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Budderfly, Carrier to Distribute Energy-Efficient Heating, Cooling Units to Restaurants

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Winn-Dixie Lowers

Winn-Dixie Lowers

Budderfly has signed a high-volume contract with Carrier to deploy thousands of Carrier’s most efficient commercial packaged rooftop units to small and mediumsized businesses across America, primarily fast food, quick service and casual dining restaurants This agreement will enable Budderfly’s customers to start saving and accelerate the reduction of their carbon emissions

Budderfly has purchased more than 2,000 WeatherExpert ultra high-efficiency single-packaged rooftop HVAC units with

Cruise Line

Continued from PAGE 1 dietary requirements were among the areas of least concern among the cruise F&B community,” Payne writes

This year, cruise lines are ramping up to serve more local dishes and mindful culinary experiences, Payne writes

“The top three food trends this year and next are local culinary (61 11 percent), sustainable seafood (35 19 percent) and meat substitutes (24 07 percent),” she writes “Zero-waste cooking and clean eating scored just over 20 percent, racking up 22 22 percent and 20 37 percent, while Instagramable dining experiences, sustainable agriculture and veganism received less than a fifth of the vote with 18 52 percent each Cuisine-fusion scored 12 96 percent

“Signifying passengers’ inclination towards more ethical dining practices in the future, plant based produce accumulated 11 11 percent of votes, and vegetarianism and cru-

Puron (R-410A) refrigerant from Carrier to be delivered in the second quarter of this year This specific design is Carrier’s most efficient commercial packaged rooftop unit and boasts some of the industry’s highest Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratios available The units exceed several high-efficiency benchmarks, including the Department of Energy’s Advanced RTU Challenge, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 90 1, ENERGY STAR efficiency thresholds and Consortium for Energy Ef- elty-free produce, 9 26 percent of votes ”

Low- to no-alcohol beverages is seen as the top beverage trend, drawing half of the respondents, with craft-spirit fusions (37 percent) and health supplement drinks (37 percent) Other results were cocktails and cold-brew coffee (26 percent), zero-calorie (22 percent), clean drinking (19 percent) and mood-altering drinks (17 percent)

“While democratization of wine and plant-based dair y alternatives took 14 81 percent of votes each,” Payne writes, “bioengineered brews and high protein substitutes accounted for 12 96 percent, with crypto cocktails receiving the least amount of votes at 11 11 percent ”

As the world opens back up again, cruise lines will offer more global cuisines, Payne writes

“Cruise ship cuisine will continue to be expansive, exhibiting a diverse range of culinary options from around the world ”

Expect to see more Eastern Mediterranean food (52 percent) as well as Japanese (35 percent), South American (33 percent) and Korean (30 percent) cuisines ficiency criteria

Budderfly’s solutions are provided at zero upfront cost to the customer Cost savings are generated from the energy efficiency upgrades, as well as from managing, monitoring and optimizing Budderfly customers’ energy use and demand

Budderfly, ranked as one of the fastestgrowing Energy Efficiency as a Ser vice companies in the United States, is a top sustainability partner for businesses with repeatable footprints, such as restaurant chains, assisted living facilities, retail fran-

“Indian cuisine was considered less likely to flourish onboard vessels,” Payne writes, “taking 16 67 percent of nominations and Levantine cuisine recorded 7 41 percent of votes

“Grab and go racked up a substantial 46 30 percent, showing continued prevalence for quick and convenient bites,” she writes

Seafood was cited as highest in demand but most difficult to order (44 percent), followed by poultry (31 percent) and red meat (26 percent) Meat substitutes drew only 13 percent of votes

“Recent trends towards plant-based foods and health conscious options have impacted the sector, each categor y being selected by just under a quarter of survey participants (24 07 percent),” Payne writes “Dairy alternatives scored 14 81 percent, in contrast to dairy products at 7 4 percent

“Produce as well as fresh fruit/veg earned a fifth of the vote at 20 37 percent and 18 52 percent, while grain was of less concern when it came to customer demand and sourcing challenges, attracting 3 70 chises and more Budderfly installs, monitors, and manages a combination of patented technologies, equipment upgrades and proprietary energy software for its customers at no out-of-pocket cost B u s i n e s s e s b e n e f i t w i t h l o w e r e n e rg y bills, a reduced carbon footprint, more rel i a b l e o p e r a t i o n s , a n d a n i m p ro v e d c u st o m e r a n d e m p l o y e e e x p e r i e n c e B u d d e rf l y r a n k e d N o 2 i n e n e rg y c o m p an i e s a n d N o 1 0 o v e r a l l o n t h e 2 0 2 1 I n c 5 0 0 0 A m e r i c a ’ s F a s t e s t - G ro w i n g P r i v a t e C o m p a n i e s l i s t GN percent of votes ”

Cruise lines found obtaining beverages a breeze to obtain, compared to food, with only 19 percent reporting issues getting alcoholic beverages and 6 percent having problems getting low- to zero-calorie beverages and coffee

“Packaging as a whole was not seen as a cause of concern with the exception of ecofriendly packaging, which chalked up 27 78 percent of votes,” Payne writes

Industry professionals expect technology to increasingly help in ser ving food and beverage to passengers, including ordering apps (61 percent), contactless ordering (37 percent), QR codes (30 percent) and virtual menus (28 percent) Nearly 43 percent said artificial intelligence will be utilized more in the next few years, especially for predictive ordering and waste management, with 28 percent saying AI will help offer virtual reality experiences

Seatrade conducted an online survey between October and November with 54 leaders in the cruise food and beverage community GN

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