Gourmet News • July 2024

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• Natura’s, Global FoodBanking Network Fight Food Insecurity in Central America


• Cargill, Nestlé Purina Team to Support Regenerative Agriculture Practices


• Sweet Summer Snacks to New Spicy Offerings


• Restaurants Lose $26K Annually to Food Waste


• Popular Chef Giada De Laurentiis Forms Membership Community for Giadzi Brand


• USDA Makes Major Changes to Guidelines Promoting More Nutritious School Meals


• Featured Products


• Advertiser Index


Happy Hens: Humane Conditions Expand Nationwide for Egg-Layers

Perhaps we finally know the answer to the old question, “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

For better working conditions

Arizona is the 10th state to adopt regulations over housing conditions for egg-laying hens Unlike the other states, though, Arizona bypassed the Legislature and created rules for egg producers through its Department of Agriculture Like other states, Arizona’s “cage-free

hen” rules, which will ban the sale of non-cage-free hen eggs, has met with opposition

The Goldwater Institute and Pacific Legal Foundation have filed a lawsuit against the Arizona Department of Agriculture on be-

half of a restaurateur, saying the rules violate the state’s constitution and will cut into razor-thin margins of Grant Kreuger’s three Tucson-area restaurants

The Arizona regulation, which was delayed by the pandemic, says that all eggs and egg products sold in Arizona must be from hens housed in accordance with UEP Animal Husbandr y Guidelines, allowing at least one square foot of usable floor space for each egg-laying hen But as of 2025, all eggs and egg products sold in the state – including imports from other states – must be

Continued on PAGE 16

From Baklava to Premium Laceys Cookies, Desserts On Us Pegs Success on Quality

Never underestimate the value of authentic baklava What started as a comfort food for a Syrian immigrant has become a thriving business in the premium cookie category

Emran Essa certainly had no idea that he’d be president of Desserts On Us and maker of Laceys cookies, which won a sofi Award for new products from the Speciality Food Association in 2019

“Desserts On Us started by

making baklava, a product that I missed from my home country of Syria,” said Essa, who formed the company in 1990 “I made it for myself and a friend said it was so good that I should start selling it, but I didn’t have time

“Then, the local company that used to carry baklava asked me to make it for them We started selling baklava locally and in catalogs ”

Growth was imminent

“At one point, a catalog com-

pany requested we make a cookie product for them and that is how we created the Laceys,” Essa said “We removed the filling of the baklava and didn’t use any phyllo dough

“Initially, we made these using a l m o n d s , b u t t h e c o o k i e s w e re brittle We were not able to market them well and one buyer had c o m m e n t s l i k e ‘ w e d o n ’t w a n t cereal ’

Continued on PAGE 18

Birds Pose Risks in Food Processing

As much as most people appreciate birds, they pose significant risks for food processors, according to a top entomologist says

“The intelligence, vision and flight mobility of birds make them a tough competitor,” Jerry Heath, a board certified entomologist with the Industrial Fumigant Company, wrote in an article for Food Safety magazine “But, many people – including food facility employees – have a special fondness for birds and enjoy watching them

“Discouraging birds from frequenting a site for sanitar y reasons needs to be done with tremendous sensitivity for employees and other people who may not be accepting of any signs of birds in distress The majority of bird control measures are proactive and encourage nonlethal and humane practices ”

For birds, Heath wrote, the goal is not to kill them, but encourage them to fly away and stay away Birds pose risks to food processing because their droppings, feathers, nesting material and other contaminants contain pathogens and parasites

“Pigeons that appear so sleek and clean nest in little more than

Continued on PAGE 18

Hydration Is Key to Happiness, True Lemon Sur vey Reveals

While it’s no secret that hydration is essential for health, a survey commissioned by True Lemon and conducted by OnePoll uncovered its impact on overall happiness for Americans

Among the 2,000 respondents, 46 percent who drank the most water (more than 10 glasses a day) said they were very happy compared to only 22 percent of those who drank the least water (one to three glasses a day)

Those who drank the most water also reported finding happiness and appreciating the little things in their days They also

tr y to improve their mood and fuel their day by staying hydrated (36 percent), eating enough to avoid getting “hangr y ” (31 percent) and taking walks (30 percent)

In addition, 61 percent of those who drank more than 10 glasses of water a day said they used water additives or drink mixes and powders such as True Lemon, while 59 percent of those who drank the least water said they did not

“There are so many health benefits to drinking water, but 43 percent of respondents reported

that water ‘tastes boring,’ posing it as one of the biggest challenges to increasing their intake,” said Heidi Carney, executive vice president, marketing at True Citrus “The number one problem we solve for our customers is that we help them drink more water

In fact, in a recent study with over 4,000 of our customers, 94 percent said we helped them drink more water every day ” This random double-opt-in

sur vey of 2,000 general population Americans was commissioned by True Lemon between Feb 16-22 It was conducted by market research company

OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research GN

VOLUME 89 • NUMBER 4 JULY 2024 • $7.00
T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® FEATURED PRODUCT Palermo Villa SEE PAGE 21 FEATURED PRODUCT Stonewall Kitchen SEE PAGE 21 FEATURED PRODUCT Ariston Specialties SEE PAGE 20 www gourmetnews com


I would fail as a vegan for many reasons – eggs being one of them I love eggs Most days of the year, I have eggs for breakfast I’m not a fan of continental breakfasts that just have cereal and sweet rolls I don’t mind egg whites, but I do love whole eggs – preferably over easy or scrambled

When my siblings and I were very young and my dad was working three jobs to support his growing family, we often had breakfast for dinner, just because my parents could afford it I’m old enough that in those days, there was a milkman who came to our home in suburban Maryland The milkman liked my parents and knew they were struggling, so he often left extra milk and eggs for us

My dad often made breakfast for his three hungry kids His specialty was what we called “bowl eggs ” – soft-boiled eggs over butter and crumbled crackers They were served in glass bowls that once contained margarine I still have one of them! Now, when I’m not feeling well, I fix bowl eggs for my comfort food

Years ago, my great-aunt told me about her parents, who were homesteaders in Colorado around the turn of the last century, living in a sod house My great-grandmother sold milk, butter and eggs to the shopkeeper’s wife in town The two women became great friends and the shopkeeper’s wife bragged that my greatgrandmother provided the best dairy products in the county So maybe my love of eggs (and cheese) is somewhat genetic?

Long before the current trend of having a private chicken coop at home, a friend of mine moved to rural Arizona and set up her own coop The first time I went to visit her “in the country,” she

cooked breakfast for me and I was astounded by the freshness of the eggs They tasted more “ eggy ” than anything I had ever eaten As they should, because she’d just gotten them from her chicken coop that morning

These days, consumers have lots of options to get the next-bestthing to backyard eggs Organic, cage free, free range, pasture raised all are available in many stores Not only that, but there is a nationwide movement, as you can read in our lead story on the cover, of treating egg-laying hens better Smaller companies are buying eggs – or the hens laying the eggs – that are certified humane for the hens It’s a segment of a larger movement to treat animals in the food chain better And you can taste this in the eggs that these happier hens produce Not only are the eggs tastier, but more nutritious as well

It sounds like a no-brainer to have happy hens, but there is opposition to this movement, entities challenging the laws and rules regarding “cage-free” laws, for a variety of reasons That hit close to home when I noticed that my home state, Arizona, was enacting rules that eventually will lead to a ban on eggs from hens in cages being sold in stores It’s being contested by a famous conser vative litigation group on behalf of a restaurateur Time will tell whether this and other lawsuits will stall the movement Until then, consumers can vote with their grocery dollars

Take care and stay safe GN

4 GOURMET NEWS // JULY 2024 GOURMET NEWS® OSER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP FOUNDER Lee M Oser MEMBER OF: Periodicals postage paid at Tucson AZ and additional m a i l i n g o ff i c e G o u r m e t N e w s ( I S S N 1 0 5 2 - 4 6 3 0 ) i s published monthly by Oser Communications Group 1 8 7 7 N o r t h K o l b R o a d , Tu c s o n , A Z 8 5 7 1 5 ; 5 2 0 7 2 1 1 3 0 0 P u b l i s h e r a s s u m e s n o re s p o n s i b i l i t y for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper Contributors are responsible for proper release of proprietar y classified information ©2024 by Oser Communications Group All rights res e r v e d R e p ro d u c t i o n i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t w i t h o u t written permission of the publisher, is expressly proh i b i t e d B a c k i s s u e s w h e n a v a i l a b l e c o s t $ 7 e a c h within the past 12 months, $12 each prior to the past 12 months Back orders must be paid in advance either b y c h e c k o r c h a rg e d t o A m e r i c a n E x p re s s , Vi s a , o r M a s t e r C a rd G o u r m e t N e w s i s d i s t r i b u t e d w i t h o u t charge in North America to qualified professionals in t h e re t a i l a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n c h a n n e l s o f t h e s p e c i a l t y f o o d s a n d h a rd g o o d s t r a d e ; p a i d s u b s c r i p t i o n s c o s t $65 annually to the U S and Canada All foreign subscriptions cost $150 annually to cover air deliver y All payments must be made in U S funds and drawn on a U S bank For subscriber services, including subscription information call 520 721 1300 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gourmet News, 1877 North Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 WWW GOURMETNEWS COM PUBLISHER Kimber y Oser PRESIDENT Tara Nea VICE PRESIDENT Abeer Abiaad PRESIDENT OF SALES Anthony Socci anthony s@oser com PRODUCTION MANAGER/ART DIRECTOR Yasm ne Brown SENIOR EDITOR AJ Fl ck EDITOR JoE len Lowr y CUSTOMER SERVICE customerser v ce@oser com CIRCULATION MANAGER Jamie Green amie g@oser com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Heather Albrecht heather a@oser com PUBLISHING OFFICE 1877 N Kolb Road P O Box 1056 Tucson, AZ 85715 520 721 1300 Fax 520 721 6300 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 520 721 1300

Fiser v Launches Clover Kiosk for Restaurants

Fiser v, Inc , a leading global provider of payments and financial technology solutions, is enabling restaurants to streamline operations and enhance the customer experience with the new Clover Kiosk and an enhanced 24-inch Clover Kitchen Display System Designed to integrate with each other and additional Clover software and hardware, these solutions enable endto-end order management with up to a 40 percent lower total cost of ownership than competitive offerings, based on a comparison of published prices

“The restaurant industr y continues to undergo significant change, and the right technology can help owners and operators adapt to run more efficiently and scale more effectively,” said Krystle Mobayeni, head of restaurant solutions at Fiser v “Clover is enabling restaurants to blend digital and physical experiences to meet diners’ expectations, while lifting a significant weight off the shoulders of restaurant staff ”

As customer expectations continue to shift, technologies such as Clover Kiosk

and Clover Kitchen Display System, which combine intuitive usability with robust, elegant design, are vital Kiosks free up front-of-house staff and can improve the customer experience with reduced wait times and increased order accuracy, encouraging repeat business and higher average ticket sizes In combination with recent Kitchen Display System software enhancements, restaurants have complete control of menus, modifiers, and the lifecycle of an order

owner of specialty Asian bakery and coffee shop

“Implementing a self-ser vice kiosk has been a game changer for us, ” said Hanh

July Moon Baker y & Café

“Our customers have found it easy to use and like the option of being able to place their own order, and it helps our staff keep up when the line is out the door on weekend mornings We can ser ve customers quickly and accurately, even with the many c u s t o m i z a t i o n s we offer ”

In addition to

the newly launched Clover Kiosk, Fiser v has also enhanced its Clover Kitchen Dis-

play System, which allows orders to be accessed by back-of-house staff on a large, digital display, allowing seamless order fulfillment at food prep stations It enables notifications from third party-deliver y apps for cancellations and order changes, coursed fulfillment, expo-mode, bump bar support, color-coded order status, and runner ticket printing – all with the goal of reducing order errors and increasing customer satisfaction

“Providing a consistent, quality customer experience in restaurants has always been hard to do, but post pandemic, the challenges that the restaurant industry has to deal with have increased, including staffing shortages and rising costs,” said Thad Peterson, strategic advisor at Datos Insights “Enabling a positive self-service experience and integrating technologies to better connect the front and back of the house allows restaurant owners and managers to efficiently and profitably deliver their offering to customers who are increasingly comfortable with self-ser vice and interactive technology ” GN

Emergent Cold Named Largest Cold Storage Company in Latin America, Caribbean

Emergent Cold Latin America was named the largest temperature-controlled food storage and logistics company in Latin America and the Caribbean for the second year running and is ranked sixth globally The accolade was awarded by the sector’s leading association, the Global Cold Chain Alliance, which took into account the total capacity of the temperature-controlled space operated by its members up to Dec 31

The position at the top of the Latin American ranking was maintained as a result of the company ’ s ongoing expansion plan, which operates more than 70 warehouses


completed and two new warehouses were opened, marking the start of operations in Ecuador and the Dominican Republic

Emergent Cold LatAm recently inaugurated a modern warehouse in Panama and is close to completing two important projects in Chile, in the Talcahuano region, and in Peru, in Callao In addition, another seven construction and expansion projects are underway in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay

“We strive to offer our customers a network that is constantly becoming more and more complete, and therefore, we see our position at the top of the GCCA ranking as a reminder that we

ALDI Launches Its ALDIgo

Checkout-Free Shopping

In partnership with ALDI, Grabango has launched ALDIgo checkout-free shopping at a Chicago-area grocer y store ALDI is the first major U S grocery retailer to deploy checkout-free technology in an existing, full-size store The technology, which ALDI deployed at one suburban location, allows shoppers to skip the line and save time

“The launch of ALDIgo is a pivotal moment for the grocery industry,” said Will Glaser, CEO of Grabango “Although more challenging, it was important to us to launch this technology in a typical store and not one purpose-built for us ALDI is one of the most innovative retailers in the world, and we are honored to partner with them to give their shoppers an exciting new

planogram or product displays The

need to do more and better to honor the trust that each customer and partner puts in us and in the quality of our ser vices,” said Neal Rider, CEO and co-founder of Emergent Cold LatAm

“We are now beginning to offer sufficient scale to our customers to enable them to rely on us for future growth,” said David Palfenier, President and Co-founder of Emergent Cold LatAm “In several cases, now providing them ser vices in multiple markets

