1 minute read
Why do we need a Eucharistic Revival?
Over the past couple of years, our diocese has participated in two major initiatives, the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey and the Synod on Synodality. These initiatives have invited all Catholics to participate and share their thoughts about their experiences of Church. The feedback that we have received from nearly 40,000 people supports the need for a Eucharistic Revival in our diocese.
According to the DMI survey, the majority of respondents (87% / 86%) believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, attend Mass and participate in individual prayer time on a weekly or daily basis. Half are also involved in practicing Catholic devotions at least once a month (e.g. rosary, novenas, feast days, etc.) More than half of respondents, however, did not feel prepared to have conversations about their personal faith story, church teachings or the story of Jesus with family and friends. Another significant finding was that 75% of respondents stated they have never participated in a retreat.
In addition, one of the top ten priorities from the diocesan synodal process was participation in the Liturgy. Some of the emerging actions identified, include:
• increasing adult faith formation opportunities, especially formation on the Liturgy and liturgical practices
• equipping missionary disciples to spread the Good News and be witnesses of God's love
• rebuilding a sense of community in our parishes post-pandemic
• reaching out to those who have distanced themselves or no longer feel included in the Church
• strengthening spiritual life through Adoration, devotions, and retreat experiences
These findings show there is fertile ground for the Eucharistic Revival in our diocese.
Please share the good news of your Council’s activity with the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Team. You may email me at Gregory Coogan, gcoogan@dioceseofcleveland.org.
Gregory Coogan Secretary for Catechetical Formation Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Member of St. Hilary Council #14551