The official Newsletter of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem — Knights Hospitaller HM King Peter II Constitution — Grand Master HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia GCSJ
HRH Prince Vladimir of Yugoslavia John, My Dear Brothers and Sisters in St.
taken pathway that our glorious Order has Many things have happened along the : indeed, 1963 in via osla Yug of II r Pete HM King since it was created by my late Uncle , wish not do I about the twists and turns. And many, many pages could be written tiae: minu such over ng pori are so inclined from for one minute, to dissuade those who urs, labo their of s fruit the from learn aps we may they perform a valuable task, and perh future of our Order. but they are not the custodians of the re of our , are a fundamental chapter of the futu We, my Brothers and Sisters, however and must tares the of r Orde our ped strip have ; we Order, we are not shackled to the past made, been have that of the progressive changes now be vigilant as we reap the harvest ries and Prio our r; Orde the for s e are exciting time particularly since April 2015. For thes re has befo r neve that f belie ble hum my is re. It their units are flourishing as never befo of our ensuring the continuing strengthening for ty abili t direc and mic dyna a such The facts hip. bers mem ul many of our wonderf beloved Order been in the hands of so speak for themselves!
the ering of the Priory of Victoria under Already the changes have seen the flow Brigitta and cess Prin ncil. Cou his and Meehan GCSJ stewardship of Prior Chev. William ng event raisi about the success of the Priory’s fund I were particularly delighted to hear dation (OSJ). for the Mother and Child Relief Foun
l Priory of Council and the members of the loya Chev. Baron von Zeppelin GCSJ, his e of true moral thos by uently what can be achieved Queensland have demonstrated so eloq continuing ry’s Prio the in cted butes are so amply refle strength and conviction. Those attri Homeless particular the Gold Coast Project for commitment to local charities, and in s. Youth and the Institute for Glycomic the guidance of gone from strength to strength under The Priory of New South Wales has and that of ncil and I am delighted by its success Prior Schon Condon GCSJ and his Cou 7 flen, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 5222 8247 Lehmkuhl Str. 34, 32108 Bad Sulzu om aol.c RH@ imirH email: Vlad
Editor: HE Conventual Bailiff F Maestrelli GCSJ OMSJ MSSJ Grand Hospitaller
HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia, GCSJ Grand Master and HRH Princess Brigitta Karadjordjevic GDSJ
In this edition: 3
4 5
8 9
12 13 14
Priory of Scandanavia
Priory of St. Margaret of Scotland Priory of Victoria
The ACT Commandery Investiture—14 May 2016
NSW Priory Diabetes Centre Fundraiser Lunch French Award
Second Scandinavian Chapter Meeting
NSW Priory Investiture 18 June 2016
Priory of Queensland High Tea & Dreamtime Art Fundraiser Priory of England
Priory Of Victoria in the Community
Continued from page 1... the Commandery of the ACT. The Priory’s charitable work for the Diabetes Centre at St Vincent’s Hospital has been inspirational, and it is particularly gratifying that its works, and those of the Order generally, have been recognised by the Prime Minister of Australia.
There has been a renaissance in the Priory of St. Margaret of Scotland under the deft leadership of Dame Angela Reid DCSJ and her Council. Membership is rising, and has been fortified by Knights and Dames who have joined us form the SOSJ. It is a mark of their commitment that these new members have already made such a positive contribution to the Priory’s charitable works, for which they have my sincere thanks.
The former Priories of Norway and Denmark have been unified in the newly-formed Priory of Scandinavia, and Prior Øivind Olsen GCSJ and his Council are making excellent progress.
In September, I will be in London for a meeting of the Grand Magisterium on the day before the Priory of England Investiture and Garden Party. I should like to take this opportunity to thank Grand Dame Elizabeth Carey-Sheill GDSJ and her Council for kindly inviting me to join them, and I look forward very much to attending.
Finally, I wish to express my thanks to the Priory of France which, under the strong direction of Prior Chev. Alain Colorado GCSJ and his Council, is preparing to host the meeting of the Sovereign Council this year in Nice. My thought and prayers and those of Princess Brigitta are with them, particularly at a time when such cowardly and barbaric acts are being committed against the French people, culminating so recently in the horrific slaughter of Fr Jacques Hamel in St-Etienne-du-Rouvray.
At times such as these, our Christian Faith supports us: the consolation of God comforts us and enables us to go forward with hope.
May St. John the Baptist bless and protect us and instil in us the strength to remain true to our glorious Order’s motto: Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum. And let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.