“There is clearly much yet to do to support such a dynamic region, both its domestic markets as well as its impressive exports But this is great recognition and a continuing strong signal to our customers ” GN

“It’s exciting to see a checkoutfree capability live in one of our stores,” said Eric Traxler, vice president of IT at ALDI “ALDI is continuously looking for new ways to be innovative and provide a best-in-class experience for our shoppers, and ALDIgo is a great example of that in action ” To use ALDIgo, customers shop at ALDI as they normally do for their weekly groceries including fresh meat and seafood, organic produce, pantry staples and ALDI Finds There are no special shelves, carts or gates at the entrance

\When done, shoppers can pay with either their credit or debit card, or with the Grabango app, at the Grabango pay station near the exit Alternatively, shoppers still have the option to check out with a traditional cashier GN

Storage capacity is over
million cubic meters and 560,000 pallet
11 countries
In 2023, seven acquisitions were
way to shop the store ” T h e G r a b a n g o s y s t e m w a s a d d e d t o a n e x i s t i n g A L D I s t o re w i t h o u t t h e n e e d t o m a k e a n y c h a n g e s t o t h e s t o re ’ s
techn o l o g y, w h i c h u s e s c o m p u t e r v i s i o n t o i d e n t i f y a n d k e e p t r a c k o f e v e r y i t e m i n t h e s t o re , a l l o w s s h o p p e r s t o e x i t t h e s t o re w i t h o u t w a i t i n g i n l i n e o r s c a n n i n g i t e m s

Natura’s, Global FoodBanking Network

Fight Food Insecurity in Central America

Natura’s, a popular Central American tomato sauce and refried beans brand, has partnered with The Global FoodBanking Network to help build food security in Central America This collaborative initiative reaffirms Natura’s commitment to positively affecting communities in Central America – where the brand was born more than 50 years ago

Natura’s has donated $100,000 to GFN, the international non-profit organization powering community-led food banks to alleviate global hunger – across six continents in more than 50 countries, helping to expand a mission of fighting food insecurity in Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica This financial support will help GFN members in Central America

provide essential food and resources to those who need it most, making significant strides in improving the lives of countless individuals and communities

The partnership is forged by Unilever

International, Unilever’s global business unit and white space partner

“Our partnership with The Global Food-

Banking Network represents a pivotal step forward in our journey to extend our impact to people in markets, who need it the most,” said Nabomita Bagchi, head of global nutrition business group Unilever International

“This partnership reflects our dedication to the fight against food insecurity ”

“We invite our consumers to stand with us in this endeavor,” Bagchi said “With each Natura’s purchase, they are not just buying a product; they are becoming part of our mission to alleviate hunger and improve lives Together, we can make a meaningful difference ”

“Increasing food access helps people thrive, creating healthy and resilient communities,” Lisa Moon, president and CEO of The Global FoodBanking Network “Unilever International is making it possible for our network of food banks to impact the lives of millions of people facing food insecurity in more than 50 countries, including Honduras, Costa Rica and Guatemala

Natura’s and GFN will work together to create a brighter future for those facing food insecurity in Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica

Cargill, Nestlé Purina Team to Support

Regenerative Agriculture Practices

Nestlé Purina is investing in farmer adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across the company ’ s corn and soy supply chains through a new partnership with Cargill, one of the largest ingredient and agricultural solutions companies in the United States This work will support soil health and reduce the carbon footprint for Purina dry pet food products across North America, contributing to a more sustainable future for people and their pets

The partnership is expected to support the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across more than 200,000 acres of corn and soy farmland in the Midwest and is estimated to reduce the carbon footprint of the Purina grain supply from Cargill by up to 40 percent over the next three years

“Our vision is to make regenerative agriculture commonplace across the industry,” said Stewart Derechin, vice president, global partner leader, Cargill “Through partnerships with customers like Nestlé Purina, we are helping farmers produce food more sustainably while also increasing the productivity and resilience of their farms

“We’re working to scale these practices to more than 10 million acres of North American farmland by 2030 to reduce the carbon footprint of the U S agriculture and food supply chain and build a more resilient food system ”

This partnership is one way Nestlé Purina is making progress toward its global ambition to reduce carbon emissions and help advance regenerative food systems

across its supply chain Purina is investing to support farmers across several states in the Midwest as it transitions to regenerative agriculture practices such as cover cropping, no/low tillage, crop rotation, nutrient management and soil erosion control

“We care about making quality pet food with responsibly sourced ingredients, and that’s why Purina is supporting farmers’ transition to regenerative agricultural practices, with soil health restoration at the forefront,” said John Foster, global categor y leader, cereals and grains, Nestlé “Partnerships like this help create shared value for farmers, pet owners and the planet ”

Cargill supports a portfolio of regenera t i v e a g

farmers where they are and provide tools and resources to support their tran-

Cargill has advanced regenerative agriculture practices on 880,000 acres of North American farmland since 2020 This supports the company ’ s vision to make regenerative agriculture commonplace across its global supply chains – helping farmers to produce food more sustainably while increasing their productivity and resiliency GN

Nulo is partnering with gold medalist and world champion swimmer Regan Smith, alongside her cherished cat Roo, to highlight its “Fuel Incredible” campaign This initiative celebrates the transformative power of pets in the lives of athletes, showcasing the deep bond between Smith and Roo as a source of comfort and inspiration Regan Smith, a Minnesota native who has reached the pinnacle of swimming with multiple world records and Olympic medals, shares a special connection with

Roo, her cat Smith, once a self-proclaimed “dog person, ” discovered a profound bond with Roo, who has become an integral part of her daily life, especially in moments of return and reflection after rigorous training sessions

“Adopting Roo has opened up a new world for me, ” Smith said “She’s not just a pet; she’s my little cheerleader, waiting to greet me after every practice It’s these moments that truly matter, and ensuring Roo has the best with Nulo’s nutrition is my

way of giving back to her ” Nulo’s “Fuel Incredible” campaign aims to spotlight the relationships athletes share with their pets, emphasizing the importance of quality nutrition to support these bonds Through Smith and Roo’s stor y, Nulo wants to inspire pet parents to consider how their pets fuel their own lives and achievements

“Regan Smith’s journey with Roo perfectly captures the essence of ‘Fuel Incredible,’” said Michael Landa, CEO of Nulo

“It’s a testament to how pets can become our unsung heroes, providing unwavering support and joy We’re thrilled to have them as part of the Nulo family ”

The collaboration between Smith, Roo, and Nulo serves as a reminder of the emotional and physical benefits pets bring to our lives By promoting superior nutrition through this campaign, Nulo aims to enhance the well-being of pets like Roo, ensuring they remain a vital part of their human companions’ success stories GN

“ T h o u g h t f u l p a rt n e r s l i k e U n i l e v e r I nt e r n a t i o n a l re m a i n v i t a l t o e n s u r i n g t h a t t o g e t h e r w e a re b u i l d i n g s u s t a i n a b l e l o c a l o rg a n i z a t i o n s a n d i m p ro v i n g t h e re s i l i e n c e o f t h e f o o d b a n k s t h a t a re p rov i d i n g c r i t i c a l s e r v i c e s t o m i l l i o n s o f p e o p l e ” GN
i c u l t u re p ro g r a m s , s u c h a s C a rg i l l R e g e n C o n n e c t , t h a t a l l o w s i t t o
s i t i o n t o re g e n e r a t i v e a g r i c u l t u re T h e s e p r a c t i c e s , i n c l u d i n g c o v e r c ro p s a n d red u c e d t i l l a g e , h a v e t h e p o t e n t i a l t o s eq u e s t e r g re e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n s , i m p ro v e w a t e r q u a l i t y a n d u s e , i n c re a s e w e a t h e r- re l a t e d c ro p re s i l i e n c e a n d i mprove farmer
Swimmer Smith, Her Cat Roo Promote Nulo’s ‘Fuel Incredible’ Campaign

Gopuff Instant Deliver y Aims to Offer Affordable Ser vices in Little Time

Gopuff has launched Powered by Gopuff, a logistics and technology platform that enables brands to offer affordable delivery from their owned and operated online stores in as fast as 15 minutes

“We’ve spent the last 10 years building and scaling our own hyper-local logistics network and operations to consistently meet customer demands for fast, affordable, and reliable deliver y, ” said Daniel Folkman, SVP of business “As a result of this work, we ’ ve established ourselves as the face of Instant Commerce

“Now, with the launch of Powered by Gopuff, we ’ re also becoming the fabric of Instant Commerce by extending our proprietary fulfillment and logistics capabilities beyond the Gopuff app for the first time ”

The Powered by Gopuff platform will offer a suite of solutions that help brands deliver on rapidly evolving consumer expectations around delivery speed by leveraging Gopuff ’ s logistics network, instant fulfillment infrastructure and technology to power their own direct-to-consumer websites – all while driving profitable order volume and diversifying revenue streams for Gopuff With Powered by Gopuff, CPG brands can leverage online ads and marketing to drive sales from their

own websites, bringing them more control over the customer experience and access to valuable first-party data

Gopuff launched its first solution under the Powered by umbrella: Storefronts Powered by Gopuff, a customizable Shopify theme integrated with Gopuff ’ s APIs With Storefronts, CPGs can launch their own white-labeled DTC site in a matter of days, not weeks or months Orders placed on a partner’s Storefront are automatically routed to the nearest Gopuff micro-fulfillment center, where they’re picked, packed and delivered to customers in as fast as 15 minutes

“Nobody wants the responsibility of getting a pint of Ben & Jerry’s from a nearby store to their couch Not even us That last mile deliver y is complicated!” said Jay Tandan, global head of digital marketing at Ben & Jerry’s “Storefronts Powered by Gopuff solves that struggle for us and for Ben & Jerry’s fans across the country Their micro fulfillment centers provide a quick and easy way to get Ben & Jerry’s euphoria right to your door in a flash ”

For the past six months, Gopuff has tested Storefronts with more than 20 CPG brands, including Ben & Jerry’s, Unilever, Mondel z International, Nestlé, The J M Smucker Company, Haleon, and The Fer-

rara Candy Company Both TUMS and Jif leveraged Storefronts Powered by Gopuff to break through the Big Game noise, selling through allocated inventory in under 60 minutes Now, Storefronts are available to all brands currently on Gopuff

“Storefronts Powered by Gopuff transformed our clients’ Big Game campaigns this year, giving us the ability to combine a brand storytelling moment with an immersive shopping experience and show up for our customers like never before,” said Amy Lanzi, CEO of Digitas North America

With Storefronts, brands can:

• Customize the Shopify theme to match their brand image, messaging and color palette

• Offer delivery of their products in as fast as 15 minutes, leveraging Gopuff ’ s local teams, existing inventory and operations, which serve customers in more than 1,000 U S cities Gopuff handles ever ything from inventory management and replenishment to live customer support

• Maintain ownership of customer relationships and enable access to critical firstparty data to power future growth

• Connect their Shopify Storefront Powered by Gopuff to their marketing channels to drive instant product sales, all within a

closed-loop measurement solution

• Collapse the funnel, taking consumers from product discover y to consumption in minutes

• Build, manage, and grow their own DTC sales channel

“Powered by Gopuff fits perfectly with our ‘BrandFormance’ mindset – collapsing the funnel and providing CPG companies a place to drive awareness and brand media, while ultimately converting customers,” said Gary Vaynerchuck, chairman of VaynerX “Everyone is trying to maximize their budgets and with the ability to drive trial and purchase, capture valuable 1P data and build brand at the same time, Powered by Gopuff is a platform ever y brand should look at seriously ”

As Gopuff works to enhance the experience wherever consumers shop online, it plans to expand its Powered by capabilities with the launch of Fulfillment Powered by Gopuff in Q2, a standalone warehousing and logistics service that gives brands the tools to seamlessly integrate and promote instant deliver y on their existing DTC website At launch, this ser vice will only be available to Shopify merchants whose products are currently available on the Gopuff consumer platform GN

P&G Professional Products Help Restaurants Clean Up Using Power of Dawn Products

For foodser vice professionals, it’s time to work smarter, not harder According to a recent SWNS Sur vey, 56 percent of small business and restaurant professionals wish they could reclaim some of the time spent on cleaning, to do what they love most: interacting with customers

Especially for new customers, restaurants have one opportunity to make a positive first impression – and they need to make it count It all begins in the back of the house, where dishwashers work tirelessly to clean everything from utensils to pots and pans and large cooking items

P&G Professional continues its innovations – with the Dawn Professional Manual Pot and Pan detergent reformulation and Dawn Professional Heavy Duty Powerwash – to deliver high-quality products

that are designed to clean pots, pans and large equipment effectively, providing a reliable clean every time

“In the ever-changing world of restaurant kitchens, the role of the dishwasher

& G North America “Restaurant owners seek

such an integral part of the kitchen operation

“The efficiency of the dish pit, which relies on a strong detergent, can influence the overall success of the operation We reformulated Dawn Professional Manual Pot and Pan and launched Dawn Professional Heavy Duty Powerwash to help dishwashers work smarter, not harder while provid-

ing an exceptional clean that restaurant owners and customers can trust ” Dawn Professional Manual Pot and Pan detergent reformulation offers dishwashers an efficient cleaning solution, specifically designed for restaurants to have fewer dish changeovers with suds lasting two times longer versus Dawn non-concentrated Dawn Professional Manual Pot and Pan is tough on ever yday commercial grease –the most common grease faced by foodservice businesses

By allowing dishwashers to clean more per sink, Dawn Professional Manual Pot and Pan helps enable the dish crew to get the job done faster and easier

P&G Professional also launched Dawn Professional Heavy Duty Power wash, which provides the power of an eight-hour

soak in minutes versus Dawn non-concentrated It’s a must-have professional cleaning product to wash items outside of the three-compartment sink, including large or immobile cooking items, pre-treatment of large trays, pots and baking sheets, and frequently used items such as knives and cutting boards – ensuring their swift return to action in the kitchen

Dawn Professional Manual Pot and Pan detergent is available in 38-ounce, 1-gallon and 5-gallon sizes; Dawn Professional H

16-ounce ready-to-use bottle with a trigger and five refills for business use Both

IDDBA, ACS Team on Salumiere Exam

The International Dairy Deli Bakery Association has launched a partnership with the American Cheese Society to offer another opportunity for an in-person Certified Salumiere Professional exam

