15 minute read

Snack POS Adds Dual Pricing Feature

Snack POS, a processor-agnostic restaurant point-of-sale software, launched its dual pricing feature, which allows restaurants to clearly display card versus cash pricing on point-of-sale terminals at the time of sale

The new feature addresses the rising costs associated with credit card processing fees, which have become a significant expense for many restaurants With the dual pricing feature, restaurants can now offer a discounted price for customers who pay with cash or other non-credit card methods while providing transparency at the time of


Continued from PAGE 1 food industr y leaders such as Panera, Panda Express and Pizza Hut hire talent “ R e s t a u r a n t s w e re o n t h e f ro n t l i n e s o f t h e p a n d e m i c , s o a l o t o f p e o p l e i n t h o s e j o b s w o u l d p o t e n t i a l l y b e e x p o s e d t o i l ln e s s o r w h e n c o - w o r k e r s s t a y a t h o m e , t h a t c re a t e s a l o t o f s t re s s a n d a n x i e t y, ”

Holwell said “There was not enough staff t o h e l p c u s t o m e r s o r c u s t o m e r s d i d n ’t u n d e r s t a n d w h y s e r v i c e w a s s l o w e r, s o t h a t l e d t o f r u s t r a t i o n o n t h e c u s t o m e r s ’ s i d e a s w e l l a s f r u s t r a t i o n o n t h e e m p l o ye e s ’ s i d e

“Then there was competition from those offering higher paying jobs,” he said “It’s getting a little easier than it was ”

Then there was the Great Resignation, when millions of Americans working in the restaurant industry left it altogether Holwell said some 80 percent of the restaurant workforce questioned whether to continue working in the industr y as the option of working from home appealed to those wanting a safer environment and a job with less stress

“Another thing that happened is that because of restaurants having to cut back their hours, there were not as many shifts, so the employees were not making as much money, ” Holwell said

Many restaurant workers are part-time employees, so the lure of gig work such as ride sharing or delivery ser vice, in which the hours worked are tailored to the per-

Meat & Poultr y

Continued from PAGE 1

Va , that will be expanded with the funding Vilsack and Deputy Secretar y Jewel Bronaugh visited with local producers and members of the community to discuss the importance of these investments to the region’s economy

USDA is providing the $59 million in grants to five independent processors under the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program The funding will help build new processing plants, create hundreds of jobs, give local producers and entrepreneurs more options and business opportunities, and give consumers more options at the grocery store

In Virginia, Shenandoah Valley Organic LLC is receiving a $3 6 million grant to ex- checkout

“We understand the challenges that restaurants face when it comes to managing costs and profitability, especially in today’s competitive market,” said Shmuly Preizler, CEO “Our new dual pricing feature is designed to help restaurants reduce the impact of credit card processing fees on their bottom line, while also providing customers with flexibility in their payment options ”

The new feature is available as part of Snack’s restaurant POS software, which is son, drew workers from the restaurant industry, Holwell said

“There are two things that restaurants need to focus on, ” Holwell said “One is the work environment, providing the safest and best work environment you possibly can

“Sometimes, it can be simple things, such as having sanitizer policies in place to help prevent people from getting sick We don’t see as much COVID now, but better work environments are appealing to attract employees,” he said

“The other thing restaurants can do –and this is probably more important – is to create a quick way to hire people,” Holwell said “If somebody is applying for one job, they’re applying to five or six jobs that week Whoever responds first, whoever responds best wins that candidate

“If you have a lot of friction in the application process, you ’ re going to have a very hard time hiring over and over again ”

That makes hiring in a turnover-rich industry more difficult, even without a pandemic, he said

“The application and hiring process should be as simple as possible,” Holwell said

Restaurants can streamline the process by having a system that lets the applicants choose from approved interview times, he said Technology also can help screen qualified candidates from unqualified applicants

In addition, having an automated reminder process, in which the applicant is sent a message confirming the inter view pand its organic chicken processing facility in Harrisonburg to meet increasing demand The grant will be used for equipment purchases, new conveyor lines, building and site modifications, and a new wastewater treatment system

