Osho tapoban magazine 2013

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OSHO COMMUNE A Space to Provoke God

Magic of the

Buddhafield OSHO TAPOBAN




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English Books

Hindi Books

Total set of 41 Osho books in Hindi & English are available at cost price at Osho Tapoban. Price: H 2570/- ¼41 Books½ NRS 4100/- (41 Books)

Best sellers by Swami Anand Arun

With Audio Cd NRS 300

Without Audio Cd NRS 250

Osho Tapoban, Nagarjuna Hills, Kathmandu, Nepal P Box: 278 Tel: +977-1-5112012/13 Mob: 9841440335

Email: tapoban@wlink.com.np www.tapoban.com facebook.com/oshotapoban OSHO TAPOBAN





Buddham Sharanam Gachcchami Sangham Sharanam Gachcchami Dhammam Sharanam Gachcchami OSHO TAPOBAN




From Sw Anand Arun

Publishing Team Inspiration Sw Anand Arun Editor Sw Anand Arhat Co-editor Sw Dhyan Saurav Graphic Design & Coordination Sw Dhyan Yatri Marketing Sw Anand Rajan Ma Anand Divya Sw Vivekananda Sw Krishna Saraswati Photography Sw Krishna Mohan Sw Anand Arhat Ma Bodhi Chhaya Sw Bodhi Vartman Sw Ram Krishnananda Sw Atmo Nirav Sw Prem Siddharth Cooperation Sw Anand Shuvam Sw Atmo Nirav Sw Dhyan Rishi Sw Ram Krishnananda Printed at Variety Printing Press, Kathmandu Published by Osho Tapoban Nagarjun Hills Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: +977-1-5112012 / 13, 9841440335 Email: tapoban@wlink.com.np Web: www.tapoban.com



A Loving Invitation It feels like it was just yesterday that we arrived in this beautiful forest at the foothills of the ancient Nagarjuna hills with a dream to create an oasis, an oasis where thousands of His lovers could meet, meditate and celebrate together. It was a big dream in a small country. More than twenty three years have already passed and today Tapoban has grown to become a mature buddhafield that welcomes thousands of seekers from everywhere. Tapoban is not just a commune or an alternative society but is an experiment where the divine can be provoked within us. Every blade of grass here thrives with Osho's presence. Meditation is natural here and one does not need to put an extra effort. Tapoban today reverberates the peak of Pune-I days and every time an old inmate arrives he tells me that this place pulsates with the same purity, love and energy. Recently, Tapoban has added yet another feather to its cap. The newly built Welcome lounge and communication center with its huge relaxing space and vast multimedia and gift center is not only waiting to welcome you here but is fully devoted to make your stay more comfortable and help you uncoil as soon as you arrive. Tapoban is a meeting of an ancient buddhafield and a modern day fully equipped growth center that is eagerly waiting for you. And I would like to advise you to keep your return tickets open while planning to come here because once you arrive, it is very natural to postpone your departure dates!!

Inside OSHO COMMUNE...... An Explosion of Love : 9 Free from Hierarchy : 10 Provides you the Courage : 11 Children in Commune : 12 A Gathering of Free Spirits : 15 Not a Society : 17 An Experiment in Buddhahood : 19 An Experiment in Spiritual Communism : 20 You are Accepted in Your Totality : 23 Life Style of the Future : 25 The Most Updated Tribe : 26 Commune Supports Rebellion : 29 A Communion of Rebels : 30 Learn to Say Yes! : 31

Respects You : 32 No-Mind: The Goal of My Commune : 35 Commune-ism not Communism : 37 I am for a Rich Commune : 38 Zorba the Buddha : 42 Mystery of a Buddhafield : 45 Education & Commune : 67 My Presence is Always Available : 71 Religiousness not Religion : 73 A Buddhafield Becomes a Chain : 74 Commune Grows a Soul : 92 Transforms Sexual Energy to Love : 94 Jokes : 98

Experiencing Osho Vibes Tapoban is a Soft Zen Master : 48 Ah! The Commune : 49 Tapoban: Where I Belong : 50 Tapoban: An Alive Buddhafield : 51 Tapoban: A Wonderfield : 52 Transformation Happens Here : 53 Living in the Buddhafield : 54 Tapoban is my Heart : 55 Tapoban: Paves the Way : 56 My Experience in Buddhafield : 57 A Buddhafield that Simply Pulsates : 58 A Quantum Leap : 62



At the feet of the master

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ommunE: An Explosion of Love


y effort here is to create a commune where thousands of souls are in such deep friendship, in such love, as if they are all soulmates. We can release such great light into the world through that energy field! We can start such a revolution in the world, we can ignite such fire, that it will go on burning in the future, down the centuries, helping people to be transformed, to be reborn.

Osho, The Dhammapada, Vol 7, Ch#4, Q/3



My Commune:

Free From Hierarchy


hat’s my vision of a new commune.

In the new commune there is going to be nobody higher and nobody lower. In this ashram, there is nobody higher, nobody lower. There are toilet cleaners and there are professors, therapists, and they are all the same -- they are all doing some useful work, some essential work. The vice-chancellor here, in this commune, is on the same ground as the woodchopper. The great therapist has no more prestige, power, than the toilet cleaner. Hence, there is no problem. A Ph.D. can choose toilet cleaning -- one Ph.D. is doing that; another Ph.D. is just cleaning the streets of the ashram. If there is no hierarchy, there is no problem; otherwise, the Ph.D. will think, “How can I do this work, this menial job? I am not a hand, I am a head.” In this commune there are no heads, no hands -- people, whole people, respected, loved, for whatsoever they are doing, or whatsoever they can do, or whatsoever they 10


like doing. This whole existence is a commune. God is the center and we are all its circumference. Osho, The Dhammapada, Vol 3, Ch#6

Commune Provides

You the Courage


he function of the commune is to create an atmosphere of encouragement -- that you are not alone. The path that you have to travel, you have to travel alone; but if you know that so many people are traveling alone on the path, it gives tremendous encouragement. There is no fear: If these people can manage, I can manage also. The commune is not a religion, following collectively on a super-highway. The commune belongs to individuals who have joined hands with each other because they are going on an inner journey where they will be alone. But with so many people going on that inner journey alone the fear of being alone is dropped. You can share your experiences with each other; perhaps sharing your experiences with each other will help immensely. That’s why therapies exist where people can open their heart and share their experiences.

each other: Don’t be afraid, it is tremendously exciting to go in. Although you are going alone, you are not the only one who is going alone. One million sannyasins are going alone. It is a very strange phenomenon: living together, yet exploring the truth in absolute aloneness. And whatever you find, you can share. It will be respected, it will be accepted. And everybody is to have different kinds of experiences on the way, until the person reaches to the ultimate omega point. That omega point is exactly the same for everyone. But on the way there are so many beauties, so much splendor. You just need a little courage, and the commune provides you the courage. And I am here to encourage you to take the jump. You have nothing to lose, and you have the whole universe to gain. Osho, From Bondage to freedom, Ch#17, Q/6

But the commune experience is a therapeutic experience -- day in, day out. My vision of a commune is of absolutely individual meditators living together, helping



Children in C


hildren should belong to the commune, not to the parents. Parents have done enough harm. They cannot be allowed anymore to corrupt their children, although their intentions are all good. But what to do with their good intentions? The results are all ugly. Parents teach their children to be competitive, and competition brings jealousy. They teach their children to become somebody in the world, to leave a name behind themselves. That makes life a struggle, not a rejoicing but a continuous fight — so destructive that it takes away all your joy, all your juice, all your flowers. It leaves behind only skeletons fighting for power, for money , for position. Life becomes a warfield. The whole blame goes to the parents. They have lived as ambitious beings; they have destroyed themselves. Now they go on giving their heritage to their children — their unfulfilled desires, their incomplete ambitions. In this way diseases pass on from one generation to another. In a commune there should be banks for semen in the hospitals, just as there are banks for blood. A couple can go and ask the doctor what kind of child is needed — a mathematician? a Mohammed Ali the Great? a Jesus Christ? — because now it is possible to read the whole history of every child even before he is conceived. Every living cell that is going to become the life of a new child has the whole program. How long he will live, whether he will be healthy or sick, intelligent or unintelligent, a musician, a dancer, a scientist… you can choose! And because the commune is responsible, you need not be afraid what will happen to the children if you separate. You can separate. Nothing will happen to the children, the children will be the same. Osho, The Golden Future, Ch#22, Q/1







