Driving Excellence in Foodservice Equipment: PVI’s Commitment to Quality and Partnership
By Ferry Díaz, Foodservice Sales, PVI
The foodservice equipment industry plays a vital role in shaping dining experiences, from local eateries to grand stadiums At PVI Manufacturing, we take p r i d e i n b e i n g a t r u s t e d partner for our dealer-based n e t w o r k , d e l i v e r i n g s o l utions that empower businesses to excel, even in the face of industry challenges
A s t h e A m e r i c a s p r epare to host some of the world’s most exciting sport-
i n g e v e n t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e Club World Cup 2025, FIFA
W o r l d C u p 2 0 2 6 a n d L A Olympics in 2028, the foodservice industry is gearing up for unparalleled opportunities These events will bring millions of visitors, all expecting seamless d i n i n g e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t r e f l e c t t h e energy and diversity of their surround-
ings F o r o u r d
moments represent immense potential – and PVI Manufacturing is here to help them seize it Our innovative solutions are built to meet the demands of high-
we ensure our partners have the tools they need to succeed – whether outfitting a small kitchen or preparing for a high-capacity event
What sets us apart is our dedicat i o n t o p a r t n e r s h i p A t P V I Manufacturing, we view our dealers not just as clients, but as collaborators in achieving success We listen to their needs, share insights and provide tailored support to help them navigate challenges and embrace growth This commitment ensures not just the durability of our equipment, but the strength of our relationships. As we look toward a future filled with global sports and c u l t
volume, high-pressure environments while maintaining the flexibility neede d t o a d a p t t o u n i q u e c
requirements At PVI Manufacturing,
mistic and prepared Together with our dealer-based network, we are excited to shape the future of foodservice by combining innovation, quality and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction
Let’s work together to set the table for the world’s greatest events
safety North American Kitchen Solutions (NAKS) has once again raised the bar with its latest groundbreaking product: the LBMUA-AV Hood System with Integrated Exhaust and Makeup-Air
Reduced System Cost
This revolutionary hood system is the industry's first UL705/705-Grease Rated hood system to seamlessly integrate exhaust and makeup-air fans into a single unit This innovative design eliminates the need for separate fans, signifi c a n t l y r e d u c i n g s y s t e m c o m p l e x i t y and equipment costs.
A Lower Cost Installation Process
grease filters provide a large capture area Simultaneously, the built-in 10inch airgap with integrated makeup air meets or exceeds clearance to combustibles with zero clearance insulation
Safety and Durability
S a f e t y i s p a r a m o u n t i n c o m m e r c i a l kitchens. The LBMUA-AV Hood System is available with or without pre-piped KIDDE or ANSUL fire suppression systems Pre-piped units meet strict UL300 fire test criteria, providing peace of mind and ensuring the safety of your kitchen The system’s durable stainless
s t e e l c o n s t r u c t i o n g u a r a n t e e s l o n glasting performance, even in the most demanding kitchen environments
The Future of Kitchen Ventilation
A K S h a s s t r e a m l i n e d
h e w a l l - m o u n t e d e x h a u s t a n d s u p -
p l y a i r l o u v e r s f u r t h e r s i m p l i f y t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n , e n s u r i n g a q u
Unparalleled Efficiency and Performance
T h e L B M U A - A V H o o d S y s t e m i s designed to deliver optimal performance and efficiency The factory-mounted grease duct with louver and integrated blowers and fans ensure effective grease capture and ventilation The s
challenges With access to vetted third party technology providers and the help of veteran restaurant advisors, operators can more easily find and select the right technology solutions for their unique business needs. Back of House provides advice, research and technology recommendations across a variety of verticals, including point-of-sale system solutions, food cost management platforms, HR and scheduling solutions, marketing tools and automation companies, among others
About Gordon Food Service
For more than 125 years, Gordon Food Service has delivered the excellence, expertise and quality products customers need to design successful food operations and experiences Now, it is one of the largest family-operated broadline food distribution companies in North America, with a product range and logistical wingspan that both celebrate and trump its early days in business Driven by food, family and community, Gordon Food Service is passionately committed to the people it serves
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o w w w .backofhouse.io or www.gfs.com. Backofhouse io (Cont’d from p 14)
The LBMUA-AV Hood System represents the future of kitchen ventilation By combining cutting-edge technology with a streamlined design, NAKS has created a solution that addresses the evolving needs of commercial kitchens and food trucks With its simplified installation, unparalleled efficiency and robust safety features, the LBMUA-AV Hood System is poised to revolutionize the industry.
