Gourmet News • September 2024

Page 1


• Sold-Out Summer Fancy Food Show Draws 29K+


• Californians Seek Sustainable Solution To Single-Use Plastic Bags, Not Bans


• Barney & Co Expands Beyond Almond Butter in New Facility


• Evigence Debuts FreshSense to Measure Food Freshness Using Data-Driven Insights


• Inventive Dips, Sauces Introduced to Hungr y Market Driven by Gen Z


• Sam’s Club MAP Launches Display Ads In Scan & Go Feature for In-Store Deals


• Oli e Aceti


• Featured Products


• Advertiser Index


Poultr y Industr y Reacts to Salmonella Rule

Months after the U S Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Ser vice announced it was nearing the final version of a plan to limit salmonella in poultry products, which they say will keep contaminated meat away from consumers, preventing illnesses, industry groups are reacting to USDA’s Salmonella Framework for Raw Poultr y Products

“We support changes in food safety regulations that are based on sound science, robust data and are demonstrated to positively impact public health,” said Ashley Peterson, senior vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs for the National Chicken


“We are concerned this proposal is not based on any of those It also has the potential to significantly raise the price of chicken at a time when Americans are dealing with inflation in ever y part of their lives We remain committed to further reducing salmonella and look forward to reviewing the full proposal and providing comment on this significant, potential shift in regulatory policy

The National Turkey Federation noted that it has participated in the process of creating the rule, but maintains it’s unnecessary and will burden turkey producers

“Since the release of FSIS’ Pro-

posed Regulatory Framework to Reduce Salmonella Illnesses Attributable to Poultry in 2022, the National Turkey Federation and its members have actively contributed industry data to the FSIS Salmonella Risk Assessment and maintained an ongoing dialogue with the agency to identify effective, practical solutions that build on the turkey industry’s ongoing efforts to combat salmonella throughout turkey production,” the NTF said in a statement

“Regarding the Salmonella Framework, while NTF believes that FSIS already possesses the authority and regulator y tools necessary to drive improvements

Continued on PAGE 15

Consumers Choose Grains for Health, But Save Room for Indulgences

When it comes to the food they choose, consumers aren’t limiting themselves to one thing, according to the results of a recent Ardent Mills survey, Trend to Table

That’s good news for food producers

“It’s ver y much a time of opportunity,” said Matt Schueller, marketing insights and analytics director at Ardent Mills, adding that there is no one-size-fits-all purchasing path, however

“There has never been a better time to understand the complexities of consumer food purchasing motivations, where grains, flours and pulses (chickpeas, lentils, dr y peas and dr y beans) fit into these decisions and how to deliver on these evolving needs,” according to the introduction to the survey results

Ardent Mills sur veyed more 10,000 U S consumers ages 18 and older, primary or shared decision makers for food

sourcing both at- and away-fromhome, with an underlying focus on grain-based foods The flour supply company combined those findings with industr y market data and macro-societal trends for a comprehensive look at the foods they love, why they love them, what they can’t live without – and what information they need to help make their decisions

Continued on PAGE 16

The Biden-Harris Administration has invested a total of over $700 million in 48 states and Puerto Rico for projects that help to expand the nation’s independent meat and poultry processing capacity U S Department of Agriculture Secretar y Tom Vilsack said the Biden-Harris Administration is making investments that will strengthen American food supply chains, increase independent meat and poultry processing capacity, create better markets for producers and lower food costs

Thanks to funding from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, USDA is investing nearly $110 million through the Meat and Poultr y Processing Expansion Program and the Local Meat Capacity Grant Program

“The Biden-Harris Administration and USDA are advancing a sustainable vision of agriculture that prioritizes the needs of hardworking producers and small businesses and keeps rural communities strong,” said Vilsack “Thanks to historic resources from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, USDA is working to give farmers and ranchers a fairer chance to compete in the marketplace, which will increase local


APHIS Challenges Include African Swine Fever, Avian Flu

The U S Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Inspection Ser vice faced “ some of its toughest challenges to date” in 2023, said APHIS Administrator Mike Watson

“We maintained our guard against the ongoing threat of African swine fever,” Watson wrote in the agency’s newly published 2023 Impact Report “We sustained our robust response to highly pathogenic avian influenza and exotic fruit fly outbreaks We refined and redesigned regulatory systems to steward taxpayer resources and

better serve our stakeholders

“No matter what challenges we faced, we rose to the occasion and made sure that our work of safeguarding America’s agriculture and natural resources, protecting vulnerable animals and feeding and clothing the world continued ”

Among the highlights in the report, APHIS:

• Inspected and cleared 3 31 billion pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables from 20 countries before they were shipped to the United States and oversaw a systems approach for the safe import

of 2 96 billion pounds of avocados in Mexico

• Expanded the export of U S fresh potatoes to Mexico by 48 percent from January to November 2023 Total exports of U S potatoes to Mexico were worth an estimated $118 million

• Continued to assist the Dominican Republic and Haiti in their African swine fever program by providing advice and assistance on sur veillance, quarantine, depopulation, and disposal methods; providing testing support; outreach; staff training; expanding sur veillance; and

bolstering in-country testing capacity

• Continued to enforce an ASF protection zone in Puerto Rico and the U S Virgin Islands; enhanced pre-departure activities by adding temporary staff, canine detector teams, and X-ray machines, as well as conducting training for staff in inspecting for animal products; and increased Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance market sur veys in the protection zone to identify potential regulated or prohibited


I could really relate to our stories in this issue of Gourmet News

Take the cover story on Trend to Table, the results of Ardent News’s survey of consumer tastes Naturally, as a flour company, Ardent Mills has a keen focus on grains As someone who is learning that carbs shouldn’t be a major component of her diet, I’ve been learning about how different grains can be (while I indulge on “real” pasta on occasion) But just like a lot of consumers surveyed, my knowledge of grains could be better Forty-one percent of those polled say they want to learn more and 43 percent say they’d eat more if they knew more about them Yeah, that’s me

So when I do choose a grain, I want to make it matter And that made me interested in the five trends the survey spotted: ingredients that matter, heritage foods, adding with intent, the desire to do good and indulgence Fortunately, I have a job that allows me to learn so much about the specialty food industry and the opportunity it offers me as a lover of food (I don’t consider myself a foodie, but some people call me that) For instance, last year, I had the opportunity to go to an olive oil tasting, something I never thought I’d do Since then, I’ve had a new appreciation for olive oil and I know how to judge an olive oil by its smell

The sur vey notes that 75 percent of consumers who look at product information seek the ingredients list Yes, I’m that person in the grocery store who is constantly flipping the package over to look for the ingredients list as well as the nutritional information (especially, ahem, regarding carbs) I agree with the majority of those polled in that I’m willing to pay more for whole or lessprocessed food

Sometimes, I want to roll my eyes when someone says, “All things in moderation,” although I know it’s true and best for me So in the indulgences part of the survey, I thought about how we

go grazing through the food shows When I tell my friends the things I’ve tasted, they always say, “How do you not gain a hundred pounds doing that?” Well, they’re sample sized, I tell them And you do a ton of walking It balances out So I do eat a truffle now and then Or a few candies Just not a big bowl full I don’t walk around the block the equivalent of walking a trade show Oops

I enjoyed talking with Kim Sayid of Ponti for our story on dips and sauces in the Oli e Aceti supplement A few years ago, I got a gift bag as a thank-you gift for speaking to a local group Among the gourmet products was a bottle of key lime balsamic vinegar, made in California for an Arizona market I admired the bottle and put it in my cupboard Where it still sits It’s a pretty bottle All I know about balsamic vinegar is that I ask for it in restaurants to put on my salad

So, apparently, do a lot of Americans when it comes to vinegar products The only thing I remember with vinegar when I was growing up was using it to color Easter eggs Kim mentioned to me that Americans are intimidated by unfamiliar ingredients or foods Yes, I definitely relate to that I wasn’t shy about trying escargot – love it! – or Rocky Mountain Oysters – can do without them – for the first time, but neither was I about trying caviar –and I didn’t like that experience So, not knowing much about caviar, I decided I just don’t like it It turns out, I found out more recently, not all caviar is alike and I do like caviar, just the right quality caviar

You learn something new every day, and sometimes, you get to eat it!

Until next time, stay safe and take care GN

Sold-Out Summer Fancy Food Show Draws 29K+

More than 2,400 domestic companies and exhibitors from 56 international countries across 40+ specialty food and beverage categories exhibited at the Specialty Food Association’s sold-out 68th Summer Fancy Food Show In all, more than 29,000 specialty food and beverage industry professionals came together for the show, which was held June 23-25 at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City

Specialty food sales across retail, foodservice and ecommerce grew 6 5 percent to a whopping $206 8 billion in 2023, according to the findings of SFA’s 2024-25 State of the Specialty Food Industry research

“This year ’ s show highlighted our incredible specialty food community in so many different ways, and SFA appreciates ever yone who participated,” said SFA President Bill Lynch “It was the place to be for a captivating keynote with Whole Foods Market CEO Jason Buechel and an insightful fireside chat with Kristen Kish, who also hosted our SFA Awards Gala

On the final day, SFA worked with 125 City Harvest volunteers to rescue 95 pallets totaling more than 78,000 pounds of food from the Show This entire surplus was made available to New Yorkers living with food insecurity

SFA and City Harvest have partnered on

“The need for food in our city is extremely high, and this donation allows our neighbors experiencing food insecurity to have high-quality food on their tables ”

Experts on the Trendspotter Panel identified Bespoke Baking; Original, Daring, Different (ODD); Lavender; Fast & Fancy; Warmth & Comfort; Upscaling At Home; and West Asian and North African Flavors as the top emerging trends

the Summer Fancy Food Show food recover y program since 1997, with Summer Fancy Food Show exhibitors having donated more than 2 1 million pounds of food to City Har vest during the partnership

Bespoke Baking

Examples include Dosa Kitchen Stone-Ground Dosa Batter; Flour & Olive Olive Oil Cake Mixes –Almond, Chocolate, Ginger & Vanilla; Kittylamb Creamy Lemon Bar Organic Baking Mix and Fudgy Brownie Organic Baking Mix; Lakanto Pancake & Waffle Mix; and Butter Cake Shoppe Pink Cookie Original Mix – Gluten Free, Chocolate Chip, Original Mix

Original, Daring, Different (ODD)

Sparkling Lavender Water, Moment Blackberr y Lavender Sparkling Adaptogen & Botanical Drink and Savannah Bee Lavender Raw Honey

Fast & Fancy Convenience

Examples include Belberry Green Cucumber Vinegar, Brooklyn Delhi Sweet Potato Dal, Madid’s Eggplant Spread, Myojo USA Yuzu Shio Raman and Wellinus Collagen Jelly Sticks

War mth & Comfort

Examples include Bear Maple Sparkling Ginseng Elixir, Blake Hill Preserves Chipotle & Maple Spicy Chili Jam, Little Red Kitchen Bake Shop Molasses Spice Cookies and Nana’s Special Sauce Maple Syrup with Butter & Marshmallow

Upscaling At Home

“The exhibitors brought their best to the show yet again, and the collective energy this year was palpable We saw innovations in product format, flavor, and more that will reverberate through the wider food industry in the months to come ”

“Ever y year, the Summer Fancy Food Show is one of City Harvest’s most important food rescues, ” said Jenna Harris, associate director of donor relations and supply chain at City Harvest “Right now, visits to New York City food pantries are up more than 75 percent compared to prepandemic levels

Examples include Success Import Bread in the form of a banana, with a banana-flavored filling; Country Fresh Food & Confections Inc Dill Pickle Fudge; Dixie Grace Boiled Peanut Hummus; The Foodie Family Food Crayons; Pastazerts Chocolate Ravioli; and Tamalitoz by Sugarox Fruity Popcorn and Chili Pops


Examples include Bluestem Botanicals Lavender Simple Syrup, Dripdash Lavender Maple and Oat Milk Latte, Lunae

Examples include Barcoop Bevy Bloody Mar y with Smoked Sea Salt and Chiles, Five Star Montauk Mezcal Habanero Glazing Butter, Manfredi Barbera & Figli S p A Lorenzo N°1 Olive Oil, Pi00a Frozen Pizzas and Runamok Whistle Pig Barrel Aged Maple Syrup

West Asian and North African Flavors

Examples include Blake Hill Preser ves Date & Cumin Chutney, Fresh Fizz Sodas Date Cola, Galaxy Foods Fluffy Pistachio Pancake Sandwich and Al Nassma Samha Camel Milk Chocolate-Covered Dates

The next Fancy Food Shows are the 2025 Winter Fancy Food Show, Jan 19-21 in Las Vegas and the 2025 Summer Fancy Food Show, June 29-July 1 in New York City GN

Californians Seek Sustainable Solution To Single-Use Plastic Bags, Not Bans

A strong majority of almost 60 percent of Californians favor taking a better approach to the legislative proposals that would ban reusable plastic film grocery bags and cripple the industry’s ability to recycle them, according to a new poll conducted by John Zogby Strategies for the Responsible Recycling Alliance

The survey of 802 likely California voters (99 percent of whom actively recycle), with a sampling error of plus or minus 3 5 points, found that voters oppose AB 2236 and SB 1053, two bills pending in the state legislature that would eliminate the convenient recyclable plastic film grocery bags that millions of Californians use – and reuse – every day

They support instead shifting responsibility to the plastic film recyclers and reusable plastic film grocery bag recyclers by integrating them into the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Program created in 2022 by SB 54

plastic film grocer y bags, these bills narrow consumer choice to two options: either non-recyclable, imported canvas and s e w n p o l y - w

polypropylene bags or paper bags, both of which carr y with them negative environ-

higher grocer y bill when they’re forced to

years to

With similar results across all political parties, ages, and other demographics, the

poll found that California voters become even more opposed to the current legislation as they learn more about them Specifically, the poll found that Californians are:

• 56 percent less likely to support (with 37 percent of them much less likely to support) the current proposal once they learn that the imported canvas and sewn polywoven or non-woven polypropylene bags can never be recycled and can only be disposed of in a landfill

• 51 percent less likely to support (with 32 percent much less likely to support) the current proposals once they learn that it would result in a substantially worse carbon footprint because of what it takes to make and recycle paper bags

• 49 percent less likely to support (with 34 percent much less likely to support) the current proposal once they learn that it would actually hurt the environment more than it helps

• 53 percent less likely to support (with 33 percent much less likely to support) the current proposal once they learn that they will have to pay more for imported canvas and sewn polypropylene bags or paper


