Kitchenware News • May 2024

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V o l 3 0 • I s s u e 3 M a y 2 0 2 4 • $ 7 0 0 FEATURED PRODUCT S’well SEE PAGE 20 FEATURED PRODUCT Franmara SEE PAGE 21 FEATURED PRODUCT Wrapmaster Home SEE PAGE 20 w w w k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s c o m Th e I n s p i re d H o m e S h ow B u i l d s o n S u cce ss BY A.J. FLICK W ith a reinstituted three-day schedule, The Inspired Home S how 2024 was a whir lwind of activities with bustling exhibit halls, informative keynotes and constant networking Near ly 30,000 home and housewares professionals from more than 120 countries attended the show, according to the International Housewares Association Cont on page 18 Elevating Kitchens SEE PAGE 7 Celebrating Summer More Fun SEE PAGE 8 A d v e r t i s e r I n d e x 2 2 Keeping on Track SEE PAGE 4

editor from the

W hen it comes to The Inspired Home Show, my first thought is always, “I’ ll take one of ever ything ” Good thing I’m not a buyer and I don’t have enough room in the house for ever ything I want But I still felt like that at this year ’ s show

I had barely stepped onto the North Hall floor when I was greeted by a familiar and pleasing sight: blue transfer ware If you haven’t seen me mention my obsession with, er, appreciation of transfer ware – specifically British transfer ware, particular ly from the Johnson Brothers – just know that I c an’t pass by transfer ware without turning it over to see who made it I’m not going to mention this brand, but it was labeled as British ceramicware from an Italian brand and made in Malaysia Luckily, I could pass on that

At this year ’ s gia Awards ceremony, I was seated with the team from F inaMill They were excited to be there, especially since the company ’ s newest product, F inaPod GM, was up for an award in kitchen electrics The whole table cheered when the F inaPod GM won the gia. The last time I saw the team at the af terparty, they were still grinning and taking turns getting photos with the award

One of my must-sees was the GreenPan booth because I wanted to see the Stanley Tucci Cookware Collection No, he wasn’t there But there was an eye-catching display with his photo propped up among the pots and pans.

But I almost didn’t see it W hy? Because the GreenPan display next to this collection transported me to another time and place It was the kitchen collection of my childhood dreams: a set of cookware as well as a waffle maker, electric cookers and utensils - all in a creamy pink Not bright Barbie pink, but creammmmy pink with stainless steel hand les and controls

I stood before the display and wondered if it would all fit in my suitcase Kidding But it ’ s a beautiful set Oh, yes, the Stanley Tucci Collection was nice, too The pans feel well balanced These are my recollections of looking at the Tucci Collection as my eyes kept being drawn back to the pink collection.

Believe it or not, there are things at the Home Show that catch my eye and it isn’t because of its style or color This year, it was the BinClaw garbage bin locking device It was created after the inventors picked up garbage from their bin spewn across a neighbor ’ s yard for the umpteenth time They did research, but all of the bin locking devices weren’t right for their needs

There are neighborhoods in my hometown of Tucson that have problems with raccoons and javalinas getting into the garbage At some point, homebuilders began sinking a garbage bin-sized container into the ground with a locking lid to keep the critters out W ith the evolution of garbage bins into the now-familiar green and blue containers, residents learn to keep the bins stored until it ’ s time to set them out for the garbage truck

BinClaw hooks onto the back hand lebar of the bin, stretches across the top and hooks on the lid to open or on the front apron to lock in place – using just one hand On pickup day, hook the BinClaw onto the wheel axle below the hand lebar.

Take that, smelly javalinas No, wait, you won’t be able to! Until next time, stay safe and take care KN

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 2 PUBLISHER Kimberly Oser PRESIDENT Tara Neal VICE PRESIDENT Abeer Abiaad PRESIDENT OF SALES Anthony Socci anthony s@oser com PRODUCTION MANAGER/ART DIRECTOR Yasmine Brown SENIOR EDITOR AJ Flick aj f@oser com EDITOR JoEllen Lowry CUSTOMER SERVICE customerservice@oser com CIRCULATION MANAGER Jamie Green jamie g@oser com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Heather Albrecht heather a@oser com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is a publication of Oser Communications Group Inc 1877 N Kolb Road • Tucson, AZ 85715 520 721 1300 www kitchenwarenews com FOUNDER Lee M Oser P e r i o d i c a l s p o s t a g e p a i d a t Tu c s o n A Z a n d a d d i t i o n a l m a i l i n g o f f i c e K i t c h e n w a re N e w s & H o u s e w a re s R e v i e w ( U S P S 0 1 2 - 6 2 5 ) i s p u b l i s h e d 7 t i m e s p e r y e a r ( J a n M a rc h M a y J u l y S e p t N o v a n d D e c ) b y O s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G ro u p 1 8 7 7 N K o l b R o a d Tu c s o n A Z 8 5 7 1 5 5 2 0 7 2 1 1 3 0 0 P u b l i s h e r a s s u m e s n o re s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r u n s o l i c i t e d material or prices quoted in newspaper Contributors are re s p o n s i b l e f o r p ro p e r re l e a s e o f p ro p r i e t a r y c l a s s i f i e d i n f o r m a t i o n © 2 0 2 4 b y O s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G ro u p A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d R e p ro d u c t i o n i n w h o l e o r i n p a rt without written permission of the publisher is expressly p ro h i b i t e d B a c k i s s u e s w h e n a v a i l a b l e c o s t $ 8 e a c h within the past 12 months Back issue orders must be p a i d i n a d v a n c e b y c h e c k K i t c h e n w a re N e w s & H o u s e w a re s R e v i e w i s d i s t r i b u t e d w i t h o u t c h a rg e i n North America to qualified professionals in the retail and d i s t r i b u t i o n c h a n n e l s o f t h e u p s c a l e k i t c h e n w a re a n d t a b l e t o p t r a d e F o r s u b s c r i b e r s e r v i c e s i n c l u d i n g subscription information call 520 721 1300 Printed in t h e U S A P O S T M A S T E R : S e n d a d d re s s c h a n g e s t o Kitchenware News & Housewares Review 1877 N Kolb Road Tucson AZ 85715
AJ F lick Senior Editor aj f@oser com

keeping Trackon

Skylight has launched Calendar Max, a 27-inch smart family calendar that helps busy families find c larity in the chaos of daily life. Inspired by customer feedback and demand for a larger screen that organizes and runs the household, the new Cal Max seamlessly syncs the family ’ s calendars and appointments, and features chore charts, color coding, meal planning and customizable to-do lists all in one centrally located, high-resolution, beautifully designed touchscreen display

Cal Max, which can be updated via the device itself or the free accompanying app, packs new features, inc luding an anti-glare display, interchangeable frames to match the decor of any home, and a thin, sleek design The device

takes inspiration from upscale interior design rather than traditional tech and features rounded corners, a floating mount and the flexibility to be installed in either landscape or portrait orientations

Cal Max is available for presale on S kylight ’ s website starting at $599 and will begin shipping to customers this June

“Families continue to tell us how our Calendar has helped to alleviate the mental load of running their household,”said Michael Segal, founder and CEO “In fact, our customers have used it to complete over 10 million chores in 2023 alone, and many couples have reached out to us calling it a ‘marriage saver ’

“Since launch, we have worked tirelessly to perfect our product through real-time customer feedback, and the larger, more beautiful, and more feature-packed Cal Max is the result of that work We believe it will quickly become the gold standard of how organized families turn chaos into c larity ” S ky light connects lo ved ones by creating the wor ld's simplest products and ser vices that improve family life The Skylight Frame is a touchscreen digital photo frame that users can send photos to within seconds Since launching in 2014, Skylight has grown to almost 6 million users and has become the No 1 best-selling brand of digital photo frames on Amazon KN

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 4


Global design company West Elm, a por tfolio brand of W illiams-Sonoma, Inc , has debuted a new collaboration with acclaimed interior designer, Billy Cotton The 25-piece collection of home pieces inc ludes furniture, tableware and decorative accessories designed to seamlessly incorporate into any space or aesthetic

For his first col lection with West Elm, Bil l y Cotton c e l e b r a t e s s i m p l e, t h o u g h t f u l Am e r i c a n d e s i g n T h e Architectural Digest ’ s AD100 designer ’ s acumen is evident throughout the collection Careful attention to detail and materiality was given to the assortment; neutral colors keep the eye focused on silhouettes, form and functionality

“ We’re so happy to present Billy ’ s first collection with West Elm,” said Day Kornbluth, president of West Elm “He is a designer in the truest sense – obsessed with how

beauty and function come together to improve our lives

We share a belief that great design is for ever yone and are proud to partner in bringing these fantastic pieces to life ”

“ W hen the opportunity to work with West Elm came, it was an immediate yes, ” Cotton said “I felt they were uniquely positioned to be able to bring fresh new American design to their broad customer base

“ We designed 25 pieces that people interact with daily T h e s e ve r y h i g h - t o u c h o b j e c t s b l e n d b o t h b e a u t y a n d practicality From your bed to your cereal bowl and dining chairs, I am excited to see these objects in people’s homes.”