As the commercial foodservice industry continues to grow and evolve, innov a t i v e s o l u t i o n s l i
L B M U A - A V Hood System will play a crucial role in shaping the future of kitchen ventilation. By embracing this groundbreaki n g t e c h n o l o g y , b u s i n e s s e s c a n enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs and prioritize safety
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o w w w naksinc com, email sales@naksinc com or stop by booth #5504
NAKS (Cont’d. from p. 1)
Kitchen Brains (Cont’d from p 1)
In today’s fast-paced and dynamic foodservice industry, both commercial refrigeration and cooking equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and restaurant operators face relentless challenges. Balancing rapid innovation, cost mana
y requires a partner who understands both sides of the kitchen equation Kitchen Brains, the only appliance control company bridging the needs of operators and OEMs, delivers custom a
redefine industry standards.
Operator-Focused DNA and a Robust Knowledge Library
Built Over 55 Years of Experience
One major disconnect between OEMs and operators is the speed of kitchen operations versus the pace of product development. Operators need immediate solutions, but the gap between
demand and delivery often leads to delays and strained relationships Kitchen Brains resolves this disconnect by harnessing its operator-focused DNA and a robust knowledge library built over 55 years of experience Its refrigeration and cooking configurable control platforms significantly shorten development cycles, while U S -based manufacturing and operations ensure unmatched responsiveness from design to deployment By translating kitchen language into actionable solutions, Kitchen Brains transforms urgent technology demands into rapid, effective results.
U.S. Based Manufacturing and Operations Ensure Unmatched Responsiveness from Design to Deployment
Cost pressures present another formidable challenge, squeezing innovation out of the equation OEMs face rising s
resist price increases, leading to tough compromises that threaten profitabili-
ty Kitchen Brains addresses this tension with flexible intellectual property (IP) options, fostering a shared riskand-reward model Combining operator insights with cost-efficient, streaml
empowers OEMs to access innovative s
resources This collaborative approach enhances profitability while sustaining forward-thinking innovation
Flexible Intellectual Property (IP) Options, Fostering a Shared Risk-and-Reward Model OEMs often find themselves stuck in a reactive cycle, continuously respond-
strategies Kitchen Brains, rooted in
decades of kitchen wisdom into every product and solution Holding 52 U S patents – 36 focused on operator solutions – the company doesn’t just tackle technical challenges; it addresses oper-
future-ready innovations
52 U.S. Patents –36 Focused on Operator Solutions
standing of OEM and restaurant operator dynamics positions it as a pivotal force in the commercial kitchen landscape By integrating rapid responsiveness, cost management options and a foundation of kitchen-centric expert-
challenges into growth opportunities. OEMs and operators alike benefit from partnering with a strategic ally fluent in the language of the kitchen – a trusted collaborator dedicated to innovation, profitability and long-term success
WH: Frymaster is the world’s largest manufacturer of open pot commercial fryers for the foodservice industry Our brand is built around providing the most durable and reliable fryers in the industry We are focused on developing innovative technology that makes c o n s i s t e n t l y d e l i v e r i n g h i g h q u a l i t y f r i e d f o o d s e a s y f o r o u r c u s t o m e r s . Everything we do is designed to simplify the frying experience
FEN: What would you say makes your company unique?