“Together, these proposals will hit those who can’t afford it the hardest,” Spiekerman said “Middle- and lower-income Californians are among the most prevalent users of the current 10 cent plastic bags

Indeed, 77 percent of purchasers have annual incomes of less than $150,000, and 52 percent make less than $80,000 a year While these groups are also the most likely to reuse these bags, these bills would take away this option Small grocers will have to purchase paper bags at close to cost as well ”

Importantly, 85 percent of those surveyed use plastic film bags, with 94 percent reusing them for a variety of purposes, including:

• 66 percent – For another trip to the grocery store

• 51 percent – To store things around the house

• 49 percent – To carry dirty shoes and soiled clothing

• 47 percent – As an easy way to collect plastics dropped off for recycling

• 44 percent – For in-car garbage bags GN

Cheese-Based Snacks Market Set to

The global cheese based snacks market size is estimated to grow by $4 64 billion from 2024-2028, according to Technavio The market is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5 31 percent during the forecast period

Growing demand for on-the-go snack consumption is driving market growth, with a trend toward a rising number of new product launches However, a growing number of health effects poses a challenge

The global cheese based snacks market experiences growth due to the introduction of products Notable launches include PepsiCo Inc ’ s permanent addition of Cheetos Crunchy Buffalo crisps in the United States and Kellogg’s Co ’ s introduction of Flavors-Kickin’ Sour Cream, Spicy BBQ and Cheese & Chilli Pringles


product segments and attract a broad

Inc , McCain Foods Ltd , and Parle Products Pvt Ltd

The cheese snacks market is experiencing significant growth, with various players introducing new and innovative products Crackers, chips and flavored snacks are popular choices in this category

Markets for cheese snacks in the United

States, Europe and other regions continue to expand Consumers prefer convenient and portable options, leading to an increase in demand for cheese-based snacks

Cheese snacks are also gaining popularity as a healthier alternative to traditional snacks due to their high protein and calcium content

Companies are focusing on creating crispier textures and adding unique flavors to attract customers The market for cheese snacks is expected to grow further in the coming years

increased cholesterol levels, heart disease

taining consistent cheese production are also challenges

Additionally, increasing competition and the need for innovation to differentiate products are key issues Procurement of raw materials, pricing pressures, and regulator y compliance add to the market complexities Overall, the cheese snacks market requires continuous innovation and adaptation to meet consumer demands while addressing health and sustainability concerns

The retail sector, led by hypermarkets, supermarkets and grocer y stores, dominates the distribution of cheese-infused snacks Organized retail’s expansion increases sales of these products due to their extensive shelf space and storage capacity

Shoppers prefer these large stores for convenience and discounts Discount stores and convenience stores, though smaller, also contribute with a wide range of offerings

However, health issues and calorie consciousness are emerging concerns for calorie-cautious individuals Processed foods, including cheese snacks, have been linked to various health problems

As a result, the demand for healthy cheese snacks is on the rise In emerging countries, store outlets are expanding to cater to this trend Innovative flavors such as Cheese & Chili are gaining popularity, offering consumers a delightful snacking experience while addressing their health concerns

The cheese-based snacks market represents a significant portion of the global snack industr y These snacks, which include cheese puffs, cheese crackers, cheese strings and cheese dips, among others, are popular for their savor y and satisfying taste

tors, including increasing consumer

The cheese snacks market faces several challenges Consumers seek convenient and portable options, leading to high demand for processed and packaged cheese snacks However, this trend raises concerns about health and nutrition

Calories and sodium levels in many cheese snacks are high, making it essential for manufacturers to offer healthier alternatives Sourcing quality milk and main-

Urbanization and rising disposable income are driving consumers toward these channels, benefiting local cheese snack manufacturers and fueling market growth

The cheese snacks market has experienced significant growth, particularly among urban consumers who value convenience and Westernized tastes Taste preferences lean toward varieties such as Parmesan, mozzarella and Cheddar

growing demand for


Duni Group, LipLid Form a Partnership, Launch Sustainable Take-Away Cup Lids

entered into a collaboration As a result of the initiative, Duni Group is launching a type of lid for its take-away cups with a LipLid’s design and good functional and sus-


Duni Group and LipLid are partnering in a joint effort to lead the way toward a new era of innovation and sustainability in the arena of packaging and smart takeaway solutions Through the Duni Group’s launch of the award-winning lid for takeaway cups, developed and produced by LipLid, it wants to be able to offer customers around the world a completely new type of drinking experience

In addition to an innovative design and functionality, the lid is produced completely without added PFAS substances, which rhymes well with Duni Group’s strong focus on sustainability throughout the value chain and that Duni has stopped manufacturing products with PFAS

“The collaboration with LipLid is an exciting step forward for us at Duni Group, which confirms our aspiration to offer innovative and sustainable packaging solu-

tions to our customers,” said Petrea Godderidge, product manager food packaging solutions at Duni Group “We are convinced that LipLid’s lid, in combination with our existing cup range, will revolutionize both the take-away market and the drinking experience, while keeping a prominent sustainability aspect in mind ”

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to partner with the Duni Group to introduce our groundbreaking LipLid to the market and make it available to a wider international audience,” said Jesper Berthold, CEO at LipLid “The collaboration with Duni Group gives us a unique opportunity to jointly show the industr y that innovative packaging options with a clear environmental mindset are not only possible but also necessar y for a better future

The LipLid lid offers several advantages over traditionally designed lids for take-away cups, including the ability to drink directly from the rim of the cup for an enhanced drinking experience and reduced spillage The lid’s design also enables reduced material consumption in the packaging industry Its compostable and recyclable properties align well with Duni Group’s sustainability strategy and commitment to reduce plastic use, increase the share of renewable

Barney & Co. Expands Beyond Almond Butter in New Facility

Barney & Co , producer of Barney Almond Butter, is expanding beyond almond butter with the establishment of a second manufacturing facility This new facility will focus on processing a wider range of nut butters, starting with the introduction of Barney Peanut Butter The brand began introducing Smooth, Crunchy and Bare Smooth varieties of Peanut Butter to retailers nationwide in May at an SRP of $5 99

As the second-largest almond butter brand in the market (US Foods, Barney & Co has gained a reputation for its exceptional quality and unique production process Unlike traditional nut butters, Barney’s products are known for smoothness and the absence of oil separation on top, thanks to proprietary manufacturing techniques

“We’re excited to take our expertise and innovation beyond almond butter and venture into the broader nut butter category, ” said Dawn Kelley “Our goal has always been to provide consumers with the highest quality nut butters but only if we can maintain our peanut-free promise for our almond butters and this expansion allows us to bring that same level of excellence to peanut butter and other varieties ”

This expansion comes at a time of growing demand for premium nut butter products Consumers are increasingly seeking healthier alternatives without compromising on taste or quality With its proven track record in the almond butter market, Barney & Co is well-positioned to meet this demand and deliver exceptional nut butter experiences across a variety of nut types

The new manufacturing facility will feature state-of-the-art equipment and adhere to the same rigorous quality standards that have made Barney Almond Butter a household name This includes maintaining the smooth texture and homogeneity that customers have come to expect from Barney products and maintaining a certified peanut-free environment in the almond butter manufacturing facility

In addition to peanut butter, Barney & Co plans to introduce nut butter varieties in the coming months, leveraging its expertise in flavor profiles and manufacturing techniques The company remains committed to providing the best made nut butters on

the market, responsible sourcing practices, and ensuring that every jar of nut butter not only tastes great but is made better, with the best quality ingredients GN

New Zealand Firm Acquires Wedderspoon, Leading Maker of Manuka Honey

Masthead Limited, the Christchurch, New Zealand-based investment firm, has acquired the Wedderspoon Organic Group, a leading Manuka honey brand Masthead plans to consolidate its consumer brand portfolio into a new holding company called Florenz with Mike Tod as chief executive officer

“We believe in the ability of Kiwis to compete and win on the global stage and have installed an outstanding team at Florenz with deep global experience,” said Tod “Through Florenz, we have started assembling and growing a complementary series of businesses

“Florenz is actively looking at other investment opportunities as it seeks to grow a world-class export business to further strengthen the New Zealand economy ”

Establishing a base in the United States to accelerate the growth of Florenz products into North America is a key first step With its presence in more than 23,000 retail stores including Walmart, Costco and Whole Foods, Wedderspoon provides a foundation on which to build momentum

of New Zealand sourced and manufactured Manuka honey products in North America, has experienced impressive growth and success Founded 19 years ago, its

Wedderspoon Organic, the largest seller

products range from bottled Manuka honey to Manuka honey lozenges, drops and apple cider vinegar, as well as Bee

Hy-Vee Adds PayPal

Hy-Vee, Inc is collaborating with PayPal to enhance the shopping experience for Hy-Vee’s online customers PayPal and Venmo payment options are available to Hy-Vee customers using its Aisles Online platform for grocery pickup and delivery orders

“Our Aisles Online platform has continued to evolve alongside our customers’

needs since we launched this service,” said Jody Gosch, chief technology officer and executive vice president at Hy-Vee “With this new integration of PayPal and Venmo, we can help customers make their Aisles Online shopping even easier and faster than before

Propolis throat sprays

Under CEO Rebecca Remley, Wedderspoon has steadily grown a highly customer-focused business of scale in one of the most challenging markets for New Zealand products to flourish

“We are privileged to become the new custodians of the Wedderspoon brand and to support the growth of the New Zealand Manuka honey industry by building more global awareness of this incredible natural product,” said Tod “It is terrific to be able to support Rebecca and her team on this next chapter of the Wedderspoon journey as the company seeks to accelerate growth through online and bricks-and-mortar sales in the United States, Canada and Europe

“Product innovation is a key enabler of this type of success, and the team has exciting customer-led product developments in the pipeline ”

Florenz also owns New Zealand-based vitamins and supplements exporter XtendLife Group, ingredients manufacturer Dry Food New Zealand and innovative blackcurrant-based sports performance supplement exporter, 2Before Performance Nutrition, which was purchased from Government-owned Plant and Food Research

In addition, Florenz is a cornerstone share-

holder of iconic New Zealand herbal remedies company Harker Herbals Products, which was established more than 40 years ago

Florenz is a subsidiary of Christchurchbased investment company Masthead Limited, a commercial arm of the Stewart family Masthead Limited is an active corporate investor in New Zealand public and private equity markets Its most recent divestment was the sale of premium pet food manufacturer Ziwi Florenz is an active investor in wellness related companies with products backed by science and curated in New Zealand

Founded in 2005, Wedderspoon is a passionate steward of Manuka Honeybased products that awaken energized living Wedderspoon offers a dynamic collection of expertly crafted products that capture the lusciously rare and powerful nature of genuine Manuka honey, which is exclusively produced by bees feeding off the Manuka bush on New Zealand’s North and South Islands

From its use in the kitchen, in beauty and active lifestyle self-care rituals and more, Wedderspoon Manuka Honey’s properties make it one of the most highly sought after holistic ingredients in the world GN

creased over the last five years, ” said Kurt

Together, Hy-Vee and PayPal are offering a seamless and secure payment experience while providing customers additional checkout options to help make their lives easier, healthier, and happier This is also designed to help Hy-Vee streamline its payment processes, expand customer choice and offer a comprehensive solution for online transactions

Infant Formula Brand Bobbie Expanding Manufacturing After Acquiring Nature’s One

One year after Bobbie, the mom-founded and led pediatric nutrition company, acquired Nature’s One, the first small-batch production run of the company ’ s USDA Organic infant formula has come off the line at its state-of-the-art facility in Heath, Ohio

As the first meaningful effort to diversify and disrupt the concentrated market in decades, Bobbie’s manufacturing capabilities strengthen the industry for American families Bobbie’s CEO purchased the facility, the first infant formula manufacturing plant built from the ground up in the last 23 years in the United States, in response to the widespread formula shortage two years ago, enabling the company to feed three times as many babies and establish a resilient manufacturing model for its customers

Bobbie’s 90,000-square-foot facility produces, powder-dries and cans formula under one roof, leveraging best in class safety standards with reduced manufacturing touchpoints, fewer hands on cans and fewer miles traveled from creation to customer’s doorstep Bobbie’s facility expansion, combined with formula produced by its veteran co-manufacturing partner Perrigo, the first U S manufacturer to produce organic formulas with DHA and ARA, positions Bobbie to potentially ser ve nearly 15 percent of the non-WIC market in the coming years

Following the third year in a row of unprecedented demand and a tightened organic ingredient supply, Bobbie has remained committed to its brand promise:

“When you subscribe to us, we subscribe to you, ” which plans for a baby’s full feeding journey and promises uninterrupted deliveries for subscribers even during times of constrained supply With the company ’ s manufacturing expansion, Bobbie is committed to ensuring consistent availability of its products across digital and physical shelves and expanding retail partnerships

“For those of us who fed a baby during the formula shortage – and when out of stocks reached almost 70 percent this time two years ago – we will never forget the fear of not being able to find a can of formula to feed your baby on a shelf or online,” said Laura Modi, Bobbie CEO and co-founder “Our new manufacturing facility creates an unprecedented level of reliability for our parents moving forward

“These step level changes in a company ’ s growth are never easy – but nothing about entering this industry as the only female CEO has been easy As a mom to my fourth baby, now 4 months old, I am personally excited for what this new facility will unlock for our customers and our company – a steady supply of Bobbie, manufacturing redundancy across our owned and comanufacturing partners’ facilities, and faster in-house innovation for the next generation of infant formulas in the U S , ” she added

With the official opening of the facility,

135-person remote and on-site operation,

based in Ohio since acquiring the facility and will continue to hire on-site through

specialize in quality, safety and operator functions, ensuring a dedic

safe infant formulas for American families

Chief Supply Chain Officer

Jason Blaisure joins Bobbie from Chobani, where he built and led manufacturing for 12 years, most recently as chief supply chain officer Prior to Chobani, Jason was in medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, bringing not just dairy expertise, but also quality assurance to Bobbie Blaisure will manage the manufacturing and quality experience for the company to ensure the highest possible safety standards and reliability in the product supply for our country’s most vulnerable population, babies

opportunity to uplevel infant formula and build back trust with the American consumer is monumental, and there is no company better positioned to set new standards for innovation and excellence than Bobbie,” said Blaisure “I am here to help build a world-class supply chain to meet the overwhelming demand for high quality

turing in many dynamic environments over the years, ” Modi said “More importantly, he always puts safety first The wait was worth it, and we couldn’t imagine a better fit ”