Key items from the collaboration inc lude the Ceramic Shell Bowls, Bennett Lights, Checkered Rug, Lacquered Coffee Table and the Modular Cur ved Sofa

C o t t o n i s a mu l t i - d i s c i p l i n a r y A m e r i c a n d e s i g n fi r m

k n o w n f o r i t s e x p e r t r a n g e a n d s k i l l f u l i n t e r w e a v i n g o f c on t e m p o r a r y a n d h i s t o r i c a l s e n s i b i l i t i e s L e d by c re a t i ve d i re c t o r C o t t o n , t h e fi r m c re a t e s l u x u r i o u s b u t n u a n c e d environments full of modern detail Cotton layers together n o v e l c o l o r p a l e t t e s , c u s t o m f u r n i t u re, l i g h t i n g, s t r i k i n g a r t i f a c t s a n d w o r k s o f a r t t o a c h i e v e s o p h i s t i c a t e d i n t e r i o r s

The design team takes on residential and commercial projects Some of these are renovations, but more of ten the fi r m e xe c u t e s t o t a l o ve r h a u l s , re q u i r i n g g ro u n d - u p construction.

Cotton has been recognized on the Architectural Digest AD100 and Elle Décor A-list, and featured in publications such as The New York T imes, The Wall Street Journal and The Wor ld of Interiors, among others KN

www kitchenwarenews com MAY 2024 KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW 5

Hestan collaborations result in new collections

Premium commercial and residential kitchen brand Hestan has launched products inc luding the E-le vated Kitchen and a Kitc hen S uite col labor ation with Bau Team and Cosentino

The E-le vated Kitchen is a collection of electr ic and induction appliances offering chef-grade performance with high efficiency and style for home kitchens From induction ranges to electric wall ovens and convection microwaves, this modern form of induction technologically advanced cooking offers revolutionar y power and culinar y control

The full E-levated Kitchen line includes induction ranges, i n d u c t i on r a n ge t o p s , i n d u c t i on c o ok t o p s , w a l l o ve n s , a convection microwave and warming drawer

Introducing an entirely new level of luxur y and design, the Kitchen Suite curates a fully integrated lineup to meet the demands of today ’ s multifunctional residential kitchens Ser ving as an extension of the appliances, custom storage and sur faces feature the signature marquise pattern and iconic silhouette of the Hestan range

Highlighting the finest craf tsmanship in the residential k i t c h e n s p ac e, H e s t a n d e ve l o p e d t h e K i t c h e n S u i t e i n collaboration with prestige brands BauTeam and Cosentino

“Committed to elevating the culinar y experience, we are p a s s i on a t e a b o u t o f f e r i n g t h e b e s t k i t c h e n p ro d u c t s i m a g i n a b l e f o r h om e c o ok s , i n t e r i o r d e s i g n e r s a n d professional chefs alike and excited to share these unparalleled options with the industr y, ” said Er ic Deng, Hestan cofounder and president

Hestan recently introduced Campania Pizza O ven Its heavy-duty ceramic hearth stone creates a charred artisan crust, while the unique dome shape traps and recirculates heat for an efficient, even cook More than just pizza, the oven is perfect for searing steaks and roasting vegetables

Hestan’s Smart Gas D ual Fuel Range sets the flame by exact temperature and automatically adjusts to maintain precision heat as you cook Hestan’s PureVection technolog y e l e c t ron i c a l l y o p t i m i z e s h e a t a n d a i r c i rc u l a t i on f o r consistently exceptional baking, broiling and roasting

All Hestan products are available in 12 signature colors Citra, Sol, T in Roof, Bora Bora and Pacific Fog are just a few of the bold and saturated hues that add personalization and flare to the kitchen

Hestan boasts a full suite of commercial appliances for t h e p ro f e s s i on a l c h e f, re s i d e n t i a l i n d o o r a n d o u t d o o r

appliances and award-winning cookware and wine

Hestan is renowned for creating advanced, powerful and versatile commercial kitchen equipment, premium outdoor grills and purpose-built indoor appliances

Fo u n d e d by c u l i n a r y i c o n s S t a n l e y C h e n g a n d E r i c Deng and bac ked by some of the industr y ’ s most inventive a n d f o r w a r d - t h i

i l i t y t h a t i n c l u d e s a s h ow ro om , t e s t

kitchen and innovation lab, Hestan is led by a collaborative t e a m o f i n d u s t r y m a ve r i c k

Equipping the kitchens of acc laimed restaurateurs and Michelin-starred chefs, as well as the legendar y Culinar y Institute of Amer ic a, Hestan is setting the pace of the culinar y evolution with products that provide the confidence

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g i n g n e w g r o u n d w i t h v i s i o n a r y t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d p r o d u c t s . H e a d q u a r t e r e d i n t h e h e a r t o f S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a i n a n o ve r 1 9 0 , 0 0 0 - s q u a re - f o o t , s t a t e - o f - t h ea r t m a n u f ac t u r i n g f ac
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i g h e
u a l i t y m a t e r i a l s a n d t o p craf tsmanship KN
KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 6
a n d c om f o r t
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new products make more fun

celebrating Summer

It ’ s time to enjoy the outdoors, even if it ’ s only as far as our back yard

Cuisinart O utdoors recently unveiled the O utdoor Wok Station – the first and only o u t d o o r wok a n d p re p s t a t i on – a t t h e Na t i on a l H a rd w a re S h ow S e a m l e s s l y transition favorite indoor wok recipes to the great outdoors with the premium 14-inch hand-hammered carbon steel wok, which al lows f or deep seasoning and non-stic k capabilities

T h e p ro p a n e - p owe re d 5 0 , 0 0 0 BT Us b u r n e r s y s t e m c re a t e s u n m a t c h e d wok

t e m p e r a t u re s , p re v i o u s l y u n a t t a i n a b l e indoors, creating exceptional textures and performance From scrambled eggs and welldone bacon for breakfast to sizzling stirfries and mouth-watering shrimp scampi for dinner, the station can hand le a full day ’ s range of meals

The O utdoor Wok Station has a spacious stainless-steel top for ample meal prepping space, large rear wheels for portability and solid front legs for stability

“ The O utdoor Wok S tation represents the pioneering vision of Cuisinart O utdoors t o e x p l o re a n d c r a f t a n e w c a t e go r y o f outdoor entertaining,” said L ois Glasgow, s e n i o r v i c e p re s i d e n t o f m a rk e t i n g a t C u i s i n a r t O u t d o o r s “ T h e s t a t i on i s a response to consumer appreciation for the ar t of wok cooking as well as that of an outdoor lif est y le The br and-ne w unit is powerful, versatile, and easy to use, bringing the excitement of wok cooking to any back yard ”

Available at Cuisinar t com, Cuisinar t ’ s CGG-1265 O utdoor Wok Station, which retails for $349 99, inc ludes:

• A 14-inch hand-hammered carbon steel wok round bottom with contoured wooden hand le to offer a comfortable grip to Wok Hei like a pro with an anti-stick coating af ter seasoning

• Pa t e n t - p e n d i n g c om m e rc i a l - s t y l e 50,000 BTUs burner system with protective

burner cover for effortless operation

• Electronic starter and haptic sensor y d i a l s y s t e m s p ro v i d e i n t u i t i ve c on t ro l , enhancing the user experience

• Stainless steel top withstands high-heat temperatures, weather and is easy to c lean

• Generous prep area is 21 75 inches wide by 18 75 inches deep for ample space to prep or store the foods needed for a meal

• L owe r s t o r a ge s h e l f f o r c onve n i e n t access to prepared ingredients

• 20-pound propane tank holder, paper towel holder and integrated hand le for easy portability

• Three-year limited warranty; engineered to last, ensuring unmatched longevity and quality

W i t h s u m m e r c o m i n g, c e l e b r a t i n g t h e season by enter taining friends and family is sure to follow. Dazzle guests with a couple o f n e w g a d g e t s : t h e G i o v a n n i Ac t i o n

Mudd ler and the Original Cork Pops W ine Bottle Opener

T h e s p r i n g - ac t i on G i o v a n n i Ac t i on Mudd ler does all the work when creating craf t cocktails It allows consumers to press down with no twisting to mudd le fruits for the perfect summer cocktail

I t s e l l s f o r $ 1 7 on Am a z on a n d

CorkPops com

The original Cork Pops wine opener is the fastest way to open a bottle of wine – no pulling, twisting or broken corks S impl y pierce the cork with the need le, push and lif t

It comes packaged with one cartridge that will open 60 to 80 bottles of wine. Made in the USA, it ’ s available in black, red, white, ocean blue, watermelon, lime green, gold and silver

I t s e l l s f o r $ 2 8 on Am a z on a n d

CorkPops com

Developed in response to the dramatic rise in air fr yer use across the United S tates,

Zep’s Fume Free Air Fr yer & O ven Cleaner is designed to meet the evolving needs of the moder n Amer ic an kitc hen Air fr yer sales soared 76 percent from 2020 to 2021

a n d a n e s t i m a t e d 6 0 p e rc e n t o f U S households now own one Zep responded with a specialized c leaning solution that is both fast and biodegradable

Z e p ’ s Fu m e Fre e A i r Fr ye r & O ve n

C l e a n e r i s n ow s o l d a t M e n a rd s , w h i c h makes it accessible to consumers and pros alike Zep’s latest solution offers a sustainable, effective way to combat baked-on grease and grime

The Fume Free Air Fryer & Oven Cleaner simplifies c leaning these appliances with a quick spray and wipe af ter use This makes i t a g a m e - c h a n ge r f o r b u s y h o u s e h o l d s , meeting the growing demand for kitchen

c l e a n i n g p ro d u c t s t h a t c a t e r t o t h e convenience and efficiency valued by today ’ s

consumers This formula works effectively in traditional ovens as well

“ T h e Fu m e Fre e A i r Fr ye r & O ve n Cleaner reflects a deep understanding of current kitchen trends and the evolving needs of consumers, ” said L auren Houser, vice president of marketing “ We recognize that existing c leaning products don’t specifically cater to air fr yers, highlighting a unique need in the market for a solution tailored to these appliances

“ We s a w a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o c re a t e a versatile c leaning solution, specific all y to address the surge in air fr yer usage ”

S i n c e 1 9 5 8 , M e n a rd s h a s b u i l t i t s re p u t a t i on on q u a l i t y, s e r v i c e a n d

a f f o rd a b i l i t y, n ow w i t h m o re t h a n 3 0 0 locations across 15 states The expansion of its partnership with Zep to carr y the new Fu m e Fre e A i r Fr ye r & O ve n C l e a n e r, a l on g s i d e o t h e r Z e p p ro d u c t s , re a f fi r m s Menards’ dedication to offering cutting-edge a n d h i g h - q u a l i t y c l e a n i n g o p t i

stands out not only for its fast-acting results, b u t a l s o p rom i s e s a h a s s l e - f re e c l e a n i n g experience on the toughest kitchen grease and grime, making it ideal for use in homes and professional settings The product launch e x p a n d s Z e p ' s c om p re h e n s i ve p o r t f o l i o, highlighting its commitment to innovation and safety

And for those par t y crashers, Z e vo Max F lying Insect Trap has the power of two traps in one device and is designed to catch more flying insects in more places

A 2023 sur vey found that the majority of the population (71 percent) suffers from a fear of bugs, which Procter & Gamble’s Zevo has dubbed bugxiet y In warmer weather, flying bugs will become more attracted to the things you love in your home

Z e vo Max works 24/7 to continuousl y eliminate fr uit flies, gnats and house flies. It har nesses a blue and UV light sy stem w i t h t w o m e s s - f r e e s t i c k y c a r t r i d g e s , creating a 360-degree attr act and c apture design

Its sleek appearance not only discreetly integrates into the home, but offers a fivefoot long extension cord designed to reach specific problem areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, laundr y room or garage

“ We know that flying insects can appear e ve n i n t h e c l e a n e s t o f s p ac e s a n d t h e i r presence can create emotional and at times extreme reactions that leave us unprepared to deal with them,” said Chetan Parekh, vice president & general manager of Z e vo at Procter & Gamble “ We are so glad to be able to offer the Zevo Max alongside our e x i s t i n g p ro d u c t l i n e u p t o h e l p p e o p l e p ro ac t i ve l y p re p a re f o r b u g s w h e n t h e y inevitably sneak in ”

Zevo Max is available for $34 99 and can b e f o u n d a t w w w z e vo i n s e c t c om , on Amaz on com and at the stores inc luding Walmart, Target, The Home Depot, L owe ’ s, Kroger, Meijer and more KN

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 8
on s t o i t s customers The Fume Free Air Fryer & Oven Cleaner
www kitchenwarenews com MAY 2024 KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW 9

Linea puts spotlight on underwater solutions immersion illuminating

Linea Light Group’s diver lamps and spotlights are the suitable solutions for creating lighting scenarios in swimming pools, fountains, ponds and landscape design – thanks to their high degree of protection and their powerful resistance to salinity and chemical agents

The LED lighting pioneer produces professional, energ yefficient under water solutions with a wide range of optics, temperatures and RGB LED sources for even more dramatic lighting

In addition, at the industr y ’ s most important lighting fair, the company will install a swimming pool at its innovative 100 percent sustainable stand to provide guests with a live demonstration of its new “under water” lighting technologies

Rubber 3D PROtection

swimming pools, fountains, ver tic al water falls and modern s h owe r s u p t o t h re e m e t e r s s u bm e r ge d . I n ad d i t i on , t h e w a t e r t i g h t p owe r c a b l e i s d e s i g n e d t o w i t h s t a n d w a t e r p re s s u re

At a length of five meters, the cable allows the power unit to be located separately, aiding the installer and facilitating subsequent maintenance and/or replacement.