WH: Innovation around every aspect of utilizing commercial fryers is our core c o m p e t e n c y W e a r e r e l e n t l e s s l y focused on developing new ways for our products to solve problems in our customers’ kitchens With over 55,000 touchscreen fryers in service around the world, all featuring automatic filtra-
high work surface, six inches higher than traditional underbar equipment This seemingly small change in height r e v
customers and staff
Taller underbar equipment is not a n e w c o n c e p t I t h a s e x i s t e d f o r decades; however, where it has been used, not only is the underbar itself taller, but the bar top is taller, too. This is where Elevation truly revolutionizes bar design – an underbar with a higher work surface – while the bar top itself remains unchanged at a comfortable
tion and the ability to connect to the internet and other kitchen equipment, Frymaster is leveraging our industry leading technology to deliver solutions that differentiate our fryers from competitive products
F E N : A r e y o u i n t r o d u c i n g a n y n e w products at this year’s show?
W H : T h i s y e a r , w e a
FilterQuick Intuition. We completely redesigned our award-winning, flagship 30-pound low oil volume fryer with a focus around reliability, serviceability and innovation around touchscreens and connected solutions By reducing service events and shortening the repair occasion, our customers will maximize uptime and realize significant improvements in the total cost of ownership With countless unique feat u r e s d e v e l o p e d a r o u n d t h e t o u c hscreen controller and an “always connected” fryer, we have developed a living fryer that grows with the technology in the kitchen around it The name,
height of 42 inches It is this correlation between the underbar work surface height and the bar top that brings a b o u t f u n d a m e n t a l c h a n g e s t o b a r design. The higher work surface provides a comfortable area for bartenders to prepare cocktails, eliminating the need for drink rails on the bar top overhang on the bartender’s side
One of the more impactful features of Elevation is how the higher work height improves the customer’s ability to see what is happening behind the bar. With traditional height underbar, unless drinks are crafted on the bar top or drink rail, the process of crafting the cocktail goes largely unseen by the customer By raising the work surface height, cus-
FilterQuick Intuition, underscores the ultimate benefit of the technology, a simple and intuitive fryer operating experience. FilterQuick Intuition is the m o s t r e l i a b l e , t h e m o s t s e r v i c e a b l e , most innovative and the most intuitive fryer ever
FEN: What is the most critical aspect of producing high quality, profitable fried foods?
W H : O i l i s t h e m o s t e x p e n s i v e p a r t o f f r y i n g f o o d s a n d h a s t h e b i g g e s t
i m p a c t o n f o o d q u a l i t y F i l t e r i n g t h e
o i l r e g u l a r l y a n d m a x i m i z i n g o i l l i f e
w i t h o u t s a c r i f i c i n g p r o d u c t q u a l i t y
a r e e s s e n t i a l t o o p t i m i z i n g f o o d q u a li t y a n d p r o f i t a b i l i t y F r y m a s t e r h a s
d e v e l o p e d f r y e r s w i t h a u t o m a t i c f i l -
t r a t i o n s y s t e m s , s m a r t c o n t r o l l e r s a n d
i n t e g r a t e d o i l q u a l i t y s e n s o r s t h a t
h e l p e x t e n d o i l l i f e , m a k e f r y i n g s a f e r
a n d e a s i e r , a n d c o n s i s t e n t l y d e l i v e r
t h e h i g h e s t q u a l i t y f r i e d f o o d s
F r y m a s t e r ’ s a u t o m a t i c f i l t r a t i o n f r y e r s
m a k e o i l m a n a g e m e n t e a s y b e c a u s e
tomers can now see all the steps a bartender takes to craft their cocktails Similar to how open kitchens brought the excitement of the kitchen to the customer, those sitting at an Elevation bar will experience the attention to detail that goes into their cocktail F o r b a r t e n d e r s , E l e v a t i o
more than a different look For some, it can improve ergonomics and reduce the amount of bending and awkward motions needed throughout their shift The additional height of the equipment also allows for improved use of space behind the bar, adding functionality, like full-extension pull-out liquor drawers not possible with traditional underbar equipment Improved storage helps
t h e y t e l l y o u w h e n t o f i l t e r , t h e n a u t o m a t i c a l l y f i l t e r t h e o i l a n d w h e n i t ’ s t i m e ,
FEN: What opportunities exist around automation with fryers?
