Crisis of capitalism

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THE FAILING OF CAPITALISM The ending of capitalism have been subject to predictions that anticipated an end, but it has prevailed and has strengthened; apparently has more strength and staying power now than before; after the fall of the countries of "real socialism" this is the political system and economic model that prevails, even though, the members of the former Warsaw Pact or the Community for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), claiming that its collapse , but it was the opposite and unexpected allies Union (USSR) Soviet Socialist Republics were literally the disappearance of its economic model and political system in the late eighties, to become what most criticized during the Cold War, capitalists. ÂżThe ideologists of capitalism to see the fall of the socialist community, said that it had reached the end of history, which meant that capitalism declared eternal and that he had no ideological adversary, so its sphere of influence became global. The existence of the Cold War was an ideological, political and economic struggle in the world, in a context of limited wars in some countries in various continents , it by maintaining and expanding their spheres of influence, so that the struggle for decolonization of imperial countries in Europe and the US, the international rightists interpreted as a struggle between East and West, not North and South; in a similar way, the struggles against dictatorships imposed by US citizens were taken as struggles for establishing the "communism". However, the existence of the socialist community in particular forced capitalism in the countries of Western Europe, USA and Canada to make advances in health, housing, education, wages, jobs and respect for human rights, in order to neutralize or diminish to insignificance social movements and subtract militancy leftist parties, i.e. capitalism took the battle standards to prevent lawlessness and social unrest that led to the establishment of socialism.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, is a symbolic act which has been interpreted as the strengthening of the rightists in the world to become even Russian as a capitalist country, the principal leaders of the Russian Communist Party leader became ipso facto capitalists and most of its member in important businessmen . In European countries, due to the crisis of capitalism, and to keep it standing, international financial organizations have forced the Europeans to undo the welfare state governments, which means it has risen insecurity, unemployment, budget cuts and the commercialization of education and health, this situation has led to a descent of those services, and accelerated the poverty in their populations. The increased violence, insecurity, migration, terrorism and global warming are expressions of the rise of capitalism, the system respectively political and economic model, is brutally violent, not respected races, ideologies, religions, national sovereignty, humans beings , ethics, morality, and destroys and corrupts everything that would interfere with the purpose of raising the "n" their fortunes. This leads to increased social inequality, the effect of the regressive process, which benefits the international financial industry and harmful to citizens in their taxes subsidize consumption and the global elite oligarchy, and each time receive less social care from the State (Moron, 20014). SOCIAL AND POLITICAL DAMAGE Wages have been considered as one of the instruments contributing to social development and economic growth, because it maintains the level of consumption of goods and services. Wages also contribute to the treasury, to preserve health and some social programs and public construction, favoring the multiplier effect of money that keeps the dynamism in the economy. When Karl Marx wrote books, paid Labour and Capital, and Wages, Price and Profit, which was in its glory was the mechanization of the productive forces in the capital, made a thorough analysis of the keystone of capitalism, ie , goodwill, which was the source of wealth of the capitalist and the laborer's unpaid work.

Now with the high level of scientific and technological development, there is a better digital technologies mechanization and automation of the production process, allowing astronomically increase the production of goods to an almost zero marginal cost, which means that the capitalist profit is limitless, plus working time has been shortened, the scientific-technological advance global elite has become an instrument of domination. Before some of the production process could last months or weeks, it is now a matter of hours or days, then why the worker instead of decreasing work hours and earn a higher salary, receive an income that does not correspond to the cost of loses his life and won labor rights for over a century, with labor flexibility driven by large multinational corporations. "Economic inequality is growing rapidly in most countries. The world's wealth is divided in two: about half is held by the richest 1% of the population, and half of the remaining 99% "(OXFAM, 2014) is distributed to the rest. The worker instead of improving their living conditions will deteriorate in extreme fortunes trillion unrealistically high and, on the other hand, starvation wages, forcing workers into virtual slaves of capitalism, because they make by the force to borrow credit cards, this population has a more uncertain future bleak. "Worse, only 225 people worldwide have an average equity of 15,000 million euros" (Beluche, 2014) Credit cards are used not only to complete the low pay, but also to satisfy the compulsive consumerism, created by the globalized media, focused on the homogeneous globalization of consumption and culture, create false needs, and make misery human in reality show, wars and disasters caused by natural phenomena entertainment programs, distort public opinion, is the banality of reality, which leads to form a global social paralysis. "How is it possible and why individual indebtedness has become essential to survive? George Caffentzis find the answer in the progressive devaluation of labor -a despite increased production-that lived first in US and recently in European countries "(JimĂŠnez, 2014) POVERTY POWER ENRICHMENT