The comprehensive exam encompasses product knowledge, merchandising techniques and consumer expectations that create the art of charcuterie Certified professionals

join an elite group of industry experts

The exam is perfect for deli meat aficionados and cheese mongers It also provides an opportunity for manufacturers and retailers to learn about one of the largest consumer deli trends in the last decade and ultimately grow sales

“The elite exam is known throughout the industry as a tremendous way to ele-

vate skill sets and knowledge,” said Miles Allen, IDDBA education coordinator

Increased demand for the certification led to the partnership with ACS to offer the exam July 10 in conjunction with the ACS 2024 Annual Conference in Buffalo, N Y The first 2024 in-person exam was held at IDDBA 2024 in Houston

“We are immensely grateful to IDDBA

for collaborating with us in administering the charcuterie exam at this year ’ s American Cheese Society conference,” said Tara Holmes of the ACS “IDDBA’s expertise and dedication to excellence align perfectly with our mission Together, we look forward to providing attendees with unparalleled opportunities for professional growth and advancement ” GN

i s a l w a y s c r u c i a l t o e n s u r i n g a s e a m l e s s a n d i m p a c t f u l d i n i n g e x p e r i e n c e , ” s a i d B r y a n S m i t h , v i c e p re s i d e n t o f P
h i g h - q u a l i t y d i s h d e t e rg e n t b e c a u s e i t i s
e a v y D u t y P o w e r w a s h i s a v a i l a b l e i n a
p ro d u c t s a re s o l d a t s e l e c t re t a i l e r s a n d d i s t r i b u t o r s n a t i o n w i d e P & G P ro f e ss i o n a l o ff e r s a 1 0 0 p e rc e n t m o n e y b a c k guarantee GN

Sweet Summer Snacks to New Spicy Offerings

I’m a big believer in the saying, “Life is short; eat dessert first ” So, we ’ re starting off with the sweet stuff

When you have a sudden craving for a sweet treat, but you don’t want all the sugar, there’s a delicious solution available at Target stores nationwide: Unreal, a candy company that reimagines favorite nostalgic treats with 51 percent less sugar

The most popular of the candy are the Unreal Chocolate Coconut Bars (think Almond Joy/Mounds) But there’s much more: Unreal Dark Chocolate Cups (Reese’s), which come in Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups and Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups; and Unreal Gems (M&Ms, but colored with spirulina, turmeric and more), which come in Milk Chocolate Gems and Dark Chocolate Crispy Quinoa Gems

I received samples from the company and while they are all great, I loved the Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups I kept them in the fridge so the chocolate is crunchy and the almond butter smooth I also enjoyed the Dark Chocolate Crispy Quinoa Gems, with their crunchy center

Blue Bunny knows how to have fun with frozen goodies, which is evident in the new Mini Bars in the Mini Swirls line The bars bring all the fun and crunch of a full size bar in a smaller, snackable size

The new frozen dair y dessert bars are dipped in a delicious cookie crunch coating with smooth swirls of additional flavor inside Mini Bars will come in an assortment of flavors that combine the classics with a fun spin, including Vanilla Caramel Crunch, Chocolate Cookie Crumble and Strawberry Shortcake

Blue Bunny is also launching its new take on soft serve with Soft scoopables, as well as two new Twist Cones flavors Soft scoopables, which are easy to scoop and deliciously soft straight from the freezer,

will be available in Vanilla, Chocolate, Cookies & Cream, Strawberr y and Mint

Chocolate Chip

Two new Twist Cones flavors – Salted Caramel Chocolate and Mint Chocolate –will continue to build out the Twist Cones platform with soft frozen dair y dessert twisted throughout with ribbons of fudge or caramel, along with a bonus chocolaty bite at the bottom

The new products and flavors are available at retailers nationwide starting at $4 98

How can ice cream cakes be even more fun?

Find out with the first Funfetti Ice Cream Cake that’s now distributed nationwide at Publix, Kroger and independent grocery stores

The new dessert comes from the global familyowned food company Rich Products’ marketleading I Love Ice Cream Cakes portfolio

Made with birthday cake-flavored vanilla ice cream, classic Funfetti cake, whipped icing and colorful sprinkles, each round Funfetti Ice Cream Cake serves up to nine people and retails for around $19 99

protein offering from General Mills to date: Wheaties Protein, which packs more than 20 grams of protein in each serving

Available in two flavors, Maple Almond and Honey Pecan, Wheaties Protein is made with hearty nut-clustered whole grain flakes, almonds or pecans, pumpkin seeds and honey or maple syrup

Wheaties Protein is available nationwide for a suggested retail price of $8 99

be sliced and shredded for cooking use or cut for snacking and entertaining

Developed with the cheese-making experts at Lactalis Heritage Dair y, a subsidiar y of Lactalis USA, Kraft Flavor Fusions marries consumer-loved flavors with the highest-quality Kraft cheeses that families have depended on for over 100 years

Kraft Flavor Fusions are available in select retailers including Food Lion, Hy-Vee, ShopRite and Meijer, with additional retailers to come this year

Crystal Farms Dairy Co is introducing 10 new items in the cheese aisle With a focus on bold flavors including Ghost Pepper, shredded blends such as Perfect Grilled Cheese and nutritious, on-the-go snacks like Gouda Snack Cubes, the Midwest-based company is providing consumers more options

The lineup includes new premium processed cheese slices, Deluxe Melts, available in Classic, Smoky & Peppered, Ghost Pepper and White American flavors

Cr ystal Farms is also expanding its snack line by introducing Snack Cubes available in Gouda, White Cheddar, Pepper Jack and Marble Jack flavors Snack Cubes are made for quick snacking at work, school or entertaining with minimal prep

In addition, a partnership between Hometown Foods and Rich’s also includes the first to market Funfetti In-Store Bakery products on the market, including Celebration Cake, Cheesecake, Cheesecake Single Slice, Bettercreme Whipped Icing and ½ Sheet Cake Layers

OK, we can’t live on sweets alone We all need our Wheaties, right?

This spring, Wheaties sprung its highest

Kraft Natural Cheese has launched Kraft Flavor Fusions, a trio of block cheeses that will add excitement to recipes and elevate snacking occasions Available nationwide, this product extension offers consumers a versatile cheese experience that brings unique flavors to mealtime

Kraft Flavor Fusions’ bold varieties include Garlic & Herb Cheddar, Buffalo Ranch Monterey Jack and Tomato Basil Monterey Jack Packaged conveniently in 7-ounce blocks, Kraft Flavor Fusions can

Also hitting shelves are two new shredded blends Perfect Grilled Cheese, formulated to help consumers level up the classic staple grilled cheese sandwich and flavorful enough to be used in any favorite recipe, is a blend of Monterey Jack, Sharp Cheddar and Parmesan cheeses The Triple Cheddar shredded blend, a mix of White Sharp Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar and Mild Cheddar cheeses, brings more versatility to one of America’s most beloved cheese flavors

These items will be available at Midwest grocers including Cub, Piggly Wiggly,


Woodman’s, Festival and more this spring

Before we leave the dairy aisle, let’s talk about Cibo Vita’s new flavors of its awardwinning Nature’s Garden Snack Foods’ Probiotic Yoggies – Mixed Berry and Peach Mango

In addition, responding to the popularity and demand for Yoggies, Nature’s Garden brings its innovative development approach to the trail mix category through the LemonBerr y-Mixed Berr y Probiotic Trail Mix Snack Packs Combo

Coated in creamy yogurt, Yoggies are real fruit bites infused with probiotics – the bacteria that helps support digestion, gut and immune health Yoggies contain 2 billion live probiotic cultures, 3 grams of prebiotic fiber, 80 calories per serving Yoggies are non-GMO and contain no artificial ingredients, and come in recyclable packaging

New packaging options/flavor combinations were created to accommodate the needs/requests of convenience, warehouse, drug store and big box chains: 30 Count Snack Packs, zipper pouch; 12 Count Snack Packs, carton; 18 Count Snack Packs, zipper pouch; 7 Count Snack Packs, zipper pouch; and 2 Ounce, zipper pouch

Nearby in the frozen aisle, check out Dorot Gardens’ new branding for its fresh, flash-frozen garlic and herbs

The brand, under the Kayco Beyond division, has unveiled a sleek new identity alongside its groundbreaking culinary concept – “Pop Drop Done ” Crafted with Chase Design Group, the rebrand aims to rejuvenate Dorot Gardens’ appeal to home cooks worldwide

Vibrant packaging hues and compelling messaging underscore the brand’s ethos encapsulated in “Pop Drop Done ”

The rebranding objective is to entice anyone who cooks and eats into the kitchen by demonstrating the Dorot Gardens ease, quality and convenience with pre-portioned flash-frozen garlic and herbs, eliminating the need for chopping or measuring while delivering gardenfresh flavors at a moment’s notice

The rebrand elements will be integrated across all product SKUs and ser ve as the cornerstone of a revamped website, instore displays, digital and social media campaigns and advertisements

Planted Ventures LLC, a vertically integrated manufacturer of innovative, betterfor-you frozen entrees, bowls, vegetables and more, sold under the Tattooed Chef brand and via private label, has launched four Italian grown, L A -made frozen food categories: Entrée Bowls, Smoothie Bowls, Veggie Blends and Veggie Commodities

These products are being introduced in connection with the relaunch of the Tattooed Chef brand under the ownership of Planted Ventures LLC

Planted Ventures’ Tattooed Chef branded products are available at select Costco Wholesale Stores in the United States A broader national club and retail rollout for both the Tattooed Chef brand and private label is set to commence later this year

Driven by “nostalgic innovation” – familiar foods with a plant-based twist – and drawing from her family’s food industr y roots, Executive Chef and Founder Sarah Galletti (The Tattooed Chef) has created a delicious, good-for-you, easy-to-prepare frozen line up that combines her Italian heritage with the vibrancy and diversity of L A culture

The company ’ s curated, refreshed products include longtime brand favorites Cauliflower Mac & Cheese bowl and Organic Acai bowls, exciting new innovations and foundational favorites such as organic riced cauliflower, Mexican Style Street Corn and sheet pan vegetables

Just in time for summer, Oscar Mayer has unveiled its Stuffed Dogs line to grocery retailers nationwide

Featuring three flavors – Cheese, Jalapeño Cheddar and Chili Cheese –Oscar Mayer Stuffed Dogs take inspiration from fans’ favorite restaurant offerings In fact, millions of consumers requested extra spice for their food last year alone, inspiring key ingredients for the new recipes including real jalapeño peppers and chilies –quite literally putting the hot in hot dogs

As the cheese dog category outpaces the hot dog category in dollar growth, Oscar Mayer saw this as a ripe opportunity to expand its hot dog offerings beyond its iconic wieners Oscar Mayer is the first brand to bring two hot dog flavors, Jalapeño Cheddar and Chili Cheese, to retail

Stuffed Dogs are now rolling out to major grocer y retailers nationwide in eight-packs for $4 99

Over in the snack aisle, Utz has teamed up again with Mike’s Hot Honey to create new Utz Mike’s Hot Honey Extra Hot potato chips

Available through September, the fier y flavor builds off the original Utz Mike’s Hot Honey chips but with three times the heat The mouth-watering, “swicy” (sweet and spicy) potato chips are gluten-free and kosher-certified They come in an on-thego, 2 625-ounce size and a take-home, 7 75-ounce size

The original Utz Mike’s Hot Honey po-

permanent flavor in August 2023 due to


Building further on the swicy trend, Utz released Utz Mixed Mini pretzels in Mike’s Hot Honey flavor in March to give fans even more ways to enjoy the sweet heat of Mike’s Hot Honey

Utz Mike’s Hot Honey Extra Hot potato chips are available at leading grocery, mass and convenience retail stores nationwide and online

Speaking of hot, OLM Food Solutions, a Performance Food Group company, expanded its snack offerings with Hot Stuff Kitchen Stuffed Bites This product line pairs hearty portions of classic flavors with various doughs, from flaky pastry to buttermilk biscuits, which offers home-style

taste and on-the-go convenience

Created to meet America’s growing demand for convenient, tasty snacking options, Stuffed Bites is designed with operational efficiency and market appeal in mind These snacks address the needs articulated by OLM Food Solution customers – products that deliver exceptional taste in a cost-effective and accessible way

The Stuffed Bites includes:

• Jalapeño Biscuit Sunrise Bites: A lowlabor, high-appeal option for busy mornings

• Beefy Taco Bites: A unique and tasty offering that captures the vibrant flavors of Tex-Mex cuisine

• Apple Pie Bites: A limited-time offering that brings the comfort of classic apple pie in a convenient form

• Brown Sugar Cinnamon Bites: A seasonal treat combining brown sugar ’ s sweetness with cinnamon’s warmth GN

t a t o c h i p s w e re l a u n c h e d a s a l i m i t e dt i m e o ff e r i n M a y 2 0 2 3 T h e y b e c a m e a
t h e i r s k y ro c k e t i n g p o p u l a r i t y, w i t h s a l e s e x c e e d i n g U t z ’ s p re v i o u s l i m i t e d - t i m e

Restaurants Lose $26K Annually to Food Waste

U S restaurant owners have admitted to losing up to $500 a week, totalling $26,000 per restaurant each year, in new research by AltoShaam, commercial kitchen equipment innovator Moreover, almost a fifth (16 percent) of restaurant owners are sacrificing substantial losses above the reported median, at over $20,800 annually per restaurant

In the survey where 57 percent of operators estimated that they throw out between 100 to 500 pounds of food in an average week, restaurateurs shared the top reasons for food waste: customer plate waste (54 percent), spoilage of fresh food

that has a short shelf life (49 percent), demand fluctuations (48 percent), inaccurate portioning (38 percent) and inconsistent cooking causing burnt or unusable products (36 percent)

For large food chains, some of which have over 40,000 restaurants across America, these losses could amount to between $600 million and $1 billion dollars each year

This highlights the urgent areas of operation, from customer behavior to kitchen responsibilities, that restaurant owners and managers should look to examine and therefore adjust

Eighty-three percent of commercial restaurant owners and purchasing decision-makers in the United States are either exploring or already implementing strategies to reduce food waste in their kitchens