God bless you all! Yours in St. John,
HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia GCSJ Grand Master
Lehmkuhl Str. 34, 32108 Bad Sulzuflen, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 5222 82477 email:
August 2016
The Prior of Scandinavia and sitting in the background is the ViceChancellor Geir Bråten.
On Saturday April 30 2016 at 4 pm an election meeting took place in Ila Church in Oslo, headed by Grand Councillor HE Conv. Bailiff Harald Løvheim. The election meeting was opened and closed in accordance with the Manual. There were two items on the agenda: first, election of the first prior of the Priory of Scandinavia; and, thereafter election of a Priory Court of Honour.
Nominations were received, both from Denmark and Norway, for Chev. Øivind Olsen as the first Prior of the Priory of Scandinavia. No other candidates were nominated. Eleven proxies were received from members who, unfortunately, could not attend: all in favour of Øivind Olsen. Accordingly, Chev. Øivind Olsen GCSJ was elected unanimously as the Prior of Scandinavia.
Serving Brothers being invested, from right Air Pilot Rune Løvheim and Air Pilot Geir Rasmussen.
HE Bailiff Poul Heile Pedersen was elected as the administrator of the Priory Court of Honour and Chev. Knut Eirik Moe (Norway) and Kathrine Kjergaard (Denmark) were elected unanimously as lay judges.
At 5 pm the same day, the first chapter meeting in the Priory of Scandinavia was opened headed by HE Conv. Bailiff Harald Løvheim. The first item on the agenda was the installation of the newly elected Prior, who had been accepted by the Petit Conseil and our Grand Master. This ritual installation was done by the Prelate and the Grand Councillor in common. Upon his installation the new Prior took over as leader of the chapter meeting where he installed his council and invested new Serving Brothers amongst other things. The meeting was followed by a mini banquet which is usual after our chapter meetings.
The new Prior, Chev. Øivind Olsen GCSJ.
Prior and his council. From right Prior Øivind Olsen, Hospitaller Hilde Mari Olsen, Chamberlain Snefrid Salvesen, Vice Prior Kathrine Kjergaard, Prelate Kristian Lassen. PAGE 3
On 13 February 2016, Dame Angela Reid DSJ was elected Prior, by unanimous consent. The first task for her and the new Council was to set about rebuilding the Priory. Shortly afterwards, the Prior and HE Conv. Bailiff Alex Dalgleish had a series of meetings with representatives of the Sovereign Order of St John of Jerusalem (SOSJ) and were delighted that ten of the former Knights and Dames made requests to join our Order. Admission to the Priory of St. Margaret of Scotland was confirmed on 19 June at a ceremony at our Conventual Church in Ayr.
Bail. Dalgleish and wife Monica.
Diploma Presentations by Prior.
We are hopeful that we shall have between three and five Aspirants to be invested at the Sovereign Council Meeting in Nice in October, and this will grow the membership of the Priory to its highest level since inception.
We were delighted to receive a donation of £2510 (which we expect will be extended to £3000 from Gift Aid) being the proceeds of an event held in May, which had been organised by the former members of the SOSJ. It is intended that this will be donated through the Priory of St Margaret of Scotland Trust, registered Scottish charity SC038784, to two very deserving causes: Loaves and Fishes and the Glasgow Simon Community. It was particularly pleasing that we were given a cheque before the new members were admitted to our Priory and it clearly demonstrates that we can now march forward with renewed vigour to help the sick and the poor and other deserving causes which require assistance.
Vow of Loyalty.
A Chapter Meeting was held on 18 June which was followed by a convivial dinner during which HE Conv. Bailiff Alex Dalgleish presented a Diploma to Chev. Kenneth McLachlan KSJ to mark his elevation in rank to Knight of Justice. The elevation was greeted with acclaim by all present. We are extremely grateful to the Grand Magisterium and all current members for their enthusiasm and support. PAGE 4
Members and Guests.
Christmas 2015
The Order gathered for its last meeting of 2015 on 7 December at Graduate House in Carlton. Christmas time always brings with it the opportunity to do charitable deeds, and to this end we gathered unwrapped gifts for housing insecure children between the years of zero and eight for distribution by the Melbourne City Mission.