Bobbie’s ability to own end-to-end manufacturing is reflective of the company ’ s commitment to bolster the domestic supply chain of infant formula across the industry During the shortage, the government’s temporary solution to import foreign formulas expedited Bobbie’s efforts to build supply and redundancy of our products in an industr y that consumers understandably expect to be tightly regulated

infant formula alongside the brilliant and driven team at Bobbie that has the vision to deliver best-in-class pediatric nutrition products and leads by example and with a parent-first approach ”

“After the formula shortage of 2022, the

“Jason is a true manufacturing and operations leader who has scaled manufac-

In March, Bobbie celebrated the introduction of the Infant Formula Made in America Act, a bill that the company co-created alongside Rep Rosa DeLauro and Sen Bob Casey after 18 months of activism and refusing to sit back while the government found a solution

The bill marks the first tangible, nonpartisan legislation to strengthen the American infant formula supply following the shortage GN

Petaluma Reusable Cup Project Launches Through Collaboration in Bay Area

Starbucks, The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Peet’s Coffee, Yum! Brands and other global and local brands and restaurants are partnering in The Petaluma Reusable Cup Project from the NextGen Consortium, led by the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners, to activate an unprecedented collaboration to drive reuse

Since Aug 5, more than 30 restaurants in the city of Petaluma, Calif , have been swapping their single-use cups for to-go reusable cups to all customers at no cost, with widespread return points available across the city

This program marks a significant milestone for reuse, as the first initiative of its kind that makes reusable to-go cups the default option across multiple restaurants in a U S city, with the opportunity to drive more customers to reuse and displace hundreds of thousands of single-use cups

The Petaluma Reusable Cup Project is focused on supporting customers to create return habits, a key factor to the success of reuse The citywide initiative is a critical step forward to catalyze and scale reuse systems, building on half a decade of work by the NextGen Consortium, a collaboration managed by the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners, in partnership with many global foodservice brands

The mix of large national chains, local independent restaurants, convenience stores, community hubs and public locations makes this initiative distinctly powerful in shaping consumer habits and cultural norms More than 30 restaurants in the City of Petaluma are participating in the initiative, including Starbucks and licensed Starbucks cafés in Target and in Safeway, owned by Albertsons Companies; Peet’s Coffee; KFC and The Habit Burger Grill, owned by Yum!; Dunkin’; as well as many local cafés and restaurants

The initiative was made possible through extensive public-private collaboration, with support and engagement from the city of Petaluma, Zero Waste Sonoma, Recology, community groups and local businesses

“It takes an entire community to build the future of reuse that we want to see, ” said Michael Kobori, Starbucks chief sustainability officer “Our environmental promise is core to our business and that’s why we ’ re

working toward a future vision of every Starbucks beverage served in a reusable cup

“Together with fellow foodser vice brands, local stores and community stakeholders, we ’ re leading this initiative to help further unlock behavior change toward reusables, making it easy for our customers, and any customer, to choose to reuse and reduce waste ”

Across the U S , 50 billion single-use cups are purchased and disposed of each year Most of these cups are used out of a restaurant and disposed of at home, work or school, with an average lifespan of less than one hour before going to waste, according to the Center for the Circular Economy’s research

While reuse is growing quickly, use of personal cups and existing takeaway reusable cup systems still face low adoption or low returns For reuse to scale responsibly, it’s imperative to create an easy and enjoyable consumer experience that makes it easy for customers to remember to bring their own containers or to return one that was given to them

“To create a world without packaging waste, we need to ensure that food packaging reuse systems are scaled in a way that creates a positive environmental impact – meeting the current needs of people while driving a cultural shift toward reuse, ” said Kate Daly, managing director and head of the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners “By testing reuse across an entire city in partnership with key stakeholders from the community and industr y, we can scale reuse collaboratively through thoughtful experimentation, building a future where reuse is the norm ”

Petaluma, located in the northern Bay Area, was selected for the initiative for many reasons In this region, businesses and consumers are receptive to adopting reuse, given the policy environment promoting the phase-out of non-recyclable single-use packaging The city also participated in a returnable cup test at participating Starbucks locations in 2023

The size and dense layout of downtown Petaluma, with its tight cluster of restaurants and local shops within walking distance, and proximity to suburban and rural

areas, creates the right conditions for testing a reuse system for to-go cups Collaboration with local stakeholders has helped adapt the initiative to local policy and infrastructure, identify optimal return points across the city and engage the broader community

“The city of Petaluma is laying the groundwork to make cup reuse not only an option, but the default,” said Mayor Kevin McDonnell “We have an amazing, engaged community, and we look forward to assisting the success of this program, alongside our local restaurants and participating global brands that service our community ”

“Imagine a neighborhood where all togo cups are reusable, and returning these cups required no extra steps,” said Leslie Lukacs, Executive Director of Zero Waste Sonoma “By making reusable cups as convenient and accessible as single use, we can offer an alternative for residents when they forget to bring their own cups with them

“Universal accessibility creates the foundation for a cultural shift towards reuse ”

The Petaluma Reusable Cup Project has installed more than 60 cup return bins across Petaluma After use and return, the reusable cups will be collected, washed and recirculated for future uses by participating businesses and customers Muuse, a winner of the 2018 NextGen Cup innovation challenge, was selected by the NextGen Consortium to manage all servicing and reverse logistics for the initiative

“Transitioning to returnable packaging systems is a critical part of reducing single-use packaging waste, and we need to focus on supporting the operations behind it,” said Brittany Gamez, COO and cofounder of Muuse “These systems must be thoughtfully and responsibly implemented to ensure we are minimizing our impact of creating more waste in the process

“It is through initiatives like this that we can identify what is needed to operationalize shared systems at this level and inform how reuse is implemented at scale ”

The initiative, which runs until November, will collect baseline data that measures customer participation and the environmental impact of offering reusables as the default choice for customers, testing whether the model is operationally viable for scale Data from the initiative can be leveraged by businesses and regulators to support them as they design new reuse systems and draft w e l l - i n f o r m e d packaging regulations

This is another key step in the NextGen Consortium’s long-standing work to advance reuse

Since 2018, the NextGen Consortium, its brand partners and the Center for the Circular Economy ecosystem have been at the forefront of the reuse movement In 2019 and 2020, the NextGen Consortium launched groundbreaking trials in the San Francisco Bay Area to understand how reusable cup programs might operate simultaneously across multiple restaurants, leading to a foundational reuse report Starbucks, a NextGen founding partner, has launched cup share programs in over 25 markets globally, including saturation trials in California It also recently became the first national coffee retailer to accept reusable cups for drive-thru and mobile orders, making significant progress to incentivize customers to bring their own cups to stores

The work to advance reuse also extends vbeyond the cup In 2023, the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag, also managed by the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners, wrapped its largest returnable bag program, alongside its largest bring your own bag program, in partnership with CVS Health, Target and other leading retailers

Moving forward, the NextGen Consortium will continue its work and collaboration with stakeholders from across the reuse value chain, from innovators and activists to global brands and policymakers, to effectively scale reuse systems that are better for the environment GN

Walgreens is launching Nice! For You, a tier of its popular owned grocer y brand, Nice!, to help customers find food choices that help support their journey to a healthier lifestyle Nice! launched in 2011 and offers a range of everyday food and beverage products

While all Nice! products meet national brand standards of high-quality ingredi-

ents, Nice! For You products do not contain artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, synthetic dyes or high-fructose corn syrup

Many Nice! For You options are also organic and gluten-free, which is visible on the packaging

“According to recent research from Statista, nearly half of all Americans are trying to make better food choices,” said Tracey

Brown, EVP, president, chief customer officer at Walgreens “The evolution of our Nice! brand is designed to offer an efficient, highly relevant customer experience that meets their changing needs and preferences, while maintaining our commitment to deliver high quality products that taste great at an incredible value ” The Nice! For You! portfolio has more

than 150 products with bold flavors including jerky, oatmeal, nuts and trail mixes, dried fruit, coffee, frozen food products, beverages and dozens of grocer y, pantr y and baking staples including a White Cheddar Cheese, Dried Cranberries & Roasted Pistachios Snack Pack, Tart Cherr y Juice, Apple Juice Boxes and Organic Cold Pressed Red Boost Juice GN

Evigence Debuts FreshSense to Measure Food Freshness Using Data-Driven Insights

Evigence has debuted its breakthrough Freshness Management Platform with FreshSense, new sensors with patented chemistry-embedded QR codes Evigence now offers food companies and cold-chain leaders the data-driven freshness insights at the case or unit level needed to boost end-to-end supply chain efficiency, guarantee food quality, reduce food loss, manage compliance and make decisions with confidence

Evigence has launched multi-mode scanning capabilities, including augmented reality mobile scanning and automatic production-line vision, and now immediately uploads the scanned sensor data to the Evigence Cloud for analysis and visualization that generates in-depth dashboards powered by artificial intelligence Primary new features include:

• Freshness Management Dashboards powered by its proprietary AI and machine learning platform that deliver real-time, actionable insights to help food industr y leaders optimize ever y juncture across their supply chain, improve inventor y management based on Real Remaining Shelf Life, ensure compliance and reduce waste, while increasing confidence and enhancing customer satisfaction;

• Automated Early Supply Chain Scanning with automatic data capturing technology, which streamlines traceability from initial production lines while minimizing manual labor to ensure optimal freshness

and minimize waste;

• Evigence Advanced Multi-Scan Technology, which allows users to simultaneously scan multiple cases of perishables using hands-on AR or product-line vision systems for complete freshness visibility and guaranteed food quality from production to consumption; and

• FreshSense, the first freshness monitoring sensors with chemistry-embedded QR codes for easy scanning and visual freshness measurement with precision temperature and time tracking tied to the individual perishable product profiles and food types

An exorbitant amount of waste across the supply chain continues to create op-

foods spoil primarily as a result of cumu-

temperature at select points in the supply

the unit level or ignore temperature conditions altogether

Making food management more complicated, each perishable item has different environmental requirements for optimal freshness and seemingly minor variations like a single degree of temperature can add to or cut shelf life by 10 percent Based on Evigence data from trials with food industry partners, the shelf lives of retail units var y 30 to 40 percent on average in the

same delivery or pallet, while the actual remaining life of fresh foods varies anywhere from 50 to 100 percent, meaning products often have half or double the expected shelf life

distribution center holdings Giving food

• Easy-to-understand visual representations of freshness status of all scanned products with immediate identification of both the problematic and freshest products

• Heat map visualizations of cases and days left of Real Remaining Shelf Life

• Weekly data trends to identify patterns across regions, divisions, freshness groups and inspection outcomes

• Analysis pinpointing patterns across divisions, regions, markets or supply chain partners to help find and fix inefficiencies

• Alerts on potential impacts from varying conditions across different regions and seasons or unexpected disruptions such as power outages or extreme weather

• Insights into the rate of inspections and immediate performance results, as

well as inspector-specific trends, to support quality control and highlight needed operational improvements

• One-click deep dives by division or freshness group and the ability to slice and dice insights by product type, stage, region, division, APN, PO#, etc

• Comprehensive over views of scanning compliance to support adherence to protocols

“Our technology will eventually be the death of the date code as we aim to optimize freshness throughout supply chains, inventor y, retail and even in consumers ’ homes,” said Evigence Co-Founder and CEO Yoav Levy “Date codes are terribly inaccurate indicators of food freshness and product quality, leading to tremendous inefficiencies throughout the food industry supply chain – from the distributors all the way to consumers ’ homes

“Freshness expectations versus reality lead to the waste of perfectly good food, as well as the consumption of unsafe food,” Levy said “It is time to take the guesswork out of food freshness to accurately guarantee food safety

“The journey from production to consumption is filled with variables that heavily impact quality and freshness Adding advanced temperature tracking down to the item level, rather than assuming consistency across an entire pallet or shipment, will change how the food industry assesses freshness ” GN

Kaleris Acquires CAMS Software for Grocers’, Wholesalers’ Transportation Operations

Kaleris, a leading provider of supply chain execution and visibility solutions, has acquired CAMS Software, the leader in transportation solutions designed specifically for large-scale grocery distribution

The acquisition expands the Kaleris portfolio, combining the CAMS Prospero Transportation Management System with the No 1 ranked Kaleris Yard Management System The integration will launch one of the most comprehensive enterprise yard and transportation management suites that optimizes key aspects of transportation planning and execution at warehouses, distribution centers and manufacturing facilities

CAMS Prospero manages all aspects of trucking operations for grocer y retailers and wholesalers, providing dispatch, backhaul, driver payroll calculation and vehicle tracking for all inbound, outbound and return trips Eighteen of the top 50 grocery retailers and wholesalers, and more than 100 grocer y distribution centers in the United States rely on CAMS to efficiently manage short lead times, optimal route planning, product availability and regulatory compliance

The Kaleris Yard Management System

optimizes and automates the management of trucks, trailers, containers and dock slots in yard facilities for Fortune 500 shippers across North America and Europe, serving numerous grocery yards

By integrating the two systems, grocery retailers and distributors will experience:

• Streamlined operations for inbound and outbound logistics The combined solution captures store orders and return shipments, and then creates the best plan to pack and load them onto trailers, considering multiple factors including order splits, commodity separation, gate access, asset dwell, dock scheduling and pre-cooling for fresh and frozen trailers

• Route optimization and dispatch efficiency The technology looks across multiple constraining variables, including the number of trucks, available drivers, distance and pick-up time to assign work orders and deliver y schedules to drivers, streamlining dispatch processes and providing drivers with the most efficient route

• Improved compliance and reporting Integrated Electronic Logging Devices track driver time for HOS compliance and give dispatchers real-time visibility on

driver location, status, and delivery ETA to make informed decisions on work orders, deliver y sequence and more across their enterprise

“The acquisition of CAMS Software un-

the expertise, resources, and capabilities of both organizations, Kaleris is poised to embark on a new phase of growth ser ving g

consumer packaged goods companies in m

solution for yard and transportation management ”

The acquisition of CAMS aligns with Kaleris’s strategic vision to solve the world’s most complex supply chain transportation challenges Grocer y store network deliver y remains one of the most complicated areas for logistics management due to the vast number of unique SKUs, temperature-controlled products and less than 24-hour turnaround time