The improvements will help the facility alleviate processing bottlenecks and nearly double its processing capacity to 630,000 birds per week These investments will create 300 jobs and enable Shenandoah Valley to provide more processing options and choices for customers

In Idaho, Riverbend Meats LLC is receiving a $25 million grant to help build an environmentally friendly beef processing plant in Idaho Falls The funding also will be used for custom equipment and installation of nine miles of mainline gas pipe The project is expected to double the plant’s capacity from 300 head per day to 600, increasing designed to help restaurants streamline their operations, improve efficiency and provide a seamless experience for both customers and staff The software includes a wide range of features, including menu management, order management, payment processing and reporting, as well as support for online ordering and delivery services

Restaurants that adopt the new dual pricing feature will be able to customize the fee amount, as well as the discount amount for cash payments, to suit their individual appointment, reduces time wasted due to no-shows

B a y a rd w o r k s w i t h c l i e n t s t o p o s t j o b s i n o n l i n e s i t e s s u c h a s L i n k e d I n a n d Z i p R e c r u i t e r t o s p e e d u p t h e p ro c e s s o f re c r u i t i n g c a n d i d a t e s R e s t a u r a n t s o n t h e i r o w n n e e d t o b e a w a re o f a n a p p l i c at i o n p ro c e s s c o m p a t i b l e w i t h m o b i l e d ev i c e s

“Right now, advertising jobs in the right places is important,” Holwell said “Ninety percent of restaurant workers want to apply over a mobile device ”

As an industry, Holwell said, restaurants should address wage disparity

“Restaurants need to make a profit They need to pay bills,” Holwell said “It’s one of those tough business decisions, to pay a competitive wage, but it helps in recruitment ”

If inflation slows, he said, wages could grow, which would in turn slow down the turnover rate and might not require increasing product costs

Sometimes, restaurants can offer incentives to compensate for a lower wage, Holwell said, from health care to training for management “ I t ’ s g o o d a s l o n g a s t h a t i s e x t r a o b v io u s t o t h e c a n d i d a t e w h e n a p p l y i n g f o r t h e j o b , ” h e s a i d “ T h e y w o u l d h a v e t o k n o w u p f ro n t w h e n t h e y ’ re a p p l y i n g f o r t h e ro l e T h e c a n d i d a t e c o u l d d e c i d e t o w o r k t h e re i f i n t w o y e a r s , t h e y c o u l d re a c h m a n a g e m e n t l e v e l T h a t m e a n s m o re s t a b i l i t y a n d t h a t ’ s w h a t p e o p l e w a n t , a s t a b l e j o b ”

Holwell called Oregon-based Black Rock

The Price Ranchers Receive For Their Cattle And Lowering Costs For Consumers

In South Dakota, CNF Enterprises LLC is receiving a $3 3 million grant to help build a 30,000-square-foot processing facility in New Under wood The facility will have the capacity to process 4,000 head per year, including beef, pork, lamb and buffalo CNF Enterprises is a new company that was formed to help meet the increasing demand for high-quality, locally sourced meat products

Through the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the Inflation Reduction Act, the Biden-Harris Administration has made once-in-a-generation investments in rural America These investments have provided USDA with an unprecedented amount of resources to invest in rural communities and transform our food system needs The feature also includes robust reporting capabilities, allowing restaurants to track credit card fees and discounts, and analyze their impact on profitability over time

“We’re excited to offer this new feature to our customers, and we ’ re confident that it will help them to run their businesses more efficiently and profitably,” Preizler said “We’re committed to providing the best restaurant POS software on the market, and we believe that this new feature is a testament to that commitment ” GN

Coffee a perfect example Black Rock is expanding quickly across the West and Southwest and having no problem staffing its cafes with young employees eager to learn management skills

“There definitely is a huge amount of young people who, if given the right opportunity and have a coach to see them through it, they take off,” co-founder Jeff Hernandez told Gourmet News “It’s so humbling to see young people, especially young ladies, succeed It’s super impressive for my daughters to see the impact they can have in the world when they take it into their own hands ”