Once installed in a swimming pool or other environment requiring periodic c leaning using a pressure washer, Rubber PROtection withstands jets of hot water and pressure directed directly at the product, without needing to be removed This i s a c on s i d e r a b l e ad v a n t a ge t h a t a vo i d s t h e n e e d f o r maintenance operations, which are other wise obligator y, to be repeated over time


Nautilus is an innovative flush-mounted and submersible

solution in I P68, ideal for creating str iking under water scenes. The watertight housing, thanks to the AISI 316L stainless steel fixing flange, allows for wall or floor positioning The special structure gives the projector a resistance capacity up to a depth of 25 meters

Nautilus has an essential design defined by a rigorous electro-polished steel frame that can be flat, convex or flared. The flat frame is intended for structures with tile or mosaic c ladding The convex frame is optimal for structures with a water proof coating F inall y, the flared frame is ideal for surface mounting

The extra-clear tempered glass diffuser with white screenprinted edge makes the immersion luminaire almost invisible under water Among the product ’ s plus points is the “AntiSpiration” system that protects against infiltration All models have white sources in 3000K or 4000K or RGBW to create surprising scenarios KN

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 10
u b b e r 3 D P RO t e c t i on i s a
r i p LED t h a t i s s u i t a b l e f o r p e r m a n e n t i n s
a l
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s t
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n t s s u c h a s
www kitchenwarenews com MAY 2024 KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW


An t o l i n i s h owc a s e d V i t r u m “ Wow, ” Patagonia V itrum and Amazonite in an unexpected way at the Kitchen & Bath Industr y Show : through a labyrinth

T h e m a i n i d e a w a s t o c on n e c t n a t u r a l s t on e s a n d g a m e p l ay i n a n original experience for visitors, so that they could enter the wor ld of Mother Nature and get to know the power of the natural stones up c lose

The main stage involved Cristallo V itrum “ Wow ” Alessandro La Spada, interior designer of the booth, designed an articulated labyrinth that showcased the succession precisely between Cristallo Vitrum “ Wow,” a natural stone part of the natural quartz geological family, and several mirrored surfaces A succession of materials was designed for the visitor to feel immersed among the natural stone and experience it intimately

“ The semantics of the project was to have one main actor, Cristallo V itrum ‘ Wow,’ whose characteristics are transparency and translucence,” La Spada said “ The goal was to make viewers perceive these properties, pause and reflect on the material to highlight its sensor y qualities

“From this goal, the project took off Its layout is inspired by the geometr y of the labyrinth and is designed to stimulate visitors to reflect on the sensations that the environment gives them

“ The focus of the exhibition is a compulsor y sensor y path through which the visitor can

estrange himself from realit y to focus on the beauty of nature and reflect on the characteristics of the m a t e r i a l a n d t h e p e rc e p t i on s i t provokes,” he said “Antolini has c on s t a n t l y h ad a n a b s o l u t e devotion to the work of Mother Nature and the sensations it evokes, going beyond the concept of mere surface materials ”

O n c e t h ro u g h t h e l a by r i n t h , visitors could reach the other areas of the booth, where not only will rows of Antolini’s different natural stones be displayed – including the Amazonite quartzite and natural q u a r t z Pa t a gon i a V i t r u m , b u t examples of their applications were o f f e re d Am on g a l l o f t h e m , a striking one was the backlit Cristallo V itrum “ Wow ” counter – an example of how suitable natural stone is for building stunning architectural scenarios

“ These three stones reflect Antolini's ability to do research among the wor ld ’ s most beautiful minerals and to put into practice the innovation path in order to later introduce excellence to architects and designers,” said Alberto Antolini, CEO. KN labyrinth

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 12
Antolini showcases natural stones in creative display

Midea makes


Midea presented its latest advancements at the Kitchen & Bath Industr y Show 2024 in Las Vegas, inc luding a comprehensive range of appliances – from major and small appliances to home comfort solutions

W ith a mission to “Make yourself at home,” Midea delivers friend ly solutions while continuing to explore innovative ways to meet consumers ’ evolving needs Midea’s products offer practical innovation and stylish design which e m ph a s i z e s i t s c om m i t m e n t t o s m a r t solutions

“O ur debut at KBIS is a testament to Midea’s c om m i t m e n t a n d continued leadership in t h e h om e a p p l i a n c e s p ac e, ” s a i d J oh n Herrington, president of Midea America “ We’re l o ok i n g f o r w a rd t o s h owc a s i n g o u r l a t e s t solutions for the entire home ” Kitchen and laundr y ro om a p p l i a n c e s highlighting convenience, quality and stylish design are central to Midea These include n e w re f r i ge r a t o r s , dishwashers and ranges, as well as washer and dr yers

KBIS debut

W ith a large 6 3 Cu Ft capacity, and powerful four-element cooktop, home chefs can enjoy cooking multiple dishes at once The easy-to-c lean Steam Clean feature makes c leaning the oven effortless These innovations and others are planned alongside a full line of cooking products set to hit the market soon

The company ’ s standout 29 3 Cubic Foot Standard Depth French Door Refrigerator (MRF29D6AST ) offers more space than previous models, dual ice makers and a variety of organization options, such as a new Click & Glide door bin The Click & Glide door bin moves up or down easily to adjust for the different heights of bottles There is no need to remove the contents from the shelf, making organization quick and easy

Midea unveiled Convection Dr y technolog y in its dishwashers, making mealtime cleanup easier than ever before This technolog y redefines dr ying performance through a rapid moisture removal system The result? A significantly faster dr ying phase Midea’s Angle Wash and Utensil Wash technolog y, results in targeted, powerful jets that provide thorough washing and c leaning efficiency

Midea’s much-anticipated Freestanding Range (MER30S2AST ) completes the kitchen.

For the laundr y room, Midea introduces its all-new Telescoping Agitator Top L oad Wa s h e r, d e s i g n e d t o m a k e s w i t c h i n g bet ween an agitator and an impel ler washer easier Other solutions like the All-in-One Washer Dr yer combo unit a n d t h e ve n t l e s s s t ac k a b l e 2 4 - i n c h washer and dr yer for compact spaces demonstrate versatilit y and efficienc y for the laundr y room

For small appliances, Midea debuted the Barista Brew Smart Coffee Maker and TasteXpress Toaster O ven

The Barista Brew is a smart coffee maker designed for personaliz ed and convenient use “BrewIQ” technolog y, which is Midea’s innovative AI-driven interface, adapts to user preferences It offers a unique flavor map, from citrusy to honey-like flavors, for a customized c o f f e e e x p e r i e n c e w i t h o u t ad d i n g f l a vo r i n g s o r c h a n g i n g b e a n s Us e r p ro fi l e s a l l ow mu l t i p l e h o u s e h o l d members to save their favorite settings, e n s u r i n g a p e r s on a l i z e d c u p f o r ever yone

Adhering to the Specialty Coffee Association's Gold Cup Standard, the Barista Brew pairs with a high-quality conical burr grinder and precise brewing techniques, catering to the tastes of coffee enthusiasts Additionally, seamless connectivity with the Midea SmartHome app enables easy control and customization KBIS 2024 attendees can experience the Barista Brew at Midea’s booth #W1255 with daily sampling four times a day at 9 a m , 11 a m , 1 p m and 3 p m

The TasteXpress toaster oven is Midea’s latest innovation, designed to cater to the evolving tastes and needs of modern households The TasteXpress revolutionizes kitchen convenience with its air fr ying technolog y, ultra-high temperature steam (True 3D Graphine technolog y) and 1000W inverter microwave for crispier and healthier cooking W ith more than 44 auto menus, smart IoT control and a compact 23L capacity, the TasteXpress is a go-to “mini kitchen” offering versatility. KN

www kitchenwarenews com MAY 2024 KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW 13

stylish ever

Christophe Pillet reunites with Talenti

Following a successful preview at Maison & O bjet, Talenti, a leading brand in the international high-end outdoor industr y, has introduced the new Ever collection designed by C h r i s t o ph e P i l l e t , w h i c h re n e w s i t s collaboration with the brand

As suggested by the name, Ever challenges time and the end less c hase of trends by proposing a series of outdoor furniture that can adapt to any environment and context but remains true to itself Modern but classic, refined and minimalist, adjectives apparently

i n c on t r a s t b u t t h a t i n t h i s l i n e fi n d a

s u r p r i s i n g c om m on D NA t h a t d o e s n o t support the fashions of an era but eternalizes them

The essential lines, the roundness of the cushions make up elements of e vergreen furniture that look to the future of outdoor living treasur ing the great c lassics of the past. Streamlined compositions, and therefore versatile, in shapes and colors, are oriented towards neutral shades inspired by the natural environment, an example par excellence of c yc l i c a l i t y a n d d u r a b i l i t y T h e c o l l e c t i on focuses on living and dining sets, in which

the versatile wood and the elegant lava stone meet to give life to a modern concept but of c lassical inspiration