Adding the CAMS Prospero Transportation Management System differentiates the Kaleris Yard Management System and un-

locks new growth opportunities for Kaleris in the U S grocer y store market, which generated almost $885 billion in total sales in 2023 according to Statista It also creates expansion opportunities for Kaleris in the food & beverage, retail and consumer packaged goods industries across North America, as well as expansions into these verticals in Europe

Kaleris is backed by Accel-KKR, a leading technology-focused private equity firm with a track record of investing in supply chain management software and solutions CAMS Software was represented by Aqua Mergers & Acquisitions for this transaction

“Joining Kaleris opens the door to a host of exciting new opportunities for us, ” said Brian Taylor, president at CAMS Software “Our current customers will have ready access to proven enterprise solutions that optimize adjacent areas of their supply chain operations

“As a part of Kaleris, we can bring the

Inventive Dips, Sauces Introduced To Hungr y Market Driven by Gen Z

Dips and sauces are all the rage now, as we discuss in our Oli y Aceti supplement in this issue Lucky for those of us who love to dip and sauce our food, there are more and more products coming out to sate our curiosity

For the first time in its 350-year history, Kikkoman is launching a dark soy sauce crafted exclusively for the Indian market

Kikkoman of Japan spent four years creating a natural dark soy sauce – as distinct from its worldfamous classic naturally brewed Kikkoman Soy Sauce – after realizing that many Indians expect Chinese and Pan-Asian dishes to have a rich, dark color that they find visually appealing

Kikkoman’s classic soy sauce is famous for being naturally brewed with just four ingredients – soybeans, wheat, salt and water –which account for its clear reddish-brown color In developing a dark soy sauce for the Indian market, Kikkoman wanted to offer a similarly natural product, without a trace of the chemicals and artificial seasonings used by many dark soy sauce manufacturers to add color

rine Plaza Mumbai, called the new sauce “fantastic ”

“It has a distinguishable umami element and the right color balance which goes very well in my Chinese dishes at Oriental Blossom ”

This product is made in India using Kikkoman Honjozo Soy Sauce produced in Japan as the main ingredient and supports the Make In India initiative

a dip for crunchy veggies, layered it in wraps or whisked it into a salad dressing

Local Hive Honey Hot Sauces, a new lineup from the only national brand of honey sourced exclusively from American beekeepers, is now available at Whole Foods Market stores nationwide Balancing deliciously hot peppers with 100 percent U S honey, sweet meets heat in each of these recipes

• Original (medium): Red jalapeño peppers and honey add a sting to meats, pizza and sauces

• Hatch Chile with Southwest Honey (medium): Smoky, aged Hatch chiles and southwest honey bring balanced heat to eggs, Mexican food and queso

• Mango Habanero (medium): A sweet, slightly spicy and citrus-tinged blend of mangoes, habanero and honey adds a kick to seafood, tacos or sauces

The result is Kikkoman Dark Soy Sauce, crafted by using the classic soy sauce as the base, along with the proprietary technol-

ogy which Kikkoman developed to yield a rich, deep color

“We set out to create a dark soy sauce that goes beyond superficial color enhancements,” said Shohei Yokobari, product manager for Kikkoman Dark Soy Sauce “It was a huge challenge to develop a natural product without added coloring or flavoring agents, which is why it took four years of relentless effort and innovation ”

“The flavor profile is complex and deep and if I do a blind tasting, I can easily distinguish a dish made with Kikkoman Dark Soy Sauce and one made with other soy sauces, ” said Chef Vikas Seth, culinary director at Embassy Leisure, Bengaluru Chef Huang Te Sing, executive corporate Chinese chef at The Oriental Blossom, Ma-

While we ’ re discussing global flavors, Yaza, a new brand of authentic Mediterranean labneh, has launched two flavors – Za’atar & Olive Oil and Plain – in select Whole Foods Market stores The high-protein dips are available in the refrigerated dip or deli departments

“I’m incredibly proud that our national launch in Whole Foods Market stores will introduce authentic Mediterranean labneh to American kitchens for the first time,” said Karim Khalil, founder

Yaza Labneh is made according to the traditional recipe, using only whole milk and salt from a creamer y nestled in the Catskill Mountains Traditionally, labneh is made by straining pasteurized cultured milk and salt through a cheesecloth overnight to remove the liquids and create a thick, delicious dip Yaza recreates this exact recipe at scale

“You’ll never find thickeners or additives in our labneh We make it the way people in the Mediterranean have been making it for centuries, and that will never change,” Khalil said

Labneh is a healthy source of protein and probiotics that promote gut health It’s often spread on warm pita bread, used as

• Cayenne with Southeast Honey (medium): Southern spices and subtle sweetness are perfect for pairing with wings, pizza or gumbo

• Chipotle with Texas Honey (medium): A mellow, BBQ-inspired blend of chipotle peppers and Texas honey brings rich flavor to smoked meats, Mexican food and chili

• Sriracha (hot): A pleasantly spicy blend of red jalapeno and honey gets taste buds buzzing when paired with Asian food, soups and eggs

We all know Barney & Co CA for its Barney Almond Butter Now the company is expanding beyond almond butter with a second manufacturing facility that focuses on processing a wider range of nut butters, starting with Barney Peanut Butter The brand introduced Smooth, Crunchy and Bare Smooth varieties of Peanut Butter to retailers nationwide in May at an SRP of $5 99

As the secondlargest almond butter brand in the market, Barney & Co CA has gained a reputation for its quality and production process Unlike traditional nut butters, Barney’s products are known for their smoothness and the absence of oil separation on top, thanks to proprietar y manufacturing techniques

“We’re excited to take our expertise and innovation beyond almond butter and venture into the broader nut butter categor y, ” said Dawn Kelley, CEO “Our goal has always been to provide consumers with the highest quality nut butters, but only if we can maintain our peanut-free promise for our almond butters, and this expansion allows us to bring that same level of excellence to peanut butter and other varieties ”

c a t e g o r y, w e f o u n d t h e re w a s a d e m a n d

f o r o p t i o n s t h a t o f f e re d a s w e e t e r t a s t e profile,” said Cale Nelson, chief commerc i a l o ff i c e r o f L o c a l H i v e “ B y a d d i n g o u r

1 0 0 p e rc e n t A m e r i c a n h o n e y b l e n d s t o c l a s s i c h o t s a u c e re c i p

The new manufacturing facility features state-of-the-art equipment and adheres to the same quality standards that have made Barney Almond Butter a household name

In addition to peanut butter, Barney & Co CA plans to introduce nut butter varieties in the coming months I’m hoping for cashew spread

Speaking of peanuts, while boiled peanuts are a hugely popular treat in the South, they’re not as familiar to other parts of the country I tasted them for the first time in the 1980s in Plains, Ga , where I traveled to inter view former peanut farmer and President Jimmy Carter and his buddy, Willie Nelson (what an adventure that was!)

Boiled peanuts are rich in protein, niacin, Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins

Dixie Grace’s Boiled Peanuts debuted its line of boiled peanut products, pioneering a new category for better-for-you snacking, at the Summer Fancy Food Show

Lab tests indicate that boiled peanuts contain higher levels of antioxidants compared to roasted peanuts Dixie Grace uses premium ingredients and an artisanal cooking process to unleash the amazing taste, texture and health benefits of boiled peanuts to the world

And speaking of better-for-you snacking, which I’ve been known to do at times, in a nationwide consumer market research poll, everyone from millennials to Gen X to boomers said they want a healthy, nutrient-dense snack that gives them more energy Thanks to the woman-owned Snacks from the Sea, people can “Snack Healthy and Snack Happy” with crunchy, crispy, energizing Kelpie Chips

The chips provide all the health benefits found in sustainably har vested kelp, lightly fried with delicious natural seasonings Rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidant activity, Kelpie Chips are perfect with a favorite dip, crumbled for a salad or soup topper or carried in a backpack for clean energy on the trail

Company founder Jennifer Murphy

grew up in Korea, where kelp is eaten for its numerous health benefits or on special holidays when kelp would be dried, cleaned, fried and dusted with sugar

As a busy mom and executive, Jennifer felt burned out Her mother made her kelp chips as a remedy This was the impetus for Murphy launching Snacks from the Sea, to carry on the family tradition and offer people an energizing snack that would enhance their lives and help them feel their best, naturally

“Kelp is one of the most nutritious foods for people and the planet,” said Murphy “Right now, people are looking for snacks that are made with whole foods that are rich in nutrition and don’t sacrifice flavor

fruit snacks to fuel active lifestyles The brand has introduced a set of Better for You Snack Packs to make it easier to choose healthy, energizing snacks

“Our goal is to help families make their snack choices simple by providing them with carefully selected snack combos and keep them on the go,” said founder and CEO Angela Liu, who is an outdoor enthusiast

Crispy Green’s new Better for You Snack Packs are available in five varieties and use Crispy Fruit, its top-selling freeze-dried fruit snack in the United States, and Piña Picante, the company ’ s new line of dried pineapple snacks with a flavorful twist

Kelp has a crunchy texture and a hint of umami that delights the palette ”

Murphy began a long R&D process to make the best, minimally processed kelp chips available Kelpie Chips are made with real natural kelp leaves that are dusted with seasoning – not reconstituted or made from powder – and don’t contain fillers like starch

“I wanted to create a way to bring people the nourishing qualities of kelp without having to spend hours in the kitchen,” she said “Kelpie Chips are a crunchy, tasty way to eat this nourishing snack from the sea ”

Kelpie Chips can be eaten on their own or paired with a variety of dips including salsa, hummus and tzatziki and are sold on Amazon

Crispy Green is marking 20 years of “Using Food As A Force For Good” and providing families with 100 percent pure

The Adventure Pack ($15 99) includes one multi-pack of freezedried Tangerine Crispy Fruit and three snacksized bags of air-dried pineapple: Chili Lime, Ginger Lime and Coco Chili Tamarindo Piña Picante The Fitness Fuel Pack ($29 99) includes four multi-packs each of Apple, Banana and Strawberr y Crispy Fruit and three snack-sized bags of air-dried pineapple: Chili Lime, Ginger Lime and Coco Chili Tamarindo Piña Picante

The Gut Health Pack ($29 99) includes four multi-packs each of Apple, Banana, Pineapple and Pear Crispy Fruit The Morning Boost Pack ($29 99) includes four multi-packs each of Apple, Banana, Mango and Strawberry Crispy Fruit

The Wellness Boost Pack ($29 99) includes four multi-packs each of Apple, Strawberry, Mango and Pineapple Crispy Fruit

to enjoy as an everyday luxury,” said Doug Dressman, CEO

Esther Price has seven retail stores in Dayton and Cincinnati and has over 100 wholesale accounts The company recently secured a spot in 100 plus Kroger stores across the state of Ohio

For coffee lovers who exceed their caffeine intake but not their amount of daily fruits, kencko has you covered The company ’ s Iced Lattes are packed with 1 5 espresso shots to keep you going and 1 cup of organic fruits to nourish the body Didn’t see this coming

They come in three flavors: Mocha for chocolate lovers, Cinnamon for those who want spice and Banana Caramel for those with a sweet tooth

The Iced Lattes are ready in 15 seconds

All that’s needed is chilled milk and shaking

While we ’ re still on the fruit roll (ha ha), Welch’s Fruit Snacks has released Welch’s Absolute Fruitfuls Fruit Strips for the better-for-you snacking aisle Launched in

All of Crispy Green’s products, including Crispy Fruit and Piña Picante, are made with non-GMO fruits They contain no added sugar and are gluten free, vegan, allergen free and Kosher-certified

Leave it to Esther Price Candies, the 98year-old premium chocolate and candy brand, to create a new single-serve candy starring fruit The brand launched the bitesized Fruit Meltaways candy on its website in late June at an SRP of $1 per single The Fruit Meltaways come in three flavors: Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Lemon, Orange and Raspberry

“This new candy is the perfect addition as a summer celebratory item or as a treat

Strawberry, Mango-Peach and Berry Medley varieties, all three flavors feature whole fruit as the primar y ingredient in a soft strip made of genuine fruit

Welch’s Absolute Fruitfuls Strips are individually wrapped and are an ideal choice for school lunch, after-school activities and the perfect on-the-go snacking choice for families seeking a sensible treat

Fruitfuls contain only natural flavors and colors, are gluten free, vegan, nonGMO and are an excellent source of Vitamin C

Packed conveniently in 10-count boxes, Welch’s Absolute Fruitfuls are priced at


Continued from PAGE 1

product and ensure its removal from the marketplace

• Continued an emergency program to address nationwide detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza Performed more than 1 4 million tests on commercial poultr y flocks through National Poultr y Improvement Plan cooperative agreements and coordinated the collection of more than 31,000 wild bird samples, helping protect the U S poultry industry, which is valued at $77 billion

• Awarded $2 3 million to further support 14 National Animal Health Labora-

New Products

$4 99 and have begun rolling out at retailers nationwide, including Walmart com, Albertsons com, HEB com, Kroger, Publix and others

How many times have you ever wished for a new whippable, spreadable and bakeable dairy-free cream cheese block? OK, maybe not me, but I don’t have to wish for it: Violife has made it

Meet Violife’s 100 percent dair y free Creamy Block, the first-ever dair y free cream cheese block to be sold in Canada (and online) The Creamy Block can be whipped, spread and even baked Creamy

tory Network projects to enhance the early detection of high-consequence animal diseases

• Facilitated new markets for a wide range of U S -origin animals, animal products, plants and plant products including animal products and live animals to Israel worth an estimated $75 million over the next five years and fresh grapefruit to Vietnam worth an estimated $5 million per year

• Produced one billion sterile Mediter-

porting preventative release programs in California and Florida, along with popu-


Creamy Block joins Violife’s portfolio of best-selling Mature Cheddar Style Slices, Cheddar Style Shreds, Mozzarella Style Shreds, Smoked Provolone Style Slices, and Feta Style dairy free offerings Violife has created products that everyone at the table can enjoy, no matter dietar y or lifestyle choices

Tinned fish products continue to roll out

Patagonia Provisions launched tinned sardines in three flavors: Coconut Curr y, Extra Virgin Olive Oil and (coming soon) Tomato Sauce with capers and olives

Patagonia Provisions Sardines in Coconut Curr y Sauce are hand-packed in a vibrant, aromatic coconut curry sauce with real organic vegetables

Block is available at retailers across Canada, including Save-On-Foods and Longo’s, and will continue to be rolled out across select Loblaws banner stores

“Cream cheese has made its way into so many dishes that Canadians know and love – baked into cheesecake, schmeared on Montréal-style bagels, and even rolled into sushi – and our new Creamy Block is dropping the mic to a perfect dairy free alternative to cream cheese for your timeless recipes,” said Meryem Leyoussi, commercial & brand lead, Violife Canada “The new Creamy Block has the craveable richness and tang of traditional cream cheese, and a velvety, smooth mouthfeel but no dairy ”

t i f y s p e c i e s t h a t m a y s e r v e a s re s e r v o i r s

s t a n d e x p o s u re , d i s e a s e s u s c e p t i b i l

• Protected wildlife and public health by distributing more than 8 7 million oral rabies vaccination baits to combat raccoon rabies in 14 Eastern States and more than 900,000 ORV baits in Texas to prevent canine rabies from reemerging along the Mexican border

• Oversaw 16,000 licensees and regis-

lasting trend when SPAM comes up with a variation!