E n t e r p r i s e R e n t - A - C a r a n d M a r r i o t t H o t e l s a re g o o d e x a m p l e s o f n o n - f o o d c o m p a n i e s t h a t a re f a m o u s f o r t h e i r m a na g e m e n t g ro w t h p ro g r a m s , H o l w e l l s a i d M a r r i o t t , f o r e x a m p l e , t e l l s p e o p l e h i re d a s f ro n t - d e s k c l e r k s i f t h e y s t a y f o r a f e w y e a r s , t h e y c o u l d b e g e n e r a l m a n a g e r o f t h e p ro p e rt y

“And the pay for that is significant,” he said “They have the opportunity for a long-term career with a salary that will support buying a car and home ”

Bayard’s clients typically have thousands of jobs to fill, so smaller restaurants or restaurant groups can’t rely on the company ’ s resources Sometimes, though, smaller businesses have an advantage over bigger ones when it comes to introducing new systems to help with recruiting, Holwell said

“Smaller businesses can be more innovative, more nimble than larger companies,” he said GN

In November, USDA awarded $75 million to 22 projects under MPPEP In Januar y, USDA awarded an additional $12 million to three more MPPEP projects The program is one of many actions that USDA is taking to expand processing capacity, create more revenue streams and market opportunities for producers, and transform the nation’s food system

Under the Biden-Harris Administration, Rural Development provides loans, grants and loan guarantees to help expand economic opportunities, create jobs and improve the quality of life for millions of Americans in rural areas This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural, Tribal and high-poverty areas GN

Stonewall Kitchen Strawb erry Fig Jam

Stonewall Kitchen, a leading specialty food company, continues to wow customers with their innovative jarred goods Ever since their start at a farmers’ market in 1991, jams, chutneys and jellies have lined their best-sellers list And today, these unique and bold flavor combinations still delight jam enthusiasts of all ages

J u s t t a k e t h e

S t r a w -

Nicolas Alziari Lemon Flavored EVOO

c y t o t o a s t a n d e l ev a t e s re c i p e s f o r v i n a i g re t t e s Customers can take any meal to the next level with this fruity spread that’s sure to be a berry fig deal!

Stonewall Kitchen www.stonewallkitchen.com

Tor tuga Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake

Tortuga is a world-renowned brand that continues to lead the gourmet and spirit cakes category by heavily focusing on innovation and ensuring that its consumers are presented with innovative and new options

Tortuga has been doing business with the cruise channel, major big box retailers in North America, department and grocery stores and the gifting sector for over 35 years Given the company’s recent success with evolving from its world-famous rum cakes and creating a new cake with bourbon, the Kentucky Bourbon Butter Cake, Tortuga continues to explore the spirits world

From this evolution, Tortuga’s Souther n Trio range was bor n, which consists of

Kentucky Bourbon Butter Cake, Moonshine Apple Pie Cake and the newest addition, Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake It is carefully crafted with Tennessee Whiskey’s rich aroma and complex flavors and the distinct notes that emerge from the spices All three flavors are available in the standard sizes – 4 ounces, 16 ounces and 32 ounces Tortuga’s new selection of spirit cakes are inspired by America’s oldest and traditional delectable recipes and give consumers the opportunity to experience unique flavors characterized by bold notes and magnificent richness

Tortuga Spirit Cake Company

786.817.6880 www.tortugaimports.com

Aussie S elect Australian Lamb

Ready for a SLICE of the action? Aussie Select® is a trailblazing brand of hand crafted, premium charcuterie featuring all-natural pastureraised Australian Lamb A cart-stopping new flavor experience for your customers, available in three flavors, presliced and 4ounce/pack: Lamb

Pastrami, Agave

Rosemary Lamb

Ham and Tikka Masala Lamb Ham All products are Certified Halal, chef-developed and answer the call for unique food that reflects today’s desire for new flavors and great taste, health and wellness and sustainability Need more? Eighty-nine percent of consumers stated they definitely or probably would buy Aussie Select products Lamb is outgrowing all traditional meat offerings and the total fresh meat category, and charcuterie interest has increased 428 percent in the past five years Let’s talk! Contact Jaclyn Glatzer