Ever is an almost c lassic col lection of o u t d o o r s e a t i n g a n d f u r n i t u re S l i g h t l y

No rd i c a n d c o u n t r y o r i e n t e d , i t i s n e ve r t h e l e s s a c on t e m p o r a r y g r a s s ro o t s collection that stands out. Relaxed elegance, reasonable propor tions and timeless taste are the ingredients here for an enduring and universal lifestyle

Wo o d a n d s t on e, t e a k w i t h m a r b l e, stoneware and lava stone directly from Sicily

t h e s e a re t h e s e d u c t i ve m a t e r i a l combinations that distinguish this collection

Te a k i s a v a i l a b l e n o t on l y i n t h e c l a s s i c natural version but also in an elegant and s o ph i s t i c a t e d ro s e wo o d c o l o r t h a t go e s perfectly with fabrics in white, beige and in the “glacial” mambo pear l

Slabs of lava stone and marble come from Sicily and are derived from unique pieces, that is, the top of a two-meter table comes from a slab of at least two meters There are no compositions but processing to create the perfect product KN

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 14



maker of kitchen & bath products expands to Colorado on the

Wolf Home Products is expanding into Colorado, which will equip area building professionals with a comprehensive, high-quality kitchen and bath portfolio that meets var ying style preferences and budgets

This move enhances the company ’ s ability to ser ve the greater Denver area and the I-25 corridor from Cheyenne, Wyo , to Colorado Springs, Colo , providing dealers and contractors with efficient access to all Wolf branded products

Products will have efficient, weekly shipping available and be ser viced out of Wolf Home Products’ new, state-of-theart, 1 million square foot warehouse and distribution center in W ilmington, Ill Priority shipping will be available for

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 16

select kitchen and bath products in stock Fast, one-week deliver y times and proven reliability ensure customers receive the products they need, when they need them

Among some of the in-demand kitchen & bath products stocked in W ilmington inc lude:

• Wolf Classic: These hand-craf ted c abinets with all plywood construction, dovetail drawers, and sof t door and drawers come with a lifetime warranty to provide a beautiful, long-lasting appearance

• Builders Mark: Available in assorted door styles and colors, these budget-friend ly quality cabinets are designed t o m e e t t h e n e e d s o f h om e b u i l d e r s , c on t r ac t o r s a n d multifamily projects

• Wolf Surfaces: W hether it ’ s Q uartz, Natural Granite, Solid Surface or Cultured Marble, Wolf has a vanity top available to meet var ying customer needs They come in multiple colors with in-stock and custom sizes available and budgets to fit var ying preferences Additionally, Wolf can help with shower remodels with its innovative cultured marble wall panel surrounds available from Wolf Showers

“Expanding our presence into Colorado marks a significant milestone, as it showcases our commitment to customer ser vice and to business growth for our customers and suppliers in the Rocky Mountain region,” said Matt Keen, regional vice president. “ We strive to bring only the highest standards of excellence to ever ything we do – and that means not just providing quality products, but making sure our customers in the Colorado area are taken care of ever y step of the way with prompt deliver y and proven reliability ”

W ith this expansion, Wolf Home Products will continue to provide dealers and contractors with an extensive portfolio o f h i g h - q u a l i t y p ro d u c t s t h a t h e l p t o c re a t e b e a u t i f u l , enduring spaces

Wolf Home Products, is an innovator in the building products industr y Transforming homes for 180 years, Wolf H om e Pro d u c t s h a s b e e n t h e p re f e r re d h om e b u i l d i n g products brand by families across North America who value the importance of their home and time together to build lasting memories in the spaces they enjoy most

W ith a vast inventor y of kitchen and bath, outdoor living and building products, Wolf Home Products delivers orders in a fraction of the time, ensuring unparalleled value when and where customers need it Wolf stands behind its ser vice, cultivated with years of business exper ience into a total satisfaction guarantee KN

www kitchenwarenews com MAY 2024

Continued from page 1

“ The 2024 Show built on the success of last year ’ s show with total square feet of exhibition space being slightly higher,” said Derek Mil ler, I HA president and CEO “ The change to the format was ver y positive,

then 5-year-old company in 1949 “ W hen asked why he didn’t change the n a m e, m y d ad s a i d h e w a s s o b rok e h e couldn’t aff ord to repr int the stationer y, ” Cooper said, to the laughter of guests

In addition to having the company run by M a l c o l m C o o p e r S r ’ s d e s c e n d a n t s , Cooper said the company employs second-

m a k i n g t h e s h ow i n c re d i b l y e f fi c i e n t –moving between the three primar y expos, now consolidated into two halls rather than t h re e, w a s ve r y we l l re c e i ve d by b o t h exhibitors and buyers ”

J K Ad a m s t o ok ad v a n t a ge o f h a v i n g numerous retail clients in one place to throw an 80th anniversar y party O wner Malcolm Cooper Jr greeted guests like they are family If JK Adams, which prides itself on being a s e c on d - ge n e r a t i on , f a m i l y - ow n e d , Vermont-based company – famous for its cutting boards and other wooden kitchen products, isn’t in Cooper ’ s DNA, it ’ s been in his life since birth. His father bought the

and third-generation workers

He shook hands with representatives from Por tland, O re , based Kitc hen K abood le, saying it was JK Adams’ first vendor Cooper said he appreciated how Kitchen Kabood le recognized the quality of the wood products

This year, JK Adams has craf ted some of its best-selling boards in maple, cherr y and walnut. In its milestone anniversar y year, the company is also bringing back some popular products and making some best-sellers in new sizes

O ut on the exhibit floor, expo first-timer Sabina Miller was demonstrating Foil Decor, a clever and attractive way to transport dishes to potlucks and other events

“Delightfully Different ” Founder and CEO Mitchell Joe started out with his SpoonBest,

which works like chopstick rests do, so a utensil doesn’t touch the drip tray It also wo rk s f o r t on g s , w h i c h d on’t h a ve t o b e locked between uses

His first two appearances at The Inspired Home Show were in the Inventors Corner and South Hall. This year, he graduated to the North Hall, where he was hawking his n e we s t i nve n t i on , S c o o p e r D u p e r, w h i c h features a V-shaped fold, allowing the scoop to neatly deposit chopped foods into pots, dishes or onto the food itself without making a mess

Foot traffic was heavy at F inaMill’s both the day af ter it won a gia Award for its new s p i c e p o d s F i n a M i l l , a t u b u l a r, b a t t e r yoperated mill, had a successful launch in 2019, but the ensuing pandemic put a halt to that

Rather than give up, the team used the down time to work on making the F inaMill

b e t t e r T h e o r i g i n a l F i n a M i l l h ad a n interchangeable spice pod, but the new pods allow for easily adjustable ceramic blades to chop ever ything from spices to cheese

T h e y e ve n m ad e

t r ay s t o s t o re a n d

s t ac k t h e c h o p p e d

s p i c e s i n a s p ac esaving way

The idea occurred to her while s h e w a s p l a n n i n g h e r ow n wedding, wishing there were ways to make foil pans more attr active without having to lug glass casserole dishes

As company lore goes, there wasn’t anything out there, so she invented it

T h e s t u rd y, e a s y - t o - c l e a n ser vers come in a var iet y of pleasing colors The lids lock on top of the base (fun fact: the protot y pe had sc al loped e d ge s t h a t M i l l e r m ad e by pinching the edges, like a pie) and also double as ser ving trays when flipped

S i n c e b e i n g l a u n c h e d i n 2022, Foil Decor has scored

m a ny f a n s , i n c l u d i n g Pa u l a Deen, who sold them on QVC

Ne w t h i s ye a r a re s p e c i a l l y designed tote bags that fit Foil

D e c o r ’ s m a i n s t ay s e r ve r f o r 9x13x2 pans

M i l l e r re c om m e n d e d stopping by a near by booth,

D a n d y, w h o s e t a g l i n e i s

hard to know where to star t Of course, there’s a new twin pressure rice cooker from a company renowned for its r i c e c o ok e r s An d t h e n t h e re ’ s t h e n e w w i re l e s s vacuum c leaner that weighs next to nothing (a boon for those who need to vacuum stairs) and has a sensor to detect the amount of dust needed to suck up