With the most common initiatives currently being prioritized: employee training (44 percent), creative use of leftovers (40 percent), food waste tracking software (37 percent), sustainable sourcing (36 percent) and regular menu audits (35 percent) A Recycle Track Systems report found the restaurant industr y spends an esti-

industry continues to struggle financially, this further highlights an opportunity for American restaurants to be making savings from revised food waste reduction strategies

“It’s great to see most restaurants are taking commendable steps to implement strategies aimed at reducing food waste, while navigating the complexities of our current tough and unpredictable economy, ” said Lucy McQuillan, Alto-Shaam’s president


“However, our research shows that foodser vice equipment itself could help accelerate operators’ waste reduction goals It is crucial that leaders of our industr y consider innovative ways to help operators reduce their food waste, allowing them to financially benefit from such strategies and therefore better navigate the challenging economic conditions currently being faced ” GN

Popular Chef Giada De Laurentiis Forms Membership Community for Giadzi Brand

Renowned chef and Emmy Award-winning television personality Giada De Laurentiis is redefining the culinary commerce landscape with The Membership, an exclusive VIP program for her la dolce vita-inspired e-commerce brand Giadzy

The go-to resource for at-home chefs and culinar y enthusiasts, Giadzy offers thoughtfully sourced pantry items, fine foods and regional kitchen products from Italy hand-selected by De Laurentiis, as well as original curated recipes and content

This new membership launch sol i d i f i e s t h e n i n e - t i m e N e w Yo r k Times bestselling cookbook author’s positioning as a pioneer in the evolution of culinary e-commerce through storytelling and consumer engagement

making of Giada’s forthcoming cookbook, shipping benefits, a VIP community space for conversation and connection and early access to popular products including new Giadzy pasta shapes and limited-edition

For $9 a month ($70 annually), Giadzy’s all-access VIP membership provides unlimited access to a consistently updated library of more than 1,500 Italian-inspired recipes, monthly livestream events with Giada, curated travel guides to the most enchanting destinations in Italy, special behind-the-scenes video content such as the

products coming this summer Bringing consumers closer to De Laurentiis and her passion for the Italian way of living, The Membership will ultimately foster a sense of community and culinar y exploration amongst subscribers

“I’m so excited to begin building this community,” said De Laurentiis “The Membership is an invitation to my fans

and Giadzy customers to create a closer relationship where we can share experiences and stories with each other

“As Giadzy continues to grow, The Membership is key to maintaining the personal connection that has been so important to me throughout my career ”

Membership benefits include:

• Unlimited access to the Giadzy Recipe Library: Dive into a vast collection of more than 1,500 Italian-inspired recipes for ever y occasion Easily search by dietar y need or cook time and save favorites for quick reference With multiple new recipes added weekly, members can continuously expand their culinary repertoire

• Monthly livestream experiences with G

enhancing their cooking skills and confidence in the kitchen

• Exclusive and early access products: Members will receive invitations to shop limited-edition products before the general public, ensuring they have access to the latest and most exclusive offerings

• Free standard shipping: Enjoy complimentar y standard shipping on all orders, making it easier for members to enjoy their favorite Italian products from the Giadzy shop

• Holiday menus and recipe collections: Elevate your celebrations with carefully curated menus and recipe collections for holidays and special occasions Giadzy’s expert curation ensures that Members can create memorable dining experiences for their loved ones

• Exclusive videos: Access an on-demand librar y of step-by-step recipe demonstration videos that guide members through the creation of delicious dishes,

ReposiTrak Adds to Food Traceability Network

ReposiTrak, the world’s largest food traceability and regulatory compliance network, leveraging its established inventory management and out-of-stock reduction SaaS platform, has added 20 center store and snack suppliers to the ReposiTrak Traceability Network These new members will efficiently exchange intricate, FDA-required Key Data Elements for each Critical Tracking Event in their supply chains, ensuring proactive compliance well before the January 2026 deadline

Specializing in snack, nut and nut butter product categories, these suppliers have now aligned with the rapidly expanding and only active traceability solution available Through RTN, these companies will achieve compliance with the FSMA 204 food traceability law while establishing connections with four distinct wholesale and retail customers

Among the suppliers is a prominent snack company with a diverse portfolio of brands with more than 20 production fa-

cilities across 11 countries and regions

Other suppliers include a family-owned company in business for 125 years known for pioneering the Pickle-In-A-Pouch product, as well as a Texas-based fifth generation nut supplier with nearly a century of experience

“Our platform simplifies compliance for suppliers connected with multiple wholesaler and retailer customers,” said Randy Fields, chairman and CEO of ReposiTrak

“The ReposiTrak Traceability Network en-

sures seamless transfer of traceability data, not just for foods on the Traceability List, but for any and all foods that are part of a retailer or wholesaler’s traceability program ”

The ReposiTrak Traceability Network requires no additional hardware or software and the ReposiTrak team assists in making the connections needed under the new regulation Suppliers can connect to an unlimited number of trading partners and share data for a low, flat fee GN

12 vGOURMET NEWS // MAY 2024
i a d a : C o n n e c t w i t h D e L a u re n t i i s o n a p e r s o n a l l e v e l t h ro u g h m o n t h l y l i v e s t re a m e x p e r i e n c e s T h e s e i n t i m a t e s e s s i o n s w i l l f e a t u re c o o k i n g d e m o n s t r at i o n s , m a s t e rc l a s s e s o n e n t e r t a i n i n g , Q & A s , a n d m o re
• I n s i d e r t r a v e l g u i d e s t o I t a l y : P l a n y o u r n e x t t r i p o r e m b a r k o n a v i r t u a l journey through Italy with insider guides t o a l l o f t h e c o u n t r y ’ s m o s t d e s i r a b l e d e st i n a t i o n s E x p l o re t h e r i c h c u l t u r a l a n d culinar y tapestr y of Italy’s unique regions w i t h G i a d z y ’ s p e r s o n a l i z e d re c o m m e n d at i o n s GN
mated $162 billion every in costs related to wasted food As the hospitality

Kraft Heinz Commits $15M to Rise Against Hunger

The Kraft Heinz Company Foundation has extended a three-year partnership and $15 million commitment to Rise Against Hunger, an international nonprofit organization The commitment builds on a decade-long partnership between Kraft Heinz and Rise Against Hunger to alleviate global hunger and improve access to nutrition

“At Kraft Heinz, we aim to provide 1 5 billion meals to people in need by 2025,” said Andrea Budelli, president of The Kraft Heinz Company Foundation and chief R&D officer of developed & emerging markets at Kraft Heinz “Our extended partnership with Rise Against Hunger will help us make great strides toward this ambition

“We’re incredibly grateful for Rise Against Hunger’s leadership in the fight to end global hunger and humbled to play a part in their efforts ”

Heinz micronutrient sachets to 207 mil-


Hunger globally These micronutrient sa-

nutrition experts to provide 18 essential vitamins and minerals to fortified rice-soy meals

In addition to the micronutrient sachets, this partnership will support the local and regional procurement of 5 5 million meals; support sustainable agriculture projects anticipated to provide the equivalent of 250 million meals; and engage thousands of Kraft Heinz employees in volunteer events and opportunities around the world

“Kraft Heinz’s generous contributions have been instrumental in driving our mission and have profoundly impacted the lives of countless individuals and communities facing food insecurity in remote, last-mile communities that are often difficult to access and lack infrastructure,” said Rick Kearney, CEO at Rise Against Hunger “In the years ahead, we ’ re embracing innovation and efficiency, and seeking new ways to create sustainable solutions for those in need ”

As a direct result of Kraft Heinz’s support from 2021 through 2023, Rise Against Hunger supported 8 9 million people through meal donations and sustainable agriculture projects in 48 countries across Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Africa This impact includes:

• Supported sustainable agriculture projects that produced the equivalent of more than 207 million meals in Malawi, Mali, the Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Zimbabwe and India

• Responded to emergency and humanitarian relief efforts, including floods in India, Italy and South Africa; COVID in India and Indonesia; typhoons in the Philippines; and refugee families in Ukraine, Moldova, Poland and Romania

• Hosted over 6,000 Kraft Heinz employees who attended 39 meal packing events around the world, packing over 1 7 million meals for food-insecure communities during Kraft Heinz’s annual “Packathon” events

Additionally, select Kraft Heinz employees attend an annual Impact Trip with Rise Against Hunger to witness Kraft Heinz’s impact on communities affected by food insecurity Kraft Heinz employees traveled to South Africa in 2023 and the Philippines in 2024 to deliver meals and witness the sustainable agriculture initiatives and nutritional education in person GN

Toast Expands Restaurant Management Suite

To Provide Advice, Data for Enterprise Brands

Toast, a digital platform built for restaurants, has launched its Restaurant Management Suite Powered by insights from more than 100,000 restaurant locations including hundreds of multi-unit brands including Caribou Coffee, Papa Gino’s & D’Angelo, Bar Louie, Nothing Bundt Cakes and more, Toast’s Restaurant Management Suite provides enterprise brands with the data and insights, control and support and integrations they need to better manage their businesses

“To succeed in today’s competitive environment, enterprise operators need intuitive tools and readily available insights at the location and corporate levels to help them manage administrative complexity and make the right decisions as they grow,” said Steve Fredette, president and co-founder of Toast “The size and diversity of our customer base give Toast unique insights into what operational excellence and top-notch performance look like across the industry

“With innovations like Benchmarking and improved tools like Multi-Location Management and Menu Manager and Publishing Center, Restaurant Management Suite is designed to help restaurants of any size, especially multi-unit brands, perform at their best and grow ”

According to a recent Toast survey, top challenges for operators include the administrative aspects of the restaurant business, including managing multiple service channels and locations, and interpreting guest data With Advanced Restaurant Analytics, restaurant brands can provide their teams with detailed data and insights to know what’s happening across their loca-

tions – and why – to make better business decisions

Advanced Restaurant Analytics provides clarity into a restaurant brand’s sales and menu performance, including locationlevel reporting and competitive benchmarking tools

Advanced Restaurant Analytics includes:

• A benchmarking tool that will enable leaders to compare restaurant and menu categor y performance against aggregated data from Toast restaurants categorized and analyzed leveraging an AI-based classification tool The Benchmarking features are expected to include the ability for restaurants to compare sales and order volume by restaurant type and menu performance based on food and beverage categories

With access to aggregated data from the network of Toast restaurants, operators can further analyze comparisons by location radius, day, week, month and preceding time period With the Benchmarking tool, a cafe could compare their sales and order volume of lattes over a particular time frame to the average sales for cafes using Toast in their region

These tools are designed to help operators more easily identify possible opportunities to drive revenue through things like new menu items, limited-time offers, or updated pricing Benchmarking is available now to select users

• An improved Multi-Location Reporting that empowers restaurant leaders to see their entire business at a glance, segment locations, and compare them using an expanded list of key performance met-


Restaurant Management Suite makes it easy for leaders to take control of their operations at scale and make changes quickly and is designed to reduce the administrative workload for corporate teams The Menu Manager and Publishing Center feature enables teams to effectively manage their menus across locations, including scheduling menu items and price changes for the future, allowing managers to react quickly to changing guest needs and operational costs Multi-Location Management allows restaurants to efficiently manage and standardize configurations and settings across large location footprints Enhanced settings management will make it easier to copy virtually any aspect of restaurant configuration across multiple locations

“With hundreds of locations across multiple geographies, brands like ours need the ability to reduce complexity and manage our operations at scale,” said Adam Kinsinger, director of technology at WaBa Grill, a fast-casual brand founded in Southern California with more than 190 locations “Toast’s consistent investment in enterprise-grade Multi-Location Management and Menu Management tools has made it easier for our teams to drive operational consistency, make settings and menu changes quickly, and reduce administrative workload Whenever our IT or operations teams can more easily copy a setting or make menu changes across our footprint, it frees them up to focus on other tasks and building for the future ”

Additionally, Toast’s Restaurant Management Suite empowers brands to better

manage their business with:

• Partner Integrations + Toast API access: Operators can seamlessly share data between Toast and widely used third-party tools via easy-to-use integrations with 200+ partners Toast Application Programming Interface access enables brands to share data between Toast and custom apps Toast APIs also empower brands to build robust custom apps

• E2EE + P2PE payment security solutions: The Toast platform and all devices provide End-to-End Encr yption to enable a high degree of payment security for enterprise brands and their guests Point-to-Point Encr yption security solutions are also available to meet their security requirements if needed

• Enterprise Toast Care: Fully included ongoing support specifically designed for the more complex configurations, tech stacks and scale of enterprise brands Enterprise care agents have deep knowledge of the specific configurations, settings, and integrations used by the brands they cover to help resolve issues faster Enterprise care agents are equipped to support issues that arise with more complex tech stacks

Restaurant Management Suite functionality is available to restaurants of all sizes and types in tiered offerings to meet the unique needs of different customers, from small and medium-sized restaurants to enterprise brands

Customer testimonials are self-reported and are not a guarantee that any other customer will see similar results Toast does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in customer testimonials Individual results will vary GN

h e e x t e n d e d p a rt n e r s h i p w i l l f u l l y f u n d t h e a d d i t i o n o f 3 6 m i l l i o n K r a f t
l i o n m e a l s d i s t r i b u t e d b
i s e
g a i n s t
c h e t s a re s p e c i a l l y c re a t e d f o r t h e n o np ro f i t b y K r a f t H e i n z ’ s f o o d s c i e n c e a n d
• F o r t i f i e d m o r e t h a n 1 2 7 m i l l i o n R i s e A g a i n s t H u n g e r m e a l s w i t h 2 1 m i ll i o n m i c r o n u t r i e n t s a c h e t s f o r s c h o o l f e e d i n g a n d d i e t a r y s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n p ro g r a m s

USDA Makes Major Changes to Guidelines Promoting More Nutritious School Meals

U S Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced major steps to promote the health of America’s children through school meals Nutrition standards for school meals will be gradually updated to include less sugar and greater flexibility with menu planning between Fall 2025 and Fall 2027

dren reach their full potential,” Vilsack said “Like teachers, classrooms, books, and computers, nutritious school meals are an essential part of the school environment and when we raise the bar for school meals, it empowers our kids to achieve greater success inside and outside of the classroom

The department arrived at these changes after listening closely to public feedback and considering the latest science-based recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans The new rule continues the work of the Biden-Harris Administration to address both food and nutrition security