World Select Cuts www worldselectcuts com

STAR Double-Stuffed Jalap eño and Garlic Olives

Both garlic stuffed and jalapeño stuffed varieties are growing faster than the category and STAR has combined the two popular flavors into its new, colossal sized, flavorpacked olives

Introducing STAR Double-Stuffed Jalapeño and Garlic Olives Harvested while still young, these large-sized olives pack a whole lot of flavor

Featuring artisanal quality, these are the perfect balance of flavors, not too spicy and not too salty Enjoy straight out of the jar, in charcuterie platters or use as a spicy garnish for your favorite drinks

Contact Borges USA for more product information

Borges USA www.borgesusa.com

Nicolas Alziari has owned one of the most important French olive-growing fields since 1868 Focusing on every detail of olive oil production, this supplier prides itself on quality and being the finest connoisseur of olive oil This supplier pushes innovative harvesting techniques to the extreme and constantly invents new methods of extraction in their mill, revolutionizing the world of olive oil by creating exceptional blends

Nicolas Alziari has crafted a delicious lemon-infused olive oil housed in a convenient aluminum pump bottle This item is perfect for spritzing flavor onto roasted vegetables or bringing out the flavor of a nice steak The small, 100-ml bottle also makes it the perfect product for an on-the-go cook The flavors packed in this bottle represent innovation while still keeping the traditional undertone the supplier is known for Nicolas Alziari’s Lemon Flavored EVOO Pump 100 ml is imported directly from France and is available at The French Farm Go online or call for more information

The French Farm

713 660 0577 www thefrenchfarm com/nicolas-alziari

Monti Trentini Black Truffle Caciotta

Monti Trentini’s aged Black Truffle Caciotta is the evolution of the company’s best seller, Caciotta Tartufo

The Black Truffle Caciotta cheese is aged for a minimum of three months, hand rubbed weekly and “cured” by expert affineurs The taste of the aged cheese and the texture of the curd marry perfectly the truffle flavor given by the real Italian black truffle pieces that are inside

Beyond that, the aged truffle caciotta is differentiated by a black coating all around the wheel and engraved (not painted) logos Each small logo on the outer part is placed to help cut wedges of 8 ounces, approximately

The vacuumpacked wheels come one per box The box can be generic or more luxurious The luxury box version, ideal for gifts or display, presents the same patter n of the cheese, which can also be personalized

The product has 180 days of shelf life; the average weight of each wheel is 5 pounds

Monti Trentini www.montitrentini.com

Halladay’s Har vest Barn Burger and Grill Blends

For customers looking to step up their grilling game, Halladay’s Harvest Bar n has the perfect selection of tasty blends to make grilling easy and delicious The best-selling Steakhouse Burger Blend is simply added to fresh ground beef One package contains enough seasoning to make 16 thick and juicy burgers that are full of flavor Other popular burger blend flavors include Maple Bacon, Farmhouse Onion and Buffalo Blue Cheese With people staying home more frequently, and entertaining from home, Halladay’s has seen the entire line of grilling blends double in sales for retailers Halladay’s Harvest Bar n Vermont Maple Grill Glaze is a new and popular addition to the grilling lineup Simply marinate chicken, pork or salmon and a delicious glaze will form as you grill Include the Barbeque Rub for Chicken and Ribs and Sweet & Spicy Jerk Chicken Blend to round out your grilling selection

Halladay’s Har vest Barn www halladays com

Sunday Night Fo o ds Desser t S auces

Rich, velvety, luxurious Made from the highest-quality ingredients on Earth, Sunday Night Foods’ award-winning premium dessert sauces are pure chocolate ganache in a jar Using a classic French technique, Sunday Night Foods makes each small batch with legendary Guittard chocolate and cocoa, cane sugar, fresh cream and butter, pure Nielsen-Massey vanilla and sea salt to create chocolate euphoria

Founder Eileen Gannon created the brand so people can easily enjoy feeling comfort, care and kindness on any day of the week The company works with the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the hope that, through baking, everyone can stay present, find purpose and create joy within and around them

Sunday Night Foods www sundaynightfoods com

Fall River Wild Rice

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy

High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ”

Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-protein good-

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