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The fever for Lawn Ornaments has never been stronger as your submissions keep filling up our inbox. From rusted and forgotten buggies behind the garage, to those purt-near-mint, center-of-the-lawn, almost modern rides just waiting for first snow, we want to see the lawn ornaments in your neck of the snowbelt. Snap a photo and send it in. If your photo is selected and published, you will receive a freshly screened OSM t-shirt. Email your pics to info@osmmag.com. Remember, curb appeal is nice…snowmobiles are better.

Clearly the Moto-Skis with all of the racing stickers is the only runner of this batch. - Alex Lamore

I found this Ski-Doo Safari Saga in the neighbouring house’s backyard while I was at BarBQ this past summer. Not only has it probably been a solid three decades since the last time I saw a Safari Saga, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a better one protected under the blue tarp. - Anonymous Passionate Sled Lover

A face that only a mother could love. This is just a defeated sight. Ripped seat, headlights hanging by a wire, twisted bumper and only one ski. It’s pretty safe to say that this sled needs a lot of love. - Dave Poidy www.snowmobilertv.com for stations and times in your area

Dumped on a pile of rocks beside a dumpster is no way to treat this once beauty. Clearly this Exciter II’s best days are well behind it. If you are wondering what is in the garage? Well so are we. Electric scooter, lawn mower, small trailer and a Phazer II were left out in the hot summer sun. There must be something good in there… Man cave?

Kevin Leveille emailed this photo in to showcase his love of his

ZRTs and his security measures that he has implemented to protect them. Where do we begin.. By taking the windshield off of the one sled, he is able to pick up an extra few miles per hour on Kevlar Lake. The tightly wrapped clear plastic obviously was done to protect the seat and the 150 HP triple cylinder engine and discourage and local thieves. Now how would you protect the other ZRT with a flared Sportech windshield? It’s quite simple really, just take the skis off. www.snowmobilertv.com for stations and times in your area No matter what it is; cars, dogs, children, etc., when you have two of something, one always feels it’s treated differently. And this is true for snowmobiles too! Kevin Van Veen sent this photo in and you can see the way he tucked away the one sled, which has a clean new windshield, an un-ripped seat propped up on a wood pedestal framed by a perfectly manicured lawn. …While the other was laid within a bed of weeds and features nothing but a broken window. Kevin, your favortisim is showing. 39

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