K-12 schools serve nutritious breakfasts and lunches to nearly 30 million children every school day These meals are the main source of nutrition for more than half of these children and help improve child health

“We all share the goal of helping chil-

major milestone, the Biden-

schools, districts, states and industry to build on the ex-

meals ”

The final rule is a significant step toward advancing the administration’s national strategy to end hunger and reduce diet-related disease by 2030 set forth at the historic White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health in September 2022

“The new standards build on the great progress that school meals have made already and address remaining challenges – including reducing sugar in school breakfasts These updates also make it easier for schools to access locally sourced products, benefiting both schools and the local economy, ” said USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service Administrator Cindy Long

Key updates to the nutrition standards to support healthy kids include:

Added Sugars

For the first time, added sugars will be limited in school meals nationwide, with small changes happening by Fall 2025 and full implementation by Fall 2027 USDA heard concerns from parents and teachers about excessive amounts of added sugars in some foods, which factored into this

new limit

Research shows that these added sugars are most commonly found in typical school breakfast items Child care operators will also begin limiting added sugars in cereals and yogurts – rather than total sugars – by Fall 2025


Schools can continue to offer flavored and unflavored milk, which provide essential nutrients that children need, such as calcium, vitamin D and potassium There will be a new limit on added sugars in flavored milk served at breakfast and lunch by Fall 2025

Thirty-seven school milk processors –representing more than 90 percent of the school milk volume nationwide – have already committed to providing nutritious school milk options that meet this limit on added sugars


Schools will need to slightly reduce sodium content in their meals by Fall 2027 In response to public comments, USDA is only requiring one sodium reduction, and not the three incremental reductions that were proposed last year This change still moves our children in the right direction and gives schools and industry the lead time they need to prepare The sodium limits in this final rule will be familiar to schools, as they were supported by leading school nutrition and industry stakeholders during previous rulemaking activities in 2017 and 2018

Whole Grains

Current nutrition standards for whole grains will not change Schools will continue to offer students a variety of nutrient-rich whole grains and have the option to offer some enriched grains to meet students’ cultural and taste preferences

Supporting Other Food Preferences

While not a new requirement, starting in Fall 2024 it will be easier for schools to

serve protein-rich breakfast foods such as yogurt, tofu, eggs, nuts and seeds, which can help reduce sugary food options, while also supporting vegetarian diets and other food preferences

Supporting Local Food Purchases

Also starting in Fall 2024, schools have the option to require unprocessed agricultural products to be locally grown, raised or caught when making purchases for school meal programs, making it easier for schools to buy local foods

Additionally, starting in Fall 2025, schools will have limits on the percentage of nondomestic grown and produced foods they can purchase, which will enhance the role of American farmers, producers, fishers, and ranchers in providing nutritious foods to schools

School meals will continue to emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains; and give kids the right balance of many nutrients for healthy, tasty meals School nutrition professionals are local experts in their communities and will continue ser ving meals that their students want to eat, while also prioritizing cultural and religious food preferences

“Free breakfast lunches that my grandkids eat at school are a huge relief,” said MomsRising member Mary Beth Cochran, a disabled homemaker raising four grandkids in Canton, N C “Honestly, I don’t know what we would do without school meals

“It gives me so much peace of mind to know that no matter what the kids will eat two balanced meals five days a week at school So, I’m thrilled the USDA is taking action to raise nutrition standards for school meals,” she said

for the

Hot Food-Producing Robots Deployed Across U.S.

In a move aimed at redefining hot food robotic technology, Sodexo and ART have announced a partnership to deploy thousands of state-of-the-art hot food robotic kiosks across Sodexo-ser ved facilities throughout the United States A culmination of Sodexo’s global leadership and ART’s progress in robotics and AI, this partnership will establish benchmarks in the automated dining domain

“Our dedication to innovation in convenience, dining, and the broader evolution of food hinges entirely on technological advancements,” said Husein Kitabwalla, CEO, Tech & Ser vices and Food Transformation, Sodexo North

America “We’re excited to collaborate with ART and leverage their Just Baked Technology, further expanding our network of partners utilizing AI for food production and bringing our clients and consumers foods that transcend conventional norms ”

Just Baked Smart Bistro kiosks can be found at Sodexo client sites across a variety of industries, producing giant cinnamon rolls, White Castle Cheeseburger Slider 4 packs, bao buns, breakfast sandwiches and other delectable options with a click of a button

“We are thrilled to partner with Sodexo and its vast network of food ser vice

clients,” said Ben Porter, CEO of ART “Sodexo’s reputation for quality and commitment to their customers is unparalleled, making them an ideal collaborator for us

“The value proposition of ART’s cuttingedge technology transcends mere convenience, boasting features such as streamlined operations through automation, advanced analytics powered by machine learning algorithms, and unparalleled food ser vice delivery to end users available round the clock We are also excited to work with innovative food suppliers to bring new, exciting products to customers throughout Sodexo’s cus-

tomer base ” ART is the premier hot food technology supplier for the foodservice industry With a focus on technology-forward solutions, including the Just Baked Smart Bistro automated hot food robotic kiosk, ART partners with leading food ser vice operators and venues to deliver convenience and excellence in North America

Sodexo North America is part of a global, Fortune 500 company with a presence in 45 countries Sodexo specializes in sustainable foodservice and valued experiences, in all 50 U S states, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam, at every moment in life: learn, work, heal and play GN

E x p a n d i n g o n t h i s
H a r r i s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n w i l l c o n t i n u e t o p a rt n e r w i t h
t r a o rd i n a r y p ro g re s s m a d e t o s t re n g t h e n s c h o o l
“ A s a g r a n d m o t h e r, I ’ l l m o v e m o u nt a i n s t o m a k e s u re m y g r a n d k i d s g e t t h e healthy food they need to learn and grow I ’ m p ro u d t o s u p p o rt t h i s r u l e b e c a u s e I know it will make a real difference
h e a l t h a n d w e l l - b e i n g o f f a m i l i e s l i k e m i n e ” G N

O-IPS, Revino Roll Out Reusable Glass Wine Bottles


Packaging Solutions and Revino have introduced returnable, reusable glass wine bottles to advance the sustainability of wine packaging, first rolling out in Oregon and extending soon to the West Coast OIPS, a global manufacturer of sustainable glass packaging, will locally produce more than 2 4 million reusable glass wine bottles as part of Revino’s return system

Revino was founded to revive the reusable glass bottle ecosystem for beverage producers and consumers

”Glass packaging for wine is made from pure and natural resources that are inert, infinitely recyclable and reliably preserve the integrity of the wine it packages,” said Randy Burns, chief sustainability and corporate affairs officer for O-I Glass “By extending the use phase of the glass packaging through return and refill winery partnerships, Revino is maximizing the sustainability of packaging for environmentally conscious wine producers ”

A 2020 study by Zero Waste Europe identified reusable packaging as the most environmentally friendly option Revino, with its end-to-end returnable glass bottle reuse system built for the wine industr y, seeks to create a more conscious mindset that encourages wineries and consumers to invest in more durable, and long-lasting, packaging for wine that will endure multiple use cycles

On average, a reusable glass bottle can be reused 25 to 50 times before being retired and recycled into new glass packaging

By providing a closed loop system that keeps bottles in circulation, Revino will support the wine industry’s drive towards lower emissions, reduce reliance on imported glass and drive a more circular and sustainable model

“In the spirit of hope and possibility, I envision a world where reusable bottles are not just a practical solution, but instead

symbolize our collective determination and commitment to safeguarding our natural resources for future generations,” said Keenan O’Hern, founder of Revino “ Revino is more than a business venture; this is a shared journey toward a more sustainable and thriving future ”

More than 70 wineries have joined in with Revino’s mission since the company ’ s inception As part of the program, Revino will deliver reusable glass bottles to participating wineries, which will be filled using standard bottling equipment

chased or any partner locations, including all participating winery tasting rooms, select retailers and restaurants Collected bottles will be brought back to Revino’s

Wine in Revino bottles will be available beginning in the summer of 2024

Once empty, the reusable bottles can be returned to the winery where it was pur-

Botrista on Mission to Transform Beverage Landscape Using Tech

Botrista, a leader in automated beverage platforms, is making waves in the restaurant industry with its groundbreaking approach to menu creation Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning and a wealth of data gathered from millions of cups sold across 34 states, Botrista is setting a new standard for beverage menu curation

Founded by serial entrepreneur Sean Hsu, whose background as a former Tesla robotic engineer fuels the company ’ s commitment to innovation and technology, Botrista is on a mission to transform the beverage landscape

lected from millions of cups sold across the nation, we ’ re able to create beverage

“Botrista is all about bringing cuttingedge technology to the heart of the beverage industr y, ” said Hsu “The AI applications are maximizing the beverage incidents for food service operators

“With the vast amount of data we ’ ve col-

menus and recipes that perfectly cater to the diverse tastes of consumers

“As craft beverage categories evolve frequently, we believe that AI analytic tools and content generative tools will enable restaurants to capitalize the trending bev-

erages in their outlets,” Hsu said At the heart of Botrista’s approach lies using AI and machine learning, along with an extensive dataset encompassing demographics, geography, consumer preferences, food pairings and dayparts This unparalleled level of analysis enables Botrista to assess consumer preferences, empowering restaurants to offer beverage menus and recipes tailored to their specific clientele and local market trends

The depth and breadth of data amassed by Botrista from millions of cups sold across the United States provide a unique advantage in crafting beverage offerings that resonate with consumers By tapping into this wealth of information, Botrista enables restaurants to make data-driven decisions that optimize sales and enhance customer satisfaction

state-of-the-art bottle washing facility, where bottles will be washed, inspected and tested to ensure they are ready to start the process again GN

bill perfectly

Consumers are becoming more healthconscious and are seeking snacks that are

tional value Manufacturers are responding by introducing options with more pro-


People are becoming more adventurous with their food choices, which is leading to a rise in demand for ethnic and exotic flavors in savor y snacks Think bold spices, international recipe inspiration and globally inspired ingredients

The rise of vegan and vegetarian diets is impacting the savory snack market There’s

Botrista collaborated with a restaurant chain spanning multiple states to refine its beverage offerings By analyzing the preferences of patrons across different regions, Botrista identified key trends and variations in beverage consumption, which included an analysis of preferred sweetness levels in different regions, the non-alcoholic beverage cuisine pairing, as well as suggesting selling opportunities based on the most popular flavors and pairings

Armed with this insight, the restaurant chain was able to adjust its menu offerings to better cater to the preferences of local customers

Botrista is at the forefront of a beverage revolution, where data-driven innovation is reshaping the restaurant industry With its extensive data repository and unwavering commitment to excellence, Botrista is poised to redefine beverage menu curation and elevate the dining experience for consumers across the nation GN

a growing demand for plant-based snacks made from lentils, chickpeas, nuts, seeds and other alternatives

The nuts and seeds product segment is projected to grow at the highest compound annual growth rate in the global savor y snack products market Consumers’ preferences for snacks that deliver health, convenience and taste have sparked recent innovations in several healthy snack segments, which is expected to drive the growth of nuts and seeds GN

Global Savor y Snacks Market Set to Reach $263B by 2027, Markets and Markets Says The global savory snack products market size, which was valued at $203 9 billion in 2022, is anticipated to reach $263 billion by 2027, recording a compound annual growth rate of 5 2 percent, according to Markets and Markets The savory snacks market is a large and growing industry that includes a wide variety of salty and flavorful snacks that are consumed between meals and can be enjoyed by people of all ages Some of the popular savory snack products include: potato chips, popcorn, extruded snacks, nuts and seeds, tortillas and puffed snacks P e o p l e t h e s e d a y s h a v e l e s s t i m e t o cook elaborate meals, which has led to a s u rg e i n d e m a n d f o r c o n v e n i e n t a n d p o rt a b l e s n a c k o p t i o n s t h a t c a n b e c o ns u m e d o n t h e g o S a v o r y s n a c k s f i t t h i s
n o t j u s t t a s t y, b u t a l s o o ff e r s o m e n u t r i -
t e i n , f i b e r, w h o l e g r a i n s a n d e v e n

Recyclable, Fiber-Based Tray System Approved

Aptar Food Protection, part of AptarGroup, Inc , and a leader in active material science food safety solutions, has been granted the North American license to manufacture and distribute the Halopack Tray system, designed to enhance packaging sustainability for a wide variety of fresh, frozen, reheatable, grab-and-go and oven-able food applications

Called Aptar Halopack, the patented solution is produced with recycled cardboard and a minimal amount of easily removable film, allowing the package to be recycled in existing cardboard streams once the film is removed

Compared to conventional plastic-based trays, Halopack’s use of cardboard materials allows for up to a 90 percent reduction

Happy Hens

Continued from PAGE 1

from hens housed in a cage-free way

On the other hand, animal activists –who have been advocating humane animal treatment across all food production – and other groups are vocal about supporting cage-free hen laws and regulations

“While the cage-free flock is growing year by year, thanks to the relentless efforts of animal advocates across the countr y, two thirds of all egg-laying hens in the United States are still confined to small, barren cages for most of their short lives,” according to The Humane League “This means that the vast majority of eggs laid, sold and consumed in the U S are produced by hens living in extreme confinement ”

in plastic More than one billion units have been sold in Europe by Halopack, the Netherlands-based company that invented the product

Aptar Halopack’s sustainability and versatility stems from its simplicity The paperboard-based tray systems are easy to recycle and fold flat to save recycling bin space for consumers Custom printing directly on the paperboard, both inside and outside the package, reduces or eliminates the need for additional labels and minimizes manufacturing steps associated with label placement

Additionally, trays are engineered to fit in existing top seal and skin pack equipment with minimal tooling conversion required

Aptar Halopack systems are suitable for

For many buyers, where that egg came from and how it was produced are just as important as the finished product ”

It’s a movement that touches across the food production industry Companies including the Texas-based Pederson’s Natural Farms built their businesses from the ground up with animal welfare in mind

“We believe it all starts with the animal!” said Neil Dudley, vice president of business development for Pederson’s “Providing for, caring for and respecting the nutrition they provide An ever-growing segment of the market is choosing Pederson ’ s for these reasons ”

