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Southeastern Grocers Seeks Applications From Nonprofits for Diversity Grants

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Southeastern Grocers Inc , parent company and home of Fresco y Más, Harveys Supermarket and Winn-Dixie grocer y stores, together with the SEG Gives Foundation, is accepting applications from nonprofits throughout the Southeast for its 2023 Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant The grant supports organizations that work to address racial disparities in health care, food insecurity and education, while building a more inclusive and equitable future for all

Nonprofit organizations with missions to elevate underser ved communities throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi are encouraged to apply online through Sept 30 to be considered for a Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 to celebrating differences and amplifying the voices of individuals of all backgrounds Her ser vice to her customers, community and country encourages us to use our resources to combat social injustices and bridge the gap of inequities faced by many marginalized groups in our communities

“We invite organizations who share our vision to apply for the grant opportunities to further their missions as they lift up our neighbors in need ”

Last year, SEG presented a total of $300,000 to 30 organizations through the Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant The program provides recipients – such as Start the Adventure in Reading in New Orleans and Schoolyard Roots in Tuscaloosa, Ala – with vital funds to fuel their impactful work within the five states the grocer serves

STAIR believes second grade is a critical turning point in a child’s educational development and utilized its funding from the grant to ser ve 189 elementar yaged students The grant allowed STAIR to provide more than 2,000 hours of tutoring and place nearly 2,500 high-quality, engaging books in the hands of young readers dens and engages its communities through food and nature to inspire, delight and bring classroom concepts to life

SEG’s Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant has provided more than $685,000 in funding to deser ving community organizations since its inception in 2020 The grant program reaffirms SEG’s steadfast commitment to racial equity and social justice by offering qualified nonprofits opportunities to receive financial support to help level the playing field for individuals of all backgrounds age 80, Davis started her career with Winn-Dixie in Montgomery, Ala , to stay active and engaged; she continues to motivate others through her story and enduring dedication

“We know our communities are only as strong as their people,” said Raymond Rhee, chief people officer, “and Ms Romay ser ves as a constant inspiration for our diligent work as we grow our commitment

Schoolyard Roots brings garden education to diverse elementar y school students who face economic and nutritional uncertainty, empowering healthy living and academic success The organization cultivates curiosity and connections through hands-on learning gar-

The Romay Davis Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Grant is named for the trailblazing 103-yearold Winn-Dixie associate Romay Davis, whose dedication to inclusivity and unwavering commitment to diversity and empowerment inspired the grant program aimed at elevating underser ved and underrepresented communities In an era marked by restricted rights for women and people of color, Davis consistently shattered glass ceilings by challenging society’s limited beliefs with her unfathomable accomplishments

Davis is a World War II U S Army veteran, NYU multi-degree scholar, New York fashion designer and model, Taekwondo Black Belt and community advocate At

I n 2 0 2 2 , T h e N a t i o n a l W W I I M u s e u m i n N e w O r l e a n s re c o gn i z e d D a v i s f o r h e r c o n t r i b utions as a veteran of the U S Army 6 8 8 8 t h C e n t r a l P o s t a l D i re c t o r y B a t t a l i o n a n d p re s e n t e d h e r w i t h t h e S i l v e r S e r v i c e M e d a ll i o n f o r h e r e xe m p l a r y m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e a n d e xc e p t i o n a l l e a d e rship The 6888th was the only allB l a c k Wo m e n Army Corps unit deployed overseas during World War II, a n d w a s a s s i g n e d t h e m o m e n t o u s a n d critical task to clear more than two years ’ worth of backlogged mail

Davis’ unit was given six months to sort 18 million pieces of mail, which they completed in three months By restoring the timely flow of mail between the front lines and the Home Front, Davis and the women of the 6888th significantly raised the morale that sustained troops through the final months of the war GN

USDA Approves GOOD Meat Chicken For Cultivated Meat Sales in United States

GOOD Meat, the cultivated meat division of food technology company Eat Just, Inc , has received approval from the U S Department of Agriculture for its first poultry product, cultivated chicken, to enter interstate commerce This landmark clearance means the firm’s chicken, which is made directly from animal cells, can now be sold to American consumers

The watershed moment for the burgeoning cultivated meat, poultr y and seafood sector and for the global food industr y, came on the heels of the USDA’s approval of GOOD Meat’s label – and four months after the company received its “ no questions” letter from the U S Food and Drug Administration, which indicated the FDA accepted the company ’ s conclusion that its cultivated chicken is safe to eat and allowed the USDA to begin its part of the regulator y process outlined in a 2019 agreement between the agencies

“This announcement that we ’ re now able to produce and sell cultivated meat in the United States is a major moment for our company, the industr y and the food system,” said Josh Tetrick, co-founder and CEO of GOOD Meat and Eat Just “We have been the only company selling cultivated meat anywhere in the world since we launched in Singapore in 2020, and now it’s approved to sell to consumers in the world’s largest economy

“We appreciate the rigor and thoughtfulness that both the FDA and USDA have applied during this historic two-agency regulatory process ”

A select group of diners in the nation’s capital sat down to a historic meal of charcoal-grilled cultivated chicken on July 5, marking the first sale of GOOD Meat in the United States The landmark dinner at China Chilcano by José Andrés honored the late Willem van Eelen, who is widely known as the “godfather of cultivated meat” and would have celebrated his 100th birthday on July 4

