A VOICE FOR DISABILITY RIGHTS Comptroller DiNapoli is a vocal advocate for New Yorkers with disabilities. He has made disability inclusion and rights a cornerstone of his corporate governance work, regularly reports on and audits key programs and services, and offers families a financial lifeline with the NY ABLE savings program.
John’s Crazy Socks is a father-son social enterprise inspired by John Lee Cronin, a young man with Down syndrome, which donates 5% of their earnings to the Special Olympics. Over half of their employees have a differing ability.
Comptroller DiNapoli was awarded the Catalyst Award by the American Association of People with Disabilities.
Prioritizing Disability Inclusion in Corporate America Comptroller DiNapoli firmly believes that equality, diversity and inclusiveness are fundamental values of companies with sustainable and profitable long-term strategies. As trustee of the nation’s third largest pension fund, the Comptroller has made workforce diversity and worker protections a cornerstone of the Fund’s environmental, social and governance philosophy, and evaluates companies based on their commitment to inclusivity. The Comptroller calls on the nation’s largest companies to participate in the Disability Equality Index, which helps companies achieve greater disability inclusion and equality. In 2021, the Fund called on more than 24 CEOs to register for next year’s index. — 16 —