SPAM Korean BBQ Flavored is a sweet yet spicy variety that features a bold blend of umami and Korean-inspired spices Now available exclusively at Walmart and Walmart com, the new flavor is a flavorful tribute to the SPAM brand’s popularity in Korean culture and the growing trend of Korean BBQ on menus across America

The variety is meant to be sizzled up and enjoyed with family and friends on the grill, over rice or on a toasted bun with kimchi slaw

The Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil have just a touch of salt, so the meaty texture and mild flavor of the fish shine through – the sardine purist’s sardines

Patagonia Provisions Sardines in Tomato Sauce were inspired by puttanesca, a classic tomato sauce from Naples These sardines are packed in a savory red sauce with capers, onions, olives and garlic

Patagonia Provisions sources its sardines from thriving, wellmanaged populations in the Bay of Biscay off Northern Spain with fishing practices that reduce bycatch and prevent overhar vest Sardines are short-lived fish that sit low on the ocean food chain, so they don’t have the high levels of toxins often found in longer-lived, large predators such as tuna and swordfish

Sardines are a great source of omega-3s, protein, calcium and vitamin B-12

Patagonia Provisions’ tinned sardines are available online ($8 per 4 2-ounce tin) and in select grocery stores

It’s no secret that Korean barbecue continues to be popular with consumers You know it’s a

trants, including nearly 3,000 new registrants, ensuring the humane care and treatment of AWA-covered animals

• Conducted over 10,000 AWA site inspections, including more than 900 unannounced inspections at research facilities, to assess the health, care and treatment of animals covered by the AWA

• With state agricultural officials, performed more than 700 inspections of authorized field trials involving organisms developed using genetic engineering

• Issued 15 Regulator y Status Review decisions, which replaced the petition process in the legacy regulations to determine whether a plant developed using genetic engineering is subject to regulations as a plant pest GN

anced with sweetness

Sweet Loren’s is expanding beyond its in-

Since the Korean War, SPAM products have become a staple in global Korean customs From its integration into traditional dishes such as Budae Jjigae (army stew) to gifts during Korea’s Chuseok celebrations, the SPAM brand’s taste of comfort and symbol of resilience has made it a piece of Korean heritage that is celebrated around the world

“SPAM Korean BBQ Flavored is a nod to the relationship the SPAM brand has to Korean food culture and the ongoing celebration of global tastes,” said Jennesa Kinscher, senior brand manager “This new variety not only satisfies the comfort and nostalgia our current fans crave, but it also attracts new fans who are eager to try the sweet and zesty flavors that the Korean BBQ dish and experience offers ”

As the brand’s 12th permanent variety, SPAM Korean BBQ Flavored maintains the comforting and versatile offering of SPAM Classic, but with a tangy twist and aroma that draws fans in to explore rich and complex tastes The new flavor brings a blend of soy sauce, garlic, ginger, paprika and sesame with a hint of spice from gochujang paste, a Korean fermented red chili paste that packs a punch but is well-bal-

famous cookie doughs in a major way, with the launch of a new rolled dough collection, inclusive of Puff Pastry and Thin Pizza Crust Both launches stay true to Sweet Loren’s mission and promise to deliver gluten-free, vegan, allergen-free and convenient products that don’t compromise on taste

Founder Loren Castle started Sweet Loren’s after surviving cancer in her early 20s and wanting to enjoy a cookie dough that satisfied her sweet tooth while also supporting her anti-inflammatory diet during her healing journey

Sweet Loren’s first-of-its-kind vegan, gluten-free and allergen-free refrigerated Puff Pastry ($8 99) is flaky and layered with a crunchy yet airy pastry texture, bringing a timeless classic into the modern era

Sweet Loren’s vegan, gluten-free and allergen-free Thin Pizza Crust ($7 99) provides a thin and crispy base that can be easily rolled out, topped and baked into a fresh pie

The products are sold in Target, Whole Foods and Kroger across the United States and online GN

American Rescue

Continued from PAGE 1

food options and lower costs for American families ”

The investments are part of USDA’s efforts to create a more competitive agricultural system, advance President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda and support the administration’s Action Plan for a Fairer, More Competitive, and More Resilient Meat and Poultr y Supply Chain, which dedicates resources to expand independent processing capacity These actions help to lower food costs by spurring competition and strengthening supply chains

USDA is partnering with the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund to provide more than $83 million in grants to 24 independent processors in 15 states under the Meat and Poultr y Processing Expansion Program The funding, made available through President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, will help build new processing plants, create hundreds of jobs, give local producers and entrepreneurs better business opportunities, and give consumers more options at the grocery store For example:

• Simla Frozen Food Locker Co LLC is receiving a $450,000 grant to build a facility across the street from the existing facility in rural Colorado to expand processing capacity The company processes beef, hogs, chicken, turkeys, lamb, goats and wild game This project will allow the family-run business to receive USDA inspec-

Poultr y Industr y

Continued from PAGE 1

in food safety without implementing a final product standard for salmonella in turkey products, we will diligently review and provide meaningful comment on the proposal NTF believes any standard should be science-based and should not impose unnecessary costs and product destruction for members of the U S turkey industry

“As we delve deeper into the Salmonella Framework, NTF is committed to continuing our engagement with FSIS to develop comprehensive strategies that will advance this crucial priority while reflecting the concerns of NTF members expressed throughout this policy progression ”

In 2009, the annual economic cost of salmonellosis, the illness caused by the salmonella bacterium, was $2 65 billion, according to Partnership for Food Safety Education, citing the USDA’s Economic Research Service The cost factors in medical expenses, lost productivity at jobs and, in some cases, death

“Foodborne illness is much more than the ‘stomach flu,’” the PFSE said in a report, “and is a serious health issue and economic burden for consumers

“For these reasons, food safety and public health officials agree that along with aggressive efforts to identify, assess and control microbiological hazards associated with each segment of the food production system, teaching everyone about safe food handling must be a national priority Con-

tion and sell locally produced proteins into wholesale markets such as restaurants and grocer y stores The company expects to serve 160 additional producers and create four full-time jobs through this project

• McRez Packing International LLC is receiving a $390,000 grant to refurbish a previously mothballed industrial facility in New York to expand processing capacity

The company is a new small processor of cattle, hogs, chicken, turkey, sheep and goats Target customers are local, underserved farmers and dairy and beef producers The project is expected to serve up to 2,500 new producers and create 110 fulltime jobs

• North State Processing LLC is receiving a $10 million grant to build a new facility in Hamlet, N C , to process cattle, ostrich, emu, water buffalo and alpaca A new processing company created by local and experienced North Carolina producers, the company anticipates ser ving 37 producers and creating 54 full-time jobs through this project

• NF Packing Inc is receiving a $1 4 million grant to build and equip a processing facility for its start-up business in Walworth County, Wis The company anticipates serving 75 producers and creating 20 full-time jobs as a result of this project

USDA’s Rural Development has provided 59 awards totaling over $291 4 million through MPPEP to expand processing capacity and strengthen the food supply chain MPPEP is funded by the American Rescue Plan

sumers, as the last stop in the farm-to-table continuum, have an important role to play in reducing their risk of foodborne illness ”

U S consumers eat more chicken than beef, pork or turkey, according to the Centers for Disease Control

Raw poultry can be contaminated with campylobacter, salmonella or clostridium perfringens About 1 35 million Americans get sick and more than 400 die from eating contaminated poultry annually, according to the CDC, with most cases being caused by contaminated food According to the USDA, 125,000 salmonella infections were caused by affected chicken and 43,000 from turkey

The USDA’s proposed rule mandates poultry companies to keep salmonella levels under a threshold and test for six of the most dangerous forms of salmonella, three that are found in chicken and three in turkey

Raw meat that exceeds the threshold cannot be sold and must be recalled

Emilio Esteban, the USDA undersecretar y for food safety, told the Associated Press that industry efforts to curb salmonella haven’t been enough as incidents of salmonella poisoning haven’t declined

The proposed rule would also force poultry companies to set up monitors to identify contamination during the slaughter system It also suggests ways to lower the risk of salmonella from spreading throughout flocks during har vest, which includes vaccinating the animals

While the rule was proposed three years ago, the USDA sent shudders through the

USDA is awarding $26 9 million to 33 projects in 23 states through the Local Meat Capacity grant program to expand processing within the meat and poultry industr y This builds on the first round of $9 5 million awarded to 42 projects announced in March

This second set of awards through Local MCap is for both Equipment Only and Processing Expansion project types Simplified equipment only projects fund projects from $10,000 to $250,000 to purchase processing equipment such as meat grinders, stuffers and smokers Processing expansion projects are eligible to receive between $100,000 and $5 million to increase processing or rendering capacity through activities such as facility upgrades, equipment purchases and training For example:

• White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Ga , is a family-owned meat company that will use a Local Meat Capacity grant to support the cost of converting its poultry processing facility into a dual use facility that can also process lambs, goats and hogs It is anticipated this will expand their livestock processing capacity by 30 percent

• Nordik Meats is a small, independently owned meat processing facility in southwest Wisconsin The business will use a Local Meat Capacity grant to purchase a grinder, a meatball maker and packaging equipment to expand processing capacity and ser ve an additional 50 local producers The equipment will provide local producers with the ability to create new value-added products for local

industr y this spring when, for the first time, it labeled salmonella as an adulterant in food, just as E coli has been Martin Bucknavage, a Pennsylvania State University food scientist, told the Associated Press that poultry producers will struggle to track bacteria, given the urgency of supplying poultry to a hungry nation, but with time, will adjust He expressed hope that the new rule may decrease salmonella illness incidents

“Certainly, lowering the level of salmonella lowers your risk of getting ill,” Bucknavage told the AP

In the mid-1990s, deadly E coli outbreaks led the USDA to create a similar rule for beef, which has cut related illnesses in half, according to the AP Esteban noted that technology has caught up to the point where salmonella can be better tracked, so the industry should be able to adjust to protect the food supply

The European Union called its salmonella abatement programs “ a major success story ” In 2004, more than 200,000 cases were reported With rules enacted starting in 2006, by 2014, salmonella illness cases dropped to fewer than 90,000 in the 28 EU countries

The EU’s first regulation targeted reducing salmonella in laying hens to cut incidents from contaminated eggs The second involved reducing salmonella in poultr y through mandatory vaccination starting in 2008 for laying hens

“Salmonella is one of the most prevalent food-borne diseases in the EU, affecting thousands of people every year, sometimes with ver y serious consequences, ” said

consumers, maximize the value of their animals, utilize byproducts and increase animal harvest Nordik Meats will increase the number of livestock processed annually by 100 percent over two years, implement new processing technologies, train 12 existing staff, hire four new employees and benefit 350 local small family farms

• Seven Hills Food Co in Lynchburg, Va , is a full-service meat packaging company and a wholesaler of premium meat products sourced from small local family farms The company will use a Local Meat Capacity grant to make plant enhancements to address bottlenecks hindering plant capacity while adding rendering capacity, new value-added products and a farmer liaison for coordinating expanded production This will support producers and meat companies in achieving the necessary scale, product quality and efficiencies to access institutional and wholesale accounts

In April 2023, USDA announced up to $75 million available for Local MCap to fund innovative projects designed to build resilience in the meat and poultry supply chain by providing producers with more local processing options and strengthening their market potential This grant program is targeted to support meat and poultr y processors with smaller-scale projects, with a goal to increase processing availability and variety for local and regional livestock producers

The program is administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service and is authorized by the American Rescue Plan GN

Markos Kyprianou, Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection “However, simple measures can greatly cut down the risk this disease poses to public health

“Reducing the incidence of salmonella at farm level will lower its incidence through the rest of the food chain, and help meet the ultimate objective of protecting EU consumers ”

Subsequent rules over the years strengthened the abatement program

Now, broiler flocks must be tested between 21 and 28 days for salmonella All other flocks must be tested 10 to 14 days before slaughter

All flocks that test positive must be slaughtered Repopulating flocks on the site of the contamination is banned until they test negative for salmonella

Hatcheries are banned from receiving eggs from contaminated flocks Egg supplies from those flocks must stop All unhatched eggs must be recovered, destroyed and disposed of properly

However, a salmonella outbreak spread over several EU countries and the United Kingdom broke out in the fall of 2011 and persisted through 2023 Of the 300 reported cases, 23 needed hospitalization and one person died

The European Food Safety Authority traced the outbreak to frozen steamcooked chicken breast products from Ukraine, which is not part of the EU Since the products’ shelf life expired in late 2023, experts say they expect cases to dwindle

The EFSA advised further investigation to identify undetected routes of exposure GN

Sam’s Club MAP Launches Display Ads In Scan & Go Feature for In-Store Deals

Sam’s Club announced Sam’s Club Member Access Platform is launching display ads in the Scan & Go experience to help members easily find more products while they shop in-club

This innovative capability integrates physical and digital shopping journeys to provide members with higher levels of convenience It also unlocks a new way to measure member shopping behavior and ad performance in-club with MAP’s closed-loop attribution This capability will help advertisers reach more Sam’s Club members and deliver a more engaging experience, as part of the company ’ s

broader approach to digital engagement

Sam’s Club MAP is the first retail media platform to integrate ads in a mobile, selfcheckout app experience Scan & Go, a feature of the Sam’s Club mobile app, al-

lows members shopping in-club to use their mobile devices to scan items as they

Choose Grains

Continued from PAGE 1

The top five trends driving consumer purchasing decisions involve ingredients that matter, heritage foods, adding with intent, the desire to do good and indulgence

Half of U S consumers say they want something made from grains when they eat out or make meals at home Younger consumers are really driving the trend toward grains

“Encouragingly, grain positivity is high with the younger demographic of 18-34 year olds,” according to the report “They are foundationally and passionately connected to grains ”

