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USPS Connect: Powering Next-Day Delivery

N o o t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n r e a c h e s a n d serves the American public so visibly every day than the United States Postal Service® Now, it’s leveraging its vast network and reach to bring businesses what consumers are demanding: fast and affordable next-day delivery

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, consumer shopping behaviors have fundamentally changed. Shipping has s u r g e d t r e m e n d o u s l y a s c o n s u m e r s moved their purchasing online. By 2025, the e-commerce share of all retail sales is expected to grow to 23 percent, more than double its share in 2019 Rather than waiting for their lunch hour or after the kids are in bed, consumers are placing orders on their mobile devices as they think of them, between video conference calls or while doing daily tasks.

A t t h e s a m e t i m e , c o n s u m e r s increasingly expect their orders to be f u l f i l l e d a n d d e l i v e r e d q u i c k l y , w i t h more than 30 percent saying they are f r u s t r a t e d w h e n s h i p p i n g t a k e s t o o long About 87 percent say the shipping experience directly impacts their decision to shop with a merchant again.

To compete and grow, businesses must adapt. The key is positioning the p r o d u c t c l o s e r t o t h e c u s t o m e r s o orders can be placed later in the day and still be delivered the next

That’s why in February, USPS will begin rolling out USPS Connect, a suite of affordable package delivery solutions

Pfizer’s ZAVZPRET Migraine Nasal Spray Receives FDA Approval

Pfizer Inc. announced the U.S. Food and D r u g A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ( F D A ) h a s approved ZAVZPRET (zavegepant), the first and only calcitonin gene-related p e p t i d e ( C G R P ) r e c e p t o r a n t a g o n i s t nasal spray for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura in adults

In its pivotal Phase 3 study, ZAVZPRET was statistically superior to placebo on the co-primary endpoints of pain freedom and freedom from most bothersome symptom at two hours post-dose.

5G use cases are typically categorized under LPWA/massive Machine-typeCommunications (mMTC), enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and Ultra-reliable, Low-latency Communications (URLLC) Each of these has features to enable the delivery of services, such as extreme coverage (LPWA/mMTC), high data rates (eMBB) or low latency with high reliability (URLLC) The 3GPP specifications define the requirements to meet these needs. But many IoT applications within these categories can run with reduced 5G requirements. RedCap defines those requirements

RedCap defines IoT device requirements that need smaller, less complex and lower-cost RF solutions with longer battery life than existing 5G offerings, such as for the latest smartphones IoT applications with these characteristics include wearables, industrial wireless sensors and video surveillance – key focus areas of RedCap.

Some IoT devices for 5G applications don’t need extremely high data rates like smartphones do RedCap spec-

T h e p i v o t a l s t u d y a l s o d e m o n s t r a t e d pain relief as early as 15 minutes in a p r e s p e c i f i e d s e co n d a r y e n d p o i n t versus placebo

“The FDA approval of ZAVZPRET marks a significant breakthrough for people with migraine who need freedom from pain and prefer alternative options to oral medications,” said Angela ifies lower data rate requirements for I o T , w h i c h s i g n i f i c a n t l y r e d u c e s R F design complexity for some applications. Compared to current 5G implem e n t a t i o n s , R e d C a p s p e c i f i e s l o w e r maximum bandwidth, fewer frequency bands, fewer antennas and fewer MIMO layers and Rx chains It does not require EN-DC support; it reduces QAM, can run half-duplex and use TDD instead of FDD, and lowers transmit power All of these mean less design complexity, which reduces cost Additionally, RedCap supports only standalone (SA) 5G networks, so there’s no requirement to support two active Tx chains simultaneously.

W i t h t h e r e l e a s e o f R e d C a p , chipsets and RF solutions targeting IoT applications from product developers like Qorvo will arrive late 2023 with commercial products likely in 2024 By then, carriers will have transitioned to the SA 5G networks necessary to support RedCap devices 3GPP continues to enhance the standard and define new features for Release 18. 3GPP is also s t u d y i n g w a y s t o f u r t h e r r e d u c e R F complexity and cost and extend battery l i f e R e d C a p w i l l c o n t i n u e e v o l v i n g , for businesses, across the nation. At its core, USPS Connect is about providing solutions that help businesses of all sizes – whether a local neighborhood business or a national shipper – grow their business through mail and shipping services

A major component of the Postal Service’s 10-year growth strategy, USPS Connect capitalizes on the vast reach of its unmatched physical distribution network to help businesses in every community across America meet growing consumer demand for fast and affordable delivery

To do so, USPS is transforming and realigning its network to speed package delivery so when customers place an order, they get it as quickly as possible, often the next day.

USPS is built for this because it is the only carrier that serves every home and business six and often seven days a week Its 644,000 employees also live, work and purchase in every community in the country That’s why at every level, in every community, it is invested in business’ success

Hwang, Chief Commercial Officer, President, Global Biopharmaceuticals Business, Pfizer. “ZAVZPRET underscores Pfizer’s commitment to delivering an additional treatment option to help people with migraine gain relief and get back to their daily lives Pfizer will continue to build its migraine franchise to further support the billions of people worldwide impacted by this debilitating disease ”

The FDA approval is based on two p i v o t a l r a n d o m i z e d , d o u b l e - b l i n d , placebo-controlled studies that established the efficacy, tolerability and safety profiles of ZAVZPRET for the acute treatment of migraine bringing more benefits and opportunities to device manufacturers, carriers, and especially end users In the next few years, we should expect innovative use cases to emerge across many industries, from where IoT is mission-critical to c o n s u m e r d e v i c e s f o r e n h a n c i n g lifestyles

RedCap Use Cases Targeted in

3GPP Release 17

RedCap is good news Device makers will be able to leverage the benefits of 5G using simpler designs and at a lower c o s t t h a n c u r r e n t i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s while running at higher speeds than existing LTE IoT networks End users of these devices will likely have a greater choice of 5G services tailored to specific IoT apps with different data rates, latency, and levels of availability Carriers will be able to transition from non-standard 5G networks to standalone (SA) more efficiently, offering advantages in cost, efficiency, and new revenue opportunities.

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