But the show stopper is Cuc koo’s Air S hower and Pet Dr yer Yes, you read that r i g h t D e s i g n e d f o r t h e c om f o r t o f o u r p a m p e re d pets, it completely dries the a n i m a l i n l e s s t h a n 3 0 minutes The air shower removes dirt and debris from fur It features a safety door that the pet can open itself if panicked

Two fans rotate at diff erent speeds to create 360-degree multi-directional wind in three speeds: air shower mode, dr ying mode and warm or cool sleeping mode. It ’ s easy to maintain and comes with a three-step training mode with a guide

This first model is designed for pets up to 18 inches wide, 14 inches tall and 18 p o u n d s ( Fu n f ac t : i t w a s d e s i g n e d t o accommodate the company owner ’ s dog ) More sizes for smaller and larger pets are planned

Hydration products continue to appeal to consumers If I hadn’t meant to stop by the Kor booth, the stylish water bottles would have stopped me in my tracks The core of the company ’ s ethos (the word “cord ” pops u p a l o t w h e n yo u ’ re t a l k i n g a b o u t K o r products) is to create design-driven reusable water bottles

Ever y aspect of the bottles is intentional from its stylish looks to thoughtful functions

The new FinaPods come in a Pro P lus for ever yday and oily

s p i c e s s u c h a s d i l l

s e e d s , s e s a m e s e e d s and sea salt; Max for large spices and dried her bs suc h as dr ied peels, mint and coffee beans; GT f or hard spices and nuts such a s p u m pk i n s e e d s , dried coconut and cashews; and Peppercorn, for premium peppercorn grinding

F inaMill also has updated its Classic mill in rechargeable format with a USB-C cable. In addition there’s the new MUSE, smaller

t h a n t h e C l a s s i c m i l l w i t h a n u p d a t e d premium light ring at the base and improved e n g a ge m e n t s y s t e m f o r t h re e F i n a Po d s designed for the MUSE

F inaMills are popular for cooking c lasses, I was told Specialty retailers who carr y the mills of ten give discounts to students af ter c lasses

Coming soon: an attachment that doubles as a measuring cup for cooks not able to “ eye ” quantities in recipes.

C u c k o o E l e c t ron i c s h ad s o m a ny appliances and gadgets to explore, it was

The locking cap (so it doesn’t flop upon your face) inc ludes a hand le, bringing portability in addition to comfort with a polished lip

They come in a variety of bright colors and designs that can be carried on a beach or into a boardroom There’s even a series of plates designed by a variety of artists that can lock onto a bottle to personalize a Kor bottle, with the art getting magnified when there’s water in the bottle

K o r ’ s m a t t e - fi n i s h e d , d o u b l e - w a l l e d , stainless steel bottles can keep beverages hot or cold

O f c o u r s e, t h e re we re m a ny m o re exhibitors to visit and new products to view

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 18
ye a r. T h e
P lace in
We ’ l l h a ve t o w a i t u n t i l n e x t
Inspired Home Show 2025 is set for March 2-4
S U P P L E M E N T T O M AY 2 0 2 4
products featured


This lightweight cast iron cookware offers excellent heat distribution and responsive temperature control without the weight and discomfort of traditional cast iron cookw a r e W i t h i t , h o m e c o o k s w i l l b e a b l e t o c o o k a w i d e s e l e c t i o n o f f o o d s i n t h e kitchen and experience the advantages of cooking with cast iron

T h i s w o k a l l o w s f o o d t o c o o k f a s t e r a n d m a i n t a i n s u p e r i o r h e a t r e t e n t i o n p l u s adds another layer of quality to meals For added convenience, this cast iron wok comes pre - seasoned so cooks can get cooking as soon as it arrives at that door

With proper maintenance and care of the cast iron work, consumers will be able to extend the lifespan and use and turn it into a reliable kitchen companion Suggested retail price: $74 99

Cook Pro Inc

951 686 8282


S’well introduces its latest innovation in hydration, the S’well Explorer Crafted with performance and functionality at the forefront, the S’well Explorer utilizes the same technology as S’well’s Original Bottles and Tumblers while offering a new shape and increased functionality for drinking on the go

The versatile, reusable bottle is the ideal companion for every adventure Whether it ’ s exploring the great outdoors, embarking on a new fitness journey or simply conquering daily routines, the S’well Explorer is the perfect choice for those seeking a stylish bottle that seamlessly fits into a busy lifestyle

The S’well Explorer is made from 91 percent recycled post- consumer stainless steel, highlighting S well s continued commitment to offering reusable and sustaina b l e s o l u t i o n s I t f e a t u r e s a s o f t- t o u c h h a n d l e f o r c o m f o r t a b l e c a r r y i n g a n d c u p holder-friendly size options The flip straw lid allows for easy, on-the -go drinking and leakproof transportation

L i ke t h e o r i g i n a l S ’ w e l l B o t t l e t h e S ’ w e l l E x p l o r e r f e a t u r e s T h e r m a - S ’ w e l l Te c hnology with triple -layered, vacuum-insulated construction designed to keep beverages cold for 42 hours and hot for 10 hours It s dishwasher safe and BPA/BPS free with a condensation-free exterior that won’t sweat

The S’well Explorer is available in three sizes, 24 ounces ($40), 32 ounces ($45) a n d 4 0 o u n c e s ( $ 5 0 ) i n f o u r c o l o r c h o i c e s : H i m a l a y a n S a l t C a r n e l i a n O n y x a n d Green Jasper S’well


Answering the demand for an in-home solution to efficient food wrap dispensing comes the Wrapmaster Home® helping to ensure the at-home chef can be more efficient in the kitchen

T h e w r a p s y s t e m h a s a c o n c e a l e d b l a d e f o r a s a f e a n d e a s y c u t , s h a t t e r- p r o o f casing and rubber feet to stay stabilized The one -press cutting system allows users to pull out just what is needed to cover a dish, then cut and wrap to create a tight seal and keep food fresh

D i s h w a s h e r s a f e a n d e a s i l y s a n i t i z e d t h e Wr a p m a s t e r H o m e d i s p e n s e r c o m e s with adaptors that fit most national and store -brand food wraps with a cardboard core, making it a great up - sell addition to stores

T h e d i s p e n s e r c o m e s i n a r a n g e o f c o l o r s i n c l u d i n g t e a l , r e d , b l a c k , w h i t e a n d navy which means there’s a dispenser for every kitchen Consumers will flock to get their hands on the simple system which will result in an organized work surface and efficient food prep and clean-up

Retailers will quickly see the benefit of stocking this handy kitchen device as consumer demand for kitchen equipment that helps aid efficiency continues to rise

For more information on Wrapmaster Home or to discuss pricing and listing opportunities email Cofresco USA Sales Director Mike Nelson at the address below

Wrapmaster Home www wrapmasterhome com


Slatkin + Co the global expert in home fragrance has launched Club92 a sensory experience for the home created exclusively for Dollar General

This initial Club92 collection launch includes the following assortment of core fragrances:

• Very Vanilla Cupcake: Delectable and sweet, with notes of whipped buttercream and baked yellow cake for a delightful take on vanilla

• Crisp Apple: This crisp fruity fragrance is composed of tart apple succulent peach and dewy greens

• Fresh Cotton Skies: Cotton flower is layered with cozy cashmere and white woods for a fresh everyday scent

• Mango Key Lime: With this expertly designed fragrance, ripe mango, Florida key lime and pink pineapple combine to transport you to an island vacation

• Jasmine Blossom: Fill your home with a gorgeous bouquet of Jasmine, tropical plumeria and sandalwood

• Eucalyptus Mint: An invigorating combination of garden mint muddled with eucalyptus and cactus water