Commune & Family I

A Gathering of Free Spirits

want the family to be replaced by the commune, and in a commune there is no need for marriage. You love a woman, you live with her. Love disappears, you say goodbye in deep gratitude. Love, for the first time, should be given the respect that is its due for centuries. Love should be the only law between two human beings if they decide to live together; only joy should be their binding force. The moment love disappears…. And remember, like everything real, love also changes. Only unreal things, plastic things, remain permanent. Marriage is permanent, but it gains permanence by killing love. It is on the grave of love that marriage makes its house. Naturally, it brings only agony, anguish, suffering, slavery — and a total destruction of man’s spirituality. A model commune will be a communion, a gathering of free spirits. Osho, The Golden Future Christianity: The Deadliest Poison and Zen: The Antidote to All Poisons, Ch#8



My commune is going to be just an experiment in total living, an experiment in moving into life beyond all barriers barriers of belief, barriers of ideologies, barriers of Catholicism, and communism... going beyond words. -Osho An Osho Lover from Kolkata



My Commune is not a

Society M

y people are not a society; it is a commune. And the difference between a society and a commune is tremendous. A society functions according to certain rules, regulations, morality, religion, politics. And anybody who does not fit becomes an outcast. A commune is a totally different phenomenon. It has nothing to impose upon you -- no ideology, no discipline, no religion, no culture. A commune simply helps you to be yourself. Osho, Bondage to Freedom Ch#14, Q/1



This buddhafield is only a lake. Sannyas is only a lotus leaf. You are a dewdrop on the lotus leaf. Don’t cling! Slip! And go dancing, go singing, die into the lake! And immediately you are no more but god is. -Osho

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Commune: An Experiment in

Buddhahood T

he new commune is going to be a great experiment in buddhahood. Energies have to be made available to you, possibilities have to be made clear to you. You have to be made aware of your potential, and you have to be given a safe place from where you can work: a place where you are not distracted by the world, a place where you can go on without any disturbance from the crowd, a place where ordinary things, taboos, inhibitions, are put aside, where only one thing is significant -- how to become a Buddha; where everything else simply disappears from your mind -- money and power and prestige; where all else becomes insignificant, when all else becomes exactly what it is -- a shadow world -- and you are no longer lost in the apparent. Osho, Bondage to Freedom



An Experiment in

Spiritual Communism T

he new commune is an experiment in spiritual communism. The word ‘communism’ comes from ‘commune’. There is only one possibility of communism in the world and that possibility is through meditation. Communism is not possible through changing the economic structures of societies. The change of economic structures of societies will only bring new classes; it cannot bring a classless society. The proletariat may disappear, the bourgeoisie may go, but then the ruler and the ruled...that’s what has happened in Soviet Russia, that’s what has happened in China. New distinctions, new classes have arisen. Communism is basically a spiritual vision. It is not a question of changing the economic structures of the society, but changing people’s spiritual vision. The new commune is going to be a space where we can create human beings who are not obsessed with comparison, who are not obsessed with the ego, who are not obsessed 20


with the personality. The new commune is going to be a context in which a new kind of man can become possible. Socrates says that the master is a midwife, and he is right: all masters are midwives. They always bring new humanities into existence. Through them a new man is born. The old man is finished. The old man is no more valid. And with the old man, all that belonged to the old man has also become invalid, irrelevant. The old man was life-negative. The new commune will create a life-affirmative religiousness. The motto of the new commune is: This very body the Buddha, this very earth the Lotus Paradise. The new commune is going to hallow the earth, to make everything sacred. We are not going to divide existence into this world and that world: we are going to live existence in its totality. We are going to live as scientists, as poets, as mystics -- all together! Osho, The Dhammapada, Vol 2, Ch#8, Q/2

And that’s my function here: to create a buddhafield, a commune where all kinds of devices are used. But the purpose is one, the purpose is single, one-pointed. All these paths are leading you to the same goal -- to your own inner being. -Osho

At the feet of the master

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In My Commune

You are Accepted in Your Totality


es. Our communes are the only places in the whole world where you are accepted totally, you are not judged, you are not labelled as a sinner or as a saint, and you are not condemned for your small mistakes. You are accepted in your totality. Those mistakes come with you. Yes, we would like you to learn from your mistakes, but condemnation is not the way. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn something; but the moment people start condemning you, they destroy your opportunity and they make you stubborn. They force you to commit the same mistake again and again just as a resistance. Your ego is hurt. It is true that outside my communes the society is run by punishment or by reward. Reduced to the roots, the whole society outside is based on fear and greed. Fear as an ultimate consequence creates the idea of hell; greed, on the other hand, as a logical conclusion creates the idea of heaven. The moment there is no fear in you and no greed, you will be surprised: hell and heaven have disappeared. They were just projections of your psychology; they disappear the moment you accept yourself -- and you can accept yourself only if people around you accept you, if they do not create some guilt in you, do not make you feel unworthy. In a commune it is so easy to accept yourself, because everybody else is accepting you. Acceptance is the very climate of the commune. And there are great implications in it. If a man accepts himself without any guilt, God will disappear. God is your guilt projected. Osho, From Death to Deathlessness, Ch#1, Q/3





It was absolutely necessary for the first commune that I should be present. I took the risk, and the commune has succeeded. Now there are communes all around the world. More communes will be arising. I am just waiting for the right moment to trigger a new kind of process. I am just waiting for the right moment. Preparations are being made, and soon I will start working on a series of communes -- because the movement has to become worldwide, it is already worldwide. The commune is the lifestyle of the future. The family is gone and the commune is going to take its place. Much depends on the success of commune life, and we have to make

Commune: Lifestyle T

he commune in America was only a beginning; a beginning of many communes around the world. They will go on spreading -- because it is not only a question of orthodox religions and dirty politics, it is also a question of the future of humanity. And the future is always more important than the past. The past is heavy and long. The future is light, unknown. But the past is dead, and life belongs to the future -- and death cannot win over life. One commune can be destroyed. Thousands of other communes will arise. Of course my way of functioning will be different because the experiment in Rajneeshpuram needed me to be there, it was the first commune.... Every step had to be taken carefully. And within five years, so much was done that is not possible to do even in fifty years. But now the basic rules are clear. And my being in any commune is going to be dangerous for the commune.

of the Future

the commune life such a celebration that it starts spreading like wildfire, that others start communes of their own. Each village can become a commune, there is no need to establish different villages. We just have to prove that life in a commune is much richer, much more lovely, much more meditative, that there is a possibility of living in a different way, different from the way humanity has lived up to now. We have proved it in Rajneeshpuram. It was our success that forced America to destroy the commune. If we were not successful, nobody would have bothered about us. Remember this: it was not a failure that we were destroyed; it was our success which could not be tolerated. But if the truth is with us, the victory is also with us. Osho, Beyond Enlightenment Ch#30, Q/4



The Most Updated


commune is the most up-dated tribe. With all the facilities that science has made available, something tremendously revolutionary has become possible. For example, there is no need that your child should have something to do with your wife’s egg or with your semen. This is something very stupid. You should think of the child, not of the semen and not of the egg. And how do you know which egg is your wife’s egg? In a commune, the family is dispersed. The doctors, the medical board, can decide which egg is to meet with which sperm, so that we can create a more healthy, more intelligent child -- a child who will not suffer with polio, a child who will not suffer with blindness, a child who will not suffer with cancer, a child who will not suffer from old age even. And we can give him as long a life as we feel is suitable. For the first time man is capable of human engineering. Up to now it was all accident. You don’t know to which kind of child you are going to give 26



birth. It may turn out to be an Adolf Hitler, and you cannot say, “I am not responsible.” You are responsible. Why did you take the chance? Adolf Hitlers, Joseph Stalins, Benito Mussolinis can be simply dropped out of existence. There is no need for them. Only a certain sperm and a certain egg can create them; we can avoid that possibility. And we can create more Gautam Buddhas. We can create more Van Goghs. We can create more Yehudi Menuhins, painters, musicians, poets. And these people will be far superior to our Shakespeares and Miltons and Dantes, because they were just accidental, by chance. But there is no need now to take chances. But before we can start human engineering, the family has to become loose; it is too tight. The family want their child because he will inherit their property. In a commune, whatever you have is the commune’s, and whatever you will leave behind will be the commune’s. There is no question of

inheritance, so you need not be worried that somebody else’s child will inherit your property. In a commune, the property is the commune’s. And you need not be worried that if you die or something happens to you, who is going to take care of your child? In a commune the child will not miss you. He will have so many

women, more loving and more compassionate because he has lost his mother. The family is out-dated. The future belongs to the communes. Osho, From Death to Deathlessness, Ch#33, Q/2



