school t.russell@osb.school m.selman@osb.school a.sharma@osb.school e.siddon@osb.school c.strickland@osb.school l.taylor@osb.school b.veron@osb.school c.weeks@osb.school n.williams@osb.school s.wiltshire@osb.school f.wood@osb.school

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Handbook for parents


Inspire today... empower for life


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