Now available at DG’s approximately 20 000 locations in 48 states the Club92 home fragrance product line includes scented candles wax melts and reed diffusers with retail prices ranging from $3 to $8

Slatkin + Co

KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 20
www swell com


From Smithey ’ s line of traditional skillets the No 14 reflects the company ’ s iconic cast iron skillet design, but with 14 inches of surface area to go from searing multiple cuts of steak to sautéing a dinner ’ s worth of vegetables

This skillet is at home wherever there is heat From oven to grill, or stovetop to campfire rest the No 14 will become a go -to vessel for large quantity cooking

Complete with Smithey ’ s signature polished interior finish the No 14 when seasoned is naturally non- stick and free of chemical coatings As with all Smithey products, the No 14 can be engraved

Launched in May, the No 14 retails for $250 Smithy www smithey com


Experience the summer s biggest in-person buying opportunities in Atlanta and Las Vegas

On the East Coast, Atlanta Market (July 16-22) offers hundreds of established and emerging brands in tabletop housewares and gourmet With a showcase of 6 000 gift and home brands presented in showrooms and temporary exhibit halls Atlanta is a one - stop market destination

Dedicated product neighborhoods make it easy to buy across categories including s t a t i o n er y, s ea s o n a l , h o m e d éc o r, g i f t a n d o u t d o o r f u r n i s h i n g s Yo u c a n a l s o t a ke advantage of a full lineup of educational seminars cooking demonstrations industry parties and networking events

On the West Coast, you can look forward to innovative product discovery and dyn a m i c e x p e r i e n c e s a t La s Ve g a s M a r ke t , J u l y 2 8 -A u g 1 I t s 3 , 5 0 0 b r a n d s p r o v i d e cross - category sourcing opportunities for furniture, gift and home décor buyers

This compelling West Coast-influenced show is unlike any other; buyers can discover their next bestseller while building valuable business -to -business connections developing partnerships that transition beyond market Set in a city full of one - of-akind entertainment and novelty dining, Las Vegas Market is a one - stop destination

To r e g i s t e r a n d l e a r n m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w a t l a n t a m a r ke t c o m a n d www lasvegasmarket com


Franmara Oval Wine Coolers, which are 100 percent BPA free, are great for wine, Champagne or other beverages They re made of durable acrylic with easy-to - carry handles and are available in two sizes and three colors: black, white and clear

These two contemporary bucket sizes are created with a modern profile and int r i g u i n g c u r v e s m a k i n g f o r a m e m o r a b l e p r e s e n t a t i o n Ke e p

u p t o t w o b o t t l e s o f y o u r f i n e s t wines chilled and ready for servi c e w i t h t h e 9 0 7 7 Ke e p u p t o four bottles ready with the 9079

T h e y ’ r e p e r f e c t f o r w i n e r i e s restaurants and catered events

T h e t w o - b o t t l e a c r y l i c o v a l

w i n e b u c ke t , 9 0 7 7 , i s a h e f t y b u c ke t : 5 1 m m ( 0 2 0 i n c h e s )

t h i c k s i d e w a l l s ; w e i g h s j u s t

u n d e r 2 p o u n d s ; m e a s u r e s 7 ⅞

i n c h e s h i g h 7 ⅞ i n c h e s w i d e 10⅝ inches across top It retails for $23 99

T h e f o u r- b o t t l e a c r y l i c o v a l w i n e b u c ke t , 9 0 7 9 , a l s o i s a h e a v y- d u t y b u c ke t : 5 8 m m ( 0 2 3 i n c h e s ) t h i c k s i d e w a l l s ; w e i g h s j u s t u n d e r 3 po unds; m ea sures 1 0 ⅛ inches high, 1 0 ⅛ inches w ide a nd 1 4 inches lo ng a cro ss top It retails for $48 99 Fr a n m a r a I n c h a s m a n y m o r e w i n e a c c e s s o r i e s b a r w

e c h e e s e a c

o r i e s a n d c i g a r a c c e s s o r i e s S e e t h e o n l i n e c a t a l o g a t h t t p s : / / v i e w e r z o o m c a t a l o g

com/franmara-2020-no -pricing

Franmara, Inc. 800 423 5855 www franmara com


At the end of the day, we all need a good night ’ s sleep, especially children Manta

Sleep is renowned for making world- class sleep masks and now it ’ s launched Manta Sleep Mask KIDS

M a n t a S l e e p M a s k K I D S offers 100 percent blackout

e v e n i n b r o a d d a y l i g h t , s o l i t t l e o n e s c a n f a l l a s l e e p

m o r e e a s i l y a n d g e t b e t t e r deeper sleep

T h i s k i d s s l e e p m a s k i s a d j u s t a b l e f o r a p e r f e c t f i t , year after year It has a fully a d j u s t a b l e h e a d s t r a p a n d eye cups that allow for fine

c u s t o m i z a t i o n o f i t s s i z e

T h e m a s k a l s o p u t s z e r o p r e s s u r e o n t h e e y e l i d s o r lashes

The super- soft hypoallergenic materials offer total comfort – whether they sleep on their back, side, stomach or car seat The result: bedtime is so much easier and kids wake up fully refreshed and ready for the day

Manta Sleep Mask KIDS comes in two color patterns: arctic blue or periwinkle It retails for $29

Manta Sleep

www mantasleep com


Many know ethoz for making French press coffee makers teapots and drinkware Now the Montanabased company has launched a stylish Minimalist

Mug The 12-ounce mug comes in black, gray and white with double-wall insulation to keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold

They also have a snap-close lid with an angled sipping spout made of BPA- and phthalate -free plastic, a non-slip padded silicone base

The elegantly simple and slim Minimalist Mug i s i d e a l f o r a n y o n e w h o e n j o y s t h e i r c o f f e e o r tea at home, at work or on the go It looks good from the kitchen to the living room and the office With a nice fit in the hand and durable double -wall construction you ll be able to take your time with your favorite brew wherever you are

Planetary Design

www kitchenwarenews com MAY 2024 KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW 21
a r
c e s s
ANDMORE www andmore com

Shoppe Object’s Winter Edition Breaks Records

S hoppe O bject conc luded its highl y anticipated W inter 2024 edition, marking yet another milestone in its journey of growth W ith an expanded footprint that included both Pier 36 and the newly added venue at Skylight at Essex Crossing, this year ’ s show proved to be the largest yet, with more than 700 curated brands for buyers to explore and discover, a 20 percent increase from 2023

From its humble beginnings as a modest gathering of 100 brands in the iconic H&H Bagel factor y, Shoppe O bject has evolved into the must-attend event for buyers from around the wor ld to discover the innovative, the beautiful and the well-made in home, giftware, books, paper ware, jewelr y and more T h e ad d i t i on o f t h e S k y l i g h t a t E s s e x Crossing venue added twice the space of Shoppe O bject ’ s previous 2023 expansion a t P i e r 3 6 , u n d e r s c o r i n g t h e s h ow ’ s c om m i t m e n t t o p ro v i d i n g t h e u l t i m a t e curated resource for taste-making merchants, influential editors and designers

“Honestly, we ’ re ecstatic,” said Jesse James, founder and director of Shoppe O bject “It w a s n o t w i t h o u t t re p i d a t i on t h a t we e m b a rk e d on a t wo - ve n u e s t r a t e g y t o implement necessar y expansion this season, and we couldn’t have imagined better results “ We had more feet on the floor than ever before – more brands and more retailers, more designers and media – and you could feel it in both locations Many remarked that there was an excitement and an energ y that reminded them of our ver y first show ” “I loved the two locations and the quick s h u t t l e s b e t we e n , ” s a i d re t a i l e r L a u re n Naimola of Dear Golden, about the addition of Skylight at Essex Crossing “ There was great food and music, and I loved meeting the makers and getting to know my vendors face-to-face

“It felt like a fun party! It ’ s the best show with the best vendors I honestl y c annot think of anything to improve!”