“A buddhafield is an energy field in which a Buddha matures beings, a pure land, an unworldly world, a paradise on earth, which offers ideal conditions for rapid spiritual growth.� -Osho

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Commune Supports Rebellion A

commune is not a family. Nobody here is father, nobody here is mother. Nobody here is brother or sister. Nobody here is husband or wife. Here are only individuals, and these individuals have decided to live in freedom, and to support each other in living the way of freedom. Nobody possesses anybody. Nobody has any hold on anybody. Everybody is supportive of whatsoever you are, of whatsoever you can be. The family is dictatorial. A commune is simply supportive. I don’t give you even guidelines, because even guidelines may become dictatorial in your mind, because your mind has been made by the society. Even if I give you guidelines you may think these are commandments. Guidelines are not commandments. You are not to follow them, just understanding them is enough. Then you follow your path. Perhaps on your path something that I had said may be of use, or perhaps nothing will be of any use. So there is no need to have faith in it. A commune is a gathering of free

individuals -undemanding, non-forcing, nondictatorial -- just supporting and helping. Because alone it will be difficult; you will find it almost impossible to be yourself in the so-called society, because that society is not supportive. Yes, if it supports, it supports conditionally; it is always a bargain, a business. The society will do this for you if you are ready to do that for the society: a simple contract. A commune is not a business, a relationship. There is no contract. Just a few people who feel imprisoned in the society drop out and create a gathering of similar rebels. They are all rebels, and they are all supportive of each other. Whatever one’s rebellion, and whatever one wants to be, the commune’s support is unconditional. Osho, Personality to Individuality,Ch#5, Q/1



Commune: A Communion of Rebels T

he word commune I have chosen because it is a communion: A communion of rebellious spirits. It is not another society, it is not a monastery, an ashram. It is individuals remaining individuals, Still being together; being alone and still interacting, responding; leaving the other also alone. Aloneness, to me, is the greatest religious quality. So we are together but not in any kind of bondage, very loose. No relationship is binding in my commune. No relationship is really a relationship, it is only a relating, a process. As long as it goes, good, and when paths divert, change their course, that too is perfectly good because that’s how, perhaps, your being is going to grow. One never knows. We may walk together for a few feet, a few miles, and then depart in gratitude -- that it was a joy to be together. Now let us celebrate separation. 30


You helped me, I helped you. Now let us help each other to move in the directions that our beings want us to take. The commune phenomenon.





It has nothing to do with anything that has preceded it. The old, ancient ashramas were beautiful but they were part of the society. They propagated the same structure of the society: the four-caste system. The untouchable was untouchable. The untouchable could not enter the ancient Hindu ashram. Only the brahmin could be the seer. That is strange, that only the brahmin could have eyes. That was a brahmin strategy to remain in power, and they were powerful. But they were good people, although not revolutionaries... nice, but not rebels. The rebel is both. He is a sword and also a song. It depends on the situation. He can become a song or he can become a sword. This is a communion of rebels. Osho, Personality to Individuality,Ch#5, Q/1

Learn To Say Yes ! N

o is good, but nobody can live in the no, nobody can make a home out of the no. No is suicidal -- use it, but go beyond it. Be alert and conscious that you don't become encaged in the no-saying. Attain to yes; use no as a stepping-stone. By being part of this commune you have to learn how to say yes with totality. That is trust, that is surrender, that is faith. That's what will become a bridge, the final bridge between you and God. It will not destroy your freedom; it will simply make your freedom positive. There are three kinds of freedom. One is 'freedom from'; that is a negative freedom: freedom from the father, freedom from the mother, freedom from the church, freedom from the society. That is a negative kind of freedom -- freedom from -- good in the beginning, but that can't be the goal. The second kind of freedom is 'freedom for'; that is positive freedom. Your interest is not in denying something, rather you want to create something. And then there is a third freedom, the highest; in the East we have called it MOKSHA -- the ultimate freedom, which goes beyond both the negative and the positive. First learn saying no, then learn saying yes, and then just forget both, just be. The third freedom is not freedom against something, not for something, but just freedom. One is simply free -- no question of going against, no question of going for. Before I can teach you MOKSHA -- you will have to know the positive one: 'freedom for'. It is a creative commune; in every possible way we are going to be creative, so that you can learn how to say yes to life. Osho, Be Still & Know Ch#5, Q/1



The Commune




y commune is, in the first place, non-ascetic.

It basically tries to destroy all psychological sicknesses in you -- in which sadomasochist ideas are included. It teaches you to be healthy and not to feel guilty for being healthy. It teaches you to be human, because my experience is that people who have been trying to be divine have not become divine, but have fallen far lower than humans. They were trying to go up beyond humanity -- yes, they have gone beyond humanity, but below it. In the monasteries, people are almost animals, because the more you torture yourself, the more you start losing your intelligence; intelligence needs comfort. Intelligence is a very delicate flower. Don’t try to grow roses in the desert. Intelligence is a very delicate flower. It grows in luxury. It needs a luxurious ground, fertile, creative, full of juice; only then can it blossom.



And without intelligence, what are you? My effort is first to help your intelligence become a flame, and to help that flame to consume all that is not your authentic self. You become a fire and you burn everything that is rubbish, thrown by others onto you. So first meditation.




Meditation comes out of intelligence -- burning all crap from your being. Then you are pure, alone, just the way existence wants you to be. The commune is just a place where people who are interested in this journey, in this odyssey inwards, live together -- helping everybody to be himself allowing everybody enough space, not interfering in any way, not imposing in any way. If they can support you, good: if support also becomes a hindrance then they will not even support you, they will withdraw themselves. They respect your integrity, your individuality, your freedom. Osho, From Personality to Individuality,Ch#5, Q/1



My commune is not a crowd. It is a communion of individuals.


With Best Wishes & Compliments From ZORBA SAVING AND CREDIT CO-OPERATIVE LTD. Osho Bhawan, Kamaladi, Kathmandu Tel: + 977-1-2440356; email: zorba.sccl@gmail.com


The Goal Of My Commune O

nly those who are ready to drop their egos will become part of this commune. And this commune is happening after many centuries. There have been Masters with a few disciples.... My effort is to bring such a revolution that the whole consciousness of humanity is affected by it. Just individual enlightenment is not enough. We have to start a process of enlightenment in which thousands of people become enlightened almost simultaneously, so that the whole consciousness of humanity can be raised to a higher level because that is the only hope of saving it. Otherwise, these twenty years are going to be fatal. Either we will succeed in transforming the consciousness of the whole of humanity and bring it to a higher level -- at least to the second level, a meditative mind, for millions of people, and for thousands of people to the first grade, the no-mind.... If we can do it, that is the only possible way to save humanity. Otherwise, in the hands of foolish politicians so much power has come that any moment the third world war

can start, and that will destroy the whole of humanity. And all the work of the ages, of all the Buddhas, will be simply destroyed. Krishna, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Pythagoras, Socrates: these people have worked hard to create this garden. And now we are getting ready to burn it totally. Before it is too late...wake up! At least move to the second state of mind -- meditative mind -- then the first will become easy. Being with me don’t be of the third, because that is not really being with me. Only the second is a little bit with me and is on the way to being totally with me. But remember, the goal is to be of the first: no-mind is the goal. From mind to no-mind is the revolution of sannyas. Osho, Ah This Ch#3






not Communism I

am against communism because it is only a negative philosophy. I am all for commune-ism. That should commune-ism.





A commune is respectful of every individual's uniqueness, respectful of every individual's talent, and tries to help his talent grow, help him grow towards his potential.

enlightened person cannot be a dictator like Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler. Yes, the enlightened person can dictate to you, but out of his love, not out of his power -- he has no power -- out of his insight, because he has eyes to see and to feel the potential of people. His dictates can only be thought of as suggestions, advice, guidelines.

I want communes all over the world, so that slowly nations can disappear, and there are only communes: living, small units of humanity, totally, joyously helping everybody to be himself.

Only in the dictatorship of the enlightened ones is there a possibility of a real, authentic democracy and also the real flowering of commune-ism.

Marx proposes the dictatorship of the proletariat, the dictatorship of the poor. That is stupid. They are poor, and if they are in power they will make everybody poor. What else can they do?

Equality by distributing riches, not poverty; destroying poverty from the very roots, and raising everybody upwards to be rich.

