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May is upon us and it is time to start the council elections for the 2023-2024 fraternal year. What better time to think about forms then now???
With councils holding elections between now and June 15, please make sure that the Report for Council Officers (Form 185) is completed by July 1, 2023. The new administration can then select members to help run their service programs and submit the Form 365, also due on July 1. If your FS or GK are using Member Management, you can go into the system, assign the names to the NEXT FRATERNAL YEAR, and you are done. Do the forms early and they you will not have to worry about them later. Plus, it helps the state as we can update our contact database sooner.
The final form due for the fraternal year is the Columbian Award Application. A couple of councils have already taken me up on the automatic SP7. I will have their reports to them no later than the state convention. If your council reported programs via the Form 10784, then we can help assemble the report. Just let Jim Maslach know and we ill assemble that for you.
If you need any assistance with the forms, accessing the online information, or just a general thought, please feel free to contact your District Deputy. Their contact information is on the last page of this newsletter. Otherwise, feel free to contact Jim Maslach, George Metz, Mike Incorvati, or Jerry Nowesnick for help.
The work is not done till the paperwork is submitted. Remember, to be early is to be on time. God Bless.
FORMS AVAILABLE ONLINE @ www.kofcohio.org
#185 Report of Officers Chosen for Term - PDF - Online - due 6/30
#365 Service Program Personnel Report - PDFOnline - due 6/30
#1295-1 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 8/15
#1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity - PDFOnline - due 1/31
#1728A Survey of Fraternal Activity Individual Member Worksheet - No due date
#1295-2 Semi-Annual Council Audit - due 2/15
#SP-7 Columbian Award Application Requires access to Supreme Website Officers Online due 6/30