W H : B a s k e t l i f t s a r e a s i m p l e a n
technology that is underutilized and available on most models of Frymaster fryers. In addition, the features built-in to our touchscreens and some of our connected solutions focus on cognitive automation The easier we can make our fryers to operate, the less time kitchen crews need to spend thinking
o focus on other tasks. While we are still working on fully-automated solutions, many customers overlook immediate
available today
frymaster com or stop by booth #1624
promote an efficient workflow for staff and streamlined customer service
replace traditional bar equipment, but offers designers and operators another option. Some operators may find tradi-
meet their needs perfectly while others will be drawn to the new workflow and visibility Elevation offers
Glastender Inc is committed to providing industry-leading bar equipment with more flexibility and more features so operators can make their space uniquely their own.
Frymaster (Cont’d. from p. 1)
Glastender (Cont’d from p 1)
electrification has gained momentum, driven by sustainability goals, the need for energy efficiency and the growing d e m a n d f o r m o d e r n i z e d k i t c h e n spaces. Once known primarily for our t r a d i t i o n a l w o o d - f i r e d b r i c k o v e n s , Marra Forni has embraced this electrification movement, blending our heritage of craftsmanship with cuttingedge technology to deliver a revolutionary line of electric ovens
Electrification Meets Customization
At Marra Forni, we believe that innov a t i o n s h o u l d n e v e r c o m e a t t h e expense of individuality That’s why our new line of electric ovens maintains the custom design options that have become synonymous with our brand From the timeless beauty of
does Montague – with bold developments in solid fuel cooking that honor its heritage while embracing the future
At this year’s show, Montague is thrilled to unveil the next evolution of its offerings. Montague is reigniting its roots in solid fuel cooking – a tradition it pioneered with its cooking equipment in 1857 In collaboration with G r i l l s b y D e m a n t , b a s e d o u t s i d e A t l a n t a , M o n t a g u e i
d u c i n g a new line of luxury solid fuel cooking equipment This design alliance blends
Mobile Mixology (Cont’d. from p. 1)
The word will get out, and others will want to see for themselves.
Their friends will seek out the 360d e g r e e e x p e r i e n c e t h e y ’ v e s e e n o n social media, creating viral opportunities for hoteliers to increase guest satisfaction and keep them coming back for the compelling and unique experience of drinkable art.
The influence of the culinary world and its drive for a uniquely engaging and personal “wow” factor is spilling over into how beverage service is presented Take the average “foodie” and the kinds of posts they share Every chef wants these individuals dining in their establishment, snapping photos of how they plate their culinary creations and sharing these for others to see on social media
Choice Equipment Company (Cont’d from p 14)
m i n i m a l t o n o l a b o r f o r installation This is a great benefit to our customers, as they will not be paying for hours of excessive labor installation, nor will they have to deal with frequent replacements due to failing or rusting shelves. Choice Equipment’s easy-to-install shelving is offered in our all-welded and adjustable units
the Electric Neapolitan Oven with its customizable tile and design features, to the sleek versatility of the Electric Metal Square Oven, which can be configured with an enclosed façade for a seamless kitchen aesthetic, our electric ovens are as visually stunning as they are functional.
Versatility in Every Shape and Size
Demant’s expertise in solid fuel techn
Together, they are creating equipment that delivers the unmatched flavor of wood-fired cooking, tailored to meet the diverse needs of today’s professional kitchens.