I propose the dictatorship of the enlightened ones. Nobody has proposed it up to now. And sometimes out of my crazy mind.... This idea I have carried my whole life -- dictatorship of the enlightened ones, because if it is of enlightened ones it cannot be dictatorship. It is a contradiction in terms. The

Marx's communism is against capitalism.

My commune-ism is a higher state of capitalism. My commune-ism is capable of absorbing capitalism into it, using it as a tool, as a steppingstone. Osho, From Personality to Individuality, Ch#30, Q/1

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I am for a

Rich Commune




an's psychology is full of greed; otherwise money is a simple means of exchanging things, a perfect means. There is nothing wrong in it, but the way we have worked it out, everything seems to be wrong in it. We have not been able to work out a sane system in which money can be a servant to the whole humanity, and not the master of a few greedy people. Money should not be in the hands of individuals; otherwise it will create this problem of being burdened with guilt. And money can make people's lives very rich. If the commune owns the money, the commune can give you all the facilities that you need, all the education, all creative dimensions of life. The society will be enriched and nobody will feel guilty. And because the society has done so much for you, you would like to pay it back by your services. Let society take care of everybody. Everybody creates, everybody contributes, but everybody is not paid by money; they are paid by respect, paid by love, paid by gratitude, and are given all that is necessary for life. And man is here to rejoice, to live a life as beautifully, as peacefully, as comfortably as possible. I am all for richness, but the richness will be of the commune. As the commune becomes richer, every individual will become richer. I am against poverty; I am not a worshiper of poverty. I don’t see anything spiritual in being poor — it is sheer stupidity. Neither poverty is spiritual, nor is sickness spiritual, nor is hunger spiritual. A commune should live in a way that it becomes more and more rich. Osho, Beyond Psychology, Ch#1, Q/2



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Zorba the Buddha Product of the Commune




he new man I conceive, will not have any belief system and will not have any faith. He will be a seeker, a searcher, an enquirer. His life will be a life of tremendous discovery — discoveries in the outside world and discoveries in the inside too. I want every human being to be a discoverer: a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Columbus,

in the outside world and a Gautam Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Chuang-Tzu in the inside world. My whole effort is concentrated on one thing: to create the new man as Zorba the Buddha. In a model commune everybody will have the qualities of the Zorba and the qualities of the Buddha; tremendously interested in the outside world, and in the same way, in love with the inner search. The day you are both together you have become the new man, and the new man is going to be the savior of humanity. If the new man is not born there is no hope for humanity. Osho , “The Golden Future�





Mystery of a

Buddhafield? A

buddhafield is one of the most mysterious phenomena in existence.

It simply means whenever someone becomes awakened, his consciousness radiates a certain aura around him. Whoever is receptive, available, can be transformed by the radiating energy from an awakened being. The very presence of the awakened person can hit you so deep that your dormant energy starts awakening. It has been described as a sleeping serpent being awakened. It was lying coiled, looking almost dead, and when provoked, it uncoils itself. Because of the similarity of the phenomena, in the East the uncoiling energy in the presence of the awakened person is called Kundalini. Kundalini simply means the serpent power. The buddhafield can become a network. In the hands of a skilled master it need not be confined to a small area; hence I have introduced the communes. It is as if you put a mirror in front of a light. The mirror has no way of producing light, but it can reflect light. A single light surrounded by thousands of mirrors can create a light of immense quantity. One buddha can create thousands of seekers around him. They are not awakened but they are willing to be awakened. They have not yet reached the goal, but they are very receptive, open, available. In the presence of the master they can at least function as mirrors very easily; then one buddha becomes millions of buddhas. Osho, Light on the Path, Ch#13, Q/1







Osho Vibes


Tapoban is a Soft Zen Master Ma Govind Prateeksha USA


apoban is in my blood. I miss it so. And then, a few days passed and I began to see What is it that I miss so deeply? The and hear and feel my heart expressing all of abundant occasions that so blatantly present these qualities I doubted in others. Tapoban is themselves as opportunities to trust, to be more a soft Zen master. in a state of love and After an always meditation. “too-short visit,”I At Tapoban, returned to the fastthe “watcher” is paced, materialistic, stronger, which takes and yes, violent USA me deeper into the and was reminded, silence. The senses are from every direction, more accessible and, that I had taken Osho’s thus, nature becomes buddhafield with me a silent dancing of the and now am just more interplay of colors, deeply aware of what smells, tastes, sounds is truly not real and and feelings. can’t be real. All the parts of Shortly after me that run so fast in returning from the USA, begin to slow This commune is a lab, this commune is Tapoban the past two down at Tapoban as years, I have noticed an alchemical process. You come here as a I embrace it with an that so many things open heart. Moving crowd and I have to weld you into unity. Much have begun to change slowly into more hammering is going to happen, and you in my experience of “I” relaxation and easy will come out of this whole process as pure and “Thou.” The lure laughter, interchanges individuals. -Osho of the outer world of with others have a dualism is shifting into quality of presence spending more time in that is personal, intimate, and authentic. Time aloneness, and loving every moment of it. is different. I never seemed to know what day The practice of meditation and deepening it was. intimacy with my master, Osho is becoming Upon arriving at Tapoban, Oct 2012, I felt stronger and stronger. so overwhelmed with the love, beauty, smiles, So much is falling away, disappearing as if laughter, softness and quiet that surrounded awakening from a long dream. And all the while, me. Inside my western mind, I heard: “this isn’t my beloved master and I are melting, melting, real; this can’t be real; it’s all your imagination.” melting. Ah This! 48


Ah! The Commune! Sw Ram Krishnananda USA


fter I moved to Kathmandu for my commune forest and it felt as if I was flying. studies, Tapoban became a second The commune was taking care of my home, my hostel room was my first home. For needs in all dimensions both Physical and four years I used to visit on the weekends and Spiritual - directly or indirectly. Above all Swami stay overnight for Arun was always there four years. After my and was taking utmost graduation, I came care of the residents. to Tapoban for a He was not very busy weekend and ran into at that time, so I had Swami Anand Arun. He full access to him; asked me, "Where are could meet and discuss you planning to stay? even trivial things. I get Why don't you live goose bumps when I here and commute to remember those days. work?". What else did There were I need! I nodded my several ups and downs: head in agreement Love, hatred, anger, and moved in the jealousy and dramas very next day. I was as well. But when given a modest room The new commune is going to create a space, I remember those and my meals taken a context, for this multidimensional human days, the warmth and care. I helped with love of the hearts of being to be born. And the future belongs to Tapoban's website the people there, the (still love doing it), this new man. -Osho freshness in the air and media production and the precious moments setting up the computer section. We really did of deep meditation are all I care about. a lot of sales. Ah! those long nights of working Three years passed as if they were three and editing videos. days. Frequently friends in US call me and I had a two hour commute both way, enquire about going to Tapoban. When they every day to work. I with other few friends did plan to visit and talk to me about it, I feel as if a early morning dynamic and came back for white part of me is going with them. It's such a delight! robe sessions in the evening. Friends used to Living in a commune is an amazing ask me why I was not staying close to my work opportunity for growth. Osho's new man can instead of travelling every day. But it was worth really only happen in a commune. all the trouble. I remember coming back and the evening clouds would have engulfed the OSHO TAPOBAN


Tapoban: Where I Belong! Ma Prem Chandrika USA


recently visited Tapoban last October us twice a year and I can travel with him and and November for two 7 days camps, become an instrument of Osho’s work. Besides no mind group and 21 days mystic rose group. that I regret every single day of living out of the I consider myself very fortunate for having had Budhdhafield. that amazing opportunity. All Sanyasins in USA have a common dream I have been in US to make a strong since last 4 years and buddhafield in have been immensely USA to help spread missing Tapoban Osho’s message. since then. I greatly We all are eagerly miss those ecstatic waiting to materialize moments where I our dreams. I have could dance till 2 understood that Osho in the morning or work isn’t a work as could go into deep such rather it is to meditation; wherein transform ourselves I could forget food, and become more and sleep and meditation more blissful. schedules. Although When I was in Swami Anand Arun Nepal I didn’t miss visits US and Canada America for a single every six months, it minute. I even asked quite isn’t the same Swamiji that I did not You just need a like meditating in a feel like returning nurtured buddhafield. little courage, and the commune back. He simply No doubt that suggested to wait for provides you the courage. And Swamiji’s presence a few more years, so I am here to encourage you to that we could make a here is very strong but in Tapoban it take the jump. You have nothing Budhdhafield in USA. multiplies 100 times. From time and again to lose, and you have the whole he has emphasized During my last trip, I lived my dreams. that unless we create universe to gain. -Osho I cried, laughed, a mini-Tapoban in danced, talked and went in silence. But I still feel USA, we can’t live peacefully. Deep down what that the tears are not all drained out and I want I believe is that either there should be a nice to go back to Tapoban soon. Whenever I watch Osho Ashram in USA or I would just go back to a documentary, video or pictures of Nepali live in a thriving Budhdhafield - Tapoban. Let’s Communes, I can’t hold my tears. The only see what HE wants. excitement of living here is that Swamiji visits 50


