3 minute read
Women in Business
Collaborative initiative for women in business - providing luncheon and evening programs educating women in leadership, development, mentoring and networking. Take some time out of your day to focus on your career goals, network with other likeminded entrepreneurs, and get inspired! Interested in joining? Click on their name or photo for more information and to register! All luncheons are held at Penny Lane Pub in Old Saybrook. 11:30 - 1:00 pm. $25/Member $35/NonMember. Registration is required!
January 26, 2023
“Goal Setting”
Setting yourself up for success means getting clear on what’s happening in your business. Identify the areas where you would like to grow and develop skills and creating a strategy and plan to execute on those goals. Mapping out your goals for the future is important to create the vision for forward growth. Create a strategic roadmap breaking down your goals by the week, month, quarter, and year will set you on your path to prosperity and success. A workbook is included.
Gina Johnson
Gina is a holistic business coach, mentor, marketing guru and reiki master, guiding her clients through powerful proven marketing, branding and business stratgies. She is an accomplished motivational speaker, workshop facilitator and retreat leader. The members of her exclusive community have coined her, The Connector.
February 23, 2023
“Customer Service Tips I Learned as an International Travel Guide”
Elaine will teach you: effective ways to communicate with even the most challenging clients, tips on how to set boundaries in a way that doesn’t alienate clients and protects your own mental being, and how to create moments of magic that raise your clients’ heartbeats - and your NPS scores!
Elaine Rodriguez
Elaine shares her best tips from hosting travelers around the world for making customers happy and ensuring they come back again and agian, no mattter what the industry.
March 23, 2023
“Mastering Difficult Conversations”
The crazy thing about difficult conversations is that they tend be the important ones. (If they didn’t matter, they’d feel a lot easier.) When something important feels hard, it’s often a trigger for emotion – putting you in a less than optimal state, exactly when it matters most. You’ll learn: the most common trap and how to avoid it,what not to do when preparing for a dificult conversation, and a simple, proven formula to use to help you feel calm, in control, and are more likely to have a desireable outcome.
Wendy Perrotti
Wendy is a master-level Certified Professional Coach, speaker and leadership trainer with over 25 years of experience in helping individuals and groups nationwide to affect positve change in their lives. Wendy has been featured on countless podcast, television and radio shows, reached over 2 million people on her own podcast. Page 7