F.I.D.C.A. Combined Event: Homeless Veterans Fundraiser On 1 May 2016, the Victorian Priory had the privilege of a joined event with the Federazione Italiana dei Combattenti Alleati or F.I.D.C.A., and the Melbourne Chapter of the Confraternity of the Knights and Dames of St. Peter and St. Paul: a Homeless Veterans Fundraiser and luncheon. We were joined by over 90 guests including Mr Peter Portelli, the Grand Master of the Confraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul.
F.I.D.C.A. is an association of Italian veterans from all wars, this year celebrating 44 years of operation. The guests were informed of the plight faced by many veterans returning from war. ViceChancellor Chev. Dino De Marchi KCSJ addressed the guests as to the current conditions faced by veterans in Australia and particularly the homelessness faced by approximately 3000 veterans in Australia. He praised the RSL for its work in assisting veterans but also observed that existing programs were falling short of their needs and awareness could be raised among members of the community of the resources available to help those in need. The Order was very pleased to extend its association with the Confraternity and looks forward to more cooperation in the future.
August 2016
Mother and Child Relief Fundraising Dinner 15 April 2016
The Formal welcoming Address by the Prior Chev William (Bill) Meehan ED GCSJ.
On 15 April 2016, we held our Mother and Child Relief Fundraising Dinner in support of the charity operated by the Order’s Grand Master, HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia. On that note, we were very gratified and honoured to receive a surprise letter from the Grand Master to the Victorian Priory applauding our recent growth and pledging his unconditional support to the Priory. The night was also made all the more memorable by our guest speaker, Chev. AirCdre Dr Royce Thompson GCHSJ, who told us of his recent duties at the Lone Pine commemorations and shared with us the story of two country boys who enlisted at the start of World War I. Our new Knight, Chev. James Ngan KSJ, gave excellent performances on the solo harp, including one piece that he had written for the evening titled ‘Mother and Child’. Our raffle was sold in only 10 minutes, and the auction produced excellent results through the skill of auctioneer Mr Robert Pedersen and the generosity and good will of the attendees. We can tell that the evening was excellent through a most objective measure: aside from Bayside Mayor Chev. James Long, who needed to attend functions the following day, all of our guests remained until gently ushered out at midnight. All-in-all, we raised an admirable $3500.00 for the Mother and Child Relief Foundation and its worthy causes. PAGE 5
Dr Royce Thompson (left), Dame Caroline Meehan, (centre) the official photographer Miss Lisa Camilleri.
Chev. James Long KSJ (left), Mr Fred Culle OAM, President of the Ivanhoe RSL (Centre), Mr Charles Kovass.
Patrons examining a lithograph donated by Dame Caroline Meehan DCSJ (Standing).
Chev Graham Henry KCSJ.
A friend of the Order award to Mrs Romanie Pedersen by the Prior.
Miss Sonia Castelli and Mr Jeffrey Evans, kind supporters.
August 2016
HE Conv. Bailiff Fred Maestrelli investing Chev. John William Doherty KSJ.
Left to right Chevaliers William (Bill) Meehan ED KCSJ Prior, Chevaliers John Coleiro, Ray O’Reilly, John Doherty and Renato Raimondi, Brother Geoffrey Evans.
Prior Bill Meehan presenting a certificate of friend of the Order to Mrs Giuaseppina De Marchi.
Serving Sister Patrizia Coleiro.
Ceremony of Investiture 24 June 2016 Queen’s Chapel Queen’s College the University of Melbourne
The Order was very proud to welcome seven new members and friends at its Investiture for 2016, which took place on 24 June at Melbourne University’s Queens’ College.
Among the newly invested are Chevaliers Renato Raimondi KSJ, Raymond Vincent O’Reilly KSJ, Mariejeanpaul John Coliero KSJ and John William Doherty KSJ, along with Ecclesiastical Dame Shannon Jane Smith DSJ; also admitted were Serving Sister Patricia Coleiro and Serving Brother Geoffrey William Evans.
The Investiture and Banquet were again a great success thanks to the contribution of all council members and visitors.
Our guests of Honour were the Investing Officer, Grand Hospitaller HE Conv. Bailiff Fred Maestrelli GCSJ OMSJ MSSJ and Dame Carmen DCSJ MMSJ MSSJ.
Dames of the Confraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul.
Dame Rev. Shannon Jane Smith DSJ.
Chev. John Coleiro.
Chev. Michael Dalton being presented with his Diploma by the Prior (left) and ACT Commander (right).
The Prior of NSW, LTCOL the Chev. Schon G Condon GCSJ RFD, and the Commander of the ACT Commandery, CMDR the Chev. Derek J Robson AM KCSJ, welcomed everyone to the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller, ACT Commandery Investiture, on Saturday 14 May 2016.
