OSM 11.2

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lawn ornaments The fever for Lawn Ornaments has never been stronger as your submissions keep filling up our inbox. From rusted and forgotten buggies behind the garage, to those purt-near-mint, center-of-the-lawn, almost modern rides just waiting for first snow, we want to see the lawn ornaments in your neck of the snowbelt. Snap a photo and send it in. If your photo is selected and published, you will receive a freshly screened OSM t-shirt. Email your pics to info@osmmag.com. Remember, curb appeal is nice…snowmobiles are better. Clearly the Moto-Skis with all of the racing stickers is the only runner of this batch. - Alex Lamore

I found this Ski-Doo Safari Saga in the neighbouring house’s backyard while I was at BarBQ this past summer. Not only has it probably been a solid three decades since the last time I saw a Safari Saga, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a better one protected under the blue tarp. - Anonymous Passionate Sled Lover


A face that only a mother could love. This is just a defeated sight. Ripped seat, headlights hanging by a wire, twisted bumper and only one ski. It’s pretty safe to say that this sled needs a lot of love. - Dave Poidy ON SNOW MAGAZINE • VOL 11 • ISSUE 2

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