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www.osmmag.com GOT RISER
Stand up and the loud can bark! Our call out for big risers has been met with cheers and plenty of enthusiasm. More than a few of you “know a guy” who not only likes to ’stand-up” but does so with nothing less than 12-inches of finely crafted riser. With that we tip our hat and give you a proper salute with a cheap can of ale to this issue’s best riser submissions.

Have you seen a crazy handlebar riser set-up on a snowmobile in your neck of the snow belt? If so, snap a few pics and send them to info@osmmag.com and if we print them you will find a new OSM t-shirt in your mailbox.
Being a tall girl, Amy likes her bars tall in the summer on her Sea-Doo Trixx Spark and on her sled in the winter. A shirt is on the way Amy!