The Investiture was conducted at the ANZAC Memorial Chapel of St Paul, Royal Military College of Australia, Duntroon Canberra, and again, this magnificent venue showcased our Order as we proudly welcomed our new Knight of Honour, Michael Nikolas Dalton.
The Service was conducted by our Prior, LTCOL the Chev. Schon G Condon GCSJ RFD, and Chaplain, AIRCDRE the Chev. Dr Royce Thompson GCHSJ, with the Proclamation and Accolade PAGE 8
King O’Malleys Irish Pub.
being presented by HE Conv. Bailiff Fred Maestrelli GCSJ OMSJ MSSJ.
The Celebratory Lunch was held at the Commonwealth Club, with the kind permission of the Club President. Here, we were all welcomed by the wonderfully attentive staff, and then treated to a very fittingly dignified lunch. It was in this very friendly environment that Chev. Michael Dalton KSJ was more formally welcomed into the Order with the presentation of his Diploma from our Prior. Chev. Joe Kaplun OAM KSJ (also known as MARIO) ran a raffle with no prizes and raised some $700. He said that at the next function he will be joined by his best friend Hans to raise even more funds.
A visit to the Nation’s Capital is never complete without a visit to some of our
National Institutions and some social activity amongst the wonderfully friendly local community. On this occasion, those who could stay on into the night were treated to a wonderful spectacle at the 7th Annual Sutton Community Bonfire Night. This no cost community event brings the local community together for a fun night where the specially constructed massive bonfire features very prominently, and everyone is able to mingle and enjoy the free BBQ, sparklers, coffee and hot chocolate. It was great to see so many members of our Order mixing with the school executive staff and members of the local community in such a relaxed atmosphere.
We then travelled back into the City and enjoyed a wonderful meal and social interlude at King O’Malleys Irish Pub.
Dame Carmen Maestrelli, Bailiff Peter Shilton with Diabetes Centre guests.
The NSW Parliament Members’ Dining Room on 20 May 2016 was the venue for the Priory’s first fundraising event for the year. Over 60 members and guests were hosted by The Hon Don Harwin MLC, President, New South Wales Legislative Council. Guests enjoyed the usual excellent food and beverages, a feature of dining at the Members’ Dining Room.
Awards Presentation.
Ms Michelle Beltz, a type 1 diabetes sufferer, spoke about a relatively new program DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating). It is an education program which aims to give adults with type 1 diabetes the practical, hands-on skills to self-manage their condition. Benefits include improved blood glucose control and increased dietary freedom.
HE Bailiff Peter Shilton read a congratulatory letter received from The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia and Member for Wentworth. Following the toast to the Order and Grand Master, the “Three Amigos”.
Chev. Gary Rossetto, Serving Sisters Gina Pisani and Sheryl Way did their usual combined act of running a raffle and live auction. Spirited bidding encouraged by Gary ensued, which raised some $8,000.00. Together with funds raised by the raffle and other direct cash donations, the Executive will be able to make a sizeable donation to the Diabetes Centre.
Auction Action.
"I can be smart when it's important, but most men don't like it" Norma Jeane.
The Prior LTCOL the Chev. Schon Condon and HE Conv. Bailiff Fred Maestrelli presented Gina and Sheryl with certificates of appreciation for their continued efforts in supporting fundraising activities for the Priory.
The companionship, developed during the lunch, continued well into the afternoon until staff (who provided excellent service throughout) began to clear the tables.
A big thank you to all those involved in organising the event.
FRENCH AWARD August 2016
On 16 June, the Secretary General attended the reception at the French Ambassador's residence in London, on the occasion of the ceremony to award the insignia of Chevalier de l'Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur to HE Bailiff Professor Nadey Hakim GCSJ. This, the highest French order for military and civil merits, was established in 1802 by Napoléon Bonaparte. The order is divided into five degrees of increasing distinction: Chevalier being the first.
A Chapter Meeting took place in Ila Church in Oslo on May 30 2016. This was the second Chapter Meeting in the newly established Priory of Scandinavia.
The Church Ceremony was headed by the Prior, Chev. Øivind Olsen GCSJ, where a new Serving Sister, Ms. Kristin Brudheim, was invested. In addition to
our ritual performance, a guest gave a speech about the famous skier, Thorleif Haug, and connected his celebrity with his great works of charity.
Serving Sister Kristin Brudheim.