Tapoban: An Alive Buddhafield Swami Amrit Gagan (Dr Amir Malhotra) USA


omeone asked a question to Osho, “What is all possible because of receptivity and sincere is a buddhafield?” Osho replied that Osho's disciple who created a commune around the buddhafield is one of the most mysterious them. phenomenon in existence; it simply means In Pune, this experience or buddafield has whenever someone decreased but I do becomes awakened remember when I his consciousness went initially to take radiates a certain sannyas the energy aura around him and was so intense that the whosoever is receptive whole body was very and available can be light and had several transformed by this levitating experiences. radiating energy from This energy I feel an awakened being. every time I visit The very presence these communes. of an awakened Osho Tapoban created person can hit you and nurtured by Sw so deep that your Anand Arun in Nepal, dormant energy starts is one of those special awakening. communes where I For me to figure In my commune, Buddha is going to laugh can feel the energy of out silence and the buddhafield. Sw and dance, Christ is going to laugh and dance. Arun has indicated Satori's came from Poor fellows, nobody has allowed them up to that when sannyasins listening to Osho audiotapes. However and now! Have compassion on them -- let them celebrate after experiencing meditate together dance and sing and play. My new commune is in the buddhafield, this inner silence and going to transform work into playfulness, it is the energy becomes since the master is not in the body it was much stronger. This going to transform life into love and laughter. but natural for me to is happening in OSHO seek awakened ones Tapoban. The energy and their buddhafield, of the buddhafield can a Sangha. Whenever I meet Osho's early and be felt in every blade of grass, in every grain of very close disciples and whenever I visit their the sand and can be seen in the smiling faces of centers there is an immediate feeling of much the Nepali people. more deeper silence. Very often a movement of energy from heart chakra to the head chakra so called “head rush” deepens the silence. This OSHO TAPOBAN


Tapoban : A Wonderfield Ma Prem Champa Russia


sho is not in the body anymore, but days are over. Here every moment is special and there is a place on the earth where unique, every instant is a new festival that you you can experience the intense feeling of His experience with a new awareness. presence, feel His fragrance and know His taste. Osho Tapoban is a place where the heart Osho Tapoban - here satsang happens. And you opens. I thought I knew what love is. If you can never predict know too - come in advance what to Tapoban, and will happen to you perhaps you will be here. Every time surprised. before arriving Here everything here I am always can happen. You can worried about its see your own death uncertainties. Only and your new birth, one thing is certain if you open to the - I will not come Master and let the back from Tapoban unknown happen. being the same My gratitude to person. Everyone Swamiji and all experiences sannyasins for something different, this miracle, love everyone has his without conditions, own transformation, for a new me. energy of the The new commune is going to hallow the Master works with everyone as earth, to make everything sacred. We are not needed for his going to divide existence into this world and growth. Preparation that world: we are going to live existence in its is impossible and Tapoban always totality. We are going to live as scientists, as surprises. poets, as mystics -- all together! -Osho Buddhafield calls me, but before boarding the plane every time something in me is panicking, something extraneous, small, cowardly afraid of dying. Tapoban is a place where the celebration is alive. One has only to cross the threshold - and the energy of joy and happiness embraces you, relaxing the stranglehold of mind. Humdrum 52


Tapoban : Tranformation Happens Here Ma Deva Amrita Russia


hat is Tapoban? It is the best example for that – this year he started doing Aarti place to transform yourself, to even though the whole of the Osho community gain freedom from the society and from your is against it and is expressing its opinion quite own mind through meditation and finally get aggressively. And this is just Swamiji’s love and connected with your own being. his way to express it. And really why a rose This is what should not smell like a I could write if I rose and pretend to be was making an a chamomile? So you advertisement about it. can have any opinion But what hides behind about Aarti – just these words for me? admire the example I can compare of expressing yourself Tapoban to our as you are, freely, not parents – our father caring about other’s and mother. You can judgments. love them or you can Why I don’t like hate them. Usually Tapoban? Because of we have lots of mixed freedom. All around feelings all together. the world people are But whatever they seeking for religion are the only thing you in search for shelter, can be sure about for help, for security. them is that you never In Russia people are A commune is a totally different can forget them or very much afraid of run away even if you phenomenon. It has nothing to impose sects and religious so desire. They are upon you -- no ideology, no discipline, movements – because forever in your heart, no religion, no culture. A commune they make you crippled, in your mind, in your simply helps you to be yourself. -Osho dependent and weak. very blood. You can’t Here you will not find do anything about it, this - no one will give only accept it as a fact. you consolation in order to forget your pain, no It's the same with Tapoban – once you one will tell you sweet lies. You are thrown into come here, you will never forget it or run away this river – swim if you’re strong enough. This is – you are caught together with all your mixed what I don’t like – when I feel weak and whiny feelings. What is this mixture in my case? this is just not the place to search for security – Why do I love Tapoban? Because of no one will help you to run from yourself. freedom. Here you can learn to live your life So as I said in the beginning: Tapoban is yourself without looking back to the society the best place to transform yourself. It will not around you. And Swamiji Arun gives a great be easy. Do you dare to come? I made my choice. OSHO TAPOBAN


Living in the Buddhafield Swami Nitya UK


riends holding mirrors and Osho holding in a budddhafield. And one of the most magical your hand. aspects is the fact that this can happen anytime, That is what a buddhafield means to me. anywhere in a commune: at a meeting, at a Osho has retreat, listening devised so many to a discourse, ways in which you meditating on will experience your your own? This self. He has created wonderful energy these situations is accessible to you in which you will always. Once you come to see your have tasted this, it innermost feelings is yours to keep. and reactions For this I am to everything truly grateful to my life can throw at beloved master. you. Meditation techniques to shake you up and bring you to this very moment, showing you all the turmoil of the mind, all the bliss and joy that is available, all the love that is there to be had at If you are ready to gamble, enter into any moment. And this buddhafield. No need to wait any all the while, with longer -- you have already waited Osho's acceptance of you in your enough, for many many lives.-Osho totality, with His humour and good will he makes this journey, this exploration of your inner spaces a positive, rewarding one. The subtle energy that builds up amongst seekers on a parallel journey, the understanding and support that likeminded friends can give to you and that you can give to them , that is living 54


Tapoban is My Heart Sw Prem Sagar Russia


riends! I write these lines with tears in my eyes, any memory of this place fills my heart. All my life I was looking for a certain people but I only found them in Tapoban. They are Osho's people living in this blessed place, where every stone, every flower and every leaf is filled with love. The first time I arrived, I really found myself at home. Open and sincere, innocent sannyasins work putting themselves totally, when I see them, my mind stops and only the surprise of their contribution remains. Tapoban gave me everything I was looking for: love, sincerity, meditation and a master. There is Osho everywhere, he is reflected in the people, in every part of this beautiful space amidst the silent Nagarjuna forest. This divine place has been manifested only due to the incredible dedication and love of Swamiji. If you look into his eyes you see compassion flowing out for all beings and His presence made it all possible. Some of the most precious diamonds have gathered around Swamiji, and if you have eyes you can see it. The first thing that amazed me is that it's a

festival every day in the evening. After a day's work the whole of Tapoban celebrates as if it was the last day on Earth, with such intensity, that all Western discos are nothing compared to it. Without alcohol, drugs, people here are really happy, and telling you the truth, I have never seen people who are more happy than people at Osho Tapoban. Heaven on the earth exists for me and it is Osho Tapoban. If I was asked whether I needed enlightenment or be in company of these people, I would choose the latter. To live with people in this place is enough for me - it is a real treasure. Apart from that Tapoban is an university of meditation, I recommend it to everyone who wants to -Osho delve into this mystery to come and live here for a while. Here you will find what your soul is looking for. With much love and gratitude to my Master Osho, to Swamiji and all sannyasins of Osho Tapoban.

My commune is not a crowd. It is a communion of individuals.



