LiuliPlux/ Process Introduction

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每個女人都值得一份美麗的擁有。而美麗的背後,是工藝美術 對細緻的堅持,是每一位工藝師,對於作品的深情。 琉璃脫蠟鑄造藝術 琉璃脫蠟鑄造藝術是一項過程繁複的技法。每一件 觀念佩飾,都要經過12道工序,25個人一筆一劃精雕細修,360個小時的漫 長製程,終能完成姿態生動的琉璃佩飾。 粉燒工藝如畫如詩 粉燒工藝注重燒結的溫度、顏色的流動及細節的質 感,即使厚度1mm的鏤空設計,都能讓琉璃花瓣的顏色飽滿淨透,呈現真實 花朵般的自然質感,帶出靜雅秀麗的氣質。 金工藝術細密鑲合 金屬工藝是底蘊深著的藝術工法,以其溫柔的光澤 輝映澄澈琉璃,也以手觸的溫度,打造金屬的動感造型。金屬與琉璃結合 時,由於材質特性差異大,特別強調細微的手作,經一次次修整比對,方 可鑲合。

Every woman deserves to be blessed with beauty in their lives. For LIULI PLUX, that beauty comes from the insistence on meticulous craftsmanship. Liuli Lost-wax Casting

Liuli lost-wax casting is a complex technique. Each inspiring LIULI PLUX accessory goes through a twelve step process, passes through twenty-five pairs of hands and requires three hundred sixty hours to complete.

Color Placement Technique is Like a Painting, Like Poetry

The keys to Color Placement Technique are temperature control, flow of color and fine details; each step is critical. Even a Liuli flower petal with a 1mm thickness has the capacity to reveal Liuli’s rich colors and transparency in lifelike representation to convey beauty and elegance.

Intricate Metalwork Metalwork craft is a craft with a rich heritage. Combined with crystalline Liuli and the warmth from the artisans’ hands, passion is forged into every piece. Joining the disparate materials of metal and Liuli requires precise workmanship.

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