The Prior leading the procession from the Church. PAGE <<
NSW Priory Serving Brother on the right.
Once again the Reverend Andrew Sempell welcomed the Priory to St James’ Anglican Church for its Investiture Ceremony. HE Conv. Bailiff Fred Maestrelli GCSJ OMSJ MSSJ, administered the Accolade on behalf of the Grand Master to Chevaliers Owen Patrick Rogers KSJ and the Hon Henry Tsang OAM KSJ. The Prior LTCOL the
Bailiff Fred Maestrelli, MMSJ Recipients, Bailiff Peter Shilton.
New Priory of NSW Knights on the left and the Marshal on the right.
Chev. Schon G Condon GCSJ RFD admitted Mr. Rohan Barry Hitch as a Serving Brother.
A highlight of the ceremony was the presentation to LTCOL the Chev. Schon G Condon GCSJ RFD and Chev. Joe Kaplun OAM KSJ of the OSJ Medal of Merit, awarded by the Grand Master
HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karadjordjevic of Yugoslavia GCSJ, for services to the community and the Order. The celebratory lunch was held at Cello’s Restaurant, with the usual conviviality and fine dining. Visitors who attended were impressed by the spectacle of the investiture ceremony and the festivities that followed.
August 2016
The Priory of Queensland held a highly successful "High Tea & Dreamtime Art" Fundraiser at Bond University on the Gold Coast on Saturday, 28 May 2016.
Indigenous Artist and Art Curator Ms Avril Quaill explains the Dreamtime stories woven into the Art.
The Prior addressing guests during the High Tea.
The Prior of Queensland together with representatives from the Priory and charitable beneficiaries.
Close to 70 guests from all over Queensland and interstate enjoyed a sumptuous afternoon tea with piano entertainment kindly provided by the very talented Mrs Jocelyn Bode, wife of Chev. Dr Andrew Bode KSJ. The highlight of the afternoon was a guided tour of the University's indigenous art by celebrated local artist Ms Avril Quaill. Avril is an art curator and has the honour of having exhibited in both the National Gallery of Australia and the Queensland Art Gallery. Guests were intrigued and impressed by Avril's in-depth knowledge of the stories told in the art and gained a greater appreciation of the significance indigenous art has played in shaping Australia's cultural diversity.
Representatives from the Priory's two charitable beneficiaries spoke to guests about how proceeds will be utilized. Mr Andrew Antonopolous, the President of the Gold Coast Project for Homeless Youth, outlined the accommodation and assistance provided for less fortunate youth on the Gold Coast. The Director of the Institute for Glycomics, Chev. Professor Mark von Itzstein KSJ, detailed the research the Institute does in combating disease and illness, and achieving results which are truly global in their application.
The generosity of the Knights and Dames of the Priory together with their guests, contributed towards the success of the day. The $3,500 raised will be shared between the two very worthy causes. The Prior of Queensland, Chev. Andre, the Baron von Zeppelin GCSJ extended sincere congratulations and gratitude for a job well done to all members of the Priory's Fundraising Committee. He especially acknowledged and commended the efforts of Dame Sallyanne Hough DCSJ CMSJ, whose tireless efforts and attention to detail helped ensure a successful and enjoyable day for all.
Feast Day Mass
HE Conv. Bailiff Edward Power GCSJ MMSJ, HE Grand Dame Elizabeth Carey-Sheill GDSJ, HE Conv. Bailiff Tony Sheill GCSJ CMSJ MSSJ, Chev. the Revd. Canon Andrew Stevens KSJ.
Fr. Andrew and the Grand Commander.
Priory members and guests.
Chev. David Robert-Jones KSJ.
The Priory of England held its Feast Day Mass on 25 June 2016 at the Anglican Church of St. Nicholas, Plumstead. The parish is run by Chev. The Rev. Canon Andrew Stevens KSJ, a member of the Priory, who also said the Mass.
The beautiful music for the service was provided by Chev. David Roberts-Jones KSJ, who is also a member of the Priory.
The weather on the day was quite extraordinary; the Grand Commander arrived at the door of the Church to a deafening clap of thunder and the afternoon was punctuated by more thunder claps as well as frequent and torrential rainstorms! The Mass was followed by a light buffet reception.
Ave atque vale
Chev. Major Gerald Flint-Shipman KSJ The Priory of England is sad to report the death of Chev. Major Gerald John Flint-Shipman KSJ. Major Flint-Shipman joined the Order in 1997 but had, through illness, been unable to attend meetings for some time.