Ma Prem Sampada Switzerland


Tapoban : Paves the Way

was looking for a retreat place where I One morning I met Swami Anand Arun for could learn about meditation. My choice the first time. The moment he entered I began fell on Osho Tapoban. I didn’t know who Osho to cry. I was totally taken by his presence and was and watched discourses on youtube. I his energy. On that day I was asked for Sannyas was very impressed. initiation and I agreed After a few days of instantly although sightseeing I arrived I had been here for at Tapoban on Feb. only 3 days, but I knew 16, 2013. I felt very this was just right. It tired. While they was such a beautiful were looking for my celebration. Every day reservation, my head brought me closer to was spinning and I my inner and I was was asking myself at just happy and full that moment what am with love. I doing here, close to Osho is a very tears. I was given my powerful master and new robe and being am looking with big explained the day respect upon him. schedule, but I was not All he says and I read really able to follow. makes so much sense The new commune is going to to me. Anupama showed me to my room. Here Thank you Osho be of a totally new kind of I am I thought, but I bringing me to this religiousness, spirituality. Nobody for knew I had to be here. beautiful place and is going to be a Hindu or a showing me my new I stood quite a while in my room looking Mohammedan or a Christian or a path and thanks to all awkwardly at my Jaina, but everybody is going to be those lovely people new robe and finally at Tapoban. I found -Osho religious -just religious. decided to put it on. a home here and will At 5:45 pm, I went to have you all in my my first Aarati session heart. to the meditation hall as it rained. I was just participating without knowing what was going on. Afterwards was supper. I just sat with some people from here I guessed and enjoyed the food. After a few days I felt at ease and very warm with the people.



Swami Swaram Italy

My Experience in Buddhafield


arrived at Osho Tapoban in 2007 for a the seeds of awakening. And it has shown me 2 week visit and ended up staying for a that transformation is possible. Once immersed whole year. Interestingly mine is not an isolated in this stream of contagious excitement, I found case. I met many friends who have been caught myself letting go and be transported by an in the net of OshoTapoban - Buddhafield. Now irresistible current of positive mental attitude the question is: what is so special about this and trust in my heart. place to change the life My understanding course of so many people? is that an experience Osho Tapoban is for in a buddhafield is the me the best example of a answer to all sorts of buddhafield. It is located in problems faced by many a dense forest, surrounded people. The support of by pristine nature, where the whole environment for thousands of years helps to overcome any mystics and spiritual obstacle to mental seekers have meditated and physical health. It in search of the ultimate can heal psychological truth. It is a place where wounds and somatic many young people live conditions as well as to together to meditate, inspire the practise of celebrate life and share meditation to realise Osho’s vision. who we really are. My life was transformed I was completely Enter into this buddhafield as a small child, innocent, forever at Tapoban and regenerated in my mind knowing nothing. Function from the state of notfor the better. The sheer and in my heart after the knowing -- that's what I mean by death -- function joy streaming out of the “Tapoban-Buddhafield from the state of innocence, and tremendous are residents’ eyes, the deep treatment”. And even the possibilities: you can also bloom, as other silence of the nature, the more importantly these flowers are blooming in my garden.-Osho powerful energy created positive changes have by group meditation not been lost once I and the sincere love for Osho are a unique came back to my “standard” life. combination of elements which is very rare to I am forever grateful towards my Master find. Osho and Tapoban, a magnificent buddhafield Tapoban-Buddhafield has inspired me to dive where I had the opportunity to experience into regular meditation, which for me is the only peace of mind and intense joy. My whole body, way to bring long term inner transformation. mind system has been revitalised and my heart It has installed in me a sense of gratitude started to sing a melodious song. Can you hear towards Osho and existence. It has implanted it?



A Buddhafield That Simply Pulsates...... Ma Dhyan Geetesha Russia


happened to stay at Tapoban in 2011. I I had lived with this pain before but in that had dreamed about this trip long ago. instance I could see it clearly and could also In fact, I attended many camps of Sw Anand watch it. And from time to time I closed Arun in Russia but I could see him at Tapoban myself in my room and cried. Towards the end only in the spring of of the camp, as if by that year. We were 6 magic, something persons from Tyumen changed in me. and later in Moscow Silence filled my few friends joined heart and a profound us. The journey was tranquillity nice with full of surrounded me. interesting situations A subtle feeling and experiences. But of connectedness the most surprising of with everything, all was Tapoban. compassion and Seven days gratitude to Master transformation appeared with no retreat started. obvious reason in Sw Arun shared my mind. his experiences Since that day of meditaiton, his I feel His presence days with Osho and and deep silence Now don't postpone any more. Use many profoundly in my heart. For this opportunity. Use this context that transformative me, Tapoban as a I am creating here. It is a buddhafield! stories with Osho. buddhafield inspires Every evening we to live Osho in daily If you are ready to take a jump into it, had silent sitting in life. I would like you will never be the same again. But Osho samadhi and everybody to come the jump has to be total. You should wild celebration in here and touch their meditaiton hall. This own deeper side. It not cling to the bank, you should gave rise to intense is a place that simply leave the bank absolutely. In that very feeling in the heart. pulsates‌.. leaving, in that very renunciation of the On the fourth day of the camp, bank, the transformation happens -I felt intense pain you start becoming freed. -Osho coming up and becoming stronger and stronger. Though







A Quantum

Swami Anand Bhikshu USA





was asked to share my experience with Osho since friends observed certain subtle changes within me personally in last few weeks. During my science graduation days in Pune, India, we frequently used to hang out around Osho Commune staring at pretty western girls walking around in revealing clothes in hot Indian weather. Osho Commune surroundings seemed to be the perfect spot in Pune for getting glimpse of luscious female body to partially satisfy growing desires and staring seemed to be the only possible option in conservative India. Osho commune always seemed full of westerners; white supremacy, overall admission cost and fear of unknown always kept me outside. Finally I went inside the commune at age 20 in desperate search of some material revealing Guru's wisdom on sex and I ended up buying a book titled "From Sex to Super Consciousness", only to be disappointed shortly to find there were no tips around "do and don't's� as if I had purchased Kamasutra, however it certainly sowed seed of spirituality. After moving to the United States at the age of 24, I continued listening/reading numerous Osho discourses on Buddha, Mahaveera, Geeta unknowingly making myself vulnerable to future potential inner explosion. I was in love with Osho; I always looked forward for my 1 hour commute to work so that I could listen to Osho discourse while driving. I had cluttered my brain with lot of spiritual wisdom yet to experience the spiritual bliss. I always liked how Osho articulately explained and challenged various mundane rituals practiced within India. However, everything around spirituality equally felt mythical because of lack of self-experience and to top it off an asset of engineering brain only to doubt everything. Finally I attended my first ever 4 day meditation camp with tons of skepticism onboard the Carnival cruise ship at the age of 36. I had decided that I will leave everything aside during the camp and give my 100% OSHO TAPOBAN


for whatever sessions I attend. First evening started with white robe celebration which certainly felt like a divine dance party. Each day thereafter early mornings started with dynamic meditation followed by sharing session followed by intensive awareness meditation. Each day ended with white robe celebrations. I have yet to put my finger on exact moment I sunk into meditation, something unknown pulled me in completely, I had a life altering experience in presence of Swami Anand Arun and Swami Satya Vedant. I had not known that I had become so vulnerable to inner bliss, the dormant potential within exploded and I cried/laughed like a baby. Spark of inner joy was forcing me to re-define happiness and forcing me to unlearn tons of things which felt to be prideful until now. The unique prayer meditation led by Swami Anand Arun was an eye opening realization, standing in circles holding hands and chanting “OM�



made perfectly healthy person like me to sweat within air-conditioned room while entire body was standstill. I felt very strong current through both hands with unknown silence within, which words can’t comprehend. This experience turned out to be a quantum leap into ecstasy; first time I witnessed an unexplored blissful world. On the very last day, I could not control myself but to opt for Neo-Sannyas just to be reborn with a new name “Swami Anand Bhikshu”

favor to yourself; asking for 4 days from entire life to try something amazing is not much to ask. Gratitude to Swami Anand Arun and Swami Satya Vedant for spreading Osho's message, awareness and so much joy around the world! (swami.anandbhikshu@gmail.com)

I had firmly believed that there is always a logical explanation for everything in life and rational mind can comprehend everything, yet I was proven absolutely wrong. I am just an infant trying to crawl in this new world however I can’t wait to run! I only wish I had not delayed past opportunities of meditation camps. I sincerely request all to give an opportunity to yourself to this uncharted territory with promise that you will be doing big








he education that has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. Education up to now has been goaloriented: what you are learning is not important; what is important is the examination that will come a year or two years later. It makes the future important -- more important than the present. The commune of my vision will have a fivedimensional education. Before I enter into those five dimensions, a few things have to be noted. One: there should not be any kind of examination as part of education, but every day, every hour observation by the teachers; their remarks throughout the year will decide whether you move further or you remain a little longer in the same class. Nobody fails, nobody passes.


