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As with any Motorsport, racing rules and classes are created to ensure competition is not only fair but also exciting to watch, whether it’s a Novice or Junior qualifying heat, or a Pro final. Driver experience, engine size and the engines performance define the different Snowcross racing classes.
Each vehicle is classified by engine cc and if it is stock or modified. In most stock classes racers are allowed to add traction products such as studs or carbides, as well they may change shocks, handlebars and skis. Pro and Pro-Lite class racers compete with limited build production 600cc race sleds that produce approximately 130HP. Pro class racers are permitted to use aftermarket exhaust silencers, skis, and shocks.
For 2022 CSRA will once again implement the Snow Bike Class. With the advent of manufacturers such as Polaris (Timbersled), Arctic Cat, Yeti, and Camso manufacturing Snow Bikes and Snow Bikes components, as well as aftermarket kit options that continue to grow the Snow Bike market. CSRA will include a Snow Bike Racing class at each CSRA event. As Snow Bike Racing grows in popularity, CSRA will create additional race divisions and race classes. For the 2022 CSRA race season, there will be one Snow Bike class, each race day, each weekend. The races will take place as part of the “Main Events” each race day. Snow Bike racers will compete in a minimum of (2) Motos and a Final each day for CSRA National Championship Points.