Future Events
On 17 September the Priory of England will hold an Investiture in the presence of the Grand Master, who is visiting London for a meeting of the Grand Magisterium. The Investiture, which will be held at the Church of St Nicholas, Plumstead, will be followed by a Garden Party at the vicarage.
A number of members of the Priory will travel to Nice in October for the meeting of the Sovereign Council. The Priory’s next Chapter Meeting will be held on 29 October 2016 and on 3 December 2016, members of the Priory and guests will join Fr. Andrew for his Patronal Feast of St. Nicholas at Plumstead.
The photographs are reproduced by kind permission of Chev. The Rev. Canon Andrew Stevens KSJ and Mr Michael Johnson (photographer).
August 2016
The President of the Ivanhoe Sub Branch of the RSL Mr Fred Cullen OAM, and the President of the Italian Sub Branch, Mr Antonio Comand, holding a certificate of appreciation presented by the Vice Chancellor of the Priory of Victoria, Chev. Dino De Marchi, on Sunday 24 July 2016. The Italian Sub Branch was commemorating 35 years of operation since it received its Charter from the then State President of the Victorian Returned and Services League of Australia, the late Mr Bruce Ruxton OBE OAM. Both Mr Cullen and Chev. De Marchi served together on the State Executive of the RSL. The Ivanhoe RSL is a great contributor to the Anzac, Poppy, Legacy and Weary Dunlop Appeals. Mr Cullen was admitted as a friend of the Priory of Victoria.
On 23 July, President of the Republic of Malta, HE MarieLouise Coleiro Preca, met with the Maltese-Australian community in Melbourne, as part of an official visit to Australia. While at the Maltese Cultural Centre in Albion, a Western Suburb of Melbourne, she gracefully informally accepted a book on the late Sir Edward “Weary” Dunlop, a former distinguished member of the Order, from the Vice Chancellor of the Priory of Victoria, Chev. Dino De Marchi.
Your Excellencies and Dear Brothers and Sisters of St John,
It is a great honour for the Priory of France, and we thank the Sovereign Council for giving us the opportunity, to organise this important meeting of the Order’s ruling body. All our members are involved in making your stay as enjoyable as possible so that you can make the most of your time in Nice and its surrounding area.
Gardens at the Monastery of Cimiez.
Monastery of Cimiez.
The Priory has set up an organising committee for this event, and its members have been meeting every week since December to identify the various offerings, with the aim of ensuring that you will have a very satisfying and pleasant stay. We would like to take you back to the glorious Order of the past, because the town of Nice a city rich with a thousand years of history had as a member, the Grand Master of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Jean Paul de Lascaris-Castellar (15601657).
His residence, built in the baroque style of the XVII century, is now a museum and will welcome us for a reception.
It is therefore with immense pride that we will be able to re-live this part of the old Order.
Moreover, the founder of that Order, Brother Gérard Tenque, will be present among us during the religious ceremony in the form of his relics, a
Editor: Fred Maestrelli Contributors: HRH Prince Karl Vladimir Karadjordjevic, Liz Carey-Sheill, Alain Colorado, Alex Dalgleish, Shane Hough, Harald Løvheim, Dino de Marchi, Alastair Redpath-Stevens, Peter Shilton, Georges Zazzeri. Photography: Lisa Camilleri, Sallyann Hough, Michael Johnson, Rev. Canon Andrew Stevens Layout: Greg Smith
part of the historic and cultural heritage of France and lent to us by the Municipality of Martigues (near Marseilles), the town of his birth.
The Priory of France is taking all necessary security precautions to ensure the safe transportation of these relics so that they can be present among us, and appreciated by all the Dames and Knights attending our ceremony. The Priory of France will have the honour of presenting 15 aspirants to be invested, as well as candidates from other Priories. The ceremony, in the presence of our Grand Master, will take place in the Monastery of Cimiez which belongs to the Brothers of the Franciscan Order, and after the ceremony the participants will have the opportunity to visit its magnificent gardens. Later in the evening, the Grand Commander’s Banquet will take place at the Hotel Aston La Scala in the heart of Nice opposite the 'Coulée verte', our green belt and the pride of our town.
We look forward to seeing you and will do all we can to make your stay just as pleasant as the ones we experienced during the Sovereign Council Meetings in London and Glasgow. Yours sincerely in St. John,
Chev. Alain Colorado GCSJ Prior of France
More news coming in late Autumn...