Montague’s commitment to versatility doesn’t end there Its portfolio n o w e n c o m p a s s e s s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t electric solutions designed for precision and sustainability, alongside its time-tested heavy-duty gas equipment and the newly reintroduced solid fuel
Due to the influence of the culinary world, beverage service with the finer art of mixology is taking on this same level of presentation that wows guests and gets them sharing their experiences on social media The art and craft of mixology is creating a cocktail revival Bartenders are no longer merely purveyors of potent refreshments; they’re upping their game with new skills and a more intimate knowledge of their craft. Like the culinary world, these curators of cocktails are exploring unique ingredients and techniques that compel a sense of awe in those who partake
Mixologists are not just staying behind the bar They’re taking their craft tableside; now patrons can experie n c
m beginning to end They’re creating a 360-degree experience that immerses
against rust and corrosion on our alu-
going to have different design chal-
strive on providing shelving that will maximize their storage space and minimize wasted space. We believe that our customers deserve shelving and e q
should Our shelving offers an easy to
The Future of Kitchens: Efficient, Sustainable and Stylish As restaurants embrace electrification, Marra Forni is at the forefront of this movement. Electric ovens offer unparalleled advantages: precise tempera-
reduced operating costs Beyond perf
growing trend of eco-conscious dining, helping operators reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining the quality their customers expect.
Our Commitment to Innovation and Tradition
evolved, our commitment to craftsmanship remains unchanged From the
s y s t e m s W i t h M o n t a g u e o f f e r i n g equipment across every fuel type, it provides chefs with unparalleled versatility and the ability to craft exceptional dishes using the methods that best suit their kitchens and menus Whether it’s searing, roasting, grilling or baking, Montague offers the tools to craft every dish to perfection.
In booth #1348, you’ll see firsthand how Montague is fueling kitchens with i n n o v a t i o n a n d r e l i a b i l i t y D i s c o v e r how Montague integrates solid fuel systems with gas and electric cooking solutions to create a seamless culinary
guests in a “wow” experience, the kind they want to post about Hoteliers who recognize the potential of mixology are implementing the processes and tools
t o m o b i l i z e t h i s p h e n o m e n o n f o r increased social media exposure, anywhere guests gather M i x o l o g y C a r t s b y F o r b e s w i t h
Chris Adams’ expertise provide mixologists all the tools they need to create a 360-degree experience that immerses guests in a “wow” experience, the kind they want to post about Designed by mixologists for mixologists, these carts
c a n b e s t o c k e d a n d p l a c e d w h e r e guests are, creating the opportunity for hotel guests to post “Instagrammable” m o m e n t s a b o u t t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e
Mobile mixology provides restaurant and hotel venues with a unique social media opportunity that can provide today’s guests with the tangible experi-
install method which not only provides immediate savings on installation labor, but also provides significant cost savings over time
Our team has extensive product knowledge and applications expertise We take the time to understand our client’s challenges and optimize products to fit their needs We can handle small order quantities to high volume production We have built our compa-
handcrafted tile work that adorns our ovens to the precision engineering that powers their performance, every Marra Forni electric oven represents a fusion of tradition and modernity
Marra Forni’s expansion into electric ovens is more than just a product line – it’s a statement of our dedication to the future of the culinary industry As restaurant kitchens continue to electrify, we’ll continue to innovate, ensuring that chefs and operators have the tools they need to excel in a dynamic, everchanging world
With customizable designs, sustainable technology and a legacy of excellence, Marra Forni’s electric ovens are not just part of the electrification movement – we’re leading it F o r m
marraforni com or stop by booth #2562
For decades, Montague has been
kitchens – it’s been a partner in culinary excellence Visit booth #1348 to experience the future of cooking, built on a legacy of fire and innovation. Because at Montague, it doesn’t just make equipment; it fuels the art of cooking
For more information, go to www m o n t a g u e c o m p a n y c o m , c a l l 8 0 0 3 4
montague-inc com or stop by booth #1348
ences they crave As the endorphins kick in, you can be sure they will pull out their phones and post about the experience.