“Shoppers are increasingly interested in knowing where their food comes from and prioritizing high-quality, humanely raised options, like Happy Egg free range eggs,” said Whitney Fortin, chief marketing officer at Happy Egg Co “There’s also a distrust among consumers toward our food systems and large corporations versus small, emerging companies like Happy Egg They see firsthand that the thoughtful treatment of our hens leads to eggs that are superior in quality and taste, and they support our efforts with ever y purchase For us, it all comes down to our choices ”

Arizona’s regulation alone, once fully enacted, will mean more than 7 million hens “will be spared from life in extreme confinement every single year, ” according to The Humane League

American consumers are also pushing for eggs from hens living in humane conditions, with egg producers following suit

“Concern for animal welfare has increased considerably in the last decade,” according to a report from Market Data Forecast on a general category of cage-free eggs “Along with animal organizations that are establishing and campaigning against bird and egg manufacturers, many companies are taking initiatives for the welfare of animals ”

“When it comes to purchasing eggs,” according to the U S Department of Agriculture, “ consumers have interests that go well beyond what they see in the carton

both dry and high moisture foods and are available in a wide range of configurations such as skin pack, clam shell, freezable, microwave and oven-able, and modified atmosphere packaging This versatility makes the systems ideal for ready meals/grab-n-go foods, frozen and reheatable foods, fresh-cut produce, proteins and even soups

The duo-tray configuration offers a powerful solution for foods like parfaits or salads that require a multi-compartment structure to maintain the integrity of the separate ingredients until consumption

Aptar Halopack is being manufactured in North America at Aptar Food Protection’s facility in Atlanta; the company has plans to expand production to other North

the standard of excellence for animal welfare and environmental stewardship resonates with consumers and our retail partners as we expand our footprint, empowering them to make better choices ”

Both Happy Egg Co and Pete & Gerry’s support family farmers for their eggs

“We choose to push the boundaries for free range farming with our American Humane Certified free range eggs, ” said Happy Egg’s Fortin “We choose to live and be in the community where our growers are – where we can ensure that we meet or exceed the strict standards of this thirdparty humane certification, such as providing our hens room to roam for 8-plus hours a day on eight to 10 acres of land

“We choose to partner with over 100 family farmers who care for and feed our hens in a way that keeps them healthy and happy ”

“Nationwide,” said Pete & Gerry’s COO Cameron Whitehead, “ we ’ ve seen a lot in the last 10 years and have woken up to the realities of commodity agriculture and animal products ”

Decades ago, family farmers were quickly getting pushed out by commercial operations that sacrificed animal welfare for scale and efficiency

American locations

“Aptar Halopack is a unique-to-market combination of enhanced sustainability and product differentiation through extended shelf life and attractive product presentation,” said Neal Watson, VP and general manager for Aptar Food Protection “We’re excited about the benefits Halopack brings in the areas of sustainability and reducing food waste

“We have a unique product that provides the benefits of traditional packaging solutions with the added benefit of recyclability We are proud to partner with Halopack to bring this solution to the North American market and are eager to explore the possibilities of expanding the tray’s applications beyond the food market ” GN

raised in humane conditions produce thicker shells, protecting the freshness of the eggs inside

Pete & Gerry’s partners with more than 200 family farms spread across 14 states from Maine to Oklahoma, providing American farmers the support to run their farms sustainably while maintaining the care and natural lifestyle hens deserve Living conditions are closely monitored, especially because not only does the company buy the eggs the farms produce, but Pete & Gerry’s owns the hens

Independently owned Happy Egg Co partners with more than 100 family farms across the Ozarks and the Midwest, which follow world-class farming requirements of third-party certification

Better living conditions for animals also reduce risks of disease as well as food safety, experts say

The movement toward humane treatment of egg-laying hens has led to an expansion in distribution for Pete & Gerry’s, a pioneer in humane egg farming, into all 1,400 Publix Super Markets throughout the Southeast, in addition to its newest offering, Pete & Gerr y ’ s Pasture-Raised eggs in Publix stores throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia

“Our Southeast egg-lovers have embraced other Pete & Gerry’s offerings, so we ’ re excited consumers can now easily access the highest-quality and most delicious eggs at their nearest Publix location,” said CEO Tom Flocco “With an abundant selection of egg types on shelves today, it’s easy to sleepwalk through the egg aisle

The model of egg production our company pioneered almost 30 years ago, however, is not just better for the hens, but also better for the farmers and our planet

“Our continued commitment to raising

Pete & Gerry’s recognized the hazards of hens’ welfare on a large scale Founders Carol, Gerry and Pete Ward decided at the beginning that they “didn’t want to look like the guys down the road” regarding conditions egg-laying hens lived in

The lesson was driven home when former owner and CEO Jesse LaFlamme was at a trade show and saw an exhibit of chicken cages designed only for egg efficiency Wire battery cages can hold up to 10 hens who can’t stand up straight or spread their wings without hitting the walls or another hen

Hens housed in such conditions never get to breathe fresh air or enjoy munching on alfalfa or gobbling juicy bugs, Whitehead said The quality of the eggs produced by hens who live cage free, free range or pasture raised are evident, such as the bright yellow yolk

“That comes from eating and foraging,” Whitehead said “Mostly, you can see it in the shell quality ”

Hens raised in large-scale commercial conditions produce a thin shell while hens

“Minimizing foodborne illness is a key component of protecting public health and welfare,” according to the Arizona Public Health Association, a non-governmental, non-profit group that supports Arizona’s cage-free regulation “When enacting the cage-free regulations, ADA reviewed science-based evidence and concluded that ensuring eggs produced and sold in our state come from cage-free facilities minimizes food safety risks and advance public health goals ”

“Maintaining health and quickly responding to health issues are some of the most important aspects of hen welfare,” according to UEP guidelines “An effective health management plan helps ensure good hen welfare by providing a strategy for disease prevention, rapid diagnosis, and effective control methods The focus of the health management plan should be on prevention ”

Living conditions of egg-laying hens are a concern as the nation experiences spread of avian influenza, which has cost tens of millions of egg-laying hens their lives

A l t h o u g h i t i s p o s s i b l e f o r d o m e s t i c poultr
infected with avian inf l u e n z a f ro m d i re c t c o n t a c t w i t h w i l d b i rd s , i t i s m o re l i k e l y t h a t a v i a n i nf l u e n z a v i r u s e s a re s p re a d i n d i re c t l y t o p o u l t r y o n c o n t a m i n a t e d f e e d , c l o t h i n g , a n d e q u i p m e n t , ” a c c o rd i n g t o t h e U S G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y ’ s N a t i o n a l Wi l d l i f e H e a l t h C e n t e r GN
y to become

Commercial High-Speed Hybrid Ovens Market

Flourishes, Set to Grow to $51M by 2027

The global commercial high-speed hybrid ovens market size is estimated to grow by $51 46 million from 2023 to 2027, according to Technavio The market is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of about 4 08 percent during the forecast period

Commercial high-speed hybrid ovens from market leaders including Haier, Panasonic and Whirlpool are known for their durability, using stainless steel or resilient metals Constant water contact increases rust risk, leading to stainless steel or highgrade plastic production

Long lifespans reduce market growth due to less frequent replacements The product segment emerges as the fastestgrowing segment in the commercial highspeed hybrid ovens market

The market in the food sector experienced significant growth in 2022, with offline distribution channels dominating due to convenience, large SKUs and brand variety Key players include specialty stores such as TurboChef and brand retailers offering entr y-level, high-performance, Merry Chef, ventless and ACP ovens

Collaborations, acquisitions, mergers and facility expansions drive market expansion Strategic analysis of research, production facilities and market leaders reveals trends in convection cooking, microwave cooking, radiant heat and infrared heating components

The culinary industry’s ongoing research and development in refrigeration units, commercial freezers and refrigeration units further enhance the market’s growth

The commercial high-speed hybrid ovens market in North America is experiencing significant growth, driven by urbanization, a thriving food service industry and high vendor penetration The United States, as a market leader, is at the forefront of this trend due to its well-organized food industry, high disposable income and increasing urban population

With fast-paced lifestyles, there is a growing demand for convenience food products, leading to increased usage of baking ovens in commercial kitchens Energy efficiency, temperature control and

built-in ovens are key features sought after by restaurants, cafes and institutional kitchens

Collaborations, acquisitions, mergers and facility expansions are common strategies among market leaders to expand their reach Convection cooking, microwave cooking, radiant heat and infrared heating components are essential technologies in high-demand cooking appliances

Sustainability and eco-friendly materials, along with energy-efficient technology, are crucial considerations for chefs and restaurant owners Cooking efficiency, smart controls, specialty models, food dehydration, pizza alternatives, smart kitchens, WiFi connectivity and remote operation are all trends shaping the market

Strategic analysis and regional research are essential for understanding the evolving culinary industry and staying competitive

The commercial high-speed hybrid ovens market experiences growth due to rising demand and repeat purchases, driven by innovations like IoT and smart kitchen technologies in North America and Europe Key trends include temperature control, sustainability, energy efficiency and advanced built-in technologies

for data analysis and programming

Smart features such as WiFi connectiv-

heat distribution systems and eco-friendly

spending on the food sector also impact the market

High-speed hybrid ovens combine the functions of ovens, refrigerators, commercial freezers and refrigeration units, ensuring optimal temperature and moisture control for food dehydration and cooking processes Sustainability and eco-friendliness are essential considerations in the food sector, making energy-efficient technology a crucial factor

Smart controls and specialty models further enhance the market’s appeal, offering energy savings and improved cooking efficiency Restaurant owners and chefs benefit from the integration of advanced technologies, enabling them to manage their kitchens more effectively and maintain consistent food quality

The future of the commercial highspeed hybrid ovens market lies in the development of smart kitchens, where technology and sustainability converge to create efficient and eco-friendly cooking solutions GN

Commercial Wood-Fired Pizza Ovens to Reach $12M

by 2027, Fueled

The global commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market size is estimated to grow by $12 12 million from 2023 to 2027, according to Technavio The market is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3 79 percent during the forecast period

Commercial wood-fired pizza ovens are in high demand due to their versatility in cooking various food items including pizzas, stir fries, bread products and roasted meats

Vendors including Le Panyol offer equipment with customizable settings for temperature, pressure and humidity control Brands such as BakerStone, Cuppone Srl, Fiero, Californo and Convenient Nutrition cater to residential and commercial segments, providing even baking and energy efficiency for pizzerias, restaurants and homes These ovens offer unique flavors, textures and cooking techniques for consumers and businesses, with options for gluten-free and vegan pizza preparations

The commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market is experiencing significant growth due to increasing pizza consumption and improved lifestyles in both developing and urbanized nations BakerStone, Cuppone Srl, Fiero and other vendors offer versatile wood-fired ovens such as Le Panyol’s Model 120, which can bake pizzas, make stir fries, roast meat and create bread prod-


These ovens provide customizable options, convenient nutrition calculators and cater to various dietar y needs, including gluten-free options Macroeconomic factors, such as urbanization and the foodservice market’s expansion, contribute to the market’s growth

In both residential and commercial set-

In the commercial segment, businesses targeting metropolitan areas invest in these ovens due to their energy efficiency and the flavors and textures they bring to pizzas In contrast, the residential segment caters to pizza enthusiasts in homes, offering specialized equipment for even baking and energy-efficient designs

Electric pizza ovens and wood-fired hybrids offer product quality, performance and energy efficiency for the residential and commercial segments

The commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market caters to the baking needs of foodservice establishments including pizzerias, restaurants and specialty stores

Californo, a leading brand, offers highperformance pizza ovens that provide convenient nutrition and even baking, ensuring product quality and consumer satisfaction These ovens come with smart features such as humidity control and temperature control systems, enabling glutenfree options and vegan pizza preparations

Online retailers offer a wide range of options, from traditional to smart features, catering to various cooking techniques and unique pizza recipes

The commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market is a significant segment of the foodservice market, particularly in developing nations where urbanization and improved lifestyles are leading to increased pizza consumption

Commercial wood-fired pizza ovens also offer humidity control and gluten-free options, catering to various consumer preferences Businesses and pizza enthusiasts alike value the unique taste and texture that wood-fired pizza ovens provide, mak-

ing them a popular choice in the fragmented pizza consumption market

The commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market showcases a blend of tradition and innovation These ovens, featuring convection and radiant heat, offer an authentic cooking experience

These companies provide a range of options, from portable to stationary ovens, to cater to various business needs

The segment for residential use is growing, driven by the increasing popularity of wood-fired pizzas The market is expected to thrive due to factors like the rising demand for artisanal pizzas and the trend towards outdoor dining

Additionally, the use of advanced technologies such as temperature control systems and insulation materials enhances the consumer experience Overall, the commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market is poised for significant growth in the coming years

The commercial wood-fired pizza ovens market is fragmented Companies are competing to get greater market share The market is growing and the chances of new entrants cannot be overlooked

The major companies have well-established economies of scale and market presence and generally rely on positioning technological advances and the price of the products

T h e s e o v e n s c a t e r t o v a r i o u s i n d u st r i e s , i n c l u d i n g q u i c k s e r v i c e re s t a u r a n t s a n d i n d u s t r i a l a u t o m a t i o n , w i t h b a k i n g o v e n s e s s e n t i a l f o r m e n u i t e m s A dv a n c e d t e c h n o l o g i e s , e n e rg y s a v i n g s a n d v e r s a t i l i t y a re c r u c i a l f a c t o r s , w i t h c o mp a c t d e s i g n s s a v i n g k i t c h e n s p a c e E f f ic i e n c y, t e m p e r a t u re c o n t ro l a n d b u i l t - i n o v e n s a re e s s e n t i a l f o r f a s t - p a c e d l i f e s t y l e s
i t y, re m o t e o p e r a t i o n a n d re c i p e d o w nl o a d s a re p o p u l a r, a l o n g w i t h e ff i c i e n t
m a t e r i a l s R e g u l a t i o n s a n d g o v e r n m e n t
t i n g s , p i z z a o v e n s a re e s s e n t i a l b a k i n g e q u i p m e n t f o r h o m e s , re s t a u r a n t s , p i z z er i a s a n d f o o d s e r v i c e e s t a b l i s h m e n t s C o n s u m e r s a n d b u s i n e s s e s s e e k e v e n b a k i n g , h u m i d i t y c o n t ro l a n d e n e rg y e ff i c i e n c y, a s w e l l a s u n i q u e p i z z a re c i p e s a n d v e g a n p i z z a p re p a r a t i o n s f ro m c u l in a r y e x p e rt s
C o n s u m e r s a n d c u l i n a r y e x p e rt s a l i k e a p p re c i a t e t h e s t u rd y d e s i g n a n d l o n gl a s t i n g n a t u re o f t h e s e o v e n s E x p e r t g u i d a n c e a n d c u s t o m e r re v i e w s p l a y a s i g n i f i c a n t ro l e i n t h e m a r k e t ’ s g ro w t h T h e d o m i n a n t s e g m e n t s i n c l u d e t e m p e ra t u re c o n t ro l s y s t e m s , e n e rg y - e f f i c i e n t d e s i g n s a n d s p e c i a l i z e d e q u i p m e n t f o r h i g h - q u a l i t y p i z z a s
by Versatility of Options