Nearly 60 percent of those sur veyed agreed that grains are “the cornerstone of the American food landscape,” with 44 percent saying a good meal isn’t “ complete” without a grain-based food such as bread or pasta

Consumers also consider buying grains a good value in a time of increased food prices More than 50 percent said grains are an affordable way to eat nutritionally

While consumers are becoming more familiar with the range of grains, 41 percent say they want to learn more and 43 percent say they’d eat more if they knew more about them

“Quinoa, sorghum and buckwheat are all gaining traction with the younger demographic,” according to the report, “and 47 percent of all U S consumers surveyed say they try to learn about different grains so they can incorporate them into their diets, behavior that is driven by consumers ages 18-34 (54 percent) ”

Grains aren’t the only ingredient that matters to consumers, Trend to Table shows

“Consumers are often making their food decisions with ingredients as the primary decision-making factor In fact, nearly all (85 percent) of the consumers surveyed report that

shop, complete payment and skip the checkout line entirely Scan & Go adoption has surged by 50 percent in the past three years One in 3 members is a regular user Its Net Promoter Score regularly exceeds 90 Members who opt in will see display ads on the cart page that dynamically refresh after each new product scan, enhancing their shopping experience and helping them discover products as they check out with Scan & Go This feature enables advertisers to reach members at the point of conversion and may help drive incremental sales of associated or halo products

“This new capability reflects our member obsession and commitment to ensuring ads reach the right members at the right time in their shopping journeys,” said Diana Marshall, executive vice president and chief growth officer “Creating a closed loop, omnichannel advertising ex-

perience enables us to better understand member shopping behavior and ad performance, ensuring we keep the member experience at the forefront while helping our advertisers achieve their objectives ” Scan & Go’s core value proposition rests on skipping the checkout line Placing display ads within the checkout experience makes it even more convenient for members to complete their purchases The ads will provide measurable results to our advertisers, tracking metrics such as return on ad spend, click-through rate, incremental sales, conversion rate and other valuable results

At launch, several Sam’s Club MAP advertisers such as Unilever will utilize Scan & Go ads to reach more members Sam’s Club MAP’s new display ads in Scan & Go are available in all clubs for select members and will roll out to 100 percent of in-club traffic GN

ingredients play a role in their food selections ”

“Many consumers today start by seeking out specific ingredients on the benefits they deliver and the sourcing and processing methods – and then they look for the products that match,” said Lindsey Morgan, senior director of product marketing and innovation at Ardent Mills

Seventy-five percent of consumers who look for product information specifically seek the ingredients list More than half say they’re willing to pay more for foods that use whole or less-processed ingredients

This especially leaves a big door open for alternative grains, according to the report Pasta already is popular to ser ve at home, with 77 percent saying they eat pasta at least a few times a month Whole grain and chickpea pastas are in demand

If we learned anything from the pandemic, it’s that comfort foods will never cease to please, but consumers remain culinarily curious

“The benefits of food extend beyond the ingredients and eating experience,” according to the report, “while consumers agree their choices are influenced by the dishes they grew up with, those enduring flavors also inspire a desire for culinary exploration

“Overall, U S consumers in general are nurturing their culinary roots and ancestral cooking practices, but they are also embracing their sense of adventure by exploring new cultural cuisines ”

Fifty-one percent of consumers say food is part of their identity, with 63 percent saying their upbringing influences what they eat – especially for consumers aged 18-34

“Consumers are using food choices to define who they are today,” Morgan said “There’s an opportunity in the tension between the familiarity and the unknown elements of the future ”

Consumers see foods as a way to gauge how the outside world, peers and family

see them

“There are those familiar foods that have enduring meaning, but those flavors also inspire a wanderlust – and consumers are ready to experiment with new cultural cuisines,” Morgan said

Trend to Table found the top cuisines

U S consumers enjoy are American (78 percent), Italian (70 percent), Mexican (70 percent), Chinese (62 percent), Japanese (37 percent), Spanish (36 percent), Greek (34 percent) and Thai (31 percent)

Consumers are weighing food choices against the benefits they offer, according to the report

“Seeking foods that add to and boost wellness goals is a top priority for today’s consumers who are more focused on mindful dietary decisions that will benefit their health and wellness, with restrictive practices taking a backseat

“It sounds simple, but it’s true: consumers just want to feel good about their food choices by adding nutritional elements and favorable taste to their selections ”

Schueller said personal dietary goals are now motivated by positive aspects rather than the removal or avoidance mindsets of the past Eighty percent agree that “good for you ” foods are a priority for dietary goals

“Today’s consumers don’t want to restrict as much as add in the foods and ingredients that fulfill their wellness goals and investment in food is at an all-time high,” Schueller said

Consumers aren’t afraid to experiment, either

“It’s more of a trial and error, ” Schueller said “People are giving one food or ingredient a try, and if it works out, great! If it doesn’t, then they’re on to the next item ”

When it comes to topics such as sustainability and regenerative agriculture, consumers crave more information to explain them so they know what aligns with their own sustainability goals Fifty-seven of consumers want more information on how their food choices positively impact the planet, according to the report

The desire to choose foods that help the planet is often overwhelmed by the lack of credible information, especially for households with children and those living in the western United States

“The sustainability movement is driven by earnestness and an awakening to what the implications are for the future,” Morgan said “They’re starting to see the bigger picture when it comes to not just their own health, but the planet ”

“Behaviors are starting to follow at scale,” Schueller said, “with nearly half (47 percent) agreeing they seek foods that are not only good for them but good for the planet – grown and processed with fair treatment of all workers in the supply chain ”

Ardent Mills advises ingredient suppliers and manufacturers to incorporate more sustainable practices and find ways to connect with consumers to help them feel like they’re making a difference Practices such as regenerative agriculture, insisting on organic ingredients and adopting sustainable goals can justify higher prices, especially with younger generations and households with children

“They are unapologetic and happy before, during and after a great eating experience,” Morgan said “There are no concessions, no math and no compromising or trade-offs –no hesitance or reluctance ”

Consumers still want their savory indulgences, too, according to the report Nearly half of all consumers eat restaurant pizza a few times a month or more, with 55 percent agreeing that “pizza is America’s national food ”

After eating homemade sweet baked goods, consumers say they feel indulgent (33 percent), satisfied (30 percent), comforted (25 percent) and joyful (20 percent)

The sur vey also found two-thirds of consumers agree that “baking from scratch” is a way to show someone you care – something perhaps everyone knows, but now it’s backed by science GN

Get S aucy

Dips & sauces sweep the market

Forget the “does pineapple belong on a pizza?” argument That’s so 2012

Nowadays, the question is, “What do you dip your pizza into?”

And not just pizza Driven by Gen Z foodies who like to dip, drench and sauce almost ever ything they eat, dips and sauces are a booming market

In its 2022 Flavor Survey, Innova found that 39 percent of consumers said they enjoy experimenting with flavors with sauces, seasonings and toppings Thirtyfour percent of consumers consider which sauces and condiments are available when deciding where to eat out

“Pizza is one of my favorite things and in the world of dips and sauces, it’s trendy and on the forefront of pizza,” said Kim Sayid, Italian cuisine expert and country manager for the Ponti brand, the top vinegar brand in Italy and creator of balsamic glaze

“The pizza industr y is much more evolved than it used to be,” she said “When I was growing up, it was either square or round pizza Today, there are 10, 20, 30 styles of pizza ”

Renowned chef Tony Gemignani, the 13-time World Pizza Cup champion, uses Ponti products exclusively in his restaurants

With Sayid charged with breaking into the U S market, Ponti is primed to make its mark as a premium source of dips and sauces

“Any Italian person or company aspires to come over to the United States,” Sayid said The U S is seen as the last frontier of the market It’s a ver y difficult and challenging market for retail It’s extremely costly, but we continue to move for ward by investing a tremendous amount ”

Part of the reason is that while Americans are food adventurous, they’re not always comfortable with unfamiliar products

“Many people in America are afraid to use vinegar,” Sayid said “They love balsamic vinegar ”

Almost 80 percent of balsamic vinegar is sold in restaurants

“Where glaze comes into play, it’s like ketchup It’s easy to squirt on fish sticks, chicken nuggets It elevates food such as salmon, scallops – any fish or meat – as well as vegetables and even desserts ”

Ponti sees glazes as a prime opportunity in the U S market The company ’ s bread and butter product – wine vinegar –is a challenge, though

Sayid said It doesn’t help that a majority of p r o d u c t s claiming to be Italian sold in the United States are banned in Italy because of the standards set by the consortium that assures high quality

Ponti embraces its traditions as a ninegeneration family company that’s been making vinegar for 250 years – always within the same family Recipes are handed down, generation to generation

Ponti’s Balsamic Vinegar is the No 1 selling branded balsamic vinegar on the planet, Sayid said, produced in its classic, patented bottle

While staying true to its heritage, Ponti has continued to evolve its product line over the years to accommodate global flavors This led to the creation of balsamic glaze in the early 2000s Now, Ponti brings its newly developed line of glazes to American shores

“One of my favorites is Soy Glaze,” Sayid said “I love to put it on sushi It’s so

When consumers were deprived of going to restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, they brought balsamic vinegar home to recreate their favorite menu items

“During the pandemic year and the year after, sales of balsamic vinegar were strong,” Sayid said “But since 2022, the category on the whole has been either flat or declining

“People may have gone back to the restaurants again ”

But balsamic vinegar glazes continue to be popular

“During the pandemic, consumers may have tried it for the first time and liked it,”

she said “People want to have that perfect balance of vinegar with the sweet

“Many people have had such a bad experience with poor quality products, they think, ‘Oh, I don’t like wine vinegar,’”

on sushi but avocado toast, which is super popular in America, also fried rice, truffle fries, many foods where you want that salty/sweet condiment ”

“You can put it on anything, either as a salad dressing or for marinating red meat in the summer But there are so many more uses and applications,” she said “Glazes are more approachable than balsamic vinegar itself ” As with other food trends, the younger generations are leading the way, giving opportunity to companies such as Ponti to introduce their quality ingredients to recipes

“Sushi didn’t exist when I was growing up, ” Sayid said “But children today are eating it and they love seafood

“Younger generations are definitely

driving the taste of the future They’re clearly more elevated and advanced in their tastes than we were as children So we need to be so much more advanced as a food company ”

Ponti proudly touts itself as the world’s first vinegar product to apply for, and receive B Corp status

“Sustainability is equally as important as sales and profits,” Sayid said “Ponti has been responsible to its roots, where the food comes from, from Day One ” Coming up, Ponti plans to build on its relationship with Gemignani as he continues to use Ponti in his restaurants as well as setting out to sea with the pizza chef on Princess Cruises Gemignani has created five pizzas for the popular cruise line, using his beloved Ponti glazes

Ponti also plans on building on its partn e r s h i p w i t h P i z z a U n i v e r s i t y i n B e l t s v i l l e , M d , w h e re p i z z

c h e f s a n d other professional chefs hone their pizza making skills

And while the storied vinegar continues to innovate with new products, it also explores different ways to incorporate its products in new ways, including promoting its glazes in cocktails

“It’s another way to incorporate vinegars in your lifestyle and it makes amazing cocktails,” she said “Desserts, ice cream, cheesecakes, there are lots of ways to use vinegars in your food ”

And then there’s cheese

“Cheese is a great entry point with balsamic glaze,” Sayid said “It’s a baby step, the perfect way to get to know balsamic glaze ” GN

The Land of Balsamico

Consortia Promote Balsamic Vinegar in US

The Balsamic Vinegar of Modena & Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena Consortia have brought The Land of Balsamico, a collaborative project that unites their shared goals and mission, to the United States

The venture aims to protect and promote both Balsamic Vinegar of M Traditional Balsamic Vine PDO In addition, the two c to explore new market op and continue to establish t of the beloved Modenese home and abroad

A masterful interpreter Italian cuisine, Chef Mis Robbins will ser ve as th initiative’s chef ambassado Robbins owns and helm celebrated Williamsbur restaurants Lilia and MISI along with pasta and Italia specialty product line an boutique MISIPASTA

Her love of Italian cult began when she embarke an excursion to Norther where she worked in kitchens, from family-run torias to Michelin-rated r grew intimate with the co and cooking Robbins quic long-lasting admiration for the simplicity, regional inspiration and innate focus on quality ingredients – including Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

tected products that make the cuisine so special and unique,” Robbins said “I still remember my first visit to an acetaia, where these products are crafted You can not understand the ingredient until you see it in full production and learn the history behind it ”

“I have devoted the last 20-plus years of my career to studying the craft of Italian cooking, but more importantly to the pro-

Enrico Corsini, president of the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena Consortium, also ser ves as president of the newly formed entity; Balsamic Vinegar of Modena Consortium President Mariangela Grosoli is vice president

“This debut project will focus on mar-

kets abroad in particular, where these products are greatly copied and imitated,” Corsini said “Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is a protagonist of Made in Italy excellence on the world scene, and the United States is one of the countries with the highest export rate for this product; it strategic for us to participate like this one to increase edurotection around Traditional negar of Modena ” U S represents nearly 26 perour market,” Grosoli said, ch demonstrates that its conmers appreciate and seek out thentic, Italian products like alsamic Vinegar of Modena his is an opportunity to enorse authenticity, to dialogue with others in the industr y, nd to convey the complexity nd preciosity of the world of lsamico, both from a historipoint of view that sees cenes-old traditions at the heart h PGI and PDO products, as an economic one with a marifically that of PGI – that prond 100 million liters of ally for a global turnover that y a billion euros, with an exeeds the 90 percent ” Additional goals of the project include improving product placement through research and market studies; exploring potential export markets; and increasing marketing opportunities on a national, community, and international level The Land of Balsamico also hopes to develop

initiatives that reinforce economic competitiveness, promoting the online distribution of both Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PGI and Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PDO GN

Yaza Labneh Launches Nationwide in Whole Fo o ds Market

Yaza, a new brand of authentic Mediterranean labneh, has launched two flavors –Za’atar & Olive Oil and Plain – in select Whole Foods Market stores The high-protein dips are available in the refrigerated dip or deli departments

“I’m incredibly proud that our national launch in Whole Foods Market stores will

introduce authentic Mediterranean labneh to American kitchens for the first time,” said Karim Khalil, founder of Yaza Yaza Labneh is made according to the traditional recipe, using only whole milk and salt from a creamer y nestled in the Catskill Mountains Traditionally, labneh is made by straining pasteurized cultured

milk and salt through a cheesecloth overnight to remove the liquids and create a thick, delicious dip Yaza recreates this exact recipe at scale