So in my vision the teacher has no place. Instead of teachers there will be guides, and the difference has to be understood: the guide will tell you where, in the library, to find the latest information on the subject. I divide education into five dimensions. The first is informative, like history, geography, and many other subjects which can be dealt with by television and computer together. The second part should be sciences. They can be imparted by television and computer too, but they are more complicated, and the human guide will be more necessary. In the first dimension also come languages. Every person in the world should know at least two languages; one is his mother tongue, and the other is English as an international vehicle for communication. One international language is absolutely necessary as a basis for one world, for one humanity. So two languages should be absolutely necessary for everybody. The second is the enquiry of scientific subjects, which is tremendously important because it is half of reality, the outside reality.

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And the third will be what is missing in present-day education, the art of living. Every child should be helped to transform his anger, hatred, jealousy, into love. An important part of the third dimension should also be a sense of humor. So love, laughter, and an acquaintance with life and its wonders, its mysteries... A reverence for life should be the foundation of the third dimension. A great reverence for life should be taught, because life is God and there is no other God than life itself, and joy, laughter, a sense of humor -- in short a dancing spirit.

of meditation, you can be introduced to Zen, to Tao, to Yoga, to Hassidism, to all kinds and all possibilities that have existed. The new commune will have a full education, a whole education. All that is essential should be compulsory, and all that is nonessential should be optional. One can choose from the options, which will be many. And once the basics are fulfilled, then you have to learn something you enjoy; music, dance, painting -- you have to know something to go inwards, to know yourself. Osho, Light on the Path, Ch#13, Q/1

The fourth dimension should be of art and creativity: painting, music, craftsmanship, pottery, masonry -- anything that is creative. All areas of creativity should be allowed; the students can choose. And the fifth dimension should be the art of dying. In this fifth dimension will be all the meditations, so that you can know there is no death, so that you can become aware of an eternal life inside you. This should be absolutely essential, because everybody has to die; nobody can avoid it. And under the big umbrella







y commune is going to spread all over the earth. Wherever you will see a sannyasin, my commune exists there. Wherever you will find a sannyasin, I am there with him. Wherever a sannyasin remembers me I am present to him, far more deeply than I can be physically present -- because I am no longer in my body, just somehow hanging around the body. I am no longer the body. If you love me you will know that I am something totally different from the body; it is a nonphysical phenomenon. Osho, The Dhammapada, Ch#9






Not Religion M

y new man is going to be deep in love with life. And my religion is not of renunciation but of rejoicing. The new commune will create every possible opportunity to rejoice, sing, dance. The new commune is going to be of a totally new kind of religiousness, spirituality. Nobody is going to be a Hindu or a Mohammedan or a Christian or a Jaina, but everybody is going to be religious -- just religious. To me, religion needs no adjectives. And the moment a religion becomes attached to an adjective, it is no longer religion -- it becomes politics. Bayazid is not Mohammedan. Mohammed himself is not Mohammedan, cannot be. Christ is not Christian and Buddha is not Buddhist. They are simply religious. They have a certain flavor, a certain silence, a certain grace, surrounding them. They are windows

to the beyond. Through them you can see the beyond, through them God goes on singing a thousand and one songs. The new commune is not going to be of any religion. It will be religious. But the religion will not be unearthly, it will be very down to earth; hence it will be creative, it will explore all possibilities of being creative. All kinds of creativity will be supported, nourished. The real religious man has to contribute to the world. He has to make it a little more beautiful than he found it when he came into the world. He has to make it a little more joyous. He has to make it a little more perfumed. He has to make it a little more harmonious. That is going to be his contribution. Osho, The Dhammapada, Vo8, Ch #2



A Buddhafield

Becomes a Chain




buddhafield facilitates many processes which can happen without the buddhafield, but it would take long long, arduous effort. It is the same as when the wind is blowing and going towards the other shore: you need not row your boat; you can simply leave the boat and the winds will take it to the other shore. In a buddhafield the winds are blowing towards the other shore; you can simply surrender to the winds and with no effort you will reach the other shore. You can reach the other shore alone too, but then you will have to row the boat. Then you will have to take the risk of being alone in the uncharted sea.

are moving, that people are gaining new insights, that people are evolving, that people are reaching closer to the other shore. And those who are ahead of you can always assure you, "Don't be worried. Go on. Come on! The other shore is visible from our state; soon it will be visible to you too." And you can say many things to those who are behind you. Those are the people who need great assurance. Moving into the unknown is not an easy process; a buddhafield becomes a chain. Osho, The Dhammapada, Vol6, Ch #6

In a buddhafield you are not alone, there are many who are moving. A few are ahead of you, a few are behind you; and you know that people



Osho Events, USA 2012

Participants at the Boston-Canada Cruise with Sw. Arun and Sw. Vedant, July

Satsang at San Diego, March

Friends at Dallas Meditation Camp with Sw. Arun, July

Meditation Retreat in Vancouver, April

Cruise retreat from LA to Mexico, March



Osho Events, UK 2012

Group Photo in Cruise Camp, UK

Sw. Arun Sharing Osho vision in Aberdeen University of Medical Science, UK

Talks in Nepalese Embassy, London

Satsang and talks in Ram Mandir, South Hall, London

Group Photo of Boston Manor Camp, London OSHO TAPOBAN


Osho Events, RUSSIA 2012

Meditation Camp in Kumpinling, Moscow


Meditation Camp in Novosibirsk

Satsang in 'Belie Oblaka' Moscow

Yoga Federation Satsang, Moscow

Meditation Camp in Kumpinling, Moscow


Osho Events, AUSTRALIA 2013

Meditation Camp in Byron Bay

Meditation Camp in Gondwana

Meditation Camp in Sydney

Meditation Camp in Melbourne

Ma Diti with Swami Arun OSHO TAPOBAN


My commune is a synthesis of all the paths, hence anybody who comes to my door is welcome. -Osho

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Osho Tapoban

Osho Tapoban WelcomeLounge and Communication center at the main entrance is housed in the unique Nagarjuna block that reminds of the beautiful Malla palaces in Nepal. Overlooking the vast spread of Nagarjuna forest being at the welcome lounge is a delight unto itself. You can quietly relax and enjoy your view or listen to the music playing while our sannyasins register you and welcome you into this beautiful space. Attached right next to it is the huge Nagarjuna multimedia and gift center that provides you with a huge range of Osho books, audios, videos and other spiritual literature to chose from. At the center you can also purchase all the items and amenities that you need while you stay here.



Osho Events, NEPAL 2013

Meditation Camp at Osho Jetban Commune, Lumbini

Meditation Camp at Osho Anandban Commune, Dhulabari, Jhapa

Meditation Camp at Osho Mahaparinirvan Commune, Dharan



Meditation Camp at Osho Venuban Commune, Gumdi, Dhading

Meditation Camp at Osho Upaban Commune, Pokhara

Camp at Osho Dharmapradeep MC, Biratnagar

Bhumipujan (Stone Laying) Of Osho Dev Bhumi MC, Inaruwa OSHO TAPOBAN


Osho Events, TAPOBAN 2012/ 2013

Participants in 7 days Transformation Meditation Camp at Osho Tapoban


Mystic Rose Group

No-Mind Group at Tapoban

Neo Media Symposium at Tapoban

Asheesh Day Satsang


Guru Purnima Nagar Kirtan, Kathmandu

Inauguration of Osho Sansar, a book store in Bishalbazar Supermarket, Kathmandu

Meditation Session for Students at Tapoban

Sw. Anand Arun sharing Osho vision on the ocassion of Sw. Vivekanand Jayanti, Kathmandu

Sw. Aanad Arun giving talk on the occasion of World Heart Day, Kathmandu



Osho Tapoban, Glimpses

Hon. President of Nepal, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav being welcomed at Tapoban

Hon. Prime Minister Dr. Babauram Bhattrai visits Tapoban 2012

Sw. Anand Arun Presenting Osho Books to Sri Sri Ravishankar, Kathmandu 2013

Sw. Anand Arun Presenting Osho Books to Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, Kathmandu 2012

