2 minute read
Reading at the Beach
Summer is finally here! Your kids’ backpacks will settle into a small nook of your home and will soon be traded in for the family beach bag. If you’re headed to the beach this summer, Saybrook Reading has a few creative ideas to add to your beach bag!
1. Did you know your fingertips have over 3,000 touch receptors? Writing in the sand with two fingers (pointer and index) is a very powerful way for kids to learn their letters. Model the letter formation, say the sound of the letter, and then have your kids try!
2. Beach scavenger letter hunt! Give your kids an empty paper bag with the alphabet written on it. Have your kids’ collect items that start with the letter name. S for shell!
3. Did you know that you are your child’s best example of a reader? The more your kids see you read, the more it will motivate them to read. Trade in your phone for 30 minutes of reading your own book at the beach.
4. Level up your child’s background knowledge, vocabulary, and comprehension by reading a higher-level chapter book to your child during down time. Reading to your child strengthens family bonds, nurtures the love of reading, and boosts early literacy skills. Don’t know what to read? Go for the classics, Charlotte’s Web, anything by Roald Dahl or Harry Potter.
If you are ever stuck on ideas for summer or need more summer support, Saybrook Reading always offers free consultations to everyone! Call or text today 860-391-9648.
Sarah Fudge Director at Saybrook Reading