“You’ll never find thickeners or additives in our labneh We make it the way people in the Mediterranean have been making it for centuries, and that will never change,” said Khalil Labneh is a healthy source of protein and probiotics that promote gut health Whether spreading it on warm pita bread, dipping crunchy veggies, layering it in your favorite wraps, or whisking it into a salad dressing, Yaza Labneh brings the Mediterranean into a kitchen GN

Truff Buffalo S auce Exp ands Hot S auce Offerings

Truff, the truffle brand known for reimagining and elevating pantry staples, has released Truff Buffalo Sauce, its newest hot sauce variation Truff Buffalo Sauce is a bright and flavorful fusion of the sophisticated elegance of black truffle, the tang of vinegar, the kick of cayenne and the lush silkiness of olive oil

Truff has brought truffle-infused products to a broad consumer base through its premium condiments line spanning hot sauce,

pasta sauce, mayonnaise, oil and salt Truff ’ s hero product, its hot sauce, is a leading seller in the natural channel and the fastest-growing hot sauce in conventional grocer y The new Buffalo Sauce is the brand’s latest addition on its quest to offer unparalleled flavor experiences

“Our take on buffalo isn’t just about reimagining a staple sauce; it’s a reflection of our commitment to enhancing the ever yday dining experience, ” said Nick Guillen, co-founder and co-CEO at

Truff “We thoughtfully combined luxury with tradition by incorporating the unmistakable, bold flavor of Truff with the timeless flavor of buffalo sauce The result is a culinary masterpiece we like to call Truffalo ” The new sauce will be available in 6ounce bottles topped with Truff ’ s distinctive truffle-inspired cap in a vivid orange Available online at truff com and on Amazon, Truff ’ s new Buffalo Sauce speaks to the brand’s track record of successfully putting a premium, stylized spin on consumer categories that have been historically dominated by legacy brands Truff has experienced groundbreaking

company growth since its launch in 2017

The brand’s distinctive flavor, high-quality ingredients, new product innovation and social following have helped it build a


The brand’s latest partnerships include launches with Lucasfilm, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen and The Super Mario Brothers Movie Most recently, the brand announced that SKKY Partners – Jay Sammons and Kim Kardashian’s private equity firm focused on high-growth, market-leading consumer brands – had acquired a significant minority stake in Truff GN

Ariston Sp ecialties Tuscan Herbs Infused Olive Oil

Ariston Specialties introduced Tuscan Herbs infused olive oil recently and this item has already become one of its topselling flavors

This infused olive oil is made from 100% Koroneiki Extra Virgin Olive oil that is sourced from Ariston’s own farms and from local farmers in the Messinias region of Greece, infused with herbs inspired by Tuscan cuisine

This Tuscan Herb infused oil pairs nicely with Ariston’s Sicilian Lemon Infused white Balsamic Vinegar for a sweet and zesty dressing combination or marinade

Primal Kitchen

Dipping S auces

Primal Kitchen has launched its first dipping sauces: Chicken Dippin’, Avocado Lime, Special Sauce and Yum Yum Sauce This collection of crave-worthy, restaurant-inspired Dipping Sauces is made with real ingredients such as avocado oil – no seed oils (no soybean or canola), no artificial sweeteners or cane sugar and no nonsense The line elevates everyday foods with just a drizzle, dollop or dunk, transforming them into easy meals and snacks everyone will love All dipping sauces are crafted with Primal Kitchen’s high standards in mind: They are made with avocado oil and real ingredients, have 2g or less of sugar per serving and are Non-GMO Project Verified, Certified Gluten Free, Certified Keto, Paleo Certified and Whole30 Approved

• Chicken Dippin’ With tangy notes from mustard and apple cider vinegar and sweetness from organic pear juice, this sauce will take nuggets and fried chicken sandwiches to a whole new level

• Avocado Lime Featuring real avocado and zesty lime juice, this sauce adds a fresh kick to tacos and burritos

Bellucci Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Bellucci Italian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil combines the subtle flavors of Biancolilla, Nocellara and Cerasuola cultivars to tantalize your taste buds Subtle notes of pepper give way to ripe fruit, with hints of tomato and fresh herbs making this the perfect pairing for comfort foods, meats, and roasted or sauteed veggies

Bellucci was formed by a cooperative of farmers who are passionately devoted to preserving the land and their cultural heritage Use the traceability app and the unique lot code imprinted on the label to follow each bottle back to its birthplace in rural Italy – before ever leaving the grocery store

Ariston Tuscan Herbs is an amazing addition to pasta, baked chicken dishes, tomato sauces, soups, hummus, sautéed vegetables or even to spread on bread to enhance the flavor of an Italian sandwich or “grinder,” as they say in New England, where Ariston Specialties’ U S headquarters is located

Ariston Tuscan Herbs Infused Olive oil is also a wonderful addition to grilling meats, chicken or tuna steaks “Kali orexi,” as they say in Greek, or “buon appetito” in Italian!

Order online at Faire or email Ariston for more information to get these delicious products in your store

Ariston Specialties orders@aristonfoods com faire.com/direct/aristonspecialties www aristonfoods com

Spiceolo gy Tomatador

Spiceology, known for its Periodic Table of Flavor and innovative spice blends, has launched its latest signature blend: Tomatador, a Spanish-inspired Mediterranean blend

The ultra-versatile blend features Spanish-inspired ingredients of real tomato powder, smoky paprika, a zing of vinegar and balanced herbs

According to Spiceology’s national survey, 66 percent of U S home cooks are regularly using spice blends in their cooking; more people are opting for blends over individual core ingredients because they’re versatile, easy to use and instantly elevate the flavor of a dish

and dark greens, eggs, seafood, pork, poultry, in beef marinades, breads, nuts, olives, potato salad, pasta dishes, soups, stews, chilis, salad dressing, sauces, compound butters, a Bloody Mary and other cocktails

Cooks can also layer the flavor and pair Tomatador with other Spiceology signature blends, including Greek Freak Mediterranean blend, Smoky Honey Habanero and Black Magic Cajun Blackening blend

• Yum Yum Sauce Light, sweet and tangy, drizzle this sauce on steak, shrimp, chicken and veggies

Primal Kitchen www.primalkitchen.com

Tomatador can be used in infinitely versatile ways, including with root vegetables

Spiceology www spiceology com

Gundry MD Polyphenol-Rich Olive Oil

Crafted by Dr Steven Gundry, a worldrenowned cardiothoracic surgeon and regenerative medicine practitioner, this olive oil is supercharged with up to 30 times more hydroxytyrosol polyphenols than many conventional olive oils, which can help support heart health, soft skin, a healthy weight and so much more Gundry MD

P o l y p h e n o l - R i c h

Olive Oil is a “supercharged” olive oil designed to elevate the olive oil experience Sourced from exceptionally potent Moroccan olive trees, this olive oil is rich in hydroxytyrosol, a natural polyphenol that promotes overall health Its high polyphenol content gives it a distinctive, robust and slightly bitter flavor, which may take some getting used to

Incorporating Gundry MD PolyphenolRich Olive Oil into your diet can support various aspects of health, including a slim and healthy physique, heart health and blood flow, enhanced concentration and more comfortable joints and muscles

Additionally, because it supports gut health, this olive oil can contribute to softer, more hydrated skin and support the immune system

Dr Gundry recommends incorporating Gundry MD Polyphenol-Rich Olive Oil into a daily routine by drinking a “shot” of it each day Or use it as a finishing touch on foods, with balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing

Gundr y MD www drgundr y com

Bragg Live Fo o d Pro ducts ‘Energy’ Supplement

Aligning with consumer demand, Bragg Live Food Products has increased nationwide distribution of its 90-count Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) “Energy” Supplement into retail stores, including 2,955 Walmart locations

Made with Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar plus six essential B vitamins, the “Energy” Supplement supports a steady flow of energy at the cellular level Unlike stimulants, this potent formulation delivers fuel to cells, powering them to be more efficient so people feel stronger and ready to take on the day

dose – the same amount as one tablespoon of Bragg Organic liquid ACV

Each daily serving of three capsules of the “Energy” Supplement provides 750mg of acetic acid, the efficacious (effective)

In addition to the “Energy” Supplement launch, Bragg is also expanding distribution of its core Apple Cider Vinegar Supplement to approximately 300 additional stores, bringing total distribution up to 3,835 Walmart stores nationwide Bragg’s total supplement distribution at Walmart stores will increase by nearly 93 percent with the expansion of its core ACV Supplement and the launch of its “Energy” Supplement

Bella Sun Luci Italian Kitchen Line

Mooney Farms proudly unveils the latest additions to its esteemed Bella Sun Luci Italian Kitchen Line: Meyer Lemon and Champagne Vinaigrette Crafted with 100 percent olive oil and the finest quality ingredients, these new vinaigrettes exemplify the commitment to premium taste and health-conscious choices

Unlike many vinaigrettes on the market, Bella Sun Luci’s Meyer Lemon and Champagne Vinaigrettes are completely seed oil free, offering a healthier alter native for discer ning palates By exclusively using olive oil as the base, they ensure not only exceptional flavor but also a healthier option for our customers

The Meyer Lemon and Champagne vinaigrettes complement the existing line of Califor nia Orange, Sonoma with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Aged Balsamic Vinaigrette

True to the tradition of excellence, Bella Sun Luci’s entire vinaigrette product line

is meticulously crafted with premium ingredients, ensuring a delightful experience with every drizzle The Italian Kitchen line of vinaigrettes offers a harmonious blend of extra virgin olive oil sourced from the Mooney Family’s cherished olive groves and delicately sweetened with pure, raw honey from Califor nia hives

Bursting with the vibrant essence of sunkissed lemons harvested from the picturesque coasts of Califor nia, the Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette is crafted with lemons and aromatic basil, this vinaigrette offers a delicious flavor that elevates any dish Champagne Vinaigrette offers a complex flavor profile of rich mustard and champagne vinegar made from grapes harvested from the Napa Valley

Bella Sun Luci www bellasunluci com

Moresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Authentically Moroccan Moresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil brings together the elements of Morocco to protect the health and soul

The olives grown in Moresh’s orchards are warmed by the Moroccan sun and enriched by the Moroccan soil

These olives for Moresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil generate a higher polyphenol content compared to other growing regions

Cold pressed within hours of harvest, Moresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a balanced flavor with a low acidity Though 100 percent Moroccan, Moresh is crafted to be used for all cuisines The versatility of Moresh allows the home cook to reach for this olive oil every day

The image of the open hand has been seen as a sign of blessings, power and strength, while deflecting the evil eye Moresh’s hamsa signifies how its olive oil nourishes the

body while protecting the heart and soul CHO, the largest olive oil

Africa, is known for its mod-

the premium olive oil industry CHO’s expertise in agriculture and milling offers full

Ariston Sp ecialties

Pesto Infused Olive Oil

Tre a t c u s t o m e r s t o s o m et h i n g t r

award-winning with Ariston S

2018 in the Los Angeles Inter national Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Ariston’s Pesto is an infusion of fresh basil, pine nuts and a touch of garlic infused in 100 percent extra virgin olive oil from Greece It’s perfect for salads, pasta dishes, focaccia breads, piz-

zas and bread dipping, and it pairs perfectly with Ariston’s Traditional Balsamic This product is a premium infused olive oil at a reasonable price It will generate profits for a store and excitement in customers Ariston is available to answer questions about its products, olive oil production and Ariston’s owners’ family history of making olive oil Product samples are available

Ariston Specialties orders@aristonfoods com faire.com/direct/aristonspecialties www aristonfoods com

MarDona Stuffed Olive Collection

MarDona has launched a gourmet olive snack line with quality fresh olives stuffed with the finest gourmet treats

heat and olive

Ariston Risotto from Italy (Truffle, Porcini, 4-Cheese, Pumpkin and Seafood)

Ariston Infused Sea Salts

dark glass bottle to protect the oil

CHO America 281 712 1549 www.cho-america.com

The Savory Blue cheese is a perfect balance of the olive and cheese The Turkish Red-Hot Pepper is just what the label says, very hot! The Garlic-Stuffed olive is made two ways: the Natural Garlic insert and the Italian-Style, with spices in the brine, making the garlic stand out a little more And let’s not forget the Jalapeño Stuffed Olive with a good balance of

These five products join the other MarDona favorites: Mild or Hot Muffuletta, Olive Antipasto, the Mild or Hot Giardiniera, the Sweet and Spicy Garlic Cloves and the Spicy Brussels Sprouts

These items are great as snacks, salad additions, sandwich toppers and more

MarDona Specialty Foods 855 645 7772 www truffleoilsandmore com

Built by Bees Italian Style Tuscan Honey Vinegar

Built by Bees’ Tuscan Honey Vinegar is made exclusively from honey and honey mead It’s an Italian-style vinegar with a wonderful light and fragrant honey flavor and a sweet, mellow bite It makes an excellent dressing, marinade, dipping or finishing sauce It’s also sulfite, preservative, additive and gluten free Tuscan Honey Vinegar is all natural, with no artificial flavors or sweeteners There’s also no added sugar, high-fructose cor n syrup, chemicals or preservatives

Enjoy this superb and perfect complement to gourmet food pantries

A complement to many common dishes and sauces, some great uses include: basting poultry, roasted meats and seafoods; as a dipping sauce and in marinades; to enhance vegetable dishes; drizzled over mild cheeses and fresh sliced tomatoes; as a dressing for leafy green, potato, pasta and rice salads; on sandwiches and in coleslaw; drizzled over sliced fruit with ground black pepper; and as a finishing sauce for many foods

Built by Bees www builtbybees com


Ariston Specialties


www aristonspecialties com

http://faire com/direct/aristonspecialties

Ariston Specialties 860 263 8498

www aristonspecialties com

http://faire com/direct/aristonspecialties

Indulge in the exquisite taste of our line of authentic Italian Risottos from Italy. These risottos are made with 100 percent Italian Carnaroli rice with flavors all sourced from Italy and made in Italy. Ariston Risottos come in five varieties: Truffle, Porcini, 4-Cheese, Pumpkin and Seafood Tr y them all!