Among the diners enjoying Andrés’ mouthwatering new dish, “Anticuchos de Pollo,” were van Eelen’s daughter Ira and his grandson, Kick Willem was a Dutch researcher, entrepreneur and prisoner of war who made it his life’s mission to realize the promise of safe, sustainable meat production from cells instead of live animals After his passing, Ira became a friend and advisor to GOOD Meat

The dinner of cultivated chicken marinated with anticucho sauce, native potatoes and ají Amarillo chimichurri, came two weeks after GOOD Meat, the cultivated meat division of food technology company Eat Just, Inc , received full U S regulatory approval to sell its chicken to American consumers The event preceded China Chilcano’s official menu debut of the dish, which will be ser ved weekly in limited quantities, by reservation only, beginning later this summer

“I am proud that GOOD Meat is launching with José Andrés, beginning a new tradition of how Americans will eat meat in the many decades ahead,” Tetrick said “I am also humbled that our company can honor Willem van Eelen’s lasting legacy at this centennial celebration ”

“The big day is here, the chicken is here, and people are going to be talking,” said Andrés as he prepared China Chilcano’s new chicken dish in his test kitchen on June 30 “This is a first for the history of humanity ”

Andrés said he selected his award-winning Peruvian concept as the first to offer GOOD Meat because “Peru is a country of many civilizations at once ”

“I am grateful that a promise my father made decades ago has come true,” said Ira van Eelen, who has continued in her father’s footsteps as a global champion for cultivated meat “I’m so happy we can stop talking about it and go eat it, because tasting is believing This is the meat we love and trust, just made in a better way ”

GOOD Meat won multiple regulator y approvals for its chicken in Singapore in 2020 and 2021 and in January received a key clearance that paves the way for greater scalability, lower manufacturing costs and a more sustainable product Since its Singapore launch, the company ’ s chicken has been featured on menus at fine dining establishments, popular hawker stalls, via the foodpanda delivery platform and most recently by reservation at Huber’s Butchery, one of Singapore’s pre-

mier producers and suppliers of high-quality meats

In the United States, under the Federal Meat Inspection Act and Poultry Products Inspection Act, all meat and poultry sold commercially must pass inspection to en- their FDA colleagues and the GOOD Meat team to reach this significant regulator y milestone (This) approval demonstrates that the United States is a global leader in the promising alternative protein space while also continuing to support family farmers’ efforts to feed the world through conventional food and agriculture techniques ” sure that it is safe, wholesome and properly labeled To accomplish this, USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service places inspectors in slaughterhouses and processing plants and – for the first time in history – will assign inspectors to GOOD Meat and other cultivated meat and poultry facilities that follow

As part of the USDA’s approval, GOOD Meat received a grant of inspection for its demonstration plant in Alameda, Calif , as has its contract manufacturing partner, JOINN Biologics The comprehensive vetting includes facilities and equipment; standard operating procedure for sanitation; and the systematic approach to identification, evaluation and control of food safety hazards known as HACCP

Immediately after receiving the grant of inspection, production started for the first batch of cultivated chicken that will be sold to celebrated restaurateur and humanitarian Andrés

“Serving as U S Secretary of Agriculture afforded me the opportunity to work with countless individuals at the USDA who were committed to accelerating agricultural innovation and economic opportunity as well as promoting initiatives to better nourish Americans and feed people around the globe,” said Dan Glickman, GOOD Meat Advisor y Board member, former U S Secretar y of Agriculture and member of the U S House of Representatives “I commend the agency’s current leadership for working collaboratively with

“Today’s groundbreaking announcement marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards building a safer, more efficient food system,” said Bruce Friedrich, president, The Good Food Institute “GFI applauds U S regulatory agencies and GOOD Meat for their strong collaboration throughout this rigorous process “American consumers are now closer than ever to eating the real meat they love, that uses far less land and water than conventionally produced meat,” Friedrich said “By undergoing a comprehensive facility review process and meeting the highest regulator y standards, cultivated meat will provide consumers with a safe and trusted source of protein

“As we navigate a future with increasing global demand for meat, it is crucial that governments worldwide prioritize cultivated meat as a solution that satisfies consumer preferences, supports climate goals and ensures food security for generations to come, ” Friedrich said R o b e r t R a n k i n , e x e c u t i v e d i re c t o r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f M e a t , P o u l t r y, a n d S e a f o o d I n n o v a t i o n , s a i d , “ G O O D M e a t ’ s g r a n t o f i n s p e c t i o n i s a h i s t o r i c m o m e n t f o r t h e g l o b a l f o o d i n d u s t r y a s w e p rep a re f o r t h e f i r s t c e l l - c u l t u re d / c u l t i v a t e d c h i c k e n p r o d u c t s t o b e s o l d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , f o l l o w i n g r i g o r o u s a n d s c i e n c e - b a s e d e v a l u a t i o n s b y t h e F D A a n d U S D A A M P S I n n o v a t i o n m e m b e r s c o n t i n u e t o m a k e g ro u n d - b re a k i n g a dv a n c e m e n t s t h a t w i l l , i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e e n t i re f o o d a n d a g r i c u l t u re s e ct o r, h e l p m e e t i n c re a s e d d e m a n d f o r p rot e i n a s t h e w o r l d ’ s p o p u l a t i o n c o n t i n u e s t o g ro w ” G N

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