These innovative carts provide a complete mixology solution designed to provide an elevated guest experience, right where your guests are The end result – increased guest satisfaction and social media presence Like all of Forbes Industries’ mobile equipment for restaurants and hotels, these carts are built to last, giving you worry-free ROI and a lower cost of ownership
No hassles, no worries, just innovation that works Forbes Industries –providing a world-class mobile guest experience
booth #3018
ny and reputation by providing our customers with total customer satisfact
experience Let us be your “choice” for the best value in the industry! F
Montague (Cont’d from p 1)
Marra Forni (Cont’d from p 1)
(Cont’d from p 1)
A D : T h a n k y o u f o r h a v i n g m e I ’ m
Alexandre Dumaine, Vice President of Business Development at Eurodib, a l e a d i n g i m p o r t e r a n d d i s t r i b u t o r o f European foodservice equipment and supplies in North America. We offer innovative and reliable equipment for commercial kitchens
FEN: What would you say makes your company unique?
AD: Eurodib is unique due to our fami l y - o w n e d n a t u r e , s t r o n g N o r t h American presence and comprehens i v e a p p r o a c h t o c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e Our expert team provides guidance on equipment selection, installation and maintenance, ensuring customers
Royal Range (Cont’d. from p. 1)
ignition system that incorporates builtin safety pilots, along with solid-state thermostats that ensure precise temperature control while maintaining an overall working height of 11 inches For those utilizing refrigerated bases, this design allows for an ADA-compliant working height of 36 inches, whereas most competing models range from 14
between compliance and operational excellence.
Innovative Temperature Tracking Solutions
R e n a u ’ s n e w l i n e o f w i r e l e s s f o o d probes redefine temperature tracking, offering features tailored to meet the n e e d s o f d i v e r s e k i t c h e n e n v i r o nments:
• WFP-1000 Self-Charging Cooking Probe: Featuring patented self-charging technology, this dishwasher-safe probe uses energy harvested from the temperature difference between oven a n d f o o d t o e n s u r e u n i n t e r r u p t e d operation Ideal for large cuts of meat, it provides precise temperature data and streamlines workflows, making it a
TundraFMP (Cont’d from p 4)
of manufacturers to mix and match their fixes for maximum profit
T h a n k s t o M a v r i k ™ , f o o d s e r v i c e operators can finally do the same.
The Power of Aftermarket Parts
Mavrik is the premier aftermarket parts brand in the foodservice industry Aftermarket parts cost less and enable restaurants to fix things themselves with new ways to save on essential parts But what does “aftermarket” mean in foodservice? The same thing it does in the auto industry – dependability
AD: This year, we’re introducing new p
e induction ranges and hubs to facilitate the transition away from fossil fuel We’re looking to be part of the solution a n d m e
n g modern kitchens more environmentally friendly while maintaining high efficiency and performance We’re also e x c i t e d t o
e speed dough mixers to complete our current popular lineup
FEN: What distinguishes your products from the competition?
AD: What distinguishes our products is
to 17 inches in height, resulting in overall dimensions of 39 to 43 inches
The unit is equipped with high-
solid-state thermostats situated every 12 inches The embedded temperature probe sensor, located one-quarter inch
enabling different temperature zones
convenient and reliable tool for busy kitchens
• W F P - 2 0 0 0 C o o k i n g P r o b e :
Designed for high-temperature applications, the WFP-2000 pairs with a fourslot wireless charging dock for convenient rotation and storage This makes it perfect for high volume kitchens where multiple dishes require simultaneous monitoring It records both internal and ambient temperatures, which also h e l p s f i n
d equipment.