Tr y all Ariston’s line of infused authentic sea salts Greek Salad Sea Salt (inspired by summers in Greece), Garlic & Basil Infused Sea Salt (perfect for Italian inspired foods), Lemon & Turmeric infused Sea Salt (a bright taste of lemon and earthiness of Turmeric) and Smoked Sea Salt (adds a summer BBQ feel to any dish), Classic Sea Salt, Authentic Pink Himalayan Salt and 4-color Peppercorn All pair ver y well with Ariston’s line of oils and vinegars.


Plant Based World Exp o

Nor th America

Plant Based World Expo North America retur ns to the Javits Center this fall, Sept 11-12 New for this year, three theaters of content including an expert-led conference program are included in the pass Join thousands of food and beverage professionals coming together to discover the latest and greatest plant-based offerings

Develop a cross-category, storewide approach to developing your plant-based range with exhibitors you can meet at Plant Based World Find the right suppliers, make valuable connections, and gather business insights you need to make your store stand out to this rapidly growing (and highly valuable) consumer segment

With access to well-known and emerging brands, just-launched items, and proven best-sellers, you’ll source the

Fall River Wild Rice

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ” Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-protein goodness in seconds The only cereal grain native to North

items that will fly off your shelves – and differentiate your offerings in an increasingly competitive marketplace

Don’t miss the global plant-based gathering for retail and foodservice professionals Buyers attend for free or use code GOURMET20 for 20 percent off paid passes

Plant Based World Expo North America www.plantbasedworldexpo.com

Stonewall Kitchen

Chili Garlic No o dle S auce

Specialty food company Stonewall Kitchen is well known for crafting condiments, spreads and mixes that elevate everyday staples The new Chili Garlic Noodle Sauce is the latest example of its culinary creativity, providing the kick that simple meals need

As the name suggests, this sauce features fiery chili peppers and mellow notes of garlic balanced with soy sauce and brown sugar Packing an umami punch, it’s the secret to creating oodles of noodles brimming with piquant flavors

All that is required is heating the contents of one jar and combining it with one pound of cooked soba, udon or rice ver-


micelli Perfect for busy

e r s can enjoy a bowl as is or gar nish it with toppings such as softp o a c h e d eggs and pickled vegetables

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small growerowned cooperative in the Fall River Valley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges

Fall River Wild Rice 800.626.4366 www fallriverwildrice com

Tillen Farms Mar tini Medley

From crisp pickled veggies to sassy syrups, Tillen Farms sets the bar high for how cocktails should taste Perfect for mixing and mingling with your customers’ favorite drinks, the new Martini Medley is an exceptionally delicious way to shake up social gatherings

This sophisticated medley starts with green olives, onions and caper berries, which are then packed together in a savory brine Offering bold, bright flavors, these ingredients are gluten free, nonGMO and vegan

Customers will always want this jar on hand to enhance all types of martinis, including classic and dirty preparations as

well as oldf a s h i o n e d G i b s o n s Simply delicious enjoyed any time of the day, these g a r n i s h e s can even be used at brunch to gussy up Bloody Marys!

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

The French Farm is excited to introduce Bacanha’s Organic Syrup line to its esteemed retailers Blending tradition with moder n sustainability, these syrups offer a taste of Parisian craftsmanship that will captivate customers

Bacanha, translating to “beautiful and good” in Portuguese, lives up to its name with each bottle Crafted in Paris using sustainably harvested cane sugar from Brazil, Bacanha syrups reflect a commitment to environmental responsibility and premium quality Each flavor, from the zesty Organic Basil to the sweet Organic Vanilla, is a celebration of rich tastes and historical recipes

With Howard’s Cutting Board Cleaner, now the entire cleaning, oiling and conditioning process can be done from products manufactured by the same company, which gives consumers confidence that all three products will work together perfectly Ideal for cleaning and preparing wood surfaces before using Howard Butcher Block Conditioner or Cutting Board Oil

o d s u r f a c e , l e a v i n g i t s m e l l i n g f r e s h S p e c i a l l y f o r m u l a t e d f o r s a f e l y c l e a n i n g a n y w o o d s u r f a c e I n g re d i e n t s i n c l u d e c o c o n u t s o a p , c o c o n u t o i l , g l y c e r i n , s a l t , c i t r a l , l a u r y l g l u c o s i d e , l e m o n t e r p e n e s , f o o d g r a d e m i n e

Ho ward Pro ducts Cutting

Crave Brothers Marinated Fresh Mozzarella Ciliegine

Taste the real flavor of award-winning Fresh Mozzarella with Crave Brothers special blend of Marinated Fresh Mozzarella


Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese offers a variety of award-winning sizes of Fresh Mozzarella Crave’s

Marinated Ciliegine is sure to add not only value, but also versatility to your deli case

The milky fresh cheese blends perfectly with a subtle flavor of Italian herbs and spices and olive oil Market this item as an appetizer in a cup It is perfect for an easy app, a “cup” to pass, or as an ingredient for all of your home cooking! This is an item that is great year-round, not just seasonally

Ariston Tahini with Honey and Tahini with Co co a

The fall of 2024, Ariston Specialties will be launching two products, Ariston Tahini with Honey and Ariston Tahini with Cocoa spreads

Think of a favorite chocolatenut spread but not as sweet! Others who never had Ariston’s tahini spread described these spreads as something analogous to their favorite nut and peanut butter spread, but with sesame flavor instead

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese also is a sustainable family company They use the waste from their dairy herd to produce renewable energy with their on-site

a n a e r o b i c methane digesters, and they have for over 15 years now It is time to elevate and offer a product that consumers want – through matching their values and through offering a superior product that is sure to bring them back to your store looking for more

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese www cravecheese com

Fall River Wild Rice

The only cereal grain native to North America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small grower-owned cooperative in the Fall RiverValley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ”

Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cul-

Stonewall Kitchen

Strawb erry Fig Jam

The tahini is made from hulled sesame seeds (sourced from Greece) and ground to a creamy spread Then Ariston intro-

Tonnino Tuna for Kids

As the leading gourmet tuna brand in the United States, Tonnino prides itself on sustainable fishing practices widely respected for a preservation of quality and flavor

Tonnino shakes the canned seafood market with the launch of its first-ever tuna can specifically designed for kids, now available at Walmart This tuna offers a perfect blend of delicious taste and healthy convenience tailored to young palates These fun, kid-friendly varieties are packed with lean, protein-rich, dolphin-safe, combined with fresh diced vegetables

Each can is a standalone meal – pasta, pizza, tuna melt or mac and cheese –making healthy eating both easy and enjoyable for kids The packaging is eyecatching, featuring a friendly tuna character on a conveniently petite package The two standout varieties are Premium Yellowfin Tuna chunks with sweet

duces honey or cocoa to balance the nuttiness of the sesame with a touch of sweet honey or sweet cocoa –but not overly sweet

Both Ariston’s tahini spreads (both children and adult approved) will make a healthy hit at your store, at your own breakfast table or at your work’s break room area Ariston encourages you to try them

Please contact Ariston Specialties for more information by email or order them on Faire

Ariston Specialties orders@aristonfoods.com faire.com/direct/aristonspecialties www aristonfoods com

tivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well

Fall River Wild Rice


Ever since its start at a farmers’ market in 1991, jams, chutneys and jellies have l


Just take Strawberry Fig Jam: the sweet dynamic duo of juicy strawberries and honey-like figs pairs well with almond butter for a swanky PB&J, adds a touch of decadency to toast and elevates

Daiya Dairy-Free

For those who prefer snacking on cheese but don’t want the dairy, Daiya’s first dairy-free products stemming from its multi-million-dollar investment in fermentation technology are hitting shelves across the country


blend, the proprietary cultured ingredient is now the key component across Daiya’s

recipes for vinaigrettes

C u s t o m e r s can take any meal to the next level with this fruity spread that’s sure to be a berry fig deal!

Stonewall Kitchen www stonewallkitchen com

mentation, Daiya is perfecting the art of plant-based cheesemaking, the natural way

sticks – promising consumers a dairy-like melt and deliciously balanced cheesy flavor

By utilizing these proprietary vegan cultures, Daiya utilizes age-old fermentation methods to create a dairy-free cheese made from plants with characteristics that mimic traditional dairy products While many brands in the category continue to incorporate oil-based ingredients and GMO techniques, such as precision fer-

This latest innovation from Daiya directly addresses the challenges faced across the plant-based cheese category, primarily consumer demand for dairy parity and an inconsistency across taste and texture of products currently on shelf Key features and benefits across Daiya’s reformulated nondairy cheese products include melting just like dairy cheese, boasting a creamier, cheesy flavor, beingNonGMO Project Verified and made with g l y p h o s a t e - f r e e and certified gluten-free oats

The reformulated products will also unveil Daiya’s new visual identity, including a logo revamp, a new tagline – “100% Plant-based Even if you’re not ” – and a packaging overhaul The new look is set to speak to the growing market of “flexible” plant-based eaters while still paying homage to the original branding

Daiya www daiyafoods com

cor n in water (3 7 ounces) and Premium
Yellowfin Tuna with carrots and peas in vegetable oil (3 7 ounces)
Tonnino www tonnino

ASMI to Use $5M Boosting Overseas Markets, US Marketing

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute has secured over $4 million in new federal Regional Agricultural Promotion Program funding and was recently awarded two $500,000 Saltonstall-Kenedy grants

ASMI will use the RAPP funds to diversify and improve overseas markets for Alaska seafood, while the S-K grants are to be used to develop and market an Alaska Seafood pet food brand and increase the utilization and value of Alaska seafood through side-stream production, reshoring of value-added processing and neutral storage facilities

These efforts support ASMI’s mission to increase the economic value of the Alaska seafood resource

The Alaska seafood industr y seeks to emerge from the global market collapse that has put financial pressure on Alaska fishermen, fishing families, processors and seafood businesses ASMI credited the U S Department of Agriculture, the Foreign Agriculture Ser vice, USDA Secretar y Vilsack, the Alaska congressional delegation and others in Congress, as well as agency and congressional staff for their efforts to quickly create and execute the RAPP program

“The timing of the RAPP funds is wellaligned with the Alaska seafood industry’s

RAPP funds are intended to foster expanded exports and market diversification by encouraging the development, maintenance, and expansion of diverse commercial export markets for American agricultural commodities and products

Some expected uses of the funds include expanding trade, foodser vice, consumer, and other promotions in Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Middle East/ North Africa region and executing a feasibility study to examine Alaska Seafood export potential to India

RAPP funding will also allow ASMI to supplement its efforts in Japan, the United Kingdom and parts of Eastern Europe

The Saltonstall-Kennedy grants are part of a competitive grant program run by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries to address marketing and research needs Each project can be awarded up to $500,000 and must demonstrate direct benefits to U S fisheries and meaningful participation of fishing communities ASMI was awarded two of these grants, each to the maximum level allowable

The first grant is aimed at facilitating greater participation by the Alaska seafood


(dates sub ect to change)

Sept. 11-12

Plant Based World Expo

New York City, New York

www plantbasedworldexpo com

Nov 3-6

PACK EXPO International

Chicago, Illinois

www packexpointernational com

Nov 17-19

U.S. Private Label Show

Chicago, Illinios

www plmainternational com/events/usprivate-label-show-chicago

Jan. 19-21, 2025

Winter Fancy Food Show

Las Vegas, Nevada

www specialtyfood com

March 10-12, 2025

PACK EXPO Southeast

Atlanta, Georgia

www packexposoutheast com

March 16-18, 2025

Seafood Expo

Boston, Massachusetts

www seafoodexpo com

sector in the pet food market In 2022, the ASMI board of directors identified the strong potential for Alaska seafood products in this market

While U S pet food manufacturers purchased $893 million in fisheries products for use in cat and dog food in 2022, total agricultural products purchased by the sector were $6 9 billion This grant award will allow ASMI to create resources for the Alaska seafood industry to target the valuable pet food sector

For the second project, ASMI and numerous partners will collaborate to capture the current value-added products being made in Alaska and compare them with successful products developed in Iceland to determine which could be applied to Alaska seafood processes and species, as

well as the reshoring of some processing to the United States

Existing reports and information are insufficient for most industr y members to determine what products they could produce, what challenges (and relevant solutions) may exist, and how best to implement them

“I am incredibly appreciative of the hard work and dedication of ASMI staff and our industry partners to apply for, and receive, grant funds from the Saltonstall-Kennedy program – this is a very competitive program, ” Woodrow said “The $500,000 grants will allow ASMI to create and develop new marketing materials and resources that will add value and new business opportunities throughout the Alaska seafood industry ” GN

Prime Shrimp Expands Retail Footprint in Northwest

Prime Shrimp is expanding its footprint of retail accessibility to the Pacific Northwest through three key retailers: Yoke’s Fresh Markets, Rosauer’s Supermarkets and Super 1 Foods Four flavors of Prime Shrimp’s popular boil-in-bag frozen shrimp and sauce product are available at 54 locations across the three retailer banners

“We are excited with the newfound partnership and the opportunity to innovate within our frozen seafood offerings The store support and follow-through has made the launch seamless,” said David Howell, meat & seafood director at Yoke’s Fresh Market “We look forward to continuing this successful partnership ”

Backed by nearly 80 years of seafood industry knowledge and experience, Prime Shrimp creates value-added seafood products to get more people eating more shrimp more often

The brand’s flagship product offers sustainably sourced seasoned or sauced shrimp in a vacuum-packed boil-in-bag format unlike anything else seen in common seafood aisles today The cook method eliminates burdens associated with cooking shrimp, including unpleasant smell, thaw and prep time, mess and handling of raw seafood

Prime Shrimp expands to Yoke’s Fresh Markets, Rosauer’s Supermarkets and Super 1 Foods through partnership with URM Stores Inc Located across Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon, the three retailers together ser ve a significant portion of the Pacific Northwest community

The retailers will offer all four flavors from Prime Shrimp’s Shrimp & Sauce line: Prime Shrimp Garlic Herb Butter, Prime Shrimp French Quarter Alfredo, Prime Shrimp New Orleans Style BBQ, and Prime Shrimp Soy Ginger

“We’re thrilled to make our sauced product line accessible to customers in the Pacific Northwest,” said Dylan Leftwich, account manager at Prime Shrimp “This expansion marks another major milestone toward our mission to make shrimp an easy choice of protein for home cooks everywhere ”

Available in a range of sauced and seasoned varieties, Prime Shrimp’s complete collection of frozen shrimp products are carefully peeled, deveined and packed with precision in the United States, delivering unmatched freshness and quality Sourced from sustainable aquaculture facilities in Ecuador, Prime Shrimp is BAP Certified and free from chemical abuse

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