1 minute read


Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare marks more than 20 years as the first durable medical equipment provider to bring its product portfolio to market through a dedicated retail division

As a leading manufacturer of durable medical goods, the cornerstone of Drive DeVilbiss’s retail offeri n g i s a n e x t e n s i v e product portfolio that includes mobility, bath safety, oxygen, patient r o o m a n d p e r s o n a l care products Its products are designed for maximum ease of use and long-term durability to ensure consumer s a t i s f a c t i o n , a n d i t s unique retail focus means the company utilizes creative packaging solutions to ensure its products are easy to transport, store and shelve in retail outlets to

BOOTH #2615


Tree Hut helps you build your scent wardrobe to elevate your day and match your shower and bath products to your mood An array of appealing scents, vibrant colors and fun names bring a burst of happiness to your shower routine Whether you are craving juicy, zesty, yummy, fresh, floral or warm, you’ll find it at Tree Hut Whip up your own scent blends for whatever mood suits you Combining Tree Hut scents gives you a truly s i g n a t u r e f r a g r a n c e that reflects y o u r p e rs o n a l i t y

“ W e a r e excited to partner with Walmart and bring an affordable scent-based product regimen to the bath category with our Tree Hut shea sugar scrubs, foaming gel body washes, moisturizing shave oils and whipped

BOOTH #3721

Tompkins Robotics provides general retail pharmacies, their suppliers and pharmaceutical distributors with automated robotic solutions to fit a wide variety of their fulfillment requirements The tSort AMR solution can be designed to provide general merchandise store replenishment, ecommerce and omni-channel f u l f i l l m e n t , m a i l o r d e r s h i p p i n g s o r t a t i o n , c a s e s o r t i n g r e q u i r e - ments to include i n b o u n d s o r t ation, fragile items such as cosmetics a n d g l a s s e s u n i t h a n d l i n g , m a i l order shipping, returns for reverse logistics, individual prescriptions to a single order consolidation destination, or sorting prescription bags and individual order items to a store tote for customer pick-up

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