Continued from PAGE 1

“Then an idea came to connect the two wafers with chocolate, which made them strong and we have been able to market them ever since then In addition to the almond, we were able to make it with macadamia and flourless ”

With quality ingredients as a priority, Desserts On Us teamed with Colombiabased chocolate manufacturer Luker Chocolate, which helped create Laceys’ signature rich and creamy milk chocolate

The Laceys line includes Almond and Dark Chocolate with Peppermint, Almond and Dark Chocolate with Raspberr y Rhubarb, Almond and Dark Chocolate with Mandarin and Cardamom, Almond and Dark Chocolate with Espresso, Almond and Dark Chocolate with Coconut, Macadamia and Milk Chocolate with Apricot, Macadamia and Milk Chocolate with S’mores and more

Luker proved valuable not only in developing the Laceys cookies, but later innovation

We also have chocolate bars called Laceys Bars ”

The partnership with Luker has propelled other innovations, too

“As an example, we made a cookie with white chocolate cardamom and cocoa nibs That was an interesting combination that combined my background with the cardamom and Luker’s background with the nibs,” Essa said Essa is quick to point out that not just any white chocolate would do for this cookie

“We had to nuance the white chocolate,” he said “Most white chocolate tastes fake, but ours has a nice mouthfeel and tastes delicious Plus, our white chocolate is a creamy color – not just white, which is really satisfying

“Going back to our original product in general, people tend to choose a variety based on the chocolate they like That will determine if they like the Almond with Dark Chocolate or Macadamia with Milk Chocolate varieties as well as the pistachio with white chocolate,” Essa said “It’s always exciting for our company to come up with things that people enjoy whether it comes from the inspiration of our vendor or our own input ”

“ W h e n we first created the Laceys cookie,” Essa said, “they were not connected with chocolate and breakage was a problem for us The chocolate helped a lot with making it a stronger product that could be marketed and stayed together through shipping, transportation and on the shelf

“While creating new products, our partner, Luker, has added to our ability to do so We came up with a product that takes our cookie crumbs to create Laceys Bites

Continued from PAGE 1

piles of their own droppings,” Heath wrote “Droppings on the ground outdoors or on rooftops where workers walk can easily become sources of contamination if tracked into a facility Droppings can also represent slip and fall hazards and cause structural damages

“Sanitarians are caught in the middle of a difficult problem with food safety, personnel safety and audit score considerations on one hand, but effective, humane and affordable solutions on the other ” Food processors must identify what kind of birds are present, where they roost or gather, what time of day (or night) they visit and whether the plant or its grounds

for myself or someone else, I make sure I enjoy it first If I won’t eat it, I don’t sell it ”

Along the way, Essa learned not to sacrifice quality and taste for convenience

“At one time, we tried to get walnuts in the shell for the baklava and cracked them in-house This was the most difficult experience in my life to get enough walnuts to make baklava,” he said

Nuts are an integral component in the Laceys recipes

“Our Laceys is a universal recipe that you can use any nut for,” Essa said “If you eat the Laceys by themselves, you will like the toffee flavor and the mouthfeel

While eating them, the cookie breaks up and you feel the freshness like they are just coming from the oven ”

Each bite of baklava or cookie has a hint of global history, too

“Ever yone loves to enjoy what they eat I grew up in Syria, in the middle of the world where people have made food since the beginning of civilization,” Essa said “From that perspective, I have enjoyed many different dishes, desserts, flavorful foods, snacks, etc That gives me the taste for quality that distinguishes between well-made products and stomach stuffers

“Whenever I make something whether

are supplying them with food or water

“The ways birds use a site are indicators of the degree of attachment they have to the site, and the rigor that will be necessary to evict them,” he wrote

The most important factors to control are the droppings, feathers and debris, Heath wrote

“It may be more feasible to focus on the droppings and mitigate any sanitation risks to keep products protected from droppings Keeping droppings cleaned up to prevent tracking and slip and fall hazards needs to remain a high priority ”

Sanitation workers must be given the proper equipment and protection measures to avoid pathogen contamination

Besides the risk that birds outside pose, it’s inevitable that from time to time, a bird will get inside a food processing plant, he

“That will backfire in the long run You need time (years), dedication, and people around you who can actually back you up and share the responsibilities ” When you have a quality product, Essa said, growth comes organically

Laceys is sold nationwide in Costco US, Costco Canada, Walmart Canada, Whole Foods Market, H-E-B, BJ’s Wholesale Club and other specialty retailers Hickor y Farms was the first online customer, with others to follow

“The distribution happened on its own We, as a company, were small so when we started getting customers, we grew the company with them The customers came knocking on our door

“I don’t blame them – I love the taste of fresh cookies (Laceys) The caramelized wafer along with such high-quality chocolate (thanks to our partners at Luker Chocolate), is hard to resist ”

Desserts On Us constantly surveys customer feedback

“If we didn’t receive compliments from our customers, then we would know that something was wrong, ” he said “Regularly we receive that type of positive feedback –people love the product ”

Rather than integrate vertically, Desserts On Us turned to nut processors

“We noticed the taste difference between nuts in the shell and already processed nuts That was a big challenge to receive ingredients that are fresh since we know how it tastes when they are just cracked,” Essa said

“When we receive ingredients to this day, we taste them to ensure they are satisfactory and fresh, ready to be used in our products From time to time, the ingredients change depending on the weather that year and that creates a challenge If it’s a drought year or a lot of rain, that affects the harvests ”

Essa advises others who want to create a business in the gourmet food space to pay attention to quality

“The most important thing in gourmet food is never to undermine yourself by using cheap ingredients or changing recipes to make a few cents,” he said


“Have a plan and be prepared for immediate reaction Take proactive precautions to protect food safety Close interior doors or be prepared to quickly cover sensitive exposed products and processes If possible, dim the lights and have a coordinated team of people drive the bird with ashlights or laser pointers to an open door ”

In a bird’s-eye view, the avian visitors can get stressed and confused when they are trapped in a building, he wrote, and would probably be happy to get back outside

“Every facility should have a bird mist net on hand and people who know how to use it for indoor bird capture These very fine nets are virtually invisible to birds and if positioned in a path of flight, will quickly entrap the bird ”

Essa knows that to stay competitive – or lead the market – growth is essential

“Growth and expansion are always necessary for every company We have a new plant next door to us that we are expanding into The future goal of the Laceys is hopefully to be in ever yone ’ s home on their kitchen tables ”

But growth will never outweigh quality, he stressed

“Initially, we made our products for ourselves to eat with family,” Essa said “We don’t cut corners with the quality Our products are made with small batches that keep the quality consistent all the time Our ingredients are all natural with no preservatives

“If I won’t eat it, I won’t make it Having said that, we always tr y to use natural products and, whenever we can, organic ingredients,” he said

“Love people, cook them tasty foods

This is our philosophy Love what you make and share it with others ” GN

Plants should identify where the bird got into the building and block it to make sure more birds don’t follow

“Indoor birds need to be treated as an emergency and removed as quickly as possible Policies and procedures for all measures, including lethal, need to be developed in advance ”

Heath stressed that there’s no quick way to solve issues with birds

“Like other pest control methods, bird management requires an integrated approach,” he wrote “There are more than 100 different legitimate tools, techniques and devices that can potentially be brought to bear Often, the solution comes down to a combination of sanitation measures, exclusion and harassment devices that have been skillfully chosen and installed to counter the ways birds have been using a site ” GN

F ro m t h a t , I l e a r n e d g e t t i n g e v e r yt h i n g f ro m A t o Z w o u l d h e l p b u t i t d i d n o t re a l l y p a y o f f We l e a r n e d e a r l y o n t h a t w e m u s t g e t i n g re d i e n t s p ro c e s s e d f o r u s ”


T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® S U P P L E M E N T T O J U LY 2 0 2 4 p s featured

Palermo’s Celebrates 60 Years

Fo cused on People, Innovation

People are at the heart of everything that happens at Palermo’s Pizza, manufacturer of well-known brands – Urban Pie, Connie’s, Palermo’s, Surfer Boy and Screamin’ Sicilian The company is rooted in Italian heritage, which sets it apart, using family recipes and holding onto the entrepreneurial spirit of its founders, Gaspare and Zina Fallucca

Palermo’s is now a t h i r d - g e n e r a t i o n family-owned company celebrating its 60th anniversary

My grandparents came from Italy in the 1950s In 1964, they opened a baker y on Milwaukee’s East Side After specializing in baked goods, they switched course and ventured into a thriving Italian restaurant in 1969 Later in 1979, they introduced frozen pizzas as an integral part of their establishment’s offerings

company ’ s success

My grandfather built the culture we continue to foster today It’s what makes our business special

My father, Giacomo, assumed the role of Palermo’s CEO in 1982 From 1982 to 1989, we sold to local grocery stores, bars and taverns – anywhere we could Our breakthrough came when we secured a partnership with Safeway, enabling us to produce frozen pizzas for the renowned retail chain This partnership marked the invention of our first rising crust pizza and ignited our knack for innovation and customer understanding

After three years, my grandfather stepped down as the company ’ s leader, acknowledging his limited retail expertise and more old school approach to customers

I credit my grandfather’s focus on treating employees well, detail-focused customer ser vice and great recipes to the

In 2003, we introduced Palermo’s Primo Thin, which was the first ultra-thin frozen pizza to hit the marketplace

Since then, Palermo’s has grown exponentially In 2013, the company launched Screamin’ Sicilian – a super-premium craft frozen pizza line Screamin’ Sicilian was like nothing else in the marketplace when we launched it It is affectionately named after my grandfather He had such a great passion When he got excited about something people often thought he was yelling He’d reply, “I’m not screamin’, I’m just talking!” and we couldn’t think of a better way to pay homage to the man who started it all when we

Urb an Accents Gourmet Gobbler Bro wn Butter Turkey Brine & Rub Kit

Since 1996, Urban Accents has been helping home cooks succeed in the kitchen with an array of premium seasonings, sauces and starters A new offering, the Gourmet Gobbler™ Brown Butter Turkey Brine & Rub Kit, is a simple meal solution for roasting, grilling or deep-frying perfect poultry

This all-in-one-kit contains the brand’s best-selling Sea Salt & Herb Spiced Turkey Brine, which features four different peppercor ns as well as orange peel, sage, rosemary, thyme and bay leaves Combined with water, it can brine up to a 24-pound bird using the in-

cluded heavy-duty, BPA-free bag Finally, the umami-packed Brown Butter & Herb Rub brings together spices and herbs like oregano, parsley, basil and black pepper, as well as brown sugar and butter for superb browning and a flavorful finish

Small batch crafted and gluten free, it’s an absolute must for everyday enjoyment and Thanksgiving feasts Brining doesn’t get butter than this!

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

launched this incredible product

Today, the Screamin’ Sicilian line is the largest brand for the company and continues to receive accolades for being one of the best pizzas available in the frozen section – recently named one of the best by Consumer Reports

Today, the company is now the third largest producer of branded pizzas in the countr y The company is also a leading producer of private label pizzas Our products span audiences and demographics The goal for Palermo’s is “to deliver a great pizza experience” and it’s obvious in the range of offerings that it creates a unique experience for many different occasions and appetites

Palermo’s opened a second 32,000 square foot production facility in Jefferson, Wis , in 2023 and recently announced a new construction project for a 200,000 square foot facility in West Milwaukee, just three miles from the company headquarters

The new facility will employ 50 skilled labor jobs to help support the local economy The priority is to keep market competitive jobs in the greater Milwaukee area, which has been a cornerstone of Palermo’s growth and success The 50 new positions being created are skilled labor roles, requiring specific training that is key to the manufacturing process Groundbreaking on the new site is slated for August with a completion date of June 2025

It’s innovation that fuels growth for Palermo’s The company is always trying new things and bringing one-of-a-kind products to market We released a hemp crust pizza on the Urban Pie line in 2020 and did a few collaborations with their Screamin’ Sicilian brand including a beerinfused crust and another with bratwurst

and onions as a topping

We recently released Urban Pie PINZZA, pronounced “ peen-sa, ” a Roman street food inspired pizza known for its cloudlike interior and crispy exterior – giving it a crunchy, yet soft bite Its authentic ingredients and longer fermentation deliver an unforgettable experience that cannot be replicated

With Urban Pie PINZZA, you get an experience no one else can replicate That’s why we gave it its own name! This starts with our crust which is hand-pressed and then topped with super-premium ingredients like burrata cheese, whole roasted garlic cloves and a San Mar zano tomato sauce Others may claim ‘Pinsa,’ but after one bite of ours, you’ll see the difference for yourself

Urban Pie PINZZA is available now at Sprouts and later this summer at Whole Foods for a suggested retail price of $13 99

Another innovation for the company is the new Screamin’ Sicilian Nothin’ But Toppings™ Pizza Bowls, which are perfect for pizza lovers who are following a Ketolike diet or looking to cut carbs and enjoy a delicious pizza experience Loaded with premium ingredients, each bowl is high in protein and offers all the flavors of pizza without the crust! Ready in as few as four minutes in the microwave, they are a perfect snack or meal that can be ready anytime a pizza craving strikes

This new line is available at Kroger stores for a suggested retail price of $6 99

Ariston Sp ecialties Risottos

Ariston has now added authentic risottos from Italy to its line of products

Are your customers pressed for time and looking for a convenient, delicious, time-saving side dish for their family meal?