It has caused a high productivity and concentration of wealth, on the other hand, a skewed distribution, there are multi-million dollar profits from the global financial elite and transnationals, while workers receive starvation wages, for example the case of McDonald transnational's . The Institute for Labor and Employment, University of California, conducted the research, Fast Food, poverty wages, published in 2013, according to this study, fast food chains, "in general, companies are not paid insurance health "(Zamorano, 2014). For capitalism unemployment ceased to be considered a reserve of labor, allowing use at any time, and that was the factor that made keeping wages low, having more demand of jobs positions than offer , at times capitalists took advantage of the existential needs of the unemployed and used as replacement workers. For capitalism unemployed are wastes of prosperity, seemingly unstoppable development of capitalism to levels never seen before, this situation is global, but in underdeveloped countries will reach even more serious situations. This problem cannot be analyzed under the conceptual history, because it is not a traditional struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat, but a struggle between working class and global oligarchy. It is a struggle that has crossed the country's borders, it is the financial capital and transnational corporations which indirectly through organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and the governments 'national' the imposing global inequality, which affects almost every country in the world, at different levels of severity. The concept of working class, we include the workers, middle class and bourgeoisie because "national" oligarchies has gone on to become subpar partners or executive employees of the global oligarchy, not forget that the "national" oligarchies will delivered to their masters today, state institutions, depredation permits, exploitation and plunder of national natural resources, free trade agreements (FTAs), etc. Today the struggle is global with boundless greed of any kind of capitalism.

FTAs promoted in the context of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for global and transnational financial elites to impose the elimination of tariff barriers companies, which has hurt the production, manufacturing and distributing of the productive sector of the country especially in the South. With the elimination of trade barriers have made the world as a market, to freely circulate their merchandise and agricultural products at low cost, where farmers and industrialists of the Third World countries cannot compete, because they also do not have any type of subsidy or state insurance, etc. DECLINING OF THE CAPITALISM The end of the capitalism is not going to be the result of a global fight of the humanity in against the environmental, economic, political, cultural and social disasters that it generates. The death of the capitalism will be provoked by one of two factors, by a Third World war (the war theatre will not be located in a geographical certain zone, but it will be one a global war, for the first time it will touch American ground) or for a financial international crisis, both scenes are in construction, which we cannot affirm which of the two will be the explosive one, is a probable fort that happens in the first half of the present century. The requiem of the capitalism will be given by demonstrations and social multitudinous disorders to planetary level, to ask for the funereal honor of the reason of the national and world problems, in order that the governments take again the control and stop being vassals of the financial, transnational elites and of the imperialistic international organizations. The capitalism and the imperialism damage the world population, including the American. Nowadays, there is an indignation generalized by the hard-working and unemployed sectors in the world, for the social and economic regression that is producing the capitalism in the latter financial phase and services, which has allowed it to appropriate natural resources; to suborn chiefs of State and high civil servants of governments, almost all the countries of the world, which means that there is a supra world government.

International movements have arisen against the capitalism to create a better world, such as Observatory of the Debt and Globalization, Infuriated, The occupyWall Street, Strike of the Debt, Antiglobalization Movement , Altermundista Movement , Social World Forum, etc. These socials group of thousands of organizations represent millions of citizens. FIGHT AGAINST THE GLOBAL ELITES The global elites do not recognize national laws, therefore it is necessary to create an Economic International Organization, with the same level and status of the Penal International Court and the International Court of Justice, in order that it controls the faithful fulfillment of his codes of conduct, which violations are fined and penalized. Likewise, to create a tax to the global earnings, with the intention of constituting an economic fund, with the aim to realize lendings to the countries with preferential rates and facilities of payment, to promote the development of the States. The Program of the United Nations for the Development (PNUD) calculated that for the year 2006, the financial transactions on the foreign exchange spent billion dollars by day and a tax of 0.1 % would produce some 150 billion dollars per year. This amount would be enough to eradicate the poverty in the world "(Busino, 2006). To create a new economic international order based on the solidarity and equity, at the same time to restructure the United Nations Organization (UNO) in the context of the current reality of the international relations, in the same sense, seek to decommodify the education, the health, the housing, to eliminate the tax havens and to return the gold standard. Regarding the countries of Latin America, as well as they support their own economic, political, juridical, social and cultural paradigms, as well as move away from the ethnocentrism, from the financial and monetary international system, they re-fuse theirs States, and they create strategies of economic and political integration, move toward to Russia, China, India and Iran, that is to say, look for new markets to export theirs products and to realize commercial interchange, they will achieve better forms to face the deepening of the international crisis of the capitalism.

One of the commercial relations from Latin America with the developed countries is the raw material supplier which is necessary for the functioning of the central economies, it is a relation of interdependence with the European countries, nevertheless, the world trade agreement have tried to increase the domination and exploitation in some countries with governments anti national and pro imperialistic. In Europe, " we might say that without the import of minerals as a raw material there would be a danger for 271 million of job positions and most of this raw material comes from Latin America (Preciado, 2013). Latin America has given important steps to face the colonialism on behalf of the capitalist central countries, across instruments of integration, for example the Community of LatinAmerican and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of (ALBA ) America, the Common Market of the South Countries (MERCOSUR), the Union of Nations of the South (UNASUR), the Agreement of Energetic Cooperation with some countries of the Caribbean and of Central America with the government of Venezuela (PETROCARIBE). To this anticapitalist and imperialist effort the new Bank of Development created in 2014, for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), with the capital of 100.000 million dollars, which seeks to turn into the most important alternative for development around the world.

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