• W F P - 7 0 5 H o l d i n g P r o b e :
Designed for monitoring hot and cold foods on prep lines or in holding cabinets, this probe automates temperature checks and logs By providing cont i n u o u s m
t h
t food remains within safe temperature r a n g e s t h
These parts are tried and tested by industry professionals They pass the same rigorous safety tests and often e
y OEMs In fact, they’re often made in the same factory as OEM parts. But the b
k doesn’t upcharge for a label OEMs aren’t the only parts that fit your favorite equipment Mavrik parts also fit over 60k OEMs and are available for industry-leading equipment brands
Mfg, Vulcan Hart, Blodgett, Delfield and more
our commitment to offering a diverse range of options within each category, catering to different budgets and specific needs We source our products f r o m t o p E u r o p e a n m a n u f a c t u r e r s , ensuring high standards of performance and durability.
FEN: How do you see the next year in terms of economy, sales, technology and product evolution?
AD: In the coming year, we expect the f
increasing productivity, enhancing reli-
growing demand for equipment that improves productivity and efficiency and foresee increasing emphasis on
and energy efficiency Eurodib is well
on the same griddle
Available in widths ranging from 24 inches to 72 inches in 12-inch increments, these griddles are constructed with an all-welded frame for exceptional durability, backed by a lifetime frame warranty The 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit mineral wool insulation significantly m
equipment The cooking depth options of either 24 inches or 30 inches cater to
process This probe is especially beneficial in environments where food is freq u e n t l y m o v e d b e t w e e n d i f f e r e n t stages of preparation and storage.
Elevating Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability
Renau’s wireless food probes deliver on multiple fronts:
• Proactive Safety Measures: Two lines of defense – local and remote a l e r t s – e m p o w e r s t a f f t o r e s p o n d q u i c k l y t o t e m p e r a t u r e d e v i a t i o n s .
Data logging ensures HACCP compliance and audit preparedness
• S t r e a m l i n e d O p e r a t i o n s : B y automating temperature checks and logging, these probes reduce manual labor, allowing staff to focus on other critical tasks. Enhanced insights into t e m p e
Still worried about quality? These parts are trusted by restaurants nationwide because every Mavrik part comes with an incredible 180-day warranty a n d a r i s k - f r e e 9 0 - d a y h a s s l e - f r e e return policy. For 90 days from the invoice date, you can return any Mavrik part with no restocking fee
Buying OEM parts can feel like a safe choice, but when performance is the same, you’re overpaying for a feeling
It’s time to face the facts On average, Mavrik parts cost 15% less than their OEM counterparts. When one part can cost hundreds of dollars, can you afford to pay more for less?
with our comprehensive product range and ongoing adaptation to new technological advancements and market trends
FEN: To what do you attribute your company’s success?
AD: Our success can be attributed to our flexibility as a business, dedication to customer service, exceptional warranty service and outstanding product portfolio We continuously adapt to the evolving market and customer needs, fostering long-term relationships built on trust and mutual benefit
eurodib com, call 888 956 6866, email customerservice@eurodib com or stop by booth #4816
the diverse needs of operators
Customers can choose between a polished steel cooking surface or opt for a mirrored chrome finish, specifically designed for non-stick cooking applications Moreover, all Royal griddles come with an industry-leading limited two-year parts and labor warranty
For more information, go to www royal ranges.com or stop by booth #2910.
• U n m
h e d Q
& C o n s i s t e n c y : A c c u r a t e t r a c k i n g ensures food is prepared and held at precise temperatures, preserving flavor, texture and nutritional value This l e a d
y meals that strengthen customer loyalty
S u s
& P r
Cloud analytics enable operators to reduce waste, improve sustainability a
data-driven decisions
Discover how Renau’s innovative solutions can transform your kitchen
F o r m
w w w .renau.com, call 818.341.1994 or stop by booth #5416.
Competition is at the heart of business in America, and when customers h a v e c h o i c e s , t h
foodservice industry If you were looking for new ways to fix your equipment, increase kitchen efficiency or simply save on supplies, you found it Mavrik is your solution
Ready to get more from your parts p u r c h a s e ? S e a r c h f o r e x a c t p a r t s , selected brands or compatible manufacturers today F o r m o r e i n f o r m
tundrafmp com
Renau (Cont’d from p 4)