Ariston’s risottos make it easy for you to do just that Make this wonderful dish at home within 18 minutes There are 6½ servings per container

Risotto is a norther n Italian rice dish made with a special high-starch, shortgrain rice Risotto is cooked in broth until it reaches a creamy consistency

Ariston’s Risottos are available in five flavors: Ariston Risotto with Truffle, Ariston Risotto with Pumpkin, Ariston Risotto with Ariston Porcini Mushroom, Risotto with 4 Cheese and now, Ariston Risotto with Seafood

The risottos contain Italian carnaroli rice as the main ingredient Car naroli rice is even starchier than arborio, so it makes a truly high-end restaurant-worthy risotto You can follow the suggested instructions

on the box and add water However, if you prefer extra umami flavor, you can use beef, chicken or vegetable broth You can also enhance the risotto’s creaminess and flavor by adding Ariston’s Select Extra Virgin Olive Oil or any of Ariston’s infused olive oils One of the benefits of this product is that it is gluten free, GMO free and has no added salt These risottos are also 0 percent cholesterol In addition, you can get creative with the risottos and pair them with other Ariston products For example, the Pumpkin Risotto pairs well with Ariston’s Rosemary, Basil Olive Oil or Curry Infused Olive Oil You can also add Ariston’s infused Sea Salt line to any of these risottos products as well

You can find these risottos online now at faire com/direct/aristonspecialties for retailers

Enjoy and buon appetito from Ariston Specialties!

Ariston Specialties www aristonspecialties com

Subscribe NOW to get the digital version of Gourmet News at w w w.gourmetnews.com.
t h o u t o u r d e d i c a t e d P i z z a i o l o s , n o n e o f t h i s w o u l d b e p o s s i b l e We ’ v e b e e n d e l i v e r i n g a g re a t p i z z a e x p e r i e n c e f o r 6 0 y e a r s a n d i t ’ s t h a t p a s s i o n t h a t w i l l c a r r y u s f o r w a rd f o r m a n y m o re y e a r s t o c o m e GN

Fall River Wild Rice

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ” Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-protein goodness in seconds

The only cereal grain native to North America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small grower-owned cooperative in the Fall River Valley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges

Fall River Wild Rice

800.626.4366 www fallriverwildrice com

Stonewall Kitchen

Red Pepp er Jelly

Since first displaying a few dozen handlabeled items at a local farmers market in 1991, Stonewall Kitchen has become one of the most awarded specialty food brands in the country A top-selling company classic, the vibrantly hued Red Pepper Jelly is a terrific introduction to a delicious product assortment

Made with juicy red bell peppers and a dash of cayenne, this bright spread strikes the perfect balance between sweet and savory notes Customers can dollop it on a cracker and pair it with sharp cheddar or rich cream cheese for a subtle, pleasant kick that’s simply irresistible This versatile favorite is just as handy when assembling burgers, whip-

ping up appetizers or creating flavorful pan sauces

G l u t e n free and c r a f t e d with premium ingredients, it’s a New England treat that’s made for entertaining and anytime enjoyment

Stonewall Kitchen www.stonewallkitchen.com

Urb an Accents Gourmet Gobbler

Traditional Stuffing Mix

A proud member of Stonewall Kitchen’s Family of Brands since 2021, Urban Accents spices up everyday life with its innovative specialty food products Inspired by everyone’s favorite warm and cozy side dish, its new Gourmet Gobbler[TM] Traditional Stuffing Mix offers a classic take on the Thanksgiving tradition and dinnertime staple

Cubes of French and multigrain bread serve as the base, while aromatic season-

Ho ward Wax-It-All

Howard Wax-It-All is a food-grade paste wax that is safe for any surface where food contact may occur This thick, smooth blend of beeswax, carnauba wax and food-grade mineral oil helps to revive, seal and protect surfaces in and around your home Use Wax-It-All on butcher block, concrete, stainless steel, granite, marble, soapstone, slate and laminate countertop surfaces; metal, plastic fur niture and painted cabinets

ings like thyme, celery seed, sage and rosemary add big, bold flavor Easy to prepare with just a few pantry staples, it’s delicious served as is or used to stuff a bird

Customers will also love combining it with beef for easy meatloaf, sprinkling it on top of mac ‘n’ cheese, or baking it with eggs to create a savory strata

Small batch crafted and Non-GMO Project Verified, each box creates one batch of stuffing that will be gobbled up in no time!

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

• Easy to use – simply rub the wax on, let it absorb and buff off any excess

• Safe for indoor and outdoor countertop surfaces

• Helps delay tarnishing and oxidation of bronze, copper, brass and even wrought iron

• Gives finishes a soft sheen and a smooth feel

• Locks in the oils and waxes after using Howard’s other food-grade products

• Great for woodworkers who need a hard, car nauba wax finish

• Made in the USA with food-grade ingredients under strict quality controls

The third product from The Kraft Heinz Company and TheNotCompany has launched: plantbased Kraft Mac & Cheese – Kraft NotMac&Cheese

Less than 30 percent of plantbased mac & cheese buyers are repeating purchases as taste and texture remain their largest pain points The Kraft Heinz Not Company aims to address consumers’ plant-based preferences and evolving needs with the debut of two great-tasting plant-based mac & cheese offerings

“ T h


The launch builds on The Kraft Heinz Not

current plantbased offerings of Kraft NotCheese Slices and NotMayo The Kraft Heinz Not Company will continue its plans to scale into several more categories and begin inter national expansion in 2024 Available in Original and White Cheddar flavors, Kraft NotMac&Cheese will continue rolling out on shelves nationwide through early 2024

Features and benefits:

• Enhances the beauty and protects surfaces to make them look better and last longer

Urban Pie was bor n with the idea that frozen pizza shouldn’t be boring, and this couldn’t be clearer than with its newest innovation Introducing Urban Pie PinZZa The next line of frozen pizzas from Urban Pie will defy what you expect from frozen pizza

Pinsa style pizza originated in Rome and is a staple of the Roman street food scene Pronounced “peen-sa,” which literally translates to “push the dough by hands,” this crust is known for its cloud-like interior and crispy exterior that leads to a crunchy, yet soft bite Its authentic ingredients and 24-hour fermented dough deliver an experience that will transport you from your kitchen to the

Howard Products

800.266.9545 www howardproducts com

streets of Rome in every bite

Urban Pie PinZZa is available in four new flavors for a suggested retail price of $13 99

• Pepperoni Burrata: Uncured pepperoni, mozzarella, burrata, parmesan and San Marzano marinara sauce

• Roasted Garlic Bianco: Roasted garlic cloves, mozzarella, provolone, burrata, sea salt, black pepper and garlic oil

• San Marzano Margherita: Diced tomatoes, mozzarella, provolone, burrata, basil and San Marzano marinara sauce

• Sausage Burrata: Italian sausage, caramelized onions, mozzarella, burrata, parmesan, basil and San Marzano tomatoes and marinara sauce

For more information, contact sales@palermospizza com

Palermo Villa www palermospizza com

Urb an Pie PinZZa
r a f t H e i n z N o t C o m p a n y c rea t e s p l a n t - b a s e d v e r s i o n s o f f a n - f av o r i t e f o o d s t h a t t a s t e l i k e t h e re a l t h i n g , y e t d o n ’t re q u i re p e o p l e t o d r a s t i c a l l y c h a n g e t h e i r e a t i n g h a b i t s , ” s a i d L u c h o L o p e z - M a y, C E O , T h e K r a f t H e i n z N o t C o m p a n y “ N o t C o b r i n g s i t s re v o l u t i o n -
h n o l o g y t h a t h a s a p ro v e n
g m o u t h w a t e r i n g plant-based foods to Kraft – the beloved m a c a n d c h e e s e b r a n d t h a t s e l l s o v e r a m i l l i o n b o x e s e v e r y d a y L e v e r a g i n g t h e s t re n g t h s o f b o t h c o m p an i e s , w e ’ re o ff e r i n g t h e c re a m y a n d c o m f o r t i n g e xp e r i e n c e K r a f t M a c & C h e e s e f a n s h a v e l o v e d f o r o v e r 8 5 y e a r s –w i t h o u t t h e d a i r y ”
C o m p a n y ’ s
Kraft Heinz Company www kraftheinzcompany com Kraft
a r y A I t
t r a c k re c
rd i n c re a t i n


Gourmet Goodies Make Atlanta Market Sweeter

Atlanta Market introduces new and expanded exhibitors in its collection of more than 700 sales agencies and branded showrooms offering innovative gift resources at the Summer 2024 edition of the July 1622 Atlanta Market at AmericasMart Atlanta

“Atlanta Market prides itself on providing access to the best gift brands, spanning a broad range of category offerings,” said Dorothy Belshaw, ANDMORE executive vice president and chief growth officer “With these updates, we leverage the largest supply of gift sourcing in the nation while promoting the new and next of the industry ”

Atlanta Market offers gift sourcing on 19 floors across Buildings 1, 2 and 3 In addition to general gift items, AmericasMart presents specialized gifts, including gourmet

Among the eight new showrooms is Mills Gourmet (hand-crafted gourmet food and spices)

In addition to these new and expanding exhibitors, more than 15 showrooms announce their recommitment to Atlanta Market this Summer, with some 17 renewals across Building 2 These brands include Delectable Offerings (fine chocolates and novelty confections), Spokandy Chocolatier (gourmet truffles) and Sweet Shop Candies (handmade gourmet truffles and chocolates)

The gourmet food exhibitors include:

Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate (1500A) New products being exhibited are Blackberr y Bergamot, Milk Chocolate Hazelnut and Chocolate Coated Almonds

In Blackberry Bergamot, sweet, dried blackberries and a hint of bergamot oil are mixed into a silky, 65 percent dark chocolate from Belize The blend of bergamot and berries creates a perfect balance of citrus and floral notes complimenting the richness of the chocolate


(dates sub ect to change)

Nov 17-19

July 10-11

Organic Produce Summit

Monterey, California

www organicproducesummit com

July 10-13

American Cheese Society’s Annual Conference Buffalo, New York

www cheesesociety org/conference

July 14-16

School Nutrition Association Annual National Conference

Boston, Massachusetts

www schoolnutrition org

Aug 25-27

Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo

Los Angeles, California

www westernfoodexpo com

Sept 11-12

Plant Based World Expo

New York City, New York

www plantbasedworldexpo com

Nov. 3-6

PACK EXPO International

Chicago, Illinois

www packexpointernational com

U.S. Private Label Show

Chicago, Illinios

www plmainternational com/events/usprivate-label-show-chicago

Jan 19-21, 2025

Winter Fancy Food Show

Las Vegas, Nevada

www specialtyfood com

March 10-12, 2025

PACK EXPO Southeast

Atlanta, Georgia

www packexposoutheast com

March 16-18, 2025

Seafood Expo

Boston, Massachusetts

www seafoodexpo com

May 13-15, 2025

Sweets and Snacks Expo

Indianapolis, Indiana

www sweetsandsnacks com

June 29-July 1, 2025

Summer Fancy Food Show

New York City, New York

www specialtyfood com


Delicately roasted Oregon hazelnuts have been paired with an exceptional milk chocolate made from earthy Brazilian cacao and old-fashioned A2/A2 whole milk from Alexandre Family Farm for the Milk Chocolate Hazelnut

What is the difference between heirloom and regular popcorn? The ancient grain is organically grown in small quantities for exceptional quality and flavor Heirloom varieties carr y the original traits and the diverse, wonderful flavor qualities naturally inherited by their region Most genetically altered or hybridized varieties have been bred for year-round access (in suboptimal growing regions), shelf life and appearance, rather than flavor

Chocolate Coated Almonds are made by delicately roasting organic California almonds Using traditional coating pans, layer upon layer is slowly built of 65 percent Tanzania dark chocolate and finished with a dusting of cocoa powder

The best-selling Fleur de Sel chocolate bar is an elevated version of a classic pairing with 73 percent Northerner Blend dark chocolate and hand-harvested Guatemalan sea salt from Bitterman Salt Co Cacao from both Akesson Plantation of Madagascar and Fazenda Camboa of Brazil are combined with organic cane sugar from the Green Cane Project of Brazil to craft into the 73 percent Northerner Blend This balanced chocolate blend is complemented by delicate Guatemalan sea salt sprinkled onto the back of each bar

Bella Cucina (High Design)

What started as a simple line of pantry provisions is now a fully curated collection for artful living Bella Cucina continues its tradition of innovation with new products at Atlanta Market

Wildflower Aromatic Savor y Salt is made with European Salt Crystals and a vibrant mix of edible whole wildflower leaves, a staple that will elevate ever yday cooking and eating

Wildflower Sweet Sugar is made with organic cane sugar and a colorful blend of edible whole wildflowers leave for a deliciously sweet topping that will enhance baked goods and teas as well as cocktails and mocktails

Bella Cucina’s heirloom popping corn is best prepared the traditional way in a heavy bottom pan with olive oil and salt Air poppers give fine results, but with a lower yield of fully popped corn

There are countless ways to enjoy heirloom popcorn: made with Bella Cucina Savor y salt and Bella Cucina extra virgin olive oil, topped with Parmesan cheese and/or nutritional yeast or drizzled with caramel sauce for a decadently sweet variation

Dream of Sweden (Building 2, 3-716)

The Dream of Truffles line is crafted in South Sweden’s serene province of Småland Dream of Sweden’s truffles reflect Swedish elegance and innovation

Raspberr y Truffles feature sweet raspberries harmoniously blended with velvety-rich chocolate to create a symphony of flavors

Cocoa Powdered Truffles convey classic charm with deep, velvety-rich chocolate complementedby a delicate dusting of cocoa

The newest addition, Mint Truffles, feature refreshing mint combined with smooth, velvety-rich chocolate

A beloved favorite, Sea Salt Truffles present a delightful contrast of velvety-rich chocolate and crisp sea salt GN

Ariston Specialties 23 www aristonspecialties com Fall River Wild Rice 23 www frwr com Hahn’s Bakery 11 www hahnsbakery com Howard Products 23 www howardproducts com JK Adams 2 www jkadams com Palermo Villa 3 www palermospizza com Stonewall Kitchen 4,7,9,24 www stonewallkitchen com The French Farm 9 www thefrenchfar com ADVERTISER PAGE WEBSITE ADVERTISER

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