Hon. Speaker of the House Subash Nemwang visits Tapoban 2012

Sw. Anand Arun welcomes Hon. Ambassador of India Mr Jayant Prasad at Tapoban 2012

Mr. Jiba Lamichchhane, President of NRN, shares his view at Osho Tapoban2012



Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala visits Tapoban 2012

Sw. Anand Arun Presenting Osho Books to Swami Ramdev, Haridwar 2012

Sw. Anand Arun meets Pushpa Kamal Dahal, President of NCP UM 2013

Sw. Anand Arun with the richest man of Nepal Binod Chaudhary 2013

Sw. Anand Arun meets CNN hero Mrs. Anuradha Koirala 2013

Osho Books released by CPN UML General Secretary Mr. Ishwor Pokharel at Tapoban 2012

Osho Books released by Film actor Mr. Rajesh Hamal at Tapoban 2013

Industrialist and Founding president of NRN, Mr. Upendra Mahato visits Tapoban 2012

Sw. Anand Arun being welcomed in Model Srijana Boarding School, Balaju, Kathmandu 2013 OSHO TAPOBAN


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Osho Events with Swami Anand Arun, INDIA 2013

Meditation Camp at Osho Gangadham, Rishikesh

Meditation Session at the Bank of Bay of Bengal, Puri

Satsang at Osho Dhyan Prem Commune, Champa

Inauguration and Satsang in Osho Ramkrishna MC, Kolkata

Satsang at Bhagawan Shree Ashram, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi OSHO TAPOBAN


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Commune Grows a 92




commune slowly, slowly grows a soul. And if the soul is missing, the commune is not a commune, then it is a crowd. A crowd has no soul. When a crowd has a soul, it is a commune. Then there is a centre where all meet. I am your centre. You are here because of me. You are all here because of me; each of you is deeply involved with me. I am functioning as a centre to you all. And when you all are involved with me, naturally you become involved with all. Each becomes involved with all. I am your space, your bridge, from where you move into each other. If you really love me, this is going to happen more and more. Before you have asked the question, it will be answered. Before you have asked the question, many will have asked it. You need only to wait a little. And there will be moods -- when the whole commune will pass through a phase and a cycle simultaneously. This is going to happen. The closer you come to me, the more it will be happening. Yes, something is up.

This is the meaning of a church, a commune. We pool our consciousnesses into one space and then each affects each other. Then great energy is released. Alone you cannot go very high. Alone, you are alone. Alone, you have all kinds of limitations. When you are one with many, infinite energy is available. And many things will start happening which cannot happen alone. For example, a solo guitar player is one thing. An orchestra is totally different. Yes, it is beautiful, a solo guitarist is beautiful, but there is a kind of limitation. It cannot be very rich, because it will not have many dimensions to it. It is solo. The orchestra is far more rich. Many dimensions, many directions, meet in it. Many kinds of instruments and many artists pool their energy and a harmony arises. This is what a commune is -- an orchestra. Osho, Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 2, Ch#10

You are disappearing as separate units. This is the meaning of a church, really.




Transformation of Sexual Energy into Love Beloved Osho, It has been said that in your communes there is limitless sexual activity. Is that true, and what is sex, and what is love?


n the first place, there can never be limitless sexual activity. Biology prevents it. It is not within your hands. How many times you can make love in one night? And you will know that it cannot be limitless. There is a limit. And it comes very soon. It is absolutely absurd that in my community there is limitless sexual activity. In fact, there are so many activities going on that nobody has time for sexual activity. And I am not for repression; that does not mean that I am telling you to be licentious. When I say, “Don’t repress” I simply mean, “Listen to the body. It has a wisdom of its own.” When you are eating, can you eat limitlessly? You know perfectly well that your body gives you clear cut indications when to stop. And if you listen to the body, you will be healthier. Just what you do with your food, what you do with your thirst? You don’t go on drinking. You know when your thirst is gone. You stop. Then why sex has become a problem?



In my commune, sex is a natural thing as everything else. Neither too much nor the other extreme. Just the middle way, the golden middle. And you asking me about “What is sex, and what is love?” Sex is something biological. All animals are sexual beings. Only man has the privilege to have something higher than sex. Not just the meeting of the bodies but the meeting of two souls. That’s what love is. Love can contain sex. Sex cannot contain love. Sex is a small thing. Love is vast and tremendous. It can be without sex too; it is not necessary that a love relationship should have sex. In fact, my experience, is the more you go higher than sex, and you start enjoying a spiritual communion with a friend, with a woman, with a man; from that state of communion sex seems to be so far away, so much in the hands of blind biology, love seems such a freedom, and such a growth that it goes on growing; that you may not like even to get down to the dark valleys of sexuality. But I am not preventing. I am simply saying that as love grows deeper, sex becomes shallower.

When love reaches to its optimum, sex disappears. The real transformation of sexual energy is love. But it happens only if you allow sex a natural acceptance. It does not happen to the monks of all the religions. They are the loveless people. They cannot love, because they have not even gone into sex. They have avoided the basic energy which can be transformed into love, so they may talk about love but their talk is just bullshit. They don’t understand anything about love and they cannot understand. You have to go step by step; and your body is your first step. And religions have forced people to become homosexuals, lesbians, making love to animals; and we still go on respecting celibacy. It should be declared a crime. Nobody can be celibate, because that is against nature. You have to learn acceptance of nature, and through that acceptance is transcendence. By being in a sexual relationship, perhaps the relationship and the intimacy will create something new, which is love. And as love grows, sex starts sinking, because it is the same energy that is changing, it is

moving into a higher form. When love comes to its maturity, sex disappears. That is true celibacy. But you have not done anything for it. It has come to you as a gift from nature. When celibacy comes as a gift from existence, it is tremendously beautiful; but when you impose it upon yourself you create homosexuality, and then you will create one day AIDS. I simply teach acceptance of your nature; and through acceptance, immense transformations happen. But they come on their own accord. You don’t have to force them. Love has a beauty. Sex is ugly. Sex is something like the roots of a rose bush. Those roots are going to be ugly. Love is like the roses; although those roots are continuously sending energy to the roses, it is the roots and their energy that is becoming roses, so I will not say to you, “Cut your roots because they are ugly.” Do not cut the roots, help them to be strong, nourish them; and you will have thousands of roses blossoming. And that will be what I call love. Osho, excerpts from The Last Testament, Vol 5

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Throwing knives on wife's picture Husband was throwing knives on wife’s picture. All were missing the target! Suddenly he received call from her "Hi, what are you doing?" His honest reply, "MISSING YOU" ¿ A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before. "You'll get your chance in court," said the sergeant. "No, no no!" said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years!" ¿ On their first night Mulla asked his wife, "How many men have you slept with before we got married?" To this Mulla's wife gave him a bag with a few grains of rice and a 500 rupee note and said, "Everytime I slept with a man I put a grain of rice in this bag." Mulla looked inside the bag and found eight grains of rice. He exclaimed, "So you slept with eight men, but what is this 500 rupee note?" "Oh I already sold four Kgs of rice" replied the wife. ¿

The wife bought a new sim card and called the husband from the kitchen, "Hi Darling." The husband picked up the phone and whispered, "Call you later darling, the devil is in the kitchen." ¿ Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson were on a camping and hiking trip. They had gone to bed and were lying there looking up at the sky. Holmes said, "Watson, look up. What do you see?" "Well, I see thousands of stars." "And what does that mean to you?" "Well, I guess it means we will have another nice day tomorrow. What does it mean to you, Holmes?" "To me, it means someone has stolen our tent." ¿ A nun was raped just outside the monastery. When she was finally found, she was carried inside and the nearby physician was called. He came, raised his hands and said, "This is work for a plastic surgeon!" A plastic surgeon was called. When he saw the poor nun he exclaimed, "Oh, my God! What a mess! Where should I start?" The mother superior replied, "Well, that's easy. First get that smile off her face!"

With Best Compliments From Swami Amrit Gagan (Dr Amir Malhotra, M.D, F.A.A.N) USA



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An Experiment to Provoke the God within You

OSHO TAPOBAN An International Commune & Forest Retreat Centre

OSHO TAPOBAN, Kathmandu, Nepal Ph: + 977- 1- 5112012/13, 5112062 Mob:+ 977- 9841440335 Email: tapoban@wlink.com.np www.tapoban.com Skype: osho.tapoban facebook.com/oshotapoban 100


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