Among the standouts featured at this year ’ s winter edition were the more than 150 brands new to the show, including Abigail Ahern, SERAX, East Fork Pottery, Sabre Paris, Heller, Alain St Joanis, Native Union and Missoni, with some marking their U S wholesale market debut at Shoppe Object. International exhibitors made up 30 percent of the exhibitors at the New York show, hailing from 25 countries around the world, including Abigail Ahern (England), Alain St Joanis (France), Ar tel (Cz ech Republic), Avenida Home (England), Fazeek (Australia), House of Lyria (Italy), Kiliim (Turkey), Missoni (Italy), Mud Australia (Australia), PANTONE by COPENHAGEN DESIGN (Denmark), Peugeot (France), S abre Paris (France), SERAX (Belgium), Umbra (Canada) and Yamazaki ( Japan).

As the community grows, Shoppe O bject has continued to seek out innovative, exciting a n d b e a u t i f u l b r a n d s a ro u n d t h e wo r l d , br inging them to the United S tates and providing an exclusive entr yway to the North American market

Andy Van den Berghe, chief commercial officer at SERAX, said, “As an international lifestyle brand participating in trade shows around the wor ld, our first time at Shoppe O bject was a success and a real added value, allowing us to connect with high-c aliber customers The energ y brought by the show and its curated brand assortment truly stood out, and helped us fit in perfectly ”

"As first-timers, we were blown away by the response and the vendor community,” said exhibitor Ha Nguyen, director of sales, East Fork Potter y “So nice to meet East Fork fans and get to know customers well

A lot of people saw us on the Shoppe O bject website in the Brand Director y and had been putting in wholesale orders with us via email before the show even started For our product, it's so important to touch and feel too, so it makes a huge difference to be here in person "

H i g h l i g h t s f rom t h e Fe b r u a r y s h ow inc luded an impressive turnout of buyers, designers and media professionals and the introduction of a dedicated space for The Take Back Bag at Pier 36, where bags on a recyc le-reuse mission were provided free of charge Attendees also had the opportunity to take part in the interactive nature of the show, witnessing live collage-portrait making by the Shoppe O bject artist of the season, James Gallagher

As a vanguard of the spirit of the retail and design community, Shoppe Object reaffirmed its commitment to celebrating inc lusivit y within the industr y at the winter show. Through programs like the Black Lives Matter Action Initiative and the Global Ar tisan Project, Shoppe Object continued to show its dedication to fostering diversit y across a growing fellowship of brands and attendees.

Tr ue to its reputation, S hoppe O bject delivered a vibrant and engaging atmosphere across its two venues, complete with curated p l ay l i s t s , d e l e c t a b l e f o o d a n d b e ve r a ge o p t i on s a n d a l i ve l y l a t e - n i g h t p a r t y f o r exhibitors and attendees alike The show has b e e n d e d i c a t e d f rom t h e b e g i n n i n g t o ensuring that buyers are treated to a seamless and delightful exper ience, with sur pr ises awaiting them at ever y turn “ The energ y at Shoppe O bject was in the a i r B e t we e n t h e c o o l mu s i c , ac c e s s t o amazing food, and of course the constant f l ow o f c l i e n t s , we we re i n t r ad e s h ow h e a ve n , ” s a i d e x h i b i t o r J oh n E d e l m a n ,

president and CEO of Heller “It ’ s not your ordinar y trade show ”

Among the list of thousands of buyers a t t e n d i n g t h i s ye a r ’ s s h ow we re re t a i l e r s Anthropologie, Bergdorf Goodman, Design W ithin Reach, Food52, Herman Miller and Macy's, as well as buyers from the museum stores at The Frick, Getty Museum, Museum o f C on t e m p o r a r y A r t , M e t ro p o l i t a n Museum of Art, New Museum, Philadelphia M u s e u m o f A r t , S F M o M A a n d T h e National Galler y, among others from around the countr y

John Derian, who attended the show to buy for his New York stores, said, “It's such a stylish show with so many creative people It was hard not to order ever ything ”

“ C u r a t i on , l ayo u t , l o c a t i on , c a l i b e r o f b r a n d s – a l l g re a t ! ” s a i d d e s i g n e r L i s a Tumbarello of Potomac River Interiors, “All the vendors I spoke with were knowledgeable and passionate. I found many things I was looking for, and many more that I wasn’t, which is a good thing! I had a great first experience and I will be back!”

As Shoppe O bject continues to set the standard for excellence in the home and gif t trade show circuit, anticipation is already b u i l d i n g f o r i t s n e x t e d i t i on I n d u s t r y professionals can expect nothing less than a showcase of the latest trends, unparalleled networking opportunities and a celebration of creativity and innovation

Up next, Shoppe O bject – High Point will return April 12-16 on the third floor of High Point ’ s Historic Market Square The s h ow w i l l f o c u s on h om e d é c o r a n d furnishings, with Shoppe O bject ’ s reverence for the innovative, the beautiful and the wellmade Additionally, Shoppe O bject will be back in its two-venue home in New York City, Aug 4-6 KN

L uc ky Line Products, Inc released t wo

additional Combination Locking Metal Key Cabinets to round out its key cabinet offering

Available in four sizes, Lucky Line has a

L ocking Metal Key Cabinet for ever y need

T h e t wo n e w L o c k i n g M e t a l K e y

Cabinets are larger than the previous two, offering even more hooks to organiz e all keys for home, business, company vehic les, apartment complexes, schools, etc in one convenient location

The new cabinets are available in the same

m a t t e b l ac k fi n i s h a s t h e p re v i o u s t wo

L oc

The two newer cabinets were developed after the success of the smaller cabinets, launched in 2023, resulted in several customer requests for larger cabinets Lucky Line launched two smaller Locking Metal Key Cabinets, Item #61700, which includes 20 key hooks and Item #61900, which includes 48 key hooks.

The 20 Hook inc ludes P lastic Tags, Giveaway Rings and Identification Labels

The 48 Hook includes Giveaway Rings and Identification Labels Both cabinets feature locks with two keys instead of a combination lock The 20 hook measures 6-1/4" ( W ) x 7-7/8" (H) x 2-7/8” (D) The 48 hook measures 7" ( W ) x 9-7/8" (H) x 2-15/16" (D)



KITCHENWARE NEWS & HOUSEWARES REVIEW MAY 2024 www kitchenwarenews com 22 ANDMORE 24 Cook Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Framara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Jellybean Creative Solutions . . . . . . . .3 ADVERTISER INDEX
king Metal Ke y Cabinets, off er ing a uniform look to combine different sizes for v a r i o u s n e e d s B o t h c a b i n e t s f e a t u re a programmable, triple-tumbler combination loc k to keep key s secure while providing easy access for authorized users The cabinets also inc lude adhesive identification labels to catalog all keys with their location in the cabinet Heavy-duty steel and a continuous piano hinge offer optimal security, while pre-drilled holes and included mounting hardware make wall mounting easy Choose from 60 key hooks, Item #61100, o r 1 0 0 k e y h o ok s , I t e m # 6 1 3 0 0 B o t h cabinets include giveaway rings, identification l a b e l s , i n s t r u c t i on s t o p ro g r a m t h e combination lock, and measure 9-1/2" ( W ) x 12" (H) x 3" (D) They are individually shrink-wrapped and are available to order in a one-pack or four to a case Lucky Line Expands Locking Metal Key Cabinets
CALENDAR MAY 1-3 h+ h americas Chicago, Illinios www hh-americas com 6-8 Spring Cash & Carry Atlanta, Georgia www americasmart com 15-17 Spring Sample Sale Las Vegas, Nevada www lasvegasmarket com JUNE 19-25 Total Home & Gift Market Dallas, Texas www dallasmarketcenter com JULY 15-18 Casual Atlanta Market Atlanta, Georgia www americasmart com 16-22 Atlanta Market Atlanta, Georgia www
July 28-Aug 1 Las Vegas Market Las Vegas, Nevada www lasvegasmarket
AUGUST 4-6 Shoppe Object New York City, New York www shoppeobject
21-23 Fall
Sample Sale ADAC

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